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road-runner-quickstart's Issues

How to use StandardTrackingWheelLocalizer?

It isn't 100% clear how to use the StandardTrackingWheelLocalizer. I have read issue #24 and I have gone through the examples and the documentation. However, I am still not sure on a few things.

  • Is it feasible to use dead tracking wheels AND encoders on your DC motors? This seems like it would require 7 DC motor ports on REV Expansion Hubs.
  • Assuming it isn't feasible to have both dead tracking wheels AND encoders on your DC motors, what parts of the quickstart code should be removed/changed? For example, getWheelPositions, DriveConstants.TICKS_PER_REV, DriveConstants.WHEEL_RADIUS, etc.

Also, in my situation we are not able to install our lateral odometery wheels inline. In our case they are offset from the center line of the robot. What measurements should I use to utilize this configuration?

Thank you for any help you can provide.

[Q] What is a sane MaxJerk range?

I am wondering if there is some way to quantify a sane MaxJerk range. If you have maxVelocity=50 and maxAcceleration=20 what is a sane way to think about the MaxJerk value? Can we consider it a relation to the maxAcceleration?

The reason I am asking is that I started with a very small value (.01) and have tried a few things without success. I just don't quite understand what makes sense.

Problems finding ExpansionHubEx

I am not sure this is the right place to ask this. If it is not, I will post to one of the other GitHub repos for the applicable related library.

It seems like the code to retrieve the expansionhub is "flaky". If we deploy new code, the app crashes, etc. you can no longer find the expansionhub unless you restart the robot and app.

Is there something we are doing wrong or is it just the cost of being able to do "bulk reads"?

Tuning motor PIDF values

I know this is not exactly a question about road runner but it seems like a basic we need to fully understand and set correctly before properly start tuning road runner. We have a mecanum chassis with 40:1 Rev Hex motors.

  1. [SOLVED, found Calvin's question/answer on this subject] When we ran the test described in the Azure Global document on tuning PIDF values we got slightly different max velocities for each motor (between 3200 and 3360) and have calculated the PIDF for each motor. However, in the road runner quick start the same PID coefficients are applied to all motors. Should we change this code so we can apply unique coefficients for each motor or is the differences too small to make a difference?
  2. Trying to understand why F is calculated the way it is in DriveConstants rather than being a value to set along with the other coefficients. It seems to want to use the theoretical F for the rev hex motors rather than what we found empirically through our max velocity test.

Inconsistent track width generated by track width tuner

I am getting incorrect and inconsistent results from the track width tuner. I use a 4 wheel drive with traction in the back, and omnis in the front. When I ran the default configuration, the tuner gave a result of 13.09. The actual width is 16.25. I tried adjusting the track width to provide accurate turns. I got accurate results at a track width of 22.5. I also tried different combinations of motor power and number of turns in the track width (listed below).

Motor power Number of turns Output track width
(default ) 0.3 4 13.09
0.3 2 15.73
0.3 6 12.2
0.3 12 11.46
0.5 4 13.17
0.7 4 13.36

Issues with trajectory yaml file, robot doesn't run


I'm new to RoadRunner, still learning the various APIs and integration model. One of the test I was trying to run was to build a simple trajectory (go straight for 48") using the GUI plugin and run it as autonomous. The YAML file seems to load fine, I think, but the robot doesn't go anywhere. Any suggestions on how best to diagnose and resolve this issue? Thank you! By the way, love the toolkit.

Sample code:
@autonomous(group = "drive")
public class TrajectoryTest extends LinearOpMode {

private static final String TRAJECTORY_FILE = "MyTest";

public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException {
    SampleMecanumDriveBase drive = new SampleMecanumDriveREV(hardwareMap);
    Trajectory traj = null;
    try {
        traj = AssetsTrajectoryLoader.load(TRAJECTORY_FILE);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new InterruptedException("Trajectory Error.");

    if (isStopRequested()) return;
    if (traj != null) {


Trajectory YAML:

x: 0.0
y: 0.0
heading: 0.0
startHeading: 0.0

  • pose:
    x: 48.0
    y: 0.0
    heading: 0.0
    interpolationType: "LINEAR"
    heading: 3.141592653589793
    resolution: 0.25
    version: 2

Improvement: Graph the real velocities

In the DriveVelocityPIDTuner opmode the velocities are calculated. This calculation results in a lot of noise and random spikes. The motor class and bulk read classes provide more accurate velocity estimates to make tuning easier.

[Q] does it work with MR too?

I have a very simple question: does this library work with Modern Robotics too? I've tried a modified quickstart and the robot did not move at all. Now I'm unsure whether this is a problem of our code or if it doesn't work at all in general with MR stuff since changing PID Coefficients is not possible with it.

Update dashboard in FtcRobotController

It seems that the dashboard is included at two different versions in this project. I think that the dashboard should also be updated to 0.2.2 in FtcRobotController's build.release.gradle.

How to effectively tune heading pid?

We have read the Pid-Tuning document already.
Heading PID is being really annoying to get right. We are just strafing left and right 60 in to tune.
This image is our P:5, I:0, D:0.03
We find that if I or D are greater than 0.05, the robot shakes a lot near the end of the strafe.
Error appears to stay up and then drop back down

The switch from positive to negative and vice versa is in every combination we have tested so far and is always near the end of the trajectory.
The current Heading PID is a little better in straight test (2 to -2 deg) but more spiky.

StraightTestOpMode actually turns robot

StraightTestOpMode's body is an exact copy of TurnTestOpMode. In other words, the trajectory followed in StraightTestOpMode is:

Trajectory trajectory = drive.trajectoryBuilder() .turnTo(Math.PI / 2) .build();

Should be an easy fix.

Issues with optimized REV drive classes

The optimized REV drive classes are currently both broken pending upstream changes in RevExtension2. More specifically, RE2 is not compatible with FTC SDK v4.x, and there is a minor issue with the signs of bulk read encoder values. Both of these issues should be fixed in the next release. In the interim, the other drive classes should work fine.

[Q] Motor encoder PID & velocity PID

This is a conceptual question: what is the role of the drivetrain PID loop?

We understand that the process of tuning the drivetrain PID coefficients with DriveVelocityPIDTuner is matching the measured velocities of each wheel to the target velocity according to the motion profile.

We read that the built-in velocity PID (RUN_USING_ENCODER) tries to match the motor shaft's rotational velocity to the input power given ("In the DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_USING_ENCODER mode, the controller uses an onboard velocity PID controller, and the power is instead a scaled velocity.").

Since the wheel velocities are themselves calculated from the encoder readings on the drive wheels, we are wondering why the internal PID cannot handle it, and we need a separate closed loop for the drivetrain (i.e., if the built-in velocity PID makes the motors turn at the right rotational velocity, what more needs to be done?). Of course our past experience suggests that this is not true, but we just cannot think it through. Any explanation would be of great help to our team!

[Q] Pose2D heading and IMU raw heading

For TrackWidthTuner, we are trying to implement a localizer that updates only heading using the internal REV IMU (the imu initialized in all sample mecanum drive subclasses).

We read here that:

the robot has a heading defined as the angle \theta between the front of the robot and the global axis

And implemented the following logic in our localizer:

public class NaiveHeadingOnlyLocalizer implements Localizer {
    private Pose2d poseEstimate;
    private SampleMecanumDriveREVOptimized drive;

    public NaiveHeadingOnlyLocalizer(SampleMecanumDriveREVOptimized drive) { = drive;

    public Pose2d getPoseEstimate() {
        return poseEstimate;

    public void setPoseEstimate(@NonNull Pose2d pose2d) {
        this.poseEstimate = pose2d;

    public void update() {
        poseEstimate = new Pose2d(0.0,0.0, getProcessedHeading());
        // no Vector2d position

    public double getProcessedHeading() {
        if (drive.getRawExternalHeading() < 0) {
            return 2 * Math.PI + drive.getRawExternalHeading();
        } else {
            return drive.getRawExternalHeading();

The headings do show up as we expect them to be on the dashboard. However, the effective track width returned seems very off, and we wonder if we have understood something wrong. Any help is appreciated!

[Q] Interpolators?

I was trying to program my own autonomous by referencing I noticed that in the lines

builder .splineTo(new Pose2d(48, 48, Math.PI / 2), new ConstantInterpolator(0)) .splineTo(new Pose2d(0,0,Math.PI), new LinearInterpolator(Math.PI / 2, Math.PI));

after the splineTo coordinates are created, there are various interpolators that can be used. My question is, what is the use of each interpolator, and when do we use them? Going through the javadoc, I noticed there are about 7 different interpolators.

Incorrect error calculation by `turnController`

We have been trying to debug the following issue: Unexpected heading error behavior, and have some speculations regarding its cause:

If we understand correctly...

Since heading error seems to be correct when following a trajectory, we decided that it may be a problem only affecting the drive's in the TURN mode. It appears that in SampleMecanumDriveBase the turnController used in this mode is separate from the trajectory follower:

private PIDFController turnController;
. . .

Since the heading control in FOLLOW_TRAJECTORY seems to work, we are interested in how headingController in the follower is different from turnController in the drive. They are both PIDFControllers that have the target position set to zero by default.

* Target position (that is, the controller setpoint).
 var targetPosition: Double = 0.0

In the HolonomicPIDVAFollower, error seems to be set to the PIDFControllers by setting setpoint = error (actually right in the comments)

// you can pass the error directly to PIDFController by setting setpoint = error and position = 0
axialController.targetPosition = poseError.x
lateralController.targetPosition = poseError.y
headingController.targetPosition = poseError.heading

What we speculate the error is

But it seems to us that targetPosition seems to be never set to and therefore remains 0, and subsequent error calculations seem to be based on it. The debugger output seems to confirm this, as well as the behavior of the heading error (starting at 0, becoming increasingly negative as the counterclockwise turn is executed) we experienced in
Issue #35.



Proposed fix

We created a pull request that addresses the problem for us: #37.

[Q] Using setDrivePower in TeleOp

So we see that setDrivePower is used in LocalizationTest that enables gamepad controlled drive:

drive.setDrivePower(new Pose2d(


We noticed that the translational and angular velocities cannot seem to be controlled simultaneously. Would this be the expected behavior due to some physical constraints?

OpModes have unexpected behavior

When using the DriveFFTuningOpMode with a SampleMecanumDriveREV base, it moves less than a foot forward (and also turns slightly). The phone telemetry suggests it should move closer to 100 in. forward - is this unexpected behavior/do you know why this might be? If so, it would suggest that the kV (and kA/kStatic) that are given are incorrect. Subsequently, the StraightTestOpMode drives at about a 10 degree angle instead of straight and seems to get more off-track as time progresses. I've set my other DriveConstants accurately (I believe). I'm also using RevRobotics20HdHexMotor. Thank you!

FTCDashboard: Infinity is not a valid double value as per JSON specification.

This happens when an opMode using FTCDashboard is run:

E/fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD: Communication with the client broken, or an bug in the handler code java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Infinity is not a valid double value as per JSON specification. To override this behavior, use GsonBuilder.serializeSpecialFloatingPointValues() method. at at$2.write( at$2.write( at at at at$GsonContextImpl.serialize( at com.acmerobotics.dashboard.config.variable.ConfigVariableSerializer.serialize( at com.acmerobotics.dashboard.config.variable.ConfigVariableSerializer.serialize( at at at at$Adapter.write( at$Adapter.write( at at at at$GsonContextImpl.serialize( at com.acmerobotics.dashboard.config.variable.ConfigVariableSerializer.serialize( at com.acmerobotics.dashboard.config.variable.ConfigVariableSerializer.serialize( at at at at$Adapter.write( at$Adapter.write( at at at at$GsonContextImpl.serialize( at com.acmerobotics.dashboard.config.variable.ConfigVariableSerializer.serialize( at com.acmerobotics.dashboard.config.variable.ConfigVariableSerializer.serialize( at at at at$1.write( at$Adapter.write( at at at at at com.acmerobotics.dashboard.FtcDashboard.toJson( at com.acmerobotics.dashboard.DashboardWebSocket.send( at com.acmerobotics.dashboard.FtcDashboard.addSocket( at com.acmerobotics.dashboard.DashboardWebSocket.onOpen( at fi.iki.elonen.NanoWSD$WebSocket$1.send( at fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD$HTTPSession.execute( at fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD$ at EventLoopManager state is EMERGENCY_STOP

It may well be that we configured something wrong. Any help is greatly appreciated!

lag upon initialization

Our phones have 2+ seconds of initialization normally and when the imu problem message pops up, 5+ seconds. This is a big problem for competition and the switch from auto to teleop.

Localization Method

I cannot seem to find a proper localization method for TrackWidthtTuner. I am using encoders, I think I did VelocityPIDTuner and StraightTest ok and in the code it says to set a localization method that does not rely on encoders for determining position.As I saw StandardTrackingWheelLocalizer relies on encoders and if I use a basic Localizer, I do not know how to implement the three methods (getPoseEstimate, setPoseEstimate and update). Any help would be extremely much appreciated.

Powers alternating in LocalizationTest opmode

This opmode conflicts zero power (caused by updating the drive class while in IDLE mode with the zero drive signal) with its expected teleop style controls. This can be fixed by disabling update but that somewhat defeats the purpose of the opmode.

[Q] Admissible error & timeout with followers

During testing we discover one issue: the follower often finishes following a trajectory with quite some positional error in the end. In the dashboard we can see that error is being still reduced by the PID controllers when the following stopped.

Looking at HolonomicPIDVAFollower and TrajectoryFollower, we think that admissibleError and timeout should be set to address this issue. Since they are by default zero, we wonder if there might be other considerations that we are overlooking. Advice on best practices will be great!

No 1-D Motion Sample

Shouldn't be too difficult to add. Would also be nice to know how controlling linear movement (i.e. moving up a lift) is different PID-wise than rotary movement (i.e. rotating an arm).

[Q] Same PID coefficients for all motors on the drivetrain?

We are wondering if there is a reason that the same PID coefficients are set for all motors on the drivetrain (for example setPIDCoefficients in SampleMecanumDriveREVOptimized). It seems to us that on our drivetrain each motor/wheel has a different error and should be tuned separately?

Three Tracking Wheel Localizing

When putting in the locations of the three tracking (dead) wheels, do we put in lateral distance of the outside, middle, or inside of the left and right wheels.
I||---------||I (outside distance),
|I|---------|I| (middle distance),
||I---------I|| (inside distance),

How do I use a two wheel localizer with a Gyro?

I attempted to Modify the StandardTrackingWheelLocalizer to use a Gyro for heading. After getting everything setup, it gives an error that "The specified configuration cannot support full localization". What am I doing wrong?

Unexpected heading error behavior

The heading error is the least when it should be the greatest, and vice versa. This happened to us while testing TrackWidthTuner and FollowerPIDTuner. The heading value itself is correct, and the dashboard output is as followed:


Translational error seems to be correct. We definitely made a mistake in our configurations. Would appreciate any pointers!


Turn tuning

We’re struggling with tuning our robot to predictably turn when doing a turn sync.

  1. We found that the empirical track width is different depending on how we have the track width set when we do the test.
  2. When doing the turn test we can tune the variables to get the turn to finish with a degree of the expected angle (ie 180 degrees) but when we test with a different angle it will be as much as 20 degrees off.
  3. What is the margin of error we should be able to achieve? In other words, should we expect to be able to get within 2-3 degrees of the specified angle?

Inconsistent results from track width tuner

I am getting inaccurate and inconsistent results from the track width tuner. I am using a 4 wheel drive, with traction in the back and omnis in the front. The default settings of the tuner give me a result of 13.09. Using this track width gives me really inaccurate turns. The actual track width of the drivetrain (measured) is 16.5. I tried adjusting the track width manually to provide accurate turns. I got accurate results at a width of 22.5". I tested multiple combinations of motor power and number of turns (listed below).

motor power number of turns output track width
0.3 4 13.09
0.3 2 15.73
0.3 6 12.2
0.3 12 11.46
0.5 4 13.17
0.7 4 13.36

FTC Dashboard Configuration

I am unable to get the FTC dashboard variable configuration to show anything. I'm not sure what I did wrong as everything appears to be defined. It doesn't work in any of the Op Modes included.
I wrote this simple program to try to isolate the issue but it still doesn't work. Telemetry does though.

package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode;

import com.acmerobotics.dashboard.FtcDashboard;
import com.acmerobotics.dashboard.config.Config;
import com.acmerobotics.dashboard.telemetry.MultipleTelemetry;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode;
import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.TeleOp;

public class dashboardTest extends LinearOpMode {
    static public double theBegining = 0;
    static public int theEnd = 0;
    public void runOpMode() {
        FtcDashboard dashboard = FtcDashboard.getInstance();
        telemetry = new MultipleTelemetry(telemetry, dashboard.getTelemetry());
        theBegining = 1;
        theEnd = 4;
        while(!isStopRequested()) {
            telemetry.addData("theBegining", theBegining);
            telemetry.addData("theEnd", theEnd);

Outdated Lynx Firmware

Hi there,

When attempting to run the in the quickstart project, the code threw the LynxFirmwareVersionException error. It says that our attached lynx modules have outdated firmware, and that the minimum version was 1.8.2.

How can we update this firmware?

Very basic tuning question

Seems silly but I have to ask... when running each test in the tuning process for the road runner quickstart it wasn't clear to me if we should be focused on the telemetry in the dashboard or the physical results. For instance, in "StraightTest" should we be looking at what the telemetry is telling us about how close the robot landed to the target or should we be measuring with a tape measure how far the robot traveled and comparing with the target?

How to Setup dead wheel tracking

I'm currently trying to implement three-wheel tracking into the quickstart but I don't exactly know what to do. In SampleMechanumDriveREV it says // TODO: if desired, use setLocalizer() to change the localization method How do I go about doing this? I've tried putting this line of code setLocalizer(StandardTrackingWheelLocalizer); there but it doesn't seem to be working. What do I need to do?

[Q] StandardTrackingWheelLocalizer REV Bulk Read

We read in the comments to StandardTrackingWheelLocalizer that "Note: this could be optimized significantly with REV bulk reads", which we are trying to do.

We wonder if they best practice would be implementing a getTrackingWheelPositions in the drive class, then set the values to a List<Double> of the localizer, which is returned when the localizer's getWheelPositions() is called. If this is not the ideal way of doing it, we hope our question may be helpful to other teams.

[Q] How does Max Velocity work when you are moving in two directions at once?

We have our robot tuned in fairly well. Our only remaining issue is when we add motions in two directions. Doing this create inconsistent profiles. I believe this is because there is some assumption that we can move max velocity in both directions at the same time, which we can't. Is this a valid concern?

Trajectory complexMove = drive.trajectoryBuilder()
                .lineTo(new Vector2d(40, 19), new LinearInterpolator(0, 0))
                .lineTo(new Vector2d(80.5, 32), new LinearInterpolator(0, 0))

My expectation is that this will create a "triangle" motion. Which it does, but we never really reach the correct Y. This issue becomes worse the more we increase our max velocity. It seems like the only solution is to greatly reduce the max velocity significantly.

Should we be thinking about this differently?


Do you plan on writing examples using the new features in the FTC SDK 4.0?

Lag at the start and/or end of trajectory

We have been having an issue where a program that just calls a simple strafeTo()
followTrajectorySync(trajectoryBuilder().strafeTo(new Vector2d(25, 25)).build());
When the program is run, the robot just sits there for a few seconds and then runs, not getting the the target position. In a few other cases, the robot runs immediately but overshoots the target a lot. We have verified that initialization has finished.
This issue is very random, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Lately, it's been on the not working side.

Follower feedforward tuning

The trajectory followers are controllers that compute the robot's velocity and acceleration from the current trajectory and current position (they fall into the category of reference trackers). Some of the followers in Road Runner use PID with VA feedforward terms (the holonomic PIDVA trajectory follower source is pretty readable and understandable at a high level) while others use more sophisticated techniques.

Originally posted by @rbrott in #25 (comment)

Thank you, this is incredibly clarifying. The feedforward concept in HolonomicPIDVAFollower seems quite understandable, but we are a bit confused by the comment where correctedVelocity is calculated and applied:

// note: feedforward is processed at the wheel level; velocity is only passed here to adjust the derivative term

Additionally, we want to make sure if the goals of FollowerPIDTuner is to tune TRANSLATIONAL_PID and HEADING_PID in SampleMecanumDriveBase? It was not completely clear in the docs but made sense to us. I thought that this should become a separate issue so that more people can find it.

How to use translational and heading pid?

It is not clear on how to use FollowerPIDTuner to tune the TRANSLATIONAL_PID and HEADING_PID found inside of MecanumDriveBase. It is also not clear on what these PID variables do and how it effects the movement of the robot. Help would be appreciated. Thanks

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