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Contains hundreds of source code examples and related media for the Phaser HTML5 Game Framework.

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JavaScript 97.84% CSS 0.19% HTML 0.30% PHP 0.75% PLSQL 0.93%
phaser html5-game canvas webgl particles physics javascript

phaser-ce-examples's Issues

Invaders bug

After you lose the game, you are still able to fire and collect points from the last ship position.

I would be really good if the examples have a jsbin link to interact with

commit 38f04fac985c365ba0b88e7f984fccdf73d66368
Author: Eugenio [email protected]
Date: Sun Apr 13 14:49:40 2014 -0300

Add a link to jsbin of the first example

So users can interact easily with the examples
diff --git a/examples/_site/examples.json b/examples/_site/examples.json
index aef456c..64dd382 100644
--- a/examples/_site/examples.json
+++ b/examples/_site/examples.json
@@ -196,7 +196,8 @@
   "basics": [
       "file": "01+-+load+an+image.js",
-      "title": "01 - load an image"
+      "title": "01 - load an image",
+      "jsbin":",output"
       "file": "02+-+click+on+an+image.js",
diff --git a/examples/_site/js/phaser-examples.js b/examples/_site/js/phaser-examples.js
index 519fadb..4807ca4 100644
--- a/examples/_site/js/phaser-examples.js
+++ b/examples/_site/js/phaser-examples.js
@@ -51,7 +51,13 @@ $(document).ready(function(){

            for (var e = 0; e < files.length; e++)
-               node += '<li><a href="_site/view_full.html?d=' + dir + '&amp;f=' + files[e].file + '&amp;t=' + files[e].title + '">' + files[e].title + '</a></li>';
+               if(typeof files[e].jsbin !== 'undefined')
+               {
+                   node += '<li><a href="_site/view_full.html?d=' + dir + '&amp;f=' + files[e].file + '&amp;t=' + files[e].title + '&amp;jsbin='+files[e].jsbin+'">' + files[e].title + '</a></li>';
+               }else{
+                   node += '<li><a href="_site/view_full.html?d=' + dir + '&amp;f=' + files[e].file + '&amp;t=' + files[e].title + '">' + files[e].title + '</a></li>';
+               }

diff --git a/examples/_site/js/phaser-sideview.js b/examples/_site/js/phaser-sideview.js
index 6f40b9b..9194e32 100644
--- a/examples/_site/js/phaser-sideview.js
+++ b/examples/_site/js/phaser-sideview.js
@@ -21,7 +21,12 @@ $(document).ready(function(){

            for (var e = 0; e < files.length; e++)
-               node += '<a href="_site/view_lite.html?d=' + dir + '&amp;f=' + files[e].file + '&amp;t=' + files[e].title + '" target="viewer">' + files[e].title + '</a><br />';
+               node += '<a href="_site/view_lite.html?d=' + dir + '&amp;f=' + files[e].file + '&amp;t=' + files[e].title + '" target="viewer">' + files[e].title + '</a>';
+               if(typeof files[e].jsbin !== 'undefined')
+               {
+                   node += ' - <a href="'+files[e].jsbin+'" target="_blank">Jsbin</a>';
+               }
+               node += '<br />';


AudioSprite with JSON Example is Incorrect

The example code loads an audiosprite with JSON, but when it's added to the game, it's added as regular audio (''), and then the markers are defined manually in code.

IMO, the correct demonstration of audiosprites with JSON would be to use 'game.add.audioSprite' and let the markers generate themselves from the JSON.

Can not load: Matching pair game

The game gets this exception:
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'tileset'

It is using old syntax from 1.1.3.
Could you update this example to 2.0.1

Filters: declaring uniform vectors as arrays doesn't work (but as objects - does)

Any uniform vector set as array always outputs four zeros:
this.uniforms.color = {type: '4f', value: [100, 200, 300, 400]}; // still renders as black!

But changing it to an object makes it work:
this.uniforms.color = {type: '4f', value: {x: 0.7, y: 0.5, z: 0.2, w: 1.0}}; // renders correct color.

Same with '2f' and '3f' vectors.

Groups/replace.js example is broken

This is broken because Sprite#group returns undefined. This could be fixed by adding the property to the Sprite class, but since I'm new to Phaser don't know why was it changed.

  • @name Phaser.Sprite#group
  • @Property {string} group - If Sprite is in a group return the group name
    Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Sprite.prototype, "group", {
    get: function () {
    if (parent && parent.type == Phaser.GROUP)
    return null;

You also need to add the names to the groups after creating them: = "left"; = "right";

or at time


Seems a bug around Gem Match, when matching 3, and does'nt complete until a second click on another object, and then swaps with gem at the top of the stack.
Then you have to click the matched set to make it clear.
Ill have a look if I can figure it out, and recommend back a fix.

Sample Audio: Play Audio not working

I tested the sample from and it is not working.

No error message neither on Firefox console nor on Chrome console.

Also the attribute volume in the source code the lines

music.volume += 0.1;


music.volume -= 0.1;

should be replaced by

Basics example "02 - Click on an Image" change

In the file 02 - click on an image.js I noticed that the function listener() sets the text of the text variable text directly, as in text.text = ... , this does not seem to work at least for me and the tests I've ran and I was wondering if it wouldn't be better to use text.setText() as this seems to work.

Simon example: "phaser.min.js:15 cannot be called after Tween.start"

Hi! I'm working on some Phaser's examples and I've found the Simon game examples a bit buggy. Sometimes, after the game intro (with the flashing squares), the game is stuck with transparent squares (and they becomes visible again only if you move the mouse over them). This make the game unplayable, because is not possible to see which is the first square :D

Anyway, from the debug console I've seen this "warning":

phaser.min.js:15 cannot be called after Tween.start

I think this can be connected to the issue.

I have this issue both in Chrome than in Firefox!

Mobile fullscreen

Your example in "fullscreen buttons" says click or tap to continue. It works on a computer browser but when i try mobile(default/firefox/safari from an android) it doesn't go fullscreen. Is this a glitch or is the technology just not there to do fullscreen on mobile? (My goal is to have a user-clicked locked orientation from html5, which seems to require a fullscreen first).

seven basic examples are with link broken

Hi all.

All seven basics examples are with link broken

The problem is in _./examples/site/examples.json
All seven file names area define with a '-' between number and title, like

"file": "01+-+load+an+image.js"

but the correct is: "file":"01+load+an+image.js"

I change examples.json, but other option is rename the basics js files...

I expect this help and sorry if it's duplicate, I look but not found anyone told about that...

See ya


Order examples by difficulty

Sorry, this isn't so much an issue as it is a feature request. If there's a better place for me to submit such a request, please let me know.

I'm trying to work my way through the examples but I never know which one to look at and try to comprehend next. Working through the basics was easy, but where to next? Just picking randomly I often feel overwhelmed.

add Stage simple usage example

Hi ! I'm just starting with phasejs, and I noticed that you don't have any example showing how to use Stages. Ir I leaset I cannot find some, in that case, please add the word 'Stage' in the description of the example so the word can be found iunt ehexamples index. Keep the good work!

Unlimited bobs and fastcopy draw examples are broken

I receive an error in chrome:

"Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function"

In the line 59 of examples/demoscene/unlimited bobs.js:

bmdDest.fastCopy(bmd, r,,;

And the line 50 of examples/bitmapdata/fastcopy draw.js:

bmdDest.fastCopy(bmd, r,,, data.r, 0.5, 0.5, data.s, data.s, 0.7);

Debugging the project, I see that the object bmdDest (A BitmapData object) doesn't have a fastCopy method.

Question: is there a particular reason for using $.getScript to load Phaser?

I'm working on some updates 🙊 - and was wondering if there was a particular reason to use $.getScript to load the Phaser library (instead of via a non-eval SCRIPT element)? Besides it "just working, generally", of course..

I ask this because Firefox does not like to debug such and cannot correctly navigate stack-traces into, which makes local "debugging" with the examples a PITA. (Chrome and IE are fine.)

Ref (old, outdated, but useful links off and alternatives):

Incorrect Filename Case

Many of the examples load files from the filesystem using an incorrect character case.

For example, examples/filters/fire.js is loaded as examples/filters/Fire.js in the Filters > Fire demo. This causes 404's on a case sensitive filesystem (some Mac's, Linux, 99% of web servers).

Retro Font 1 & 2 issues with Chrome on OSX


First, thanks for the awesome game engine and plethora of examples!

While going through them, I noticed a few issues with the 'Retro Font' examples.

For 'Retro Font 1', with Chrome on left and Safari on right. Chrome never displays the text, while for Safari it 'flickers' (depending on if you mouse-over or mouse-out):

(Retro Font 1: ok on Safari)

(Retro Font 1: bad on both)

For 'Retro Font 2', it doesn't work on Chrome..

OSX: 10.9.2
Chrome: 34.0.1847.131
Safari: 7.0.3 (9537.75.14)

basics examples for loading images are referenced incorrectly

Anyone attempting to load the main index.html in the examples folder and then run the basic examples will be met with an "unable to load" issue for the "basics" .js files. This can easily be fixed by adding a - to the .js files or removing the - from whatever is referring to those examples that way.

Anchor and Scale missing in documentation

I searched all over the documentation and found only one reference to the .anchor property - and it didn't really explain what it was or how to use it. I found an explanation for it here on the Wiki but this kind of information should be in the docs.

Scale does appear as a property of Group so it just needs to appear on other places as well.

Cocoonjs (canvas+) and phaser

Hi guys, I'm testing the starstruck example with cocoonjs and I want it to look good on all devices, I'm trying to use to achieve it, the render is ok, but the collision detection seems to be wrong, It is as if the world scale does not affect the physic positions. Here is my code:

var width = navigator.isCocoonJS ? window.innerWidth : 800;
    var height = navigator.isCocoonJS ? window.innerHeight : 600;  

    var game = new Phaser.Game(width, height, Phaser.CANVAS, '', {
        preload: preload,
        create: create,
        update: update,
        render: render

    var map;
    var tileset;
    var layer;
    var player;
    var facing = 'left';
    var jumpTimer = 0;
    var cursors;
    var jumpButton;
    var bg;

    function preload() {
        game.load.tilemap('level1', 'assets/level1.json', null, Phaser.Tilemap.TILED_JSON);
        game.load.image('tiles-1', 'assets/tiles-1.png');
        game.load.spritesheet('dude', 'assets/dude.png', 32, 48);
        game.load.spritesheet('droid', 'assets/droid.png', 32, 32);
        game.load.image('starSmall', 'assets/star.png');
        game.load.image('starBig', 'assets/star2.png');
        game.load.image('background', 'assets/background2.png');

    function getRatio(type, w, h) {
        var scaleX = width / w,
            scaleY = height / h,
            result = {
                x: 1,
                y: 1

        switch (type) {
        case 'all':
            result.x = scaleX > scaleY ? scaleY : scaleX;
            result.y = scaleX > scaleY ? scaleY : scaleX;
        case 'fit':
            result.x = scaleX > scaleY ? scaleX : scaleY;
            result.y = scaleX > scaleY ? scaleX : scaleY;
        case 'fill':
            result.x = scaleX;
            result.y = scaleY;

        return result;

    function create() {
        var ratio = getRatio('fill', 800, 600);

       if (navigator.isCocoonJS) {
   = ratio.x;
   = ratio.y;
        } else {
            game.stage.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;
            game.stage.scale.minWidth = 800;
            game.stage.scale.minHeight = 600;
            game.stage.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;


        game.stage.backgroundColor = '#000000';

        bg = game.add.tileSprite(0, 0, 800, 600, 'background');
        bg.fixedToCamera = true;

        map = game.add.tilemap('level1');


        map.setCollisionByExclusion([ 13, 14, 15, 16, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 ]);

        layer = map.createLayer('Tile Layer 1');

        //  Un-comment this on to see the collision tiles
        layer.debug = true;


        game.physics.arcade.gravity.y = 250;

        player = game.add.sprite(32, 32, 'dude');
        game.physics.enable(player, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);

        player.body.bounce.y = 0.2;
        player.body.collideWorldBounds = true;
        player.body.setSize(20, 32, 5, 16);
        player.debug = true;

        player.animations.add('left', [0, 1, 2, 3], 10, true);
        player.animations.add('turn', [4], 20, true);
        player.animations.add('right', [5, 6, 7, 8], 10, true);;

        cursors = game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();
        jumpButton = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR);

Screenshot here
I would appreciate any help, thanks in advance.

Location of build/phaser.js after checkout not found

Hi Rich,
great to see this move of examples happen! But I wonder where am I supposed to checkout the examples. I just cloned the repository, but in a naive way into a folder 'phaser-examples' on the same level as 'phaser' and not into folder phaser itself.

$ ls
Mar 14 07:17 phaser
Mar 14 07:18 phaser-examples

I started a local server with python -m SimpleHTTPServer and of course I cannot run the examples as the runtime build/phaser.js is not found. Is it required to clone into the other repository phaser/examples ? Or is it just the wrong time as you moved the examples into this repository minutes ago?

Anyway here my points:

  • Readme talks about a npm install, gruntfile. But this is missing in this repository.
  • Readme talks about git clone but not the expected location (./phaser ?)
  • It should be clearer that you expect a cloned phaser (core) repository side by side.

If you really want to tell the people to clone into another existing repository:
Maybe you could try submodules after all. It's more a passive integration of a second repository B in A. It's not about creating commits for B, it's only a easy way to keep a second codebase fresh. But: I'm no expert with git, maybe it's indeed a wrong use case. It just feels so right for this.

Here the documentation:

Submodules allow foreign repositories to be embedded within a dedicated subdirectory of the source tree, always pointed at a particular commit.

They are not to be confused with remotes, which are meant mainly for branches of the same project; submodules are meant for different projects you would like to make part of your source tree, while the history of the two projects still stays completely independent and you cannot modify the contents of the submodule from within the main project.

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