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Comments (17)

georgeguimaraes avatar georgeguimaraes commented on June 3, 2024 6

I've managed to replicate it with a minimal config (with hl keys). It does not happen all the time, but it does trigger an out of order that I still don't know why.


from neo-tree.nvim.

InfiniteRain avatar InfiniteRain commented on June 3, 2024 3

update: downgrading to 3.14 has fixed the issue for me:

use({ "nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim", tag = "3.14" })

from neo-tree.nvim.

rizkyilhampra avatar rizkyilhampra commented on June 3, 2024 1

@pysan3 yes my neovim version is newer than november, to be exact the last i'm updated i think is yesterday.

thanks for give me some related information, i will check it out and following the related infomation.

from neo-tree.nvim.

InfiniteRain avatar InfiniteRain commented on June 3, 2024

experiencing the same thing

from neo-tree.nvim.

georgeguimaraes avatar georgeguimaraes commented on June 3, 2024

Hi, I'm gonna take a look into this. Probably related to the changes I made.

from neo-tree.nvim.

georgeguimaraes avatar georgeguimaraes commented on June 3, 2024

Hello, I tried and couldn't reproduce it with neovim 0.9.5 and with neo-tree's repro.lua (as stated in the bug report template):

-- DO NOT change the paths and don't remove the colorscheme
local root = vim.fn.fnamemodify("./.repro", ":p")

-- set stdpaths to use .repro
for _, name in ipairs({ "config", "data", "state", "cache" }) do
	vim.env[("XDG_%s_HOME"):format(name:upper())] = root .. "/" .. name

-- bootstrap lazy
local lazypath = root .. "/plugins/lazy.nvim"
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(lazypath) then
	vim.fn.system({ "git", "clone", "--filter=blob:none", "", lazypath })

-- install plugins
local plugins = {
	-- add any other plugins here

local neotree_config = {
	dependencies = { "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim", "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons", "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
	cmd = { "Neotree" },
	keys = {
		{ "<Leader>e", "<Cmd>Neotree<CR>" }, -- change or remove this line if relevant.
	opts = {
		log_level = "trace",
		log_to_file = "/tmp/neotree-repro.log",
		filesystem = {
			filtered_items = {
				visible = true,
				show_hidden_count = true,
				hide_dotfiles = false,
				hide_gitignored = true,
				hide_by_name = {
					-- '.git',
					-- '.DS_Store',
					-- 'thumbs.db',
				never_show = {},
		window = {
			position = "right",

table.insert(plugins, neotree_config)
require("lazy").setup(plugins, {
	root = root .. "/plugins",

-- add anything else here

I included your config as well.

It seems that AstroNvim overwrites some commands from neo-tree here. I'd suggest opening an issue there.

from neo-tree.nvim.

rick-yao avatar rick-yao commented on June 3, 2024

Thanks for your quick reply ,I'll open an issue at Astronvim.

from neo-tree.nvim.

rick-yao avatar rick-yao commented on June 3, 2024

the issue is gone when i fallback to 3.14, issue closed. Both neo-tree and astronvim cannot replicate it. issue closed.

from neo-tree.nvim.

mehalter avatar mehalter commented on June 3, 2024

@georgeguimaraes it does have to do with this commit you made (found with git bisect): #1288

It seems to cause this bug in the custom hjkl based navigation described in this discussion: #163

I'm not sure if this is considered a bug/issue in neo-tree. If not, I can just remove this custom code from AstroNvim since there is no place for unstable code in there.

Thanks in advanced if you take a look at this! No worries if you don't have time!

from neo-tree.nvim.

mehalter avatar mehalter commented on June 3, 2024

You might have a better idea than me @georgeguimaraes if the PR introduced a bug or if the code in the linked comment (#163 (reply in thread)) has just always had a bug in it and this just exposed it. The code there seems relatively straightforward and that it should work, but I don't have a full understanding of the neo-tree internals like yourself. So it would be difficult for me to identify which side of the equation the bug would be considered

from neo-tree.nvim.

cseickel avatar cseickel commented on June 3, 2024

Looking at the video, it does not seem random at all. From what I can see, it is jumping to the currently active file in the buffer to the left.

More importantly, when I use the provided config and just add the custom h/l mappings, i don't see the same behavior:

-- DO NOT change the paths and don't remove the colorscheme
local root = vim.fn.fnamemodify("./.repro", ":p")

-- set stdpaths to use .repro
for _, name in ipairs({ "config", "data", "state", "cache" }) do
	vim.env[("XDG_%s_HOME"):format(name:upper())] = root .. "/" .. name

-- bootstrap lazy
local lazypath = root .. "/plugins/lazy.nvim"
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(lazypath) then
	vim.fn.system({ "git", "clone", "--filter=blob:none", "", lazypath })

-- install plugins
local plugins = {
	-- add any other plugins here

local neotree_config = {
	dependencies = { "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim", "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons", "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
	cmd = { "Neotree" },
	keys = {
		{ "<Leader>e", "<Cmd>Neotree<CR>" }, -- change or remove this line if relevant.
	opts = {
		log_level = "trace",
		log_to_file = "/tmp/neotree-repro.log",
		filesystem = {
			filtered_items = {
				visible = true,
				show_hidden_count = true,
				hide_dotfiles = false,
				hide_gitignored = true,
				hide_by_name = {
					-- '.git',
					-- '.DS_Store',
					-- 'thumbs.db',
				never_show = {},
			window = {
				mappings = {
					h = function(state)
					  local node = state.tree:get_node()
					  if (node.type == "directory" or node:has_children()) and node:is_expanded() then
					    require("neo-tree.ui.renderer").focus_node(state, node:get_parent_id())
					l = function(state)
					  local node = state.tree:get_node()
					  if node.type == "directory" or node:has_children() then
					    if not node:is_expanded() then
					      require("neo-tree.ui.renderer").focus_node(state, node:get_child_ids()[1])
		window = {
			position = "right",

table.insert(plugins, neotree_config)
require("lazy").setup(plugins, {
	root = root .. "/plugins",

-- add anything else here

I am using nvim version 0.9.4 on linux.

from neo-tree.nvim.

mehalter avatar mehalter commented on June 3, 2024

@cseickel it actually doesn't happen 100% of the time. It took me a while to replicate it. Also it doesn't always jump to the currently active file. Sometimes it will jump to a different directory I have recently toggled. I will see if I can get a specific set of actions to replicate it, but so far I have struggled to consistently replicate it without just sitting and doing a lot of actions in the file tree until it happens

from neo-tree.nvim.

mehalter avatar mehalter commented on June 3, 2024

Thanks so much for taking some time to investigate this @georgeguimaraes !

from neo-tree.nvim.

georgeguimaraes avatar georgeguimaraes commented on June 3, 2024

@mehalter I've proposed a fix. It's hard for me to debug it, because the issue doesn't happen a lot here. If you could try it, it would help a lot:


from neo-tree.nvim.

rizkyilhampra avatar rizkyilhampra commented on June 3, 2024

sorry to make this issue is resurrect. i'm still experience with the issue. i was reinstalling the plugin but it's still occour. if you don't mind let me add some information here. i hope is helpfull. thanks

Neovim Version

NVIM v0.10.0-dev-2501+gdbf6be296 Build type: RelWithDebInfo LuaJIT 2.1.1707061634


arch linux


my neo-tree configuration (click me)
local global = require('')

return {
  branch = "v3.x",
  dependencies = {
      "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons", -- not strictly required, but recommended
  config = function()
          close_if_last_window = true,
          window = {
              width = 35,
              mappings = {
                  ["h"] = function(state)
                      local node = state.tree:get_node()
                      if node.type == 'directory' and node:is_expanded() then
                          require 'neo-tree.sources.filesystem'.toggle_directory(state, node)
                          require 'neo-tree.ui.renderer'.focus_node(state, node:get_parent_id())
                  ["l"] = function(state)
                      local node = state.tree:get_node()
                      if node.type == 'directory' then
                          if not node:is_expanded() then
                              require 'neo-tree.sources.filesystem'.toggle_directory(state, node)
                          elseif node:has_children() then
                              require 'neo-tree.ui.renderer'.focus_node(state, node:get_child_ids()[1])
                      elseif node.type == 'file' then
                  -- copy to system clipboard
                  ["Y"] = function(state)
                      local currentNode = state.tree:get_node()
                      local path = currentNode.path
                      vim.fn.setreg("+", path)
                      vim.notify("Copied to system clipboard", "info", {
                          title = "NeoTree",
                          timeout = 1000,
                  -- paste from system clipboard
                  ["P"] = function(state)
                      local clipboardPath = vim.fn.getreg("+")

                      if clipboardPath == "" then return end

                      local currentNode = state.tree:get_node()
                      local inputs = require("neo-tree.ui.inputs")
                      local confirmationMessage = "Are you sure you want to paste " .. clipboardPath

                      inputs.confirm(confirmationMessage, function(confirmed)
                          if not confirmed then return end

                          local success, error = pcall(function()
                              local sourcePath = vim.fn.fnameescape(clipboardPath)
                              local destinationPath = vim.fn.fnameescape(currentNode.path)

                              if currentNode.type == 'directory' then
                                  vim.fn.system { "cp", "-r", sourcePath, destinationPath }
                              elseif currentNode.type == 'file' then
                                  vim.fn.system { "cp", sourcePath, destinationPath }

                          if not success then
                              local errorNotification = {
                                  title = "NeoTree",
                                  timeout = 1000,
                              vim.notify("Failed to paste from system clipboard", "error", errorNotification)
                              vim.cmd [[echohl ErrorMsg]]

                          -- reset clipboard
                          vim.fn.setreg("+", "")

                          require 'neo-tree.ui.renderer'.focus_node(state,

                          local successNotification = {
                              title = "NeoTree",
                              timeout = 1000,
                          vim.notify("Pasted from system clipboard", "info", successNotification)

          default_component_configs = {
              git_status = {
                  symbols = {
                      added    = global.icons.git.added,
                      modified = global.icons.git.modified,

          filesystem = {
              use_libuv_file_watcher = true,
              follow_current_file = {
                  enabled         = true,
                  leave_dirs_open = true
              filtered_items = {
                  hide_dotfiles = false,
                  hide_gitignored = false,
                  hide_by_name = {
                  never_show = {
              commands = {
                  delete = function(state)
                      local inputs = require("neo-tree.ui.inputs")
                      local path = state.tree:get_node().path
                      local msg = "Are you sure you want to trash " .. path
                      inputs.confirm(msg, function(confirmed)
                          if not confirmed then return end

                          local success, error = pcall(function()
                              vim.fn.system { "trash", vim.fn.fnameescape(path) }

                          if not success then
                              local errorNotification = {
                                  title = "NeoTree",
                                  timeout = 1000,
                              vim.notify("Failed to delete to trash", "error", errorNotification)

                              msg = "Skip trash? (permanent delete)"

                              inputs.confirm(msg, function(confirmed_delete_to_trash)
                                  if not confirmed_delete_to_trash then return end

                                  if state.tree:get_node().type == "directory" then
                                      vim.fn.system { "rm", "-rf", vim.fn.fnameescape(path) }
                                      vim.fn.system { "rm", vim.fn.fnameescape(path) }



      vim.keymap.set("n", "<Leader>e", '<cmd>Neotree toggle<CR>')
      vim.keymap.set("n", "<Leader>E", '<cmd>Neotree reveal<CR>')

NeoTree Version



open folder with l or enter key, make cursor random jump, it will jump some line above or below from old cursor position(before open folder) . but it's randomly happen, i think it's happen when i moving fast in neo-tree but i'm not sure with this.

from neo-tree.nvim.

pysan3 avatar pysan3 commented on June 3, 2024

@rizkyilhampra Could you join the discussion here? #1374

It might be caused by an upstream issue in neovim and maybe not...

Do you remember when you installed that neovim? If it's newer than November, it might be neo-tree's position restore mechanism conflicting with neovim/neovim#27720.

from neo-tree.nvim.

pysan3 avatar pysan3 commented on June 3, 2024

Sorry, wrong link. Updated.

from neo-tree.nvim.

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