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Comments (7)

pbatard avatar pbatard commented on July 24, 2024 2

TimeZone replication is a feature that will be part of the next Rufus release.

from rufus.

pbatard avatar pbatard commented on July 24, 2024 1

You removed the "Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021" from the title, are you sure that this does apply to non-IoT ISOs as well?

Yes, because if I set timezone for nonstandard region for non IoT (e.g. German region with Australian timezone), then regardless of whether this was an IoT issue (which I will NEVER look into) or not, this will either get fixed for IoT, or this is a pure Windows bug that will have nothing to do with Rufus in the first place.

All Rufus can do is set region/timezone settings from the answer file. If that doesn't work, then it means that it's a Windows issue with how it processes answer files (since I'm pretty confident Rufus does set it exactly as Microsoft documents) and not a Rufus issue. As such, the part about it not working for IoT or Windows To Go becomes irrelevant, and the only part I am planning to look into, since it's not something Rufus is doing right now, is carry the timezone settings from the user when they select to use the same regional options and, outside of trying to keep issue titles short (because a title shouldn't be the place to give specifics, but to briefly summarize the nature of the problem), that's why I changed the title to something more digestible.

from rufus.

JustMyGithub avatar JustMyGithub commented on July 24, 2024 1

Awesome just another time. Thanks!

from rufus.

pbatard avatar pbatard commented on July 24, 2024

I'm going to need the beginning and end of the log.

You can truncate a bunch of "Copying" messages, but I do need to see pretty much all of your log outside of this.

You can also zip the file and attach it to the issue. Or you can split it over multiple posts. There are more than one way to provide a log, even if GitHub says it's too large to copy/paste.

from rufus.

JustMyGithub avatar JustMyGithub commented on July 24, 2024

Ok, so I replaced the GUIDs and the username, the Extracting-Creating-Lines and the Lines about all the drives that are detected.

As it might cause canfusion: I did a first run with another Win10 ISO that included the bad block check. During the check I noticed I picked the wrong but I waited for the bad block check to finish before I aborted. I removed that part from the log.

The checkdisk is in German, it says "no problems found, no actions required"


Rufus x64 v4.4.2103 (Portable)
Windows version: Windows 10 Pro x64 (Build 19045.4412)
Syslinux versions: 4.07/2013-07-25, 6.04/pre1
Grub versions: 0.4.6a, 2.06
System locale ID: 0x0407 (de-DE)
Will use default UI locale 0x0407
SetLGP: Successfully set NoDriveTypeAutorun policy to 0x0000009E
Localization set to 'de-DE'
Notice: The ISO download feature has been deactivated because 'Check for updates' is disabled in your settings.
Found 517 officially revoked UEFI bootloaders from embedded list
Found 2351 additional revoked UEFI bootloaders from this system's SKUSiPolicy.p7b
Scanning image...
ISO analysis:
  Image is a UDF image
Disk image analysis:
  Image does not have a Boot Marker
ISO label: 'CES_X64FREO_EN-US_DV9'
  Detected: Windows 10 ISO (Build 19041.1288)
  Size: 4.5 GB (Projected)
  Uses: EFI
  Uses: Bootmgr (BIOS and UEFI)
  Uses: Install.wim (version 0.13.1)
Using image: en-us_windows_10_iot_enterprise_ltsc_2021_x64_dvd_257ad90f.iso (4.5 GB)
WIM extraction method(s) supported: 7-Zip, wimgapi.dll
WIM apply method supported: wimgapi.dll
Opening: \\.\CDROM1/sources/install.wim:[0] (API)
Extracting: C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Local\Temp\RufF8D4.tmp (From [1].xml)
Closing: \\.\CDROM1/sources/install.wim
WIM extraction method(s) supported: 7-Zip, wimgapi.dll
WIM apply method supported: wimgapi.dll
Opening: \\.\CDROM1/sources/install.wim:[0] (API)
Extracting: C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Local\Temp\Ruf2573.tmp (From [1].xml)
Closing: \\.\CDROM1/sources/install.wim
Will use 'Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC' (Build: 19041, Index 2) for Windows To Go
Selected Windows User Experience options:
• Disable data collection
• Use '%Username%' for local account name
• Use the same regional options as this user's
WIM extraction method(s) supported: 7-Zip, wimgapi.dll
WIM apply method supported: wimgapi.dll
Opening: \\.\CDROM1/sources/install.wim:[0] (API)
Extracting: C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Local\Temp\Ruf7FAB.tmp (From [1].xml)
Closing: \\.\CDROM1/sources/install.wim
Will use 'Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC' (Build: 19041, Index 2) for Windows To Go
Selected Windows User Experience options:
• Disable data collection
• Use '%Username%' for local account name
• Use the same regional options as this user's
WIM extraction method(s) supported: 7-Zip, wimgapi.dll
WIM apply method supported: wimgapi.dll
Opening: \\.\CDROM1/sources/install.wim:[0] (API)
Extracting: C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Local\Temp\RufA19E.tmp (From [1].xml)
Closing: \\.\CDROM1/sources/install.wim
Will use 'Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC' (Build: 19041, Index 1) for Windows To Go
WIM extraction method(s) supported: 7-Zip, wimgapi.dll
WIM apply method supported: wimgapi.dll
Opening: \\.\CDROM1/sources/install.wim:[0] (API)
Extracting: C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Local\Temp\RufAC1E.tmp (From [1].xml)
Closing: \\.\CDROM1/sources/install.wim
Will use 'Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC' (Build: 19041, Index 2) for Windows To Go
Selected Windows User Experience options:
• Disable data collection
• Use '%Username%' for local account name
• Use the same regional options as this user's

Format operation started
Notice: Large drive detected (may produce short writes)
Requesting disk access...
Will use 'H:' as volume mountpoint
Opened \\.\PhysicalDrive7 for shared write access
Analyzing existing boot records...
Drive has a Zeroed Master Boot Record
Clearing MBR/PBR/GPT structures...
Erasing 128 sectors
Initializing disk...
Partitioning (GPT)...
● Creating EFI System Partition (offset: 1048576, size: 260 MB)
● Creating Microsoft Reserved Partition (offset: 273678336, size: 128 MB)
● Creating Main Data Partition (offset: 407896064, size: 1.8 TB)
Waiting for logical drive to reappear...
Closed Windows format prompt
Formatting to NTFS (using IFS)
Using cluster size: 4096 bytes
Quick format was selected
Creating file system...
Format completed.
Writing Master Boot Record...
Using Rufus protective MBR
Writing protective message SBR
Found volume \\?\Volume{%Part3-GUID%}\
Disabling file indexing...
Successfully remounted \\?\Volume{%Part3-GUID%}\ as H:
Applying Windows image...
Windows To Go mode selected
Mounted ISO as '\\.\CDROM1'
Opening: \\.\CDROM1/sources/install.wim:[2]
Applying Windows image...
Notice: An extra 2696 files and directories were applied, from the 136855 expected
Closing: \\.\CDROM1/sources/install.wim
Setting up EFI System Partition
Formatting (Large FAT32)...
Opened \\?\Volume{%Part1-GUID%} for exclusive write access
Size : 260 MB 532480 sectors
Cluster size 1024 bytes, 512 bytes per sector
Volume ID is 1511:1516
2016 Reserved sectors, 2064 sectors per FAT, 2 FATs
263168 Total clusters
263167 Free clusters
Clearing out 6146 sectors for reserved sectors, FATs and root cluster...
Initializing reserved sectors and FATs...
FAT #0 sector at address: 2016
FAT #1 sector at address: 4080
Setting label...
Format completed.
Mounting '\Device\HarddiskVolume32' as 'I:'
Enabling boot using command:
C:\Windows\system32\bcdboot.exe H:\Windows /v /f ALL /s I:
Disabling use of the Windows Recovery Environment using command:
C:\Windows\system32\bcdedit.exe /store I:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD /set {default} recoveryenabled no
Successfully unmounted 'I:'
Applying Windows customization:
Added 'H:\Windows\Panther\unattend.xml'
Finalizing, please wait...
Created: H:autorun.inf
Created: H:autorun.ico
NTFS Fixup (Checkdisk)...
Die Volumebezeichnung lautet CES_X64FREO_EN-US_DV9.

Phase 1: Die Basisdatei-Systemstruktur wird untersucht...
  88576 Datens�tze verarbeitet
Datei�berpr�fung beende
 Phasendauer (Datei-Datensatz �berpr�fung): 1.37 Sekunde
  943 gro�e Datens�tze verarbeite
 Phasendauer (Wiederherstellung f�r verwaisten Datei-Datensatz): 0.00 Millisekunden
  0 ung�ltige Datens�tze verarbeite
 Phasendauer (Pr�fung auf falschen Datei-Datensatz): 10.17 Millisekunden

Phase 2: Die Dateinamenverkn�pfung wird untersucht..
  2 Analysedatens�tze verarbeitet
  139614 Indexeintr�ge verarbeitet
Index�berpr�fung beende
 Phasendauer (Index�berpr�fung): 4.33 Sekunde
 Phasendauer (Wiederverbindung f�r verwaisten Datensatz): 22.23 Millisekunden
 Phasendauer (Wiederherstellung f�r verwaiste Datensatz): 0.01 Millisekunden
  2 Analysedatens�tze verarbeitet
 Phasendauer (�berpr�fung von Analysepunkts und Objekt-ID): 2.04 Millisekunde

Phase 3: Sicherheitsbeschreibungen werden untersucht...
�berpr�fung der Sicherheitsbeschreibungen beende
 Phasendauer (�berpr�fung f�r Sicherheits-Deskriptor): 5.15 Millisekund
  25520 Datendateien verarbeitet.
 Phasendauer (Datenattribut�berpr�fung): 0.47 Millisekunde
CHKDSK �berpr�ft USN-Journal.
  8596280 USN-Bytes verarbeitet.
Die �berpr�fung von USN-Journal ist abgeschlosse
 Phasendauer (USN-Journal�berpr�fung): 35.88 Millisekunde

Dateisystem wurde �berpr�ft, keine Probleme festgestellt.
Keine weiteren Aktionen erforderlic

1953116227 KB Speicherplatz auf dem Datentr�ger insgesam
   7747200 KB in 62065 Dateien
     55884 KB in 25521 Indizes
    222927 KB vom System benutzt
     65536 KB von der Protokolldatei belegt
1945090216 KB auf dem Datentr�ger verf�gb
      4096 Bytes in jeder Zuordnungseinheit
 488279056 Zuordnungseinheiten auf dem Datentr�ger insgesam
 486272554 Zuordnungseinheiten auf dem Datentr�ger verf�gb
Gesamtdauer: 5.79 Sekunden (5793 ms).
NTFS Fixup completed.
Found UAS (USB 3.1) device 'Samsung PSSD T7 Touch UAS Device' (04E8:4001)
Using 'autorun.inf' label for drive H: 'CES_X64FREO_EN-US_DV9'
7 devices found
Disk type: FIXED, Disk size: 2TB, Sector size: 512 bytes
Cylinders: 243201, Tracks per cylinder: 255, Sectors per track: 63
Partition type: GPT, NB Partitions: 3
Max parts: 128, Start Offset: 17408, Usable = 2000398899712 bytes
Partition 1:
  Type: EFI System Partition
  Name: 'EFI System Partition'
  Detected File System: FAT32
  ID: {%Part1-GUID%}
  Size: 260 MB (272629760 bytes)
  Start Sector: 2048, Attributes: 0x0000000000000000
Partition 2:
  Type: Microsoft System Reserved Partition
  Name: 'Microsoft Reserved Partition'
  Detected File System: (Unrecognized)
  ID: {%Part2-GUID%}}
  Size: 128 MB (134217728 bytes)
  Start Sector: 534528, Attributes: 0x0000000000000000
Partition 3:
  Type: Microsoft Basic Data Partition
  Name: 'Main Data Partition'
  Detected File System: NTFS
  ID: {%Part3-GUID%}
  Size: 1.8 TB (1999991017472 bytes)
  Start Sector: 796672, Attributes: 0x0000000000000000

Disk type: FIXED, Disk size: 2TB, Sector size: 512 bytes
Cylinders: 243201, Tracks per cylinder: 255, Sectors per track: 63
Partition type: GPT, NB Partitions: 3
Max parts: 128, Start Offset: 17408, Usable = 2000398899712 bytes
Partition 1:
  Type: EFI System Partition
  Name: 'EFI System Partition'
  Detected File System: FAT32
  ID: {%Part1-GUID%}
  Size: 260 MB (272629760 bytes)
  Start Sector: 2048, Attributes: 0x0000000000000000
Partition 2:
  Type: Microsoft System Reserved Partition
  Name: 'Microsoft Reserved Partition'
  Detected File System: (Unrecognized)
  ID: {%Part2-GUID%}}
  Size: 128 MB (134217728 bytes)
  Start Sector: 534528, Attributes: 0x0000000000000000
Partition 3:
  Type: Microsoft Basic Data Partition
  Name: 'Main Data Partition'
  Detected File System: NTFS
  ID: {%Part3-GUID%}
  Size: 1.8 TB (1999991017472 bytes)
  Start Sector: 796672, Attributes: 0x0000000000000000

from rufus.

pbatard avatar pbatard commented on July 24, 2024

Well, duplicating the regional options does not implicitly mean duplicating the timezone settings, and the explicit purpose of Rufus with this is to avoid the user being interrupted by the installation process to select its regional options. So, the fact that it applies a timezone that is decided by the default regional option and might not be the actual one the user wants is outside of the actual design goals of Rufus with this feature, which means that we don't really have a reason to want to address this (since again, our goal is to shortcircuit any element that make the Windows installer prompt the user instead of pressing forward with the installation, so that the user can get to a fully installed and running Windows, that they can then finish customizing to their liking).

But I hear you. It would be nice if the timezone could also be duplicated when the user selects to duplicate the regional option, so, considering that there is an answer file setting that does just that, I'll see what I can do (though I have to state that, since Windows requires the use of crappy designators such as Pacific Standard Time_dstoff, if there isn't a Windows API that allows us to get these text designators from the current timezone, and instead we have to go the extra mile to figure them out, I may very well choose to drop this request altogether).

from rufus.

JustMyGithub avatar JustMyGithub commented on July 24, 2024

Well, regional settings of the creating OS were Germany, German keyboard, timezone Germany, German language, German regional format - its no non-default combination like German keyboard and Australien timezone. The IoT ISO does not provide German language, of course, but keyboard was set correctly and so was the country and the regional format.

I do not expect anything and I am thankful for rufus (without it I might have to use shitty tools like balenaEtcher or even pay for an other tool), I just wanted to let you know because I thought this was clearly a bug. If timezone is not part of "regional options" I just suggest to mention this when the option is shown to the user (like "Use the same regional options as this user's (timezone not included)" or similar. I assume that many people expect that timezone is an "regional option"

You removed the "Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021" from the title, are you sure that this does apply to non-IoT ISOs as well? It's been a while since my last Win 10 Pro Windows To Go, but I do not remember that I had to set the timezone in Windows to Go back then - but I may be wrong about this. Or maybe each ISO has a default timezone and for the en IoT Enterprise that is a US timezone and for the German Pro ISO that is timezone Germany so maybe Rufus did not tranfer the setting but as the default timezone of the ISO happens to be the one of the creating host OS I did not notice that it did not do that.

from rufus.

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