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Comments (16)

viciousviper avatar viciousviper commented on July 21, 2024

Hi @gsmachado,

thanks for trying out DokanCloudFS, and sorry for the warnings - I'll get around to reducing them some time later.

The ReflectionTypeLoadException is almost certainly caused by a missing .dll. Unfortunately you'll have to attach a debugger and look at the exception's LoaderExceptions property at the time when it is thrown to find out which assembly is missing - just as the exception itself is telling you.

Did you successfully retrieve the CloudFS NuGet package and all its dependencies in your VS project?

from dokancloudfs.

Band-Aid avatar Band-Aid commented on July 21, 2024

I'm seeing the same issue. As advised above Trying to install CloudFS from Nuget I am seeing errors saying that it could not Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory
After installing the above, now I get an error saying could not find a dependent version of SwiftClient(>=2.0.0)

I do see SwiftClient (2.0.0) in the references and not sure why it would think its not installed.
I've ignored the error and proceeded with the build and execution I get the same error saying Unable to load one or more of the requested types.

Sorry the error message is in Japanese.

PS C:\Users\user\desktop\DokanCloudFS-1.0.9-alpha\DokanCloudFS-1.0.9-alpha\dokancloudfs.mounter\bin\debug> .\IgorSoft.DokanCloudFS.Mounter.exe mount

ハンドルされていない例外: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: 要求された型のうち 1 つまたは複数を読み込めませんでした。詳細については、LoaderExceptions プロパティを取得し
   場所 System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module)
   場所 System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.get_DefinedTypes()
   場所 System.Composition.Hosting.ContainerConfiguration.<WithAssemblies>b__0(Assembly a)
   場所 System.Linq.Enumerable.<SelectManyIterator>d__16`2.MoveNext()
   場所 System.Composition.TypedParts.TypedPartExportDescriptorProvider..ctor(IEnumerable`1 types, AttributedModelProvider attributeContext)
   場所 System.Composition.Hosting.ContainerConfiguration.CreateContainer()
   場所 IgorSoft.DokanCloudFS.CompositionInitializer.InitializeHost(IEnumerable`1 assemblies) 場所 C:\Users\daish\Desktop\DokanCloudFS-1.0.9-alpha\DokanCloudFS-1.0.9-alpha\DokanCloud
FS\CompositionInitializer.cs:行 58
   場所 IgorSoft.DokanCloudFS.CompositionInitializer.Initialize(IEnumerable`1 assemblies) 場所 C:\Users\daish\Desktop\DokanCloudFS-1.0.9-alpha\DokanCloudFS-1.0.9-alpha\DokanCloudFS\C
ompositionInitializer.cs:行 113
   場所 IgorSoft.DokanCloudFS.CompositionInitializer.Initialize(IEnumerable`1 assemblies, String path, String searchPattern) 場所 C:\Users\daish\Desktop\DokanCloudFS-1.0.9-alpha\Doka
nCloudFS-1.0.9-alpha\DokanCloudFS\CompositionInitializer.cs:行 103
   場所 IgorSoft.DokanCloudFS.Mounter.Program.InitializeCloudDriveFactory(String libPath) 場所 C:\Users\daish\Desktop\DokanCloudFS-1.0.9-alpha\DokanCloudFS-1.0.9-alpha\DokanCloudFS.M
ounter\Program.cs:行 105
   場所 IgorSoft.DokanCloudFS.Mounter.Program.Mount(String passPhrase, IList`1 userNames) 場所 C:\Users\daish\Desktop\DokanCloudFS-1.0.9-alpha\DokanCloudFS-1.0.9-alpha\DokanCloudFS.M
ounter\Program.cs:行 120
   場所 IgorSoft.DokanCloudFS.Mounter.Program.<>c__DisplayClass4_0.<ParseCommandLine>b__3() 場所 C:\Users\daish\Desktop\DokanCloudFS-1.0.9-alpha\DokanCloudFS-1.0.9-alpha\DokanCloudFS
.Mounter\Program.cs:行 83
   場所 Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils.CommandLineApplication.Execute(String[] args)
   場所 IgorSoft.DokanCloudFS.Mounter.Program.ParseCommandLine(String[] args) 場所 C:\Users\daish\Desktop\DokanCloudFS-1.0.9-alpha\DokanCloudFS-1.0.9-alpha\DokanCloudFS.Mounter\Progr
am.cs:行 92
   場所 IgorSoft.DokanCloudFS.Mounter.Program.Main(String[] args) 場所 C:\Users\daish\Desktop\DokanCloudFS-1.0.9-alpha\DokanCloudFS-1.0.9-alpha\DokanCloudFS.Mounter\Program.cs:行 68

from dokancloudfs.

viciousviper avatar viciousviper commented on July 21, 2024

Hi @Band-Aid,

thanks for your report. So lets sort this out.
I just cleaned the NuGet package store from my copy of DokanCloudFS and restored all references from within Visual Studio. After fixing several mismatched references - which in my case did not include SwiftClient, go figure 😞 - I was at last able to build and run the Mounter project without any TypeLoadException.
This state of affairs has been committed as version for both CloudFS, and DokanCloudFS.

You'd do me a big favour if you could try these versions and report back your results.


from dokancloudfs.

Band-Aid avatar Band-Aid commented on July 21, 2024

Hi @viciousviper
Thanks for the quick fix!! I'm able to run it without any major problems!
Btw, I ran in to a redirect issue when connecting to
Where should I redirect the oauth call to?

I'll try to figure it out reading thru the source and update my findings.

from dokancloudfs.

Band-Aid avatar Band-Aid commented on July 21, 2024

Okay here are my findings.
Redirecting the oauth call to https://localhost I was able to type in my box credentials and initiate the oauth call but the callback seems to be failing.

PS C:\DokanCloudFS-\DokanCloudFS.Mounter\bin\Debug> .\IgorSoft.DokanCloudFS.Mounter.exe mount

IgorSoft.CloudFS.Gateways.Box.BoxGateway <- *checking to see if the correct box dlls are being called.

2016-08-31 14:27:09.8327|WARN|IgorSoft.DokanCloudFS.Mounter.Program|Authentication failed for drive 'box@BoxUser|P:' <- *after enterring my box crendials I get an error saying Auth failed

It looks like TryAuthenticate() isn't working.

from dokancloudfs.

viciousviper avatar viciousviper commented on July 21, 2024

Ah, right, that's one of the things I haven't had time to document yet.
If you look into you'll see that the Box plugin expects a redirect Uri of "https://localhost/box_login".

And thanks for reporting back about your build success. When you say you can run it without any major problems - are you implying that there are any non-major problems?

from dokancloudfs.

Band-Aid avatar Band-Aid commented on July 21, 2024

@viciousviper sorry had a typo in my last response.
meant to write I've set the redirect to "https://localhost/box_login" but still fails.
As it turns out, this line of code isn't returning the correct results.

Taking one step back, I believe something in the following isn't passing the accesstoken properly.

I've confirmed that the code is able to get the AuthToken but isn't getting the AccessToken.
Didn't have time to troubleshoot where it's failing...

Hope this helps.

With regards about non-major problem I meant to say, despite the build warnings I was able to successfully run the executable with out any errors

from dokancloudfs.

Band-Aid avatar Band-Aid commented on July 21, 2024

Okay, I had sometime to sit down and trouble shoot the acessToken issue.

It's failing to get a token at

With error:

System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: Please retrieve an authentication code from the following Uri:

Also tried http for the redirectURL but no luck

I don't get what the error means. Everything looks fine. Any idea what's going on here...?

from dokancloudfs.

Band-Aid avatar Band-Aid commented on July 21, 2024

@viciousviper Any thoughts on how to resolve this?

from dokancloudfs.

viciousviper avatar viciousviper commented on July 21, 2024

Hi Band-Aid,
you're right, there was a problem hidden away in the Box gateway's package references.
I have to fiddle with those references to prevent some packages (Google.Apis among others) from pulling in the entire .NETCore enchilada, and apparently Box.V2 was missing System.Interactive.Async.dll which led to interactive authentication failing which in turn led to the error message you quoted above.
The message by itself basically says "There was an Exception during interactive authentication, so go ahead and pass me the ApiKey after you retrieved it from someplace else". Normally this indicates a mismatched password or an internal cloud server error - but since the code does not distinguish between different Exception types it happens for internal DokanCloudFS errors, too.

I've uploaded version 1.0.10 of both CloudFS and DokanCloudFS and successfully checked the Box gateway. I'd be interested to know if this fixes your error, too.

from dokancloudfs.

Band-Aid avatar Band-Aid commented on July 21, 2024

Thanks for the update unfortunately it failed again...

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Nito.AsyncEx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=09d695329ca273b7'、Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
ファイル名 'Nito.AsyncEx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=09d695329ca273b7' です。'Nito.AsyncEx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=09d695329ca
   場所 Box.V2.Services.BoxService..ctor(IRequestHandler handler)
   場所 Box.V2.BoxClient..ctor(IBoxConfig boxConfig, OAuthSession authSession, String asUser, Nullable`1 suppressNotifications)
   場所 IgorSoft.CloudFS.Gateways.Box.OAuth.OAuthAuthenticator.<LoginAsync>d__8.MoveNext() 場所 C:\Users\daish\Desktop\CloudFS-master\CloudFS.Gateways.Box\OAuth\OAuthAuthenti
cator.cs:行 113
--- Stack Trace ---
   場所 System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   場所 System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   場所 System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
   場所 IgorSoft.CloudFS.Gateways.Box.BoxGateway.<RequireContextAsync>d__11.MoveNext() 場所 C:\Users\daish\Desktop\CloudFS-master\CloudFS.Gateways.Box\BoxGateway.cs:行 90
--- 直前に例外がスローされた場所からのスタック トレースの終わり ---
   場所 System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   場所 System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   場所 System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
   場所 IgorSoft.CloudFS.Gateways.Box.BoxGateway.<TryAuthenticateAsync>d__12.MoveNext() 場所 C:\Users\daish\Desktop\CloudFS-master\CloudFS.Gateways.Box\BoxGateway.cs:行 100

After installing the latest build of Nito.AsyncEx (3.0.1) in to the Project, the dependency error resolved but now I'm seeing an authentication error
2016-10-03 10:58:48.8967|WARN|IgorSoft.DokanCloudFS.Mounter.Program|Authentication failed for drive 'box@BoxUser|P:'

I don't think it's loading logOn.Show("Box", account, authenticationUri, redirectUri); Since I don't see the Box Login window.

from dokancloudfs.

viciousviper avatar viciousviper commented on July 21, 2024

There's always one more bug :-(
Thanks for hunting this down. Please try again with Nito.AsyncEx 2.1.3. The 3.0.1 version doen't work because for some unknown reason Nito decided to leave the later version unsigned, and Box explicitely requires a signed reference.

from dokancloudfs.

Band-Aid avatar Band-Aid commented on July 21, 2024

just tried compiling with Nito.AsyncEX 2.1.3 but still failed...

2016-10-04 13:10:23.1840|WARN|IgorSoft.DokanCloudFS.Mounter.Program|Authentication failed for drive 'box@BoxUser|P:'
Press any key to unmount drives

It's not prompting for Login Credentials. Sorry haven't had the time to debug where it's failing.

Appreciate your support!

from dokancloudfs.

viciousviper avatar viciousviper commented on July 21, 2024

I just uploaded version of DokanCloudFS which now definitely includes Nito.AsyncEx 2.1.3 in all NuGet-based build configs.
After clearing all pre-existing build artifacts and rebuilding configs "Debug (NuGet-Signed)" and "Release (NuGet-Signed)" I was able to successfully mount all configured cloud drives including the Box drive.
So for this new version I can officially assign the quality label _Works on my machine (TM)_. 😃

I also changed Exception handling in all gateways in CloudFS version to only regard the type AuthenticationException as indicator of a simple failed authentication attempt and pass through all other Exception types. This should facilitate debugging in case your installation keeps failing.

Please let me know if the new version improves anything for you.

from dokancloudfs.

Band-Aid avatar Band-Aid commented on July 21, 2024

yay! it's finally mounted! :) thanks for your help!

from dokancloudfs.

viciousviper avatar viciousviper commented on July 21, 2024

Poooh. Glad it finally worked for you. Thanks for your patience.

from dokancloudfs.

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