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Comments (6)

vincenciusgeraldo avatar vincenciusgeraldo commented on May 28, 2024 1

I just updated the previous comment but its seem to be late. Let me put the full log again

> Setup permissions..
> Starting lldap..
Loading configuration from /data/lldap_config.toml
Configuration: Configuration {
    ldap_host: "",
    ldap_port: 3890,
    http_host: "",
    http_port: 17170,
    jwt_secret: ***SECRET***,
    ldap_base_dn: "dc=magicat,dc=lol",
    ldap_user_dn: UserId(
    ldap_user_email: "[email protected]",
    ldap_user_pass: ***SECRET***,
    database_url: "sqlite:///data/users.db?mode=rwc",
    ignored_user_attributes: [],
    ignored_group_attributes: [],
    verbose: true,
    key_file: "/data/private_key",
    key_seed: None,
    smtp_options: MailOptions {
        enable_password_reset: true,
        from: Some(
            Mailbox {
                name: Some(
                    "LLDAP Admin",
                email: Address {
                    serialized: "[email protected]",
                    at_start: 8,
        reply_to: None,
        server: "",
        port: 465,
        user: "[email protected]",
        password: ***SECRET***,
        smtp_encryption: None,
        tls_required: None,
    ldaps_options: LdapsOptions {
        enabled: false,
        port: 6360,
        cert_file: "cert.pem",
        key_file: "key.pem",
    http_url: Url {
        scheme: "http",
        cannot_be_a_base: false,
        username: "",
        password: None,
        host: Some(
        port: None,
        path: "/",
        query: None,
        fragment: None,
    server_setup: None,
2023-12-12T09:42:37.246337450+00:00  INFO     set_up_server [ 5.52ms | 29.20% / 100.00% ]
2023-12-12T09:42:37.246385961+00:00  INFO     ┝━ i [info]: Starting LLDAP version 0.5.0
2023-12-12T09:42:37.247203406+00:00  DEBUG    ┝━ get_schema_version [ 186µs | 3.37% ]
2023-12-12T09:42:37.249625156+00:00  DEBUG    │  ┕━ 🐛 [debug]:  | return: Some(SchemaVersion(5))
2023-12-12T09:42:37.249697391+00:00  DEBUG    ┝━ list_groups [ 870µs | 15.76% ] filters: Some(DisplayName("lldap_admin"))
2023-12-12T09:42:37.252194039+00:00  DEBUG    │  ┕━ 🐛 [debug]:  | return: [Group { id: GroupId(1), display_name: "lldap_admin", creation_date: 2023-12-12T08:40:04.548707389, uuid: Uuid("ff5c19e2-9993-369f-8054-130b41826e08"), users: [UserId("admin")], attributes: [] }]
2023-12-12T09:42:37.252205071+00:00  DEBUG    ┝━ list_groups [ 1.66ms | 29.98% ] filters: Some(DisplayName("lldap_password_manager"))
2023-12-12T09:42:37.254176886+00:00  DEBUG    │  ┕━ 🐛 [debug]:  | return: [Group { id: GroupId(2), display_name: "lldap_password_manager", creation_date: 2023-12-12T08:40:04.551430262, uuid: Uuid("094625dd-d037-3ad0-9682-c3ac70266811"), users: [], attributes: [] }]
2023-12-12T09:42:37.254190431+00:00  DEBUG    ┝━ list_groups [ 583µs | 10.56% ] filters: Some(DisplayName("lldap_strict_readonly"))
2023-12-12T09:42:37.255794045+00:00  DEBUG    │  ┕━ 🐛 [debug]:  | return: [Group { id: GroupId(3), display_name: "lldap_strict_readonly", creation_date: 2023-12-12T08:40:04.559195266, uuid: Uuid("45ab3a33-56aa-357b-82ca-22bb85208bbc"), users: [], attributes: [] }]
2023-12-12T09:42:37.255814292+00:00  DEBUG    ┝━ list_users [ 518µs | 9.38% ] filters: Some(MemberOf("lldap_admin")) | _get_groups: false
2023-12-12T09:42:37.257039003+00:00  DEBUG    │  ┕━ 🐛 [debug]:  | return: [UserAndGroups { user: User { user_id: UserId("admin"), email: "", display_name: Some("Administrator"), creation_date: 2023-12-12T08:40:04.595258435, uuid: Uuid("bf3462f9-f659-3ff8-ab1e-792a6a632b7e"), attributes: [] }, groups: Some([GroupDetails { group_id: GroupId(1), display_name: "lldap_admin", creation_date: 2023-12-12T08:40:04.548707389, uuid: Uuid("ff5c19e2-9993-369f-8054-130b41826e08"), attributes: [] }]) }]
2023-12-12T09:42:37.257473140+00:00  INFO     ┝━ i [info]: Starting the LDAP server on port 3890
2023-12-12T09:42:37.258986578+00:00  DEBUG    ┝━ get_jwt_blacklist [ 96.1µs | 1.74% ]
2023-12-12T09:42:37.259209329+00:00  INFO     ┕━ i [info]: Starting the API/web server on port 17170
2023-12-12T09:42:37.261194259+00:00  INFO     i [info]: starting 1 workers
2023-12-12T09:42:37.261227327+00:00  INFO     i [info]: Actix runtime found; starting in Actix runtime
2023-12-12T09:42:37.262657125+00:00  INFO     i [info]: DB Cleanup Cron started
2023-12-12T09:42:59.156600369+00:00  DEBUG    HTTP request [ 4.64ms | 8.03% / 100.00% ] method: "POST" | uri: "/auth/opaque/login/start"
2023-12-12T09:42:59.156853113+00:00  DEBUG    ┝━ opaque_login_start [ 4.27ms | 0.67% / 91.97% ]
2023-12-12T09:42:59.156872589+00:00  DEBUG    │  ┕━ login_start [ 4.24ms | 82.36% / 91.30% ]
2023-12-12T09:42:59.156896414+00:00  DEBUG    │     ┕━ get_password_file_for_user [ 415µs | 8.94% ] user_id: UserId("admin")
2023-12-12T09:42:59.161728146+00:00  DEBUG    ┕━ 🐛 [debug]:  | status_code: 200
2023-12-12T10:00:00.002034533+00:00  INFO     cleanup_db [ 331µs | 100.00% ]
2023-12-12T11:00:00.001915257+00:00  INFO     cleanup_db [ 1.26ms | 100.00% ]
2023-12-12T11:24:53.962279114+00:00  DEBUG    HTTP request [ 69.3µs | 73.70% / 100.00% ] method: "GET" | uri: "/auth/refresh"
2023-12-12T11:24:53.962313977+00:00  DEBUG    ┝━ get_refresh [ 18.2µs | 26.30% ]
2023-12-12T11:24:53.962355639+00:00  DEBUG    ┕━ 🐛 [debug]:  | status_code: 401
2023-12-12T11:25:00.914384690+00:00  DEBUG    HTTP request [ 1.35ms | 6.04% / 100.00% ] method: "POST" | uri: "/auth/opaque/login/start"
2023-12-12T11:25:00.914435698+00:00  DEBUG    ┝━ opaque_login_start [ 1.27ms | 0.75% / 93.96% ]
2023-12-12T11:25:00.914438223+00:00  DEBUG    │  ┕━ login_start [ 1.26ms | 80.83% / 93.21% ]
2023-12-12T11:25:00.914443705+00:00  DEBUG    │     ┕━ get_password_file_for_user [ 167µs | 12.38% ] user_id: UserId("admin")
2023-12-12T11:25:00.916338611+00:00  DEBUG    ┕━ 🐛 [debug]:  | status_code: 200

let me know if you find anything wrong 🙏

from lldap.

nitnelave avatar nitnelave commented on May 28, 2024

Welcome! Sorry that you can't log in, let's try to fix that.

First things first, the config: It's recommended to start by copying the lldap_config.docker_template.toml in the repository as a starting point: you'll have all the values, as well as the documentation for every parameter. In particular, it seems that you don't have the key_file or key_seed configured (the recommended one is key_seed). As a result, the server's private key (used to encrypt the passwords) will be regenerated every time on startup, and written to a file in /app (next to the lldap binary), which is not persisted. So as soon as you restart, every password is wrong. Same goes for the database, by the way: it will be deleted on every restart with your current configuration.

So, start by copying the template and adjust it from there. If you still have trouble, set verbose = true in the config, and paste (no screenshot) the entire log (including the config dump at the top) after trying to log in. You can put the logs between triple backticks:

all the logs

from lldap.

vincenciusgeraldo avatar vincenciusgeraldo commented on May 28, 2024

Hi, thank you for the fast reply. I'm actually already using the docker config and just omitted the other configs.
Here's my full config:

## Default configuration for Docker.
## All the values can be overridden through environment variables, prefixed
## with "LLDAP_". For instance, "ldap_port" can be overridden with the
## "LLDAP_LDAP_PORT" variable.

## Tune the logging to be more verbose by setting this to be true.
## You can set it with the LLDAP_VERBOSE environment variable.

## The host address that the LDAP server will be bound to.
## To enable IPv6 support, simply switch "ldap_host" to "::":
## To only allow connections from localhost (if you want to restrict to local self-hosted services),
## change it to "" ("::1" in case of IPv6)".
#ldap_host = ""

## The port on which to have the LDAP server.
#ldap_port = 3890

## The host address that the HTTP server will be bound to.
## To enable IPv6 support, simply switch "http_host" to "::".
## To only allow connections from localhost (if you want to restrict to local self-hosted services),
## change it to "" ("::1" in case of IPv6)".
#http_host = ""

## The port on which to have the HTTP server, for user login and
## administration.
#http_port = 17170

## The public URL of the server, for password reset links.
#http_url = "http://localhost"

## Random secret for JWT signature.
## This secret should be random, and should be shared with application
## servers that need to consume the JWTs.
## Changing this secret will invalidate all user sessions and require
## them to re-login.
## You should probably set it through the LLDAP_JWT_SECRET environment
## variable from a secret ".env" file.
## This can also be set from a file's contents by specifying the file path
## in the LLDAP_JWT_SECRET_FILE environment variable
## You can generate it with (on linux):
## LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9!#%&'\''()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_{|}~' </dev/urandom | head -c 32; echo ''
jwt_secret = "<insecure_secret>"

## Base DN for LDAP.
## This is usually your domain name, and is used as a
## namespace for your users. The choice is arbitrary, but will be needed
## to configure the LDAP integration with other services.
## The sample value is for "", but you can extend it with as
## many "dc" as you want, and you don't actually need to own the domain
## name.
ldap_base_dn = "dc=example,dc=com"

## Admin username.
## For the LDAP interface, a value of "admin" here will create the LDAP
## user "cn=admin,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" (with the base DN above).
## For the administration interface, this is the username.

## Admin email.
## Email for the admin account. It is only used when initially creating
## the admin user, and can safely be omitted.
ldap_user_email = "<email>"

## Admin password.
## Password for the admin account, both for the LDAP bind and for the
## administration interface. It is only used when initially creating
## the admin user.
## It should be minimum 8 characters long.
## You can set it with the LLDAP_LDAP_USER_PASS environment variable.
## This can also be set from a file's contents by specifying the file path
## in the LLDAP_LDAP_USER_PASS_FILE environment variable
## Note: you can create another admin user for user administration, this
## is just the default one.

## Database URL.
## This encodes the type of database (SQlite, MySQL, or PostgreSQL)
## , the path, the user, password, and sometimes the mode (when
## relevant).
## Note: SQlite should come with "?mode=rwc" to create the DB
## if not present.
## Example URLs:
##  - "postgres://postgres-user:password@postgres-server/my-database"
##  - "mysql://mysql-user:password@mysql-server/my-database"
## This can be overridden with the LLDAP_DATABASE_URL env variable.
database_url = "sqlite:///data/users.db?mode=rwc"

## Private key file.
## Contains the secret private key used to store the passwords safely.
## Note that even with a database dump and the private key, an attacker
## would still have to perform an (expensive) brute force attack to find
## each password.
## Randomly generated on first run if it doesn't exist.
## Alternatively, you can use key_seed to override this instead of relying on
## a file.
## Env variable: LLDAP_KEY_FILE
key_file = "/data/private_key"

## Seed to generate the server private key, see key_file above.
## This can be any random string, the recommendation is that it's at least 12
## characters long.
## Env variable: LLDAP_KEY_SEED
#key_seed = "RanD0m STR1ng"

## Ignored attributes.
## Some services will request attributes that are not present in LLDAP. When it
## is the case, LLDAP will warn about the attribute being unknown. If you want
## to ignore the attribute and the service works without, you can add it to this
## list to silence the warning.
#ignored_user_attributes = [ "sAMAccountName" ]
#ignored_group_attributes = [ "mail", "userPrincipalName" ]

## Options to configure SMTP parameters, to send password reset emails.
## To set these options from environment variables, use the following format
## (example with "password"): LLDAP_SMTP_OPTIONS__PASSWORD
## Whether to enabled password reset via email, from LLDAP.
## The SMTP server.
## The SMTP port.
## How the connection is encrypted, either "NONE" (no encryption), "TLS" or "STARTTLS".
smtp_encryption = "NONE"
## The SMTP user, usually your email address.
## The SMTP password.
## The header field, optional: how the sender appears in the email. The first
## is a free-form name, followed by an email between <>.
from="LLDAP Admin <[email protected]>"
## Same for reply-to, optional.
#reply_to="Do not reply <noreply@localhost>"

## Options to configure LDAPS.
## To set these options from environment variables, use the following format
## (example with "port"): LLDAP_LDAPS_OPTIONS__PORT
## Whether to enable LDAPS.
## Port on which to listen.
## Certificate file.
## Certificate key file.

I have added the key_file and mount the volume as shown o the compose file above. Is there something i missed?

Here's the log

2023-12-12T09:42:37.257473140+00:00  INFO     ┝━ i [info]: Starting the LDAP server on port 3890
2023-12-12T09:42:37.258986578+00:00  DEBUG    ┝━ get_jwt_blacklist [ 96.1µs | 1.74% ]
2023-12-12T09:42:37.259209329+00:00  INFO     ┕━ i [info]: Starting the API/web server on port 17170
2023-12-12T09:42:37.261194259+00:00  INFO     i [info]: starting 1 workers
2023-12-12T09:42:37.261227327+00:00  INFO     i [info]: Actix runtime found; starting in Actix runtime
2023-12-12T09:42:37.262657125+00:00  INFO     i [info]: DB Cleanup Cron started
2023-12-12T09:42:59.156600369+00:00  DEBUG    HTTP request [ 4.64ms | 8.03% / 100.00% ] method: "POST" | uri: "/auth/opaque/login/start"
2023-12-12T09:42:59.156853113+00:00  DEBUG    ┝━ opaque_login_start [ 4.27ms | 0.67% / 91.97% ]
2023-12-12T09:42:59.156872589+00:00  DEBUG    │  ┕━ login_start [ 4.24ms | 82.36% / 91.30% ]
2023-12-12T09:42:59.156896414+00:00  DEBUG    │     ┕━ get_password_file_for_user [ 415µs | 8.94% ] user_id: UserId("admin")
2023-12-12T09:42:59.161728146+00:00  DEBUG    ┕━ 🐛 [debug]:  | status_code: 200
2023-12-12T10:00:00.002034533+00:00  INFO     cleanup_db [ 331µs | 100.00% ]
2023-12-12T11:00:00.001915257+00:00  INFO     cleanup_db [ 1.26ms | 100.00% ]

from lldap.

nitnelave avatar nitnelave commented on May 28, 2024

from lldap.

vincenciusgeraldo avatar vincenciusgeraldo commented on May 28, 2024

Hi, already found out the problem is. It seems that after changing the password on config file, the password on the db is not changed even after restarting the service. I have to delete users.db file ad restart the service. Now it works!

Thank you for your time and fast response! I will now close this issue 🙏

from lldap.

nitnelave avatar nitnelave commented on May 28, 2024

Ah yes! That would be it :)
It's written in the documentation above the password field, but I guess we should also add it to the FAQ

from lldap.

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