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Comments (1)

sweep-nightly avatar sweep-nightly commented on June 15, 2024

🚀 Here's the PR! #3849

💎 Sweep Pro: You have unlimited Sweep issues


  • ↻ Restart Sweep

Step 1: 🔎 Searching

Here are the code search results. I'm now analyzing these search results to write the PR.

Relevant files (click to expand). Mentioned files will always appear here.

from dataclasses import fields
import hashlib
import os
import re
import time
from loguru import logger
from sweepai.utils.event_logger import posthog
DEFAULT_BOT_SUFFIX = "\n\n*This is an automated message generated by [Sweep AI](*"
BOT_SUFFIX = os.environ.get("BOT_SUFFIX", DEFAULT_BOT_SUFFIX).replace("\\n", "\n")
print(f"Using custom bot suffix: {BOT_SUFFIX}")
You ran out of the free tier GPT-4 tickets! Here are your options:
- You can get a free trial of Sweep Pro to get unlimited Sweep issues [here](
- You can run Sweep with your own Anthropic and OpenAI API keys [here](
- You can book a chat with us set up Sweep Enterprise [here](
sep = "\n---\n"
bot_suffix_starring = ""
bot_suffix = f"""
> [!TIP]
> To recreate the pull request, edit the issue title or description."""
discord_suffix = ""
stars_suffix = ""
collapsible_template = """
<details {opened}>
checkbox_template = "- [{check}] {filename}\n{instructions}\n"
num_of_snippets_to_query = 30
total_number_of_snippet_tokens = 15_000
num_full_files = 2
def ordinal(n):
return str(n) + (
"th" if 4 <= n <= 20 else {1: "st", 2: "nd", 3: "rd"}.get(n % 10, "th")
def format_sandbox_success(success):
return "✓" if success else "❌ (`Sandbox Failed`)"
def create_collapsible(summary: str, body: str, opened: bool = False):
return collapsible_template.format(
summary=summary, body=body, opened="open" if opened else ""
def inline_code(text: str):
return f"<code>{text}</code>" if text else ""
def code_block(text: str):
return f"<pre>{text}</pre>" if text else ""
def blockquote(text: str):
text = text.replace("\n•", "<br/>•")
return f"<blockquote>{text}\n</blockquote>" if text else ""
def bold(text: str):
return f"<b>{text}</b>" if text else ""
def create_checkbox(title: str, body: str, checked: bool = False):
return checkbox_template.format(
check="X" if checked else " ", filename=title, instructions=body
def strip_sweep(text: str):
return (
r"^[Ss]weep\s?(\([Ss]low\))?(\([Mm]ap\))?(\([Ff]ast\))?\s?:", "", text
).lstrip(),"^[Ss]weep\s?\([Ss]low\)", text) is not None,"^[Ss]weep\s?\([Mm]ap\)", text) is not None,"^[Ss]weep\s?\([Ss]ubissues?\)", text) is not None,"^[Ss]weep\s?\([Ss]andbox?\)", text) is not None,"^[Ss]weep\s?\([Ff]ast\)", text) is not None,"^[Ss]weep\s?\([Ll]int\)", text) is not None,
def clean_logs(logs: str):
cleaned_logs = re.sub(r"\x1b\[.*?[@-~]", "", logs.replace("```", "\`\`\`"))
cleaned_logs = re.sub("\n{2,}", "\n", cleaned_logs)
cleaned_logs = re.sub("\r{2,}", "\n", cleaned_logs)
cleaned_logs = cleaned_logs.strip("\n")
cleaned_logs = cleaned_logs or "(nothing was outputted)"
return cleaned_logs
def extract_lines(text: str, start: int, end: int):
lines = text.splitlines(keepends=True)
return "\n".join(lines[max(0, start) : min(len(lines), end)])
def add_line_numbers(text: str, start: int = 0):
lines = text.splitlines(keepends=True)
return "".join(f"{start + i} | {line}" for i, line in enumerate(lines))
# start and end are inclusive
def remove_lines_from_text(text: str, start: int = 0, end: int = -1):
lines = text.splitlines(keepends=True)
if end == -1:
end = len(lines) - 1
elif end >= len(lines):
end = len(lines) - 1
if start - 1 < 0:
start = 1
updated_lines = lines[:start - 1] + lines[end + 1:]
return "".join(updated_lines)
def to_branch_name(s, max_length=40):
branch_name = s.strip().lower().replace(" ", "_")
branch_name = re.sub(r"[^a-z0-9_]", "", branch_name)
return branch_name[:max_length]
def get_hash():
return hashlib.sha256(str(time.time()).encode()).hexdigest()[:10]
# used for getting all indices of a substring match
def get_all_indices_of_substring(content: str, substring: str):
start = 0
indices = []
while True:
index = content.find(substring, start)
if index == -1: # No more occurrences found
start = index + 1 # Move past the last found occurrence
return indices
# converts a single arbitrary object to xml string format
def object_to_xml(object: object, object_name: str):
object_fields = [f"<{}>\n{getattr(object,}\n</{}>" for field in fields(object)]
fields_strings = "\n".join(object_fields)
object_string = f"<{object_name}>\n{fields_strings}\n</{object_name}>"
return object_string
# converts a list of objects to xml string format
def objects_to_xml(objects: list[object], object_name: str, outer_field_name: str = ""):
objects_string = ""
for object in objects:
objects_string += f"{object_to_xml(object, object_name)}\n"
if outer_field_name:
objects_string = f"<{outer_field_name}>\n{objects_string}</{outer_field_name}>"
objects_string = f"<{object_name}s>\n{objects_string}</{object_name}s>"
return objects_string
def extract_xml_tag(string: str, tag: str, include_closing_tag: bool = True):
pattern = f"<{tag}>(.*?)</{tag}>" if include_closing_tag else f"<{tag}>(.*?)(\Z|</{tag}>)"
match_ =, string, re.DOTALL)
if match_ is None:
return None
# returns a dict of object params with their respective values
def extract_object_fields_from_string(text: str, params: list[str]) -> tuple[dict[str, str], bool, str]:
object_args = {}
failed = False
failed_param = ""
for param in params:
regex = rf'<{param}>(?P<{param}>.*?)<\/{param}>'
result =, text, re.DOTALL)
object_args[param] =
except AttributeError:
failed = True
failed_param = param
return object_args, failed, failed_param
# repeated calls extract_object_fields from string on a list of xml objects
def extract_objects_from_string(text: str, object_tag: str, object_params: list[str]):
extracted_objects = []
object_regex = rf'<{object_tag}>(?P<{object_tag}>.*?)<\/{object_tag}>'
object_matches = list(re.finditer(object_regex, text, re.DOTALL))
failed_extraction = False
for match in object_matches:
object_args, failed, failed_param = extract_object_fields_from_string('{object_tag}'), object_params)
if not failed:
failed_extraction = True
logger.error(f"Failure occured during extraction on the following param: {failed_param}")
posthog.capture("extract_objects_from_string", "extract_objects_from_string failed", properties={"failed_param": failed_param, "text": text, "object_tag": object_tag})

from dataclasses import fields
import hashlib
import os
import re
import time
from loguru import logger
from sweepai.utils.event_logger import posthog
DEFAULT_BOT_SUFFIX = "\n\n*This is an automated message generated by [Sweep AI](*"
BOT_SUFFIX = os.environ.get("BOT_SUFFIX", DEFAULT_BOT_SUFFIX).replace("\\n", "\n")
print(f"Using custom bot suffix: {BOT_SUFFIX}")
You ran out of the free tier GPT-4 tickets! Here are your options:
- You can get a free trial of Sweep Pro to get unlimited Sweep issues [here](
- You can run Sweep with your own Anthropic and OpenAI API keys [here](
- You can book a chat with us set up Sweep Enterprise [here](
sep = "\n---\n"
bot_suffix_starring = ""
bot_suffix = f"""
> [!TIP]
> To recreate the pull request, edit the issue title or description."""
discord_suffix = ""
stars_suffix = ""
collapsible_template = """
<details {opened}>
checkbox_template = "- [{check}] {filename}\n{instructions}\n"
num_of_snippets_to_query = 30
total_number_of_snippet_tokens = 15_000
num_full_files = 2
def ordinal(n):
return str(n) + (
"th" if 4 <= n <= 20 else {1: "st", 2: "nd", 3: "rd"}.get(n % 10, "th")
def format_sandbox_success(success):
return "✓" if success else "❌ (`Sandbox Failed`)"
def create_collapsible(summary: str, body: str, opened: bool = False):
return collapsible_template.format(
summary=summary, body=body, opened="open" if opened else ""
def inline_code(text: str):
return f"<code>{text}</code>" if text else ""
def code_block(text: str):
return f"<pre>{text}</pre>" if text else ""
def blockquote(text: str):
text = text.replace("\n•", "<br/>•")
return f"<blockquote>{text}\n</blockquote>" if text else ""
def bold(text: str):
return f"<b>{text}</b>" if text else ""
def create_checkbox(title: str, body: str, checked: bool = False):
return checkbox_template.format(
check="X" if checked else " ", filename=title, instructions=body
def strip_sweep(text: str):
return (
r"^[Ss]weep\s?(\([Ss]low\))?(\([Mm]ap\))?(\([Ff]ast\))?\s?:", "", text
).lstrip(),"^[Ss]weep\s?\([Ss]low\)", text) is not None,"^[Ss]weep\s?\([Mm]ap\)", text) is not None,"^[Ss]weep\s?\([Ss]ubissues?\)", text) is not None,"^[Ss]weep\s?\([Ss]andbox?\)", text) is not None,"^[Ss]weep\s?\([Ff]ast\)", text) is not None,"^[Ss]weep\s?\([Ll]int\)", text) is not None,
def clean_logs(logs: str):
cleaned_logs = re.sub(r"\x1b\[.*?[@-~]", "", logs.replace("```", "\`\`\`"))
cleaned_logs = re.sub("\n{2,}", "\n", cleaned_logs)
cleaned_logs = re.sub("\r{2,}", "\n", cleaned_logs)
cleaned_logs = cleaned_logs.strip("\n")
cleaned_logs = cleaned_logs or "(nothing was outputted)"
return cleaned_logs
def extract_lines(text: str, start: int, end: int):
lines = text.splitlines(keepends=True)
return "\n".join(lines[max(0, start) : min(len(lines), end)])
def add_line_numbers(text: str, start: int = 0):
lines = text.splitlines(keepends=True)
return "".join(f"{start + i} | {line}" for i, line in enumerate(lines))
# start and end are inclusive
def remove_lines_from_text(text: str, start: int = 0, end: int = -1):
lines = text.splitlines(keepends=True)
if end == -1:
end = len(lines) - 1
elif end >= len(lines):
end = len(lines) - 1
if start - 1 < 0:
start = 1
updated_lines = lines[:start - 1] + lines[end + 1:]
return "".join(updated_lines)
def to_branch_name(s, max_length=40):
branch_name = s.strip().lower().replace(" ", "_")
branch_name = re.sub(r"[^a-z0-9_]", "", branch_name)
return branch_name[:max_length]
def get_hash():
return hashlib.sha256(str(time.time()).encode()).hexdigest()[:10]
# used for getting all indices of a substring match
def get_all_indices_of_substring(content: str, substring: str):
start = 0
indices = []
while True:
index = content.find(substring, start)
if index == -1: # No more occurrences found
start = index + 1 # Move past the last found occurrence
return indices
# converts a single arbitrary object to xml string format
def object_to_xml(object: object, object_name: str):
object_fields = [f"<{}>\n{getattr(object,}\n</{}>" for field in fields(object)]
fields_strings = "\n".join(object_fields)
object_string = f"<{object_name}>\n{fields_strings}\n</{object_name}>"
return object_string
# converts a list of objects to xml string format
def objects_to_xml(objects: list[object], object_name: str, outer_field_name: str = ""):
objects_string = ""
for object in objects:
objects_string += f"{object_to_xml(object, object_name)}\n"
if outer_field_name:
objects_string = f"<{outer_field_name}>\n{objects_string}</{outer_field_name}>"
objects_string = f"<{object_name}s>\n{objects_string}</{object_name}s>"
return objects_string
def extract_xml_tag(string: str, tag: str, include_closing_tag: bool = True):
pattern = f"<{tag}>(.*?)</{tag}>" if include_closing_tag else f"<{tag}>(.*?)(\Z|</{tag}>)"
match_ =, string, re.DOTALL)
if match_ is None:
return None
# returns a dict of object params with their respective values
def extract_object_fields_from_string(text: str, params: list[str]) -> tuple[dict[str, str], bool, str]:
object_args = {}
failed = False
failed_param = ""
for param in params:
regex = rf'<{param}>(?P<{param}>.*?)<\/{param}>'
result =, text, re.DOTALL)
object_args[param] =
except AttributeError:
failed = True
failed_param = param
return object_args, failed, failed_param
# repeated calls extract_object_fields from string on a list of xml objects
def extract_objects_from_string(text: str, object_tag: str, object_params: list[str]):
extracted_objects = []
object_regex = rf'<{object_tag}>(?P<{object_tag}>.*?)<\/{object_tag}>'
object_matches = list(re.finditer(object_regex, text, re.DOTALL))
failed_extraction = False
for match in object_matches:
object_args, failed, failed_param = extract_object_fields_from_string('{object_tag}'), object_params)
if not failed:
failed_extraction = True
logger.error(f"Failure occured during extraction on the following param: {failed_param}")
posthog.capture("extract_objects_from_string", "extract_objects_from_string failed", properties={"failed_param": failed_param, "text": text, "object_tag": object_tag})

Step 2: ⌨️ Coding


Add a check for `None` at the beginning of the `add_line_numbers` function to prevent the `AttributeError`.
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 def add_line_numbers(text: str, start: int = 0):
+    if text is None:
+        return ""
     lines = text.splitlines(keepends=True)
     return "".join(f"{start + i} | {line}" for i, line in enumerate(lines))

Step 3: 🔄️ Validating

Your changes have been successfully made to the branch sweep/unhandled_nonetype_object_has_no_attribu. I have validated these changes using a syntax checker and a linter.


To recreate the pull request, edit the issue title or description.

This is an automated message generated by Sweep AI.

from sweep.

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