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ligandmpnn's Introduction


This package provides inference code for LigandMPNN & ProteinMPNN models. The code and model parameters are available under the MIT license.

Third party code: side chain packing uses helper functions from Openfold.

Running the code

git clone
cd LigandMPNN
bash "./model_params"

#setup your conda/or other environment
#conda create -n ligandmpnn_env python=3.11
#pip3 install -r requirements.txt

python \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/default"


To run the model you will need to have Python>=3.0, PyTorch, Numpy installed, and to read/write PDB files you will need Prody.

For example to make a new conda environment for LigandMPNN run:

conda create -n ligandmpnn_env python=3.11
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Main differences compared with ProteinMPNN code

  • Input PDBs are parsed using Prody preserving protein residue indices, chain letters, and insertion codes. If there are missing residues in the input structure the output fasta file won't have added X to fill the gaps. The script outputs .fasta and .pdb files. It's recommended to use .pdb files since they will hold information about chain letters and residue indices.
  • Adding bias, fixing residues, and selecting residues to be redesigned now can be done using residue indices directly, e.g. A23 (means chain A residue with index 23), B42D (chain B, residue 42, insertion code D).
  • Model writes to fasta files: overall_confidence, ligand_confidence which reflect the average confidence/probability (with T=1.0) over the redesigned residues overall_confidence=exp[-mean_over_residues(log_probs)]. Higher numbers mean the model is more confident about that sequence. min_value=0.0; max_value=1.0. Sequence recovery with respect to the input sequence is calculated only over the redesigned residues.

Model parameters

To download model parameters run:

bash "./model_params"

Available models

To run the model of your choice specify --model_type and optionally the model checkpoint path. Available models:

  • ProteinMPNN
--model_type "protein_mpnn"
--checkpoint_protein_mpnn "./model_params/" #noised with 0.02A Gaussian noise
--checkpoint_protein_mpnn "./model_params/" #noised with 0.10A Gaussian noise
--checkpoint_protein_mpnn "./model_params/" #noised with 0.20A Gaussian noise
--checkpoint_protein_mpnn "./model_params/" #noised with 0.30A Gaussian noise
  • LigandMPNN
--model_type "ligand_mpnn"
--checkpoint_ligand_mpnn "./model_params/" #noised with 0.05A Gaussian noise
--checkpoint_ligand_mpnn "./model_params/" #noised with 0.10A Gaussian noise
--checkpoint_ligand_mpnn "./model_params/" #noised with 0.20A Gaussian noise
--checkpoint_ligand_mpnn "./model_params/" #noised with 0.30A Gaussian noise
  • SolubleMPNN
--model_type "soluble_mpnn"
--checkpoint_soluble_mpnn "./model_params/" #noised with 0.02A Gaussian noise
--checkpoint_soluble_mpnn "./model_params/" #noised with 0.10A Gaussian noise
--checkpoint_soluble_mpnn "./model_params/" #noised with 0.20A Gaussian noise
--checkpoint_soluble_mpnn "./model_params/" #noised with 0.30A Gaussian noise
  • ProteinMPNN with global membrane label
--model_type "global_label_membrane_mpnn"
--checkpoint_global_label_membrane_mpnn "./model_params/" #noised with 0.20A Gaussian noise
  • ProteinMPNN with per residue membrane label
--model_type "per_residue_label_membrane_mpnn"
--checkpoint_per_residue_label_membrane_mpnn "./model_params/" #noised with 0.20A Gaussian noise
  • Side chain packing model
--checkpoint_path_sc "./model_params/"

Design examples

1 default

Default settings will run ProteinMPNN.

python \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/default"

2 --temperature

--temperature 0.05 Change sampling temperature (higher temperature gives more sequence diversity).

python \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --temperature 0.05 \
        --out_folder "./outputs/temperature"

3 --seed

--seed Not selecting a seed will run with a random seed. Running this multiple times will give different results.

python \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/random_seed"

4 --verbose

--verbose 0 Do not print any statements.

python \
        --seed 111 \
        --verbose 0 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/verbose"

5 --save_stats

--save_stats 1 Save sequence design statistics.

#['generated_sequences', 'sampling_probs', 'log_probs', 'decoding_order', 'native_sequence', 'mask', 'chain_mask', 'seed', 'temperature']
python \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/save_stats" \
        --save_stats 1

6 --fixed_residues

--fixed_residues Fixing specific amino acids. This example fixes the first 10 residues in chain C and adds global bias towards A (alanine). The output should have all alanines except the first 10 residues should be the same as in the input sequence since those are fixed.

python \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/fix_residues" \
        --fixed_residues "C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10" \
        --bias_AA "A:10.0"

7 --redesigned_residues

--redesigned_residues Specifying which residues need to be designed. This example redesigns the first 10 residues while fixing everything else.

python \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/redesign_residues" \
        --redesigned_residues "C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10" \
        --bias_AA "A:10.0"

8 --number_of_batches

Design 15 sequences; with batch size 3 (can be 1 when using CPUs) and the number of batches 5.

python \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/batch_size" \
        --batch_size 3 \
        --number_of_batches 5

9 --bias_AA

Global amino acid bias. In this example, output sequences are biased towards W, P, C and away from A.

python \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --bias_AA "W:3.0,P:3.0,C:3.0,A:-3.0" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/global_bias"

10 --bias_AA_per_residue

Specify per residue amino acid bias, e.g. make residues C1, C3, C5, and C7 to be prolines.

# {
# "C1": {"G": -0.3, "C": -2.0, "P": 10.8},
# "C3": {"P": 10.0},
# "C5": {"G": -1.3, "P": 10.0},
# "C7": {"G": -1.3, "P": 10.0}
# }
python \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --bias_AA_per_residue "./inputs/bias_AA_per_residue.json" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/per_residue_bias"

11 --omit_AA

Global amino acid restrictions. This is equivalent to using --bias_AA and setting bias to be a large negative number. The output should be just made of E, K, A.

python \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --omit_AA "CDFGHILMNPQRSTVWY" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/global_omit"

12 --omit_AA_per_residue

Per residue amino acid restrictions.

# {
# }
python \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --omit_AA_per_residue "./inputs/omit_AA_per_residue.json" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/per_residue_omit"

13 --symmetry_residues

13 --symmetry_weights

Designing sequences with symmetry, e.g. homooligomer/2-state proteins, etc. In this example make C1=C2=C3, also C4=C5, and C6=C7.

#total_logits += symmetry_weights[t]*logits
#probs = torch.nn.functional.softmax((total_logits+bias_t) / temperature, dim=-1)
#total_logits_123 = 0.33*logits_1+0.33*logits_2+0.33*logits_3
#output should be ***ooxx
python \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/symmetry" \
        --symmetry_residues "C1,C2,C3|C4,C5|C6,C7" \
        --symmetry_weights "0.33,0.33,0.33|0.5,0.5|0.5,0.5"

14 --homo_oligomer

Design homooligomer sequences. This automatically sets --symmetry_residues and --symmetry_weights assuming equal weighting from all chains.

python \
        --model_type "ligand_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/4GYT.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/homooligomer" \
        --homo_oligomer 1 \
        --number_of_batches 2

15 --file_ending

Outputs will have a specified ending; e.g. 1BC8_xyz.fa instead of 1BC8.fa

python \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/file_ending" \
        --file_ending "_xyz"

16 --zero_indexed

Zero indexed names in /backbones/1BC8_0.pdb, 1BC8_1.pdb, 1BC8_2.pdb etc

python \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/zero_indexed" \
        --zero_indexed 1 \
        --number_of_batches 2

17 --chains_to_design

Specify which chains (e.g. "A,B,C") need to be redesigned, other chains will be kept fixed. Outputs in seqs/backbones will still have atoms/sequences for the whole input PDB.

python \
        --model_type "ligand_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/4GYT.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/chains_to_design" \
        --chains_to_design "A,B"

18 --parse_these_chains_only

Parse and design only specified chains (e.g. "A,B,C"). Outputs will have only specified chains.

python \
        --model_type "ligand_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/4GYT.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/parse_these_chains_only" \
        --parse_these_chains_only "A,B"

19 --model_type "ligand_mpnn"

Run LigandMPNN with default settings.

python \
        --model_type "ligand_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/ligandmpnn_default"

20 --checkpoint_ligand_mpnn

Run LigandMPNN using 0.05A model by specifying --checkpoint_ligand_mpnn flag.

python \
        --checkpoint_ligand_mpnn "./model_params/" \
        --model_type "ligand_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/ligandmpnn_v_32_005_25"

21 --ligand_mpnn_use_atom_context

Setting --ligand_mpnn_use_atom_context 0 will mask all ligand atoms. This can be used to assess how much ligand atoms affect AA probabilities.

python \
        --model_type "ligand_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/ligandmpnn_no_context" \
        --ligand_mpnn_use_atom_context 0

22 --ligand_mpnn_use_side_chain_context

Use fixed residue side chain atoms as extra ligand atoms.

python \
        --model_type "ligand_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/ligandmpnn_use_side_chain_atoms" \
        --ligand_mpnn_use_side_chain_context 1 \
        --fixed_residues "C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10"

23 --model_type "soluble_mpnn"

Run SolubleMPNN (ProteinMPNN-like model with only soluble proteins in the training dataset).

python \
        --model_type "soluble_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/soluble_mpnn_default"

24 --model_type "global_label_membrane_mpnn"

Run global label membrane MPNN (trained with extra input - binary label soluble vs not) --global_transmembrane_label #1 - membrane, 0 - soluble.

python \
        --model_type "global_label_membrane_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/global_label_membrane_mpnn_0" \
        --global_transmembrane_label 0

25 --model_type "per_residue_label_membrane_mpnn"

Run per residue label membrane MPNN (trained with extra input per residue specifying buried (hydrophobic), interface (polar), or other type residues; 3 classes).

python \
        --model_type "per_residue_label_membrane_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/per_residue_label_membrane_mpnn_default" \
        --transmembrane_buried "C1 C2 C3 C11" \
        --transmembrane_interface "C4 C5 C6 C22"

26 --fasta_seq_separation

Choose a symbol to put between different chains in fasta output format. It's recommended to PDB output format to deal with residue jumps and multiple chain parsing.

python \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/fasta_seq_separation" \
        --fasta_seq_separation ":"

27 --pdb_path_multi

Specify multiple PDB input paths. This is more efficient since the model needs to be loaded from the checkpoint once.

#"./inputs/1BC8.pdb": "",
#"./inputs/4GYT.pdb": ""
python \
        --pdb_path_multi "./inputs/pdb_ids.json" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/pdb_path_multi" \
        --seed 111

28 --fixed_residues_multi

Specify fixed residues when using --pdb_path_multi flag.

#"./inputs/1BC8.pdb": "C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C10 C22",
#"./inputs/4GYT.pdb": "A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 B38"
python \
        --pdb_path_multi "./inputs/pdb_ids.json" \
        --fixed_residues_multi "./inputs/fix_residues_multi.json" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/fixed_residues_multi" \
        --seed 111

29 --redesigned_residues_multi

Specify which residues need to be redesigned when using --pdb_path_multi flag.

#"./inputs/1BC8.pdb": "C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C10",
#"./inputs/4GYT.pdb": "A7 A8 A9 A10 A12 A13 B38"
python \
        --pdb_path_multi "./inputs/pdb_ids.json" \
        --redesigned_residues_multi "./inputs/redesigned_residues_multi.json" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/redesigned_residues_multi" \
        --seed 111

30 --omit_AA_per_residue_multi

Specify which residues need to be omitted when using --pdb_path_multi flag.

python \
        --pdb_path_multi "./inputs/pdb_ids.json" \
        --omit_AA_per_residue_multi "./inputs/omit_AA_per_residue_multi.json" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/omit_AA_per_residue_multi" \
        --seed 111

31 --bias_AA_per_residue_multi

Specify amino acid biases per residue when using --pdb_path_multi flag.

#"./inputs/1BC8.pdb": {"C1":{"A":3.0, "P":-2.0}, "C2":{"W":10.0, "G":-0.43}},
#"./inputs/4GYT.pdb": {"A7":{"Y":5.0, "S":-2.0}, "A8":{"M":3.9, "G":-0.43}}
python \
        --pdb_path_multi "./inputs/pdb_ids.json" \
        --bias_AA_per_residue_multi "./inputs/bias_AA_per_residue_multi.json" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/bias_AA_per_residue_multi" \
        --seed 111

32 --ligand_mpnn_cutoff_for_score

This sets the cutoff distance in angstroms to select residues that are considered to be close to ligand atoms. This flag only affects the num_ligand_res and ligand_confidence in the output fasta files.

python \
        --model_type "ligand_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --ligand_mpnn_cutoff_for_score "6.0" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/ligand_mpnn_cutoff_for_score"

33 specifying residues with insertion codes

You can specify residue using chain_id + residue_number + insersion_code; e.g. redesign only residue B82, B82A, B82B, B82C.

python \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/2GFB.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/insertion_code" \
        --redesigned_residues "B82 B82A B82B B82C" \
        --parse_these_chains_only "B"

34 parse atoms with zero occupancy

Parse atoms in the PDB files with zero occupancy too.

python \
        --model_type "ligand_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/parse_atoms_with_zero_occupancy" \
        --parse_atoms_with_zero_occupancy 1

Scoring examples

Output dictionary

out_dict = {}
out_dict["logits"] - raw logits from the model
out_dict["probs"] - softmax(logits)
out_dict["log_probs"] - log_softmax(logits)
out_dict["decoding_order"] - decoding order used (logits will depend on the decoding order)
out_dict["native_sequence"] - parsed input sequence in integers
out_dict["mask"] - mask for missing residues (usually all ones)
out_dict["chain_mask"] - controls which residues are decoded first
out_dict["alphabet"] - amino acid alphabet used
out_dict["residue_names"] - dictionary to map integers to residue_names, e.g. {0: "C10", 1: "C11"}
out_dict["sequence"] - parsed input sequence in alphabet
out_dict["mean_of_probs"] - averaged over batch_size*number_of_batches probabilities, [protein_length, 21]
out_dict["std_of_probs"] - same as above, but std

1 autoregressive with sequence info

Get probabilities/scores for backbone-sequence pairs using autoregressive probabilities: p(AA_1|backbone), p(AA_2|backbone, AA_1) etc. These probabilities will depend on the decoding order, so it's recomended to set number_of_batches to at least 10.

python \
        --model_type "ligand_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --autoregressive_score 1\
        --pdb_path "./outputs/ligandmpnn_default/backbones/1BC8_1.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/autoregressive_score_w_seq" \
        --use_sequence 1\
        --batch_size 1 \
        --number_of_batches 10

2 autoregressive with backbone info only

Get probabilities/scores for backbone using probabilities: p(AA_1|backbone), p(AA_2|backbone) etc. These probabilities will depend on the decoding order, so it's recomended to set number_of_batches to at least 10.

python \
        --model_type "ligand_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --autoregressive_score 1\
        --pdb_path "./outputs/ligandmpnn_default/backbones/1BC8_1.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/autoregressive_score_wo_seq" \
        --use_sequence 0\
        --batch_size 1 \
        --number_of_batches 10

3 single amino acid score with sequence info

Get probabilities/scores for backbone-sequence pairs using single aa probabilities: p(AA_1|backbone, AA_{all except AA_1}), p(AA_2|backbone, AA_{all except AA_2}) etc. These probabilities will depend on the decoding order, so it's recomended to set number_of_batches to at least 10.

python \
        --model_type "ligand_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --single_aa_score 1\
        --pdb_path "./outputs/ligandmpnn_default/backbones/1BC8_1.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/single_aa_score_w_seq" \
        --use_sequence 1\
        --batch_size 1 \
        --number_of_batches 10

4 single amino acid score with backbone info only

Get probabilities/scores for backbone-sequence pairs using single aa probabilities: p(AA_1|backbone), p(AA_2|backbone) etc. These probabilities will depend on the decoding order, so it's recomended to set number_of_batches to at least 10.

python \
        --model_type "ligand_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --single_aa_score 1\
        --pdb_path "./outputs/ligandmpnn_default/backbones/1BC8_1.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/single_aa_score_wo_seq" \
        --use_sequence 0\
        --batch_size 1 \
        --number_of_batches 10

Side chain packing examples

1 design a new sequence and pack side chains (return 1 side chain packing sample - fast)

Design a new sequence using any of the available models and also pack side chains of the new sequence. Return only a single solution for the side chain packing.

python \
        --model_type "ligand_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/sc_default_fast" \
        --pack_side_chains 1 \
        --number_of_packs_per_design 0 \
        --pack_with_ligand_context 1

2 design a new sequence and pack side chains (return 4 side chain packing samples)

Same as above, but returns 4 independent samples for side chains. b-factor shows log prob density per chi angle group.

python \
        --model_type "ligand_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/sc_default" \
        --pack_side_chains 1 \
        --number_of_packs_per_design 4 \
        --pack_with_ligand_context 1

3 fix specific residues fors sequence design and packing

This option will not repack side chains of the fixed residues, but use them as a context.

python \
        --model_type "ligand_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/sc_fixed_residues" \
        --pack_side_chains 1 \
        --number_of_packs_per_design 4 \
        --pack_with_ligand_context 1 \
        --fixed_residues "C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15" \
        --repack_everything 0

4 fix specific residues for sequence design but repack everything

This option will repacks all the residues.

python \
        --model_type "ligand_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/sc_fixed_residues_full_repack" \
        --pack_side_chains 1 \
        --number_of_packs_per_design 4 \
        --pack_with_ligand_context 1 \
        --fixed_residues "C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15" \
        --repack_everything 1

5 design a new sequence using LigandMPNN but pack side chains without considering ligand/DNA etc atoms

You can run side chain packing without taking into account context atoms like DNA atoms. This most likely will results in side chain clashing with context atoms, but it might be interesting to see how model's uncertainty changes when ligand atoms are present vs not for side chain conformations.

python \
        --model_type "ligand_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/sc_no_context" \
        --pack_side_chains 1 \
        --number_of_packs_per_design 4 \
        --pack_with_ligand_context 0

Things to add

  • Support for ProteinMPNN CA-only model.
  • Examples for scoring sequences only.
  • Side-chain packing scripts.
  • TER

Citing this work

If you use the code, please cite:

  title={Atomic context-conditioned protein sequence design using LigandMPNN},
  author={Dauparas, Justas and Lee, Gyu Rie and Pecoraro, Robert and An, Linna and Anishchenko, Ivan and Glasscock, Cameron and Baker, David},
  publisher={Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory}

  title={Robust deep learning--based protein sequence design using ProteinMPNN},
  author={Dauparas, Justas and Anishchenko, Ivan and Bennett, Nathaniel and Bai, Hua and Ragotte, Robert J and Milles, Lukas F and Wicky, Basile IM and Courbet, Alexis and de Haas, Rob J and Bethel, Neville and others},
  publisher={American Association for the Advancement of Science}

ligandmpnn's People


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ligandmpnn's Issues

Segmentation fault when winning on MAC oc

Hello, I am facing an error: python gives segmentation fault when it tries to execute model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["model_state_dict"]) command in line 90 of file.

When I commented it out, I was getting these kinds of errors again in the ProteinFeaturesLigand() class.

Help me to solve the problem, please 🥺🙏

Designing HOMO-OLIGOMER error

@dauparas Thanks for you hard work. I think I found a bug. My command is:

python \
--fixed_residues "A51 A52 A53 B154 B155 B156 C257 C258 C259 D360 D361 D362 E463 E464 E465 F566 F567 F568" `
--pdb_path "./design_4.pdb" `
--out_folder "./outputs/test" `
--batch_size 3 `
--number_of_batches 5 `
--temperature 0.1 `
--homo_oligomer 1`

The error is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "DL_biosoft/LigandMPNN/", line 794, in <module>
File "DL_biosoft/LigandMPNN/", line 315, in main
KeyError: 'A310'
Could you please help me solve this error? The PDB file is attached。

Thank you.

Making training files

hello, as with both of the mpnn projects you've made, there are no tutorials to make the training files. how is this done?

Typo in file and argparser help text for example of fixing/redesigning/parsing specific chains

For example, in the following CLI command examples in

17 --chains_to_design
Specify which chains (e.g. "ABC") need to be redesigned, other chains will be kept fixed. Outputs in seqs/backbones will still have atoms/sequences for the whole input PDB.

18 --parse_these_chains_only
Parse and design only specified chains (e.g. "ABC"). Outputs will have only specified chains.

multiple chains should be comma separated, that is "A,B,C" instead of "ABC", as per the parsing code (see lines 272-273 in for example):

if type(args.chains_to_design) == str:
            chains_to_design_list = args.chains_to_design.split(",")

Additionally, the help text for argparser flags (see lines 883-888 in for example):

        help="Provide chains letters for parsing backbones, 'ABCF'",

should also have multiple chains separated by commas.

Full-atom output PDB

Hi Justas, thank you for making this code available!

The output PDBs only contain backbone residues but have the residue names are consistent with the designed sequence. Is there a way to get output PDBs containing sidechain information?

definition of per-residue label for membranempnn

Dear authors,

Thank you for the amazing tool! I have a question regarding the per-residue label for membranempnn. How is the label defined for buried, interface, and other type? Let's say if I have a integral membrane protein, what cutoff should be used for buried vs interface and others?

Can I run LigandMPNN on my Windows Laptop?

I followed the installation instructions but when I try to run:

py --seed 111 --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" --out_folder "./outputs/default"

I get the following error message:

PS C:\LigandMPNN> py --seed 111 --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" --out_folder "./outputs/default"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\LigandMPNN\", line 24, in
from sc_utils import Packer, pack_side_chains
File "C:\LigandMPNN\", line 17, in
from import atom37_to_torsion_angles, make_atom14_masks
File "C:\LigandMPNN\openfold\data\", line 24, in
from import residue_constants as rc
File "C:\LigandMPNN\openfold\", line 11, in
modules = [(m, importlib.import_module("." + m, name)) for m in all]
File "C:\LigandMPNN\openfold\np_init
.py", line 11, in
modules = [(m, importlib.import_module("." + m, name)) for m in all]
File "C:\Users\EmilyRobertsKang\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\importlib_init
.py", line 126, in import_module
return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
File "C:\LigandMPNN\openfold\np\", line 23, in
from import residue_constants
File "C:\LigandMPNN\openfold\np\", line 24, in
import tree
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tree'

No version of pip installing tree seems to work. Openfold only has installation instructions for Linux, does this mean I can't run Openfold and/or LigandMPNN on my Windows Laptop (Windows 11 Pro operating system)?

Multiple sequence design for one target

Does LigandMPNN have the same argument as ProteinMPNN?

argparser.add_argument("--num_seq_per_target", type=int, default=1, help="Number of sequences to generate per target")

The side chain argument: --number_of_packs_per_design does not seem to affect the protein sequence level.
Or LigandMPNN can only generate one sequence per target?

Add a requirements.txt file


Largely inspired by issue #11, and otherwise inspired by the general pain that sorting Python dependencies causes me, I think it might be helpful to check a requirements.txt file into the repo!

That way new users could install all of the needed dependencies (the correct versions every time — avoiding breakage like that in #11) with a single pip install -r requirements.txt or similar.

Thanks again for the lovely project!

Training code


Thank you so much for working on, and releasing this! Do you plan to release training code similar to what was done for ProteinMPNN? Thanks again!

TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'Forward'

Thank you for developing this incredibly useful tool!

I run into issues when I install and run the code following the "Running the code" section of the README file.
I get the following error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/cache/home/al979/Khare/LigandMPNN/", line 801, in <module>
  File "/cache/home/al979/Khare/LigandMPNN/", line 159, in main
    protein_dict, backbone, other_atoms, icodes, _ = parse_PDB(
  File "/cache/home/al979/Khare/LigandMPNN/", line 780, in parse_PDB
    atoms ="occupancy > 0")
  File "/home/al979/.conda/envs/ligand_test/lib/python3.11/site-packages/prody/atomic/", line 232, in select
    return, selstr, **kwargs)
  File "/home/al979/.conda/envs/ligand_test/lib/python3.11/site-packages/prody/atomic/", line 895, in select
    indices = self.getIndices(atoms, selstr, **kwargs)
  File "/home/al979/.conda/envs/ligand_test/lib/python3.11/site-packages/prody/atomic/", line 953, in getIndices
    torf = self.getBoolArray(atoms, selstr, **kwargs)
  File "/home/al979/.conda/envs/ligand_test/lib/python3.11/site-packages/prody/atomic/", line 1004, in getBoolArray
    parser = self._getParser(selstr)
  File "/home/al979/.conda/envs/ligand_test/lib/python3.11/site-packages/prody/atomic/", line 1103, in _getParser
  File "/home/al979/.conda/envs/ligand_test/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyparsing/", line 265, in _inner
    return fn(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/al979/.conda/envs/ligand_test/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyparsing/", line 1132, in enable_packrat
    ParserElement.packrat_cache = _FifoCache(cache_size_limit)  # type: ignore[assignment]
  File "/home/al979/.conda/envs/ligand_test/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyparsing/", line 105, in __init__
    keyring = [object()] * size
TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'Forward'

It seems to be that ProDy is not reading in the input PDB file correctly. Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?

tree module in python can't be installed


I can't import the "tree" module in python3.11 even if I can find the module in my conda environment. I have a Mac. Is it an issue that occurred to someone else? Thanks

Problem with Ligand

We have a pdb file with the La metal as a ligand


and when we run we get this error:


This is the code we are running is

--model_type "ligand_mpnn"
--seed 111
--pdb_path "./inputs/test.pdb"
--out_folder "./outputs/test"
--pack_side_chains 1
--number_of_packs_per_design 4
--pack_with_ligand_context 1
--fixed_residues "A3"
--repack_everything 1

Do you know what we could be doing wrong?

Fixed Residues Not Working for Multiple Chains

Running the following command:

python \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/design_ppi_0.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/fix_residues_test" \
        --fixed_residues "A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3"

for a PDB with two chains only fixes the first three residues of chain A, but does not fix the residues in the second chain B. I also noticed this seems to be the case in the fixed_rediues_multi example output provided. It appears that B38 was not fixed in chain B. This also seems to happen with the redesigned_residues example as well, and only chain A has its residues fixed.

No ligand atoms parsed

Which is the correct format for a ligand?
I have this pdb. The ligand comes from a pose created by Diffdock on the included protein

But In my computer and in

I get No ligand atoms parsed

What is wrong?
Thanks for your help!

Docked Ligands Being Excluded Due To 0 Occupancy Value

Hi Justas,

Thank you for making this code available. I think this issue might be very niche, but I wanted to write it here in case others are struggling with this.

I was running LigandMPNN on an experimental structure from the PDB and a structure that I docked a ligand into using gnina. LMPNN worked perfectly fine on the experimental structure but on the docked structure, LMPNN would not recognize the ligand and I kept getting the message "no ligand atoms parsed". After comparing my pdb files and digging into, I realized that on line 779, atoms with 0 occupancy are excluded, which excluded my ligand.

I think this may have to do with the conversion of .sdf files (standard gnina output) to .pdb files within PyMol. For anyone else that runs into this problem, if you used PyMol to convert your sdf ligand file to a PDB, you need to set the occupancy values to 1.0 manually otherwise LigandMPNN will exclude them.

Not exactly an issue or something that I think needs to be changed, but I think this may be important troubleshooting note.

If fixed_residues_multi is supplied, the list of detectef fixed residues is wrong

thank you for the hard work you have been doing.
I think I spotted a bug at this line:

fixed_residues_multi = json.load(fh)

I think, after the files is loaded, the list of residues must be split like it is done at line 100.

This is how I fixed the bug ( don't know if it is right, though):

        with open(args.fixed_residues_multi, "r") as fh:
            fixed_residues_multi = json.load(fh)
            fixed_residues_multi = { pdb:fixed_residues.split() for pdb,fixed_residues in fixed_residues_multi.items() }

Thank you again

Ligand Recognition


I am trying to design a Lysine Binding Protein using LigandMPNN, but it seems that my ligand, which is lysine, is not being recognized. Could you please explain how LigandMPNN considers ligands? Is there a specific format or requirement for the ligand input that I should know?

Thank you!

Please, output 'probs' and 'log_probs'

It would be great if had an option to output probs and log_probs, instead of having to use

This is a feature I really miss from ProteinMPNN.

Is there a simple hack for this?

Many thanks!

Design a new sequence and pack side chains with RFNA Output

Hi @dauparas ,

Thanks for the work!

I am trying to design new sequence of protein-DNA complex that folded by RFNA model. Yet I met following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/workspace/work/LigandMPNN/", line 991, in <module>
  File "/workspace/work/LigandMPNN/", line 396, in main
    feature_dict = featurize(
  File "/workspace/work/LigandMPNN/", line 946, in featurize
    Y, Y_t, Y_m, D_XY = get_nearest_neighbours(
  File "/workspace/work/LigandMPNN/", line 898, in get_nearest_neighbours
    D_AB_closest = torch.sqrt(L2_AB_nn[:, 0])
IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for dimension 1 with size 0

The command I called is:

python \
        --model_type "ligand_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "example.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./example" \
        --pack_side_chains 1 \
        --number_of_packs_per_design 0 \
        --temperature 0.1 \
        --pack_with_ligand_context 1

example.pdb file can be found in this link (

Can you please help me out?

Thanks a lot!

2 design a new sequence and pack side chains (return 4 side chain packing samples)

Running the following command:

python \
        --model_type "ligand_mpnn" \
        --seed 111 \
        --pdb_path "./inputs/1BC8.pdb" \
        --out_folder "./outputs/sc_default" \
        --pack_side_chains 1 \
        --number_of_packs_per_design 4 \
        --pack_with_ligand_context 1

returns the following error:

Packing side chains...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/workspace/proteins/LigandMPNN/", line 981, in <module>
  File "/home/workspace/proteins/LigandMPNN/", line 517, in main
    sc_dict = pack_side_chains(
  File "/home/workspace/proteins/LigandMPNN/", line 67, in pack_side_chains
    torsion_dict = make_torsion_features(feature_dict, repack_everything)
  File "/home/workspace/proteins/LigandMPNN/", line 212, in make_torsion_features
    xyz14_noised = feats.frames_and_literature_positions_to_atom14_pos(
  File "/home/workspace/proteins/LigandMPNN/openfold/utils/", line 253, in frames_and_literature_positions_to_atom14_pos
    group_mask = nn.functional.one_hot(
RuntimeError: one_hot is only applicable to index tensor.

Alternate protonation states cause sequence truncation

I have taken P42212 and modified the PDB file to introduce alternate protonation states:

  • residue 90 to GLH
  • residue 48 to CYX
  • residue 139 to HIE

The fasta file from LigandMPNN, run with --redesigned_residues A48 A90 A139 includes sequences that are shorter by an amino acid, resulting from the removal of the E90. This includes both the reference sequence in the second line as well as all generated mutants.

I would suggest checking for protonation states and erroring out explicitly, or casting them to the standard residues.

index 0 is out of bounds for dimension 1 with size 0

Getting an error for LigandMPNN

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ubuntu/LigandMPNN/", line 794, in
File "/home/ubuntu/LigandMPNN/", line 353, in main
feature_dict = featurize(
File "/home/ubuntu/LigandMPNN/", line 945, in featurize
Y, Y_t, Y_m, D_XY = get_nearest_neighbours(
File "/home/ubuntu/LigandMPNN/", line 897, in get_nearest_neighbours
D_AB_closest = torch.sqrt(L2_AB_nn[:, 0])
IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for dimension 1 with size 0

If redesigned_residues_multi is supplied, the list of residues to redesign in not correct

thank you for the hard work you have been doing.
I think I spotted a bug at this line:

redesigned_residues_multi = json.load(fh)

I think, after the files is loaded, the list of residues must be split like it is done at line 109.

This is how I fixed the bug ( don't know if it is right, though):

    if args.redesigned_residues_multi:
        with open(args.redesigned_residues_multi, "r") as fh:
            redesigned_residues_multi = json.load(fh)
            redesigned_residues_multi = { pdb:redesigned_residues.split() for pdb,redesigned_residues in redesigned_residues_multi.items() }

Thank you again

LigandMPNN dataset


Thank you for creating this awesome program. I have been using this on a crystal structure currently on PDB. I just want to know if it was in the training dataset. Where do I look up if my protein is in the dataset or not?

Have a good day!

Definition of different types of residues in membraneMPNN

Hello authors,

Thank you for the wonderful tools. Could you specify how you defined buried and interface and other types when you train the membrane MPNN as in 'trained with extra input per residue specifying buried (hydrophobic), interface (polar), or other type residues; 3 classes)'?


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