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filesieve's Issues

Rewrite the Simulation view to be more useful

Even as the author, the Simulation view can be somewhat hard to understand at first glance as everything is shown in a flat, vertical listing.

Rewrite the Simulation view to optionally show folders/files using a hierarchical view.

Test Portable Mode

Changing between standard and portable mode and having FileSieve automatically rearrange the settings won’t be implemented. This was enough of a nightmare with WoLEX!

Batched A-Z isn't performing as expected

  • A case-sensitive match is being performed on the first character of each filename, so Myfile wouldn't match myfile.
  • The feature of being able to limit the number of files to a directory hasn't been implemented.
  • Wildcards never worked or weren't implemented.
  • The core of this plugin really needs to be rewritten.

Expose Maximum File Count to Source Item Editor

The Directory.GetFiles() method supports a MaximumFileCount property to limit the total number of files that are returned upon a directory scan. Expose that value to the user via the Source Item Editor window.

Better Processing Results

After processing, show detailed information on what happened. For example, the Skipped Items stat doesn’t actually give you useful information on what was actually skipped. The Log is a pain in the arse for determining that information (if at all; had a quick look but couldn’t find anything, so don’t know if it actually says what was skipped or not!).

Give full info on what was skipped, errored, etc - and why.

Allow %codes% to be added to Root Destination

Within Step 2 - Destination, allow the entering of %codes% that'll be substituted for their literal equivalents during processing.

For example, a destination of (date being the date the process was performed):


would be replaced with:


Not a literal example, but that's how it would work.

Thanks to Phil P. for the idea!

FileSieve Launcher colour transition glitch

When the Launcher performs its colour transition when a radio button at the bottom of the window is selected (Simulate, Copy, etc), the transition effect seems to "jump" part-way through.

Decouple Profile processing from the UI

To allow the simultaneous processing of multiple profiles and to allow the Trigger system to fire for more than one profile at a time, profile processing will need to be decoupled from the user interface.

Requires some thought, especially when it comes to showing the fact that multiple profiles are being processed at the same time.

Reaching the Freeware Edition file limit doesn't show a message

There appear to be issues that may be a side-effect of the performance change made a while back.

When the Freeware Edition has reached the file limit, no message is shown indicating the fact; instead, the user needs to look at the Log to determine this is what happened.

In addition, it seems only one file gets processed - at least in the Simulation view; non-simulation hasn't been tested as of yet.

Method.Classification: Find Content

Add support to the Classification Method to also classify files by their content.

This was originally going to be its own plugin, but testing showed that almost everything would have to be duplicated from the Classification plugin; instead, the Content feature set has been rolled into the Classification plugin.

Allow re-ordering of nodes without changing Parent

Allow the re-ordering of Nodes rather than just allowing Nodes to have their Parent changed.

This issue was manually imported from the old FileSieve tracker; not really sure what it's referring to. Maybe the Classification editor?

Improve the UI (especially for plugin editors) and make things more user-friendly

The UI for some plugin editors are a bit all-over-the-place and need cleaning up.

The UIs for regular expressions need some thought as the concept is confusing to users that have never used it before and FileSieve needs to offer as much help with them as possible. Also, regex capture groups will need to be implemented and the UI should account for that/offer as much help as possible.

Simulation results may not be accurate

Not sure if this just applies to the Checksum method, but performing a simulation run when the files already exist in the destination causes the NewItem names to be incorrect; that is, they're using their original file names rather than the new names they've been assigned.

Again, not sure if this is just the Checksum method plugin even though it does the same stuff as all the other methods.

Relates to #2.

Tag (and possibly EXIF?) Method doesn't rename actual files

The Tag plugin is where the issue was found; the EXIF plugin will be investigated later.

The Tag plugin doesn’t actually rename processed files, but instead just creates directories based on the entered Name Mask.

Was this the original intention? Doesn’t seem anywhere near as useful as also being able to rename the files.

For example, the original file:

  • my_song.mp3

This results in:

My Album\My Song.mp3\my_song.mp3
It should be:

My Album\My Song.mp3
The original filename for the file doesn’t get changed by FileSieve when it gets processed. FileSieve doesn’t seem to modify the filename at all.

That can’t be right?

Add hashing to %codes%

Add file hashing to the %codes% system; such as CRC, SHA-1, SHA-256, etc, including String.GetHashCode().

No processed items prevents BeginInvoke from working

Example: Classification Method not finding any matches if no items are processed.

The problem appears to be related to there being items to be processed, but they have all been set to Item.IsProcessed = False. This means that no items have been processed, which seems to cause a problem with the Windows Taskbar progress indicator.

Fixing this will have to be an ongoing process; in the meantime, EnableTaskbarProgress has been added to Settings - Advanced and should be set to False should the issue of the FileSieve window staying disabled after processing has completed.

No Items banner is displayed within Classification Editor

Within the Classification Editor: If the Files display contains no items, then the There are no files specified banner is correctly displayed. If then adding a file, the banner still stays visible. It's only hidden when the editor is opened and there are already items present; this check needs to be performed when adding or removing file items.

Inactive Modifiers are not saving their settings

Changing a Modifier’s settings, Okaying the Modifier window, and reopening it shows the changed settings as expected; but restarting the application shows the original settings before the save.

Plugins need to dictate to FS what ultimately happens with files

Rather than just indicating what should happen to source items via the Copy Mode, plugins need to have the ultimate say in what happens to items/files during processing.

For example, the Archive Modifier compresses items into the destination location and the original file needs to either ignored (if Copy Mode is set to Copy), or deleted (if Copy Mode is set to Move).

The plugin(s) will then need to say “Okay, ignore/delete the original file but count it as being processed”.

The Delete functionality is implemented via the Item.DeletionMode property that is set via plugins, but this more than likely needs to be rolled into a general ProcessMode property to incorporate different types of outcomes that the plugin requires and FileSieve knows about.

Start and End points

Allow Start Points and End Points to be specified.

For example, setting a Start Point of HTTP will allow FileSieve to process items from an HTTP server and setting an End Point of FTP will allow FileSieve to use an FTP server as a destination.

This will probably require introducing an intermediate “language” that describes what FileSieve is trying to do and is interpreted by the respective Start/End Points into concrete actions.

This’ll allow Start/End Points of other services such as DropBox, Google Drive, Amazon S3, etc.

Definitely requires some planning.

Simplified Overwrite Rule Yes/No-style option

The Overwrite Rules Editor may be a bit too complex for new users to understand, especially if all they want to do is tell FileSieve that it should rename files (current default behaviour) or just ignore already-existing files.

Method: Size

Sort files based on Smallest/Largest/Etc.

This will be a FileSieve v4 update of the v3 plugin, with additional features.

Add a transaction log of all I/O changes made after processing

If a detailed-enough log is kept of a full “processing”, then maybe that’ll allow the possibility of “undoing” a processing after-the-fact?

Would need proper planning and checks in place as it could get somewhat messy if anything unexpected happens.

Modifier: Secure Delete

This won’t be as easy as implementing a traditional plugin as it will possibly require core changes that touches lots of areas.

This plugin might not be appropriate for FileSieve.

Certain Files are being Ignored

Certain files seem to be ignored by either the engine scanner or somewhere else upstream.

I can’t seem to reproduce this with initial testing.

This also makes me think the Review Settings section should have a Debug/Verbose mode that contains additional information for cases such as these.

2 BIN files, 2 IND files, 2 BDM files, 1 XML file and 2 files with no
extension do not get copied even though .* is set and and minimum filesize is 0

Thanks to Olivier C. for reporting

Split Source Item pre-scanning across multiple threads

Threaded pre-scanning is partially in-place, but an effective thread initialiser is halting things. It needs to be intelligent so that it can determine the correct number of threads to be used in all cases, from number of files to if files reside on the same or different physical media.

This has the potential for big speed gains (potentially; a huge performance gain was obtained via defaulting to Get Files Mode to Burst from Yield).

Method: EXIF - Replace tag reading core

The EXIFLib library that FileSieve uses hasn't been updated in years and refuses to work with TIFF files even though it's supposed to, so it's probably best that a replacement library is found and integrated instead.

Allow %codes% within Source Item paths

Just like the destination path %codes% implementation (#48), allow source items that have %codes% in their path. If a source item path has a % defined, then don't warn the user that it doesn't exist when processing as %codes% suggests that the item may or may not exist at any moment.

Method: Script

If possible, extend this to Modifiers. Custom Modifers scripts were originally intended, but I can’t seem to remember why that’s a no-go.

Pressing Escape in any non-code editor should give focus to the code editor. This is personally very important to me and why I hate most code editors.

ProcessItem() can be optimised

ProcessItem() returns a new object once it has finished processing (one for each file being processed), but the contents only differ in its Result property - and there are only - currently - three different values.

Instead of creating a new object each time, pre-create all three objects (to each represent OK, Skipped, Error) and instead just pass through back to the calling method.

Add support for a centralised server

To make the Enterprise Edition more suited for an enterprise environment, add support for storing settings/profiles/etc on a remote server that FileSieve can sync to that data.

Give updates during the file scanning stage

When FileSieve is performing the initial scanning of the Source Items' files that should be processed, it should display something that assures the user that things haven't gotten "stuck".

This became especially required with the changes made to the Classification method as it can perform an enormous amount of work.

Allow initial file scanning to be paused/stopped

Due to various changes to the core of FileSieve, the initial file scanning time can take longer than prior versions; because of this, the Pause and Stop buttons should work during the scanning. I thought it did, but apparently, that doesn't look like the case.

Change Regex substitution character from | to $

The internal regular expression engine in .NET uses the dollar symbol for referencing captures groups; change FileSieve so it uses that character and invokes the .NET Regex.Replace() method instead of using custom code.

Add Move copy mode support to multiple destinations

Moving files to destination mirrors would probably be more useful than just copying them, but this will require significant core changes that it’ll take a while to implement.

Need to tread carefully as a lot of stuff could get broken.

Redesign Simulation window

Redesign the Simulation window so it presents results in a format that is analogous to a file browser (Windows Explorer, DOpus, etc).

In the past, I've been frustrated with the view showing results in a flat-list format as it requires some thought as to how that translates to an on-disk folder and file structure.

Instead, create a TreeView on the left containing the folder structure and create a ListView on the right which contains the files that are within the selected folder from the left.

  • Add context menu to the tvwFolders treeview
  • The folder icons should have an overlayed plus symbol on them if they were created during that run
  • Ensure New Attributes are correct
  • Ensure Modifier changes are correctly reflected
  • Add Create Folders view
  • Add Deletion Mode view
  • Add tooltips to all FileDetails TreeNodes to explain what which node means
  • Add option to show files that were skipped? (depends on #80)
  • Add Export results
  • Retain the tree/listview states if a Profile is run more than once

Add YieldNoPreScan to Get Files Mode in the Source Item Editor

Or add a checkbox to the Source Item advanced settings that say “Do not perform a pre-scan” as it’s not actually mutually-exclusive with the current Get Files Mode.

This needs to be thought out better from a code point-of-view.

Leaving for now.

Method: Checksum

Add a method that'll read a database file (json, text - whatever) and checksum files against it; any matches will then name those files to the names as specified within the database.

Kinda like how ROM renaming works.

Add option to check for existence of files during processing

This report has been created by the AppFramework framework on which the FileSieve application has been built and has been submitted with the user's express permission.

View submitted reported


  • Version: 4.57
  • Uptime: 5 minutes(s), 31 seconds
  • Command Line: D:\Program Files (x86)\FileSieve\FileSieve4.exe
  • Open Forms
    • FS.Main.Forms.Main
      • State: Minimized
  • Loaded Assemblies
    • mscorlib, Version=, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
    • FileSieve4, Version=
    • System.Windows.Forms, Version=, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
    • System, Version=, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
    • System.Drawing, Version=, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
    • BiQubic.Framework, Version=
    • FileSieve4.Plugins, Version=
    • Microsoft.VisualBasic, Version=, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
    • System.Core, Version=, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
    • System.Web, Version=, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
    • System.Xml, Version=, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
    • System.Configuration, Version=, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
    • Accessibility, Version=, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
    • System.Management, Version=, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
    • Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed
    • System.Numerics, Version=, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
    • System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
    • System.Data, Version=, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
    • Method.Attributes, Version=
    • Method.BatchedAtoZ, Version=
    • Method.Checksum, Version=
    • Method.Classification, Version=
    • Method.Consolidate, Version=
    • Method.DateStamp, Version=
    • Method.Delimiter, Version=
    • Method.Exif, Version=
    • Method.Extension, Version=
    • Method.FindReplace, Version=
    • Method.Mirror, Version=
    • Method.ParentRename, Version=
    • Method.Quantity, Version=
    • Method.StandardAtoZ, Version=
    • Method.Substring, Version=
    • Method.Tag, Version=
    • Modifier.Attributes, Version=
    • Modifier.Casing, Version=
    • Modifier.DateStamp, Version=
    • Modifier.FindReplace, Version=
    • Plugin.Registered, Version=
    • ExifLib, Version=
    • MantisSharp, Version=


  • sourceFileName does not exist.
  • BiQubic.Framework
  • Name: Move
  • MemberType: Method
  • Module: BiQubic.Framework.dll
  • at FW.IO.File.Move(String sourceFileName, String destinationFileName)
  • at FS.Main.Core.Process.ProcessItem(SourceItem sourceItem, Item& item)
  • at FS.Main.Core.Process.Process_ProcessSourceItems_Stream()
  • at FS.Main.Core.Process.Process_ProcessSourceItems()
  • at FS.Main.Core.Process.DoStart(Object value)
  • at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
  • at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
  • at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
  • at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart(Object obj)


  • Profiles.Count = [1] '1'
  • Profile.Name = [15] 'Default Profile'
  • Profile.ActiveMethod.Name = [9] 'DateStamp'
  • Profile.ActiveMethod.NameExtended = [53] 'DateStamp (Name Mask: %CREATED\_YEAR%-%CREATED\_MONTH%)'
  • Profile.ActiveModifiers.Count = [1] '0'
  • Profile.AllowedModes = [20] 'Simulate, Copy, Move'
  • Profile.CompleteAction = [4] 'None'
  • Profile.CopyMode = [4] 'Move'
  • Profile.EnsureSourceItemsExist = [4] 'True'
  • Profile.OverwriteNoMatchAction = [6] 'Ignore'
  • Profile.OverwriteOptions.HashAlgorithm = [4] 'Sha1'
  • Profile.OverwriteOptions.MetadataFields = [8] 'FileName'
  • Profile.OverwriteOptions.ComparisonMethod = [8] 'Metadata'
  • Profile.OverwriteRules.Count = [1] '1'
  • Profile.OverwriteRules[0].Action = [15] 'RenameUsingMask'
  • Profile.OverwriteRules[0].Field = [24] 'NewPathFilenameExtension'
  • Profile.OverwriteRules[0].IsEnabled = [4] 'True'
  • Profile.OverwriteRules[0].RegEx = [2] '.\*'
  • Profile.OverwriteRules[0].RenameMask = [38] '%file\_name% (%file\_number%).%file\_ext%'
  • Profile.SourceItems[0].Name = [13] 'DigitalCamera'
  • Profile.SourceItems[0].DeleteEmptySubFolders = [5] 'False'
  • Profile.SourceItems[0].EnsureExists = [4] 'Auto'
  • Profile.SourceItems[0].GetFilesMode = [5] 'Burst'
  • Profile.SourceItems[0].IgnoreFilter = [3] 'All'
  • Profile.SourceItems[0].Items.Count = [1] '0'
  • Profile.SourceItems[0].MaximumFilesize = [2] '-1'
  • Profile.SourceItems[0].MinimumFilesize = [1] '0'
  • Profile.SourceItems[0].RegExOptions = [22] 'IgnoreCase, Singleline'
  • Profile.SourceItems[0].RegexPatterns.Count = [1] '1'
  • Profile.SourceItems[0].RulesType = [9] 'Immediate'
  • Profile.SourceItems[0].SearchFilter = [3] 'All'
  • Profile.SourceItems[0].SearchOption = [14] 'AllDirectories'
  • Profile.SourceItems[0].SearchPatternFileItems = [2] '.\*'
  • Profile.Triggers.Count = [1] '0'
  • Profile.ShowInWindowsExplorer = [4] 'True'
  • Profile.WasUpgraded = [5] 'False'


  • Version: 2
  • Languages: Yes
  • LaunchCount: 3
  • TotalDuration: 00:00:00


  • ID: AC1B192AB0940AAA17B301E127A9A2835C9A46E3
  • Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro (6.2.9200.0; Win32NT; x64)
  • Physical Memory: 54,993 MB free of 65,444 MB
  • Virtual Memory: 134,212,816 MB free of 134,217,727 MB
  • Working Set: 192 MB
  • CPUs: 12


  • Displays: 3440x1440x32 (3440x1400)*, 1920x1080x32 (1920x1040)
  • .NET Frameworks: 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4 Client, 4 Full
  • .NET Version: 4.0.30319.42000
  • Culture: en-US (English (United States))
  • Input Language: en-US (US)
  • VisualStyles: Enabled


  • [11/25/2020 at 5:49:59 PM] Startup Information FileSieve v4.57.0.0
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:49:59 PM] Startup Information OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 6.2.9200.0 (Win32NT; x64). CPUs: 12.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:49:59 PM] Startup Information Memory: 53.47GB of 63.91GB free.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:49:59 PM] Startup Information UI Culture: English (United States)
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:49:59 PM] Startup Debug Exception handler has been initialised to use MantisBT.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Debug Found plugins: Method.Attributes.dll, Method.BatchedAtoZ.dll, Method.Checksum.dll, Method.Classification.dll, Method.Consolidate.dll, Method.DateStamp.dll, Method.Delimiter.dll, Method.Exif.dll, Method.Extension.dll, Method.FindReplace.dll, Method.Mirror.dll, Method.ParentRename.dll, Method.Quantity.dll, Method.StandardAtoZ.dll, Method.Substring.dll, Method.Tag.dll, Modifier.Attributes.dll, Modifier.Casing.dll, Modifier.DateStamp.dll, Modifier.FindReplace.dll, Plugin.Registered.dll
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Verbose Available Triggers: DateTime, Directory Watcher, User Idle
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Verbose Attributes initialised OK.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Verbose Batched A-Z initialised OK.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Verbose Checksum initialised OK.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Verbose Classification initialised OK.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Verbose Consolidate initialised OK.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Verbose DateStamp initialised OK.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Verbose Delimiter initialised OK.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Verbose EXIF initialised OK.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Verbose Extension initialised OK.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Verbose Find Replace initialised OK.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Verbose Mirror initialised OK.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Verbose Parent Rename initialised OK.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Verbose Quantity initialised OK.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Verbose Standard A-Z initialised OK.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Verbose Substring initialised OK.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Verbose Tag initialised OK.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Verbose Attributes initialised OK.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Verbose Casing initialised OK.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Verbose DateStamp initialised OK.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Verbose Find Replace initialised OK.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:00 PM] Plugins Verbose Registered initialised OK.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.Start Information Profile: Default Profile
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.Start Information Mode: Move
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.Start Information Method: DateStamp
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.Start Information Source Items: 1
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.Start Information Destination: \nas1\photo
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.Start Information DestinationEncoded: \nas1\photo
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.Start Information Overwrite Options: Metadata: FileName
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.Start Information Overwrite Rules: NewPathFilenameExtension -> RenameUsingMask
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.Start Information Overwrite Fallback: Ignore
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.Start Information Preparing to process items.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Debug Told Windows that it shouldn't shutdown while we're actively processing a Profile.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.DoStart Debug Before Processing Statistics
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.DoStart Debug Threads: 17
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.DoStart Debug Base Priority: 8
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.DoStart Debug Priority Class: Normal
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.DoStart Debug User CPU Time: 00:00:01.4218750
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.DoStart Debug Total CPU Time: 00:00:03.3593750
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.DoStart Debug Paged System Memory Size: 660 KB
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.DoStart Debug Non-paged System Memory Size: 43 KB
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.DoStart Debug Paged Memory Size: 60 MB
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.DoStart Debug Peak Paged Memory Size: 61 MB
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.DoStart Debug Working Set: 88 MB
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.DoStart Debug Peak Working Set: 88 MB
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.DoStart Debug Private Memory Size: 60 MB
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.DoStart Debug Virtual Memory Size: 4.78 GB
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:50:19 PM] Process.DoStart Debug Peak Virtual Memory Size: 4.78 GB
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:51:27 PM] Process.Process_GetSourceItems Information Pre-scan Time: 68.2410133 seconds.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:51:27 PM] Process.DoStart Information Found 110,682 items for processing.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:51:27 PM] Process.DoStart Information Processing items...
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:51:27 PM] Process.ProcessSourceItems Information The Processing Engine has been set to Stream mode by the DateStamp method.
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:51:36 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2020-11'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:51:45 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2020-10'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:52:01 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2020-09'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:52:19 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2020-08'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:52:33 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2020-07'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:52:39 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2020-06'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:52:41 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2020-04'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:52:44 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2020-03'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:52:46 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2020-02'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:52:48 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2020-01'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:52:51 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2019-12'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:00 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2019-10'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:01 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2019-09'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:03 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2019-08'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:05 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2019-07'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:08 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2019-06'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:08 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2019-05'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:09 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2019-04'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:11 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2019-03'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:15 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2019-02'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:19 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2019-01'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:20 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2018-12'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:22 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2018-11'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:23 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2018-08'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:23 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2018-07'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:23 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2018-06'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:24 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2018-03'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:27 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2018-02'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:33 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2018-01'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:37 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2017-12'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:40 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2017-11'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:40 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2017-10'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:40 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2017-08'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:40 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2012-01'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:53:40 PM] Process.ProcessItem Debug Created directory '\nas1\photo\2009-01'
  • [11/25/2020 at 5:55:31 PM] AppFramework Fatal A domain exception has been caught: sourceFileName does not exist.

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