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Comments (22)

aidanjungo avatar aidanjungo commented on September 28, 2024

It seems that you use a Windows OS. We did not had time to test CEASIOMpy on it yet, so you may encounter other issues, sorry.

However you issue seems liked to Conda and not directly to CEASIOMpy, maybe could check out the solution given on the following link:!topic/anaconda/gcJKEMOZBZc

from ceasiompy.

arns19 avatar arns19 commented on September 28, 2024

Yes It was on windows. Now i moved to Windows subshell for linux and manged to reach all the way until opening the workflow creator

(ceasiompy) arns19@ARN-ROG:~/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/WorkflowCreator$ python -gui
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 31, in
import ceasiompy.utils.workflowfunctions as wkf
File "/home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/utils/", line 31, in
from ceasiompy.SettingsGUI.settingsgui import create_settings_gui
File "/home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SettingsGUI/", line 34, in
import ceasiompy.utils.apmfunctions as apm
File "/home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/utils/", line 31, in
import smt.sampling_methods as smp
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'smt'

This is the error I get when I try to run the

from ceasiompy.

aidanjungo avatar aidanjungo commented on September 28, 2024

Sorry this error comes from a mistake in a new code, you can simply remove the line 31 (import smt.sampling_methods as smp) in the file

from ceasiompy.

arns19 avatar arns19 commented on September 28, 2024

Thank you for the prompt reply. I overcame that error into a new one

(ceasiompy) arns19@ARN-ROG:~/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/WorkflowCreator$ python -gui
Unable to import mpi4py. Parallel processing unavailable.
Unable to import petsc4py. Parallel processing unavailable.
Unable to import petsc4py. Parallel processing unavailable.
Matplotlib is building the font cache using fc-list. This may take a moment.
INFO - ----- Start of -----
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 302, in
Opt = create_wf_gui()
File "", line 270, in create_wf_gui
root = tk.Tk()
File "/home/arns19/anaconda3/envs/ceasiompy/lib/python3.7/tkinter/", line 2023, in init = _tkinter.create(screenName, baseName, className, interactive, wantobjects, useTk, sync, use)
_tkinter.TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable

from ceasiompy.

aidanjungo avatar aidanjungo commented on September 28, 2024

It seems to be an error from Tkinter, but I don't know if it is linked to WindowsOS or to your installation of Tkinter... Are you using you computer remotely? because it seems to be the kind you get in this case:

You could try to run a simple workflow without gui.

from ceasiompy.

arns19 avatar arns19 commented on September 28, 2024

I am using Linux Subshell on Windows. It is directly on my pc and not a remote pc.

from ceasiompy.

arns19 avatar arns19 commented on September 28, 2024

When i tried to run the code without -gui command i still get the error

(ceasiompy) arns19@ARN-ROG:~/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/WorkflowCreator$ python
Unable to import mpi4py. Parallel processing unavailable.
Unable to import petsc4py. Parallel processing unavailable.
Unable to import petsc4py. Parallel processing unavailable.
INFO - ----- Start of -----
INFO - TIXI handle has been created./home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/WorkflowCreator/ToolInput/ToolInput.xml
ERROR - /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/filesPath/wkdirPath cannot be found in the CPACS file
INFO - Default value will be used instead
INFO - Child "toolspecific" has been added to branch "/cpacs"
INFO - Child "CEASIOMpy" has been added to branch "/cpacs/toolspecific"
INFO - Child "filesPath" has been added to branch "/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy"
INFO - Default value has been added to the cpacs file at: /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/filesPath/wkdirPath
INFO - Output CPACS file has been saved at: /home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/WorkflowCreator/ToolInput/ToolInput.xml
INFO - TIXI Handle has been closed.
INFO - The following modules will be executed: ['SettingsGUI', 'PyTornado']

INFO - ######################################################################################
INFO - Run module: SettingsGUI
INFO - ######################################################################################

Going to /home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SettingsGUI

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 336, in
wkf.run_subworkflow(Opt.module_pre, Opt.cpacs_path)
File "/home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/utils/", line 132, in run_subworkflow
File "/home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SettingsGUI/", line 598, in create_settings_gui
root = tk.Tk()
File "/home/arns19/anaconda3/envs/ceasiompy/lib/python3.7/tkinter/", line 2023, in init = _tkinter.create(screenName, baseName, className, interactive, wantobjects, useTk, sync, use)
_tkinter.TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable

from ceasiompy.

aidanjungo avatar aidanjungo commented on September 28, 2024

Yes, with SettingGUI it is normal that you have the same error because it also uses Tkinter.

I think your Linux Subshell is equivalent to a remote machine for Tkinkter and it cannot find the variable $DISPLAY, you should check out if other people have this kind of issue with Tkinter on Linux Subshell.

from ceasiompy.

arns19 avatar arns19 commented on September 28, 2024

Alright, I will have a look around

from ceasiompy.

arns19 avatar arns19 commented on September 28, 2024

Hello I'm facing issue running the SUMOautomesh

INFO - ######################################################################################
INFO - Run module: SUMOAutoMesh
INFO - ######################################################################################

Going to /home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SUMOAutoMesh

INFO - Copy CPACS from:/home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/CPACS2SUMO/ToolOutput/ToolOutput.xml
INFO - Copy CPACS to:/home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SUMOAutoMesh/ToolInput/ToolInput.xml
INFO - ----- Start of -----
INFO - TIXI handle has been created./home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SUMOAutoMesh/ToolInput/ToolInput.xml
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/filesPath/wkdirPath, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/filesPath/sumoFilePath, default value will not be used
INFO - Mesh parameter will be set
ERROR - /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/mesh/sumoOptions/refinementLevel cannot be found in the CPACS file
INFO - Default value will be used instead
INFO - Child "mesh" has been added to branch "/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy"
INFO - Child "sumoOptions" has been added to branch "/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/mesh"
INFO - Default value has been added to the cpacs file at: /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/mesh/sumoOptions/refinementLevel
INFO - Refinement level is 0.0
INFO - Refinement factor is 1.0
INFO - TIXI handle has been created./home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/WKDIR/CEASIOMpy_Run_2020-07-17_14-08-00/SUMO/ToolOutput.smx
INFO - 1 body has been found.
INFO - 3 wing(s) has been found.
INFO - Output CPACS file has been saved at: /home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/WKDIR/CEASIOMpy_Run_2020-07-17_14-08-00/SUMO/ToolOutput.smx
INFO - TIXI Handle has been closed.
INFO - Your OS is Linux
INFO - Your OS is Linux
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 308, in
File "", line 258, in create_SU2_mesh
soft_dict = ceaf.get_install_path(['sumo'])
File "/home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/utils/", line 157, in get_install_path
raise RuntimeError(soft + ' is not install on your computer!')
RuntimeError: sumo is not install on your computer!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 336, in
wkf.run_subworkflow(Opt.module_pre, Opt.cpacs_path)
File "/home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/utils/", line 147, in run_subworkflow
raise ValueError('An error ocured in the module '+ module)
ValueError: An error ocured in the module SUMOAutoMesh

I have downloaded the standalone package from the link mentioned for sumo

I also did export sumo=

but still it doesnt recongnise

from ceasiompy.

aidanjungo avatar aidanjungo commented on September 28, 2024

I think on the standalone package, sumo is called "dwfsumo", maybe the best way is to put a link in you /bin folder (or something similar) with something like:
ln -s YourPathToSumo/dwfsumo PathToBin/bin/sumo

from ceasiompy.

arns19 avatar arns19 commented on September 28, 2024

ln -s home/arns19/SUMO/sumo-2.7.9/bin/dwfsumo home/arns19/SUMO/sumo-2.7.9/bin/sumo
ln: failed to create symbolic link 'home/arns19/SUMO/sumo-2.7.9/bin/sumo': No such file or directory

I get this error

from ceasiompy.

aidanjungo avatar aidanjungo commented on September 28, 2024

The second path shout be a path to the /bin directory of you computer.

from ceasiompy.

arns19 avatar arns19 commented on September 28, 2024

Thank you that issue is fixed now

from ceasiompy.

arns19 avatar arns19 commented on September 28, 2024

INFO - >>> SU2_CFD End Time
INFO - TIXI handle has been created./home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SU2Run/ToolInput/ToolInput.xml
WARNING - No value has been found for the wetted area!
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/fixedCL, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/results/extractLoads, default value will not be used
INFO - The aeroMap to check as been found
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/name, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/description, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/boundaryConditions/atmosphericModel, default value will not be used
WARNING - No /cl values have been found in the CPACS file
WARNING - An empty list will be returned.
WARNING - No /cd values have been found in the CPACS file
WARNING - An empty list will be returned.
WARNING - No /cs values have been found in the CPACS file
WARNING - An empty list will be returned.
WARNING - No /cml values have been found in the CPACS file
WARNING - An empty list will be returned.
WARNING - No /cmd values have been found in the CPACS file
WARNING - An empty list will be returned.
WARNING - No /cms values have been found in the CPACS file
WARNING - An empty list will be returned.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 217, in
File "/home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SU2Run/func/", line 202, in get_su2_results
raise OSError('No result force file have been found!')
OSError: No result force file have been found!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 336, in
wkf.run_subworkflow(Opt.module_pre, Opt.cpacs_path)
File "/home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/utils/", line 147, in run_subworkflow
raise ValueError('An error ocured in the module '+ module)
ValueError: An error ocured in the module SU2Run

This is the latest error. I tried to run the same process as per the documentation tutorial 3

from ceasiompy.

aidanjungo avatar aidanjungo commented on September 28, 2024

How long it takes to go from:
INFO - >>> SU2_CFD Sart Time
INFO - >>> SU2_CFD End Time

If it was really quick (few second), you probably had an issue during the SU2 calculation. You can go in /ceasiompy/WKDIR/CEASIOMpz_.../Case00... and check the logfile to see what happens.

from ceasiompy.

arns19 avatar arns19 commented on September 28, 2024

It executes really fast when i run more than one processor and the logfile is empty. Even though I have installed mpi and mpich. It still says mpirun.mpich is not installed.

This is the error when running mutiple processors

INFO - ######################################################################################
INFO - Run module: SU2Run
INFO - ######################################################################################

Going to /home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SU2Run

INFO - Copy CPACS from:/home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SUMOAutoMesh/ToolOutput/ToolOutput.xml
INFO - Copy CPACS to:/home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SU2Run/ToolInput/ToolInput.xml
INFO - ----- Start of -----
INFO - TIXI handle has been created./home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SU2Run/ToolInput/ToolInput.xml
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/settings/nbProc, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/filesPath/wkdirPath, default value will not be used
INFO - TIXI handle has been created./home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SU2Run/ToolInput/ToolInput.xml
WRN 07/27 13:42:04 CPACSPositioning.cpp:111] Optional element fromSectionUID is present but empty at xpath /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/fuselages/fuselage[1]/positionings/positioning[1]
WRN 07/27 13:42:04 CPACSPositioning.cpp:111] Optional element fromSectionUID is present but empty at xpath /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[1]/positionings/positioning[1]
WRN 07/27 13:42:04 CPACSPositioning.cpp:111] Optional element fromSectionUID is present but empty at xpath /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[2]/positionings/positioning[1]
WRN 07/27 13:42:04 CPACSPositioning.cpp:68] Required element name is empty at xpath /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[3]/positionings/positioning[1]
WRN 07/27 13:42:04 CPACSPositioning.cpp:111] Optional element fromSectionUID is present but empty at xpath /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[3]/positionings/positioning[1]
WRN 07/27 13:42:04 CPACSPositioning.cpp:68] Required element name is empty at xpath /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[3]/positionings/positioning[2]
INFO - TIGL handle has been created.
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/reference/point/x, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/reference/point/y, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/reference/point/z, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/settings/maxIter, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/settings/cflNumber, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/settings/multigridLevel, default value will not be used
INFO - Child "boundaryConditions" has been added to branch "/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2"
INFO - Child "wall" has been added to branch "/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/boundaryConditions"
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/fixedCL, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/targetCL, default value will not be used
INFO - Configuration file for fixed CL calculation will be created.
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/ranges/cruiseMach, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/ranges/cruiseAltitude, default value will not be used
INFO - aeroMap_fixedCL_SU2 aeroMap will be created.
INFO - Named child "aeroMap" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance"
INFO - Child "boundaryConditions" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]"
INFO - Child "aeroPerformanceMap" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]"
INFO - Child "altitude" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/aeroPerformanceMap"
INFO - Child "machNumber" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/aeroPerformanceMap"
INFO - Child "angleOfAttack" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/aeroPerformanceMap"
INFO - Child "angleOfSideslip" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/aeroPerformanceMap"
INFO - Child "cl" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/aeroPerformanceMap"
INFO - Child "cd" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/aeroPerformanceMap"
INFO - Child "cs" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/aeroPerformanceMap"
INFO - Child "cml" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/aeroPerformanceMap"
INFO - Child "cmd" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/aeroPerformanceMap"
INFO - Child "cms" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/aeroPerformanceMap"
WARNING - Not the same number of parameter and coerfficients
WARNING - Not the same number of parameter and moment coerfficients
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/options/clalculateDampingDerivatives, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/options/clalculateCotrolSurfacesDeflections, default value will not be used
INFO - Output CPACS file has been saved at: /home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SU2Run/ToolInput/ToolInput.xml
INFO - TIXI Handle has been closed.
INFO - Your OS is Linux
INFO - SU2_DEF is intalled at: /home/arns19/SU2/SU2-7.0.6/bin/SU2_DEF
INFO - Your OS is Linux
INFO - SU2_CFD is intalled at: /home/arns19/SU2/SU2-7.0.6/bin/SU2_CFD
INFO - Your OS is Linux
INFO - SU2_SOL is intalled at: /home/arns19/SU2/SU2-7.0.6/bin/SU2_SOL
INFO - Your OS is Linux
WARNING - mpirun.mpich is not install on your computer!
WARNING - Calculations will be run only on 1 proc
INFO - Your OS is Linux
INFO - mpirun is intalled at: /usr/bin/mpirun
INFO - Number of proc available: 8
INFO - 4.0 will be use for this calculation.
INFO - >>> SU2_CFD Start Time

Synopsis: mpirun [options]
mpirun [options] []

Description: Start an MPI application in LAM/MPI.

[options] Zero or more of the options listed below
LAM/MPI appschema
List of LAM nodes and/or CPUs (examples
Must be a LAM/MPI program that either
invokes MPI_INIT or has exactly one of
its children invoke MPI_INIT
Optional list of command line arguments

-c Run copies of (same as -np)
-client :
Run IMPI job; connect to the IMPI server
at port as IMPI client number
-D Change current working directory of new
processes to the directory where the
executable resides
-f Do not open stdio descriptors
-ger Turn on GER mode
-h Print this help message
-l Force line-buffered output
-lamd Use LAM daemon (LAMD) mode (opposite of -c2c)
-nger Turn off GER mode
-np Run copies of (same as -c)
-nx Don't export LAM_MPI_* environment variables
-O Universe is homogeneous
-pty / -npty Use/don't use pseudo terminals when stdout is
a tty
-s Load from node
-sigs / -nsigs Catch/don't catch signals in MPI application
-ssi Set environment variable LAM_MPI_SSI_=
-toff Enable tracing with generation initially off
-ton, -t Enable tracing with generation initially on
-tv Launch processes under TotalView Debugger
-v Be verbose
-w / -nw Wait/don't wait for application to complete

Change current working directory of new
processes to
-x Export environment vars in

Nodes: n, e.g., n0-3,5
CPUS: c, e.g., c0-3,5
Extras: h (local node), o (origin node), N (all nodes), C (all CPUs)

Examples: mpirun n0-7 prog1
Executes "prog1" on nodes 0 through 7.

            mpirun -lamd -x FOO=bar,DISPLAY N prog2
            Executes "prog2" on all nodes using the LAMD RPI.
            In the environment of each process, set FOO to the value
            "bar", and set DISPLAY to the current value.

            mpirun n0 N prog3
            Run "prog3" on node 0, *and* all nodes.  This executes *2*
            copies on n0.

            mpirun C prog4 arg1 arg2
            Run "prog4" on each available CPU with command line
            arguments of "arg1" and "arg2".  If each node has a
            CPU count of 1, the "C" is equivalent to "N".  If at
            least one node has a CPU count greater than 1, LAM
            will run neighboring ranks of MPI_COMM_WORLD on that
            node.  For example, if node 0 has a CPU count of 4 and
            node 1 has a CPU count of 2, "prog4" will have
            MPI_COMM_WORLD ranks 0 through 3 on n0, and ranks 4
            and 5 on n1.

            mpirun c0 C prog5
            Similar to the "prog3" example above, this runs "prog5"
            on CPU 0 *and* on each available CPU.  This executes
            *2* copies on the node where CPU 0 is (i.e., n0).
            This is probably not a useful use of the "C" notation;
            it is only shown here for an example.

Defaults: -c2c -w -pty -nger -nsigs

INFO - >>> SU2_CFD End Time
INFO - TIXI handle has been created./home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SU2Run/ToolInput/ToolInput.xml
WARNING - No value has been found for the wetted area!
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/fixedCL, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/results/extractLoads, default value will not be used
INFO - The aeroMap to check as been found
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/name, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/description, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/boundaryConditions/atmosphericModel, default value will not be used
WARNING - No /cl values have been found in the CPACS file
WARNING - An empty list will be returned.
WARNING - No /cd values have been found in the CPACS file
WARNING - An empty list will be returned.
WARNING - No /cs values have been found in the CPACS file
WARNING - An empty list will be returned.
WARNING - No /cml values have been found in the CPACS file
WARNING - An empty list will be returned.
WARNING - No /cmd values have been found in the CPACS file
WARNING - An empty list will be returned.
WARNING - No /cms values have been found in the CPACS file
WARNING - An empty list will be returned.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 217, in
File "/home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SU2Run/func/", line 202, in get_su2_results
raise OSError('No result force file have been found!')
OSError: No result force file have been found!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 336, in
wkf.run_subworkflow(Opt.module_pre, Opt.cpacs_path)
File "/home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/utils/", line 147, in run_subworkflow
raise ValueError('An error ocured in the module '+ module)
ValueError: An error ocured in the module SU2Run

When I run on one processor it some times work but some times still ends with the same error very fast.

this is the error for 1 processor

INFO - ######################################################################################
INFO - Run module: SU2Run
INFO - ######################################################################################

Going to /home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SU2Run

INFO - Copy CPACS from:/home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SUMOAutoMesh/ToolOutput/ToolOutput.xml
INFO - Copy CPACS to:/home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SU2Run/ToolInput/ToolInput.xml
INFO - ----- Start of -----
INFO - TIXI handle has been created./home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SU2Run/ToolInput/ToolInput.xml
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/settings/nbProc, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/filesPath/wkdirPath, default value will not be used
INFO - TIXI handle has been created./home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SU2Run/ToolInput/ToolInput.xml
WRN 07/27 14:04:21 CPACSPositioning.cpp:111] Optional element fromSectionUID is present but empty at xpath /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/fuselages/fuselage[1]/positionings/positioning[1]
WRN 07/27 14:04:21 CPACSPositioning.cpp:111] Optional element fromSectionUID is present but empty at xpath /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[1]/positionings/positioning[1]
WRN 07/27 14:04:21 CPACSPositioning.cpp:111] Optional element fromSectionUID is present but empty at xpath /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[2]/positionings/positioning[1]
WRN 07/27 14:04:21 CPACSPositioning.cpp:68] Required element name is empty at xpath /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[3]/positionings/positioning[1]
WRN 07/27 14:04:21 CPACSPositioning.cpp:111] Optional element fromSectionUID is present but empty at xpath /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[3]/positionings/positioning[1]
WRN 07/27 14:04:21 CPACSPositioning.cpp:68] Required element name is empty at xpath /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[3]/positionings/positioning[2]
INFO - TIGL handle has been created.
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/reference/point/x, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/reference/point/y, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/reference/point/z, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/settings/maxIter, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/settings/cflNumber, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/settings/multigridLevel, default value will not be used
INFO - Child "boundaryConditions" has been added to branch "/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2"
INFO - Child "wall" has been added to branch "/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/boundaryConditions"
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/fixedCL, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/targetCL, default value will not be used
INFO - Configuration file for fixed CL calculation will be created.
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/ranges/cruiseMach, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/ranges/cruiseAltitude, default value will not be used
INFO - aeroMap_fixedCL_SU2 aeroMap will be created.
INFO - Named child "aeroMap" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance"
INFO - Child "boundaryConditions" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]"
INFO - Child "aeroPerformanceMap" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]"
INFO - Child "altitude" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/aeroPerformanceMap"
INFO - Child "machNumber" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/aeroPerformanceMap"
INFO - Child "angleOfAttack" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/aeroPerformanceMap"
INFO - Child "angleOfSideslip" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/aeroPerformanceMap"
INFO - Child "cl" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/aeroPerformanceMap"
INFO - Child "cd" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/aeroPerformanceMap"
INFO - Child "cs" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/aeroPerformanceMap"
INFO - Child "cml" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/aeroPerformanceMap"
INFO - Child "cmd" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/aeroPerformanceMap"
INFO - Child "cms" has been added to branch "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/aeroPerformanceMap"
WARNING - Not the same number of parameter and coerfficients
WARNING - Not the same number of parameter and moment coerfficients
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/options/clalculateDampingDerivatives, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/options/clalculateCotrolSurfacesDeflections, default value will not be used
INFO - Output CPACS file has been saved at: /home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SU2Run/ToolInput/ToolInput.xml
INFO - TIXI Handle has been closed.
INFO - Your OS is Linux
INFO - SU2_DEF is intalled at: /home/arns19/SU2/SU2-7.0.6/bin/SU2_DEF
INFO - Your OS is Linux
INFO - SU2_CFD is intalled at: /home/arns19/SU2/SU2-7.0.6/bin/SU2_CFD
INFO - Your OS is Linux
INFO - SU2_SOL is intalled at: /home/arns19/SU2/SU2-7.0.6/bin/SU2_SOL
INFO - Your OS is Linux
WARNING - mpirun.mpich is not install on your computer!
WARNING - Calculations will be run only on 1 proc
INFO - Your OS is Linux
INFO - mpirun is intalled at: /usr/bin/mpirun
INFO - Number of proc available: 8
INFO - 1.0 will be use for this calculation.
INFO - >>> SU2_CFD Start Time

Synopsis: mpirun [options]
mpirun [options] []

Description: Start an MPI application in LAM/MPI.

[options] Zero or more of the options listed below
LAM/MPI appschema
List of LAM nodes and/or CPUs (examples
Must be a LAM/MPI program that either
invokes MPI_INIT or has exactly one of
its children invoke MPI_INIT
Optional list of command line arguments

-c Run copies of (same as -np)
-client :
Run IMPI job; connect to the IMPI server
at port as IMPI client number
-D Change current working directory of new
processes to the directory where the
executable resides
-f Do not open stdio descriptors
-ger Turn on GER mode
-h Print this help message
-l Force line-buffered output
-lamd Use LAM daemon (LAMD) mode (opposite of -c2c)
-nger Turn off GER mode
-np Run copies of (same as -c)
-nx Don't export LAM_MPI_* environment variables
-O Universe is homogeneous
-pty / -npty Use/don't use pseudo terminals when stdout is
a tty
-s Load from node
-sigs / -nsigs Catch/don't catch signals in MPI application
-ssi Set environment variable LAM_MPI_SSI_=
-toff Enable tracing with generation initially off
-ton, -t Enable tracing with generation initially on
-tv Launch processes under TotalView Debugger
-v Be verbose
-w / -nw Wait/don't wait for application to complete

Change current working directory of new
processes to
-x Export environment vars in

Nodes: n, e.g., n0-3,5
CPUS: c, e.g., c0-3,5
Extras: h (local node), o (origin node), N (all nodes), C (all CPUs)

Examples: mpirun n0-7 prog1
Executes "prog1" on nodes 0 through 7.

            mpirun -lamd -x FOO=bar,DISPLAY N prog2
            Executes "prog2" on all nodes using the LAMD RPI.
            In the environment of each process, set FOO to the value
            "bar", and set DISPLAY to the current value.

            mpirun n0 N prog3
            Run "prog3" on node 0, *and* all nodes.  This executes *2*
            copies on n0.

            mpirun C prog4 arg1 arg2
            Run "prog4" on each available CPU with command line
            arguments of "arg1" and "arg2".  If each node has a
            CPU count of 1, the "C" is equivalent to "N".  If at
            least one node has a CPU count greater than 1, LAM
            will run neighboring ranks of MPI_COMM_WORLD on that
            node.  For example, if node 0 has a CPU count of 4 and
            node 1 has a CPU count of 2, "prog4" will have
            MPI_COMM_WORLD ranks 0 through 3 on n0, and ranks 4
            and 5 on n1.

            mpirun c0 C prog5
            Similar to the "prog3" example above, this runs "prog5"
            on CPU 0 *and* on each available CPU.  This executes
            *2* copies on the node where CPU 0 is (i.e., n0).
            This is probably not a useful use of the "C" notation;
            it is only shown here for an example.

Defaults: -c2c -w -pty -nger -nsigs

INFO - >>> SU2_CFD End Time
INFO - TIXI handle has been created./home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SU2Run/ToolInput/ToolInput.xml
WARNING - No value has been found for the wetted area!
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/fixedCL, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/aerodynamics/su2/results/extractLoads, default value will not be used
INFO - The aeroMap to check as been found
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/name, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/description, default value will not be used
INFO - Value found at /cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/analyses/aeroPerformance/aeroMap[2]/boundaryConditions/atmosphericModel, default value will not be used
WARNING - No /cl values have been found in the CPACS file
WARNING - An empty list will be returned.
WARNING - No /cd values have been found in the CPACS file
WARNING - An empty list will be returned.
WARNING - No /cs values have been found in the CPACS file
WARNING - An empty list will be returned.
WARNING - No /cml values have been found in the CPACS file
WARNING - An empty list will be returned.
WARNING - No /cmd values have been found in the CPACS file
WARNING - An empty list will be returned.
WARNING - No /cms values have been found in the CPACS file
WARNING - An empty list will be returned.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 217, in
File "/home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/SU2Run/func/", line 202, in get_su2_results
raise OSError('No result force file have been found!')
OSError: No result force file have been found!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 336, in
wkf.run_subworkflow(Opt.module_pre, Opt.cpacs_path)
File "/home/arns19/CEASIOMpy/ceasiompy/utils/", line 147, in run_subworkflow
raise ValueError('An error ocured in the module '+ module)
ValueError: An error ocured in the module SU2Run

from ceasiompy.

hemantsriram avatar hemantsriram commented on September 28, 2024

Hi everyone, This may not be relevant here. But I am having a slight issue while installing PyTornado on Ubuntu 20.04. I tried running the second example that calculates Aero coefficients using PyTornado, during PyTornado installation I ran into the following error

DEPRECATION: A future pip version will change local packages to be built in-place without first copying to a temporary directory. We recommend you use --use-feature=in-tree-build to test your packages with this new behavior before it becomes the default. pip 21.3 will remove support for this functionality. You can find discussion regarding this at ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: command: /home/okulo/miniconda3/envs/ceasiompy/bin/python3.7 -c 'import io, os, sys, setuptools, tokenize; sys.argv[0] = '"'"'/tmp/pip-req-build-6c3a7ztp/'"'"'; __file__='"'"'/tmp/pip-req-build-6c3a7ztp/'"'"';f = getattr(tokenize, '"'"'open'"'"', open)(__file__) if os.path.exists(__file__) else io.StringIO('"'"'from setuptools import setup; setup()'"'"');code ='"'"'\r\n'"'"', '"'"'\n'"'"');f.close();exec(compile(code, __file__, '"'"'exec'"'"'))' egg_info --egg-base /tmp/pip-pip-egg-info-f0vjq6r7 cwd: /tmp/pip-req-build-6c3a7ztp/ Complete output (9 lines): Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 1, in <module> File "/tmp/pip-req-build-6c3a7ztp/", line 7, in <module> from src.pytornado.__version__ import __version__ File "/tmp/pip-req-build-6c3a7ztp/src/pytornado/", line 4, in <module> from ._model import Model File "/tmp/pip-req-build-6c3a7ztp/src/pytornado/", line 27, in <module> from mframework import FeatureSpec, ModelSpec ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mframework' ---------------------------------------- WARNING: Discarding file:///home/okulo/Desktop/Software/CEASIOMpy/PyTornado/pytornado. Command errored out with exit status 1: python egg_info Check the logs for full command output. ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: python egg_info Check the logs for full command output.

Could someone guide me to resources on how to install this? I have read through PyTornado Installation guide for Linux, but haven't been successful.

from ceasiompy.

aidanjungo avatar aidanjungo commented on September 28, 2024

After which command of the installation procedure do you get this error?

from ceasiompy.

hemantsriram avatar hemantsriram commented on September 28, 2024

I get teh error while trying to use the command :

pip install --user .

I have tried pip3 as well but it gives me the same error. I followed the following instructions:

mkdir PyTornado
cd PyTornado
git clone
cd pytornado
pip install --user .

from ceasiompy.

aidanjungo avatar aidanjungo commented on September 28, 2024

Could you try to do:

cd pytornado
git checkout master
pip install --user .

from ceasiompy.

hemantsriram avatar hemantsriram commented on September 28, 2024

@aidanjungo Thanks that worked!

from ceasiompy.

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