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Open new conversation by default about gptme HOT 1 OPEN

ErikBjare avatar ErikBjare commented on June 19, 2024
Open new conversation by default

from gptme.

Comments (1)

ErikBjare avatar ErikBjare commented on June 19, 2024

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Step 1: 🔎 Searching

I found the following snippets in your repository. I will now analyze these snippets and come up with a plan.

Some code snippets I think are relevant in decreasing order of relevance (click to expand). If some file is missing from here, you can mention the path in the ticket description.


Lines 1 to 542 in e256fc9

import errno
import importlib.metadata
import io
import logging
import os
import re
import readline # noqa: F401
import sys
import urllib.parse
from import Generator
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal
import click
from pick import pick
from rich import print # noqa: F401
from rich.console import Console
from .commands import CMDFIX, action_descriptions, execute_cmd
from .dirs import get_logs_dir
from .init import init, init_logging
from .llm import reply
from .logmanager import LogManager, _conversations
from .message import Message
from .prompts import get_prompt
from .tools import execute_msg
from import ShellSession, set_shell
from .util import epoch_to_age, generate_name
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
print_builtin = __builtins__["print"] # type: ignore
LLMChoice = Literal["openai", "local"]
ModelChoice = Literal["gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4", "gpt-4-1106-preview"]
script_path = Path(os.path.realpath(__file__))
action_readme = "\n".join(
f" {CMDFIX}{cmd:11s} {desc}." for cmd, desc in action_descriptions.items()
docstring = f"""
GPTMe, a chat-CLI for LLMs, enabling them to execute commands and code.
If PROMPTS are provided, a new conversation will be started with it.
If one of the PROMPTS is '{MULTIPROMPT_SEPARATOR}', following prompts will run after the assistant is done answering the first one.
The chat offers some commands that can be used to interact with the system:
help="System prompt. Can be 'full', 'short', or something custom.",
help="Name of conversation. Defaults to generating a random name. Pass 'ask' to be prompted for a name.",
help="LLM to use.",
type=click.Choice(["openai", "azure", "local"]),
help="Model to use.",
help="Stream responses",
@click.option("-v", "--verbose", is_flag=True, help="Verbose output.")
"-y", "--no-confirm", is_flag=True, help="Skips all confirmation prompts."
help="Choose interactive mode, or not. Non-interactive implies --no-confirm, and is used in testing.",
help="Show hidden system messages.",
help="Show version.",
def main(
prompts: list[str],
prompt_system: str,
name: str,
llm: LLMChoice,
model: ModelChoice,
stream: bool,
verbose: bool,
no_confirm: bool,
interactive: bool,
show_hidden: bool,
version: bool,
"""Main entrypoint for the CLI."""
if version:
# print version and exit
print_builtin(f"gptme {importlib.metadata.version('gptme-python')}")
if "PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST" in os.environ:
interactive = False
# init logging
if not interactive:
no_confirm = True
if no_confirm:
logger.warning("Skipping all confirmation prompts.")
# get initial system prompt
initial_msgs = [get_prompt(prompt_system)]
# if stdin is not a tty, we're getting piped input, which we should include in the prompt
if not sys.stdin.isatty():
# fetch prompt from stdin
prompt_stdin = _read_stdin()
if prompt_stdin:
initial_msgs += [Message("system", f"```stdin\n{prompt_stdin}\n```")]
# Attempt to switch to interactive mode
sys.stdin = open("/dev/tty")
except OSError:
# if we can't open /dev/tty, we're probably in a CI environment, so we should just continue
"Failed to switch to interactive mode, continuing in non-interactive mode"
# join prompts, grouped by `-` if present, since that's the separator for multiple-round prompts
prompts = [p.strip() for p in "\n\n".join(prompts).split(sep) if p]
prompt_msgs = [Message("user", p) for p in prompts]
def chat(
prompt_msgs: list[Message],
initial_msgs: list[Message],
name: str,
llm: str,
model: str,
stream: bool = True,
no_confirm: bool = False,
interactive: bool = True,
show_hidden: bool = False,
Run the chat loop.
Callable from other modules.
# init
init(llm, model, interactive)
# (re)init shell
# we need to run this before checking stdin, since the interactive doesn't work with the switch back to interactive mode
logfile = get_logfile(
name, interactive=(not prompt_msgs and interactive) and sys.stdin.isatty()
print(f"Using logdir {logfile.parent}")
log = LogManager.load(logfile, initial_msgs=initial_msgs, show_hidden=show_hidden)
# print log
print("--- ^^^ past messages ^^^ ---")
# main loop
while True:
# if prompt_msgs given, insert next prompt into log
if prompt_msgs:
msg = prompt_msgs.pop(0)
msg = _include_paths(msg)
# if prompt is a user-command, execute it
if execute_cmd(msg, log):
# if:
# - prompts exhausted
# - non-interactive
# - no executable block in last assistant message
# then exit
elif not interactive:
# noreorder
from .tools import is_supported_codeblock # fmt: skip
codeblock = log.get_last_code_block("assistant", history=1, content=False)
if not (codeblock and is_supported_codeblock(codeblock)):"Non-interactive and exhausted prompts, exiting")
# ask for input if no prompt, generate reply, and run tools
for msg in step(log, no_confirm, model, stream=stream): # pragma: no cover
# run any user-commands, if msg is from user
if msg.role == "user" and execute_cmd(msg, log):
def step(
log: LogManager,
no_confirm: bool,
model: str,
stream: bool = True,
) -> Generator[Message, None, None]:
"""Runs a single pass of the chat."""
# if last message was from assistant, try to run tools again
# FIXME: can't do this here because it will run twice
# if log[-1].role == "assistant":
# yield from execute_msg(log[-1], ask=not no_confirm)
# If last message was a response, ask for input.
# If last message was from the user (such as from crash/edited log),
# then skip asking for input and generate response
last_msg = log[-1] if log else None
if (
not last_msg
or (last_msg.role in ["assistant"])
or last_msg.content == "Interrupted"
or last_msg.pinned
inquiry = prompt_user()
if not inquiry:
# Empty command, ask for input again
msg = Message("user", inquiry, quiet=True)
msg = _include_paths(msg)
yield msg
# print response
# performs reduction/context trimming, if necessary
msgs = log.prepare_messages()
for m in msgs:
logger.debug(f"Prepared message: {m}")
# generate response
msg_response = reply(msgs, model, stream)
# log response and run tools
if msg_response:
msg_response.quiet = True
yield msg_response
yield from execute_msg(msg_response, ask=not no_confirm)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
yield Message("system", "Interrupted")
def get_name(name: str) -> Path:
Returns a name for the new conversation.
If name is "random", generates a random name.
If name is "ask", asks the user for a name.
If name is starts with a date, uses it as is.
Otherwise, prepends the current date to the name.
datestr ="%Y-%m-%d")
logsdir = get_logs_dir()
# returns a name for the new conversation
if name == "random":
# check if name exists, if so, generate another one
for _ in range(3):
name = generate_name()
logpath = logsdir / f"{datestr}-{name}"
if not logpath.exists():
raise ValueError("Failed to generate unique name")
elif name == "ask": # pragma: no cover
while True:
# ask for name, or use random name
name = input("Name for conversation (or empty for random words): ")
name = f"{datestr}-{name}"
logpath = logsdir / name
# check that name is unique/doesn't exist
if not logpath.exists():
print(f"Name {name} already exists, try again.")
# if name starts with date, use as is
datetime.strptime(name[:10], "%Y-%m-%d")
except ValueError:
name = f"{datestr}-{name}"
logpath = logsdir / name
return logpath
def get_logfile(name: str, interactive=True) -> Path:
# let user select between starting a new conversation and loading a previous one
# using the library
title = "New conversation or load previous? "
NEW_CONV = "New conversation"
prev_conv_files = list(reversed(_conversations()))
def is_test(name: str) -> bool:
return "-test-" in name or name.startswith("test-")
# filter out test conversations
# TODO: save test convos to different folder instead
# prev_conv_files = [f for f in prev_conv_files if not is_test(]
NEWLINE = "\n"
prev_convs = [
f"{} \t{epoch_to_age(f.stat().st_mtime)} \t{len(f.read_text().split(NEWLINE)):5d} msgs"
for f in prev_conv_files
# don't run pick in tests/non-interactive mode
if interactive:
options = [
] + prev_convs
index: int
_, index = pick(options, title) # type: ignore
if index == 0:
logdir = get_name(name)
logdir = get_logs_dir() / prev_conv_files[index - 1].parent
logdir = get_name(name)
if not os.path.exists(logdir):
logfile = logdir / "conversation.jsonl"
if not os.path.exists(logfile):
open(logfile, "w").close()
return logfile
def prompt_user(value=None) -> str:
response = prompt_input(PROMPT_USER, value)
if response:
return response
def prompt_input(prompt: str, value=None) -> str:
prompt = prompt.strip() + ": "
if value:
print(prompt + value)
prompt = _rich_to_str(prompt)
original_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
value = input(prompt.strip() + " ")
sys.stdout = original_stdout
return value
def _rich_to_str(s: str) -> str:
console = Console(file=io.StringIO(), color_system="256")
return console.file.getvalue() # type: ignore
def _read_stdin() -> str:
chunk_size = 1024 # 1 KB
all_data = ""
while True:
chunk =
if not chunk:
all_data += chunk
return all_data
def _include_paths(msg: Message) -> Message:
"""Searches the message for any valid paths and appends the contents of such files as codeblocks."""
# TODO: add support for directories?
assert msg.role == "user"
# list the current directory
cwd_files = [ for f in Path.cwd().iterdir()]
# match absolute, home, relative paths, and URLs anywhere in the message
# could be wrapped with spaces or backticks, possibly followed by a question mark
# don't look in codeblocks, and don't match paths that are already in codeblocks
# TODO: this will misbehave if there are codeblocks (or triple backticks) in codeblocks
content_no_codeblocks = re.sub(r"```.*?\n```", "", msg.content, flags=re.DOTALL)
append_msg = ""
for word in re.split(r"[\s`]", content_no_codeblocks):
# remove wrapping backticks
word = word.strip("`")
# remove trailing question mark
word = word.rstrip("?")
if not word:
if (
# if word starts with a path character
any(word.startswith(s) for s in ["/", "~/", "./"])
# or word is a URL
or word.startswith("http")
# or word is a file in the current dir,
# or a path that starts in a folder in the current dir
or any(word.split("/", 1)[0] == file for file in cwd_files)
logger.debug(f"potential path/url: {word=}")
p = _parse_prompt(word)
if p:
# if we found a valid path, replace it with the contents of the file
append_msg += "\n\n" + p
# append the message with the file contents
if append_msg:
msg.content += append_msg
return msg
def _parse_prompt(prompt: str) -> str | None:
Takes a string that might be a path,
and if so, returns the contents of that file wrapped in a codeblock.
# if prompt is a command, exit early (as commands might take paths as arguments)
if any(
for command in [f"{CMDFIX}{cmd}" for cmd in action_descriptions.keys()]
return None
# check if prompt is a path, if so, replace it with the contents of that file
f = Path(prompt).expanduser()
if f.exists() and f.is_file():
return f"```{prompt}\n{Path(prompt).expanduser().read_text()}\n```"
except OSError as oserr:
# some prompts are too long to be a path, so we can't read them
if oserr.errno != errno.ENAMETOOLONG:
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# some files are not text files (images, audio, PDFs, binaries, etc), so we can't read them
# TODO: but can we handle them better than just printing the path? maybe with metadata from `file`?
# check if any word in prompt is a path or URL,
# if so, append the contents as a code block
words = prompt.split()
paths = []
urls = []
for word in words:
f = Path(word).expanduser()
if f.exists() and f.is_file():
p = urllib.parse.urlparse(word)
if p.scheme and p.netloc:
except ValueError:
result = ""
if paths or urls:
result += "\n\n"
if paths:
if urls:
for path in paths:
result += _parse_prompt(path) or ""
for url in urls:
# noreorder
from .tools.browser import read_url # fmt: skip
except ImportError:
"Failed to import browser tool, skipping URL expansion."
"You might have to install browser extras."
content = read_url(url)
result += f"```{url}\n{content}\n```"
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"Failed to read URL {url}: {e}")
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":

Step 2: ⌨️ Coding

Modify gptme/ with contents:
• Add a new CLI option `--list-conversations` to the `main` function's decorator to allow users to list past conversations. This option should be a boolean flag. - Add the following option to the `click.command` decorator in the `main` function: ```python @click.option('--list-conversations', is_flag=True, help='List past conversations.') ``` - Add `list_conversations: bool` as an argument to the `main` function to capture this option.
• Modify the `get_logfile` function to change its behavior based on the `list_conversations` flag. If `list_conversations` is `True`, the function should list past conversations and then exit. If `False`, it should proceed with creating a new conversation log file as it currently does when a new conversation is selected. - Inside the `get_logfile` function, before any other logic, add a conditional check for the `list_conversations` flag. If `True`, list the past conversations using the existing logic that retrieves and formats past conversation files, then call `sys.exit(0)` to exit the program. - Ensure that the `list_conversations` flag is passed to the `get_logfile` function from the `main` function. This may require adding an additional parameter to the `get_logfile` function definition and passing the argument from the `main` function call to `get_logfile`.
• In the `main` function, adjust the logic to check the `list_conversations` flag before calling `get_logfile`. If the flag is `True`, pass it to `get_logfile` to trigger the listing of past conversations. Otherwise, proceed as normal.
@@ -109,6 +109,9 @@
     help="Show version.",
[email protected](
+    '--list-conversations', is_flag=True, help='List past conversations.'
 def main(
     prompts: list[str],
     prompt_system: str,
@@ -119,6 +122,7 @@
     verbose: bool,
     no_confirm: bool,
     interactive: bool,
+    list_conversations: bool,
     show_hidden: bool,
     version: bool,
@@ -202,7 +206,7 @@
     # we need to run this before checking stdin, since the interactive doesn't work with the switch back to interactive mode
     logfile = get_logfile(
-        name, interactive=(not prompt_msgs and interactive) and sys.stdin.isatty()
+        name, interactive=(not prompt_msgs and interactive) and sys.stdin.isatty(), list_conversations=list_conversations
     print(f"Using logdir {logfile.parent}")
     log = LogManager.load(logfile, initial_msgs=initial_msgs, show_hidden=show_hidden)
@@ -339,7 +343,7 @@
     return logpath
-def get_logfile(name: str, interactive=True) -> Path:
+def get_logfile(name: str, interactive=True, list_conversations: bool = False) -> Path:
     # let user select between starting a new conversation and loading a previous one
     # using the library
     title = "New conversation or load previous? "
  • Running GitHub Actions for gptme/cli.pyEdit
Check gptme/ with contents:

Ran GitHub Actions for b45384d579c4d4cffcaf0a07f037f044f7403d30:

Step 3: 🔁 Code Review

I have finished reviewing the code for completeness. I did not find errors for sweep/open_new_conversation_by_default.

🎉 Latest improvements to Sweep:
  • New dashboard launched for real-time tracking of Sweep issues, covering all stages from search to coding.
  • Integration of OpenAI's latest Assistant API for more efficient and reliable code planning and editing, improving speed by 3x.
  • Use the GitHub issues extension for creating Sweep issues directly from your editor.

💡 To recreate the pull request edit the issue title or description.
Something wrong? Let us know.

This is an automated message generated by Sweep AI.

from gptme.

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