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android_packages_apps_focal's Issues

Photos not saved after using Focal on a blank (factory reset) phone

Was very happy with Focal on my N4 until I unlocked the bootloader on phone and everything was wiped (including emulated storage). After Focal was re-installed it seemed to be taking photos OK but the photos are showing up as just grey squares in Gallery - whenever you try to open them or share them it gives errors about not being able to open the file. I then tried stock Android Camera app - worked fine - then switched back to Focal and now Focal is working again! So I am guessing the stock Android Camera creates whatever missing directories and other stuff you need to store photos but Focal doesn't do this?

Burst mode with timer

Burst mode and timer are mutually exclusive: the last one enabled has the priority. It would be nice to be able to have the infinite burst mode with a custom timer for creating timelapses.

Hardware camera zoom buttons don't work

Tested on Samsung Galaxy Camera. Hardware rocker that controls camera zoom instead adjusts volume.

I'd be happy to provide any additional information or testing you may need.

App data too large

I understand that it may be too early to think of such issues, but nevertheless, Focal's app data is 130Mb for me. Given that it resides in precious app storage, I would appreciate if it weighed less :) Even Chrome is not as heavy

Camera lock screen widget opens Focal, but screen still remains locked until user unlocks it


  1. Set your default camera app to Focal (if you haven't already).
  2. Go to an app that isn't Focal (e.g. your choice of launcher).
  3. Lock your screen.
  4. Move to the camera lock screen widget.

Expected Result

Focal opens, you can take pictures, screen unlocks for camera purposes, et cetera.

Actual Result

Screen acts like Focal is about to open, then bounces back to lock screen. Focal still opens, but you must unlock your screen to see it. Generally, behaves as if Focal was the open app when you locked your screen.

Personal weigh-in

As far as issues go, this is more of an inconvenience - Focal still opens when you swipe to that lock screen widget, as is generally the purpose of that widget, you just need to unlock your screen right after (including entering your unlock PIN/password/pattern, if one is set).

Photosphere not working on S4

Just open the app, choose photosphere.
The screen goes black, the menu disapears and a few seconds later the app closes.

Others options are working fine.

Model: GT-I9505
Android: 4.3

Any other info I can give to help to solve this issue ?
Thank you

Delete picture gesture is the same as opening/closing the drawer

The "Delete picture" (swipe up/down) gesture is the same as opening/closing the drawer. It leads to accidentally removing pictures especially when the screen is not easy to read (ie. with direct sunlight on the screen).
Also a "Cancel" button would be nice, because everyone needs to discover how the app works a first time.

(Yes, I've been tricked a few times before understanding that it was actually removing my pictures and not simply showing the previous one)

Live preview has different cropping than final shot

When taking a picture, the preview onscreen has about 30% cropped from the right, top, and bottom. When the image is captured, there is WAY more content shown.

Framing (You can see that the letters only extend from Y to P):

Actual (Letters extend from Y to the ] key):

(Disregard wierd rotation on second pic, looks fine on my phone, but my computer and this browser seem to thing its rotated 90 degrees left. Possible bug? Different than the last 90 degree one?)

set pic size crash

E/AndroidRuntime( 1952): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
E/AndroidRuntime( 1952): java.lang.RuntimeException: setParameters failed
E/AndroidRuntime( 1952): at android.hardware.Camera.native_setParameters(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1952): at android.hardware.Camera.setParameters(
E/AndroidRuntime( 1952): at org.cyanogenmod.focal.CameraManager.setPictureSize(
E/AndroidRuntime( 1952): at org.cyanogenmod.focal.widgets.SettingsWidget$5$2.onClick(
E/AndroidRuntime( 1952): at$ButtonHandler.handleMessage(
E/AndroidRuntime( 1952): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
E/AndroidRuntime( 1952): at android.os.Looper.loop(
E/AndroidRuntime( 1952): at
E/AndroidRuntime( 1952): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1952): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
E/AndroidRuntime( 1952): at$
E/AndroidRuntime( 1952): at
E/AndroidRuntime( 1952): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

Implement silent mode

Enabling silent mode is the first thing I do when using a new camera app (or a new hardware camera 😄)

UI is fixed to portrait mode in tablets + Preview of the camera follows a wrong direction

My device is: Nexus 10 "manta" -- cm10.2-20130917 -- franco.kernel #13

Here's the trouble description:

  • When I start Focal the UI is forced to portrait mode
  • Using the tablet in landscape mode, if I move the tablet from down to up the preview on the screen moves from left to right but (here's the trouble) when I put the tablet in portrait mode and move the device from down to up still the preview moves from left to right!

LogCat available here:

Include Focal in F-Droid (currently on hold due to prebuilt libraries)

Focal was submitted for inclusion in F-Droid a while back. The submission is currently on hold due to the numerous libraries in assets.

F-Droid builds all apps from source to make sure that the published source will actually compile, and that the binaries they distribute correspond to the published source code. Therefore they would need the source code for these libraries (at least a pointer where to find it).

The discussion on the F-Droid forum is at:

Screen timeout

Device: Stock C6606 Xperia Z

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start taking video
  2. After screen timeout, screen will turn off
  3. Turn screen back on, camera appears to still be recording
  4. Press stop, saving indicator flashes, but never stops
  5. "Cannot connect to camera" until Focal is force closed

The video file was saved, but corrupted. I have video until when the screen turned off, but audio for the whole video

I have attached a link to the video file.

Hangs or crashes when I take a picture

Just installed Focal but it freezes when I try to take a picture. In PicSpere mode I can take one picture, then it freezes or crashes.

Focal 1.0-37a5749f31 (from F-Droid), Nexus S running Cyanogenmod 11m9

HDR Crashes

I am getting following error while taking picture in HDR mode:

E/SoftwareHdr(25091): Error running exec(). Command: [align_image_stack, -v, -v, -v, -C, -g, 4, -a, /data/data/fr.xplod.focal/files/1414514738020/project, /storage/sdcard0/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20141028_214532285.jpg, /storage/sdcard0/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20141028_214534572.jpg, /storage/sdcard0/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20141028_214536656.jpg] Working Directory: null Environment: [PATH=/data/data/fr.xplod.focal/files/:/system/bin, LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/data/fr.xplod.focal/files/:/system/lib]...
. Permission denied.....

I am using Galaxy S2 with Android 4.1.2. It's not rooted. Is rooting/Cynogenmod OS required?

add playstore support for armv6-vfp devices


so personal and androidarmv6(cm building organisation for armv6 devices) jenkin builds work fine for armv6.

so could you consider removing the playstore filter for these devices.

PS no enhancements are needed for playstore support. i.e. the builds work as they are

bad rendering screen

when a panorama is rendering, the screen is splitted in about six small screens with noise and a small loading bar in the edge. I don't like that view :D

If folder Camera deleted/absent, the app not re-create it and silently save «broken» images

On Samsung Galaxy Note 3 after taking several pictures I had opened standard Gallery and seen 2nd Camera foler. All photos was «for test only» and I have deleted folder.
It's path was /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera

After this app Focal continue to work and save pictures. But trying to open it shows a broken image icon. But not found files on FS in /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/ folder. Also here Camera folder was absent.
I have re-created folder Camera.
After this the app continue to save pictures correctly.

Bug: the app not check if folder disappear before saving picture, and not check that file have saved successfully.

Suggestion: Will be nice if app will have option to set folder for saving pictures. Now it is folder in in-phone memory. I would prefer choose folder on external SD-card.

ERROR: "Link of class 'Lorg/cyanogenmod/focal/FocusManager;' failed", branch cm-10.1 failed to run on android 4.0.4

I see the file is just there, while the logcat says: Link of class 'Lorg/cyanogenmod/focal/FocusManager;' failed
The full logcat is here:

Link of class 'Lorg/cyanogenmod/focal/FocusManager;' failed
09-15 12:38:50.092: W/dalvikvm(623): Link of class 'Lorg/cyanogenmod/focal/FocusManager;' failed
09-15 12:38:50.092: W/dalvikvm(623): Link of class 'Lorg/cyanogenmod/focal/FocusManager;' failed
09-15 12:38:50.092: W/dalvikvm(623): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 3112: 
Lorg/cyanogenmod/focal/FocusManager;.refocus ()V

why .refocus() is "virtual method"? isn't the method is defined in the java file?

and this also confuses me ;(

09-15 12:38:51.713: E/AndroidRuntime(623): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
09-15 12:38:51.713: E/AndroidRuntime(623): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.cyanogenmod.focal.FocusManager
09-15 12:38:51.713: E/AndroidRuntime(623):  at org.cyanogenmod.focal.CameraActivity$
09-15 12:38:51.713: E/AndroidRuntime(623):  at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
09-15 12:38:51.713: E/AndroidRuntime(623):  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
09-15 12:38:51.713: E/AndroidRuntime(623):  at android.os.Looper.loop(
09-15 12:38:51.713: E/AndroidRuntime(623):  at
09-15 12:38:51.713: E/AndroidRuntime(623):  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
09-15 12:38:51.713: E/AndroidRuntime(623):  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
09-15 12:38:51.713: E/AndroidRuntime(623):  at$
09-15 12:38:51.713: E/AndroidRuntime(623):  at
09-15 12:38:51.713: E/AndroidRuntime(623):  at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

Next picture slow to appear after deleting from quick gallery

When using Focal's internal quick gallery and deleting a picture via swipe action, the next picture appears after a noticeable delay (I see just black space for about 2 seconds).
Though there is no delay when I navigate back and forth between pictures in the quick gallery.

Focal hangs while using sphere camera on SGS3

When I try to take a sphere picture, after a few (10-20) shots Focal hangs and I have to kill it from the task manager. I'm using a fresh install of Cyanogen mod 10.2 milestone with the latest gapps.
Please let me know if I can do some test or send you some log to help you fix this issue.

Rotation and Graphical issues

Nexus 4, Stock 4.3, rooted
Whenever I take a photo, video or picsphere in portrait mode, it saves it in landscape. In landscape, it saves in portrait... The other way up. However, it displays normally while taking the shot.


The metadata indicated that the orientation is at 90 degrees. The metadata also indicates that the time the photo was taken is: 1 Jan 1970 10:00:00.

While taking a panorama the camera is rotated in the same way the photos/videos do once taken... But it saves the right way up...

Also, while a panorama is rendering, the graphics go all... Funny...

Also, when rendering a picsphere, can you please give some indication of whether or not the app is leavable while rendering? I would prefer it if we could, but at least an indicator would be good.

Even though this is an issue report, I would like to say that in spite of these issues, the photos and videos taken are of a better quality than the stock app.

And sorry about the bad photos of my room - I couldn't be bothered getting up because these issues were more important.
I haven't played with any other features yet. I'll submit another bug if I break something...

Customizable volume keys behavior

It's probably already on the roadmap but there wasn't an issue for that.
I think it's useful to be able to remap volume keys behavior to:

  1. digital zoom (when implemented)
  2. default system volume adjustment behavior (I might be listening to something while taking pictures 😄)

Also, it's currently difficult to take screenshots of app's UI via the common Power+Vol. Up/Down combo

HDR picture is always black

Switch to HDR and take a picture. This will always result in a black picture.

I'm using a Samsung S4 with a cyanogenmod nightly build.

Option to disable optical zoom and to do only digital zoom

Some phones may not do optical zoom
Some phones may crash if optical zoom is attempted due to non-support/buggy driver etc.
Some people may not like digital zoom

a) provide a setting in the setting widgets to disable optical zoom/digital zoom/both
b) detect if optical zoom is present, and if not disable the feature
c) let the pinch-to-zoom feature be appropriately restricted to the zoom range or made to not be available if both optical and digital zooms are disabled

LG Optimus G E970 crashes with certainty with kernel panic when attempt to zoom. A mechanical sound of some sort can be heard as it attempts to do something.

Front Camera problem

Noticed this:
Pictures taken with Front camera show up upside down in gallery, BUT when i upload them to a service they show up sideways (width > height in portrait mode).

I am unsure if you are saving the orientation of the picture somehow or not.

I am using focal on Stock Nexus 4.

Doesn't handle low disk space error

Under low disk space conditions, camera simply doesn't save pictures and video. While stock camera says "you don't have enough free space".

Possible error in

I think the normalise() method may have a bug on line 58:

    if(length != 0) {
        y = x/length; // this line
        y = y/length;
        z = z/length;

should it be:

    if(length != 0) {
        x = x/length;  // this line
        y = y/length;
        z = z/length;

Improve swipe to delete UX in quick gallery

I found it very difficult to delete pictures via swiping. When doing a typical fast swipe, the picture only "jerks" to the direction of swipe but "gets stuck" on its way and comes back in place. I have to swipe really slowly and carefully for it to go all the way up/down and get deleted.

Build issue with ctype_base.h

I'm trying to build Focal to work on some enhancements. This probably isn't an error with Focal per se but I'm not sure where else to ask and hoped you might have some idea of the cause. Here's what I'm seeing:

prebuilts/ndk/current/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/include/bits/ctype_base.h:46:35: error: '_U' was not declared in this scope
prebuilts/ndk/current/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/include/bits/ctype_base.h:47:32: error: '_L' was not declared in this scope
... lots more similar errors
make: *** [/home/thom/dev/android/out/target/product/grouper/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libxmphelper_jni_intermediates/xmp_helper_jni.o] Error 1

building on Ubuntu Trusty x86_64, 3.13.0-24-generic kernel

I tried following suggestions here but it didn't seem to make a difference. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

legacy devices: After camera close, it's unavailable

On legacy devices when you face low RAM issue and Focal closes or misbehaves it doesn't release the camera. So when you start again Focal or stock AOSP camera tells you an error: unable to start camera. You can only acces the camera when you restart the device.

Test Device:

Samsung Galaxy S (I9000 | galaxysmtd)
Paranoid Android 3.99 RC2 by SferaDev

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