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[BUG] <title>keyerror: "b'moov' not found" MP4StreamInfoError: not a MP4 file about streamrip HOT 5 CLOSED

G5dwe1 avatar G5dwe1 commented on June 2, 2024
[BUG] keyerror: "b'moov' not found" MP4StreamInfoError: not a MP4 file<p>from streamrip.</p></section> </section> </article> <article> <h2 class="h2">Comments (5)</h2> <section class="issue-comment"> <section id="1894982083" class="issue-head"> <img class="issue-avatar" src="" alt="cboby1234 avatar" /> <a class="issue-username" href="/cboby1234">cboby1234</a> <span class="issue-time"> commented on June 2, 2024 </span> </section> <section class="markdown markdown-js p-5"><p dir="auto">I also have the same problem, who can solve it。</p><p>from streamrip.</p></section> </section> <section class="issue-comment"> <section id="1895675016" class="issue-head"> <img class="issue-avatar" src="" alt="Geometryse avatar" /> <a class="issue-username" href="/Geometryse">Geometryse</a> <span class="issue-time"> commented on June 2, 2024 </span> </section> <section class="markdown markdown-js p-5"><blockquote> <p dir="auto">I also have the same problem, who can solve it。</p> </blockquote> <p dir="auto">Check out my PR; it solves the issue.</p><p>from streamrip.</p></section> </section> <section class="issue-comment"> <section id="1895889047" class="issue-head"> <img class="issue-avatar" src="" alt="G5dwe1 avatar" /> <a class="issue-username" href="/G5dwe1">G5dwe1</a> <span class="issue-time"> commented on June 2, 2024 </span> </section> <section class="markdown markdown-js p-5"><p dir="auto">PR? WHAT'S IT IS?</p><p>from streamrip.</p></section> </section> <section class="issue-comment"> <section id="1902177791" class="issue-head"> <img class="issue-avatar" src="" alt="Arturro43 avatar" /> <a class="issue-username" href="/Arturro43">Arturro43</a> <span class="issue-time"> commented on June 2, 2024 </span> </section> <section class="markdown markdown-js p-5"><p dir="auto">this issue has been resolved but new version of streamrip is not published yet, so if you still can't download songs from tidal use:<br> <code class="notranslate">pip3 uninstall streamrip</code><br> Confirm with Y<br> Then paste:<br> <code class="notranslate">pip3 install git+</code><br> and you are good to go!</p><p>from streamrip.</p></section> </section> <section class="issue-comment"> <section id="1906173465" class="issue-head"> <img class="issue-avatar" src="" alt="G5dwe1 avatar" /> <a class="issue-username" href="/G5dwe1">G5dwe1</a> <span class="issue-time"> commented on June 2, 2024 </span> </section> <section class="markdown markdown-js p-5"><p dir="auto">Thanks I closed this isssue</p><p>from streamrip.</p></section> </section> </article> <section> <h2 class="h2">Related Issues (20)</h2> <div class="issue"> <ul> <li> <a href="/nathom/streamrip/issues/619">[BUG] Should use album's total tracks instead of playlist's total tracks when renumber_playlist_tracks = false</a> </li> <li> <a href="/nathom/streamrip/issues/620">[BUG] Track number, disc number, total discs, total tracks should not have any zero padding</a> </li> <li> <a href="/nathom/streamrip/issues/621">[BUG] Cannot exclude "YEAR" from metadata</a> </li> <li> <a href="/nathom/streamrip/issues/622">[BUG] <title>ClientResponseError: 404</a> </li> <li> <a href="/nathom/streamrip/issues/624">[BUG] rip file --folder="path" path.txt no longer works</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 4</span> </li> <li> <a href="/nathom/streamrip/issues/625">[BUG] <title>Exception: Could not find app id.</a> </li> <li> <a href="/nathom/streamrip/issues/626">[FEATURE] [Deezer] also skip cover arts of albums for which all tracks are skipped</a> </li> <li> <a href="/nathom/streamrip/issues/627">[BUG] Logging to deezer takes a lot of time</a> </li> <li> <a href="/nathom/streamrip/issues/628">[BUG] Deezer saving 1 FLAC file rest mp3 files in an album</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 1</span> </li> <li> <a href="/nathom/streamrip/issues/629">[BUG] Connection pool is full, Error fetching album, max_quality_available argument empty</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 1</span> </li> <li> <a href="/nathom/streamrip/issues/630">[BUG] lastfm option does not download tracks using filepath format </a> </li> <li> <a href="/nathom/streamrip/issues/631">[BUG] Erroneous album ID extracted, in versions > 2</a> </li> <li> <a href="/nathom/streamrip/issues/632">[BUG] Search results not displayed</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 9</span> </li> <li> <a href="/nathom/streamrip/issues/633">[BUG] Bad concatenation of mp3 segments (Soundcloud)</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 1</span> </li> <li> <a href="/nathom/streamrip/issues/635">[BUG] Script aborts with "ClientPayloadError: Response payload is not completed" error</a> </li> <li> <a href="/nathom/streamrip/issues/636">[BUG] Deezer downloads appear to be corrupt (unable to transcode)</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 2</span> </li> <li> <a href="/nathom/streamrip/issues/637">[BUG] <rip repair></a> </li> <li> <a href="/nathom/streamrip/issues/638">[FEATURE] For non-readable Deezer tracks referenced by a playlist, get an alternative version</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 2</span> </li> <li> <a href="/nathom/streamrip/issues/639">[FEATURE] Download from specific ID in a large playlist </a> </li> <li> <a href="/nathom/streamrip/issues/640">[BUG] <Error: No such option: --quality></a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 11</span> </li> </ul> </div> </section> </main> <section id="more" class="flex-none w-full md:w-60 text-gray-600 bg-gray-50 px-5 md:px-3 rounded-md dark-color"> <div class="w-full md:w-60 h-0.5"></div> <section> <!-- recommend projects --> <h2 class="h2 py-3.5">Recommend Projects</h2> <ul> <li class="mb-4"> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7917632214101949" data-ad-slot="8072798030" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 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