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Comments (10)

thestr4ng3r avatar thestr4ng3r commented on July 23, 2024 3

Not entirely yet, it's still missing support for function pointers in structs on r2 side.

from rz-ghidra.

thestr4ng3r avatar thestr4ng3r commented on July 23, 2024 1

With a slightly modified jni.h, this works now:
Bildschirmfoto 2021-09-14 um 18 01 08

from rz-ghidra.

enovella avatar enovella commented on July 23, 2024


from rz-ghidra.

enovella avatar enovella commented on July 23, 2024

Any clue how to tackle this issue?

from rz-ghidra.

radare avatar radare commented on July 23, 2024

there's a test for r2, maybe that works with r2ghidra, didnt tried

IMAGE 2020-03-17 11:48:35

from rz-ghidra.

radare avatar radare commented on July 23, 2024

works in r2, but not in r2ghidra-dec, @thestr4ng3r can you take a look?

[0x00000f60]> pd 20
╭ 500: sym.Java_com_app_ndh_NDHActivity_print (int16_t arg1, int16_t arg2, int16_t arg3);
│ bp: 0 (vars 0, args 0)
│ sp: 15 (vars 15, args 0)
│ rg: 3 (vars 0, args 3)
│           0x00000f60      30b5               push {r4, r5, lr}
│           0x00000f62      cdb0               sub sp, 0x134
│           0x00000f64      7e4c               ldr r4, [0x00001160]                  ; [0x1160:4]=0x2b66
│           0x00000f66      7c44               add r4, pc
│           0x00000f68      0390               str r0, [sp + var_128h]               ; arg1
│           0x00000f6a      0291               str r1, [sp + var_12ch]               ; arg2
│           0x00000f6c      0192               str r2, [sp + var_130h]               ; arg3
│           0x00000f6e      7d4b               ldr r3, [0x00001164]                  ; [0x1164:4]=56
│           0x00000f70      e358               ldr r3, [r4, r3]
│           0x00000f72      1b68               ldr r3, [r3]
│           0x00000f74      4b93               str r3, [sp + JNINativeInterface]
│           0x00000f76      039b               ldr r3, [sp + var_128h]               ; JNINativeInterface.reserved0
│           0x00000f78      1a68               ldr r2, [r3]
│           0x00000f7a      a923               movs r3, 0xa9
│           0x00000f7c      9b00               lsls r3, r3, 2
│           0x00000f7e      d358               ldr r3, [r2, r3]                      ; JNINativeInterface.GetStringUTFChars
│           0x00000f80      0399               ldr r1, [sp + var_128h]
│           0x00000f82      019a               ldr r2, [sp + var_130h]               ; JNINativeInterface.reserved0
│           0x00000f84      081c               adds r0, r1, 0
│           0x00000f86      111c               adds r1, r2, 0
[0x00000f60]> pdg

// WARNING: [r2ghidra] Failed to match type struct for variable JNINativeInterface to Decompiler type: <string>:1:7:
// error: expected one of 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_' at end of input
// WARNING: [r2ghidra] Var arg_0h is stack pointer based, which is not supported for decompilation.

undefined4 sym.Java_com_app_ndh_NDHActivity_print(int16_t arg1, int16_t arg2, int16_t arg3)
    int32_t *piVar1;
    int32_t iVar2;
    undefined4 uVar3;
    uint32_t uVar4;
    int32_t iVar5;
    undefined4 uVar6;
    uint32_t uVar7;
    undefined8 uVar8;
    uint32_t auStack252 [4];
    undefined4 uStack236;
    undefined4 uStack232;
    undefined4 uStack228;
    undefined4 uStack224;
    undefined4 uStack220;
    undefined4 uStack216;
    undefined4 uStack212;
    undefined4 uStack208;
    uint32_t auStack204 [4];
    undefined4 uStack188;
    undefined4 uStack184;
    undefined4 uStack180;
    undefined4 uStack176;
    undefined4 uStack172;
    undefined4 uStack168;
    undefined4 uStack164;
    undefined4 uStack160;
    uint32_t auStack156 [4];
    undefined4 uStack140;
    undefined4 uStack136;
    undefined4 uStack132;
    undefined4 uStack128;
    undefined4 uStack124;
    undefined4 uStack120;
    undefined4 uStack116;
    undefined4 uStack112;
    undefined4 uStack108;
    undefined4 uStack104;
    undefined4 uStack100;
    undefined4 uStack96;
    undefined4 uStack92;
    undefined4 uStack88;
    undefined4 uStack84;
    undefined4 uStack80;
    undefined4 uStack76;
    undefined4 uStack72;
    undefined4 uStack68;
    undefined4 uStack64;
    int32_t iStack60;
    int32_t iStack56;
    int32_t iStack52;
    undefined4 uStack48;
    undefined4 uStack44;
    uint8_t *puStack40;
    uint8_t uStack33;
    int32_t iStack20;
    uint32_t uStack16;

    piVar1 = (int32_t *)(int32_t)arg1;
    iVar5 = *(int32_t *)0x1160 + 0xf6a;
    iStack20 = **(int32_t **)(iVar5 + *(int32_t *)0x1164);
    puStack40 = (uint8_t *)(**(code **)(*piVar1 + 0x2a4))(piVar1, (int32_t)arg3, 0);
    uStack44 = sym.imp.time(0);
    uStack108 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1168 + 0xfa2);
    uStack104 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1168 + 0xfa6);
    uStack100 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1168 + 0xfaa);
    uStack96 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1168 + 0xfae);
    uStack92 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1168 + 0xfb2);
    uStack88 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1168 + 0xfb6);
    uStack84 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1168 + 0xfba);
    uStack80 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1168 + 0xfbe);
    uStack76 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1168 + 0xfc2);
    uStack72 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1168 + 0xfc6);
    uStack68 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1168 + 0xfca);
    uStack64 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1168 + 0xfce);
    auStack156[0] = *(uint32_t *)(*(int32_t *)0x116c + 0xfb8);
    auStack156[1] = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x116c + 0xfbc);
    auStack156[2] = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x116c + 0xfc0);
    auStack156[3] = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x116c + 0xfc4);
    uStack140 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x116c + 0xfc8);
    uStack136 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x116c + 0xfcc);
    uStack132 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x116c + 0xfd0);
    uStack128 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x116c + 0xfd4);
    uStack124 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x116c + 0xfd8);
    uStack120 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x116c + 0xfdc);
    uStack116 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x116c + 0xfe0);
    uStack112 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x116c + 0xfe4);
    auStack204[0] = *(uint32_t *)(*(int32_t *)0x1170 + 0xfce);
    auStack204[1] = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1170 + 0xfd2);
    auStack204[2] = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1170 + 0xfd6);
    auStack204[3] = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1170 + 0xfda);
    uStack188 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1170 + 0xfde);
    uStack184 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1170 + 0xfe2);
    uStack180 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1170 + 0xfe6);
    uStack176 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1170 + 0xfea);
    uStack172 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1170 + 0xfee);
    uStack168 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1170 + 0xff2);
    uStack164 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1170 + 0xff6);
    uStack160 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1170 + 0xffa);
    auStack252[0] = *(uint32_t *)(*(int32_t *)0x1174 + 0xfe4);
    auStack252[1] = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1174 + 0xfe8);
    auStack252[2] = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1174 + 0xfec);
    auStack252[3] = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1174 + 0xff0);
    uStack236 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1174 + 0xff4);
    uStack232 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1174 + 0xff8);
    uStack228 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1174 + 0xffc);
    uStack224 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1174 + 0x1000);
    uStack220 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1174 + 0x1004);
    uStack216 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1174 + 0x1008);
    uStack212 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1174 + 0x100c);
    uStack208 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x1174 + 0x1010);
    uStack33 = *puStack40;
    iStack52 = 0;
    iStack56 = 0;
    iStack60 = (**(code **)(*piVar1 + 0x290))(piVar1, (int32_t)arg3);
    uVar3 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x117c + 0x102e);
    uVar6 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x117c + 0x1032);
    *(undefined4 *)((int32_t)&uStack16 + *(int32_t *)0x1178) = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x117c + 0x102a);
    *(undefined4 *)(&stack0xfffffff4 + *(int32_t *)0x1178) = uVar3;
    *(undefined4 *)(&stack0xfffffff8 + *(int32_t *)0x1178) = uVar6;
    uVar3 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x117c + 0x103a);
    uVar6 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x117c + 0x103e);
    *(undefined4 *)(&stack0xfffffffc + *(int32_t *)0x1178) = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x117c + 0x1036);
    *(undefined4 *)(&stack0x00000000 + *(int32_t *)0x1178) = uVar3;
    *(undefined4 *)(&stack0x00000004 + *(int32_t *)0x1178) = uVar6;
    uVar3 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x117c + 0x1046);
    uVar6 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x117c + 0x104a);
    *(undefined4 *)(&stack0x00000008 + *(int32_t *)0x1178) = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x117c + 0x1042);
    *(undefined4 *)(&stack0x0000000c + *(int32_t *)0x1178) = uVar3;
    *(undefined4 *)(&stack0x00000010 + *(int32_t *)0x1178) = uVar6;
    uVar4 = *(uint32_t *)(*(int32_t *)0x117c + 0x1052);
    uVar3 = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x117c + 0x1056);
    uVar7 = *(int32_t *)0x117c + 0x105a;
    *(undefined4 *)(&stack0x00000014 + *(int32_t *)0x1178) = *(undefined4 *)(*(int32_t *)0x117c + 0x104e);
    *(uint32_t *)(&stack0x00000018 + *(int32_t *)0x1178) = uVar4;
    *(undefined4 *)(&stack0x0000001c + *(int32_t *)0x1178) = uVar3;
    while (uStack33 != 0) {
        if ((0xc < iStack52) || ((auStack156[iStack52] ^ auStack204[iStack52]) != (uint32_t)puStack40[iStack52])) {
            uVar3 = (**(code **)(*piVar1 + 0x29c))(piVar1, *(int32_t *)0x1180 + 0x1070);
            goto code_r0x0000113e;
        uVar4 = *(uint32_t *)((int32_t)&uStack16 + iStack52 * 4 + *(int32_t *)0x1178) ^ auStack252[iStack52];
        *(uint32_t *)((int32_t)&uStack16 + iStack52 * 4 + *(int32_t *)0x1178) = uVar4;
        iStack52 = iStack52 + 1;
        iStack56 = iStack52 * 2;
        uVar7 = (uint32_t)puStack40[iStack52];
        uStack33 = puStack40[iStack52];
    uStack48 = sym.imp.time(0, uVar4, uVar7);
    if (iStack60 == 0xc) {
        uVar8 = sym.imp.difftime(uStack44, uStack48);
        iVar2 = sym.__aeabi_dcmpgt((int32_t)((uint64_t)uVar8 >> 0x20), (int32_t)uVar8, *(undefined4 *)0x1158,
                                   *(undefined4 *)0x115c);
        if (iVar2 == 0) {
            uVar3 = (**(code **)(*piVar1 + 0x29c))(piVar1, *(int32_t *)0x1188 + 0x1138);
            goto code_r0x0000113e;
    uVar3 = (**(code **)(*piVar1 + 0x29c))(piVar1, *(int32_t *)0x1184 + 0x111e);
    if (iStack20 != **(int32_t **)(iVar5 + *(int32_t *)0x1164)) {
        uVar3 = sym.imp.__stack_chk_fail();
    return uVar3;

from rz-ghidra.

radare avatar radare commented on July 23, 2024

from rz-ghidra.

radare avatar radare commented on July 23, 2024

@thestr4ng3r will be good to have tests for this. it is fixed?

from rz-ghidra.

razaina avatar razaina commented on July 23, 2024

Hi @thestr4ng3r
what modification did you apply?

I am using radare2 5.4.2 and it looks like I don't even have jni.h.

[0x00000f54]> pfo jni.h
Parse error: tcc: error: file '/usr/share/radare2/5.4.2/format/jni.h' not found

from rz-ghidra.

thestr4ng3r avatar thestr4ng3r commented on July 23, 2024

rz-ghidra does not support radare2.
You can use rizin ( with for example

from rz-ghidra.

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