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Comments (2)

pestevez avatar pestevez commented on February 10, 2025

Hi @isatrio - apologies for the delayed response. Yes, it is possible to show the video, but the way to do it depends on the player that you are using.

Would you mind sharing a sample URL? We may have a bug in the preview.

from instant-articles-builder.

pestevez avatar pestevez commented on February 10, 2025

Here is an example:

I added the Embed element, which is used for external content (including Tweets, YouTube videos, Facebook posts, Instagram posts, etc.) It is important to mention that in most cases you'll want to use the Embed, since the Video element requires the source of the video asset.


and the preview looks like this:


I hope this helps. I am closing the issue but feel free to reopen if you need more help here.

from instant-articles-builder.

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