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Comments (21)

nanis avatar nanis commented on July 30, 2024

This morning, I tried installing version 2.014. I tried several runs of nmake test, and it did not hang.

Of course, it still fails due to issue #31 -- hence the failing test report.

I will update if I have any real insight or data points.

from p5-io-socket-ssl.

jacoby avatar jacoby commented on July 30, 2024

I just installed Strawberry Perl and ran cpan -u, and am hanging exactly at verify_fingerprints as well.

from p5-io-socket-ssl.

nawglan avatar nawglan commented on July 30, 2024

I can confirm that it also hangs occasionally on perl 5.20.3 as well.

from p5-io-socket-ssl.

nanis avatar nanis commented on July 30, 2024

I should point out that I haven't experienced the issue with the 5.23.5+ development versions and 5.24.0-RC1. I did several builds and installs, and they all went smoothly, and I haven't put much time into diagnosis.

This is with 64-bit perls built using MSVS 2013 on Windows 10 and Windows 10 Pro.

from p5-io-socket-ssl.

zdm avatar zdm commented on July 30, 2024

I can confirm, that test under strawberry perl, both, x86 and x64 are freeze on verify_fingerprint.

tested on strawberry perl 5.24.0 under windows 10 x64.

from p5-io-socket-ssl.

nanis avatar nanis commented on July 30, 2024

And, I still have no additional insight. For example, today's cpan-outdated|cpanm got stuck at IO::Socket::SSL for this reason. Then, I killed the process, tried again, and everything worked. This is on 64-bit Windows 10 Pro with VS 2013 built perl 5.25.4.

from p5-io-socket-ssl.

zdm avatar zdm commented on July 30, 2024

Hmm, it still stuck on verify-fingerprint.t under strawberry perl almost each time.

from p5-io-socket-ssl.

nanis avatar nanis commented on July 30, 2024

@zdm Interestingly, it only happened to me once for most recent three release versions x two machines. I am pretty convinced (without much evidence) that the problem is not with IO::Socket::SSL. I haven't been motivated to spend time with a debugger, though.

from p5-io-socket-ssl.

zdm avatar zdm commented on July 30, 2024

Maybe this is related to Net::SSLeay.
But you are right, seems, that this is not simple issue.

from p5-io-socket-ssl.

jfroebe avatar jfroebe commented on July 30, 2024

I ran across this too on Strawberry Perl (64bit) Windows 10. Has anyone made any progress to it?

from p5-io-socket-ssl.

konomikitten avatar konomikitten commented on July 30, 2024

Having this problem on Strawberry Perl (32bit) Windows XP SP3.

from p5-io-socket-ssl.

konomikitten avatar konomikitten commented on July 30, 2024

This isn't a fix obviously but a work around for people who are using cpan-outdated -p | cpanm in Windows where this problem seems to be occurring the most you can use cpan-outdated -p | findstr /v "IO::Socket::SSL" | cpanm to skip updating when using cpan-outdated.

from p5-io-socket-ssl.

twata1 avatar twata1 commented on July 30, 2024

Having this problem on Strawberry Perl 5.22.2 (32bit) Windows 7 SP1.

First time
cpan SULLR/IO-Socket-SSL-2.059.tar.gz -> hang

Second time
cpan SULLR/IO-Socket-SSL-2.059.tar.gz -> hang

Third time
manuarly download IO-Socket-SSL-2.059.tar.gz and eventually dmake test. -> success

Fourth time
cpan SULLR/IO-Socket-SSL-2.059.tar.gz -> success

from p5-io-socket-ssl.

n-tropy247 avatar n-tropy247 commented on July 30, 2024

Was having the same problem on Strawberry Perl 5.24.1, after copying @twata1's steps above it is working for me as well.

from p5-io-socket-ssl.

twata1 avatar twata1 commented on July 30, 2024

For version 2.072, I still have the issue as shown below, though t/sni_verify.t no longer hangs (see also #97) with some Strawberry Perl versions (64bit) Windows 8.1.

Perl Did t/verify_fingerprint.t hang?
v5.16.3 Yes
v5.18.4 Yes
v5.20.3 No
v5.22.3 Yes
v5.24.4 No
v5.26.1 Yes
v5.28.2 No
v5.30.2 Yes
v5.32.1 No

from p5-io-socket-ssl.

CmdrStukov avatar CmdrStukov commented on July 30, 2024

re: IO::Socket::SSL v2.072 if it helps,

I am on Windows Server 2016, running OpenSSL v3.0.1 and Net::SSLeay v1.91_01

The patch below gets me past the hanging:

--- a/t/sni_verify.t	Mon Aug 16 13:45:46 2021
+++ b/t/sni_verify.t	Mon Nov 29 16:53:25 2021
@@ -71,6 +71,13 @@
 	    print "ok # client ssl connect $host\n";
 	    $client->verify_hostname($host,'http') or print "not ";
 	    print "ok # client verify hostname in cert $host\n";
+        if ($client) {
+            # Shutdown TLS properly. Otherwise TLSv1.3 server will receive SIGPIPE
+            # in SSL_accept() and dies.
+            # .
+            $client->close('SSL_fast_shutdown' => 0);
+        }
 	} else {
 	    print "not ok # client ssl connect $host - $SSL_ERROR\n";
 	    print "ok # skip connect failed\n";
@@ -86,6 +93,9 @@
 	my $name = $csock->get_servername;
 	print "not " if ! $name or $name ne $host;
 	print "ok # server got SNI name $host\n";
+    if ($csock) {
+        $csock->close('SSL_fast_shutdown' => 0);
+    }
     } else {
 	print "not ok # server accept - $SSL_ERROR\n";
 	print "ok # skip accept failed\n";

But I still encounter errors;

C:\Data\build\IO-Socket-SSL-2.072>perl Makefile.PL
Should I do external tests?
These test will detect if there are network problems and fail soft,
so please disable them only if you definitely don't want to have any
network traffic to external sites.  [Y/n] n
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Warning: prerequisite Mozilla::CA 0 not found.
Generating a nmake-style Makefile
Writing Makefile for IO::Socket::SSL
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json


Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 14.29.30136.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

cp lib/IO/Socket/SSL/ blib\lib\IO\Socket\SSL\
cp lib/IO/Socket/ blib\lib\IO\Socket\
cp lib/IO/Socket/SSL.pod blib\lib\IO\Socket\SSL.pod
cp lib/IO/Socket/SSL/ blib\lib\IO\Socket\SSL\
cp lib/IO/Socket/SSL/ blib\lib\IO\Socket\SSL\

C:\Data\build\IO-Socket-SSL-2.072>nmake test

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 14.29.30136.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

        "C:\perl-5.34.0\bin\perl.exe" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t\*.t
t\01loadmodule.t .................. # openssl version compiled=0x30000010 linked=0x30000010 -- OpenSSL 3.0.1 14 Dec 2021
# Net::SSLeay version=1.91_01
t\01loadmodule.t .................. 1/3 # parent IO::Socket::IP version=0.41
t\01loadmodule.t .................. ok
t\acceptSSL-timeout.t ............. ok
t\alpn.t .......................... ok
t\auto_verify_hostname.t .......... ok
t\cert_formats.t .................. ok
t\cert_no_file.t .................. ok
t\compatibility.t ................. ok
t\connectSSL-timeout.t ............ Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 8/16 subtests
t\core.t .......................... 1/48

#   Failed test 'Client Sysread Check'
#   Failed test 'Server Getlines Check 1'
#   at t\core.t line 137.
#   at t\core.t line 251.
#          got: '  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
#          got: '0'
#     expected: '  waaaanf'
#     expected: '6'

#   Failed test 'Client Getline Check'
#   at t\core.t line 147.

#          got: undef
#   Failed test 'Server Getlines Check 2'
#     expected: 'Test
#   at t\core.t line 253.
# '
#          got: undef
#     expected: '1.04
# '

#   Failed test 'Client Getc Check'
#   at t\core.t line 149.
#          got: '0'
#     expected: '$'

#   Failed test 'Client Getlines Check 1'

#   at t\core.t line 152.
#   Failed test 'Server Getlines Check 3'
#   at t\core.t line 255.
#          got: '0'
#     expected: '6'
#          got: undef
#     expected: '4

# '
#   Failed test 'Client Getlines Check 2'
#   at t\core.t line 154.
#          got: undef
#     expected: '1.04
# '

#   Failed test 'Server Getlines Check 4'
#   Failed test 'Client Getlines Check 3'
#   at t\core.t line 257.
#   at t\core.t line 156.
#          got: undef
#     expected: '4
#          got: undef
# '
#     expected: 'y
# '
Use of uninitialized value in join or string at t\core.t line 259.

#   Failed test 'Client Getlines Check 4'
#   at t\core.t line 158.
Use of uninitialized value in join or string at t\core.t line 259.
Use of uninitialized value in join or string at t\core.t line 259.
#          got: undef
#     expected: 'y
# '
Use of uninitialized value in join or string at t\core.t line 160.
Use of uninitialized value in join or string at t\core.t line 160.
Use of uninitialized value in join or string at t\core.t line 160.

#   Failed test 'Server Getlines Check 5'
#   Failed test 'Client Getlines Check 5'
#   at t\core.t line 259.
#   at t\core.t line 160.
#          got: ''
#          got: ''
#     expected: 'Test
#     expected: 'Test
# Beaver
# Beaver
# Beaver
# Beaver
# '
# '
t\core.t .......................... Failed 13/48 subtests
t\dhe.t ........................... ok
t\ecdhe.t ......................... ok
t\io-socket-inet6.t ............... skipped: no IO::Socket::INET6 available
t\io-socket-ip.t .................. skipped: (no reason given)
t\memleak_bad_handshake.t ......... skipped: ps not implemented on this platform
t\mitm.t .......................... ok
t\multiple-cert-rsa-ecc.t ......... ok
t\nonblock.t ...................... ok
t\npn.t ........................... ok
t\plain_upgrade_downgrade.t ....... # -- test: newINET start_SSL stop_SSL start_SSL
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x666f6f from client
# server: got plain data at start of connection
# server: TLS upgrade
t\plain_upgrade_downgrade.t ....... 1/15 # server: TLS downgrade
# server: TLS upgrade#2
# -- test: newSSL stop_SSL connect_SSL
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x160301 from client
# server: TLS upgrade
# server: TLS downgrade
# server: TLS upgrade#2
# -- test: newSSL:0 connect_SSL stop_SSL connect_SSL
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x666f6f from client
# server: got plain data at start of connection
# server: TLS upgrade
# server: TLS downgrade
# server: TLS upgrade#2
# -- test: newSSL:0 start_SSL stop_SSL connect_SSL
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x666f6f from client
# server: got plain data at start of connection
# server: TLS upgrade
# server: TLS downgrade
# server: TLS upgrade#2
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x656e64 from client
# client requested end of tests
t\plain_upgrade_downgrade.t ....... ok
t\protocol_version.t .............. 1/? # looks like OpenSSL was compiled without SSLv3 support
# failed to accept TLSv1
# looks like OpenSSL was compiled without TLSv1 support
# looks like OpenSSL was compiled without TLSv1_1 support
# failed to accept TLSv1_1
# failed to accept TLSv1_3
t\protocol_version.t .............. ok
t\public_suffix_lib_encode_idn.t .. ok
t\public_suffix_lib_libidn.t ...... ok
t\public_suffix_lib_uri.t ......... ok
t\public_suffix_ssl.t ............. ok
t\readline.t ...................... 1/19 Use of uninitialized value $c[0] in string eq at t\readline.t line 34.
t\readline.t ...................... 4/19 Use of uninitialized value $b in string eq at t\readline.t line 48.
Use of uninitialized value $b in concatenation (.) or string at t\readline.t line 48.
Use of uninitialized value $c[0] in string eq at t\readline.t line 58.
Use of uninitialized value $c[0] in string eq at t\readline.t line 71.
Use of uninitialized value $c[0] in string eq at t\readline.t line 84.
t\readline.t ...................... Failed 5/19 subtests
t\session_cache.t ................. ok
t\session_ticket.t ................ # listen at
# listen at
# connect to 0: success reuse=0 version=TLSv1_3
t\session_ticket.t ................ 1/6 # connect to 0: success reuse=1 version=TLSv1_3
# connect to 1: success reuse=1 version=TLSv1_3
# connect to 1: success reuse=0 version=TLSv1_3
# connect to 0: success reuse=0 version=TLSv1_3
# connect to 0: success reuse=1 version=TLSv1_3
t\session_ticket.t ................ ok
t\sessions.t ...................... ok
t\set_curves.t .................... Failed 1/6 subtests
t\signal-readline.t ............... skipped: signals not relevant on this platform
t\sni.t ........................... Failed 1/17 subtests
        (less 1 skipped subtest: 15 okay)
t\sni_verify.t .................... ok
t\start-stopssl.t ................. ok
t\startssl-failed.t ............... ok
t\startssl.t ...................... 1/21 Use of uninitialized value $l in string ne at t\startssl.t line 124.
t\startssl.t ...................... Failed 1/21 subtests
t\sysread_write.t ................. ok
t\verify_fingerprint.t ............ ok
t\verify_hostname.t ............... ok
t\verify_hostname_standalone.t .... ok
t\verify_partial_chain.t .......... ok

Test Summary Report
t\connectSSL-timeout.t          (Wstat: 256 Tests: 10 Failed: 2)
  Failed tests:  9-10
  Non-zero exit status: 1
  Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 16 tests but ran 10.
t\core.t                        (Wstat: 0 Tests: 48 Failed: 13)
  Failed tests:  22-34
t\readline.t                    (Wstat: 0 Tests: 19 Failed: 5)
  Failed tests:  4, 7, 10, 13, 16
t\set_curves.t                  (Wstat: 0 Tests: 6 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  5
t\sni.t                         (Wstat: 0 Tests: 17 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  16
t\startssl.t                    (Wstat: 0 Tests: 21 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  21
Files=40, Tests=765, 50 wallclock secs ( 0.39 usr +  0.25 sys =  0.64 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 6/40 test programs. 23/765 subtests failed.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\perl-5.34.0\bin\perl.exe' : return code '0xff'

from p5-io-socket-ssl.

noxxi avatar noxxi commented on July 30, 2024

New version 2.073 should fix the problems with openssl 3.0 in at least core.t, connectSSL-timeout.t and readline.t . I don't have any problem with the other tests myself though.

from p5-io-socket-ssl.

CmdrStukov avatar CmdrStukov commented on July 30, 2024


IO::Socket::SSL v2.074 - t\verify_fingerprint.t consistently hangs for me on perl v5.35.7 but on different subtests

OS: Windows Server 2016
Perl version: 5.35.7
Openssl version: 3.0.1 (static compile)
NET::SSLeay version: 1.91_03

Attempt 1 - hung on t\verify_fingerprint.t subtest 8/13

C:\Data\build>cd p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074

C:\Data\build\p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074>perl Makefile.PL
Should I do external tests?
These test will detect if there are network problems and fail soft,
so please disable them only if you definitely don't want to have any
network traffic to external sites.  [Y/n] n
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Generating a nmake-style Makefile
Writing Makefile for IO::Socket::SSL
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json


Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 14.29.30138.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

cp lib/IO/Socket/SSL/ blib\lib\IO\Socket\SSL\
cp lib/IO/Socket/SSL/ blib\lib\IO\Socket\SSL\
cp lib/IO/Socket/SSL/ blib\lib\IO\Socket\SSL\
cp lib/IO/Socket/SSL.pod blib\lib\IO\Socket\SSL.pod
cp lib/IO/Socket/ blib\lib\IO\Socket\

C:\Data\build\p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074>nmake test

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 14.29.30138.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

        "C:\perl-5.35.7\bin\perl.exe" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t\*.t
t\01loadmodule.t .................. # openssl version compiled=0x30000010 linked=0x30000010 -- OpenSSL 3.0.1 14 Dec 2021
t\01loadmodule.t .................. 1/3 # Net::SSLeay version=1.91_03
# parent IO::Socket::IP version=0.41
t\01loadmodule.t .................. ok
t\acceptSSL-timeout.t ............. ok
t\alpn.t .......................... ok
t\auto_verify_hostname.t .......... ok
t\cert_formats.t .................. ok
t\cert_no_file.t .................. ok
t\compatibility.t ................. ok
t\connectSSL-timeout.t ............ ok
t\core.t .......................... ok
t\dhe.t ........................... ok
t\ecdhe.t ......................... ok
t\io-socket-inet6.t ............... skipped: no IO::Socket::INET6 available
t\io-socket-ip.t .................. skipped: (no reason given)
t\memleak_bad_handshake.t ......... skipped: ps not implemented on this platform
t\mitm.t .......................... ok
t\multiple-cert-rsa-ecc.t ......... ok
t\nonblock.t ...................... ok
t\npn.t ........................... ok
t\plain_upgrade_downgrade.t ....... # -- test: newINET start_SSL stop_SSL start_SSL
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x666f6f from client
# server: got plain data at start of connection
# server: TLS upgrade
t\plain_upgrade_downgrade.t ....... 1/15 # server: TLS downgrade
# server: TLS upgrade#2
# -- test: newSSL stop_SSL connect_SSL
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x160301 from client
# server: TLS upgrade
# server: TLS downgrade
# server: TLS upgrade#2
# -- test: newSSL:0 connect_SSL stop_SSL connect_SSL
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x666f6f from client
# server: got plain data at start of connection
# server: TLS upgrade
# server: TLS downgrade
# server: TLS upgrade#2
# -- test: newSSL:0 start_SSL stop_SSL connect_SSL
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x666f6f from client
# server: got plain data at start of connection
# server: TLS upgrade
# server: TLS downgrade
# server: TLS upgrade#2
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x656e64 from client
# client requested end of tests
t\plain_upgrade_downgrade.t ....... ok
t\protocol_version.t .............. 1/? # looks like OpenSSL was compiled without SSLv3 support
# failed to accept TLSv1
# looks like OpenSSL was compiled without TLSv1 support
# failed to accept TLSv1_1
# looks like OpenSSL was compiled without TLSv1_1 support
t\protocol_version.t .............. ok
t\public_suffix_lib_encode_idn.t .. ok
t\public_suffix_lib_libidn.t ...... ok
t\public_suffix_lib_uri.t ......... ok
t\public_suffix_ssl.t ............. ok
t\readline.t ...................... ok
t\session_cache.t ................. ok
t\session_ticket.t ................ # listen at
# listen at
# connect to 0: success reuse=0 version=TLSv1_3
t\session_ticket.t ................ 1/6 # connect to 0: success reuse=1 version=TLSv1_3
# connect to 1: success reuse=1 version=TLSv1_3
# connect to 1: success reuse=0 version=TLSv1_3
# connect to 0: success reuse=0 version=TLSv1_3
# connect to 0: success reuse=1 version=TLSv1_3
t\session_ticket.t ................ ok
t\sessions.t ...................... ok
t\set_curves.t .................... Failed 2/6 subtests
t\signal-readline.t ............... skipped: signals not relevant on this platform
t\sni.t ........................... Failed 3/17 subtests
        (less 3 skipped subtests: 11 okay)
t\sni_verify.t .................... Failed 4/17 subtests
        (less 4 skipped subtests: 9 okay)
t\start-stopssl.t ................. ok
t\startssl-failed.t ............... ok
t\startssl.t ...................... 5/21 Use of uninitialized value $l in string ne at t\startssl.t line 124.
t\startssl.t ...................... Failed 1/21 subtests
t\sysread_write.t ................. ok
t\verify_fingerprint.t ............ 8/13

Attempt 2 - hung on t\verify_fingerprint.t subtest 6/13

C:\Data\build>rmdir /s /q p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074

C:\Data\build>cd p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074

C:\Data\build\p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074>perl Makefile.PL
Should I do external tests?
These test will detect if there are network problems and fail soft,
so please disable them only if you definitely don't want to have any
network traffic to external sites.  [Y/n] n
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Generating a nmake-style Makefile
Writing Makefile for IO::Socket::SSL
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json


Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 14.29.30138.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

cp lib/IO/Socket/SSL/ blib\lib\IO\Socket\SSL\
cp lib/IO/Socket/SSL/ blib\lib\IO\Socket\SSL\
cp lib/IO/Socket/ blib\lib\IO\Socket\
cp lib/IO/Socket/SSL/ blib\lib\IO\Socket\SSL\
cp lib/IO/Socket/SSL.pod blib\lib\IO\Socket\SSL.pod

C:\Data\build\p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074>nmake test

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 14.29.30138.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

        "C:\perl-5.35.7\bin\perl.exe" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t\*.t
t\01loadmodule.t .................. # openssl version compiled=0x30000010 linked=0x30000010 -- OpenSSL 3.0.1 14 Dec 2021
t\01loadmodule.t .................. 1/3 # Net::SSLeay version=1.91_03
# parent IO::Socket::IP version=0.41
t\01loadmodule.t .................. ok
t\acceptSSL-timeout.t ............. ok
t\alpn.t .......................... ok
t\auto_verify_hostname.t .......... ok
t\cert_formats.t .................. ok
t\cert_no_file.t .................. ok
t\compatibility.t ................. ok
t\connectSSL-timeout.t ............ ok
t\core.t .......................... ok
t\dhe.t ........................... ok
t\ecdhe.t ......................... ok
t\io-socket-inet6.t ............... skipped: no IO::Socket::INET6 available
t\io-socket-ip.t .................. skipped: (no reason given)
t\memleak_bad_handshake.t ......... skipped: ps not implemented on this platform
t\mitm.t .......................... ok
t\multiple-cert-rsa-ecc.t ......... ok
t\nonblock.t ...................... ok
t\npn.t ........................... ok
t\plain_upgrade_downgrade.t ....... # -- test: newINET start_SSL stop_SSL start_SSL
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x666f6f from client
# server: got plain data at start of connection
# server: TLS upgrade
t\plain_upgrade_downgrade.t ....... 1/15 # server: TLS downgrade
# server: TLS upgrade#2
# -- test: newSSL stop_SSL connect_SSL
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x160301 from client
# server: TLS upgrade
# server: TLS downgrade
# server: TLS upgrade#2
# -- test: newSSL:0 connect_SSL stop_SSL connect_SSL
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x666f6f from client
# server: got plain data at start of connection
# server: TLS upgrade
# server: TLS downgrade
# server: TLS upgrade#2
# -- test: newSSL:0 start_SSL stop_SSL connect_SSL
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x666f6f from client
# server: got plain data at start of connection
# server: TLS upgrade
# server: TLS downgrade
# server: TLS upgrade#2
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x656e64 from client
# client requested end of tests
t\plain_upgrade_downgrade.t ....... ok
t\protocol_version.t .............. 1/? # looks like OpenSSL was compiled without SSLv3 support
# failed to accept TLSv1
# looks like OpenSSL was compiled without TLSv1 support
# failed to accept TLSv1_1
# looks like OpenSSL was compiled without TLSv1_1 support
t\protocol_version.t .............. ok
t\public_suffix_lib_encode_idn.t .. ok
t\public_suffix_lib_libidn.t ...... ok
t\public_suffix_lib_uri.t ......... ok
t\public_suffix_ssl.t ............. ok
t\readline.t ...................... ok
t\session_cache.t ................. ok
t\session_ticket.t ................ # listen at
# listen at
# connect to 0: success reuse=0 version=TLSv1_3
t\session_ticket.t ................ 1/6 # connect to 0: success reuse=1 version=TLSv1_3
# connect to 1: success reuse=1 version=TLSv1_3
# connect to 1: success reuse=0 version=TLSv1_3
# connect to 0: success reuse=0 version=TLSv1_3
# connect to 0: success reuse=1 version=TLSv1_3
t\session_ticket.t ................ ok
t\sessions.t ...................... ok
t\set_curves.t .................... Failed 3/6 subtests
t\signal-readline.t ............... skipped: signals not relevant on this platform
t\sni.t ........................... Failed 2/17 subtests
t\sni.t ........................... Failed 2/17 subtests
        (less 2 skipped subtests: 13 okay)
t\sni_verify.t .................... Failed 4/17 subtests
        (less 4 skipped subtests: 9 okay)
t\start-stopssl.t ................. ok
t\startssl-failed.t ............... ok
t\startssl.t ...................... 1/21 Use of uninitialized value $l in string ne at t\startssl.t line 124.
t\startssl.t ...................... Failed 1/21 subtests
t\sysread_write.t ................. ok
t\verify_fingerprint.t ............ 6/13

Individually checking verify_fingerprint.t
This also hangs after printing ok 13 - accept leaf cert1 as trust anchor for saddr1

t\sysread_write.t ................. ok
t\verify_fingerprint.t ............ 6/13
C:\Data\build\p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074>perl -Mblib t\verify_fingerprint.t
ok 1 - accept fp1 for saddr1
ok 2 - accept fp1 pubkey for saddr1
ok 3 - accept fp2 for saddr2
ok 4 - reject ifp2 for saddr2
ok 5 - reject fp2 for saddr1
ok 6 - reject fp1 for saddr2
ok 7 - accept fp1|fp2 for saddr1
ok 8 - accept fp1|fp2 for saddr2
ok 9 - accept fp2 for saddr2 even if ca1 given
ok 10 - accept ca2 for saddr2
ok 11 - reject ca2 for saddr1
ok 12 - accept ca[12] for saddr1
ok 13 - accept leaf cert1 as trust anchor for saddr1

C:\Data\build\p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074>perl -Mblib t\verify_fingerprint.t
ok 1 - accept fp1 for saddr1
ok 2 - accept fp1 pubkey for saddr1
ok 3 - accept fp2 for saddr2
ok 4 - reject ifp2 for saddr2
ok 5 - reject fp2 for saddr1
ok 6 - reject fp1 for saddr2
ok 7 - accept fp1|fp2 for saddr1
ok 8 - accept fp1|fp2 for saddr2
ok 9 - accept fp2 for saddr2 even if ca1 given
ok 10 - accept ca2 for saddr2
ok 11 - reject ca2 for saddr1
ok 12 - accept ca[12] for saddr1
ok 13 - accept leaf cert1 as trust anchor for saddr1

from p5-io-socket-ssl.

noxxi avatar noxxi commented on July 30, 2024

I'm not sure about the cause of the problem. Given that the server process is already running the latest idea I have is that the TCP connection is done with the listener socket inside the parent process. Could you please check with the small patch from 55a8d7d which makes sure that only one process has actually the server socket?

from p5-io-socket-ssl.

CmdrStukov avatar CmdrStukov commented on July 30, 2024

The patch from 55a8d7d works sometimes for my environment:

OS: Windows Server 2016
Perl version: 5.35.7
Openssl version: 3.0.1 (static compile)
NET::SSLeay version: 1.91_03

Attempts to reproduce the following are met with varying degrees of success.
Sometimes t\verify_fingerprint.t hangs; sometimes it does not (see final paragraph at the end of this comment).

Attempt 1:

C:\Data\build>rmdir /s /q p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074

C:\Data\build>7z x p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074.tar.gz -aoa -tgzip -so | 7z x -aoa -si -ttar -o.\

7-Zip 21.07 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov : 2021-12-26

Extracting archive:
Path =
Type = tar
Code Page = UTF-8
Characteristics = ASCII

Everything is Ok

Folders: 10
Files: 87
Size:       766219
Compressed: 51200

C:\Data\build>cd /D .\p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074

C:\Data\build\p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074>set PATCH_DIR=C:\Data\Patches\IO-Socket-SSL-2.074

C:\Data\build\p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074>type %PATCH_DIR%\0003-verify_fingerprint.t.patch
--- a/t/verify_fingerprint.t    Fri Jan 07 15:08:53 2022
+++ b/t/verify_fingerprint.t    Tue Jan 18 09:33:49 2022
@@ -80,8 +80,11 @@
     defined( my $pid = fork()) or die $!;
     if ( $pid ) {
        push @child,$pid;
+    my $saddr = ''.$sock->sockport;
+       close($sock);
        return (
-           ''.$sock->sockport,
+           # ''.$sock->sockport,
+        $saddr,
            map { [

C:\Data\build\p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074>patch -p1 < %PATCH_DIR%\0003-verify_fingerprint.t.patch
patching file t/verify_fingerprint.t

C:\Data\build\p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074>perl Makefile.PL
Should I do external tests?
These test will detect if there are network problems and fail soft,
so please disable them only if you definitely don't want to have any
network traffic to external sites.  [Y/n] n
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Generating a nmake-style Makefile
Writing Makefile for IO::Socket::SSL
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json


Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 14.29.30138.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

cp lib/IO/Socket/SSL/ blib\lib\IO\Socket\SSL\
cp lib/IO/Socket/SSL/ blib\lib\IO\Socket\SSL\
cp lib/IO/Socket/SSL.pod blib\lib\IO\Socket\SSL.pod
cp lib/IO/Socket/ blib\lib\IO\Socket\
cp lib/IO/Socket/SSL/ blib\lib\IO\Socket\SSL\

C:\Data\build\p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074>nmake test

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 14.29.30138.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

        "C:\perl-5.35.7\bin\perl.exe" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t\*.t
t\01loadmodule.t .................. # openssl version compiled=0x30000010 linked=0x30000010 -- OpenSSL 3.0.1 14 Dec 2021
t\01loadmodule.t .................. 1/3 # Net::SSLeay version=1.91_03
# parent IO::Socket::IP version=0.41
t\01loadmodule.t .................. ok
t\acceptSSL-timeout.t ............. ok
t\alpn.t .......................... ok
t\auto_verify_hostname.t .......... ok
t\cert_formats.t .................. ok
t\cert_no_file.t .................. ok
t\compatibility.t ................. ok
t\connectSSL-timeout.t ............ ok
t\core.t .......................... ok
t\dhe.t ........................... ok
t\ecdhe.t ......................... ok
t\io-socket-inet6.t ............... skipped: no IO::Socket::INET6 available
t\io-socket-ip.t .................. skipped: (no reason given)
t\memleak_bad_handshake.t ......... skipped: ps not implemented on this platform
t\mitm.t .......................... ok
t\multiple-cert-rsa-ecc.t ......... ok
t\nonblock.t ...................... ok
t\npn.t ........................... ok
t\plain_upgrade_downgrade.t ....... # -- test: newINET start_SSL stop_SSL start_SSL
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x666f6f from client
# server: got plain data at start of connection
# server: TLS upgrade
t\plain_upgrade_downgrade.t ....... 1/15 # server: TLS downgrade
# server: TLS upgrade#2
# -- test: newSSL stop_SSL connect_SSL
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x160301 from client
# server: TLS upgrade
# server: TLS downgrade
# server: TLS upgrade#2
# -- test: newSSL:0 connect_SSL stop_SSL connect_SSL
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x666f6f from client
# server: got plain data at start of connection
# server: TLS upgrade
# server: TLS downgrade
# server: TLS upgrade#2
# -- test: newSSL:0 start_SSL stop_SSL connect_SSL
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x666f6f from client
# server: got plain data at start of connection
# server: TLS upgrade
# server: TLS downgrade
# server: TLS upgrade#2
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x656e64 from client
# client requested end of tests
t\plain_upgrade_downgrade.t ....... ok
t\protocol_version.t .............. 1/? # looks like OpenSSL was compiled without SSLv3 support
# failed to accept TLSv1
# looks like OpenSSL was compiled without TLSv1 support
# failed to accept TLSv1_1
# looks like OpenSSL was compiled without TLSv1_1 support
t\protocol_version.t .............. ok
t\public_suffix_lib_encode_idn.t .. ok
t\public_suffix_lib_libidn.t ...... ok
t\public_suffix_lib_uri.t ......... ok
t\public_suffix_ssl.t ............. ok
t\readline.t ...................... ok
t\session_cache.t ................. ok
t\session_ticket.t ................ # listen at
# listen at
# connect to 0: success reuse=0 version=TLSv1_3
t\session_ticket.t ................ 1/6 # connect to 0: success reuse=1 version=TLSv1_3
# connect to 1: success reuse=1 version=TLSv1_3
t\session_ticket.t ................ 3/6 # connect to 1: success reuse=0 version=TLSv1_3
# connect to 0: success reuse=0 version=TLSv1_3
# connect to 0: success reuse=1 version=TLSv1_3
t\session_ticket.t ................ ok
t\sessions.t ...................... ok
t\set_curves.t .................... Failed 1/6 subtests
t\signal-readline.t ............... skipped: signals not relevant on this platform
t\sni.t ........................... Failed 1/17 subtests
        (less 1 skipped subtest: 15 okay)
t\sni_verify.t .................... Failed 4/17 subtests
        (less 4 skipped subtests: 9 okay)
t\start-stopssl.t ................. ok
t\startssl-failed.t ............... ok
t\startssl.t ...................... 1/21 Use of uninitialized value $l in string ne at t\startssl.t line 124.
t\startssl.t ...................... Failed 1/21 subtests
t\sysread_write.t ................. ok
t\verify_fingerprint.t ............ ok
t\verify_hostname.t ............... ok
t\verify_hostname_standalone.t .... ok
t\verify_partial_chain.t .......... ok

Test Summary Report
t\set_curves.t                  (Wstat: 0 Tests: 6 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  5
t\sni.t                         (Wstat: 0 Tests: 17 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  16
t\sni_verify.t                  (Wstat: 0 Tests: 17 Failed: 4)
  Failed tests:  10, 12, 14, 16
t\startssl.t                    (Wstat: 0 Tests: 21 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  21
Files=40, Tests=772, 90 wallclock secs ( 0.36 usr +  0.31 sys =  0.67 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 4/40 test programs. 7/772 subtests failed.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\perl-5.35.7\bin\perl.exe' : return code '0xff'


Attempt 1 + n:

C:\Data\build\p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074>cd ..

C:\Data\build>rmdir /s /q p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074

C:\Data\build>7z x p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074.tar.gz -aoa -tgzip -so | 7z x -aoa -si -ttar -o.\

7-Zip 21.07 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov : 2021-12-26

Extracting archive:
Path =
Type = tar
Code Page = UTF-8
Characteristics = ASCII

Everything is Ok

Folders: 10
Files: 87
Size:       766219
Compressed: 51200

C:\Data\build>cd /D .\p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074

C:\Data\build\p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074>set PATCH_DIR=C:\Data\Patches\IO-Socket-SSL-2.074

C:\Data\build\p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074>patch -p1 < %PATCH_DIR%\0003-verify_fingerprint.t.patch
patching file t/verify_fingerprint.t

C:\Data\build\p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074>perl Makefile.PL
Should I do external tests?
These test will detect if there are network problems and fail soft,
so please disable them only if you definitely don't want to have any
network traffic to external sites.  [Y/n] n
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Generating a nmake-style Makefile
Writing Makefile for IO::Socket::SSL
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json


Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 14.29.30138.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

cp lib/IO/Socket/SSL/ blib\lib\IO\Socket\SSL\
cp lib/IO/Socket/SSL.pod blib\lib\IO\Socket\SSL.pod
cp lib/IO/Socket/SSL/ blib\lib\IO\Socket\SSL\
cp lib/IO/Socket/ blib\lib\IO\Socket\
cp lib/IO/Socket/SSL/ blib\lib\IO\Socket\SSL\

C:\Data\build\p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074>nmake test

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 14.29.30138.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

        "C:\perl-5.35.7\bin\perl.exe" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t\*.t
t\01loadmodule.t .................. # openssl version compiled=0x30000010 linked=0x30000010 -- OpenSSL 3.0.1 14 Dec 2021
t\01loadmodule.t .................. 1/3 # Net::SSLeay version=1.91_03
# parent IO::Socket::IP version=0.41
t\01loadmodule.t .................. ok
t\acceptSSL-timeout.t ............. ok
t\alpn.t .......................... ok
t\auto_verify_hostname.t .......... ok
t\cert_formats.t .................. ok
t\cert_no_file.t .................. ok
t\compatibility.t ................. ok
t\connectSSL-timeout.t ............ ok
t\core.t .......................... ok
t\dhe.t ........................... ok
t\ecdhe.t ......................... ok
t\io-socket-inet6.t ............... skipped: no IO::Socket::INET6 available
t\io-socket-ip.t .................. skipped: (no reason given)
t\memleak_bad_handshake.t ......... skipped: ps not implemented on this platform
t\mitm.t .......................... ok
t\multiple-cert-rsa-ecc.t ......... ok
t\nonblock.t ...................... ok
t\npn.t ........................... ok
t\plain_upgrade_downgrade.t ....... # -- test: newINET start_SSL stop_SSL start_SSL
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x666f6f from client
# server: got plain data at start of connection
# server: TLS upgrade
t\plain_upgrade_downgrade.t ....... 1/15 # server: TLS downgrade
# server: TLS upgrade#2
# -- test: newSSL stop_SSL connect_SSL
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x160301 from client
# server: TLS upgrade
# server: TLS downgrade
# server: TLS upgrade#2
# -- test: newSSL:0 connect_SSL stop_SSL connect_SSL
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x666f6f from client
# server: got plain data at start of connection
# server: TLS upgrade
# server: TLS downgrade
# server: TLS upgrade#2
# -- test: newSSL:0 start_SSL stop_SSL connect_SSL
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x666f6f from client
# server: got plain data at start of connection
# server: TLS upgrade
# server: TLS downgrade
# server: TLS upgrade#2
# server accepted new client
# wait for initial data from client
# got 0x656e64 from client
# client requested end of tests
t\plain_upgrade_downgrade.t ....... ok
t\protocol_version.t .............. 1/? # looks like OpenSSL was compiled without SSLv3 support
# failed to accept TLSv1
# looks like OpenSSL was compiled without TLSv1 support
# failed to accept TLSv1_1
# looks like OpenSSL was compiled without TLSv1_1 support
t\protocol_version.t .............. ok
t\public_suffix_lib_encode_idn.t .. ok
t\public_suffix_lib_libidn.t ...... ok
t\public_suffix_lib_uri.t ......... ok
t\public_suffix_ssl.t ............. ok
t\readline.t ...................... ok
t\session_cache.t ................. ok
t\session_ticket.t ................ # listen at
# listen at
# connect to 0: success reuse=0 version=TLSv1_3
t\session_ticket.t ................ 1/6 # connect to 0: success reuse=1 version=TLSv1_3
# connect to 1: success reuse=1 version=TLSv1_3
# connect to 1: success reuse=0 version=TLSv1_3
# connect to 0: success reuse=0 version=TLSv1_3
# connect to 0: success reuse=1 version=TLSv1_3
t\session_ticket.t ................ ok
t\sessions.t ...................... ok
t\set_curves.t .................... Failed 2/6 subtests
t\signal-readline.t ............... skipped: signals not relevant on this platform
t\sni.t ........................... Failed 3/17 subtests
        (less 3 skipped subtests: 11 okay)
t\sni_verify.t .................... Failed 4/17 subtests
        (less 4 skipped subtests: 9 okay)
t\start-stopssl.t ................. ok
t\startssl-failed.t ............... ok
t\startssl.t ...................... 1/21 Use of uninitialized value $l in string ne at t\startssl.t line 124.
t\startssl.t ...................... Failed 1/21 subtests
t\sysread_write.t ................. ok
t\verify_fingerprint.t ............ 8/13 Terminating on signal SIGINT(2)
NMAKE : fatal error U1058: terminated by user


I have found that for it to work consistently - the following three conditions need to be met:

  1. all associated [orphaned] Perl processes must be killed
  2. the developer command prompt needs to be closed and re-opened anew
  3. start from a cleanly extracted p5-io-socket-ssl-2.074.tar.gz archive

from p5-io-socket-ssl.

twata1 avatar twata1 commented on July 30, 2024

As for the recent Perl builds using Visual Studio, I am concerned about the Windows section of perl5260delta.

from p5-io-socket-ssl.

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