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Add support for focal about ubsync HOT 23 CLOSED

belohoub avatar belohoub commented on September 26, 2024
Add support for focal

from ubsync.

Comments (23)

belohoub avatar belohoub commented on September 26, 2024 1

Thank you for testing.
I have it - there will be some additional work in migration from upstart to systemd, as ubsync daemon currently uses upstart, but we need to migrate to systemd in focal :-(

I'll try to implement changes and test it locally on my desktop - the setup should be generic enough.

from ubsync.

belohoub avatar belohoub commented on September 26, 2024 1

I'm sorry, I was unable to find time to finish the work, as I'm stuck with other multiple projects. It is quit clear what is needed to do, and I'll try to finish as soon as possible, but currently, I can't promise the date :-(

from ubsync.

belohoub avatar belohoub commented on September 26, 2024 1

Thank you for testing!
When there is an error with shared libraries, then it will not get synced at all. I missed this in the provided log, thank you for pointing it out! It was an owncloudcmd from the distribution package - I expected no dependency problems :-(

Strange is, that there is also an issue with DBUS :-(

I'll have to finally upgrade to Focal on my phone and try to debug on-site - this would be more efficient.
I hope I'll let you know soon.

from ubsync.

belohoub avatar belohoub commented on September 26, 2024

I'll do my best.

Currently, I'm still on stable release of UbuntuTouch - are you able to test it, if I'll draft a release?

from ubsync.

ruedigerkupper avatar ruedigerkupper commented on September 26, 2024

Hi, I'm currently back to xenial as I missed some features that are essential for my daily work. But UBsync was one of them, so If you have a draft, I would be willing to go back to focal and test it :-).

from ubsync.

belohoub avatar belohoub commented on September 26, 2024

Please test this:

I cannot test it on the target device. Sorry.

I only changed the necessary things to allow compilation on Focal, I also replaced owncloudcmd binaries by those from focal repositories. This should be enough if there are no hidden dependency changes - I hope so.

from ubsync.

ruedigerkupper avatar ruedigerkupper commented on September 26, 2024

The GUI runs okay, but I cannot start the sync service. The "START" button does not react when tapping it. The button is black, in xenial it was green.
Appears the owncloudcmd binaries do not work?

from ubsync.

TartanSpartan avatar TartanSpartan commented on September 26, 2024

I would like to test on the Volla phone, however as a minimum before transitioning to that I would like to contact more of the devs behind my other daily driver apps and also check on their progress in porting them to Focal. I will comment again when I'm at that point.

from ubsync.

TartanSpartan avatar TartanSpartan commented on September 26, 2024

We appreciate what you do and it'll be done when it's done. Keep up the good work!

from ubsync.

belohoub avatar belohoub commented on September 26, 2024

I did it, while I hope it will work, as I only tested parts of the package separately on desktop.

Please test the pre-release.

If it will NOT work, please report:

  • application log after startup
  • content of the ~/.config/systemd/user/OwncloudSyncd.service
  • return of the following commands:
    • systemctl --user status OwncloudSyncd.service
    • systemctl --user start OwncloudSyncd.service

from ubsync.

luksus42 avatar luksus42 commented on September 26, 2024


I did a test.
Most parts of the app itself are working.
But service does not start.

On trying to start the service:

[02.04.23 23:33] qml: SyncServicePage :: Accounts.qml - onButtonClicked - Start Sync daemon
[02.04.23 23:33] qml: PopupStatusBox.qml - autoHide
[02.04.23 23:33] ServiceControl::setServiceRunning: true
[02.04.23 23:33] should start service
[02.04.23 23:33] file:///opt/ ReferenceError: UbuntuColors is not defined
[02.04.23 23:33] qml: PopupStatusBox.qml - hide
[02.04.23 23:33] qml: PopupStatusBox.qml - autoHide
[02.04.23 23:33] QObject::startTimer: Timers cannot be started from another thread

But I could start and enable sync service manually, though even if it claims, that a async happened, nothing was synced.
OwncloudSyncd status:

● OwncloudSyncd.service - UBsync Owncloud/Nextcloud client
     Loaded: loaded (/home/phablet/.config/systemd/user/OwncloudSyncd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Sun 2023-04-02 22:52:01 CEST; 52min ago
   Main PID: 2210 (OwncloudSyncd)
     CGroup: /user.slice/user-32011.slice/[email protected]/OwncloudSyncd.service
             └─2210 /opt/

Apr 02 22:52:03 ubuntu-phablet OwncloudSyncd[2210]: Mobile Data Sync:  false
Apr 02 22:52:03 ubuntu-phablet OwncloudSyncd[2210]: Starting Owncloud Sync from  ""  to  ""
Apr 02 22:52:03 ubuntu-phablet OwncloudSyncd[2210]: Arm64
Apr 02 22:52:03 ubuntu-phablet OwncloudSyncd[2210]: Using Arm owncloudcmd Binary - Mobile
Apr 02 22:52:03 ubuntu-phablet OwncloudSyncd[2210]: Hidden files synchronisation set
Apr 02 22:52:03 ubuntu-phablet OwncloudSyncd[2210]: ~/Music subpath synchronized
Apr 02 22:52:03 ubuntu-phablet OwncloudSyncd[2210]: ~/Pictures subpath synchronized
Apr 02 22:52:03 ubuntu-phablet OwncloudSyncd[2210]: ~/Videos subpath synchronized
Apr 02 22:52:03 ubuntu-phablet OwncloudSyncd[2210]: Sync of  ""  completed at  QDateTime(2023-04-02 22:52:03.725 CEST Qt::LocalTime)
Apr 02 22:52:03 ubuntu-phablet OwncloudSyncd[2210]: OwncloudSyncd::syncTargets() - m_syncing = false

I am not sure about the subpaths, at least I did not configure ~/Music. Seems like some kind of default to me.

After activating the service, the app seems to recognize, that syncing should be possible (not in the UI but in the log):

[02.04.23 22:45] file:///opt/ QML Grid: Cannot specify anchors for items inside Grid. Grid will not function.
[02.04.23 22:45] qml: TargetsPage :: Loading targetsPage data
[02.04.23 22:45] qml: TargetsPage :: Loading targetsPage: Keepass; Active: 1
[02.04.23 22:45] qml: TargetsPage :: Loading targetsPage: Documents; Active: 1
[02.04.23 22:45] qml: TargetsPage :: Loading targetsPage: Notes; Active: 1
[02.04.23 22:45] qml: TargetsPage :: Loading targetsPage: Pictures; Active: 1
[02.04.23 22:45] qml: TargetsPage :: Loading targetsPage: Videos; Active: 1
[02.04.23 22:45] qml: TargetsPage :: Loading targetsPage: SD Pictures; Active: 1
[02.04.23 22:45] qml: TargetsPage :: Loading targetsPage: SD Videos; Active: 1
[02.04.23 22:45] qml: TargetsPage :: Loading targetsPage: Phone SMS; Active: 1
[02.04.23 22:45] qml: TargetsPage :: Loading targetsPage: Config; Active: 1
[02.04.23 22:45] qml: TargetsPage :: Loading targetsPage: Ubsync share DB; Active: 1
[02.04.23 22:45] qml: TargetsPage :: Loading targetsPage: Recorder; Active: 1
[02.04.23 22:45] qml: TargetsPage :: Loading targetsPage: Activity; Active: 1
[02.04.23 22:45] qml: TargetsPage :: Loading targetsPage: New Target; Active: 1
[02.04.23 22:45] qt.qpa.mirclient: Attempted to deliver an event to a non-existent window, ignoring.
[02.04.23 22:46] library "" not found
[02.04.23 22:46] library "" not found
[02.04.23 22:46] Creating a QMirClientScreen now
[02.04.23 22:46] [DaemonController::DaemonController] - Connected to owncloudsyncd dbus interface
[02.04.23 22:46] qml: Database structure update ERROR!
[02.04.23 22:46] qml: []
[02.04.23 22:46] virtual void OnlineAccountsModule::Plugin::registerTypes(const char*) Lomiri.OnlineAccounts
[02.04.23 22:46] DaemonController::handleDbusReply: ("Syncing", "false")
[02.04.23 22:46] DaemonController::handleDbusReply: ("lastSync", "1680468385667")
[02.04.23 22:46] file:///opt/ QML Grid: Cannot specify anchors for items inside Grid. Grid will not function.

But there is that database error. I am currently using my old configs from the xenial version.
Maybe I should create it new.

When trying to enter the "About" page, I get following error:

[02.04.23 22:39] file:///usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/Lomiri/Components/1.3/AdaptivePageLayout.qml:708:9: QML PageWrapper: (file:///opt/ UbuntuShape is not a type
[02.04.23 22:39]                 UbuntuShape {
[02.04.23 22:39]                 ^)

About UbuntuColors and UbuntuShape, I guess it is LomiriColors and LomiriShape now. At least that terms pop up when searching in for it.

from ubsync.

belohoub avatar belohoub commented on September 26, 2024

Thanks for reporting!

  1. Ubuntu shapes/colors were deprecated already in past releases, but this is some relist - I removed them. Thank you!
  2. "Database structure update ERROR!" is actually NOT an error, It's just an branch of try/catch hack for migratio purposes .. your database structure from the previous app version should be OK
  3. "~/Music subpath synchronized" are currently only debug messages - they are prepared for notyfiing media indexing daemon - currently, there is an error in the indexing tool, thus it is not finished - i reported about a year ago, while it is planned to be resolved in Focal
  4. Sync of "" looks, that your target is not properly configured - could you change target inside the app? That should work ...
  5. Please try to remove service file, and re-install the click package - I hope the implemented fixes will help ...

Thanks for testing!

from ubsync.

luksus42 avatar luksus42 commented on September 26, 2024

Sadly it still does not work.
Most errors are gone, though.
Here is a log of the service after restarting it:

[04.04.23 16:56] [owncloudsyncd](OwncloudSyncd::OwncloudSyncd()) - Registering with dbus
[04.04.23 16:56] "Retrieve settings from /home/phablet/.config/ubsync/ubsync.conf"
[04.04.23 16:56] Arm64
[04.04.23 16:56] Using Arm owncloudcmd Binary - Mobile
[04.04.23 16:56] OwncloudSyncd::syncTargets() - m_syncing = true
[04.04.23 16:56] Writable Path:  "/home/phablet/.local/share/ubsync/Databases"
[04.04.23 16:56] DB Name:  "d929dac6d7d12cb7aaf5d78bf2627634.sqlite"
[04.04.23 16:56] Attempting to access DB:  "/home/phablet/.local/share/ubsync/Databases/d929dac6d7d12cb7aaf5d78bf2627634.sqlite"
[04.04.23 16:56] Database: connection ok
[04.04.23 16:56] Database Tables: ("SyncAccounts", "SyncTargets", "sqlite_sequence", "sqlite_master")
[04.04.23 16:56] getCredentials()
[04.04.23 16:56]   - Service:  "Nextcloud"
[04.04.23 16:56] Online Accounts response()
[04.04.23 16:56] Get Credentials for account ID  1  SUCCESS!
[04.04.23 16:56] Directory:  "/home/phablet/.local/share/"  Doesn't exist
[04.04.23 16:56] Directory:  "/home/phablet/Documents"  - Initiate Sync
[04.04.23 16:56] Directory:  "/home/phablet/Documents"  - Repeated Sync; Sync NOW
[04.04.23 16:56]   - m_accountSyncFreq.value(i.key()) 0
[04.04.23 16:56]   - m_targetLastSync.value(i.key()) 0
[04.04.23 16:56]   - QDateTime::currentDateTime().toMSecsSinceEpoch() 1680620169110
[04.04.23 16:56]  
[04.04.23 16:56] Network Connection Type:  "WLAN"
[04.04.23 16:56] Mobile Data Sync:  false
[04.04.23 16:56] Starting Owncloud Sync from  "/home/phablet/Documents"  to  ""
[04.04.23 16:56] Arm64
[04.04.23 16:56] Using Arm owncloudcmd Binary - Mobile
[04.04.23 16:56] Hidden files synchronisation set
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Music subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Pictures subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Videos subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] Sync of  "/home/phablet/Documents"  completed at  QDateTime(2023-04-04 16:56:09.404 CEST Qt::LocalTime)
[04.04.23 16:56] Directory:  "/home/phablet/Notes"  Doesn't exist
[04.04.23 16:56] Directory:  "/home/phablet/Pictures"  - Initiate Sync
[04.04.23 16:56] Directory:  "/home/phablet/Pictures"  - Repeated Sync; Sync NOW
[04.04.23 16:56]   - m_accountSyncFreq.value(i.key()) 0
[04.04.23 16:56]   - m_targetLastSync.value(i.key()) 0
[04.04.23 16:56]   - QDateTime::currentDateTime().toMSecsSinceEpoch() 1680620169404
[04.04.23 16:56]  
[04.04.23 16:56] Network Connection Type:  "WLAN"
[04.04.23 16:56] Mobile Data Sync:  false
[04.04.23 16:56] Starting Owncloud Sync from  "/home/phablet/Pictures"  to  ""
[04.04.23 16:56] Arm64
[04.04.23 16:56] Using Arm owncloudcmd Binary - Mobile
[04.04.23 16:56] Hidden files synchronisation set
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Music subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Pictures subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Videos subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] Sync of  "/home/phablet/Pictures"  completed at  QDateTime(2023-04-04 16:56:09.417 CEST Qt::LocalTime)
[04.04.23 16:56] Directory:  "/home/phablet/Videos"  - Initiate Sync
[04.04.23 16:56] Directory:  "/home/phablet/Videos"  - Repeated Sync; Sync NOW
[04.04.23 16:56]   - m_accountSyncFreq.value(i.key()) 0
[04.04.23 16:56]   - m_targetLastSync.value(i.key()) 0
[04.04.23 16:56]   - QDateTime::currentDateTime().toMSecsSinceEpoch() 1680620169418
[04.04.23 16:56]  
[04.04.23 16:56] Network Connection Type:  "WLAN"
[04.04.23 16:56] Mobile Data Sync:  false
[04.04.23 16:56] Starting Owncloud Sync from  "/home/phablet/Videos"  to  ""
[04.04.23 16:56] Arm64
[04.04.23 16:56] Using Arm owncloudcmd Binary - Mobile
[04.04.23 16:56] Hidden files synchronisation set
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Music subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Pictures subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Videos subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] Sync of  "/home/phablet/Videos"  completed at  QDateTime(2023-04-04 16:56:09.432 CEST Qt::LocalTime)
[04.04.23 16:56] Directory:  "/home/phablet/sdcard/Pictures"  - Initiate Sync
[04.04.23 16:56] Directory:  "/home/phablet/sdcard/Pictures"  - Repeated Sync; Sync NOW
[04.04.23 16:56]   - m_accountSyncFreq.value(i.key()) 0
[04.04.23 16:56]   - m_targetLastSync.value(i.key()) 0
[04.04.23 16:56]   - QDateTime::currentDateTime().toMSecsSinceEpoch() 1680620169432
[04.04.23 16:56]  
[04.04.23 16:56] Network Connection Type:  "WLAN"
[04.04.23 16:56] Mobile Data Sync:  false
[04.04.23 16:56] Starting Owncloud Sync from  "/home/phablet/sdcard/Pictures"  to  ""
[04.04.23 16:56] Arm64
[04.04.23 16:56] Using Arm owncloudcmd Binary - Mobile
[04.04.23 16:56] Hidden files synchronisation set
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Music subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Pictures subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Videos subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] Sync of  "/home/phablet/sdcard/Pictures"  completed at  QDateTime(2023-04-04 16:56:09.446 CEST Qt::LocalTime)
[04.04.23 16:56] Directory:  "/home/phablet/sdcard/Videos"  - Initiate Sync
[04.04.23 16:56] Directory:  "/home/phablet/sdcard/Videos"  - Repeated Sync; Sync NOW
[04.04.23 16:56]   - m_accountSyncFreq.value(i.key()) 0
[04.04.23 16:56]   - m_targetLastSync.value(i.key()) 0
[04.04.23 16:56]   - QDateTime::currentDateTime().toMSecsSinceEpoch() 1680620169447
[04.04.23 16:56]  
[04.04.23 16:56] Network Connection Type:  "WLAN"
[04.04.23 16:56] Mobile Data Sync:  false
[04.04.23 16:56] Starting Owncloud Sync from  "/home/phablet/sdcard/Videos"  to  ""
[04.04.23 16:56] Arm64
[04.04.23 16:56] Using Arm owncloudcmd Binary - Mobile
[04.04.23 16:56] Hidden files synchronisation set
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Music subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Pictures subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Videos subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] Sync of  "/home/phablet/sdcard/Videos"  completed at  QDateTime(2023-04-04 16:56:09.460 CEST Qt::LocalTime)
[04.04.23 16:56] Directory:  "/home/phablet/.local/share/history-service"  - Initiate Sync
[04.04.23 16:56] Directory:  "/home/phablet/.local/share/history-service"  - Repeated Sync; Sync NOW
[04.04.23 16:56]   - m_accountSyncFreq.value(i.key()) 0
[04.04.23 16:56]   - m_targetLastSync.value(i.key()) 0
[04.04.23 16:56]   - QDateTime::currentDateTime().toMSecsSinceEpoch() 1680620169461
[04.04.23 16:56]  
[04.04.23 16:56] Network Connection Type:  "WLAN"
[04.04.23 16:56] Mobile Data Sync:  false
[04.04.23 16:56] Starting Owncloud Sync from  "/home/phablet/.local/share/history-service"  to  ""
[04.04.23 16:56] Arm64
[04.04.23 16:56] Using Arm owncloudcmd Binary - Mobile
[04.04.23 16:56] Hidden files synchronisation set
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Music subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Pictures subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Videos subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] Sync of  "/home/phablet/.local/share/history-service"  completed at  QDateTime(2023-04-04 16:56:09.474 CEST Qt::LocalTime)
[04.04.23 16:56] Directory:  "/home/phablet/.config"  - Initiate Sync
[04.04.23 16:56] Directory:  "/home/phablet/.config"  - Repeated Sync; Sync NOW
[04.04.23 16:56]   - m_accountSyncFreq.value(i.key()) 0
[04.04.23 16:56]   - m_targetLastSync.value(i.key()) 0
[04.04.23 16:56]   - QDateTime::currentDateTime().toMSecsSinceEpoch() 1680620169475
[04.04.23 16:56]  
[04.04.23 16:56] Network Connection Type:  "WLAN"
[04.04.23 16:56] Mobile Data Sync:  false
[04.04.23 16:56] Starting Owncloud Sync from  "/home/phablet/.config"  to  ""
[04.04.23 16:56] Arm64
[04.04.23 16:56] Using Arm owncloudcmd Binary - Mobile
[04.04.23 16:56] Hidden files synchronisation set
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Music subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Pictures subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Videos subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] Sync of  "/home/phablet/.config"  completed at  QDateTime(2023-04-04 16:56:09.489 CEST Qt::LocalTime)
[04.04.23 16:56] Directory:  "/home/phablet/.local/share/ubsync/Databases"  - Initiate Sync
[04.04.23 16:56] Directory:  "/home/phablet/.local/share/ubsync/Databases"  - Repeated Sync; Sync NOW
[04.04.23 16:56]   - m_accountSyncFreq.value(i.key()) 0
[04.04.23 16:56]   - m_targetLastSync.value(i.key()) 0
[04.04.23 16:56]   - QDateTime::currentDateTime().toMSecsSinceEpoch() 1680620169489
[04.04.23 16:56]  
[04.04.23 16:56] Network Connection Type:  "WLAN"
[04.04.23 16:56] Mobile Data Sync:  false
[04.04.23 16:56] Starting Owncloud Sync from  "/home/phablet/.local/share/ubsync/Databases"  to  ""
[04.04.23 16:56] Arm64
[04.04.23 16:56] Using Arm owncloudcmd Binary - Mobile
[04.04.23 16:56] Hidden files synchronisation set
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Music subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Pictures subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Videos subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] Sync of  "/home/phablet/.local/share/ubsync/Databases"  completed at  QDateTime(2023-04-04 16:56:09.502 CEST Qt::LocalTime)
[04.04.23 16:56] Directory:  "/home/phablet/.local/share/audio-recorder.luksus/records"  - Initiate Sync
[04.04.23 16:56] Directory:  "/home/phablet/.local/share/audio-recorder.luksus/records"  - Repeated Sync; Sync NOW
[04.04.23 16:56]   - m_accountSyncFreq.value(i.key()) 0
[04.04.23 16:56]   - m_targetLastSync.value(i.key()) 0
[04.04.23 16:56]   - QDateTime::currentDateTime().toMSecsSinceEpoch() 1680620169503
[04.04.23 16:56]  
[04.04.23 16:56] Network Connection Type:  "WLAN"
[04.04.23 16:56] Mobile Data Sync:  false
[04.04.23 16:56] Starting Owncloud Sync from  "/home/phablet/.local/share/audio-recorder.luksus/records"  to  ""
[04.04.23 16:56] Arm64
[04.04.23 16:56] Using Arm owncloudcmd Binary - Mobile
[04.04.23 16:56] Hidden files synchronisation set
[04.04.23 16:56] /opt/ error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Music subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Pictures subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Videos subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] Sync of  "/home/phablet/.local/share/audio-recorder.luksus/records"  completed at  QDateTime(2023-04-04 16:56:09.517 CEST Qt::LocalTime)
[04.04.23 16:56] Directory:  "/home/phablet/.local/share/activitytracker.cwayne18"  - Initiate Sync
[04.04.23 16:56] Directory:  "/home/phablet/.local/share/activitytracker.cwayne18"  - Repeated Sync; Sync NOW
[04.04.23 16:56]   - m_accountSyncFreq.value(i.key()) 0
[04.04.23 16:56]   - m_targetLastSync.value(i.key()) 0
[04.04.23 16:56]   - QDateTime::currentDateTime().toMSecsSinceEpoch() 1680620169518
[04.04.23 16:56]  
[04.04.23 16:56] Network Connection Type:  "WLAN"
[04.04.23 16:56] Mobile Data Sync:  false
[04.04.23 16:56] Starting Owncloud Sync from  "/home/phablet/.local/share/activitytracker.cwayne18"  to  ""
[04.04.23 16:56] Arm64
[04.04.23 16:56] Using Arm owncloudcmd Binary - Mobile
[04.04.23 16:56] Hidden files synchronisation set
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Music subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Pictures subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] ~/Videos subpath synchronized
[04.04.23 16:56] Sync of  "/home/phablet/.local/share/activitytracker.cwayne18"  completed at  QDateTime(2023-04-04 16:56:09.532 CEST Qt::LocalTime)
[04.04.23 16:56] OwncloudSyncd::syncTargets() - m_syncing = false

There is one error:
/opt/ error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

The GUI tells that a sync happened after restarting the service, but it still does not display the service as started:

[04.04.23 17:56] DaemonController::signalRecieved():  "SyncStart"
[04.04.23 17:56] DaemonController::signalRecieved():  "SyncStop"
[04.04.23 17:56] DaemonController::handleDbusReply: ("lastSync", "1680623769093")

from ubsync.

luksus42 avatar luksus42 commented on September 26, 2024

I removed all configs and created two new targets. Then I restarted the service using systemctl.
That is the output of the service status:

phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ systemctl --user status OwncloudSyncd.service 
● OwncloudSyncd.service - UBsync Owncloud/Nextcloud client
     Loaded: loaded (/home/phablet/.config/systemd/user/OwncloudSyncd.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-04-05 08:52:21 CEST; 1h 38min ago
   Main PID: 7443 (OwncloudSyncd)
     CGroup: /user.slice/user-32011.slice/[email protected]/OwncloudSyncd.service
             └─7443 /opt/

Apr 05 09:52:22 ubuntu-phablet OwncloudSyncd[7443]: Starting Owncloud Sync from  "/home/phablet/sdcard/Pictures"  to  ""
Apr 05 09:52:22 ubuntu-phablet OwncloudSyncd[7443]: Arm64
Apr 05 09:52:22 ubuntu-phablet OwncloudSyncd[7443]: Using Arm owncloudcmd Binary - Mobile
Apr 05 09:52:22 ubuntu-phablet OwncloudSyncd[7443]: ~/Music subpath synchronized
Apr 05 09:52:22 ubuntu-phablet OwncloudSyncd[7443]: ~/Pictures subpath synchronized
Apr 05 09:52:22 ubuntu-phablet OwncloudSyncd[7443]: ~/Videos subpath synchronized
Apr 05 09:52:22 ubuntu-phablet OwncloudSyncd[7443]: Sync of  "/home/phablet/sdcard/Pictures"  completed at  QDateTime(2023-04-05 09:52:22.750 CEST Qt::LocalTime)
Apr 05 09:52:22 ubuntu-phablet OwncloudSyncd[7443]: OwncloudSyncd::syncTargets() - m_syncing = false
Apr 05 09:55:23 ubuntu-phablet OwncloudSyncd[7443]: "No such interface β€œorg.freedesktop.DBus.Properties” on object at path /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/2"
Apr 05 10:30:58 ubuntu-phablet systemd[2073]: /home/phablet/.config/systemd/user/OwncloudSyncd.service:14: Unknown section 'D-BUS Service'. Ignoring.

Nothing gets synced still.

from ubsync.

belohoub avatar belohoub commented on September 26, 2024

I hope I fixed all the issues related to Focal porting.
Please try again the 0.7.6 pre-release and let me know :-)

from ubsync.

luksus42 avatar luksus42 commented on September 26, 2024

πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Hurray πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ It is syncing!

And sync status gets correctly displayed.

I think I found another little issue, but I will report it separately.

from ubsync.

ruedigerkupper avatar ruedigerkupper commented on September 26, 2024

Still not working for me. Pixel 3a, v8.0.0. Service does not start :-(.

from ubsync.

belohoub avatar belohoub commented on September 26, 2024

@ruedigerkupper could you drop systemctl --user status OwncloudSyncd.service or logs here?

from ubsync.

ruedigerkupper avatar ruedigerkupper commented on September 26, 2024
phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ systemctl --user status OwncloudSyncd.service
Unit OwncloudSyncd.service could not be found.

In system journal I see this:

aa-exec[3671]: DaemonController::callFinishedSlot: QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown", "The name org.owncloudsyncd was not provided by any .service files")

But files ~/.local/share/accounts/services/ubsync_UBsync_{own,next}cloud.service do exist.

This is after a complete removal and reinstallation of UBSync.

from ubsync.

ruedigerkupper avatar ruedigerkupper commented on September 26, 2024

We tracked down the problem:
The path /home/phablet/.config/systemd/ did not exist on my device. After creating /home/phablet/.config/systemd/ and /home/phablet/.config/systemd/user/ and reinstalling UBSync, the sync service starts and UBSync works as expected.

So the real trouble seems to be that the missing path is not automatically created when the click package installs. Shouldn't that be the default behaviour?

from ubsync.

belohoub avatar belohoub commented on September 26, 2024

I expected, that this struct exist in home folder by default, but it does not have to.
I added the check to the service installation routine - directory will be created if it does not exist.
I'll include this to the next minor release :-)

Thank you!

from ubsync.

ruedigerkupper avatar ruedigerkupper commented on September 26, 2024

Thanks! I wiped my device completely yesterday and started with a fresh install of Focal. The path did not exist and installation of UBSync would have failed. Then I installed Dekko (which installs a systemd service, too) and it created the path upon first run. That's why other users did not recognize the error – they probably all had Dekko installed ;-).

from ubsync.

belohoub avatar belohoub commented on September 26, 2024

Thank you or testing!

The app has to ensure, that the PATH exist.

from ubsync.

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