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mongo-orchestration's Issues

Open Source

If we don't then all the MCI hosts / Jenkins hosts will need deploy keys or we will need to modify the base images (all of which are going to waste a fair amount of time for people)

Document strictness of JSON parser

We should document that the JSON parser is strict somewhere (if not already). Thinks like requiring double quotes was a gotcha for me recently. If we already document this, feel free to close as a duplicate.

Support python 2.6

Since this will likely be deployed on systems like RHEL/CentOS 6.x which ship with python 2.6 we should probably support that version.

One problem that comes to mind is using argparse for command line argument parsing. We could either require the argparse package from pypi if the python version is 2.6, or just replace argparse with getopt.

Failure to launch replica set under auth with MongoDB >= 2.7.1

Traceback (most recent call last):,
  File "/mnt/jenkins/workspace/mongo-java-driver-test-3.0.x/jdk/HotSpot6/label/linux64/mongodb_configuration/replica_set/mongodb_option/auth/mongodb_server/27-nightly/mongodb_ssl/nossl/mongo-orchestration/apps/", line 32, in wrap    return f(*arg, **kwd),
  File "/mnt/jenkins/workspace/mongo-java-driver-test-3.0.x/jdk/HotSpot6/label/linux64/mongodb_configuration/replica_set/mongodb_option/auth/mongodb_server/27-nightly/mongodb_ssl/nossl/mongo-orchestration/apps/", line 57, in rs_create    rs_id = RS().create(data),
  File "/mnt/jenkins/workspace/mongo-java-driver-test-3.0.x/jdk/HotSpot6/label/linux64/mongodb_configuration/replica_set/mongodb_option/auth/mongodb_server/27-nightly/mongodb_ssl/nossl/mongo-orchestration/lib/", line 452, in create    repl = ReplicaSet(rs_params),
  File "/mnt/jenkins/workspace/mongo-java-driver-test-3.0.x/jdk/HotSpot6/label/linux64/mongodb_configuration/replica_set/mongodb_option/auth/mongodb_server/27-nightly/mongodb_ssl/nossl/mongo-orchestration/lib/", line 48, in __init__    if not self.repl_init(config):,
  File "/mnt/jenkins/workspace/mongo-java-driver-test-3.0.x/jdk/HotSpot6/label/linux64/mongodb_configuration/replica_set/mongodb_option/auth/mongodb_server/27-nightly/mongodb_ssl/nossl/mongo-orchestration/lib/", line 112, in repl_init    return self.waiting_config_state(),
  File "/mnt/jenkins/workspace/mongo-java-driver-test-3.0.x/jdk/HotSpot6/label/linux64/mongodb_configuration/replica_set/mongodb_option/auth/mongodb_server/27-nightly/mongodb_ssl/nossl/mongo-orchestration/lib/", line 388, in waiting_config_state    while not self.check_config_state():,
  File "/mnt/jenkins/workspace/mongo-java-driver-test-3.0.x/jdk/HotSpot6/label/linux64/mongodb_configuration/replica_set/mongodb_option/auth/mongodb_server/27-nightly/mongodb_ssl/nossl/mongo-orchestration/lib/", line 397, in check_config_state    if len(filter(lambda item: item['state'] in (3, 4, 5, 6, 9), self.run_command("rs.status()", is_eval=True)['members'])) > 0:,
  File "/mnt/jenkins/workspace/mongo-java-driver-test-3.0.x/jdk/HotSpot6/label/linux64/mongodb_configuration/replica_set/mongodb_option/auth/mongodb_server/27-nightly/mongodb_ssl/nossl/mongo-orchestration/lib/", line 171, in run_command    result = getattr(self.connection(hostname=hostname).admin, mode)(command, arg),
  File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/pymongo/", line 962, in eval    args=args),
  File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/pymongo/", line 445, in command    uuid_subtype, compile_re, **kwargs)[0],
  File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/pymongo/", line 351, in _command    msg, allowable_errors),
  File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/pymongo/", line 178, in _check_command_response    raise OperationFailure(msg % errmsg, code, response),
OperationFailure: command SON([('$eval', Code('rs.status()', {})), ('args', (None,))]) failed: not authorized on admin to execute command { $eval: rs.status(), args: [ null ] }

server_id uniqueness lost after start action

Given PUT /hosts/standalone with configuration in request content, and then POST /hosts/standalone with request content {action: 'start'}, then the registry/uniqueness of server id "standalone" is lost. Future GET /hosts/standalone fail to find the previous instance, and a second PUT /hosts/standalone starts up a second duplicate server.

All calls that involve a sub process should be asynchronous

Right now if I spin up a huge cluster on a virtualized node with slow disk the my request blocks harder than Lego.

All requests that involve a sub process(es) should return immediately and require the client to poll for status / state.

Without this it will be hard to test complex configurations in the cloud due to timeouts.

Should responses containing "uri" be a full mongodb URI?

The "uri" key for resources representing mongodb hosts/clusters have a value with host:port.

    "procInfo": {
        "pid": 12734,
        "optfile": "/tmp/mongo-FpbGGy",
        "params": {
            "smallfiles": true,
            "oplogSize": 10,
            "port": 1025,
            "noprealloc": true,
            "dbpath": "/tmp/mongo-7O_mON"
        "name": "mongod",
        "alive": true
    "uri": "localhost:1025",
    "serverInfo": {
    "orchestration": "hosts",
    "id": "2bc465a2-4edd-4b39-aa37-d53cb836a02a",
    "statuses": {
        "locked": false,
        "primary": true,
        "mongos": false

Maybe we should add a "mongodb://" so it is actually a mongodb uri?

How do i start a server? (basic example)

This is my mongo-orchestration config:

  "releases": {
    "default": "/home/tbrock/Code/mongo/mongod"
  "last_updated": "2012-08-28 17:45:00.000000"

I'm running:
python start

Then in another terminal:
./# configurations/hosts/clean.json

 ./# configurations/hosts/clean.json
Posting a request from configurations/hosts/clean.json to http://localhost:8889...
["Traceback (most recent call last):\n", "  File \"/home/tbrock/Code/mongo-orchestration/apps/\", line 34, in wrap\n    return f(*arg, **kwd)\n", "  File \"/home/tbrock/Code/mongo-orchestration/apps/\", line 74, in host_create\n    data.get('id', None))\n", "  File \"/home/tbrock/Code/mongo-orchestration/lib/\", line 267, in create\n    raise OSError\n", "OSError\n"]
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 15:29:56 GMT
Server: WSGIServer/0.1 Python/2.7.8
Content-Length: 2
Content-Type: application/json


Need reset/ensure for fast tests of servers, replica sets and sharded clusters

At present we have to setup and teardown a cluster for each test, and this overhead is a minimum of 25 seconds for each replica set test. We need to have a reset action that reduces this overhead by resetting a cluster with minimal overhead but ensuring working state, i.e., start only nodes that are not running, ensure replica set state if cluster is a replica set, etc. For the Ruby driver, this is embodied by the following.


Request body of the form {"action": "reset"} for all of the following.

POST servers/{server-id}
POST replica_sets/{repl-id}
POST shared_clusters/{shard-id}

Loading presets doesn't work

Loading a preset doesn't work despite the file actually existing:

$ http --json POST localhost:8889/replica_sets preset="basic.json"
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Length: 532
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 16:18:24 GMT
Server: bigbrock

    "Traceback (most recent call last):\n",
    "  File \"/home/tbrock/Code/mongo-orchestration/apps/\", line 62, in wrap\n    return f(*arg, **kwd)\n",
    "  File \"/home/tbrock/Code/mongo-orchestration/apps/\", line 52, in rs_create\n    data = preset_merge(data, 'replica_sets')\n",
    "  File \"/home/tbrock/Code/mongo-orchestration/lib/\", line 38, in preset_merge\n    with open(path, \"r\") as preset_file:\n",
    "IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'configurations/replica_sets/basic.json'\n"
$ ls configurations/replica_sets/basic.json

Links should be available in all resources

See the linking section on our MMS API documentation: This is basically the principal of HATEOAS.

Each resource should provide links to the available further actions. For instance, the root resource of GET /{version} should provide urls to all the items that are possible as well as enough documentation for how to interact with it. For instance, I've added a "template" parameter to the rel: "add-server" below which could contain a sample body for the post and maybe the required/optional parameters and their types. But, the template stuff is certainly a lot of work and may be something we don't want to tackle right now.

GET /v1
=> {
        links: [
            { rel: "get-versions", uri: "full-hostname/v1/versions", verb: "GET" },
            { rel: "get-servers", uri: "full-hostname/v1/servers", verb: "GET" },
            // etc...

Then, following the servers link:

GET /v1/servers
=> {
    servers: [ { 
        id: "1", 
        hostname: "localhost", 
        port: 28934, 
        links: [ 
            { rel: "get-server", uri: "full-hostname/v1/servers/1", verb: "GET" },
            { rel: "shutdown-server", uri: "full-hostname/v1/servers/1", verb: "DELETE" },
            // etc...

    links: [
        { rel: "add-server", uri: "full-hostname/v1/servers", verb: "POST", template: { } },
        // etc...

Add server_id to response from /primary

Right now you only get member_id and a uri which doesn't seem to be a uri...

$ http --json POST localhost:8889/replica_sets members:="[{},{},{}]"

    { "id": "rs-babe3974-96fe-4136-b8a2-af665d603b3f", ...}

$ http GET localhost:8889/replica_sets/rs-babe3974-96fe-4136-b8a2-af665d603b3f

    "auth_key": null, 
    "id": "rs-babe3974-96fe-4136-b8a2-af665d603b3f", 
    "members": [
            "_id": 0, 
            "host": "localhost:1034", 
            "host_id": "dd7f2676-e590-42b0-8ccc-757d44e5a5fc"
            "_id": 1, 
            "host": "localhost:1035", 
            "host_id": "efec3229-db29-463f-8f1e-2a60fc253745"
            "_id": 2, 
            "host": "localhost:1036", 
            "host_id": "f304a6d9-d0f2-4ccc-8a86-66643831b20f"
    "mongodb_uri": "mongodb://localhost:1034,localhost:1035,localhost:1036/?replicaSet=rs-babe3974-96fe-4136-b8a2-af665d603b3f", 
    "orchestration": "replica_sets", 
    "uri": "localhost:1034,localhost:1035,localhost:1036/?replicaSet=rs-babe3974-96fe-4136-b8a2-af665d603b3f"

$ http GET localhost:8889/replica_sets/rs-babe3974-96fe-4136-b8a2-af665d603b3f/primary

    "member_id": 0, 
    "uri": "/servers/dd7f2676-e590-42b0-8ccc-757d44e5a5fc"

400 instead of 500 responses for bad requests

I find myself getting lots of 500s with responses like the following:

    "Traceback (most recent call last):\n",
    "  File \"/home/tbrock/Code/mongo-orchestration/apps/\", line 33, in wrap\n    return f(*arg, **kwd)\n",
    "  File \"/home/tbrock/Code/mongo-orchestration/apps/\", line 57, in rs_create\n    data = json.loads(json_data)\n",
    "  File \"/usr/lib64/python2.7/json/\", line 338, in loads\n    return _default_decoder.decode(s)\n", "  File \"/usr/lib64/python2.7/json/\", line 366, in decode\n    obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())\n",
    "  File \"/usr/lib64/python2.7/json/\", line 382, in raw_decode\n    obj, end = self.scan_once(s, idx)\n",
    "ValueError: Expecting property name: line 1 column 2 (char 1)\n"

It would be nicer to see something like a 400 vs a 500 with: "couldn't parse the JSON sent to server" or "missing process name key [name], etc..."

Use multithreaded server backend by default

Right now we are using wsgiref (the default), which is single threaded. While we are waiting/deciding to go async we might be able to do better by at least using a multi-threaded backend for bottle by default. It's as simple as providing some params when you call

If we are blocking waiting for a replica set or cluster to spin up we can service other requests by using a multi-threaded or multi-process backend.

As an example, consider right now that if you spin up 10 replica sets for 10 test suites the first one spawns and we block waiting for initiation. Then the next one spawns, we block again... With a multithreaded or pre-fork version we could spawn all 10 at once and block (logically) once for the initiation of all of the sets before proceeding to run all the tests.

Redirect mongod's and mongos's stdout to /dev/null

Redirecting stdout and stderr to a pipe causes deadlock:

No one reads from the pipe. Once the pipe is full, mongod blocks trying to write to it. mongod writes quite a bit to stdout (or stderr, I don't remember) if started with -vvvvv. We need to write to /dev/null instead. Here's an example in test-tools code:

preset configuration server-side support

Preset server-side configurations would be very convenient and could significantly simplify clients.

Suggested interface - add "preset" field to JSON parameters of POST body:

POST /hosts
POST /rs
POST /sh
"preset": "basic.json", // [optional] - configuration file on server

The above is a minimal JSON POST body. Suggested semantics - if "preset" is specified, load the configuration file on the server, and then merge in the JSON POST body with parameters that will override any equivalent parameters from the configuration file.

starting a server doesn't work

$python start

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 82, in <module>
    args = read_env()
  File "", line 38, in read_env
    cli_args.release_path = config['releases'][cli_args.env]
KeyError: 'default'

Python version is 2.7.8 / ArchLinux / latest pymongo + requests

uri should be in info for rs and sh

clients should connect to the instantiated cluster via uri, so supply it in all cases so that all of the clients don't have to have code to generate a uri themselves to connect for all case.

Rename classes, modules, and object output to match new resource names

Related to #40, but branching this out into a separate issue to keep the scope under control.

Rename modules:

  • lib/ -> lib/
  • lib/ -> lib/
  • etc.

Rename classes:

  • class Host -> class Server
  • class Shard -> class ShardedCluster
  • etc.

Wherever we return an object with a host field, this should become a server field. shard_id should become cluster_id.

This should finish up the renaming once and for all.

Can start multiple competing host processes, process status not accurately reported for host/{host-id}

Arbitrary stops and starts result in confused states with multiple processes and missing config files.
If the process is already running, you can start another (competing) process with the same configuration. I think that this is a bug and should be fixed.

After PUT hosts/{host-id}/stop, status via GET hosts/{host-id} still reports the old even though it isn't running. You can configure a "hosts" object, but can't get an accurate status on whether or not the processing is running, you can only make assumptions based on "knowing" initial state and mentally tracking your state changes and the "expected" state.

Accurate status would help as we could determine whether or not to submit a start request.

mongo version selection via RESTful interface

Selection of mongo server version is needed via RESTful interface. With this feature, driver clients can easily script tests of a feature for function across a specified spectrum of mongo server versions. This is exactly what we need to improve development and maintenance while maintaining old version compatibility.

Without this feature, test scripts would have to add an additional layer of layer of process spawning support and complexity to launch and kill mongo-orchestration processes.

This is not mixed-version support, all members of a cluster would be of the same version.

Suggested config parameter - "version"

Example parameter in JSON body for /hosts POST or /hosts/id PUT

"version": "2.6", // [optional] - version for mongo servers

To resolve "version" to a bin_path, the "version" value should be a first substring match versus the mongo-orchestration.config data.
The config file should be reordered latest first so that latest releases are matched first.
The file is static, a more dynamic solution may be a future enhancement.

call trace for config['releases'] --> bin_path       args = read_env()    def read_env():        config = json.loads(open(cli_args.config, 'r').read())        releases = config['releases']        cli_args.release_path = releases[cli_args.env]        return cli_args        daemon.set_args(args)    def set_args(self, args):        self.args = args   if args.command == 'start' and args.no_fork:   def run(self):       setup(getattr(self.args, "release_path", ""))   def setup(release_path):       set_bin_path(release_path)  def set_bin_path(bin_path=''):     Hosts().set_settings(bin_path)     RS().set_settings(bin_path)     Shards().set_settings(bin_path)

Address already in use when trying to start the server?

I'm seeing this after pulling on master and receiving the recent changes:

$ killall python

python: no process found

$ python stop

pidfile /home/tbrock/Code/mongo-orchestration/ does not exist. Daemon not running?

$ python start

python start
child process started successfully, parent exiting after 5 seconds
Starting Mongo Orchestration on port 8889...

Nothing running... I do all the stop things again and get the same results, then:

$ python start --no-fork

Starting Mongo Orchestration on port 8889...
Bottle v0.11.rc1 server starting up (using WSGIRefServer())...
Listening on http://localhost:8889/
Hit Ctrl-C to quit.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 105, in <module>
  File "", line 90, in run
    run(get_app(), host='localhost', port=self.args.port, debug=False, reloader=False, quiet=not self.args.no_fork)
  File "/home/tbrock/Code/mongo-orchestration/", line 2697, in run
  File "/home/tbrock/Code/mongo-orchestration/", line 2379, in run
    srv = make_server(, self.port, handler, **self.options)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/wsgiref/", line 144, in make_server
    server = server_class((host, port), handler_class)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 419, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/wsgiref/", line 48, in server_bind
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 108, in server_bind
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 430, in server_bind
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 224, in meth
    return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args)
socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use

$ lsof -i | grep 8889 returns nothing

The tests all pass and starting with forking seems like it is running but actually doesn't start anything.

Should resource paths be renamed?

"sh" evokes singular shard in my mind.
"sc" or "clusters" or even "sharded_clusters" would be clearer as it should be plural and represent the collection of hosts/nodes.

Also "rs" could become "replica_sets".

What are your thoughts on this?

Documentation is getting out of date

The docs currently say we require pymongo 2.5.2, when we really need >=2.7.2 (we should add that requirement in btw). They also say we don't support Windows, but that support has been added. It's likely that other things are out of date due to recent changes.

Let's update the docs to cover recent changes and make sure we keep them up to date as we change things in the future.

Support for SCRAM-SHA-1.

Server 2.7.2+ has support for the new SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication mechanism. This should be enabled by default on all servers supporting it in conjunction with MONGODB-CR.

configservers versus configsvrs

MO uses configsvrs for config but configservers for REST resource path. We should consider making them consistent. Some research on usage in MongoDB sharded cluster status and config may give some input on what to do.

Need "await replication" for replica sets

If you create a replica set with MO, and then ask MO to stepdown the primary, the stepdown fails with "no secondaries within 10 seconds of my optime". At present, I'm working around this by using the client to issue {'replSetStepDown': 60, 'force': true} and then reattempting a write operation until it succeeds (takes about 20 attempts).

If MO implements a RESTful way to "await replication", then a following stepdown via MO would work.

Port shell scripts to Python

Use Python scripts to start MO, send JSON files to create a setup, and teardown MO. This way we won't have to maintain separate scripts for Windows and Unix.

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