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openshift-pipelines's Introduction


Introduction to OpenShift Pipelines (Tekton)

OpenShift Pipelines is a cloud-native, continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) solution for building pipelines using Tekton. Tekton is a flexible, Kubernetes-native, open-source CI/CD framework that enables automating deployments across multiple platforms (Kubernetes, serverless, VMs, etc) by abstracting away the underlying details.

OpenShift Pipelines features:

  • Standard CI/CD pipeline definition based on Tekton
  • Build images with Kubernetes tools such as S2I, Buildah, Buildpacks, Kaniko, etc
  • Deploy applications to multiple platforms such as Kubernetes, serverless and VMs
  • Easy to extend and integrate with existing tools
  • Scale pipelines on-demand
  • Portable across any Kubernetes platform
  • Designed for microservices and decentralized teams
  • Integrated with the OpenShift Developer Console

This tutorial walks you through pipeline concepts and how to create and run a simple pipeline for building and deploying a containerized app on OpenShift, and in this tutorial, we will use Triggers to handle a real GitHub webhook request to kickoff a PipelineRun. We're using this repo:

In this lab you will:

  • Learn about Tekton concepts
  • Install OpenShift Pipelines
  • Deploy a Sample Application
  • Install Tasks
  • Create a Pipeline
  • Trigger a Pipeline


You will need the following to complete the exercises in this lab:

  • Access to an OpenShift 4 cluster.
  • You will also use the Tekton CLI (tkn)

Setting up

Note: The sample output shown in the lab guide may be slightly different than what you see in the output when you issue the commands for your cluster.

Access the OpenShift web console

  1. The OpenShift web console will be opened in a new browser tab. You need to switch between this tab and the new tabs to accomplish many of the lab tasks. You may want to open the new tabs in new windows and display both browser windows at the same time. You may need to disable pop-up blockers if you do not see the new tabs.

  2. In the OpenShift web console, notice the following:

  • The different perspectives available in the OpenShift web console: Administrator and Developer
  • Capabilities of each perspective and dashboards available for each
  1. Take a few minutes to explore the OpenShift web console. Try finding the following:
  • Number of nodes in the cluster inventory dashboard
  • Standard services deployed in the default project
  • Operators installed
  1. Connect the cluster with cloudshell or your terminal
  • Browse to the OpenShift web console.
  • From the dropdown menu in the upper right of the page, click "Copy Login" Command.
  • Click the "Display Token" link.
  • Copy the "Log in with this token" command line.
  • Paste the copied command in your terminal.
  • Browse to the oauth token request page and follow the instructions on the page.

Sample command:

oc login --server -u apikey -p 75ecc28297050904b4fedac2be174595

Testing your environment

  1. Validate access to your cluster by viewing the nodes in the cluster:

oc get node

Sample Output:

NAME           STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION	 Ready    master,worker   37h   v1.16.2 
  1. Execute the command below to view services, deployments, and pods:

oc get svc,deploy,po --all-namespaces

Sample Output:

NAME           STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION   Ready    master,worker   37h   v1.16.2
container-lab$ oc get svc,deploy,po --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE                                               NAME                                                  TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                            PORT(S)                      AGE
calico-system                                           service/calico-typha                                  ClusterIP    <none>                                 5473/TCP                     37h
default                                                 service/kubernetes                                    ClusterIP       <none>                                 443/TCP                      38h
default                                                 service/openshift                                     ExternalName   <none>           kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local   <none>                       37h
default                                                 service/openshift-apiserver                           ClusterIP   <none>

Note: Some commands have large amounts of data in their output. You can scroll up and down in the terminal window and clear it using the clear command.

  1. Execute the command below to clear the terminal screen:


  1. Execute the command below to view all OpenShift projects: oc get projects

Sample Output:

NAME                                                    DISPLAY NAME             STATUS
calico-system                                                                    Active
default                                                                          Active
example-health                                          Example Health Project   Active
ibm-cert-store                                                                   Active
ibm-system                                                                       Active
kube-node-lease                                                                  Active
kube-public                                                                      Active
kube-system                                                                      Active
openshift                                                                        Active
openshift-apiserver                                                              Active
openshift-apiserver-operator                                                     Active

---End Setting up ---

Exercise 1

Learn about Tekton concepts

Tekton defines a number of Kubernetes custom resources as building blocks in order to standardize pipeline concepts and provide a terminology that is consistent across CI/CD solutions. These custom resources are an extension of the Kubernetes API that let users create and interact with these objects using kubectl and other Kubernetes tools.

The custom resources needed to define a pipeline are listed below:

  • Task: a reusable, loosely coupled number of steps that perform a specific task (e.g. building a container image)
  • Pipeline: the definition of the pipeline and the Tasks that it should perform
  • TaskRun: the execution and result of running an instance of task
  • PipelineRun: the execution and result of running an instance of pipeline, which includes a number of TaskRuns


For further details on pipeline concepts, refer to the Tekton documentation that provides an excellent guide for understanding various parameters and attributes available for defining pipelines.

The Tekton API enables functionality to be separated from configuration (e.g. Pipelines vs PipelineRuns) such that steps can be reusable. Triggers extends the Tekton architecture with the following CRDs:

  • TriggerTemplate - Templates resources to be created (e.g. Create PipelineResources and PipelineRun that uses them)
  • TriggerBinding - Validates events and extracts payload fields
  • EventListener - Connects TriggerBindings and TriggerTemplates into an addressable endpoint (the event sink). It uses the extracted event parameters from each TriggerBinding (and any supplied static parameters) to create the resources specified in the corresponding TriggerTemplate. It also optionally allows an external service to pre-process the event payload via the interceptor field.
  • ClusterTriggerBinding - A cluster-scoped TriggerBinding Using tektoncd/triggers in conjunction with tektoncd/pipeline enables you to easily create full-fledged CI/CD systems where the execution is defined entirely through Kubernetes resources.

Using tektoncd/triggers in conjunction with tektoncd/pipeline enables you to easily create full-fledged CI/CD systems where the execution is defined entirely through Kubernetes resources. You can learn more about triggers by checking out the docs.

In the following sections, you will go through each of the above steps to define and invoke a pipeline.

--End of Exercise 1--

Exercise 2

Install OpenShift Pipelines

Install OpenShift Pipelines OpenShift Pipelines is provided as an add-on on top of OpenShift that can be installed via an operator available in the OpenShift OperatorHub.


To start, make sure you are on the Administrator perspective as shown below:


Go to Operators > OperatorHub in the Web Console. You can see the list of available operators for OpenShift provided by Red Hat as well as a community of partners and open-source projects.


In the search bar where it says Filter by keyword..., type OpenShift Pipelines to find the OpenShift Pipelines Operator:


Click on OpenShift Pipelines Operator, Continue, and then Install:


Leave the default settings and click on Install in order to install the Operator:


After clicking Install, you will be taken to the Installed Operators page. If you do not see the OpenShift Pipelines Operator as shown below, simply wait a moment while the OpenShift Pipelines Operator finishes installation:


That's all. The operator now installs OpenShift Pipelines on the cluster. You can confirm the following by checking tekton-pipelines and tekton-triggers pods with Running state in openshift-pipelines namespace. If so, openshift-pielines have been installed on your cluster.


-- End of Exercise 2 --

Exercise 3

Create a project

From the terminal/shell

Create a project for the sample application that you will be using in this tutorial:

oc new-project pipelines-tutorial

OpenShift Pipelines automatically adds and configures a ServiceAccount named pipeline that has sufficient permissions to build and push an image. This service account will be used later in the tutorial.

Run the following command to see the pipeline service account:

oc get serviceaccount pipeline

You will use the simple application during this tutorial, which has a frontend and backend You can also deploy the same applications by applying the artifacts available in k8s directory of the respective repo.

If you deploy the application directly, you should be able to see the deployment in the OpenShift Web Console by switching over to the Developer perspective of the OpenShift Web Console. Change from Administrator to Developer from the drop down as shown below:

Make sure you are on the pipelines-tutorial project by selecting it from the Project dropdown menu. Either search for pipelines-tutorial in the search bar or scroll down until you find pipelines-tutorial and click on the name of your project.


-- End of Exercise 3 --

Exercise 4

Create Pipeline Tasks

Here is an example of a Maven task for building a Maven-based Java application:

kind: Task
  name: maven-build
    - name: workspace-git
      targetPath: /
      type: git
  - name: build
    image: maven:3.6.0-jdk-8-slim
    - /usr/bin/mvn
    - install

You can find more examples of reusable tasks in the Tekton Catalog and OpenShift Catalog repositories.

Install the apply-manifests and update-deployment tasks from the repository using oc or kubectl, which you will need for creating a pipeline in the next section:

oc create -f

oc create -f

You can take a look at the tasks you created using the Tekton CLI:

tkn task ls

resulting in output similar to:

$ tkn task ls
NAME                AGE
apply-manifests     10 seconds ago
update-deployment   4 seconds ago

We will be using buildah clusterTasks, which gets installed along with the Pipeline Operator. The Operator installs a few ClusterTask which you can see.

tkn clustertasks ls

resulting in output similar to:

$ tkn clustertasks ls
NAME                       DESCRIPTION   AGE
buildah                                  1 day ago
buildah-v0-14-3                          1 day ago
git-clone                                1 day ago
s2i-php                                  1 day ago
tkn                                      1 day ago

---End of Exercise 4 ---

Exercise 5

Prepare the Pipeline

In the next step, we will define a Pipeline, which will be used to build an application image from an arbitrary GitHub repository and deploy the image as a running instance.

It'll look like this:

kind: Pipeline
  name: build-and-deploy
  - name: shared-workspace
  - name: deployment-name
    type: string
    description: name of the deployment to be patched
  - name: git-url
    type: string
    description: url of the git repo for the code of deployment
  - name: git-revision
    type: string
    description: revision to be used from repo of the code for deployment
    default: "master"
  - name: IMAGE
    type: string
    description: image to be build from the code
  - name: fetch-repository
      name: git-clone
      kind: ClusterTask
    - name: output
      workspace: shared-workspace
    - name: url
      value: $(params.git-url)
    - name: subdirectory
      value: ""
    - name: deleteExisting
      value: "true"
    - name: revision
      value: $(params.git-revision)
  - name: build-image
      name: buildah
      kind: ClusterTask
    - name: TLSVERIFY
      value: "false"
    - name: IMAGE
      value: $(params.IMAGE)
    - name: source
      workspace: shared-workspace
    - fetch-repository
  - name: apply-manifests
      name: apply-manifests
    - name: source
      workspace: shared-workspace
    - build-image
  - name: update-deployment
      name: update-deployment
    - name: source
      workspace: shared-workspace
    - name: deployment
      value: $(params.deployment-name)
    - name: IMAGE
      value: $(params.IMAGE)
    - apply-manifests

You need to create the PersistentVolumeClaim which can be used for Pipeline execution:

oc create -f

Run the following command to check when the volume is available:

oc get pvc

The resulting status should change from:

$ oc get pvc
source-pvc   Pending 


    $ oc get pvc
    NAME         STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS      AGE
    source-pvc   Bound    

pvc-5a9e5699-fdfb-468c-b0bf-c85b37c39bd0   20Gi       RWO            ibmc-block-gold   83s

--- End of Exercise 5 ---

Exercise 6

Assemble a Pipeline

In this section, you will create a pipeline that takes the source code of the application from GitHub and then builds and deploys it on OpenShift.

This pipeline helps you to build and deploy backend/frontend, by configuring right resources to pipeline.


Once you deploy the pipelines, you should be able to visualize pipeline flow in the OpenShift Web Console by switching over to the Developer perspective of the OpenShift Web Console. select pipeline tab, select project as pipelines-tutorial and click on pipeline build-and-deploy


This pipeline helps you to build and deploy backend/frontend, by configuring right resources to pipeline.

Pipeline Steps:

  1. Clones the source code of the application from a git repository by referring (git-url and git-revision param)
  2. Builds the container image of application using the buildah clustertask that uses Buildah to build the image
  3. The application image is pushed to an image registry by refering (image param)
  4. The new application image is deployed on OpenShift using the apply-manifests and update-deployment tasks.

Create the pipeline by running the following:

oc create -f

Alternatively, in the OpenShift Web Console, you can click on the + at the top right of the screen while you are in the pipelines-tutorial project:


Upon creating the pipeline via the web console, you will be taken to a Pipeline Details page that gives an overview of the pipeline you created.

Select the Parameters tab to enter a Parameter to the build-and-deploy pipeline.

Add the TLSVERIFY parameter and set it to ‘false’. Be sure to click ‘Save’ and then ‘Reload’.

In the cloudshell check the list of pipelines you have created using the CLI:

tkn pipeline ls

$ tkn pipeline ls

NAME               AGE            LAST RUN   STARTED   DURATION   STATUS
build-and-deploy   1 minute ago   ---        ---       ---        ---

--- End of Exercise 6 ---

Exercise 7 Trigger a Pipeline

Lets start a pipeline to build and deploy the backend application using tkn:

tkn pipeline start build-and-deploy \
     -w name=shared-workspace,claimName=source-pvc \
     -p deployment-name=vote-api \
     -p git-url= \
     -p IMAGE=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/pipelines-tutorial/vote-api

You should see output like the example below:

$ tkn pipeline start build-and-deploy \
>     -w name=shared-workspace,claimName=source-pvc \
>     -p deployment-name=vote-api \
>     -p git-url= \
>     -p IMAGE=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/pipelines-tutorial/vote-api
Pipelinerun started: build-and-deploy-run-gxv7x

In order to track the pipelinerun progress run:

tkn pipelinerun logs build-and-deploy-run-gxv7x -f -n pipelines-tutorial

Note: 'gxv7x' will vary, please run the given output in the terminal

Similarly, start a pipeline to build and deploy the frontend application:

tkn pipeline start build-and-deploy \
    -w name=shared-workspace,claimName=source-pvc \
    -p deployment-name=vote-ui \
    -p git-url= \
    -p IMAGE=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/pipelines-tutorial/vote-ui

tkn pipeline start build-and-deploy \
    -w name=shared-workspace,claimName=source-pvc \
    -p deployment-name=vote-ui \
    -p git-url= \
    -p IMAGE=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/pipelines-tutorial/vote-ui

As soon as you start the build-and-deploy pipeline, a pipelinerun will be instantiated and pods will be created to execute the tasks that are defined in the pipeline. See the list of pipelines by running the command below.

tkn pipeline ls

You should see output like the example below:

$ tkn pipeline ls
NAME               AGE             LAST RUN                     STARTED          DURATION   STATUS
build-and-deploy   6 minutes ago   build-and-deploy-run-xy7rw   36 seconds ago   ---        Running

Above, we have started build-and-deploy pipelines, with relevant pipeline parameters to deploy backend/frontend applications using single pipeline

tkn pipelinerun list

You should see output like the example below:

$ tkn pipelinerun list
NAME                         STARTED         DURATION     STATUS
build-and-deploy-run-xy7rw   36 seconds ago   ---          Running
build-and-deploy-run-z2rz8   40 seconds ago   ---          Running

Check out the logs of the pipelinerun as it runs using the tkn pipeline logs command which interactively allows you to pick the pipelinerun of your interest and inspect the logs: $ tkn pipeline logs -f ? Select pipelinerun: [Use arrows to move, type to filter]

build-and-deploy-run-xy7rw started 36 seconds ago build-and-deploy-run-z2rz8 started 40 seconds ago

After a few minutes, the pipeline should finish successfully.

$ tkn pipelinerun list

NAME                         STARTED      DURATION     STATUS
build-and-deploy-run-xy7rw   1 hour ago   2 minutes    Succeeded
build-and-deploy-run-z2rz8   1 hour ago   19 minutes   Succeeded

Looking back at the project, you should see that the images are successfully built and deployed.


The sample application should look like the image below.


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