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Comments (28)

nickian avatar nickian commented on June 4, 2024

Is there a package.json file in the root of your Mautic URL? It's looking for this file to verify the domain is correct: "".

If anyone's wondering why this validation exists, it's there to make sure the absolute URL of the new logo images that are added are correct in the new image tags (the images are uploaded to the /media/images folder). I would have used relative paths, but sometimes Mautic isn't installed in the root, so something like <img src="/media/images/login_logo.png"/> wouldn't work.

from mautic-whitelabeler.

redbackwebs avatar redbackwebs commented on June 4, 2024

Hi nickian - having the same issue .
The file package.json is not in the root of Mautic
any suggestions to create one?

from mautic-whitelabeler.

nickian avatar nickian commented on June 4, 2024

@redbackwebs I'm not sure why your installation wouldn't have one. But if it doesn't, you can copy this file into the Mautic root:

If you do already have a package.json, make sure it, and your other Mautic files, are writable by the web server. For example:

chown -R www-data:www-data mautic_directory

from mautic-whitelabeler.

redbackwebs avatar redbackwebs commented on June 4, 2024

Thanks @nickian . Works perfectly.
This is a fantastic feature. Well done.
How will updates to Mautic effect the whitelabeling?

from mautic-whitelabeler.

nickian avatar nickian commented on June 4, 2024

Unfortunately, updating Mautic will overwrite all of the whitelabeling and you'll have to run the whitelabeling app again.

I will have to update this script each time there is an update to Mautic and make sure it's compatible. Basically, I have to make sure new versions of Mautic haven't made other changes to the files modified in this script. Otherwise, I have to create new templates for new versions each time.

So check the file for the versions this is compatible with before you use it. I updated it today to work with 2.7.0.

from mautic-whitelabeler.

pckladivo avatar pckladivo commented on June 4, 2024


I have the same problem, so i downloaded the package.json. User Apache has full access to the file.
Mautic Root URL comes back green, but Where is Mautic installed? is always saying "Mautic installation not found here."

Any ideas ?


from mautic-whitelabeler.

nickian avatar nickian commented on June 4, 2024

@pckladivo The script is looking for package.json to validate the domain and /app/version.txt to verify the path and version of Mautic. Do you have that .txt file in the app directory?

from mautic-whitelabeler.

DigitalDirector avatar DigitalDirector commented on June 4, 2024

totally took my site offline

from mautic-whitelabeler.

nickian avatar nickian commented on June 4, 2024

@DigitalDirector usually when my Mautic site gives me the offline error, I do this and it fixes it:

php /path/to/mautic/app/console cache:clear

php /path/to/mautic/app/console cache:warmup


cd /path/to/mautic/app/cache
rm -r prod
mkdir prod
chown -R www-data:www-data prod

from mautic-whitelabeler.

DigitalDirector avatar DigitalDirector commented on June 4, 2024

worked! Thanks...

from mautic-whitelabeler.

DigitalDirector avatar DigitalDirector commented on June 4, 2024

the color didn't change in the left sidebar

from mautic-whitelabeler.

nickian avatar nickian commented on June 4, 2024

@DigitalDirector you probably have to clear your browser's cache.

from mautic-whitelabeler.

bazaglia avatar bazaglia commented on June 4, 2024

I'm also getting:

Mautic installation not found at this URL.

My absolute path is correctly found. I'm using official Docker Mautic image, which seems to doesn't include a package.json file in Mautic installation. Even though I created one manually and I'm able to access it in http://localhost/package.json, error persists. Any suggestion @nickian?

Thank you!

from mautic-whitelabeler.

nickian avatar nickian commented on June 4, 2024

@bazaglia Hmm, I'm not sure. Can you confirm that your server allows PHP to use the file_get_contents() function? Check php.ini for allow_url_fopen = on. Otherwise, maybe there's an issue with using localhost. Have you tried adding a virtual host with a full domain?

from mautic-whitelabeler.

bazaglia avatar bazaglia commented on June 4, 2024

@nickian I checked allow_url_fopen in php info and it's on, as default. I also tried to use a virtual host with a full domain, but no lucky. :(

I read the URL checking is just for installations on subfolders. Is there a way I can ignore this warning and proceed anyway?

Thank you again!

from mautic-whitelabeler.

nickian avatar nickian commented on June 4, 2024

@bazaglia You can try changing index.php on line 49 (

Just change to echo 1 and see what happens.

from mautic-whitelabeler.

khaoua avatar khaoua commented on June 4, 2024

Hi Nick, looking forward the new version of whitelabeler for mautic version 2.10 that just's been released ;-)

from mautic-whitelabeler.

isaipanelinha avatar isaipanelinha commented on June 4, 2024

Absolute path to Mautic's root on your server.
Mautic installation not found here.

Mautic version: 2.12.1

After the last update, the file "package-lock.json" was created in the root.

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from mautic-whitelabeler.

isaipanelinha avatar isaipanelinha commented on June 4, 2024

I renamed the file to "package.json" and then deleted the cache. But the whitelabeler did not identify.

from mautic-whitelabeler.

nickian avatar nickian commented on June 4, 2024

@isaipanelinha You should have package.json and package-lock.json in your root.

The absolute path to Mautic field doesn't look for package.json, it looks for /app/version.txt and checks the version number. What does that file say in your installation?

For the mautic root URL, it looks for LICENSE.txt in the root.

from mautic-whitelabeler.

isaipanelinha avatar isaipanelinha commented on June 4, 2024


from mautic-whitelabeler.

nickian avatar nickian commented on June 4, 2024

Not sure what's going on then. Maybe a permissions issue? Have you checked to see if the whitelabeler files have access through the web server user to access the Mautic files?

Are you using Apache? Does your Apache error log say anything? Or the browser console?

from mautic-whitelabeler.

isaipanelinha avatar isaipanelinha commented on June 4, 2024

@nickian Thank you for your work and patience. Have you checked that users of version 2.12.1 have been able to work with whitelabeler? Did any user give you any feedback? Regards

from mautic-whitelabeler.

nickian avatar nickian commented on June 4, 2024

No, it worked fine for me with 2.12.1. Seems to be working for this person after my last update as well: #18

from mautic-whitelabeler.

isaipanelinha avatar isaipanelinha commented on June 4, 2024

OK, @nickian ! Now, it worked for me. I downloaded the whitelabeler again, and it worked.
Thank you!

from mautic-whitelabeler.

RenerBR avatar RenerBR commented on June 4, 2024

Ainda não consegui resolver o problema "Instalação Mautic não encontrada neste URL" na versão v2.12.2

from mautic-whitelabeler.

Nirind avatar Nirind commented on June 4, 2024

Hi, @nickian not working for 2.14.2 for Mautic Root URL it says
"Mautic installation not found at this URL."

from mautic-whitelabeler.

faizanrbhat avatar faizanrbhat commented on June 4, 2024

Hi, @nickian not working for 2.14.2 for Mautic Root URL it says
"Mautic installation not found at this URL."

Try changing the URL to remove /app/mautic-whitelabeler

from mautic-whitelabeler.

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