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Solgate home repo. Event-driven kubernetes native S3 sync toolkit

License: GNU General Public License v3.0

Python 98.26% HTML 1.74%
argo-workflows argo-pipelines sync-pipeline s3 data-mirroring argo-events hacktoberfest

sync-pipelines's Introduction


License Python version Latest release PyPI

Yet another data sync pipelines job runner.

A CLI utility that is expected to be automated via container native workflow engines like Argo or Tekton.


pip install solgate


Solgate relies on a configuration file that holds all the information required to fully perform the synchronization. This config file is expected to be of a YAML format and it should contain following keys:

  • source key. Value to this key specifies where the data are sourced from.
  • destinations key. It's value is expected to be an array for locations. Their purpose is to define sync destinations.
  • other top level keys for a general configuration that is not specific to a single location.

General config section

All configuration in this section is optional. Use this section if you'd like to modify the default behavior. Default values are denoted below:

alerts_from: [email protected]
alerts_to: [email protected]
timedelta: 1d


  • alerts_smtp_server, alerts_from, alerts_to are used for email alerting only
  • timedelta defines a time window in which the objects in the source bucket must have been modified, to be eligible fo the bucket listing. Only files modified no later than timedelta from now are included.

Source key

  aws_access_key_id: KEY_ID
  aws_secret_access_key: SECRET
  base_path: DH-PLAYPEN/storage/input # at least the bucket name is required, sub path within this bucket is optional
  endpoint_url: # optional, defaults to
  formatter: "{date}/{collection}.{ext}" # optional, defaults to None

If the formatter is not set, no repartitioning is expected to happen and the S3 object key is left intact, same as it is in the source bucket (within the base_path context). Specifying the formatter in the source section only, doesn't result in repartitioning of all object by itself, only those destinations that also have this option specified are eligible for object key modifications.

Destinations key

  - aws_access_key_id: KEY_ID
    aws_secret_access_key: SECRET
    base_path: DH-PLAYPEN/storage/output # at least the bucket name is required, sub path within this bucket is optional
    endpoint_url: # optional, defaults to
    formatter: "{date}/{collection}.{ext}" # optional, defaults to None
    unpack: yes # optional, defaults to False/no

The endpoint_url defaults to a different value for destination compared to source section. This is due to the usual data origin and safe destination host.

If the formatter is not set, no repartitioning is expected to happen and the S3 object key is left intact, same as it is in the source bucket (within the base_path context). If repartitioning is desired, the formatter string must be defined in the source section as well - otherwise object name can't be parsed properly from the source S3 object key.

unpack option specifies if the gunzipped archives should be unpacked during the transfer. The .gz suffix is automatically dropped from the resulting object key, no matter if the repartitioning is on or off. Switching this option on results in weaker object validation, since the implicit metadata checksum and size checks can't be used to verify the file integrity.

Separate credentials into different files

In case you don't feel like inlining aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key in plaintext into the config file is a good idea, you can separate these credentials into their distict files. If the credentials keys are not found (inlined) in the config, solgate tries to locate them in the config folder (the same folder as the main config file is located).

The credentials file is expected to contain following:

aws_access_key_id: KEY_ID
aws_secret_access_key: SECRET

For source the expected filename is source.creds.yaml, for destinations destination.X.creds.yaml where X is the index in the destinations list in the main config file. For destinations we allow credentials sharing, therefore if destination.X.creds.yaml is not located, solgate tries to load destination.creds.yaml (not indexed).

Full example

Let's have this file structure in our /etc/solgate:

$ tree /etc/solgate
├── config.yaml
├── destination.0.creds.yaml
├── destination.creds.yaml
└── source.creds.yaml

And a main config file /etc/solgate/config.yaml looking like this:

  base_path: DH-PLAYPEN/storage/input

  - base_path: DH-PLAYPEN/storage/output0 # idx=0

  - base_path: DH-PLAYPEN/storage/output1 # idx=1

  - base_path: DH-PLAYPEN/storage/output2 # idx=2
    aws_access_key_id: KEY_ID
    aws_secret_access_key: SECRET

Solgate will use these credentials:

  • For source the source.creds.yaml is read, because no credentials are inlined
  • For destination idx=0 the destination.0.creds.yaml is used, because no credentials are inlined
  • For destination idx=1 the destination.creds.yaml is used, because no credentials are inlined and there's no destination.1.creds.yaml file
  • For destination idx=2 the inlined credentials are used

The resolution priority:

type priority
source inlined > source.creds.yaml
destination inlined > destination.INDEX.creds.yaml > destination.creds.yaml

Example config file

Here's a full configuration file example, all together.

alerts_from: [email protected]
alerts_to: [email protected]
timedelta: 1d

  aws_access_key_id: KEY_ID
  aws_secret_access_key: SECRET
  formatter: "{date}/{collection}.{ext}"
  base_path: DH-PLAYPEN/storage/input

  - aws_access_key_id: KEY_ID
    aws_secret_access_key: SECRET
    formatter: "{collection}/historic/{date}-{collection}.{ext}"
    base_path: DH-PLAYPEN/storage/output

  - aws_access_key_id: KEY_ID
    aws_secret_access_key: SECRET
    formatter: "{collection}/latest/full_data.csv"
    base_path: DH-PLAYPEN/storage/output
    unpack: yes


Solgate is mainly intended for use in automation within Argo Workflows. However it can be also used as a standalone CLI tool for manual transfers and (via extensions) for (TBD) manifest scaffold generation and (TBD) deployed instance monitoring.

List bucket for files ready to be transferred

Before the actual sync can be run, it is required

solgate list
CLI option Config file entry Description
-o Output to a file instead of stdout. Creates a listing file.
timedelta Define a lookup restriction. Only files newer than this value are reported. Defaults to 1 day.

Sync objects

solgate send KEY
CLI option Description
-l, --listing-file A listing file ingested by this command. Format is expected to be the same as solgate list output. If set, the KEY argument is ignored.

Notification service

Send an workflow status alert via email from Argo environment.

Command expects to be passed values matching available Argo variable format as described here.

solgate report

Options can be set either via CLI argument or via environment variable:

  • Options which map to Argo Workflow variables:

    CLI option Environment variable name Value should map to Argo workflow variable Description
    --failures WORKFLOW_FAILURES {{workflow.failures}} JSON serialized into a string listing all the failed workflow nodes
    -n, --name WORKFLOW_NAME {{}} Workflow instance name.
    --namespace WORKFLOW_NAMESPACE {{workflow.namespace}} Project namespace where the workflow was executed.
    -s, --status WORKFLOW_STATUS {{workflow.status}} Current status of the workflow execution.
    -t, --timestamp WORKFLOW_TIMESTAMP {{workflow.creationTimestamp}} Workflow execution timestamp.
  • Options which map to config file entries. Priority order:

    CLI option > Environment variable > Config file entry > Default value
    CLI option Environment variable name Config file entry Description
    --from ALERT_SENDER alerts_from Email alert sender address. Defaults to [email protected].
    --to ALERT_RECIPIENT alerts_to Email alert recipient address. Defaults to [email protected].
    --smtp SMTP_SERVER alerts_smtp_server SMTP server URL. Defaults to
  • Other:

    CLI option Environment variable name Description
    --host ARGO_UI_HOST Argo UI external facing hostname.

Workflow manifests

Additionally to the solgate package this repository also features deployment manifests in the manifests folder. The current implementation of Kubernetes manifests relies on Argo, Argo Events and are structured in a Kustomize format. Environments for deployment are specified in the manifests/overlays/ENV_NAME folder.

Each environment features multiple solgate workflow instances. Configuration config.ini file and selected triggers are defined in instance subfolder within the particular environment folder.


Environment deployments are expected to be handled via Argo CD in AI-CoE SRE, however it can be done manually as well.

Local prerequisites:

Already deployed platform and running services:

Build and deploy manifests

kustomize build --enable_alpha_plugins manifests/overlays/ENV_NAME | oc apply -f -

Create a new instance

Will be handled via scaffold in next version!


Import GPG keys EFDB9AFBD18936D9AB6B2EECBD2C73FF891FBC7E, A76372D361282028A99F9A47590B857E0288997C, 04DAFCD9470A962A2F272984E5EB0DA32F3372AC

gpg --keyserver --recv EFDB9AFBD18936D9AB6B2EECBD2C73FF891FBC7E A76372D361282028A99F9A47590B857E0288997C 04DAFCD9470A962A2F272984E5EB0DA32F3372AC
  1. Create new folder named after the instance in the selected environment overlay (make a copy of prod/TEMPLATE).

  2. Create a kustomization.yaml file in this new folder with following content, change the NAME to your instance name:

    kind: Kustomization
      - ./secret-generator.yaml
    commonLabels: NAME
      - ./cronwf.yaml
  3. Create a secret-generator.yaml file in this new folder with following content:

    kind: ksops
      name: secret-generator
      - secret.enc.yaml
  4. Create a secret.enc.yaml file in this folder and encrypt it via sops:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: solgate-NAME
      source.creds.yaml: |
        aws_access_key_id: KEY_ID_FOR_SOURCE
        aws_secret_access_key: SECRET_FOR_SOURCE
      destination.creds.yaml: |
        aws_access_key_id: DEFAULT_KEY_ID_FOR_DESTINATIONS
        aws_secret_access_key: DEFAULT_SECRET_FOR_DESTINATIONS
      destination.2.creds.yaml: |
        aws_access_key_id: KEY_ID_FOR_DESTINATION_ON_INDEX_2
        aws_secret_access_key: SECRET_FOR_DESTINATION_ON_INDEX_2
      config.yaml: |
        alerts_from: [email protected]
        alerts_to: [email protected]
        timedelta: 5h
          formatter: "{date}/{collection}.{ext}"
          base_path: DH-PLAYPEN/storage/input
          - endpoint_url:
            formatter: "{collection}/historic/{date}-{collection}.{ext}"
            base_path: DH-PLAYPEN/storage/output
            unpack: yes
          - endpoint_url:
            formatter: "{collection}/latest/full_data.csv"
            base_path: DH-PLAYPEN/storage/output
            unpack: yes
          - endpoint_url:
            base_path: DH-PLAYPEN/storage/output
    sops -e -i overlays/ENV_NAME/NEW_INSTANCE_NAME/INSTANCE_NAME.env.yaml

    Please make sure the *.creds.yaml entries in the secret are encrypted.

  5. Create cronwf.yaml with following content, please change the name and config variable value to match the secret above:

    kind: CronWorkflow
      generateName: solgate-NAME
      name: solgate-NAME
      concurrencyPolicy: "Replace"
            - name: config
              value: solgate-NAME
          name: solgate
  6. Update the resource and patch listing in the overlays/ENV_NAME/kustomization.yaml:

      - ...


A backfill job ensures processing of all objects in the source bucket. This job assumes none of the objects were processed before and syncs it all potentially overwriting any changes in the destination bucket.

There's a backfill.yaml available to be submitted directly. Please specify the config parameter before submitting. Value must match a name of a Secret config resource for targeted pipeline.

argo submit -p config=solgate-NAME manifests/backfill.yaml

Workflow parameters

CronWorkflow resource defined for each pipeline instance allows you to define 3 parameters:

Parameter Value Required Description
config string yes Define which config secret to mount to pods and pass to the solgate runtime
is-backfil string (boolean in quotes) no If set to true sync all data in the source bucket. Defaults to false
split string (int in quotes) no Define amount of files that is handled by a single sync pod. If there's more files to sync, the pipeline will spin up additional pods. Defaults to 5000

Developer setup

Local setup

Install pipenv and set up the environment:

pipenv sync -d

Install/enable pre-commit for this project:

pip install -g pre-commit
pre-commit install

Running tests

With local environment set up, you can run tests locally like this:

pipenv run pytest . --cov solgate

Building manifests

Install local prerequisites for kustomize manifests:

Use kustomize build --enable_aplha_plugins ... to build manifests.


We rely on AICoE-CI GitHub application and bots to provide CI for us. All is configured via .aicoe-ci.yaml.


If you're a maintainer, please release via GitHub issues. New release creates:

sync-pipelines's People


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sync-pipelines's Issues

Solgate as an operator


Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Solgate should be accompanied wit an operator capabilities - only a single CRD should be required to define a dataset and set up a new sync pipeline to maintain said dataset in sync.

Describe the solution you'd like
Once a CRD instance is created, the operator would facilitate the initial sync. It will keep the data set up to date. It may be requested to delete the dataset on CRD delete.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context
Would streamline deployment of solgate. Should be easy to implement via


Define a CustomResourceDefinition that would hold information about the said dataset like name, origin (source), desired local on-cluster location, sync triggers etc.

It can look something like this:

kind: DataSet
  name: my-dataset
  annotations:  # Populated by the operator kaggle Original name of the dataset Description pulled from origin if available
  initialSync: true  # Schedule an initial sync of the dataset to destinations
  cleanupOnDelete: false # Delete data from destinations on DataSet object delete

  triggers: # Forwarded to KNative or Argo Events
    - calendar:
        interval: x
        schedule: cron
    - webhook: "..."

  source: # Source with type like S3/Mailing list/Kaggle, etc.

  destinations: # S3 or PersistentVolume
    - name:
status: # Filled in by the operator
    - calendar:
      lastActivated: # timestamp
    - name:
      lastSync: # timestamp

The operator may (aka a far-fetched road map):

  • schedule the initial sync using minio client mirror job
  • schedule sync pipeline to keep the datasets up to date using different backends (Argo Workflow etc...)
  • trigger individual preprocess pipelines for the destinations via different backends (Argo Workflows, AirFlow...)
  • delete data on DataSet resource delete
  • fire events when dataset was updated
  • if deployed cluster-wide, monitor different DataSet instances in distinct namespaces and coordinate the sync jobs (so we're not pulling the same source for may data scientists at similar times, rather aggregate the destinations and sync them all together - possibility for optimizations like when syncing within the same S3 cluster can be done via object .copy method, which is much faster than copying byte per byte)

As a result, adding a new dataset to the cluster + keeping it up to date is just matter of deploying a single DataSet resource (compared to deploying many manifests for current solgate to spin up a new sync pipeline instance). It can also serve as a base for a "local" dataset catalogue (can be aggregated from annotations).

OOMKilled on large buckets

In case the source bucket contains too many files the lookup pod can be OOM killed. Refactor the s3fs lookup to use enforce generators at all possible places.

Use a per customer configmap instead of a per customer workflow

Currently we store the customer specific workflow in a configmap with prepopulated per-customer default parameters. This workflow is rendered from a template via Ansible.

In order to aicoe-aiops/sync-pipelines-private#7 we need to have those config values loaded from the workflow dynamically from a configmap, since we can't template in Kustomize so the current approach would require a huge copypasting when setting up a new pipeline -> maintenance hell.

Error codes and messages

Describe the bug
When a automated workflow step fail, solgate doesn't allow user to determine the failure reason from metrics or report emails. Please support more granular error codes and messages

Test coverage

Obligatory test coverage request. Include codecov reporting or something.

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