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grunt-posthtml's Introduction

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PostHTML is a tool for transforming HTML/XML with JS plugins. PostHTML itself is very small. It includes only a HTML parser, a HTML node tree API and a node tree stringifier.

All HTML transformations are made by plugins. And these plugins are just small plain JS functions, which receive a HTML node tree, transform it, and return a modified tree.

For more detailed information about PostHTML in general take a look at the docs.


Name Status Description
posthtml-parser npm Parser HTML/XML to PostHTMLTree
posthtml-render npm Render PostHTMLTree to HTML/XML

Create to your project

npm init posthtml


npm i -D posthtml




import posthtml from 'posthtml'

const html = `
    <title>Super Title</title>
    <text>Awesome Text</text>

const result = posthtml()
  .process(html, { sync: true })

<div class="component">
  <div class="title">Super Title</div>
  <div class="text">Awesome Text</div>

⚠️ Async Plugins can't be used in sync mode and will throw an Error. It's recommended to use PostHTML asynchronously whenever possible.


import posthtml from 'posthtml'

const html = `
      <p class="wow">OMG</p>

      attrsTree: {
        '.wow' : {
          id: 'wow_id',
          fill: '#4A83B4',
          'fill-rule': 'evenodd',
          'font-family': 'Verdana'
  .process(html/*, options */)
  .then((result) =>  console.log(result.html))
<svg xmlns="">
    fill-rule="evenodd" font-family="Verdana">


import posthtml from 'posthtml'

const php = `
    <title><?php echo $title; ?></title>
    <text><?php echo $article; ?></text>

const result = posthtml()
  .process(html, {
    directives: [
      { name: '?php', start: '<', end: '>' }

<div class="component">
  <div class="title"><?php echo $title; ?></div>
  <div class="text"><?php echo $article; ?></div>
npm i posthtml-cli
"scripts": {
  "posthtml": "posthtml -o output.html -i input.html -c config.json"
npm run posthtml
npm i -D gulp-posthtml
import tap from 'gulp-tap'
import posthtml from 'gulp-posthtml'
import { task, src, dest } from 'gulp'

task('html', () => {
  let path

  const plugins = [ require('posthtml-include')({ root: `${path}` }) ]
  const options = {}

    .pipe(tap((file) => path = file.path))
    .pipe(posthtml(plugins, options))

Check project-stub for an example with Gulp

npm i -D grunt-posthtml
posthtml: {
  options: {
    use: [
      require('posthtml-doctype')({ doctype: 'HTML 5' }),
      require('posthtml-include')({ root: './', encoding: 'utf-8' })
  build: {
    files: [
        dot: true,
        cwd: 'html/',
        src: ['*.html'],
        dest: 'tmp/',
        expand: true,
npm i -D html-loader posthtml-loader



const config = {
  module: {
    loaders: [
        test: /\.html$/,
        loader: 'html!posthtml'
  posthtml: (ctx) => ({
    parser: require('posthtml-pug'),
    plugins: [

export default config



import { LoaderOptionsPlugin } from 'webpack'

const config = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.html$/,
        use: [
            loader: 'html-loader',
            options: { minimize: true }
            loader: 'posthtml-loader'
  plugins: [
    new LoaderOptionsPlugin({
      options: {
        posthtml(ctx) {
          return {
            parser: require('posthtml-pug'),
            plugins: [

export default config
$ npm i rollup-plugin-posthtml -D
# or
$ npm i rollup-plugin-posthtml-template -D
import { join } from 'path';

import posthtml from 'rollup-plugin-posthtml-template';
// or
// import posthtml from 'rollup-plugin-posthtml';

import sugarml from 'posthtml-sugarml';  // npm i posthtml-sugarml -D
import include from 'posthtml-include';  // npm i posthtml-include -D

export default {
  entry: join(__dirname, 'main.js'),
  dest: join(__dirname, 'bundle.js'),
  format: 'iife',
  plugins: [
      parser: sugarml(),
      plugins: [include()],
      template: true  // only rollup-plugin-posthtml-template


import pug from 'posthtml-pug'

posthtml().process(html, { parser: pug(options) }).then((result) => result.html)
Name Status Description
posthtml-pug npm Pug Parser
sugarml npm SugarML Parser


In case you want to develop your own plugin, we recommend using posthtml-plugin-starter to get started.


Ivan Demidov

Ivan Voischev



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grunt-posthtml's Issues

bug(async): How to use async PostHTML plugins in Grunt?

1. Summary

See header.

2. Problem

By current standards img tag must have height and width attributes again. I want automatically add these attributes to every img tag in my HTML files.

Possibly, I can do it via posthtml-img-autosize plugin, but I don’t understand, how I can use it in my Grunt workflow.


You can see it in KiraPosthtmlAsync branch of my demo/debugging repository.


    module.exports = (grunt) ->
        grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-juwain-posthtml'
                    use: [
                        require('posthtml-img-autosize')(processEmptySize: true)
                    files: [
                        src: 'KiraPostHTML.html'
                        dest: 'KiraPostHTMLGrunt.html'
  2. .travis.yml:

    os: linux
    dist: focal
      depth: 1
    cache: false
    language: node_js
    # [INFO] The latest Node.js version:
    - node
    - npm install -g grunt-cli
    - npm install
    - grunt posthtml --verbose
  3. KiraPostHtml.html:

    <!doctype html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Kira Goddess!</title>
            .webp .SashaIconAside {
                background-image: url(NeliaLeaves.webp)
            .no-webp .SashaIconAside {
                background-image: url(NeliaLeaves.jpg)
            <source srcset="NeliaLeaves.webp" type="image/webp">
            <img src="NeliaLeaves.jpg" alt="Kira Goddess">
        <img alt="Kira Goddess" src="NeliaLeaves.jpg">
        <img alt="Kira Goddess" src="">

4. Behavior

4.1. Desired

Successful addition width and height attributes to every img tag in KiraPostHtml.html

4.2. Current

Travis CI build:

Warning: Can’t process contents in sync mode because of async plugin:  Use --force to continue.

As I understand, I get this error, because “Async Plugins can’t be used in sync mode”.

5. Not helped

I tried to find information about asynchronous plugins usage for Grunt. I read:

  1. Custom tasks and this.async from official Grunt documentation
  2. Asynchronous tasks section from “Getting Started with Grunt” book
  3. Asynchronous Grunt Tasks article

Also, I tried GitHub search queries as this, but I couldn’t find anyone to use async PostHTML plugins in Grunt projects.


feature_request(behavior): handle warnings and errors

1. Summary

It would be nice, if grunt-posthtml will catch errors and warnings as any normal Grunt plugin:

  1. grunt-posthtml will have exit codes and the build to fail if the exit code is not zero.
  2. The plugin would show users error information even if Grunt user set up NODE_NO_WARNINGS 1.

2. Argumentation

2.1. Common cause

grunt-posthtml users’ usability.

2.2. Details

Currently, if something goes wrong, grunt-posthtml:

  1. Doesn’t notify that a warning/error has occurred.
  2. Doesn’t show warning/error details if NODE_NO_WARNINGS 1. I use NODE_NO_WARNINGS 1, because for real project Node.js displays a lot of messages about problems in dependencies that not updated for a long time. They interfere with the normal viewing of the console output.


You can see this configuration in the KiraPostHTMLImgAutosize branch of my demo/debugging repository.

  1. The part of package.json:

        "devDependencies": {
            "coffeescript": "^2.5.1",
            "grunt": "^1.3.0",
            "grunt-posthtml": "0.5.1",
            "posthtml-img-autosize": "^0.1.6"

    module.exports = (grunt) ->
        grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-posthtml'
                    use: [
                        require('posthtml-img-autosize')(processEmptySize: true)
                    files: [
                        src: 'KiraPostHTML.html'
                        dest: 'KiraImgAutosizeGrunt.html'
  3. The part of .travis.yml:

    - export NODE_NO_WARNINGS=1
    - npm install -g grunt-cli posthtml-cli posthtml-img-autosize
    - npm install
    - grunt posthtml --verbose
    - posthtml KiraPostHTML.html -o KiraImgAutosizeCLI.html -u posthtml-img-autosize --posthtml-img-autosize.processEmptySize true
    - cat KiraImgAutosizeGrunt.html
  4. KiraPostHTML.html:

    <!doctype html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Kira Goddess!</title>
        <img alt="Nelia leaves" src="NeliaLeaves.jpg">
        <img alt="Kira Goddess" src="">
        <img alt="Non existing image" src="KiraNonExistingImage.jpg">

    Image KiraNonExistingImage.jpg not exists.

4. Behavior

4.1. Expected — posthtml-cli

  • Travis CI build:

    $ posthtml KiraPostHTML.html -o KiraImgAutosizeCLI.html -u posthtml-img-autosize --posthtml-img-autosize.processEmptySize true
    Error: Promise rejected with value: "ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/travis/build/Kristinita/SashaGruntDebugging/KiraNonExistingImage.jpg'"
        at process.<anonymous> (/home/travis/.nvm/versions/node/v14.13.1/lib/node_modules/posthtml-cli/node_modules/hard-rejection/index.js:15:12)
        at process.emit (events.js:314:20)
        at processPromiseRejections (internal/process/promises.js:245:33)
        at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:94:32)
    The command "posthtml KiraPostHTML.html -o KiraImgAutosizeCLI.html -u posthtml-img-autosize --posthtml-img-autosize.processEmptySize true" exited with 1.

4.2. Unwanted — grunt-posthtml

  • Travis CI build:

    $ grunt posthtml --verbose
    Command-line options: --verbose, --gruntfile=/home/travis/build/Kristinita/SashaGruntDebugging/
    Reading "" Gruntfile…OK
    Registering Gruntfile tasks.
    Registering "grunt-posthtml" local Npm module tasks.
    Reading /home/travis/build/Kristinita/SashaGruntDebugging/node_modules/grunt-posthtml/package.json…OK
    Parsing /home/travis/build/Kristinita/SashaGruntDebugging/node_modules/grunt-posthtml/package.json…OK
    Loading "posthtml.js" tasks…OK
    + posthtml
    Initializing config…OK
    Loading "" tasks…OK
    >> No tasks were registered or unregistered.
    Running tasks: posthtml
    Running "posthtml" task
    Running "posthtml:single" (posthtml) task
    Verifying property posthtml.single exists in config…OK
    Files: KiraPostHTML.html -> KiraImgAutosizeGrunt.html
    Options: use=[null], singleTags=[], closingSingleTag="default", skipParse=null, sync=null
    Reading KiraPostHTML.html…OK
    The command "grunt posthtml --verbose" exited with 0.

File KiraImgAutosizeGrunt.html was not created:

$ cat KiraImgAutosizeGrunt.html

cat: KiraImgAutosizeGrunt.html: No such file or directory

But there is no information in the output that an error has occurred. Exit code is 0.


bug(documentation): All plugins doesn't work

1. Summary

Any PostHTML plugin doesn't work for me, if I use grunt-posthtml.

Possibly, it not bugs in my own configuration, but, possibly, it:

  • incorrect examples in documentation,


  • grunt-posthtml outdated.

2. Configuration

See SashaPosthtml branch of my example repository. I include to this branch files:

  • package.json,
  • SashaPosthtmlExample.html — example HTML file.

For example, I try posthtml-alt-always, posthtml-aria-tabs and posthtml-doctype plugins.

3. Steps to reproduce

I run command in console:

grunt posthtml --verbose

4. Expected behavior

Transforming HTML in SashaPosthtmlExample.html as in:

  1. Alt Always example,
  2. Aria Tabs example.

5. Actual behavior

posthtml command run, but file SashaPosthtmlExample.html not modified:

D:\SashaDemoRepositories\SashaGruntDebugging>grunt posthtml --verbose
Command-line options: --no-color, --verbose

Reading "" Gruntfile…OK

Registering Gruntfile tasks.

Registering "grunt-dev-update" local Npm module tasks.
Reading D:\SashaDemoRepositories\SashaGruntDebugging\node_modules\grunt-dev-update\package.json…OK
Parsing D:\SashaDemoRepositories\SashaGruntDebugging\node_modules\grunt-dev-update\package.json…OK
Loading "dev_update.js" tasks…OK
+ devUpdate

Registering "grunt-postcss" local Npm module tasks.
Reading D:\SashaDemoRepositories\SashaGruntDebugging\node_modules\grunt-postcss\package.json…OK
Parsing D:\SashaDemoRepositories\SashaGruntDebugging\node_modules\grunt-postcss\package.json…OK
Loading "postcss.js" tasks…OK
+ postcss

Registering "grunt-posthtml" local Npm module tasks.
Reading D:\SashaDemoRepositories\SashaGruntDebugging\node_modules\grunt-posthtml\package.json…OK
Parsing D:\SashaDemoRepositories\SashaGruntDebugging\node_modules\grunt-posthtml\package.json…OK
Loading "posthtml.js" tasks…OK
+ posthtml
Initializing config…OK
Loading "" tasks…OK
+ update

Running tasks: posthtml

Running "posthtml" task

Running "posthtml:single" (posthtml) task
Verifying property posthtml.single exists in config…OK
Files: output/SashaPosthtml/SashaPosthtmlExample.html -> output/SashaPosthtml/SashaPosthtmlExample.html
Options: use=[null,null,null], singleTags=[], closingSingleTag="default", skipParse=null, sync=null
Reading output/SashaPosthtml/SashaPosthtmlExample.html…OK


6. Not helped

  1. I try building the files object dynamically instead of single file build → I get same behavior.

7. Another Grunt wrappers

Many another Grunt plugins works for me successful, see of my real repository.

For example, postcss-autoprefixer and another plugins for [**grunt-postcss**]( successful works for my demo repository.

SashaPosthtmlExample.css before:

.SashaExampleClass {
    tab-size: 4;

I run command in console:

grunt postcss

SashaPosthtmlExample.css after:

.SashaExampleClass {
    -moz-tab-size: 4;
      -o-tab-size: 4;
         tab-size: 4;


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