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Comments (12)

csrvsk avatar csrvsk commented on June 14, 2024

Hi Filepe,

Please check it and let me know if you have any fix for this issue.


from zpa.

felipebz avatar felipebz commented on June 14, 2024


You can use the ZPA Toolkit to check how the parser process your code, for example:


If that's your situation, you could subscribe to DdlGrammar.CREATE_TABLE and use node.getFirstChild(PlSqlGrammar.UNIT_NAME).getTokenOriginalValue() to get the table name.

from zpa.

csrvsk avatar csrvsk commented on June 14, 2024

Hi Filepe,

As you said, I did subscribed to DdlGrammer.CREATE_TABLE and
used node.getFirstChild(PlSqlGrammar.UNIT_NAME).getTokenOriginalValue() to get the table name.
Seems like it didn't work.

I am still getting the same error as before.

C:\myfiles\zpa-Latest>gradlew build -p plsql-custom-rules
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Djava.vendor="Sun Microsystems Inc."
Starting a Gradle Daemon, 1 incompatible Daemon could not be reused, use --status for details

Task :compileJava FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

  • What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ':compileJava'.

Could not resolve all files for configuration ':compileClasspath'.
Could not find org.sonar.plsqlopen:sonar-plsql-open-plugin:2.4.0.
Searched in the following locations:
- file:/C:/Users/ShivaKumar.Vardhamaa/.m2/repository/org/sonar/plsqlopen/sonar-plsql-open-plugin/2.4.0/sonar-plsql-open-plugin-2.4.0.pom
Required by:
project :

  • Try:

Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Run with --scan to get full insights.
Get more help at

1 actionable task: 1 executed


Not sure what went wrong in this


from zpa.

felipebz avatar felipebz commented on June 14, 2024


Unfortunately, the version you are using is very old and Iā€™m unable to provide support for it. I suggest that you update the plugin to the latest version on the SonarQube server and follow the instructions at Create a plugin with custom rules.

from zpa.

csrvsk avatar csrvsk commented on June 14, 2024

Hi Filepe,

Plugin compatibility has been fixed by build.gradle file by replacing the following line

with this


But I am still getting the following error:

It says:
C:\myfiles\zpa-Latest>gradlew build -p plsql-custom-rules
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Djava.vendor="Sun Microsystems Inc."

Task :compileJava FAILED
C:\myfiles\zpa-Latest\plsql-custom-rules\src\main\java\com\company\plsql\ error: cannot find symbol
import org.sonar.plugins.plsqlopen.api.DdlGrammar.CREATE_TABLE;
symbol: class CREATE_TABLE
location: class DdlGrammar

1 error

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

  • What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ':compileJava'.

Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.

  • Try:

Run with --info option to get more log output.
Run with --scan to get full insights.

1 actionable task: 1 executed

Please advise how to fix this issue.


from zpa.

csrvsk avatar csrvsk commented on June 14, 2024

Hi Filepe,

Latest error is

C:\myfiles\zpa-Latest>gradlew clean build -p plsql-custom-rules
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Djava.vendor="Sun Microsystems Inc."

Task :compileTestJava FAILED
C:\myfiles\zpa-Latest\plsql-custom-rules\src\test\java\com\company\plsql\ error: cannot find symbol
import org.sonar.api.SonarEdition;
symbol: class SonarEdition
location: package org.sonar.api
C:\myfiles\zpa-Latest\plsql-custom-rules\src\test\java\com\company\plsql\ error: package org.sonarsource.sonarqube does not exist
import org.sonarsource.sonarqube.*;
C:\myfiles\zpa-Latest\plsql-custom-rules\src\test\java\com\company\plsql\ error: cannot find symbol
Plugin.Context context = new Plugin.Context(SonarRuntimeImpl.forSonarQube(Version.create(6, 0), SonarQubeSide.SERVER, SonarEdition.COMMUNITY));
symbol: variable SonarEdition
location: class PlSqlCustomRulesDefinitionTest

3 errors

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

  • What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ':compileTestJava'.

Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.

  • Try:

Run with --info option to get more log output.
Run with --scan to get full insights.

5 actionable tasks: 4 executed, 1 up-to-date



from zpa.

felipebz avatar felipebz commented on June 14, 2024


C:\myfiles\zpa-Latest\plsql-custom-rules\src\test\java\com\company\plsql\ error: package org.sonarsource.sonarqube does not exist
import org.sonarsource.sonarqube.*;

This line doesn't exist in the example:

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.sonar.api.Plugin;
import org.sonar.api.SonarEdition;
import org.sonar.api.SonarQubeSide;
import org.sonar.api.internal.SonarRuntimeImpl;
import org.sonar.api.utils.Version;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
public class PlSqlCustomRulesDefinitionTest {

C:\myfiles\zpa-Latest\plsql-custom-rules\src\test\java\com\company\plsql\ error: cannot find symbol
import org.sonar.api.SonarEdition;

C:\myfiles\zpa-Latest\plsql-custom-rules\src\test\java\com\company\plsql\ error: cannot find symbol
Plugin.Context context = new Plugin.Context(SonarRuntimeImpl.forSonarQube(Version.create(6, 0), SonarQubeSide.SERVER, SonarEdition.COMMUNITY));

And these errors indicate that's you're using the wrong version of the SonarQube API. You said before that you changed the dependency to implementation("com.felipebz.zpa:sonar-zpa-plugin:3.0.0"), but if we look at the 3.0.0 example:

Plugin.Context context = new Plugin.Context(SonarRuntimeImpl.forSonarQube(Version.create(6, 0), SonarQubeSide.SERVER));

SonarEdition didn't exist at that time.

It seems that's something wrong your build file and and it's quite hard for me to help you without knowing exactly what files you changed, what versions you're using.... I suggest you to get the whole plsql-custom-rules folder from here, don't change anything and try to build this project as is.

from zpa.

csrvsk avatar csrvsk commented on June 14, 2024

Hi Felipe,

Thanks for the advise.

As you said I used the latest 3.2.1 code from ( you shared.

It helped a lot.
As of now, I used the following logic,


import org.sonar.plugins.plsqlopen.api.DdlGrammar;
import org.sonar.plugins.plsqlopen.api.annotations.Priority;
import org.sonar.plugins.plsqlopen.api.annotations.Rule;
import org.sonar.plugins.plsqlopen.api.annotations.ActivatedByDefault;
import org.sonar.plugins.plsqlopen.api.annotations.ConstantRemediation;
import org.sonar.plugins.plsqlopen.api.checks.PlSqlCheck;
import org.sonar.plugins.plsqlopen.api.sslr.AstNode;

import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

name = "Table Naming Conventions",
description = "Ensure tables follow the defined naming conventions.",
key = "TableNamingCheck",
priority = Priority.MAJOR
public class TableNamingCheck extends PlSqlCheck {

private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(TableNamingCheck.class.getName());

private static final Pattern TABLE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^([A-Z0-9]{2,3})_([A-Z0-9_]+)(_TN|_TABLE_TN|_TABLE)?$");

public void init() {

public void visitNode(AstNode node) {
    // Check for a CREATE_TABLE child node similar to the commented code
    if (node.hasDirectChildren(DdlGrammar.CREATE_TABLE)) {
        // Fetch the first child of type CREATE_TABLE
        AstNode createTableNode = node.getFirstChild(DdlGrammar.CREATE_TABLE);

        // Assuming tableNameNode is actually what you meant to use as createTableNode
        AstNode tableNameNode = createTableNode;  // Or some other logic to get the table name node

        // Log the table name being evaluated (added logging)
        String tableName = tableNameNode.getTokenOriginalValue().toUpperCase();"Evaluating table name: " + tableName);

        if (tableNameNode != null) {
            // You can keep the following checks the same as the uncommented code

            if (!TABLE_PATTERN.matcher(tableName).matches()) {
                addIssue(node, "Table name does not follow the naming conventions.");

            // Additional checks for exceptions


As of now 

`Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Djava.vendor="Sun Microsystems Inc."

PlSqlCustomRulesDefinitionTest > test() STANDARD_OUT

PlSqlCustomRulesDefinitionTest > test() FAILED
org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: expected: <2> but was: <1>
at app//
at app//org.junit.jupiter.api.AssertionUtils.failNotEqual(
at app//org.junit.jupiter.api.AssertEquals.assertEquals(
at app//org.junit.jupiter.api.AssertEquals.assertEquals(
at app//org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals(
at app//

TableNameCheckTest > testExceptions() STANDARD_OUT
Running testExceptions

TableNameCheckTest > testIncorrectNamingConvention() STANDARD_OUT
Running testIncorrectNamingConvention

TableNameCheckTest > testCorrectNamingConvention() STANDARD_OUT
Running testCorrectNamingConvention

6 tests completed, 1 failed
Finished generating test XML results (0.009 secs) into: C:\myfiles\zpa-3.2.1\plsql-custom-rules\build\test-results\test
Generating HTML test report...
Finished generating test html results (0.019 secs) into: C:\myfiles\zpa-3.2.1\plsql-custom-rules\build\reports\tests\test

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.`

It is giving me this error, even though I have updated the size from 1 to 2,

`public class PlSqlCustomRulesDefinitionTest {

public void test() {
    Plugin.Context context = new Plugin.Context(SonarRuntimeImpl.forSonarQube(Version.create(8, 9), SonarQubeSide.SERVER, SonarEdition.COMMUNITY));
    PlSqlCustomRulesPlugin plugin = new PlSqlCustomRulesPlugin();
    assertEquals(2, context.getExtensions().size());
    //assertEquals(1, context.getExtensions().size());


Not sure what am I missing.

Please advise.


from zpa.

csrvsk avatar csrvsk commented on June 14, 2024

Hi Felipe,

I am able to compile the plugin.
But now the issue is - getting errors in integration test saying that, some of the json files were not found even though they exist.

Please check the following logs & advise how to fix.

PlSqlRulingTest > pljson() FAILED
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\CollapsibleIfStatementsCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\InequalityUsageCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\ComparisonWithNullCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\InsertWithoutColumnsCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\DeclareSectionWithoutDeclarationsCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\ComparisonWithBooleanCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\CharacterDatatypeUsageCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\SelectAllColumnsCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\ColumnsShouldHaveTableNameCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\ToDateWithoutFormatCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\ExplicitInParameterCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\VariableInitializationWithNullCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\EmptyStringAssignmentCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\VariableInitializationWithFunctionCallCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\IfWithExitCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\FunctionWithOutParameterCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\QueryWithoutExceptionHandlingCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\UnusedVariableCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\VariableHidingCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\DbmsOutputPutCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\UnnecessaryElseCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\DeadCodeCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\SameBranchCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\UnusedParameterCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\pljson\UnnecessaryNullStatementCheck.json were not found
at app//
at app//
at app//
at app//$default(Assertions.kt:26)
at app//
at app//$default(PlSqlRulingTest.kt:170)
at app//

PlSqlRulingTest > alexandria_plsql_utils() FAILED
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\EmptyBlockCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\ParsingErrorCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\CollapsibleIfStatementsCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\InequalityUsageCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\ComparisonWithNullCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\InsertWithoutColumnsCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\NvlWithNullParameterCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\ComparisonWithBooleanCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\CharacterDatatypeUsageCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\SelectAllColumnsCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\ExplicitInParameterCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\VariableInitializationWithNullCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\UselessParenthesisCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\EmptyStringAssignmentCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\VariableInitializationWithFunctionCallCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\IfWithExitCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\FunctionWithOutParameterCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\QueryWithoutExceptionHandlingCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\UnusedVariableCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\VariableHidingCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\DbmsOutputPutCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\UnnecessaryElseCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\DeadCodeCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\ConcatenationWithNullCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\SameBranchCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\UnusedParameterCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\CommitRollbackCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\UnnecessaryNullStatementCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\alexandria-plsql-utils\UnnecessaryAliasInQueryCheck.json were not found
at app//
at app//
at app//
at app//$default(Assertions.kt:26)
at app//
at app//$default(PlSqlRulingTest.kt:170)
at app//

PlSqlRulingTest > utPLSQL2() FAILED
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\EmptyBlockCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\ParsingErrorCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\InequalityUsageCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\InsertWithoutColumnsCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\CharacterDatatypeUsageCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\SelectAllColumnsCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\ColumnsShouldHaveTableNameCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\ExplicitInParameterCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\VariableInitializationWithNullCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\VariableInitializationWithFunctionCallCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\IfWithExitCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\FunctionWithOutParameterCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\RaiseStandardExceptionCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\QueryWithoutExceptionHandlingCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\UnusedVariableCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\VariableHidingCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\DbmsOutputPutCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\UnnecessaryElseCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\DeadCodeCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\SameBranchCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\UnusedParameterCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\CommitRollbackCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\UnnecessaryNullStatementCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\UnnecessaryAliasInQueryCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\UnhandledUserDefinedExceptionCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL2\CursorBodyInPackageSpecCheck.json were not found
at app//
at app//
at app//
at app//$default(Assertions.kt:26)
at app//
at app//$default(PlSqlRulingTest.kt:170)
at app//

PlSqlRulingTest > utPLSQL3() FAILED
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\EmptyBlockCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\ParsingErrorCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\CollapsibleIfStatementsCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\InequalityUsageCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\ComparisonWithNullCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\InsertWithoutColumnsCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\CharacterDatatypeUsageCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\SelectAllColumnsCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\ToDateWithoutFormatCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\ExplicitInParameterCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\VariableInitializationWithNullCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\IdenticalExpressionCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\VariableInitializationWithFunctionCallCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\IfWithExitCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\FunctionWithOutParameterCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\AddParenthesesInNestedExpressionCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\RaiseStandardExceptionCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\QueryWithoutExceptionHandlingCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\UnusedVariableCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\VariableHidingCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\DbmsOutputPutCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\UnnecessaryElseCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\ConcatenationWithNullCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\UnusedParameterCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\CommitRollbackCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\UnnecessaryNullStatementCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\UnnecessaryAliasInQueryCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\UnhandledUserDefinedExceptionCheck.json were not found
Expected issues on src\integrationTest\resources\expected\utPLSQL3\UnnecessaryLikeCheck.json were not found
at app//
at app//
at app//
at app//$default(Assertions.kt:26)
at app//
at app//$default(PlSqlRulingTest.kt:170)
at app//


from zpa.

csrvsk avatar csrvsk commented on June 14, 2024

Hi Felipe,

Please let me know if you have any update on this.


from zpa.

csrvsk avatar csrvsk commented on June 14, 2024

Hi Felipe,

I am testing your plugin downloaded and without making any changes.
When I ran "gradlew integrationTest" it is failing with the following logs.

I thought it was failing tests because of files i have added to create my custom rule. But it seems like that is not the issue at all.


Above logs were produced with zpa plugin version 3.2.0. source code - integration test, without making any chnags to actual source code.

Please find these logs and let me know, what are we missing here and how to fix it..


from zpa.

csrvsk avatar csrvsk commented on June 14, 2024

Hi Felipe,

Please let me know if there is a possibility to fix this error, as it is a blocker for us proceed to experiment on implementing new custom rules using your plugin. Because the basic plugin also having issues passing the integrationTest.

Any update from your end would help us.


from zpa.

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