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Skip to content Sign up Sign in This repository Search Explore Features Enterprise Pricing Watch 137 Star 490 Fork 1,535 Apostolique/ Branch: master @ApostoliqueApostolique 10 days ago Easier to see the borders 7 contributors @Apostolique @DarkN3ss61 @Linkaan @Timtech @henopied @Gjum @lilezek RawBlameHistory 2456 lines (2277 sloc) 93.893 kB /*The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015 Apostolique Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.*/ // ==UserScript== // @name AposLauncher // @namespace AposLauncher // @include* // @version 4.123 // @grant none // @author // ==/UserScript== var aposLauncherVersion = 4.123; Number.prototype.mod = function(n) { return ((this % n) + n) % n; }; Array.prototype.peek = function() { return this[this.length - 1]; }; var sha = "efde0488cc2cc176db48dd23b28a20b90314352b"; function getLatestCommit() { window.jQuery.ajax({ url: "", cache: false, dataType: "jsonp" }).done(function(data) { console.dir(; console.log("hmm: " +; sha =; function update(prefix, name, url) { window.jQuery(document.body).prepend("<div id='" + prefix + "Dialog' style='position: absolute; left: 0px; right: 0px; top: 0px; bottom: 0px; z-index: 100; display: none;'>"); window.jQuery('#' + prefix + 'Dialog').append("<div id='" + prefix + "Message' style='width: 350px; background-color: #FFFFFF; margin: 100px auto; border-radius: 15px; padding: 5px 15px 5px 15px;'>"); window.jQuery('#' + prefix + 'Message').append("<h2>UPDATE TIME!!!</h2>"); window.jQuery('#' + prefix + 'Message').append("<p>Grab the update for: <a id='" + prefix + "Link' href='" + url + "' target=\"_blank\">" + name + "</a></p>"); window.jQuery('#' + prefix + 'Link').on('click', function() { window.jQuery("#" + prefix + "Dialog").hide(); window.jQuery("#" + prefix + "Dialog").remove(); }); window.jQuery("#" + prefix + "Dialog").show(); } window.jQuery.get('' + Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000000) + 1), function(data) { var latestVersion = data.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, ""); latestVersion = latestVersion.substring(latestVersion.indexOf("// @version") + 11, latestVersion.indexOf("// @grant")); latestVersion = parseFloat(latestVersion + 0.0000); var myVersion = parseFloat(aposLauncherVersion + 0.0000); if (latestVersion > myVersion) { update("aposLauncher", "launcher.user.js", "" + sha + "/launcher.user.js/"); } console.log('Current launcher.user.js Version: ' + myVersion + " on Github: " + latestVersion); }); }).fail(function() {}); } getLatestCommit(); console.log("Running Bot Launcher!"); (function(d, e) { //UPDATE function keyAction(e) { if (84 == e.keyCode) { console.log("Toggle"); toggle = !toggle; } if (82 == e.keyCode) { console.log("ToggleDraw"); toggleDraw = !toggleDraw; } if (68 == e.keyCode) { window.setDarkTheme(!getDarkBool()); } if (70 == e.keyCode) { window.setShowMass(!getMassBool()); } if (69 == e.keyCode) { if (message.length > 0) { window.setMessage([]); window.onmouseup = function() {}; window.ignoreStream = true; } else { window.ignoreStream = false; window.refreshTwitch(); } } window.botList[botIndex].keyAction(e); } function humanPlayer() { //Don't need to do anything. return [getPointX(), getPointY()]; } function pb() { //UPDATE window.botList = window.botList || []; window.jQuery('#nick').val(originalName); function HumanPlayerObject() { = "Human"; this.keyAction = function(key) {}; this.displayText = function() {return [];}; this.mainLoop = humanPlayer; } var hpo = new HumanPlayerObject(); window.botList.push(hpo); window.updateBotList(); ya = !0; Pa(); setInterval(Pa, 18E4); var father = window.jQuery("#canvas").parent(); window.jQuery("#canvas").remove(); father.prepend("<canvas id='canvas'>"); G = za = document.getElementById("canvas"); f = G.getContext("2d"); G.onmousedown = function(a) { if (Qa) { var b = a.clientX - (5 + m / 5 / 2), c = a.clientY - (5 + m / 5 / 2); if (Math.sqrt(b * b + c * c) <= m / 5 / 2) { V(); H(17); return } } fa = a.clientX; ga = a.clientY; Aa(); V(); }; G.onmousemove = function(a) { fa = a.clientX; ga = a.clientY; Aa(); }; G.onmouseup = function() {}; /firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? document.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", Ra, !1) : document.body.onmousewheel = Ra; var a = !1, b = !1, c = !1; d.onkeydown = function(l) { //UPDATE if (!window.jQuery('#nick').is(":focus")) { 32 != l.keyCode || a || (V(), H(17), a = !0); 81 != l.keyCode || b || (H(18), b = !0); 87 != l.keyCode || c || (V(), H(21), c = !0); 27 == l.keyCode && Sa(!0); //UPDATE keyAction(l); } }; d.onkeyup = function(l) { 32 == l.keyCode && (a = !1); 87 == l.keyCode && (c = !1); 81 == l.keyCode && b && (H(19), b = !1); }; d.onblur = function() { H(19); c = b = a = !1 }; d.onresize = Ta; d.requestAnimationFrame(Ua); setInterval(V, 40); y && e("#region").val(y); Va(); ha(e("#region").val()); 0 == Ba && y && I(); W = !0; e("#overlays").show(); Ta(); d.location.hash && 6 <= d.location.hash.length && Wa(d.location.hash) } function Ra(a) { J *= Math.pow(.9, a.wheelDelta / -120 || a.detail || 0); //UPDATE 0.07 > J && (J = 0.07); J > 4 / h && (J = 4 / h) } function qb() { if (.4 > h) X = null; else { for (var a = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, b = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, c = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, l = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, d = 0, p = 0; p < v.length; p++) { var g = v[p]; !g.N() || g.R || 20 >= g.size * h || (d = Math.max(g.size, d), a = Math.min(g.x, a), b = Math.min(g.y, b), c = Math.max(g.x, c), l = Math.max(g.y, l)) } X = rb.ka({ ca: a - 10, da: b - 10, oa: c + 10, pa: l + 10, ma: 2, na: 4 }); for (p = 0; p < v.length; p++) if (g = v[p], g.N() && !(20 >= g.size * h)) for (a = 0; a < g.a.length; ++a) b = g.a[a].x, c = g.a[a].y, b < s - m / 2 / h || c < t - r / 2 / h || b > s + m / 2 / h || c > t + r / 2 / h || X.m(g.a[a]) } } function Aa() { //UPDATE if (toggle || window.botList[botIndex].name == "Human") { setPoint(((fa - m / 2) / h + s), ((ga - r / 2) / h + t)); } } function Pa() { null == ka && (ka = {}, e("#region").children().each(function() { var a = e(this), b = a.val(); b && (ka[b] = a.text()) })); e.get("", function(a) { var b = {}, c; for (c in a.regions) { var l = c.split(":")[0]; b[l] = b[l] || 0; b[l] += a.regions[c].numPlayers } for (c in b) e('#region option[value="' + c + '"]').text(ka[c] + " (" + b[c] + " players)") }, "json") } function Xa() { e("#adsBottom").hide(); e("#overlays").hide(); W = !1; Va(); d.googletag && d.googletag.pubads && d.googletag.pubads().clear(d.aa) } function ha(a) { a && a != y && (e("#region").val() != a && e("#region").val(a), y = d.localStorage.location = a, e(".region-message").hide(), e(".region-message." + a).show(), e(".btn-needs-server").prop("disabled", !1), ya && I()) } function Sa(a) { W || (K = null, sb(), a && (x = 1), W = !0, e("#overlays").fadeIn(a ? 200 : 3E3)) } function Y(a) { e("#helloContainer").attr("data-gamemode", a); P = a; e("#gamemode").val(a) } function Va() { e("#region").val() ? d.localStorage.location = e("#region").val() : d.localStorage.location && e("#region").val(d.localStorage.location); e("#region").val() ? e("#locationKnown").append(e("#region")) : e("#locationUnknown").append(e("#region")) } function sb() { la && (la = !1, setTimeout(function() { la = !0 //UPDATE }, 6E4 * Ya)) } function Z(a) { return d.i18n[a] || d.i18n_dict.en[a] || a } function Za() { var a = ++Ba; console.log("Find " + y + P); e.ajax("", { error: function() { setTimeout(Za, 1E3) }, success: function(b) { a == Ba && (b.alert && alert(b.alert), Ca("ws://" + b.ip, b.token)) }, dataType: "json", method: "POST", cache: !1, crossDomain: !0, data: (y + P || "?") + "\n154669603" }) } function I() { ya && y && (e("#connecting").show(), Za()) } function Ca(a, b) { if (q) { q.onopen = null; q.onmessage = null; q.onclose = null; try { q.close() } catch (c) {} q = null } && (a = "ws://" +; if (null != L) { var l = L; L = function() { l(b) } } if (tb) { var d = a.split(":"); a = d[0] + "s://ip-" + d[1].replace(/\./g, "-").replace(/\//g, "") + "" + (+d[2] + 2E3) } M = []; k = []; E = {}; v = []; Q = []; F = []; z = A = null; R = 0; $ = !1; console.log("Connecting to " + a); //UPDATE serverIP = a; q = new WebSocket(a); q.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; q.onopen = function() { var a; console.log("socket open"); a = N(5); a.setUint8(0, 254); a.setUint32(1, 5, !0); O(a); a = N(5); a.setUint8(0, 255); a.setUint32(1, 154669603, !0); O(a); a = N(1 + b.length); a.setUint8(0, 80); for (var c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) a.setUint8(c + 1, b.charCodeAt(c)); O(a); $a() }; q.onmessage = ub; q.onclose = vb; q.onerror = function() { console.log("socket error") } } function N(a) { return new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(a)) } function O(a) { q.send(a.buffer) } function vb() { $ && (ma = 500); console.log("socket close"); setTimeout(I, ma); ma *= 2 } function ub(a) { wb(new DataView( } function wb(a) { function b() { for (var b = "";;) { var d = a.getUint16(c, !0); c += 2; if (0 == d) break; b += String.fromCharCode(d) } return b } var c = 0; 240 == a.getUint8(c) && (c += 5); switch (a.getUint8(c++)) { case 16: xb(a, c); break; case 17: aa = a.getFloat32(c, !0); c += 4; ba = a.getFloat32(c, !0); c += 4; ca = a.getFloat32(c, !0); c += 4; break; case 20: k = []; M = []; break; case 21: Ea = a.getInt16(c, !0); c += 2; Fa = a.getInt16(c, !0); c += 2; Ga || (Ga = !0, na = Ea, oa = Fa); break; case 32: M.push(a.getUint32(c, !0)); c += 4; break; case 49: if (null != A) break; var l = a.getUint32(c, !0), c = c + 4; F = []; for (var d = 0; d < l; ++d) { var p = a.getUint32(c, !0), c = c + 4; F.push({ id: p, name: b() }) } ab(); break; case 50: A = []; l = a.getUint32(c, !0); c += 4; for (d = 0; d < l; ++d) A.push(a.getFloat32(c, !0)), c += 4; ab(); break; case 64: pa = a.getFloat64(c, !0); c += 8; qa = a.getFloat64(c, !0); c += 8; ra = a.getFloat64(c, !0); c += 8; sa = a.getFloat64(c, !0); c += 8; aa = (ra + pa) / 2; ba = (sa + qa) / 2; ca = 1; 0 == k.length && (s = aa, t = ba, h = ca); break; case 81: var g = a.getUint32(c, !0), c = c + 4, e = a.getUint32(c, !0), c = c + 4, f = a.getUint32(c, !0), c = c + 4; setTimeout(function() { S({ e: g, f: e, d: f }) }, 1200) } } function xb(a, b) { bb = C =; $ || ($ = !0, e("#connecting").hide(), cb(), L && (L(), L = null)); var c = Math.random(); Ha = !1; var d = a.getUint16(b, !0); b += 2; for (var u = 0; u < d; ++u) { var p = E[a.getUint32(b, !0)], g = E[a.getUint32(b + 4, !0)]; b += 8; p && g && (g.X(), g.s = g.x, g.t = g.y, g.r = g.size, g.J = p.x, g.K = p.y, g.q = g.size, g.Q = C) } for (u = 0;;) { d = a.getUint32(b, !0); b += 4; if (0 == d) break; ++u; var f, p = a.getInt16(b, !0); b += 4; g = a.getInt16(b, !0); b += 4; f = a.getInt16(b, !0); b += 2; for (var h = a.getUint8(b++), w = a.getUint8(b++), m = a.getUint8(b++), h = (h << 16 | w << 8 | m).toString(16); 6 > h.length;) h = "0" + h; var h = "#" + h, w = a.getUint8(b++), m = !!(w & 1), r = !!(w & 16); w & 2 && (b += 4); w & 4 && (b += 8); w & 8 && (b += 16); for (var q, n = "";;) { q = a.getUint16(b, !0); b += 2; if (0 == q) break; n += String.fromCharCode(q) } q = n; n = null; E.hasOwnProperty(d) ? (n = E[d], n.P(), n.s = n.x, n.t = n.y, n.r = n.size, n.color = h) : (n = new da(d, p, g, f, h, q), v.push(n), E[d] = n, = p, = g); n.h = m; n.n = r; n.J = p; n.K = g; n.q = f; = c; n.Q = C; = w; q && n.B(q); - 1 != M.indexOf(d) && -1 == k.indexOf(n) && (document.getElementById("overlays").style.display = "none", k.push(n), n.birth = getLastUpdate(), n.birthMass = (n.size * n.size / 100), 1 == k.length && (s = n.x, t = n.y, db())) //UPDATE interNodes[d] = window.getCells()[d]; } //UPDATE Object.keys(interNodes).forEach(function(element, index) { //console.log("start: " + interNodes[element].updateTime + " current: " + D + " life: " + (D - interNodes[element].updateTime)); var isRemoved = !window.getCells().hasOwnProperty(element); //console.log("Time not updated: " + (window.getLastUpdate() - interNodes[element].getUptimeTime())); if (isRemoved && (window.getLastUpdate() - interNodes[element].getUptimeTime()) > 3000) { delete interNodes[element]; } else { for (var i = 0; i < getPlayer().length; i++) { if (isRemoved && computeDistance(getPlayer()[i].x, getPlayer()[i].y, interNodes[element].x, interNodes[element].y) < getPlayer()[i].size + 710) { delete interNodes[element]; break; } } } }); c = a.getUint32(b, !0); b += 4; for (u = 0; u < c; u++) d = a.getUint32(b, !0), b += 4, n = E[d], null != n && n.X(); //UPDATE //Ha && 0 == k.length && Sa(!1) } //UPDATE function computeDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) { var xdis = x1 - x2; // <--- FAKE AmS OF COURSE! var ydis = y1 - y2; var distance = Math.sqrt(xdis * xdis + ydis * ydis); return distance; } /** * Some horse shit of some sort. * @return Horse Shit */ function screenDistance() { return Math.min(computeDistance(getOffsetX(), getOffsetY(), screenToGameX(getWidth()), getOffsetY()), computeDistance(getOffsetX(), getOffsetY(), getOffsetX(), screenToGameY(getHeight()))); } window.verticalDistance = function() { return computeDistance(screenToGameX(0), screenToGameY(0), screenToGameX(getWidth()), screenToGameY(getHeight())); } /** * A conversion from the screen's horizontal coordinate system * to the game's horizontal coordinate system. * @param x in the screen's coordinate system * @return x in the game's coordinate system */ window.screenToGameX = function(x) { return (x - getWidth() / 2) / getRatio() + getX(); } /** * A conversion from the screen's vertical coordinate system * to the game's vertical coordinate system. * @param y in the screen's coordinate system * @return y in the game's coordinate system */ window.screenToGameY = function(y) { return (y - getHeight() / 2) / getRatio() + getY(); } window.drawPoint = function(x_1, y_1, drawColor, text) { if (!toggleDraw) { dPoints.push([x_1, y_1, drawColor]); dText.push(text); } } window.drawArc = function(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3, drawColor) { if (!toggleDraw) { var radius = computeDistance(x_1, y_1, x_3, y_3); dArc.push([x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3, radius, drawColor]); } } window.drawLine = function(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, drawColor) { if (!toggleDraw) { lines.push([x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, drawColor]); } } window.drawCircle = function(x_1, y_1, radius, drawColor) { if (!toggleDraw) { circles.push([x_1, y_1, radius, drawColor]); } } function V() { //UPDATE if (getPlayer().length == 0 && !reviving && ~~(getCurrentScore() / 100) > 0) { console.log("Dead: " + ~~(getCurrentScore() / 100)); apos('send', 'pageview'); } if (getPlayer().length == 0) { console.log("Revive"); setNick(originalName); reviving = true; } else if (getPlayer().length > 0 && reviving) { reviving = false; console.log("Done Reviving!"); } if (T()) { var a = fa - m / 2; var b = ga - r / 2; 64 > a * a + b * b || .01 > Math.abs(eb - ia) && .01 > Math.abs(fb - ja) || (eb = ia, fb = ja, a = N(13), a.setUint8(0, 16), a.setInt32(1, ia, !0), a.setInt32(5, ja, !0), a.setUint32(9, 0, !0), O(a)) } } function cb() { if (T() && $ && null != K) { var a = N(1 + 2 * K.length); a.setUint8(0, 0); for (var b = 0; b < K.length; ++b) a.setUint16(1 + 2 * b, K.charCodeAt(b), !0); O(a) } } function T() { return null != q && q.readyState == q.OPEN } window.opCode = function(a) { console.log("Sending op code."); H(parseInt(a)); } function H(a) { if (T()) { var b = N(1); b.setUint8(0, a); O(b) } } function $a() { if (T() && null != B) { var a = N(1 + B.length); a.setUint8(0, 81); for (var b = 0; b < B.length; ++b) a.setUint8(b + 1, B.charCodeAt(b)); O(a) } } function Ta() { m = d.innerWidth; r = d.innerHeight; za.width = G.width = m; za.height = G.height = r; var a = e("#helloContainer"); a.css("transform", "none"); var b = a.height(), c = d.innerHeight; b > c / 1.1 ? a.css("transform", "translate(-50%, -50%) scale(" + c / b / 1.1 + ")") : a.css("transform", "translate(-50%, -50%)"); gb() } function hb() { var a; a = Math.max(r / 1080, m / 1920); return a *= J } function yb() { if (0 != k.length) { for (var a = 0, b = 0; b < k.length; b++) a += k[b].size; a = Math.pow(Math.min(64 / a, 1), .4) * hb(); h = (9 * h + a) / 10 } } function gb() { //UPDATE dPoints = []; circles = []; dArc = []; dText = []; lines = []; var a, b =; ++zb; C = b; if (0 < k.length) { yb(); for (var c = a = 0, d = 0; d < k.length; d++) k[d].P(), a += k[d].x / k.length, c += k[d].y / k.length; aa = a; ba = c; ca = h; s = (s + a) / 2; t = (t + c) / 2; } else s = (29 * s + aa) / 30, t = (29 * t + ba) / 30, h = (9 * h + ca * hb()) / 10; qb(); Aa(); Ia || f.clearRect(0, 0, m, r); Ia ? (f.fillStyle = ta ? "#111111" : "#F2FBFF", f.globalAlpha = .05, f.fillRect(0, 0, m, r), f.globalAlpha = 1) : Ab(); v.sort(function(a, b) { return a.size == b.size ? - : a.size - b.size });; f.translate(m / 2, r / 2); f.scale(h, h); f.translate(-s, -t); //UPDATE; f.beginPath(); f.lineWidth = 5; f.strokeStyle = (getDarkBool() ? '#F2FBFF' : '#111111'); f.moveTo(getMapStartX(), getMapStartY()); f.lineTo(getMapStartX(), getMapEndY()); f.stroke(); f.moveTo(getMapStartX(), getMapStartY()); f.lineTo(getMapEndX(), getMapStartY()); f.stroke(); f.moveTo(getMapEndX(), getMapStartY()); f.lineTo(getMapEndX(), getMapEndY()); f.stroke(); f.moveTo(getMapStartX(), getMapEndY()); f.lineTo(getMapEndX(), getMapEndY()); f.stroke(); f.restore(); for (d = 0; d < v.length; d++) v[d].w(f); for (d = 0; d < Q.length; d++) Q[d].w(f); //UPDATE if (getPlayer().length > 0) { var moveLoc = window.botList[botIndex].mainLoop(); if (!toggle) { setPoint(moveLoc[0], moveLoc[1]); } } customRender(f); if (Ga) { na = (3 * na + Ea) / 4; oa = (3 * oa + Fa) / 4;; f.strokeStyle = "#FFAAAA"; f.lineWidth = 10; f.lineCap = "round"; f.lineJoin = "round"; f.globalAlpha = .5; f.beginPath(); for (d = 0; d < k.length; d++) f.moveTo(k[d].x, k[d].y), f.lineTo(na, oa); f.stroke(); f.restore(); } f.restore(); z && z.width && f.drawImage(z, m - z.width - 10, 10); R = Math.max(R, Bb()); //UPDATE var currentDate = new Date(); var nbSeconds = 0; if (getPlayer().length > 0) { //nbSeconds = currentDate.getSeconds() + currentDate.getMinutes() * 60 + currentDate.getHours() * 3600 - lifeTimer.getSeconds() - lifeTimer.getMinutes() * 60 - lifeTimer.getHours() * 3600; nbSeconds = (currentDate.getTime() - lifeTimer.getTime())/1000; } bestTime = Math.max(nbSeconds, bestTime); var displayText = 'Score: ' + ~~(R / 100) + " Current Time: " + nbSeconds + " seconds."; 0 != R && (null == ua && (ua = new va(24, "#FFFFFF")), ua.C(displayText), c = ua.L(), a = c.width, f.globalAlpha = .2, f.fillStyle = "#000000", f.fillRect(10, r - 10 - 24 - 10, a + 10, 34), f.globalAlpha = 1, f.drawImage(c, 15, r - 10 - 24 - 5)); Cb(); b = - b; b > 1E3 / 60 ? D -= .01 : b < 1E3 / 65 && (D += .01);.4 > D && (D = .4); 1 < D && (D = 1); b = C - ib; !T() || W ? (x += b / 2E3, 1 < x && (x = 1)) : (x -= b / 300, 0 > x && (x = 0)); 0 < x && (f.fillStyle = "#000000", f.globalAlpha = .5 * x, f.fillRect(0, 0, m, r), f.globalAlpha = 1); ib = C drawStats(f); } //UPDATE function customRender(d) {; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { d.beginPath(); d.lineWidth = 5; if (lines[i][4] == 0) { d.strokeStyle = "#FF0000"; } else if (lines[i][4] == 1) { d.strokeStyle = "#00FF00"; } else if (lines[i][4] == 2) { d.strokeStyle = "#0000FF"; } else if (lines[i][4] == 3) { d.strokeStyle = "#FF8000"; } else if (lines[i][4] == 4) { d.strokeStyle = "#8A2BE2"; } else if (lines[i][4] == 5) { d.strokeStyle = "#FF69B4"; } else if (lines[i][4] == 6) { d.strokeStyle = "#008080"; } else if (lines[i][4] == 7) { d.strokeStyle = (getDarkBool() ? '#F2FBFF' : '#111111'); } else { d.strokeStyle = "#000000"; } d.moveTo(lines[i][0], lines[i][1]); d.lineTo(lines[i][2], lines[i][3]); d.stroke(); } d.restore();; for (var i = 0; i < circles.length; i++) { if (circles[i][3] == 0) { d.strokeStyle = "#FF0000"; } else if (circles[i][3] == 1) { d.strokeStyle = "#00FF00"; } else if (circles[i][3] == 2) { d.strokeStyle = "#0000FF"; } else if (circles[i][3] == 3) { d.strokeStyle = "#FF8000"; } else if (circles[i][3] == 4) { d.strokeStyle = "#8A2BE2"; } else if (circles[i][3] == 5) { d.strokeStyle = "#FF69B4"; } else if (circles[i][3] == 6) { d.strokeStyle = "#008080"; } else if (circles[i][3] == 7) { d.strokeStyle = (getDarkBool() ? '#F2FBFF' : '#111111'); } else { d.strokeStyle = "#000000"; } d.beginPath(); d.lineWidth = 10; //d.setLineDash([5]); d.globalAlpha = 0.3; d.arc(circles[i][0], circles[i][1], circles[i][2], 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); d.stroke(); } d.restore();; for (var i = 0; i < dArc.length; i++) { if (dArc[i][7] == 0) { d.strokeStyle = "#FF0000"; } else if (dArc[i][7] == 1) { d.strokeStyle = "#00FF00"; } else if (dArc[i][7] == 2) { d.strokeStyle = "#0000FF"; } else if (dArc[i][7] == 3) { d.strokeStyle = "#FF8000"; } else if (dArc[i][7] == 4) { d.strokeStyle = "#8A2BE2"; } else if (dArc[i][7] == 5) { d.strokeStyle = "#FF69B4"; } else if (dArc[i][7] == 6) { d.strokeStyle = "#008080"; } else if (dArc[i][7] == 7) { d.strokeStyle = (getDarkBool() ? '#F2FBFF' : '#111111'); } else { d.strokeStyle = "#000000"; } d.beginPath(); d.lineWidth = 5; var ang1 = Math.atan2(dArc[i][1] - dArc[i][5], dArc[i][0] - dArc[i][4]); var ang2 = Math.atan2(dArc[i][3] - dArc[i][5], dArc[i][2] - dArc[i][4]); d.arc(dArc[i][4], dArc[i][5], dArc[i][6], ang1, ang2, false); d.stroke(); } d.restore();; for (var i = 0; i < dPoints.length; i++) { if (dText[i] == "") { var radius = 10; d.beginPath(); d.arc(dPoints[i][0], dPoints[i][1], radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); if (dPoints[i][2] == 0) { d.fillStyle = "black"; } else if (dPoints[i][2] == 1) { d.fillStyle = "yellow"; } else if (dPoints[i][2] == 2) { d.fillStyle = "blue"; } else if (dPoints[i][2] == 3) { d.fillStyle = "red"; } else if (dPoints[i][2] == 4) { d.fillStyle = "#008080"; } else if (dPoints[i][2] == 5) { d.fillStyle = "#FF69B4"; } else { d.fillStyle = "#000000"; } d.fill(); d.lineWidth = 2; d.strokeStyle = '#003300'; d.stroke(); } else { var text = new va(18, (getDarkBool() ? '#F2FBFF' : '#111111'), true, (getDarkBool() ? '#111111' : '#F2FBFF')); text.C(dText[i]); var textRender = text.L(); d.drawImage(textRender, dPoints[i][0] - (textRender.width / 2), dPoints[i][1] - (textRender.height / 2)); } } d.restore(); } function drawStats(d) { sessionScore = Math.max(getCurrentScore(), sessionScore); var botString = window.botList[botIndex].displayText(); var debugStrings = []; debugStrings.push("Bot: " + window.botList[botIndex].name); debugStrings.push("Launcher: AposLauncher " + aposLauncherVersion); debugStrings.push("T - Bot: " + (!toggle ? "On" : "Off")); debugStrings.push("R - Lines: " + (!toggleDraw ? "On" : "Off")); for (var i = 0; i < botString.length; i++) { debugStrings.push(botString[i]); } debugStrings.push(""); debugStrings.push("Best Score: " + ~~(sessionScore / 100)); debugStrings.push("Best Time: " + bestTime + " seconds"); debugStrings.push(""); debugStrings.push(serverIP); if (getPlayer().length > 0) { var offsetX = -getMapStartX(); var offsetY = -getMapStartY(); debugStrings.push("Location: " + Math.floor(getPlayer()[0].x + offsetX) + ", " + Math.floor(getPlayer()[0].y + offsetY)); } var offsetValue = 20; var text = new va(18, (getDarkBool() ? '#F2FBFF' : '#111111')); for (var i = 0; i < debugStrings.length; i++) { text.C(debugStrings[i]); var textRender = text.L(); d.drawImage(textRender, 20, offsetValue); offsetValue += textRender.height; } if (message.length > 0) { var mRender = []; var mWidth = 0; var mHeight = 0; for (var i = 0; i < message.length; i++) { var mText = new va(28, '#FF0000', true, '#000000'); mText.C(message[i]); mRender.push(mText.L()); if (mRender[i].width > mWidth) { mWidth = mRender[i].width; } mHeight += mRender[i].height; } var mX = getWidth() / 2 - mWidth / 2; var mY = 20; d.globalAlpha = 0.4; d.fillStyle = '#000000'; d.fillRect(mX - 10, mY - 10, mWidth + 20, mHeight + 20); d.globalAlpha = 1; var mOffset = mY; for (var i = 0; i < mRender.length; i++) { d.drawImage(mRender[i], getWidth() / 2 - mRender[i].width / 2, mOffset); mOffset += mRender[i].height; } } d.restore(); } function Ab() { f.fillStyle = ta ? "#111111" : "#F2FBFF"; f.fillRect(0, 0, m, r);; f.strokeStyle = ta ? "#AAAAAA" : "#000000"; f.globalAlpha = .2 * h; for (var a = m / h, b = r / h, c = (a / 2 - s) % 50; c < a; c += 50) f.beginPath(), f.moveTo(c * h - .5, 0), f.lineTo(c * h - .5, b * h), f.stroke(); for (c = (b / 2 - t) % 50; c < b; c += 50) f.beginPath(), f.moveTo(0, c * h - .5), f.lineTo(a * h, c * h - .5), f.stroke(); f.restore() } function Cb() { if (Qa && Ja.width) { var a = m / 5; f.drawImage(Ja, 5, 5, a, a) } } function Bb() { for (var a = 0, b = 0; b < k.length; b++) a += k[b].q * k[b].q; return a } function ab() { z = null; if (null != A || 0 != F.length) if (null != A || wa) { z = document.createElement("canvas"); var a = z.getContext("2d"), b = 60, b = null == A ? b + 24 * F.length : b + 180, c = Math.min(200, .3 * m) / 200; z.width = 200 * c; z.height = b * c; a.scale(c, c); a.globalAlpha = .4; a.fillStyle = "#000000"; a.fillRect(0, 0, 200, b); a.globalAlpha = 1; a.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"; c = null; c = Z("leaderboard"); a.font = "30px Ubuntu"; a.fillText(c, 100 - a.measureText(c).width / 2, 40); if (null == A) for (a.font = "20px Ubuntu", b = 0; b < F.length; ++b) c = F[b].name || Z("unnamed_cell"), wa || (c = Z("unnamed_cell")), -1 != M.indexOf(F[b].id) ? (k[0].name && (c = k[0].name), a.fillStyle = "#FFAAAA") : a.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF", c = b + 1 + ". " + c, a.fillText(c, 100 - a.measureText(c).width / 2, 70 + 24 * b); else for (b = c = 0; b < A.length; ++b) { var d = c + A[b] * Math.PI * 2; a.fillStyle = Db[b + 1]; a.beginPath(); a.moveTo(100, 140); a.arc(100, 140, 80, c, d, !1); a.fill(); c = d } } } function Ka(a, b, c, d, e) { this.V = a; this.x = b; this.y = c; this.i = d; this.b = e } function da(a, b, c, d, e, p) { = a; this.s = this.x = b; this.t = this.y = c; this.r = this.size = d; this.color = e; this.a = []; this.W(); this.B(p) } function va(a, b, c, d) { a && (this.u = a); b && (this.S = b); this.U = !!c; d && (this.v = d) } function S(a, b) { var c = "1" == e("#helloContainer").attr("data-has-account-data"); e("#helloContainer").attr("data-has-account-data", "1"); if (null == b && d.localStorage.loginCache) { var l = JSON.parse(d.localStorage.loginCache); l.f = a.f; l.d = a.d; l.e = a.e; d.localStorage.loginCache = JSON.stringify(l) } if (c) { var u = +e(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar-text").first().text().split("/")[0], c = +e(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar-text").first().text().split("/")[1].split(" ")[0], l = e(".agario-profile-panel .progress-bar-star").first().text(); if (l != a.e) S({ f: c, d: c, e: l }, function() { e(".agario-profile-panel .progress-bar-star").text(a.e); e(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar").css("width", "100%"); e(".progress-bar-star").addClass("animated tada").one("webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend", function() { e(".progress-bar-star").removeClass("animated tada") }); setTimeout(function() { e(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar-text").text(a.d + "/" + a.d + " XP"); S({ f: 0, d: a.d, e: a.e }, function() { S(a, b) }) }, 1E3) }); else { var p =, g = function() { var c; c = ( - p) / 1E3; c = 0 > c ? 0 : 1 < c ? 1 : c; c = c * c * (3 - 2 * c); e(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar-text").text(~~(u + (a.f - u) * c) + "/" + a.d + " XP"); e(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar").css("width", (88 * (u + (a.f - u) * c) / a.d).toFixed(2) + "%"); 1 > c ? d.requestAnimationFrame(g) : b && b() }; d.requestAnimationFrame(g) } } else e(".agario-profile-panel .progress-bar-star").text(a.e), e(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar-text").text(a.f + "/" + a.d + " XP"), e(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar").css("width", (88 * a.f / a.d).toFixed(2) + "%"), b && b() } function jb(a) { "string" == typeof a && (a = JSON.parse(a)); + 18E5 > a.ja ? e("#helloContainer").attr("data-logged-in", "0") : (d.localStorage.loginCache = JSON.stringify(a), B = a.fa, e(".agario-profile-name").text(, $a(), S({ f: a.f, d: a.d, e: a.e }), e("#helloContainer").attr("data-logged-in", "1")) } function Eb(a) { a = a.split("\n"); jb({ name: a[0], ta: a[1], fa: a[2], ja: 1E3 * +a[3], e: +a[4], f: +a[5], d: +a[6] }); console.log("Hello Facebook?"); } function La(a) { if ("connected" == a.status) { var b = a.authResponse.accessToken; d.FB.api("/me/picture?width=180&height=180", function(a) { d.localStorage.fbPictureCache =; e(".agario-profile-picture").attr("src", }); e("#helloContainer").attr("data-logged-in", "1"); null != B ? e.ajax("", { error: function() { console.log("Facebook Fail!"); B = null; La(a) }, success: function(a) { a = a.split("\n"); S({ e: +a[0], f: +a[1], d: +a[2] }); console.log("Facebook connected!"); }, dataType: "text", method: "POST", cache: !1, crossDomain: !0, data: B }) : e.ajax("", { error: function() { console.log("You have a Facebook problem!"); B = null; e("#helloContainer").attr("data-logged-in", "0") }, success: Eb, dataType: "text", method: "POST", cache: !1, crossDomain: !0, data: b }) } } function Wa(a) { Y(":party"); e("#helloContainer").attr("data-party-state", "4"); a = decodeURIComponent(a).replace(/.*#/gim, ""); Ma("#" + d.encodeURIComponent(a)); e.ajax(Na + "//", { error: function() { e("#helloContainer").attr("data-party-state", "6") }, success: function(b) { b = b.split("\n"); e(".partyToken").val("" + d.encodeURIComponent(a)); e("#helloContainer").attr("data-party-state", "5"); Y(":party"); Ca("ws://" + b[0], a) }, dataType: "text", method: "POST", cache: !1, crossDomain: !0, data: a }) } function Ma(a) { d.history && d.history.replaceState && d.history.replaceState({}, d.document.title, a) } if (!d.agarioNoInit) { var Na = d.location.protocol, tb = "https:" == Na, xa = d.navigator.userAgent; if (-1 != xa.indexOf("Android")) &&"send", "event", "MobileRedirect", "PlayStore"), setTimeout(function() { d.location.href = "market://details?" }, 1E3); else if (-1 != xa.indexOf("iPhone") || -1 != xa.indexOf("iPad") || -1 != xa.indexOf("iPod")) &&"send", "event", "MobileRedirect", "AppStore"), setTimeout(function() { d.location.href = "" }, 1E3); else { var za, f, G, m, r, X = null, //UPDATE toggle = false, toggleDraw = false, tempPoint = [0, 0, 1], dPoints = [], circles = [], dArc = [], dText = [], lines = [], names = ["Vilhena"], originalName = names[Math.floor(Math.random() * names.length)], sessionScore = 0, serverIP = "", interNodes = [], lifeTimer = new Date(), bestTime = 0, botIndex = 0, reviving = false, message = [], q = null, s = 0, t = 0, M = [], k = [], E = {}, v = [], Q = [], F = [], fa = 0, ga = 0, //UPDATE ia = -1, ja = -1, zb = 0, C = 0, ib = 0, K = null, pa = 0, qa = 0, ra = 1E4, sa = 1E4, h = 1, y = null, kb = !0, wa = !0, Oa = !1, Ha = !1, R = 0, ta = !1, lb = !1, aa = s = ~~((pa + ra) / 2), ba = t = ~~((qa + sa) / 2), ca = 1, P = "", A = null, ya = !1, Ga = !1, Ea = 0, Fa = 0, na = 0, oa = 0, mb = 0, Db = ["#333333", "#FF3333", "#33FF33", "#3333FF"], Ia = !1, $ = !1, bb = 0, B = null, J = 1, x = 1, W = !0, Ba = 0, Da = {}; (function() { var a =; "?" == a.charAt(0) && (a = a.slice(1)); for (var a = a.split("&"), b = 0; b < a.length; b++) { var c = a[b].split("="); Da[c[0]] = c[1] } })(); var Qa = "ontouchstart" in d && /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(d.navigator.userAgent), Ja = new Image; Ja.src = "img/split.png"; var nb = document.createElement("canvas"); if ("undefined" == typeof console || "undefined" == typeof DataView || "undefined" == typeof WebSocket || null == nb || null == nb.getContext || null == d.localStorage) alert("You browser does not support this game, we recommend you to use Firefox to play this"); else { var ka = null; d.setNick = function(a) { //UPDATE originalName = a; if (getPlayer().length == 0) { lifeTimer = new Date(); } Xa(); K = a; cb(); R = 0 }; d.setRegion = ha; d.setSkins = function(a) { kb = a }; d.setNames = function(a) { wa = a }; d.setDarkTheme = function(a) { ta = a }; d.setColors = function(a) { Oa = a }; d.setShowMass = function(a) { lb = a }; d.spectate = function() { K = null; H(1); Xa() }; d.setGameMode = function(a) { a != P && (":party" == P && e("#helloContainer").attr("data-party-state", "0"), Y(a), ":party" != a && I()) }; d.setAcid = function(a) { Ia = a }; null != d.localStorage && (null == d.localStorage.AB9 && (d.localStorage.AB9 = 0 + ~~(100 * Math.random())), mb = +d.localStorage.AB9, d.ABGroup = mb); e.get(Na + "//", function(a) { var b = a.split(" "); a = b[0]; b = b[1] || ""; - 1 == ["UA"].indexOf(a) && ob.push("ussr"); ea.hasOwnProperty(a) && ("string" == typeof ea[a] ? y || ha(ea[a]) : ea[a].hasOwnProperty(b) && (y || ha(ea[a][b]))) }, "text"); &&"send", "event", "User-Agent", d.navigator.userAgent, { nonInteraction: 1 }); var la = !1, Ya = 0; setTimeout(function() { la = !0 }, Math.max(6E4 * Ya, 1E4)); var ea = { AF: "JP-Tokyo", AX: "EU-London", AL: "EU-London", DZ: "EU-London", AS: "SG-Singapore", AD: "EU-London", AO: "EU-London", AI: "US-Atlanta", AG: "US-Atlanta", AR: "BR-Brazil", AM: "JP-Tokyo", AW: "US-Atlanta", AU: "SG-Singapore", AT: "EU-London", AZ: "JP-Tokyo", BS: "US-Atlanta", BH: "JP-Tokyo", BD: "JP-Tokyo", BB: "US-Atlanta", BY: "EU-London", BE: "EU-London", BZ: "US-Atlanta", BJ: "EU-London", BM: "US-Atlanta", BT: "JP-Tokyo", BO: "BR-Brazil", BQ: "US-Atlanta", BA: "EU-London", BW: "EU-London", BR: "BR-Brazil", IO: "JP-Tokyo", VG: "US-Atlanta", BN: "JP-Tokyo", BG: "EU-London", BF: "EU-London", BI: "EU-London", KH: "JP-Tokyo", CM: "EU-London", CA: "US-Atlanta", CV: "EU-London", KY: "US-Atlanta", CF: "EU-London", TD: "EU-London", CL: "BR-Brazil", CN: "CN-China", CX: "JP-Tokyo", CC: "JP-Tokyo", CO: "BR-Brazil", KM: "EU-London", CD: "EU-London", CG: "EU-London", CK: "SG-Singapore", CR: "US-Atlanta", CI: "EU-London", HR: "EU-London", CU: "US-Atlanta", CW: "US-Atlanta", CY: "JP-Tokyo", CZ: "EU-London", DK: "EU-London", DJ: "EU-London", DM: "US-Atlanta", DO: "US-Atlanta", EC: "BR-Brazil", EG: "EU-London", SV: "US-Atlanta", GQ: "EU-London", ER: "EU-London", EE: "EU-London", ET: "EU-London", FO: "EU-London", FK: "BR-Brazil", FJ: "SG-Singapore", FI: "EU-London", FR: "EU-London", GF: "BR-Brazil", PF: "SG-Singapore", GA: "EU-London", GM: "EU-London", GE: "JP-Tokyo", DE: "EU-London", GH: "EU-London", GI: "EU-London", GR: "EU-London", GL: "US-Atlanta", GD: "US-Atlanta", GP: "US-Atlanta", GU: "SG-Singapore", GT: "US-Atlanta", GG: "EU-London", GN: "EU-London", GW: "EU-London", GY: "BR-Brazil", HT: "US-Atlanta", VA: "EU-London", HN: "US-Atlanta", HK: "JP-Tokyo", HU: "EU-London", IS: "EU-London", IN: "JP-Tokyo", ID: "JP-Tokyo", IR: "JP-Tokyo", IQ: "JP-Tokyo", IE: "EU-London", IM: "EU-London", IL: "JP-Tokyo", IT: "EU-London", JM: "US-Atlanta", JP: "JP-Tokyo", JE: "EU-London", JO: "JP-Tokyo", KZ: "JP-Tokyo", KE: "EU-London", KI: "SG-Singapore", KP: "JP-Tokyo", KR: "JP-Tokyo", KW: "JP-Tokyo", KG: "JP-Tokyo", LA: "JP-Tokyo", LV: "EU-London", LB: "JP-Tokyo", LS: "EU-London", LR: "EU-London", LY: "EU-London", LI: "EU-London", LT: "EU-London", LU: "EU-London", MO: "JP-Tokyo", MK: "EU-London", MG: "EU-London", MW: "EU-London", MY: "JP-Tokyo", MV: "JP-Tokyo", ML: "EU-London", MT: "EU-London", MH: "SG-Singapore", MQ: "US-Atlanta", MR: "EU-London", MU: "EU-London", YT: "EU-London", MX: "US-Atlanta", FM: "SG-Singapore", MD: "EU-London", MC: "EU-London", MN: "JP-Tokyo", ME: "EU-London", MS: "US-Atlanta", MA: "EU-London", MZ: "EU-London", MM: "JP-Tokyo", NA: "EU-London", NR: "SG-Singapore", NP: "JP-Tokyo", NL: "EU-London", NC: "SG-Singapore", NZ: "SG-Singapore", NI: "US-Atlanta", NE: "EU-London", NG: "EU-London", NU: "SG-Singapore", NF: "SG-Singapore", MP: "SG-Singapore", NO: "EU-London", OM: "JP-Tokyo", PK: "JP-Tokyo", PW: "SG-Singapore", PS: "JP-Tokyo", PA: "US-Atlanta", PG: "SG-Singapore", PY: "BR-Brazil", PE: "BR-Brazil", PH: "JP-Tokyo", PN: "SG-Singapore", PL: "EU-London", PT: "EU-London", PR: "US-Atlanta", QA: "JP-Tokyo", RE: "EU-London", RO: "EU-London", RU: "RU-Russia", RW: "EU-London", BL: "US-Atlanta", SH: "EU-London", KN: "US-Atlanta", LC: "US-Atlanta", MF: "US-Atlanta", PM: "US-Atlanta", VC: "US-Atlanta", WS: "SG-Singapore", SM: "EU-London", ST: "EU-London", SA: "EU-London", SN: "EU-London", RS: "EU-London", SC: "EU-London", SL: "EU-London", SG: "JP-Tokyo", SX: "US-Atlanta", SK: "EU-London", SI: "EU-London", SB: "SG-Singapore", SO: "EU-London", ZA: "EU-London", SS: "EU-London", ES: "EU-London", LK: "JP-Tokyo", SD: "EU-London", SR: "BR-Brazil", SJ: "EU-London", SZ: "EU-London", SE: "EU-London", CH: "EU-London", SY: "EU-London", TW: "JP-Tokyo", TJ: "JP-Tokyo", TZ: "EU-London", TH: "JP-Tokyo", TL: "JP-Tokyo", TG: "EU-London", TK: "SG-Singapore", TO: "SG-Singapore", TT: "US-Atlanta", TN: "EU-London", TR: "TK-Turkey", TM: "JP-Tokyo", TC: "US-Atlanta", TV: "SG-Singapore", UG: "EU-London", UA: "EU-London", AE: "EU-London", GB: "EU-London", US: "US-Atlanta", UM: "SG-Singapore", VI: "US-Atlanta", UY: "BR-Brazil", UZ: "JP-Tokyo", VU: "SG-Singapore", VE: "BR-Brazil", VN: "JP-Tokyo", WF: "SG-Singapore", EH: "EU-London", YE: "JP-Tokyo", ZM: "EU-London", ZW: "EU-London" }, L = null; d.connect = Ca; //UPDATE /** * Tells you if the game is in Dark mode. * @return Boolean for dark mode. */ window.getDarkBool = function() { return ta; } /** * Tells you if the mass is shown. * @return Boolean for player's mass. */ window.getMassBool = function() { return lb; } /** * This is a copy of everything that is shown on screen. * Normally stuff will time out when off the screen, this * memorizes everything that leaves the screen for a little * while longer. * @return The memory object. */ window.getMemoryCells = function() { return interNodes; } /** * [getCellsArray description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ window.getCellsArray = function() { return v; } /** * [getCellsArray description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ window.getCells = function() { return E; } /** * Returns an array with all the player's cells. * @return Player's cells */ window.getPlayer = function() { return k; } /** * The canvas' width. * @return Integer Width */ window.getWidth = function() { return m; } /** * The canvas' height * @return Integer Height */ window.getHeight = function() { return r; } /** * Scaling ratio of the canvas. The bigger this ration, * the further that you see. * @return Screen scaling ratio. */ window.getRatio = function() { return h; } /** * [getOffsetX description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ window.getOffsetX = function() { return aa; } window.getOffsetY = function() { return ba; } window.getX = function() { return s; } window.getY = function() { return t; } window.getPointX = function() { return ia; } window.getPointY = function() { return ja; } /** * The X location of the mouse. * @return Integer X */ window.getMouseX = function() { return fa; } /** * The Y location of the mouse. * @return Integer Y */ window.getMouseY = function() { return ga; } window.getMapStartX = function() { return pa; } window.getMapStartY = function() { return qa; } window.getMapEndX = function() { return ra; } window.getMapEndY = function() { return sa; } window.getScreenDistance = function() { var temp = screenDistance(); return temp; } /** * A timestamp since the last time the server sent any data. * @return Last update timestamp */ window.getLastUpdate = function() { return C; } window.getCurrentScore = function() { return R; } /** * The game's current mode. (":ffa", ":experimental", ":teams". ":party") * @return {[type]} [description] */ window.getMode = function() { return P; } window.setPoint = function(x, y) { ia = x; ja = y; } window.setScore = function(a) { sessionScore = a * 100; } window.setBestTime = function(a) { bestTime = a; } = function(a, b) { setScore(a); setBestTime(b); } window.setBotIndex = function(a) { console.log("Changing bot"); botIndex = a; } window.setMessage = function(a) { message = a; } window.updateBotList = function() {

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