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Contributing to this repository

Getting started

Before you begin:

Use the 'make a contribution' button

Navigating a new codebase can be challenging, so we're making that a little easier. As you're using, you may come across an article that you want to make an update to. You can click on the make a contribution button right on that article, which will take you to the file in this repo where you'll make your changes.

Before you make your changes, check to see if an issue exists already for the change you want to make.

Don't see your issue? Open one

If you spot something new, open an issue using a template. We'll use the issue to have a conversation about the problem you want to fix.

Ready to make a change? Fork the repo

Fork using GitHub Desktop:

Fork using the command line:

  • Fork the repo so that you can make your changes without affecting the original project until you're ready to merge them.

Fork with GitHub Codespaces:

Make your update:

Make your changes to the file(s) you'd like to update. Here are some tips and tricks for using the docs codebase.

Open a pull request

When you're done making changes and you'd like to propose them for review, use the pull request template to open your PR (pull request).

Submit your PR & get it reviewed

  • Once you submit your PR, others from the Docs community will review it with you. The first thing you're going to want to do is a self review.
  • After that, we may have questions, check back on your PR to keep up with the conversation.
  • Did you have an issue, like a merge conflict? Check out our git tutorial on how to resolve merge conflicts and other issues.

Your PR is merged!

Congratulations! The whole GitHub community thanks you. ✨

Once your PR is merged, you will be proudly listed as a contributor in the contributor chart.

Keep contributing as you use GitHub Docs

Now that you're a part of the GitHub Docs community, you can keep participating in many ways.

Learn more about contributing:

Types of contributions 📝

You can contribute to the GitHub Docs content and site in several ways. This repo is a place to discuss and collaborate on! Our small, but mighty 💪 docs team is maintaining this repo, to preserve our bandwidth, off topic conversations will be closed.

📣 Discussions

Discussions are where we have conversations.

If you'd like help troubleshooting a docs PR you're working on, have a great new idea, or want to share something amazing you've learned in our docs, join us in discussions.

🪲 Issues

Issues are used to track tasks that contributors can help with. If an issue has a triage label, we haven't reviewed it yet and you shouldn't begin work on it.

If you've found something in the content or the website that should be updated, search open issues to see if someone else has reported the same thing. If it's something new, open an issue using a template. We'll use the issue to have a conversation about the problem you want to fix.

🛠️ Pull requests

A pull request is a way to suggest changes in our repository.

When we merge those changes, they should be deployed to the live site within 24 hours. 🌍 To learn more about opening a pull request in this repo, see Opening a pull request below.

❓ Support

We are a small team working hard to keep up with the documentation demands of a continuously changing product. Unfortunately, we just can't help with support questions in this repository. If you are experiencing a problem with GitHub, unrelated to our documentation, please contact GitHub Support directly. Any issues, discussions, or pull requests opened here requesting support will be given information about how to contact GitHub Support, then closed and locked.

If you're having trouble with your GitHub account, contact Support.

🌏 Translations

This website is internationalized and available in multiple languages. The source content in this repository is written in English. We integrate with an external localization platform called Crowdin and work with professional translators to localize the English content.

We do not currently accept contributions for translated content, but we hope to in the future.

⚖️ Site Policy

GitHub's site policies are published on, too!

If you find a typo in the site policy section, you can open a pull request to fix it. For anything else, see the CONTRIBUTING guide in the site-policy repo.

Starting with an issue

You can browse existing issues to find something that needs help!


Labels can help you find an issue you'd like to help with.

  • The help wanted label is for problems or updates that anyone in the community can start working on.
  • The good first issue label is for problems or updates we think are ideal for beginners.
  • The content label is for problems or updates in the content on These will usually require some knowledge of Markdown.
  • The engineering label is for problems or updates in the website. These will usually require some knowledge of JavaScript/Node.js or YAML to fix.

Opening a pull request

You can use the GitHub user interface ✏️ for some small changes, like fixing a typo or updating a readme. You can also fork the repo and then clone it locally, to view changes and run your tests on your machine.

Working in the github/docs repository

Here's some information that might be helpful while working on a Docs PR:

  • Development - This short guide describes how to get this app running on your local machine.

  • Content markup reference - All of our content is written in GitHub-flavored Markdown, with some additional enhancements.

  • Content style guide for GitHub Docs - This guide covers GitHub-specific information about how we style our content and images. It also links to the resources we use for general style guidelines.

  • Reusables - We use reusables to help us keep content up to date. Instead of writing the same long string of information in several articles, we create a reusable, then call it from the individual articles.

  • Variables - We use variables the same way we use reusables. Variables are for short strings of reusable text.

  • Liquid - We use liquid helpers to create different versions of our content.

  • Scripts - The scripts directory is the home for all of the scripts you can run locally.

  • Tests - We use tests to ensure content will render correctly on the site. Tests run automatically in your PR, and sometimes it's also helpful to run them locally.


We (usually the docs team, but sometimes GitHub product managers, engineers, or supportocats too!) review every single PR. The purpose of reviews is to create the best content we can for people who use GitHub.

💛 Reviews are always respectful, acknowledging that everyone did the best possible job with the knowledge they had at the time.
💛 Reviews discuss content, not the person who created it.
💛 Reviews are constructive and start conversation around feedback.

Self review

You should always review your own PR first.

For content changes, make sure that you:

  • Confirm that the changes address every part of the content design plan from your issue (if there are differences, explain them).
  • Review the content for technical accuracy.
  • Review the entire pull request using the localization checklist.
  • Copy-edit the changes for grammar, spelling, and adherence to the style guide.
  • Check new or updated Liquid statements to confirm that versioning is correct.
  • Check that all of your changes render correctly in staging. Remember, that lists and tables can be tricky.
  • If there are any failing checks in your PR, troubleshoot them until they're all passing.

Pull request template

When you open a pull request, you must fill out the "Ready for review" template before we can review your PR. This template helps reviewers understand your changes and the purpose of your pull request.

Suggested changes

We may ask for changes to be made before a PR can be merged, either using suggested changes or pull request comments. You can apply suggested changes directly through the UI. You can make any other changes in your fork, then commit them to your branch.

As you update your PR and apply changes, mark each conversation as resolved.


This site can be developed on Windows, however a few potential gotchas need to be kept in mind:

  1. Regular Expressions: Windows uses \r\n for line endings, while Unix based systems use \n. Therefore when working on Regular Expressions, use \r?\n instead of \n in order to support both environments. The Node.js os.EOL property can be used to get an OS-specific end-of-line marker.
  2. Paths: Windows systems use \ for the path separator, which would be returned by path.join and others. You could use path.posix, path.posix.join etc and the slash module, if you need forward slashes - like for constructing URLs - or ensure your code works with either.
  3. Bash: Not every Windows developer has a terminal that fully supports Bash, so it's generally preferred to write scripts in JavaScript instead of Bash.

nima0011's Projects

apl-listener icon apl-listener

Event listener to receive, process, validate and store data received through the PS2 API.

docs icon docs

The open-source repo for

ni icon ni

notices to the program. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: <program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author> This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box". You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see <>. The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General Public License instead of this License. But first, please read <>.

nima0011 icon nima0011

# Contributing to this repository <!-- omit in toc --> ## Getting started <!-- omit in toc --> Before you begin: - This site is powered by Node.js. Check to see if you're on the [version of node we support](contributing/ - Have you read the [code of conduct]( - Check out the [existing issues]( & see if we [accept contributions](#types-of-contributions-memo) for your type of issue. ### Use the 'make a contribution' button ![](./assets/images/make-contribution.gif) Navigating a new codebase can be challenging, so we're making that a little easier. As you're using, you may come across an article that you want to make an update to. You can click on the **make a contribution** button right on that article, which will take you to the file in this repo where you'll make your changes. Before you make your changes, check to see if an [issue exists]( already for the change you want to make. ### Don't see your issue? Open one If you spot something new, open an issue using a [template]( We'll use the issue to have a conversation about the problem you want to fix. ### Ready to make a change? Fork the repo Fork using GitHub Desktop: - [Getting started with GitHub Desktop]( will guide you through setting up Desktop. - Once Desktop is set up, you can use it to [fork the repo](! Fork using the command line: - [Fork the repo]( so that you can make your changes without affecting the original project until you're ready to merge them. Fork with [GitHub Codespaces]( - [Fork, edit, and preview]( using [GitHub Codespaces]( without having to install and run the project locally. ### Make your update: Make your changes to the file(s) you'd like to update. Here are some tips and tricks for [using the docs codebase](#working-in-the-githubdocs-repository). - Are you making changes to the application code? You'll need **Node.js v14** to run the site locally. See [contributing/](contributing/ - Are you contributing to markdown? We use [GitHub Markdown](contributing/ ### Open a pull request When you're done making changes and you'd like to propose them for review, use the [pull request template](#pull-request-template) to open your PR (pull request). ### Submit your PR & get it reviewed - Once you submit your PR, others from the Docs community will review it with you. The first thing you're going to want to do is a [self review](#self-review). - After that, we may have questions, check back on your PR to keep up with the conversation. - Did you have an issue, like a merge conflict? Check out our [git tutorial]( on how to resolve merge conflicts and other issues. ### Your PR is merged! Congratulations! The whole GitHub community thanks you. :sparkles: Once your PR is merged, you will be proudly listed as a contributor in the [contributor chart]( ### Keep contributing as you use GitHub Docs Now that you're a part of the GitHub Docs community, you can keep participating in many ways. **Learn more about contributing:** - [Types of contributions :memo:](#types-of-contributions-memo) - [:mega: Discussions](#mega-discussions) - [:beetle: Issues](#beetle-issues) - [:hammer_and_wrench: Pull requests](#hammer_and_wrench-pull-requests) - [:question: Support](#question-support) - [:earth_asia: Translations](#earth_asia-translations) - [:balance_scale: Site Policy](#balance_scale-site-policy) - [Starting with an issue](#starting-with-an-issue) - [Labels](#labels) - [Opening a pull request](#opening-a-pull-request) - [Working in the github/docs repository](#working-in-the-githubdocs-repository) - [Reviewing](#reviewing) - [Self review](#self-review) - [Pull request template](#pull-request-template) - [Suggested changes](#suggested-changes) - [Windows](#windows) ## Types of contributions :memo: You can contribute to the GitHub Docs content and site in several ways. This repo is a place to discuss and collaborate on! Our small, but mighty :muscle: docs team is maintaining this repo, to preserve our bandwidth, off topic conversations will be closed. ### :mega: Discussions Discussions are where we have conversations. If you'd like help troubleshooting a docs PR you're working on, have a great new idea, or want to share something amazing you've learned in our docs, join us in [discussions]( ### :beetle: Issues [Issues]( are used to track tasks that contributors can help with. If an issue has a triage label, we haven't reviewed it yet and you shouldn't begin work on it. If you've found something in the content or the website that should be updated, search open issues to see if someone else has reported the same thing. If it's something new, open an issue using a [template]( We'll use the issue to have a conversation about the problem you want to fix. ### :hammer_and_wrench: Pull requests A [pull request]( is a way to suggest changes in our repository. When we merge those changes, they should be deployed to the live site within 24 hours. :earth_africa: To learn more about opening a pull request in this repo, see [Opening a pull request](#opening-a-pull-request) below. ### :question: Support We are a small team working hard to keep up with the documentation demands of a continuously changing product. Unfortunately, we just can't help with support questions in this repository. If you are experiencing a problem with GitHub, unrelated to our documentation, please [contact GitHub Support directly]( Any issues, discussions, or pull requests opened here requesting support will be given information about how to contact GitHub Support, then closed and locked. If you're having trouble with your GitHub account, contact [Support]( ### :earth_asia: Translations This website is internationalized and available in multiple languages. The source content in this repository is written in English. We integrate with an external localization platform called [Crowdin]( and work with professional translators to localize the English content. **We do not currently accept contributions for translated content**, but we hope to in the future. ### :balance_scale: Site Policy GitHub's site policies are published on, too! If you find a typo in the site policy section, you can open a pull request to fix it. For anything else, see [the CONTRIBUTING guide in the site-policy repo]( ## Starting with an issue You can browse existing issues to find something that needs help! ### Labels Labels can help you find an issue you'd like to help with. - The [`help wanted` label]( is for problems or updates that anyone in the community can start working on. - The [`good first issue` label]( is for problems or updates we think are ideal for beginners. - The [`content` label]( is for problems or updates in the content on These will usually require some knowledge of Markdown. - The [`engineering` label]( is for problems or updates in the website. These will usually require some knowledge of JavaScript/Node.js or YAML to fix. ## Opening a pull request You can use the GitHub user interface :pencil2: for some small changes, like fixing a typo or updating a readme. You can also fork the repo and then clone it locally, to view changes and run your tests on your machine. ## Working in the github/docs repository Here's some information that might be helpful while working on a Docs PR: - [Development](/contributing/ - This short guide describes how to get this app running on your local machine. - [Content markup reference](/contributing/ - All of our content is written in GitHub-flavored Markdown, with some additional enhancements. - [Content style guide for GitHub Docs](/contributing/ - This guide covers GitHub-specific information about how we style our content and images. It also links to the resources we use for general style guidelines. - [Reusables](/data/reusables/ - We use reusables to help us keep content up to date. Instead of writing the same long string of information in several articles, we create a reusable, then call it from the individual articles. - [Variables](/data/variables/ - We use variables the same way we use reusables. Variables are for short strings of reusable text. - [Liquid](/contributing/ - We use liquid helpers to create different versions of our content. - [Scripts](/script/ - The scripts directory is the home for all of the scripts you can run locally. - [Tests](/tests/ - We use tests to ensure content will render correctly on the site. Tests run automatically in your PR, and sometimes it's also helpful to run them locally. ## Reviewing We (usually the docs team, but sometimes GitHub product managers, engineers, or supportocats too!) review every single PR. The purpose of reviews is to create the best content we can for people who use GitHub. :yellow_heart: Reviews are always respectful, acknowledging that everyone did the best possible job with the knowledge they had at the time. :yellow_heart: Reviews discuss content, not the person who created it. :yellow_heart: Reviews are constructive and start conversation around feedback. ### Self review You should always review your own PR first. For content changes, make sure that you: - [ ] Confirm that the changes address every part of the content design plan from your issue (if there are differences, explain them). - [ ] Review the content for technical accuracy. - [ ] Review the entire pull request using the [localization checklist](contributing/ - [ ] Copy-edit the changes for grammar, spelling, and adherence to the style guide. - [ ] Check new or updated Liquid statements to confirm that versioning is correct. - [ ] Check that all of your changes render correctly in staging. Remember, that lists and tables can be tricky. - [ ] If there are any failing checks in your PR, troubleshoot them until they're all passing. ### Pull request template When you open a pull request, you must fill out the "Ready for review" template before we can review your PR. This template helps reviewers understand your changes and the purpose of your pull request. ### Suggested changes We may ask for changes to be made before a PR can be merged, either using [suggested changes]( or pull request comments. You can apply suggested changes directly through the UI. You can make any other changes in your fork, then commit them to your branch. As you update your PR and apply changes, mark each conversation as [resolved]( ## Windows This site can be developed on Windows, however a few potential gotchas need to be kept in mind: 1. Regular Expressions: Windows uses `\r\n` for line endings, while Unix based systems use `\n`. Therefore when working on Regular Expressions, use `\r?\n` instead of `\n` in order to support both environments. The Node.js [`os.EOL`]( property can be used to get an OS-specific end-of-line marker. 1. Paths: Windows systems use `\` for the path separator, which would be returned by `path.join` and others. You could use `path.posix`, `path.posix.join` etc and the [slash]( module, if you need forward slashes - like for constructing URLs - or ensure your code works with either. 1. Bash: Not every Windows developer has a terminal that fully supports Bash, so it's generally preferred to write [scripts](/script) in JavaScript instead of Bash.

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