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Comments (22)

HeskeyBaozi avatar HeskeyBaozi commented on July 27, 2024 5

各个社区在开发时,可以先构建一次@ant-design/icons-svg(未发包),该包位于packages/icons-svg。之后可使用 lerna link 到对应社区的组件包进行开发。


  • 组件文件生成阶段:利用@ant-design/icons-svg中的抽象节点(asn, Abstract Node)。生成对应的ReactElement或者VNode。(Angular社区可以使用helpers中的renderIconDefinitionToSVGElement渲染工具函数来渲染)。之后生成组件输出到src目录。当然,也可以利用旧的构建好的组件重新编写一个函数组件即可。注意旧的组件就不再需要内部的图标集合(即可以删去)
  • 构建阶段:使用构建工具或编译工具 babel/tsc 或者社区打包解决方案 father/webpack/rollup等构建。


Angular (仅供参考)

// generate.ts
// $ node --require ts-node/register/transpile-only generate.ts
import * as allIconDefs from '@ant-design/icons-svg';
import { renderIconDefinitionToSVGElement } from '@ant-design/icons-svg/es/helpers';
import { IconDefinition } from '@ant-design/icons-svg/es/types';
import * as path from 'path';
import { writeFile, emptyDir } from 'fs-extra';

export interface IconDefinitionNg extends Omit<IconDefinition, 'icon'> {
  identifier: string;
  icon: string;

export function walk<T>(fn: (iconDef: IconDefinitionNg) => Promise<T>) {
  return Promise.all(
    Object.keys(allIconDefs).map((identifier) => {
      const iconDef = (allIconDefs as { [id: string]: IconDefinition })[
      const { name, theme } = iconDef;
      const inlineSvg = renderIconDefinitionToSVGElement(iconDef, {
        // the options only affect the two-tone icons.
        placeholders: { primaryColor: '#333', secondaryColor: '#E6E6E6' }

      return fn({ name, theme, icon: inlineSvg, identifier });

(async () => {
  await emptyDir(path.resolve(__dirname, `../lib/icons/defs`));

  const publicApiRows = await walk(async ({ identifier, ...iconDef }) => {
    await writeFile(
      path.resolve(__dirname, `../lib/icons/defs/${identifier}.ts`),
      `export const ${identifier} = ${JSON.stringify(iconDef)};`,

    return `export { ${identifier} } from './defs/${identifier}';`;

  await writeFile(
    path.resolve(__dirname, `../lib/icons/public_api.ts`),


React (仅供参考)

// generate.ts
// $ node --require ts-node/register/transpile-only generate.ts

import * as allIconDefs from '@ant-design/icons-svg';
import { IconDefinition } from '@ant-design/icons-svg/es/types';
import * as path from 'path';
import { writeFile, emptyDir } from 'fs-extra';
import { template } from 'lodash';

export interface IconDefinitionWithIdentifier extends IconDefinition {
  identifier: string;

export function walk<T>(
  fn: (iconDef: IconDefinitionWithIdentifier) => Promise<T>
) {
  return Promise.all(
    Object.keys(allIconDefs).map((identifier) => {
      const iconDef = (allIconDefs as { [id: string]: IconDefinition })[
      return fn({ identifier, ...iconDef });

(async () => {
  await emptyDir(path.resolve(__dirname, `../src/icons`));

  const render = template(`
  import React from 'react';
  import <%= identifier %> from '@ant-design/icons-svg/es/<%= identifier %>';
  import AntdIcon, { AntdIconProps } from '../components/AntdIcon';

  const <%= _identifier %> = (props: AntdIconProps) => <AntdIcon {...props} icon={<%= identifier %>} />;
  export default <%= _identifier %>;

  await walk(async ({ identifier }) => {
    // It will be better if an react antd icon component has theme suffix.
    // or use outline as default theme like this:
    const _identifier = identifier
      .replace(/Outline$/, '')
      .replace(/Fill$/, 'Filled')
      .replace(/TwoTone$/, 'TwoTone');

    await writeFile(
      path.resolve(__dirname, `../src/icons/${_identifier}.ts`),


Vue (仅供参考)

// generate.ts
// $ node --require ts-node/register/transpile-only generate.ts

import * as allIconDefs from '@ant-design/icons-svg';
import { IconDefinition } from '@ant-design/icons-svg/es/types';
import * as path from 'path';
import { writeFile, emptyDir } from 'fs-extra';
import { template } from 'lodash';

export interface IconDefinitionWithIdentifier extends IconDefinition {
  identifier: string;

export function walk<T>(
  fn: (iconDef: IconDefinitionWithIdentifier) => Promise<T>
) {
  return Promise.all(
    Object.keys(allIconDefs).map((identifier) => {
      const iconDef = (allIconDefs as { [id: string]: IconDefinition })[
      return fn({ identifier, ...iconDef });

(async () => {
  await emptyDir(path.resolve(__dirname, `../src/icons`));

  const render = template(`
  import Vue from 'vue';
  import Icon from '../components/Icon';
  import <%= identifier %> from '@ant-design/icons-svg/es/<%= identifier %>';

  export default Vue.component('<%= kebabCaseIdentifier %>', {
    functional: true,
    render: (h, { data, children }) => h(Icon, {, type: <%= identifier %> }, children)

  await walk(async ({ identifier, ...iconDef }) => {
    const { name, theme } = iconDef;
    await writeFile(
      path.resolve(__dirname, `../src/icons/${identifier}.ts`),
        kebabCaseIdentifier: `${name}-${theme}`

from ant-design-icons.

HeskeyBaozi avatar HeskeyBaozi commented on July 27, 2024 3


// 以 account-book 为例
// @ant-design/icons-svg/es/asn/AccountBookFilled
var AccountBookFilled = {
  "name": "account-book",
  "theme": "filled",
  "icon": {
    "tag": "svg",
    "attrs": {
      "viewBox": "64 64 896 896",
      "focusable": "false"
    "children": [{
      "tag": "path",
      "attrs": {
        "d": "M880 184..."

// @ant-design/icons-svg/es/asn/AccountBookOutlined
var AccountBookOutlined = {
  "name": "account-book",
  "theme": "outlined",
  "icon": {
    "tag": "svg",
    "attrs": {
      "viewBox": "64 64 896 896",
      "focusable": "false"
    "children": [{
      "tag": "path",
      "attrs": {
        "d": "M880 184..."

// @ant-design/icons-svg/es/asn/AccountBookTwoTone
var AccountBookTwoTone = {
  "name": "account-book",
  "theme": "twotone",
  "icon": function icon(primaryColor, secondaryColor) {
    return {
      "tag": "svg",
      "attrs": {
        "viewBox": "64 64 896 896",
        "focusable": "false"
      "children": [{
        "tag": "path",
        "attrs": {
          "d": "M712 304...",
          "fill": secondaryColor
      }, {
        "tag": "path",
        "attrs": {
          "d": "M639.5 414...",
          "fill": primaryColor
      }, {
        "tag": "path",
        "attrs": {
          "d": "M880 18...",
          "fill": primaryColor

短横线连字形式可以由name + '-' + theme得到,通常用于Vue组件名称形式中

  • account-book-filled
  • account-book-outlined
  • account-book-twotone

from ant-design-icons.

vagusX avatar vagusX commented on July 27, 2024 1

icons-react 库已完成对应 更新

from ant-design-icons.

zWingz avatar zWingz commented on July 27, 2024 1

观察了下, 目前使用icons-react是需要逐个icon引入并且使用

我的做法是一次性把需要用到icon引入进来, 然后通过svg-sprite 形式使用, 使用时候只需要用过<icon name='xxxx'/>, 不需要多次import icon

刚完成vue版, 不知道是否有其他坑

from ant-design-icons.

tangjinzhou avatar tangjinzhou commented on July 27, 2024 1

@zWingz Vue版本完成了?可以提pr上来

from ant-design-icons.

BANG88 avatar BANG88 commented on July 27, 2024 1

@HeskeyBaozi 我的修改太少了。 我直接push到v4了..

from ant-design-icons.

HeskeyBaozi avatar HeskeyBaozi commented on July 27, 2024

之前pr #100


packages/icons 中的包名由 @ant-design/icons-svg 修改为 @ant-design/icons-svg-legacy。包名 @ant-design/icons-svg 由项目下的目录重写的 packages/icons-svg 继承。

新的 @ant-design/icons-svg 包和原来的版本 ( 4.0.0-alpha.0@ant-design/icons <= 2.1.1 ) 相比,有如下改动:

  • 不再提供用于存放未处理的图标的 svg 目录
  • 不再提供用于全量引入的 dist.js 文件和压缩过的 umd.js 文件,全量引入直接用 import * as allIcons from '@ant-design/icons-svg', 走 index.js 即可
  • 不再提供用于 tree-shakinglib/ 文件
  • 不再提供用于字符串字面量引入用的短横线图标名称的清单 manifest.js 文件
  • 提供 es 目录用于 tree-shaking


inline-svg # 此为处理后存放的svg图标

这些改动的原则都是倾向于按需引入,保证主入口文件只有图标的导出,使得 import * as allIcons from '@ant-design/icons-svg' 只会导出图标信息。


@ant-design/icon-kit 这个脚手架已自我废弃




  • 不使用 rxjs

  • 速度与维护选择

Before icon-kit (rxjs) gulp
old-generate-use-15s new after
15.42s 6.88s 9.55s

from ant-design-icons.

wzhudev avatar wzhudev commented on July 27, 2024


from ant-design-icons.

vagusX avatar vagusX commented on July 27, 2024

@HeskeyBaozi 我有个想法就是 icons-svg 这边 theme 也统一改成 Filled/Outlined/TwoTone 避免从 fill/outline/twoTone 转换,这里显得有点没有必要

from ant-design-icons.

HeskeyBaozi avatar HeskeyBaozi commented on July 27, 2024

@HeskeyBaozi 我有个想法就是 icons-svg 这边 theme 也统一改成 Filled/Outlined/TwoTone 避免从 fill/outline/twoTone 转换,这里显得有点没有必要


from ant-design-icons.

vagusX avatar vagusX commented on July 27, 2024

@zWingz 欢迎 pr

from ant-design-icons.

zWingz avatar zWingz commented on July 27, 2024

目前我开发方案是使用svg-symbol来实现, twotone方案是通过css variable, 可能兼容性上跟ant-design所要求的有点出入

from ant-design-icons.

tangjinzhou avatar tangjinzhou commented on July 27, 2024

icons-vue done

from ant-design-icons.

HeskeyBaozi avatar HeskeyBaozi commented on July 27, 2024

目前各个社区的进度跟进方面 Vue 社区已经完成了。


  • Vue 之前是合并到 master 分支上的,正常情况下合并应该是没有冲突 @tangjinzhou

AngularReact Native 方面:

  • rn 代码是直接跨包使用 SVG 图标 @BANG88

const svgFolder = path.resolve(process.cwd(), '../icons/svg/', name);

需要修改路径到 icons-svg/svg,同时注意主题风格名字的变化 fill -> filledoutline -> outlined

  • Angular 方面之前本身是全拷贝4.0之前的构建过程,总体来说这次有修改是构建本身的优化,对于用户来说,图标的变化是最直接的感知。所以应急方案为 路径修改到 icons-svg/svg @wendellhu95

SVG_DIR: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../icons/svg'),

且注意主题风格名字的变化 fill -> filledoutline -> outlined

from ant-design-icons.

BANG88 avatar BANG88 commented on July 27, 2024

好久没动 卡在 lerna bootstrap 😢

from ant-design-icons.

vagusX avatar vagusX commented on July 27, 2024

我这边统计了下图标的变化,主要是新增了图标,以及删除了 typo 错误的图标

from ant-design-icons.

vagusX avatar vagusX commented on July 27, 2024
  • ant-design-icons 仓库新建 next-v4 分支,之后社区的next-v4分支 将会提pr,该pr包含对原icons-svg的命名和新的icons-svg增加。

React/React-Native/Vue/Angular各自社区实现对应支持tree shaking的图标组件或指令,分支在仓库ant-design-icons下的next-v4分支

  • @ant-design/icons (React) @vagusX #112
  • @ant-design/icons-vue (Vue) @tangjinzhou #153
  • @ant-design/icons-angular (Angular) @wendzhue
  • @ant-design/icons-react-native (React-Native) @BANG88

各自社区支持tree shaking的图标组件或指令实现后,即可去掉WIP:前缀。

@wendellhu95 #196 这个 mr 合并了,我理解 ng 的也完成了哈

from ant-design-icons.

wzhudev avatar wzhudev commented on July 27, 2024

from ant-design-icons.

vagusX avatar vagusX commented on July 27, 2024

后续 actions:

  • 从 master 中切出 legacy 分支
  • 将 next-v4 合并到 master
  • 发布 @ant-design/[email protected]
  • 发布 @ant-design/icons 的对应版本 (react集成包)

后续原稳定分支的修复都在 legacy 上发布和修复
master 分支用来开发新的分支代码

from ant-design-icons.

wzhudev avatar wzhudev commented on July 27, 2024

分支不如叫 legacy

from ant-design-icons.

vagusX avatar vagusX commented on July 27, 2024

分支不如叫 legacy


from ant-design-icons.

vagusX avatar vagusX commented on July 27, 2024

@HeskeyBaozi 这个 issue 可以先 close 掉?

from ant-design-icons.

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