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/rest/cohort/NICCC returns two hits -- name_full contains "center"/"centre" with American and British spellings about pgs_catalog HOT 3 CLOSED

pgscatalog avatar pgscatalog commented on September 27, 2024
/rest/cohort/NICCC returns two hits -- name_full contains "center"/"centre" with American and British spellings

from pgs_catalog.

Comments (3)

smlmbrt avatar smlmbrt commented on September 27, 2024 1

We're in the process of cleaning the cohort annotations/duplicates

from pgs_catalog.

ramiromagno avatar ramiromagno commented on September 27, 2024 1

okay, nice!

Just for completeness:

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                                                                                                                          
  <chr>         <chr>                                                                                                                                
1 ESTHER        ESTHER Breast Cancer Study                                                                                                           
2 ESTHER        Epidemiological investigations of the chances of preventing, recognizing early and optimally treating chronic diseases in an elderly…
3 ESTHER        ESTHER Breast Cancer Study                                                                                                           

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 25 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 ESTHER        PGS000001 evaluation 
 2 ESTHER        PGS000002 evaluation 
 3 ESTHER        PGS000003 evaluation 
 4 ESTHER        PGS000030 evaluation 
 5 ESTHER        PGS000004 development
 6 ESTHER        PGS000005 development
 7 ESTHER        PGS000006 development
 8 ESTHER        PGS000007 development
 9 ESTHER        PGS000008 development
10 ESTHER        PGS000009 development
11 ESTHER        PGS000212 development
12 ESTHER        PGS000213 development
13 ESTHER        PGS000214 development
14 ESTHER        PGS000215 development
15 ESTHER        PGS000216 development
16 ESTHER        PGS000335 development
17 ESTHER        PGS000344 development
18 ESTHER        PGS000345 development
19 ESTHER        PGS000346 development
20 ESTHER        PGS000347 development
21 ESTHER        PGS000348 development
22 ESTHER        PGS000351 development
23 ESTHER        PGS000664 development
24 ESTHER        PGS000719 development
25 ESTHER        PGS000720 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                        
  <chr>         <chr>                              
1 DEMOKRITOS    UNKNOWN                            
2 Demokritos    Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group
3 Demokritos    Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 15 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 DEMOKRITOS    PGS000001 evaluation 
 2 DEMOKRITOS    PGS000002 evaluation 
 3 DEMOKRITOS    PGS000003 evaluation 
 4 DEMOKRITOS    PGS000045 evaluation 
 5 DEMOKRITOS    PGS000046 evaluation 
 6 DEMOKRITOS    PGS000047 evaluation 
 7 DEMOKRITOS    PGS000049 evaluation 
 8 Demokritos    PGS000004 evaluation 
 9 Demokritos    PGS000005 evaluation 
10 Demokritos    PGS000006 evaluation 
11 Demokritos    PGS000351 evaluation 
12 Demokritos    PGS000352 evaluation 
13 Demokritos    PGS000351 development
14 Demokritos    PGS000352 development
15 Demokritos    PGS000724 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                
  <chr>         <chr>                      
1 MDC           Malmo Diet and Cancer Study
2 MDC           Malmö Diet and Cancer Study
3 MDC           Malmo Diet and Cancer Study

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 86 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage     
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>     
 1 MDC           PGS000010 evaluation
 2 MDC           PGS000011 evaluation
 3 MDC           PGS000013 evaluation
 4 MDC           PGS000192 evaluation
 5 MDC           PGS000217 evaluation
 6 MDC           PGS000218 evaluation
 7 MDC           PGS000219 evaluation
 8 MDC           PGS000220 evaluation
 9 MDC           PGS000221 evaluation
10 MDC           PGS000222 evaluation
11 MDC           PGS000223 evaluation
12 MDC           PGS000224 evaluation
13 MDC           PGS000225 evaluation
14 MDC           PGS000226 evaluation
15 MDC           PGS000227 evaluation
16 MDC           PGS000228 evaluation
17 MDC           PGS000229 evaluation
18 MDC           PGS000230 evaluation
19 MDC           PGS000231 evaluation
20 MDC           PGS000232 evaluation
21 MDC           PGS000233 evaluation
22 MDC           PGS000234 evaluation
23 MDC           PGS000235 evaluation
24 MDC           PGS000236 evaluation
25 MDC           PGS000237 evaluation
26 MDC           PGS000238 evaluation
27 MDC           PGS000239 evaluation
28 MDC           PGS000240 evaluation
29 MDC           PGS000241 evaluation
30 MDC           PGS000242 evaluation
31 MDC           PGS000243 evaluation
32 MDC           PGS000244 evaluation
33 MDC           PGS000245 evaluation
34 MDC           PGS000246 evaluation
35 MDC           PGS000247 evaluation
36 MDC           PGS000248 evaluation
37 MDC           PGS000249 evaluation
38 MDC           PGS000250 evaluation
39 MDC           PGS000251 evaluation
40 MDC           PGS000252 evaluation
# … with 46 more rows

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 4 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                     
  <chr>         <chr>                           
1 CPCS          Copenhagen Prostate Cancer Study
2 CPCS          CPCS                            
3 CPCS          Copenhagen Prostate Cancer Study
4 CPCS          CPCS                            

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 4 x 3
  cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
  <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
1 CPCS          PGS000030 evaluation 
2 CPCS          PGS000348 development
3 CPCS          PGS000351 development
4 CPCS          PGS000719 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                                      
  <chr>         <chr>                                            
1 MCC-SPAIN     Multi Case Control Study-Spain                   
2 MCC-Spain     Multi Case Control                               
3 MCC-Spain     Multicase-control study in common tumors in Spain

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 3 x 3
  cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
  <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
1 MCC-Spain     PGS000030 evaluation 
2 MCC-Spain     PGS000147 evaluation 
3 MCC-SPAIN     PGS000719 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                                   
  <chr>         <chr>                                         
1 PCMUS         Prostate Cancer study Medical University Sofia
2 PCMUS         PCMUS                                         
3 PCMUS         PCMUS                                         

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 4 x 3
  cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
  <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
1 PCMUS         PGS000030 evaluation 
2 PCMUS         PGS000348 development
3 PCMUS         PGS000351 development
4 PCMUS         PGS000719 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name     
  <chr>         <chr>           
1 Poland        Poland          
2 Poland        The Poland Group
3 Poland        Poland          

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 4 x 3
  cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
  <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
1 Poland        PGS000030 evaluation 
2 Poland        PGS000348 development
3 Poland        PGS000351 development
4 Poland        PGS000719 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                              
  <chr>         <chr>                                    
1 ProMPT        Prostate testing for cancer and Treatment
2 ProMPT        ProMPT                                   
3 ProMPT        ProMPT                                   

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 4 x 3
  cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
  <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
1 ProMPT        PGS000030 evaluation 
2 ProMPT        PGS000348 development
3 ProMPT        PGS000351 development
4 ProMPT        PGS000719 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 4 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                   
  <chr>         <chr>                         
1 QLD           Retrospective Queensland Study
2 QLD           QLD                           
3 QLD           Queensland Study              
4 QLD           QLD                           

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 4 x 3
  cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
  <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
1 QLD           PGS000030 evaluation 
2 QLD           PGS000348 development
3 QLD           PGS000351 development
4 QLD           PGS000719 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                                        
  <chr>         <chr>                                              
1 BFBOCC        BFBOCC                                             
2 BFBOCC        Baltic Famiial Breast and Ovarian Cancer Consortium
3 BFBOCC        Baltic Familial Breast Ovarian Cancer Consortium   

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 12 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 BFBOCC        PGS000045 evaluation 
 2 BFBOCC        PGS000046 evaluation 
 3 BFBOCC        PGS000047 evaluation 
 4 BFBOCC        PGS000049 evaluation 
 5 BFBOCC        PGS000004 evaluation 
 6 BFBOCC        PGS000005 evaluation 
 7 BFBOCC        PGS000006 evaluation 
 8 BFBOCC        PGS000351 evaluation 
 9 BFBOCC        PGS000352 evaluation 
10 BFBOCC        PGS000351 development
11 BFBOCC        PGS000352 development
12 BFBOCC        PGS000724 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                                   
  <chr>         <chr>                                         
1 BRICOH        Beckman Research Institute City of Hope       
2 BRICOH        BRICOH                                        
3 BRICOH        Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 12 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 BRICOH        PGS000045 evaluation 
 2 BRICOH        PGS000046 evaluation 
 3 BRICOH        PGS000047 evaluation 
 4 BRICOH        PGS000049 evaluation 
 5 BRICOH        PGS000004 evaluation 
 6 BRICOH        PGS000005 evaluation 
 7 BRICOH        PGS000006 evaluation 
 8 BRICOH        PGS000351 evaluation 
 9 BRICOH        PGS000352 evaluation 
10 BRICOH        PGS000724 development
11 BRICOH        PGS000351 development
12 BRICOH        PGS000352 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                        
  <chr>         <chr>                              
1 DKFZ          "German Cancer Research Centre"    
2 DKFZ          "DKFZ"                             
3 DKFZ          " Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum"

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 12 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 DKFZ          PGS000045 evaluation 
 2 DKFZ          PGS000046 evaluation 
 3 DKFZ          PGS000047 evaluation 
 4 DKFZ          PGS000049 evaluation 
 5 DKFZ          PGS000004 evaluation 
 6 DKFZ          PGS000005 evaluation 
 7 DKFZ          PGS000006 evaluation 
 8 DKFZ          PGS000351 evaluation 
 9 DKFZ          PGS000352 evaluation 
10 DKFZ          PGS000724 development
11 DKFZ          PGS000351 development
12 DKFZ          PGS000352 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                                               
  <chr>         <chr>                                                     
1 EMBRACE       Epidemiological Study of Familial Breast Cancer           
2 EMBRACE       EMBRACE                                                   
3 EMBRACE       Epidemiological study of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 12 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 EMBRACE       PGS000045 evaluation 
 2 EMBRACE       PGS000046 evaluation 
 3 EMBRACE       PGS000047 evaluation 
 4 EMBRACE       PGS000049 evaluation 
 5 EMBRACE       PGS000004 evaluation 
 6 EMBRACE       PGS000005 evaluation 
 7 EMBRACE       PGS000006 evaluation 
 8 EMBRACE       PGS000351 evaluation 
 9 EMBRACE       PGS000352 evaluation 
10 EMBRACE       PGS000724 development
11 EMBRACE       PGS000351 development
12 EMBRACE       PGS000352 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                                    
  <chr>         <chr>                                          
1 HEBON         DNA HEBON                                      
2 HEBON         Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Study Netherlands
3 HEBON         DNA HEBON                                      

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 12 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 HEBON         PGS000045 evaluation 
 2 HEBON         PGS000046 evaluation 
 3 HEBON         PGS000047 evaluation 
 4 HEBON         PGS000049 evaluation 
 5 HEBON         PGS000004 evaluation 
 6 HEBON         PGS000005 evaluation 
 7 HEBON         PGS000006 evaluation 
 8 HEBON         PGS000351 evaluation 
 9 HEBON         PGS000352 evaluation 
10 HEBON         PGS000351 development
11 HEBON         PGS000352 development
12 HEBON         PGS000724 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                                                       
  <chr>         <chr>                                                             
1 HUNBOCS       HUNBOCS                                                           
2 HUNBOCS       Molecular Genetic Studies of Breast- and Ovarian Cancer in Hungary
3 HUNBOCS       Molecular Genetic Studies of Breast- and Ovarian Cancer in Hungary

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 12 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 HUNBOCS       PGS000045 evaluation 
 2 HUNBOCS       PGS000046 evaluation 
 3 HUNBOCS       PGS000047 evaluation 
 4 HUNBOCS       PGS000049 evaluation 
 5 HUNBOCS       PGS000004 evaluation 
 6 HUNBOCS       PGS000005 evaluation 
 7 HUNBOCS       PGS000006 evaluation 
 8 HUNBOCS       PGS000351 evaluation 
 9 HUNBOCS       PGS000352 evaluation 
10 HUNBOCS       PGS000351 development
11 HUNBOCS       PGS000352 development
12 HUNBOCS       PGS000724 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name               
  <chr>         <chr>                     
1 IOVHBOCS      Istituto Oncologico Veneto
2 IOVHBOCS      IOVHBOCS                  
3 IOVHBOCS      Instituto Oncologio Veneto

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 12 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 IOVHBOCS      PGS000045 evaluation 
 2 IOVHBOCS      PGS000046 evaluation 
 3 IOVHBOCS      PGS000047 evaluation 
 4 IOVHBOCS      PGS000049 evaluation 
 5 IOVHBOCS      PGS000004 evaluation 
 6 IOVHBOCS      PGS000005 evaluation 
 7 IOVHBOCS      PGS000006 evaluation 
 8 IOVHBOCS      PGS000351 evaluation 
 9 IOVHBOCS      PGS000352 evaluation 
10 IOVHBOCS      PGS000724 development
11 IOVHBOCS      PGS000351 development
12 IOVHBOCS      PGS000352 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                                            
  <chr>         <chr>                                                  
1 IPOBCS        Portuguese Oncology Institute-Porto Breast Cancer Study
2 IPOBCS        IPOBCS                                                 
3 IPOBCS        Portuguese Oncology Institue-Porto Breast Cancer Study 

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 12 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 IPOBCS        PGS000045 evaluation 
 2 IPOBCS        PGS000046 evaluation 
 3 IPOBCS        PGS000047 evaluation 
 4 IPOBCS        PGS000049 evaluation 
 5 IPOBCS        PGS000004 evaluation 
 6 IPOBCS        PGS000005 evaluation 
 7 IPOBCS        PGS000006 evaluation 
 8 IPOBCS        PGS000351 evaluation 
 9 IPOBCS        PGS000352 evaluation 
10 IPOBCS        PGS000724 development
11 IPOBCS        PGS000351 development
12 IPOBCS        PGS000352 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name          
  <chr>         <chr>                
1 MAYO          The Mayo Clinic study
2 Mayo          UNKNOWN              
3 MAYO          The Mayo Clinic study

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 19 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 MAYO          PGS000004 evaluation 
 2 MAYO          PGS000005 evaluation 
 3 MAYO          PGS000006 evaluation 
 4 MAYO          PGS000045 evaluation 
 5 MAYO          PGS000046 evaluation 
 6 MAYO          PGS000047 evaluation 
 7 MAYO          PGS000049 evaluation 
 8 MAYO          PGS000351 evaluation 
 9 MAYO          PGS000352 evaluation 
10 Mayo          PGS000011 evaluation 
11 Mayo          PGS000013 evaluation 
12 Mayo          PGS000018 evaluation 
13 Mayo          PGS000200 evaluation 
14 MAYO          PGS000348 development
15 MAYO          PGS000351 development
16 MAYO          PGS000352 development
17 MAYO          PGS000663 development
18 MAYO          PGS000724 development
19 MAYO          PGS000725 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                 
  <chr>         <chr>                       
1 MUV           MUV                         
2 MUV           Medical University of Vienna
3 MUV           General Hospital Vienna     

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 12 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 MUV           PGS000045 evaluation 
 2 MUV           PGS000046 evaluation 
 3 MUV           PGS000047 evaluation 
 4 MUV           PGS000049 evaluation 
 5 MUV           PGS000004 evaluation 
 6 MUV           PGS000005 evaluation 
 7 MUV           PGS000006 evaluation 
 8 MUV           PGS000351 evaluation 
 9 MUV           PGS000352 evaluation 
10 MUV           PGS000351 development
11 MUV           PGS000352 development
12 MUV           PGS000724 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                    
  <chr>         <chr>                          
1 OCGN          OCGN                           
2 OCGN          Ontario Cancer Genetics Network
3 OCGN          Ontario Cancer Genetics Network

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 12 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 OCGN          PGS000045 evaluation 
 2 OCGN          PGS000046 evaluation 
 3 OCGN          PGS000047 evaluation 
 4 OCGN          PGS000049 evaluation 
 5 OCGN          PGS000004 evaluation 
 6 OCGN          PGS000005 evaluation 
 7 OCGN          PGS000006 evaluation 
 8 OCGN          PGS000351 evaluation 
 9 OCGN          PGS000352 evaluation 
10 OCGN          PGS000351 development
11 OCGN          PGS000352 development
12 OCGN          PGS000724 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name               
  <chr>         <chr>                     
1 OUH           OUH                       
2 OUH           Odense University Hospital
3 OUH           Odense University Hospital

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 12 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 OUH           PGS000045 evaluation 
 2 OUH           PGS000046 evaluation 
 3 OUH           PGS000047 evaluation 
 4 OUH           PGS000049 evaluation 
 5 OUH           PGS000004 evaluation 
 6 OUH           PGS000005 evaluation 
 7 OUH           PGS000006 evaluation 
 8 OUH           PGS000351 evaluation 
 9 OUH           PGS000352 evaluation 
10 OUH           PGS000351 development
11 OUH           PGS000352 development
12 OUH           PGS000724 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                
  <chr>         <chr>                      
1 HCSC          HCSC                       
2 HCSC          HCSC                       
3 HCSC          Hospital Clinico San Carlos

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 31 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 HCSC          PGS000001 evaluation 
 2 HCSC          PGS000004 evaluation 
 3 HCSC          PGS000005 evaluation 
 4 HCSC          PGS000006 evaluation 
 5 HCSC          PGS000045 evaluation 
 6 HCSC          PGS000046 evaluation 
 7 HCSC          PGS000047 evaluation 
 8 HCSC          PGS000049 evaluation 
 9 HCSC          PGS000004 evaluation 
10 HCSC          PGS000005 evaluation 
11 HCSC          PGS000006 evaluation 
12 HCSC          PGS000351 evaluation 
13 HCSC          PGS000352 evaluation 
14 HCSC          PGS000724 development
15 HCSC          PGS000004 development
16 HCSC          PGS000005 development
17 HCSC          PGS000006 development
18 HCSC          PGS000007 development
19 HCSC          PGS000008 development
20 HCSC          PGS000009 development
21 HCSC          PGS000212 development
22 HCSC          PGS000213 development
23 HCSC          PGS000214 development
24 HCSC          PGS000215 development
25 HCSC          PGS000216 development
26 HCSC          PGS000344 development
27 HCSC          PGS000345 development
28 HCSC          PGS000346 development
29 HCSC          PGS000347 development
30 HCSC          PGS000351 development
31 HCSC          PGS000352 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                                                 
  <chr>         <chr>                                                       
1 MSKCC         Memorial-Sloan Kettering Lymphoproliferative disorders Study
2 MSKCC         Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre                      
3 MSKCC         Memorial-Sloan Kettering cancer centre                      

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 30 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 MSKCC         PGS000045 evaluation 
 2 MSKCC         PGS000046 evaluation 
 3 MSKCC         PGS000047 evaluation 
 4 MSKCC         PGS000049 evaluation 
 5 MSKCC         PGS000004 evaluation 
 6 MSKCC         PGS000005 evaluation 
 7 MSKCC         PGS000006 evaluation 
 8 MSKCC         PGS000351 evaluation 
 9 MSKCC         PGS000352 evaluation 
10 MSKCC         PGS000004 development
11 MSKCC         PGS000005 development
12 MSKCC         PGS000006 development
13 MSKCC         PGS000007 development
14 MSKCC         PGS000008 development
15 MSKCC         PGS000009 development
16 MSKCC         PGS000212 development
17 MSKCC         PGS000213 development
18 MSKCC         PGS000214 development
19 MSKCC         PGS000215 development
20 MSKCC         PGS000216 development
21 MSKCC         PGS000344 development
22 MSKCC         PGS000345 development
23 MSKCC         PGS000346 development
24 MSKCC         PGS000347 development
25 MSKCC         PGS000351 development
26 MSKCC         PGS000352 development
27 MSKCC         PGS000720 development
28 MSKCC         PGS000724 development
29 MSKCC         PGS000725 development
30 MSKCC         PGS000663 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                          
  <chr>         <chr>                                
1 MYBRCA        Malaysian Breast Cancer Genetic Study
2 MyBrCA        UNKNOWN                              
3 MyBrCa        UNKNOWN                              

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 10 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 MYBRCA        PGS000004 evaluation 
 2 MYBRCA        PGS000050 evaluation 
 3 MyBrCA        PGS000344 evaluation 
 4 MyBrCA        PGS000345 evaluation 
 5 MyBrCA        PGS000346 evaluation 
 6 MyBrCA        PGS000347 evaluation 
 7 MyBrCa        PGS000344 evaluation 
 8 MyBrCa        PGS000346 evaluation 
 9 MyBrCa        PGS000347 evaluation 
10 MYBRCA        PGS000050 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                                      
  <chr>         <chr>                                            
1 DACHS         Darmkrebs: Chancen der Verhütung durch Screening 
2 DACHS         Darmkrebs: Chancen der Verhétung durch Screening
3 DACHS         Darmkrebs: Chancen der Verhétung durch Screening

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 4 x 3
  cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
  <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
1 DACHS         PGS000055 evaluation 
2 DACHS         PGS000146 evaluation 
3 DACHS         PGS000148 evaluation 
4 DACHS         PGS000720 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                               
  <chr>         <chr>                                     
1 BioVu         BioVU, the Vanderbilt DNA Databank project
2 BioVU         UNKNOWN                                   
3 BioVu         BioVU, the Vanderbilt DNA Databank project

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 12 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 BioVu         PGS000133 evaluation 
 2 BioVU         PGS000011 evaluation 
 3 BioVU         PGS000013 evaluation 
 4 BioVU         PGS000018 evaluation 
 5 BioVU         PGS000200 evaluation 
 6 BioVU         PGS000349 development
 7 BioVU         PGS000351 development
 8 BioVU         PGS000352 development
 9 BioVU         PGS000722 development
10 BioVU         PGS000724 development
11 BioVu         PGS000721 development
12 BioVu         PGS000726 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name          
  <chr>         <chr>                
1 MAYO          The Mayo Clinic study
2 Mayo          UNKNOWN              
3 MAYO          The Mayo Clinic study

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 19 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 MAYO          PGS000004 evaluation 
 2 MAYO          PGS000005 evaluation 
 3 MAYO          PGS000006 evaluation 
 4 MAYO          PGS000045 evaluation 
 5 MAYO          PGS000046 evaluation 
 6 MAYO          PGS000047 evaluation 
 7 MAYO          PGS000049 evaluation 
 8 MAYO          PGS000351 evaluation 
 9 MAYO          PGS000352 evaluation 
10 Mayo          PGS000011 evaluation 
11 Mayo          PGS000013 evaluation 
12 Mayo          PGS000018 evaluation 
13 Mayo          PGS000200 evaluation 
14 MAYO          PGS000348 development
15 MAYO          PGS000351 development
16 MAYO          PGS000352 development
17 MAYO          PGS000663 development
18 MAYO          PGS000724 development
19 MAYO          PGS000725 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                               
  <chr>         <chr>                                     
1 BioVu         BioVU, the Vanderbilt DNA Databank project
2 BioVU         UNKNOWN                                   
3 BioVu         BioVU, the Vanderbilt DNA Databank project

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 12 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 BioVu         PGS000133 evaluation 
 2 BioVU         PGS000011 evaluation 
 3 BioVU         PGS000013 evaluation 
 4 BioVU         PGS000018 evaluation 
 5 BioVU         PGS000200 evaluation 
 6 BioVU         PGS000349 development
 7 BioVU         PGS000351 development
 8 BioVU         PGS000352 development
 9 BioVU         PGS000722 development
10 BioVU         PGS000724 development
11 BioVu         PGS000721 development
12 BioVu         PGS000726 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 4 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name    
  <chr>         <chr>          
1 deCODE        deCODE Genetics
2 DECODE        UNKNOWN        
3 DeCODE        UNKNOWN        
4 deCODE        deCODE Genetics

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 14 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 deCODE        PGS000208 evaluation 
 2 deCODE        PGS000010 development
 3 deCODE        PGS000020 development
 4 deCODE        PGS000207 development
 5 deCODE        PGS000209 development
 6 deCODE        PGS000331 development
 7 deCODE        PGS000348 development
 8 deCODE        PGS000350 development
 9 deCODE        PGS000664 development
10 DECODE        PGS000664 development
11 DeCODE        PGS000665 development
12 deCODE        PGS000721 development
13 deCODE        PGS000722 development
14 deCODE        PGS000723 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                 
  <chr>         <chr>                       
1 HABCS         Hannover Breast Cancer Study
2 HABCS         Hannover Breast Cancer study
3 HABCS         UNKNOWN                     

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 7 x 3
  cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
  <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
1 HABCS         PGS000004 evaluation 
2 HABCS         PGS000212 development
3 HABCS         PGS000213 development
4 HABCS         PGS000214 development
5 HABCS         PGS000215 development
6 HABCS         PGS000216 development
7 HABCS         PGS000335 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                          
  <chr>         <chr>                                
1 MYBRCA        Malaysian Breast Cancer Genetic Study
2 MyBrCA        UNKNOWN                              
3 MyBrCa        UNKNOWN                              

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 10 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 MYBRCA        PGS000004 evaluation 
 2 MYBRCA        PGS000050 evaluation 
 3 MyBrCA        PGS000344 evaluation 
 4 MyBrCA        PGS000345 evaluation 
 5 MyBrCA        PGS000346 evaluation 
 6 MyBrCA        PGS000347 evaluation 
 7 MyBrCa        PGS000344 evaluation 
 8 MyBrCa        PGS000346 evaluation 
 9 MyBrCa        PGS000347 evaluation 
10 MYBRCA        PGS000050 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                          
  <chr>         <chr>                                
1 MYBRCA        Malaysian Breast Cancer Genetic Study
2 MyBrCA        UNKNOWN                              
3 MyBrCa        UNKNOWN                              

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 10 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 MYBRCA        PGS000004 evaluation 
 2 MYBRCA        PGS000050 evaluation 
 3 MyBrCA        PGS000344 evaluation 
 4 MyBrCA        PGS000345 evaluation 
 5 MyBrCA        PGS000346 evaluation 
 6 MyBrCA        PGS000347 evaluation 
 7 MyBrCa        PGS000344 evaluation 
 8 MyBrCa        PGS000346 evaluation 
 9 MyBrCa        PGS000347 evaluation 
10 MYBRCA        PGS000050 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                        
  <chr>         <chr>                              
1 DEMOKRITOS    UNKNOWN                            
2 Demokritos    Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group
3 Demokritos    Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 15 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 DEMOKRITOS    PGS000001 evaluation 
 2 DEMOKRITOS    PGS000002 evaluation 
 3 DEMOKRITOS    PGS000003 evaluation 
 4 DEMOKRITOS    PGS000045 evaluation 
 5 DEMOKRITOS    PGS000046 evaluation 
 6 DEMOKRITOS    PGS000047 evaluation 
 7 DEMOKRITOS    PGS000049 evaluation 
 8 Demokritos    PGS000004 evaluation 
 9 Demokritos    PGS000005 evaluation 
10 Demokritos    PGS000006 evaluation 
11 Demokritos    PGS000351 evaluation 
12 Demokritos    PGS000352 evaluation 
13 Demokritos    PGS000351 development
14 Demokritos    PGS000352 development
15 Demokritos    PGS000724 development

An object of class "cohorts"
Slot "cohorts":
# A tibble: 3 x 2
  cohort_symbol cohort_name                           
  <chr>         <chr>                                 
1 UCSANFRAN     University of California San Francisco
2 UCSANFRAN     UNKNOWN                               
3 UCSANFRAN     University of California San Francisco

Slot "pgs_ids":
# A tibble: 10 x 3
   cohort_symbol pgs_id    stage      
   <chr>         <chr>     <chr>      
 1 UCSANFRAN     PGS000004 evaluation 
 2 UCSANFRAN     PGS000005 evaluation 
 3 UCSANFRAN     PGS000006 evaluation 
 4 UCSANFRAN     PGS000351 evaluation 
 5 UCSANFRAN     PGS000352 evaluation 
 6 UCSANFRAN     PGS000351 development
 7 UCSANFRAN     PGS000352 development
 8 UCSANFRAN     PGS000663 development
 9 UCSANFRAN     PGS000724 development
10 UCSANFRAN     PGS000725 development

from pgs_catalog.

smlmbrt avatar smlmbrt commented on September 27, 2024

Will be solved in the next data release

from pgs_catalog.

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