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Comments (9)

lucasafonsokremer avatar lucasafonsokremer commented on June 16, 2024 2

Adding further,

I have installed a new Kubernetes cluster in AWS and setup kubevela installation using Helm with vela v1.9.9. Apparently everything is fine for Kubernetes v1.29.1 em vela 1.9.9.

KubeVela Version

CLI Version: 1.9.9
Core Version: 1.9.9
% kubectl version
Client Version: v1.28.3
Server Version: v1.29.1-eks-b9c9ed7
% kubectl get pods -n vela-system
NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kubevela-cluster-gateway-0o47f78c64-64st8   1/1     Running   0          4m11s
kubevela-vela-core-as9x87bff-98xo9         1/1     Running   0          4m11s

Additional context

I didn't visualize errors on vela-core and i was able to create an kubevela application, running a nginx for tests

from kubevela.

FogDong avatar FogDong commented on June 16, 2024 2

This is caused by the bug of v1.9.10.
I created a PR for fixing the client bug for v1.9.10, once it's merged, we'll release v1.9.11 and it should be fixed.

from kubevela.

dhiguero avatar dhiguero commented on June 16, 2024 1

Thanks @adityasinghal26 , @xqm32 for reporting the issue. I will try to reproduce and investigate the root cause.

from kubevela.

dhiguero avatar dhiguero commented on June 16, 2024 1

I was able to reproduce the issue performing the installation using vela install on Kubernetes v1.26.0, v1.26.14, v1.27.11, v1.28.7, and v1.29.2. And it seems that the issue may be on the vela CLI itself as using the helm approach on v1.29.2 seems to be working. I will suggest trying this approach while the issue is investigated on vela:

helm repo add kubevela
helm repo update
helm install --create-namespace -n vela-system kubevela kubevela/vela-core --wait
$ k apply -f basic_app.yaml created

$ k get pods
NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
express-server-565ccffd86-lg2qh   1/1     Running   0          9s

$ k get app
NAME             COMPONENT        TYPE         PHASE     HEALTHY   STATUS      AGE
first-vela-app   express-server   webservice   running   true      Ready:1/1   12s

from kubevela.

xqm32 avatar xqm32 commented on June 16, 2024

Same error here.

kubectl version

Client Version: v1.29.3
Kustomize Version: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3
Server Version: v1.29.2

vela version

CLI Version: 1.9.10
Core Version: 1.9.10
GitRevision: 24756fc507665bff5cbd6108e63391a3e50fa96b
GolangVersion: go1.22.1

from kubevela.

manjunathmkotabal avatar manjunathmkotabal commented on June 16, 2024

Kubevela officially support Kubernetes cluster >= v1.19 && <= v1.26. that's why it is not working properly in 1.29

from kubevela.

adityasinghal26 avatar adityasinghal26 commented on June 16, 2024

Hi @dhiguero,

I tried the above approach by using Helm earlier. The vela-core app was failing with the same error. I tried to install kubevela again using Helm commands that you mentioned above (adding below) in a fresh namepsace velaa. I am currently using Kubernetes v1.29.1 (installed using Docker Desktop).

helm repo add kubevelaa
helm repo update
helm install --create-namespace -n velaa kubevelaa kubevela/vela-core --wait

The vela-core pods is in Running state as in the screenshot above. However, the pod logs represent a different scenario with same errors again.

I0413 09:58:07.297014       1 componentdefinition_controller.go:64] "Reconcile componentDefinition" componentDefinition="velaa/worker"
E0413 09:58:07.297537       1 revison.go:349] "Could not create DefinitionRevision" err="the server could not find the requested resource (post"
I0413 09:58:09.065582       1 policydefinition_controller.go:62] "Reconciling PolicyDefinition..." Name="apply-once" Namespace="velaa"
I0413 09:58:09.065750       1 policydefinition_controller.go:62] "Reconciling PolicyDefinition..." Name="envbinding" Namespace="velaa"
I0413 09:58:09.065950       1 policydefinition_controller.go:62] "Reconciling PolicyDefinition..." Name="garbage-collect" Namespace="velaa"
I0413 09:58:09.067557       1 policydefinition_controller.go:62] "Reconciling PolicyDefinition..." Name="override" Namespace="velaa"
E0413 09:58:09.075152       1 revison.go:349] "Could not create DefinitionRevision" err="the server could not find the requested resource (post"
E0413 09:58:09.076257       1 revison.go:349] "Could not create DefinitionRevision" err="the server could not find the requested resource (post"
E0413 09:58:09.076729       1 revison.go:349] "Could not create DefinitionRevision" err="the server could not find the requested resource (post"
E0413 09:58:09.077156       1 revison.go:349] "Could not create DefinitionRevision" err="the server could not find the requested resource (post"
0413 09:58:09.078926       1 controller.go:329]  "msg"="Reconciler error" "error"="the server could not find the requested resource (patch override)" "PolicyDefinition"={"name":"override","namespace":"velaa"} "controller"="policydefinition" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="PolicyDefinition" "name"="override" "namespace"="velaa" "reconcileID"="4f902650-f898-421d-82ec-ffadc416d267"
I0413 09:58:09.079030       1 policydefinition_controller.go:62] "Reconciling PolicyDefinition..." Name="read-only" Namespace="velaa"
E0413 09:58:09.080864       1 revison.go:349] "Could not create DefinitionRevision" err="the server could not find the requested resource (post"

Just to test the application resource, I also create a basic app using I am able to see the application created but not able to see anything in the pod list.

% kubectl apply -f basic_app.yaml created
% kubectl get velaapp --all-namespaces
default     first-vela-app   express-server   webservice                              2m2s
% kubectl get pods
No resources found in default namespace.

On inspecting further, below are the details when describing the velaapp. It shows no events for the app. I believe, we might need to upgrade kubevela for the latest Kubernetes versions.

% kubectl describe velaapp first-vela-app
Name:         first-vela-app
Namespace:    default
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         Application
  Creation Timestamp:  2024-04-13T10:02:47Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    1315418
  UID:                 e5149fa4-204a-4ff7-9c88-bca3a55ed35c
    Name:  express-server
      Image:  oamdev/hello-world
        Expose:  true
        Port:    8000
        Replicas:  1
      Type:        scaler
    Type:          webservice
    Name:  target-default
      Namespace:  default
    Type:         topology
    Name:         target-prod
      Namespace:  prod
    Type:         topology
    Name:         deploy-ha
            Replicas:  2
          Type:        scaler
        Type:          webservice
    Type:              override
      Name:  deploy2default
      Type:  deploy
      Name:  manual-approval
      Type:  suspend
      Name:  deploy2prod
      Type:  deploy
Events:      <none>

from kubevela.

adityasinghal26 avatar adityasinghal26 commented on June 16, 2024

Adding further,

I have installed a new Kubernetes cluster in local using kind utility and setup vela installation using Helm commands as in last comment. The error persists for Kubernetes v1.29.2.

kind create cluster --image=kindest/node:v1.29.2 --name=kind29-2
% kubectl version
Client Version: v1.29.3
Kustomize Version: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3
Server Version: v1.29.2
% kubectl -n velaa get pods
NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kubevelaa-cluster-gateway-5bb6f78c64-82rh7   1/1     Running   0          9m18s
kubevelaa-vela-core-5f88c87bff-qtfrq         1/1     Running   0          9m18s
E0413 10:45:53.716150       1 revison.go:349] "Could not create DefinitionRevision" err="the server could not find the requested resource (post"
E0413 10:45:53.717433       1 controller.go:329]  "msg"="Reconciler error" "error"="the server could not find the requested resource (patch list-config)" "WorkflowStepDefinition"={"name":"list-config","namespace":"velaa"} "controller"="workflowstepdefinition" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="WorkflowStepDefinition" "name"="list-config" "namespace"="velaa" "reconcileID"="df5e26cc-846c-4fd6-be3d-faee6c852024"
E0413 10:45:53.721594       1 controller.go:329]  "msg"="Reconciler error" "error"="the server could not find the requested resource (patch resource)" "TraitDefinition"={"name":"resource","namespace":"velaa"} "controller"="traitdefinition" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="TraitDefinition" "name"="resource" "namespace"="velaa" "reconcileID"="1d99f3a8-8b9d-4855-8a8f-1ef426a1f2dc"
I0413 10:45:53.811156       1 workflowstepdefinition_controller.go:65] "Reconciling WorkflowStepDefinition..." Name="clean-jobs" Namespace="velaa"
E0413 10:45:53.811872       1 revison.go:349] "Could not create DefinitionRevision" err="the server could not find the requested resource (post"
E0413 10:45:53.813681       1 controller.go:329]  "msg"="Reconciler error" "error"="the server could not find the requested resource (patch clean-jobs)" "WorkflowStepDefinition"={"name":"clean-jobs","namespace":"velaa"} "controller"="workflowstepdefinition" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="WorkflowStepDefinition" "name"="clean-jobs" "namespace"="velaa" "reconcileID"="62eae767-2015-45a9-bb23-ad4b538d9ea9"
I0413 10:45:53.912814       1 workflowstepdefinition_controller.go:65] "Reconciling WorkflowStepDefinition..." Name="build-push-image" Namespace="velaa"

from kubevela.

Sachin5411 avatar Sachin5411 commented on June 16, 2024

facing same issue for our setup as well :

% kubectl version
Client Version: v1.28.3
Server Version: v1.28.6-eks-508b6b3
helm list -n vela-system
NAME    	NAMESPACE  	REVISION	UPDATED                            	STATUS  	CHART           	APP VERSION
kubevela	vela-system	1       	2024-04-15 21:57:27.85141 +0530 IST	deployed	vela-core-1.9.10	1.9.10
E0415 16:31:42.806599       1 controller.go:329]  "msg"="Reconciler error" "error"="the server could not find the requested resource (patch ingress)" "TraitDefinition"={"name":"ingress","namespace":"vela-system"} "controller"="traitdefinition" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="TraitDefinition" "name"="ingress" "namespace"="vela-system" "reconcileID"="05210090-00a4-4961-9cd3-3d770ab73a2c"
I0415 16:31:42.902780       1 traitdefinition_controller.go:64] "Reconcile traitDefinition" traitDefinition="vela-system/scaler"
I0415 16:31:42.903218       1 workflowstepdefinition_controller.go:65] "Reconciling WorkflowStepDefinition..." Name="apply-component" Namespace="vela-system"
E0415 16:31:42.904018       1 revison.go:349] "Could not create DefinitionRevision" err="the server could not find the requested resource (post"
E0415 16:31:42.904324       1 revison.go:349] "Could not create DefinitionRevision" err="the server could not find the requested resource (post"
E0415 16:31:42.907039       1 controller.go:329]  "msg"="Reconciler error" "error"="the server could not find the requested resource (patch scaler)" "TraitDefinition"={"name":"scaler","namespace":"vela-system"} "controller"="traitdefinition" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="TraitDefinition" "name"="scaler" "namespace"="vela-system" "reconcileID"="e24d5a21-77d6-4625-832d-ac08a75f0490"
E0415 16:31:42.907214       1 controller.go:329]  "msg"="Reconciler error" "error"="the server could not find the requested resource (patch apply-component)" "WorkflowStepDefinition"={"name":"apply-component","namespace":"vela-system"} "controller"="workflowstepdefinition" "controllerGroup"="" "controllerKind"="WorkflowStepDefinition" "name"="apply-component" "namespace"="vela-system" "reconcileID"="af342392-8810-4376-9b4e-dbc6f2ad4368"

from kubevela.

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