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goweb's People


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goweb's Issues

Wrong encoding if use Controllers

If use Controllers and set custom encoding, encoding don't work

goweb.MapBefore(func(c context.Context) error {
   // add a custom header
   c.HttpResponseWriter().Header().Set(`Content-Type`, `application/json; charset=UTF-8`)
   return nil

Bugfix this:
File: goweb/responders/goweb_api_responders.go

@@ -118,7 +118,9 @@ func (a *GowebAPIResponder) WriteResponseObject(ctx context.Context, status int

Design views in Goweb

Views are a key part of web development, and if you're not building a data API you will likely be managing views in some way within Goweb.

We would like to implement a solution for new projects that will make managing views as easy as it is in Ruby on Rails.

Initial thinking:

  • Must be easy to render a view
  • View rendering service must be interchangeable; if people want to use another templating framework, they should easily be able to
  • Helpers for common stuff (like building URLs etc.)
  • Can a controller automatically be mapped using reflection? So /controller/action would map to the action method on the controller class. E.g. /people/new would map to PeopleController and call method New.

goweb compilation fails on OS X 10.8 with latest go1.1.1 amd64

Trying to install latest goweb 7/8/2013 against latest commit 7310eb9

Here is the compilation output:

troy$ go get undefined: MatcherFunc undefined: MatcherFuncs

Adding "handlers." before MatcherFunc on line 192 fixes the compilation problem at line 192, but adding "handlers." before MatcherFuncs on line 206 doesn't fix the problem there:

troy$ go get

./map.go:206: undefined: handlers.MatcherFuncs

I have been able to build about 6 other packages with this latest version of go1.1.1, so I am pretty sure it is not a problem with my installation. If you want me to try to reproduce on Debian 7.1 I can give that a try once I get go installed on my new Debian VM.

Go 1.1: Use method values to simpler code where possible

Go 1.1 now implements method values, which are functions that have been bound to a specific receiver value. For instance, given a Writer value w, the expression w.Write, a method value, is a function that will always write to w; it is equivalent to a function literal closing over w:

func (p []byte) (n int, err error) {
return w.Write(p)
Method values are distinct from method expressions, which generate functions from methods of a given type; the method expression (_bufio.Writer).Write is equivalent to a function with an extra first argument, a receiver of type (_bufio.Writer):

func (w *bufio.Writer, p []byte) (n int, err error) {
return w.Write(p)
Updating: No existing code is affected; the change is strictly backward-compatible.

msgpack has been deprecated

package has been deprecated (05/29/2013). 
It will be retired anytime from July 1, 2013.
Please update to faster and much much better
See for more information.

MapController, MapStaticFile, MapStatic don't accept MatcherFuncs

It seems slightly odd that Map, MapBefore, and MapAfter all accept MatcherFuncs as additional parameters, while MapController, MapStaticFile, and MapStatic don't.

Use Case:

I am writing a RESTful API. I want a different controller to be called for different types of Accept headers. When the Accept header includes 'text/html', I want to display my generated godoc documentation (using MapStatic or MapStaticFile). When the Accept header includes 'application/-+', I want to run the an API controller that runs the correct version.

I want to do this by essentially passing a MatcherFunc to the MapController, MapStatic, etc methods which checks the Accept header against a list of acceptable values. But currently, they cannot accept MatcherFuncs.

I'm forking the repo and tossing that in myself (because it's easy), and ... will probably make a pull request after I get it working, because ... that's the right thing to do? I think? Goodness, I'm too used to bugzilla and attaching patches. I feel old.

[edit] If there's a better way to do this, please let me know. I haven't been doing this very long, but from what I've seen, that seems to be the best route. [/edit]

Why not use Goweb?

Please leave a comment and tell us:

  • Why you chose not to use Goweb
  • Did it lack something you needed?
  • Do you think the project would benefit from an additional capability?

why "/" is generate error?

func main() {

goweb.MapFunc("/", func(c *goweb.Context) {
    t, _ := template.ParseFiles("html/index.html")
    t.Execute(c.ResponseWriter, nil)

goweb.MapFunc("/user", func(c *goweb.Context) {



root page is

"Oops, something went wrong: No route found for that path"

why not working?
my eye's in Red on inside every code
i don't know that.
help me

Add Accept Equivalent for ?method=

I finally got around to reading the documentation for goweb. Don't ask me why it's taken me this long.

I noticed the ?method=GET variable types in the documentation. I'm not planning to use it in my code, but it's kinda fun for testing stuff in the browser when I'm too lazy to alt+tab to my terminal and write out a curl request.

So I was wondering if we could get an equivalent for the Accept header. Seems like it would be nice for being able to read through XML vs JSON output and such.

MapFunc matching all substrings

I am having an issue such that MapFunc is matching anything with the sub string of the path. For example:

goweb.MapFunc("/a", serverA)
goweb.MapFunc("/nota", serverB)

And any page containing "a" will call serverA, including "localhost:8080/nota", and for example, "localhost:8080/ishouldbe404a" is also calling serveA.

Collect a list of people using Goweb

We are looking to put together a list of companies / people that are using Goweb. If you would like to help promote Goweb, and be included in the list, please comment on this issue and we'll get it going.

Goweb team

Add ability to map a single file

It would be great to map a single file, instead of having to map an entire directory.

Use case:

  • favicon.ico

Should be doable like this:

goweb.MapStaticFile("favicon.ico", "/static/files/images/icons/favicon.ico")

Moving controller to a sub-package fails to map REST methods properly

What I did is taking an example web-server and moving out the ThingsController into the ./controllers sub-package:

package controllers

import (

// ThingsController is the RESTful MVC controller for Things.
type ThingsController struct {

// Before gets called before any other method.
func (r *ThingsController) Before(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil

// After gets called before any other method.
func (r *ThingsController) After(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil

func (r *ThingsController) Create(ctx context.Context) error {
return goweb.Respond.WithStatus(ctx, http.StatusCreated)

func (r *ThingsController) ReadMany(ctx context.Context) error {
return goweb.API.RespondWithData(ctx, "DEMO!")

func (r *ThingsController) Read(id string, ctx context.Context) error {
return goweb.Respond.WithStatus(ctx, http.StatusNotFound)

func (r *ThingsController) DeleteMany(ctx context.Context) error {
return goweb.Respond.WithOK(ctx)

func (r *ThingsController) Delete(id string, ctx context.Context) error {
return goweb.Respond.WithOK(ctx)

Then mapped it using:

goweb.MapController("/api/things", new(controllers.ThingsController))

As a result:

Pipe 0:
*** - 0x35e0

Pipe 1:
/ - 0x3a50
OPTIONS /api/things - 0xe9240
OPTIONS /api/things/{id} - 0xe9340
*** - 0x3b20

Pipe 2:
*** - 0x36b0

The other REST methods are not mapped and requests return 404. Moving the code back into the same main.go makes things work again.

codecs: Cannot call PublicData(map[string]int) because it does not implement codecs.Facade (i.e. needs PublicData method) and is not a Data object.

A simple REST controller with a method:

func (ctrl _MyController) ReadMany(ctx context.Context) error {
var Things []_Thing
thing := new(Thing)
thing.Id = "A"
thing.Text = "A Thing!"
Things = append(Things, thing)
return goweb.API.RespondWithData(ctx, Things)

Request: GET /api/my

Leads to the following in the console:

2013/06/12 10:53:32 http: panic serving codecs: Cannot call PublicData([]_controllers.Thing) because it does not implement codecs.Facade (i.e. needs PublicData method) and is not a Data object.
goroutine 11 [running]:
/usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/http/server.go:1022 +0xac, 0xc200151c60, 0x0, 0x0, 0x6e7a30, ...)
/Users/alex/Documents/Work/sources/backend/src/ +0x2fe, 0xc200151c60, 0x0, 0x1, 0x2842a0, ...)
/Users/alex/Documents/Work/sources/backend/src/ +0x42, 0xc2000dc7e0, 0xc200157c40, 0xc8, 0x274fe0, ...)
/Users/alex/Documents/Work/sources/backend/src/ +0xa8, 0xc2000dc7e0, 0xc200157c40, 0x274fe0, 0xc200151c60, ...)
/Users/alex/Documents/Work/sources/backend/src/ +0x6c
project/api/controllers.(_MyController).ReadMany(0xc2000008a8, 0xc2000dc7e0, 0xc200157c40, 0x1, 0x1, ...)
/Users/alex/Documents/Work/sources/backend/src/project/api/controllers/poi.go:37 +0x171·fm(0xc2000dc7e0, 0xc200157c40, 0x0, 0x0)
/Users/alex/Documents/Work/sources/backend/src/ +0x52, 0xc2000dc7e0, 0xc200157c40, 0x1, 0x0, ...)
/Users/alex/Documents/Work/sources/backend/src/ +0x38, 0x17, 0x20, 0xc2000dc7e0, 0xc200157c40, ...)
/Users/alex/Documents/Work/sources/backend/src/ +0x121, 0xc2000dc7e0, 0xc200157c40, 0xdd301, 0x0, ...)
/Users/alex/Documents/Work/sources/backend/src/ +0x9a, 0x3, 0x3, 0xc2000dc7e0, 0xc200157c40, ...)
/Users/alex/Documents/Work/sources/backend/src/ +0x121, 0xc2001544c0, 0xc200157bd0, 0xc20014b680)
/Users/alex/Documents/Work/sources/backend/src/ +0xac
net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP(0xc200147820, 0xc2001544c0, 0xc200157bd0, 0xc20014b680)
/usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/http/server.go:1517 +0x16c
/usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/http/server.go:1096 +0x765
created by net/http.(*Server).Serve
/usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/http/server.go:1564 +0x266

Question: What is the easiest way to deal with CORS?

I have a client app in a different domain so the browser is trying to do a preflight request. e.g.

OPTIONS /accounts HTTP/1.1
Host    localhost:5000
Access-Control-Request-Method   GET
Origin  http://localhost:9000
Access-Control-Request-Headers  accept, x-requested-with
Accept  */*
Referer http://localhost:9000/

I would like goweb to generate the necessary response for any request coming for a particular url e.g.

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://localhost:9000
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-Custom-Header
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Can you please give me an example on how to deal with this? Thanks

Add tests to the example_webapp project

Testing code (unit testing and other types) is very important, Goweb itself is 100% TDD, so we need to make sure we are not getting in the way of others from writing test-driven Goweb code.


  • Redevelop the example_webapp project in a TDD way (or retro-fit unit tests for all cases)
  • Add necessary helpers to Goweb to better enable testing (it might be nice to have assertion methods built in)


The catchall handler is always invoked, even if something has already been served.

This could be indicative of a deeper problem.

Proposed change to HTTP Methods

Since POST should create resources, I propose we change the way Goweb maps the RESTful interfaces in the following way.

These will stay the same:

RestfulReader Read = GET /path/{id}
RestfulManyReader ReadMany = GET /path
RestfulCreator Create = POST /path
RestfulDeletor Delete = DELETE /path/{id}
RestfulManyDeleter DeleteMany = DELETE /path
(OPTIONS and HEAD will remain the same)    

These will change from:

RestfulUpdater Update = PUT /path/{id}
RestfulReplacer Replace = POST /path/{id}
RestfulManyUpdater UpdateMany = PUT /path


RestfulUpdater Update = PATCH /path/{id}
RestfulReplacer Replace = PUT /path/{id}
RestfulManyUpdater UpdateMany = PATCH /path
  • Since this will break existing interfaces, it's an important thing to carefully consider the consequences.

Body is empty with GET request

I am trying to send some JSON data to a GET request. The body is empty, even though I am transmitting some. It works fine for POST actions

Seems to be working now. I think it was whatever tool I was using to send the request

Add more Query, Form parameter helpers to context

// AllQueryParams gets the parameters that were present after the ? in the URL.
QueryParams() objects.Map

// QueryValues gets an array of the values for the specified key from the QueryParams.
QueryValues(key string) []string

// QueryValue gets a single value for the specified key from the QueryParams.  If there
// are multiple values (i.e. `?name=Mat&name=Laurie`), the first value is returned.
QueryValue(key string) string

Would be nice to be able to add custom data to the Context to share during the request lifetime

This could be a good example:

Thus in the request handling chain (Before -> Controller's Method -> After) it would be really easy to share the data.

As an example we use:

  1. Before: parse Authorization header, extract Token if available, fetch the corresponding user/session data, assign to context such as context.Set(CURRENT_USER_KEY, userStructure)
  2. Controller's method just performs the check context.Get(CURRENT_USER_KEY) != nil

This would help to avoid duplication of code especially related to authentication...

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