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identify's Introduction


Identify is a shared Amiga library that helps identifying all kind of system parameters.

The source code was closed, like almost all of my Amiga projects. I have now reviewed and reformatted the files, translated the comments from German to English, and made the project compilable on Linux (and probably other targets) using vbcc. The source is now open to everyone for contributing, studying, archiving, or just enjoying the good old Amiga times.


  • Identifies expansion card names, alerts, and function call names
  • Gives information about your Amiga model, CPU, OS version, available memory, chipset, and much more...
  • Supports from AmigaOS 2.0 up to the latest AmigaOS 3.2.2
  • The expansion database contains 364 manufacturers and 701 boards
  • Distinguishes between most GVP and Phase5 boards with unique ID
  • Tries to give at least a hint if the board name is not known yet
  • Fully FPGA, DraCo, and PowerPC compatible
  • Supports PowerUp and WarpOS
  • The library is fully localized (catalogs included: Deutsch, Italiano)
  • Use the features in ARexx, with the included rexxidentify.library
  • English and German documentation
  • LGPLv3 licensed, open source
  • Source Code available at GitHub

Missing Expansions

See here about how to report missing expansions.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions about identify, maybe you will find answers here.

Building from Source

This project is mainly made to be build on Linux machines. However, with a few modifications it can also be built on AmigaOS and other operating systems.


  • GNU make or another compatible make tool
  • vbcc
  • fd2pragma
  • FlexCat
  • AmigaOS NDK 3.2, unpacked on your build machine
  • MUI by Stefan Stuntz, includes unpacked on your build machine
  • mmu.library by Thomas Richter, includes unpacked on your build machine
  • lha (compiled with --enable-multibyte-filename=auto option, which is the default)
  • AmiTools (optional, for the pack target only)

Set the AMIGA_NDK env variable to the location of the unpacked NDK3.2 directory on your build machine. Also set AMIGA_INCLUDES to the location of 3rd party include files, where the MUI includes can be found.

Then just invoke make to build the project. The compiled project can be found in the build directory.

make release will compile a release version in the release directory. This target is optimized for Linux, and might not run on other operating systems.

make pack will create adf files for IdentifyDev and IdentifyUsr in the release directory. These files may be useful to install Identify on disk based systems, but are not part of the official release.

Today's standard encoding is UTF-8. Unfortunately AmigaOS does not support this encoding, so the files in this project have different encodings depending on their purpose. The assembler and C files must use plain ASCII encoding, so they can be edited on Linux and Amiga without encoding problems. For special characters in strings, always use escape sequences. Do not use special characters in comments. make check will test if these files contain illegal characters. All purely Amiga-related files (like AmigaGuide or Catalog files) are expected to be ISO-8859-1 encoded. Then again, (and other files related to the open source release) are UTF-8 encoded. If you are in doubt, use plain ASCII.

Contribution and Releases

The source code of this project can be found at the official GitHub page.

If you found a bug or have a feature request, feel free to open an issue or send a pull request.

At the AmiNet, you will find official binaries and development files.

Please keep the "IdentifyDev" and "IdentifyUsr" package names reserved for official releases. If you want to release a fork, use a different package name. But please consider contributing to the reference repository instead. This is better than having an unknown number of forks and different versions of the code floating around.


The identify tools are fully localizable. English is the built-in language. Available translations are (in alphabetical order):

  • Deutsch (by Richard Körber)
  • Français (by Filipe Brandão)
  • Italiano (by David Lo Buglio)

If you want to provide other translations, please contact me for assistance.

Sync with your own Board Database?

If you're managing an own board database in your project, feel invited to sync it with this database. However, it would only be fair if you then also share the boards that are missing here. Please open an issue, send a merge request, or just get in contact with me. Thank you!


Identify is distributed under LGPLv3 (Lesser Gnu Public Licence).

identify's People


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identify's Issues

New accelerator board called Z3660

Hi shred,
I'm the developer of Z3660 open source accelerator board (060 at 100MHz only for A4000). Some days ago I was officially assigned to the manufacturer ID 5195 (0x144B).

My real name is Juan Antonio Sanchez, and my alias is "shanshe".
The manufacturer ID is registered as "Double H Tech" business.

5195/1 : Is the main block of the accelerator, mainly being a RTG (based on ZZ9000), but also has Ethernet, AHI, MHI, and SD-SCSI (as ZZ9000 also has)).

5195/2 : Is 256 MB of additional Z3 RAM.

ListExp and WhichAmiga outputs:

3.OS322:> ListExp
-- ListExp V14.2 --


System:  Amiga 4000
CPU:     68060 100 MHz (Rev 6), FPU=68060 100 MHz, MMU=68060
Chipset: AGA (RAMSEY F, GARY Normal, CHUNKY None) VBR=0x08271C08
         DMA:   Alice 8374 Rev. 3-4 (Mode: PAL)
         Video: Lisa 4203 (Rev: 0)
         Audio: Paula 8364
         RTC:   Ricoh RP5C01A
AmigaOS: 3.2.2 (V47.111, SetPatch V47.8, ROM V47.111)
         Exec V47.10   Workbench V47.4
Support: GraphicOS: Picasso96, AudioOS: AHI, TCP/IP: Roadshow
Clock:   Power 50 Hz, VBlank 50 Hz, E-Clock 709379 Hz
RAM:     Motherboard 32 bit, 80 ns, Double CAS, 4x Bandwidth

Memory:            CHIP    FAST   TOTAL ROM = 512.0KB   SLOW = 0
          PLAIN  ~2.0MB 496.0MB ~498.0MB
        VIRTUAL       0       0       0
          TOTAL  ~2.0MB 496.0MB ~498.0MB


Nr ID        Manufacturer         Product
 1  5195/  2 #5195                #2                   (unknown)
 2  5195/  1 #5195                #1                   (unknown)
 3 18260/ 12 MacroSystem          Toccata              audio
 4  8512/ 67 Phase 5              CyberVision 3D       graphics

At least one expansion in your system is not known yet. Please send this
output to the Identify project, see: .
Your help is appreciated. Thank you!


Result from WhichAmiga:

WhichAmiga 1.3.3 (2.5.99)
Written by Harry "Piru" Sintonen. Copyright � 1995-1999 PitPlane Productions.

Evaluating system...
Central Processing Unit: MC68060 100.0 MHz (rev 6)
    Floating Point Unit: 68060fpu
 Memory Management Unit: 68060mmu running
   Custom graphics chip: AGA Lisa 4203 (rev 0)
  Custom animation chip: AGA PAL Alice 8374, rev 3-4
   Other custom chip(s): Paula 8364 (rev 0), Ramsey (rev 15), Gary (rev 0)
        Graphics system: Picasso96
      Graphics board(s): CyberVision 64/3D
           Soundcard(s): Toccata
         Hardware Clock: clock found
 Max. Chipmem available: 2032 K
 Max. Fastmem available: 507904 K
       ROM chip version: 47.111 (Kickstart unknown)
      Workbench version: 47.4 (Workbench unknown)
       SetPatch version: 47.8
     Expansion board(s):
5195/2: Unknown Man.ID #5195 Unknown Prod.ID #2 (@$40000000 256M)
5195/1: Unknown Man.ID #5195 Unknown Prod.ID #1 (@$50000000 128M)
18260/12: MacroSystems (Germany) Toccata SoundCard (@$00E90000 64k)
8512/67: Phase 5 Digital Products CyberVision 64/3D (@$60000000 256M)

 Your computer is an Amiga 4000.

Best Regards,

Wrong E3B ID

Just updated identify.library after years, good to see lots of new IDs.
However, my E3B ZorRAM is wrong reported as E3B BigRam+. By looking that up in the "Amiga Hardware Database" indeed both cards are listed with the same IDs, but that must be a mistake in their database, they also list the BigRam+ as a "Individual Computers" product, even it has the E3B manufacturer ID:

By looking in your ID_Database.s (lines 1368-69) I see 2 BigRam+ too with IDs 32/33.
The ID32 should be called ZorRAM, as I have that card and it has the ID32, also see attached outputs:

ListExp WIDE:

-- ListExp V14.2 --


System:  Amiga 4000
CPU:     68040 25 MHz (Rev N/A), FPU=68040 25 MHz, MMU=68040
Chipset: AGA (RAMSEY F, GARY Normal, CHUNKY None) VBR=0x07067068
	 DMA:   Alice 8374 Rev. 3-4 (Mode: PAL)
	 Video: Lisa 4203 (Rev: 0)
	 Audio: Paula 8364
	 RTC:   Ricoh RP5C01A
AmigaOS: 3.1 (V40.70, SetPatch V44.38, ROM V40.70)
         Exec V40.10   Workbench V40.42
Support: GraphicOS: Picasso96, AudioOS: AHI, TCP/IP: None
Clock:   Power 50 Hz, VBlank 50 Hz, E-Clock 709379 Hz
RAM:     Motherboard 32 bit, 80 ns, Double CAS, 4x Bandwidth

Memory:		   CHIP	   FAST	  TOTAL	ROM = 512.0KB	SLOW = 0
	  PLAIN	 ~2.0MB	528.0MB	~530.0MB
	VIRTUAL	      0	      0	      0
	  TOTAL	 ~2.0MB	528.0MB	~530.0MB


Nr ID        Manufacturer         Product
             Address     Size     Serial               Zorro (Type/Flags)
 1  3643/ 16 E3B                  Deneb ZIII           USB interface
             40000000     16MB    E3B30008             Z3    (88/30)

 2  3643/ 19 E3B                  Deneb ROM            USB interface
             00E90000     64KB    E3BF0008             Z2    (D1/00)

 3  3643/ 32 E3B                  BigRam+              RAM expansion
             50000000    256MB    C0DE1337             Z3    (A4/F1)

 4 28014/  4 MNT Research         ZZ9000               graphics / RAM
             60000000    128MB    00000000             Z3    (9B/70)

 5 28014/  5 MNT Research         ZZ9000               RAM expansion
             70000000    256MB    00000000             Z3    (A4/70)


  Address  Flags BoardAddr BoardSize Type Manuf. Prod. Serial#

 $00001800  $02 $40000000 $01000000  $88  3643     16 3820158984
 Board = E3B · Deneb ZIII USB interface

 $00001848  $02 $00E90000 $00010000  $D1  3643     19 3820945416
 Board = E3B · Deneb ROM USB interface

 $00001890  $0A $50000000 $10000000  $A4  3643     32 3235779383
 Board = E3B · BigRam+ RAM expansion

 $000018D8  $02 $60000000 $08000000  $9B  28014      4         0
 Board = MNT Research · ZZ9000 graphics / RAM

 $00001920  $0A $70000000 $10000000  $A4  28014      5         0
 Board = MNT Research · ZZ9000 RAM expansion

OS3.9 BB2 + exec.library 45.2 from BB2 = "Bad OS"

I installed latest identify.library 43.0 and noticed now Scout identifies the OS as "Bad OS" instead of expected OS3.9 (+BB3) when exec.library 45.20 is installed (included with "DEVS:AmigaOS Rom Update" from BB2)


"GottaGoFaZt3r" RAM Card not recognised

Good evening,

Identify.library does not yet recognise the new Amiga "GottaGoFaZt3r" Zorro III Fast-RAM Card, designed by Matt Harlum / LIV2.

Here is the output on my machine (with the current identify.library version):

The unknown card:
ListExp:    "2011/ 72 Prototype ID #72"
WhichAmiga: "2011/72: Reserved Unknown Prod.ID #72 (@$50000000 256M)"

is a "GottaGoFaZt3r" RAM Card designed by Matt Harlum.
I have the 256MB Version of this board. There is also a 128MB Version.

Actual output of both programs:

New Shell process 6
6.DH0:> listexp
-- ListExp V14.2 --


System:  Amiga 3000
CPU:     68030 50 MHz (Rev N/A), FPU=68882 50 MHz, MMU=68030
Chipset: ECS (RAMSEY D, GARY Normal, CHUNKY None) VBR=0x00000000
         DMA:   Agnus 8372 Rev. 1-4 (Mode: PAL)
         Video: Denise 8373 (Rev: 0)
         Audio: Paula 8364
         RTC:   Ricoh RP5C01A
AmigaOS: 3.1.4 (V46.143, SetPatch V45.25, ROM V46.143)
         Exec V46.45   Workbench V45.194
Support: GraphicOS: Picasso96, AudioOS: AmigaOS, TCP/IP: Roadshow
Clock:   Power 50 Hz, VBlank 50 Hz, E-Clock 709379 Hz
RAM:     Motherboard 16 bit, 80 ns, Normal CAS, 1x Bandwidth

Memory:            CHIP    FAST   TOTAL ROM = 512.0KB   SLOW = 0
          PLAIN   1.9MB 272.0MB ~274.0MB
        VIRTUAL       0       0       0
          TOTAL   1.9MB 272.0MB ~274.0MB


Nr ID        Manufacturer         Product
 1 18260/ 16 MacroSystem          Retina BLT Z3        graphics
 2  4626/100 Individual Computers X-Surf-100           Ethernet
 3  2011/ 72 Prototype ID         #72                  (unknown)

At least one expansion in your system is not known yet. Please send this
output to the Identify project, see: .
Your help is appreciated. Thank you!


Result from WhichAmiga:

WhichAmiga 1.3.3 (2.5.99)
Written by Harry "Piru" Sintonen. Copyright � 1995-1999 PitPlane Productions.

Evaluating system...
Central Processing Unit: MC68030 50.0 MHz
    Floating Point Unit: MC68882
 Memory Management Unit: 68030mmu running
   Custom graphics chip: ECS Denise 8373 (rev 0)
  Custom animation chip: ECS PAL Fatter Agnus 8372a, 1MB
   Other custom chip(s): Paula 8364 (rev 0), Ramsey (rev 13), Gary (rev 0)
        Graphics system: Picasso96
      Graphics board(s): Retina Z3
         Hardware Clock: clock found
 Max. Chipmem available: 2016 K
 Max. Fastmem available: 278528 K
 Max. Virtmem available: 16 K
       ROM chip version: 46.143 (Kickstart unknown)
      Workbench version: 45.194 (Workbench unknown)
       SetPatch version: 45.25
     Expansion board(s):
18260/16: MacroSystems (Germany) Retina Z3 (@$40000000 16M)
4626/100: Individual Computers X-Surf 100 Rev.3 Z-II/Z-III Ethernet (@$44000000 64k)
2011/72: Reserved Unknown Prod.ID #72 (@$50000000 256M)

 Your computer is an Amiga 3000.

Kind regards,

Wrong os version

Listexp (from identify 43.1) & scout says the os version is 3.2.1, instead of

-- ListExp V14.2 --


System: UAE
CPU: 68060 (Rev 6), FPU=68060 , MMU=68060
Chipset: AGA (RAMSEY None, GARY Normal, CHUNKY None) VBR=0x00000000
DMA: Alice 8374 Rev. 3-4 (Mode: PAL)
Video: Lisa 4203 (Rev: 0)
Audio: Paula 8364
AmigaOS: 3.2.1 (V47.68, SetPatch V47.8, ROM V40.68)
Exec V47.10 Workbench V47.4
Support: GraphicOS: Picasso96, AudioOS: AHI, TCP/IP: AmiTCP/IP
Clock: Power 50 Hz, VBlank 50 Hz, E-Clock 709379 Hz
RAM: Motherboard 32 bit, 80 ns, Double CAS, 4x Bandwidth

Memory: CHIP FAST TOTAL ROM = 512.0KB SLOW = 0
PLAIN ~2.0MB 1.5GB 1.5GB
TOTAL ~2.0MB 1.5GB 1.5GB


Nr ID Manufacturer Product

1 2011/ 96 UAE UAEGFX graphics
2 18260/ 12 MacroSystem Toccata audio
3 2011/ 82 UAE Filesystem HD controller
4 2011/ 83 UAE Z3 Fast RAM RAM expansion
5 2011/ 83 UAE Z3 Fast RAM RAM expansion
6 2011/ 4 UAE Boot ROM expansion

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