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ez-insar's Issues

Bug with the initialisation of MintPy stack

With EZ-InSAR Version 2.0.0 Beta, and Ubuntu.

During the initialisation of MintPy stack, it is possible to re-initialise the stack (e.g., after a pause of the processing), the bug is that the parameter file is re-created and replaced by default values.

Undefined function or variable 'uiprogressdlg'.

Hi EZ_InSAR team! I am facing this error with Matlab R2016a. Could the reason be the Matlab version? I didn't see the installation mentioning the specified version. I appreciate your help.
Setting paths for EZ-InSAR: Matlab Interface for Easy InSAR (Version 2.0.0 Beta)...
Added to path: EZ-InSAR Version 2.0.0 Beta

Undefined function or variable 'uiprogressdlg'.

Error in GUIMIESAR (line 34)
pg_figopen = uiprogressdlg(figopen,'Title','Loading of EZ-InSAR Application','Message','Opening the

Error in EZ_InSAR (line 62)
hmain = GUIMIESAR(miesar_para);

MathWorks::System::IUserException [Error using matlab.internal.webwindow (line 197)
Unable to start MATLABWindow process

Error in matlab.ui.internal.desktop.uicontainer.UIContainer/buildWindow (line 164)
this.CEF = matlab.internal.webwindow(this.URL,this.DebugPort);

Error in matlab.ui.internal.controller.FigureController/createView (line 175)

Error in matlab.ui.internal.componentframework.WebComponentController/add (line 95)
obj.createView( parentController, parentView, map );

Error in matlab.ui.internal.controller.WebCanvasContainerController/add (line 49)
[email protected]( this, webComponent, parentController );

Error in matlab.ui.internal.componentframework.WebControllerFactory/create (line 87)
component.createController( parentController, [] );

Stamps Stack

Hi @alexisInSAR,

I am trying to process PAZ dataset. When I am trying to create Stamps stack, I got the following error. All path defined in the input file exist. I couldn't understand where the problem was. Firstly I applied SLC stack, then the interferogram stack.

image image

StaMPS-SBAS parameters

During the initialisation of StaMPS-based SBAS parameters, the user must click on default value because the initialisation of parameters does not work correctly.

CreateSLC error


I have PAZ datasets. I selected the data directory that has unzipped data folders. I am choosing the mode as PAZ_SM and I am trying to create SLC list. But the list is empty and I have an error like below:

Index exceeds the number of array elements (0).

Error in createlistSLC (line 178)
path_xml = [paramslc.pathSLC,'/',list_dir(i1).name,'/',path_xml(1).name];

Error in manageSLC (line 39)

Error in GUIMIESAR>@(src,evt,arg1,arg2)manageSLC(src,evt,'checking',figmiesar.UserData) (line 231)
btslccheck.ButtonPushedFcn = @(src,evt,arg1,arg2) manageSLC(src,evt,'checking',figmiesar.UserData);

Error using matlab.ui.control.internal.controller.ComponentController/executeUserCallback (line 382)
Error while evaluating Button PrivateButtonPushedFcn.

What should I do?

Change in the ASF API (createlistSLC.m) for Sentinel-1 data

Since several weeks, the ASF API (for Sentinel-1 data) does not create the correct output file (tmp_list_SLC.csv) and MATLAB is not able to read the names of columns (see fig1 and fig2) (issue in createlistSLC.m using the readtable command).


There are two solutions (temporary) to import the table:

  1. Add empty columns at the end of tmp_list_SLC.csv;
  2. Replace the header line.

We fixed the MATLAB function according to the second solution.

A problem with ps_plot

Hi, I wish to flag an issue. The PS processing carried out correctly
when I use the ps_plot function, Matlab returns:
Unrecognized field name "xy".
Error in ps_plot (line 325)

TSX Check extension error

Hi, I decided to process the TSX with Ez_INSAR, but I got an error in the step Check SLC extension


My data was unzipped to slc folder according to manual


Please, do you have any idea what's going wrong


I met a problem when I check the SLCs,and matlab error display is "Unrecognized function or variable 'dil'.". I found that the table'm' is null, I guess the reason is that I didn't get the file 'tmp_list_SLC.csv'.

Information Regarding EZ-InSAR Files

Screenshot 2024-04-24 223618
Hello Sir @alexisInSAR ,
Hope you are doing fine. At first, I want to say you thanks that through your EZ-InSAR software, I able to run PSInSAR and SBAS. So by doing these processes, I get these files. But I don't know which of these file contains the deformation values based on the dates. Can you please tell me?
Also, can you guide us about all the files which is in this screenshot like which file represents what information? So, it will be helpful for all of us. Thanks.

Md Saffiquzzaman Chowdhury
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Lamar University

Pre-run of ISCE processing Error

All steps till 'Select the best reference date' performed well. Now when running 'Pre-run of ISCE Processing', processing stops with the the following message-
Screenshot from 2023-10-16 19-28-21
Screenshot from 2023-10-16 19-25-31.

What may be the possible solution for this?

No isce.log file

@insarwxw @alexisInSAR
When I run -h for testing purpose, I got permission error.
Screenshot from 2023-08-21 13-57-01

When I go to applications folder, there is no isce.log file.
Screenshot from 2023-08-21 13-59-41
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,
Shubhayan Roy Chowdhury

Error in step -reference point

Every time i tried to run mintpy processing , i am getting an error - ValueError: input reference point is in masked OUT area defined by maskConnComp.h5, the h5 file showing only single 0 value over whole subset area , please help me


Hello, does anyone have experience of this tool with SAOCOM data?.... any recommendation?


Hello Sir , there is an issue in step 5 in PS processing showing as


Please provide the possible solution

Name is nonexistents or not a directory: /StaMPS/TRAIN/matlab

Hi Alex!
In the file "config_InSARenv.rc", the variable TOOL_DIR is defined, but... the variable that defines the path of the TRAIN folder is tool_DIR. This implies that the search from Matlab doesn't work, resulting in the following error


I solved it by adding a new line: export Tool_DIR=$TOOL_DIR

King Regards!!


STAMPS SBAS execution overriding PS ps_plot dependencies

I wish to flag an issue, not sure if any one else has faced it or it is specific to me, follows:
Once the PS workflow is executed and then ps_plot command is tried, all the plots are being generated and time series is also working fine. However, post the PS workflow, if one executes the SBAS, upon successful execution, a "SMALL BASELINE" sub folder is created. After this, if one attempts the ps_plot from the master folded (e.g. "INSAR_20220318) to generate the ps velocity, the following error is returned:

Unrecognized field name "xy".
Error in ps_plot (line 325)

However, the command to generated SBAS velocity (i.e. ps_plot ('V')) from within the "SMALL BASELINE" sub folder is working fine.

SLC List Check Error in EZ_InSAR Software


I am encountering an issue while using the EZ_InSAR software. Here are the steps I've taken:

Installed all packages and initiated the EZ_InSAR interface.
Created a KML file for my study area, set the Path number, Flight direction, and specified the period interval.
Modified the pathinformation.txt file with my ASF credentials (ASFID and ASFPWD), and tested the account successfully on ASF Search.
Clicked on "Check SLC list," but encountered the following error:

" Error using createlistSLC>@(rep)strrep(M.AcquisitionDate,'Z',rep) (line 120)
Unrecognized table variable name 'AcquisitionDate'.
Error in createlistSLC (line 120)
a = cellfun(@(rep) strrep(M.AcquisitionDate,'Z',rep), {''}, 'UniformOutput', false);
Error in manageSLC (line 39)
Error in GUIMIESAR>@(src,evt,arg1,arg2)manageSLC(src,evt,'checking',figmiesar.UserData) (line 231)
btslccheck.ButtonPushedFcn = @(src,evt,arg1,arg2) manageSLC(src,evt,'checking',figmiesar.UserData);
Error using matlab.ui.control.internal.controller.ComponentController/executeUserCallback (line 386)
Error while evaluating Button PrivateButtonPushedFcn. "

                                                         Any guidance on resolving this issue would be highly appreciated.

Additional Information:

Operating System: [Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS]
Matlab version: [ R2020_b]


Header of the MintPy files

The new version of MintPy has deleted the header of all MintPy's scripts. In this case, it is not possible to run directly the functions i.e.,:


We will fix this issue as soon as possible. The new version of EZ-InSAR will be available at the end of April.

import cv2 problem

when i run the pre-run of isce processing step i face with this problem ( not model named cv2 [i think it's opencv])
Screenshot (183)
when i check the code i see cv2 don't used in then i delete the import cv2 line in (line 1646) then this step run well !
Screenshot (184)
Screenshot (185)
and my question is , the changing into can cause me any problem ?
With all regard

Error due to system migration (new root username)

I processed the dataset upto SBAS preparation in staMPS processing in a system. However, due to some unavoidable issues, I had to migrate to a different system. Both the system have different root username. Is there any workaround to modify all the symbolic links and other required input file as per the recent system and begin processing rest of the SBAS steps?

PS: I have my datasets in an external hard disk. Therefore the respective location of the files is same. I require to modify the symbolic links and input files as per the new root user name

Installation instruction problems


I recently helped a colleague install this package after many frustrated attempts, and I thought I'd share what worked well for us in case others run into issues as well. The main difference is using mamba instead of conda, as we found conda to be painfully slow and sometimes never resolving at all. Steps below:

  1. Install mamba and other ubuntu and python libraries. Open a terminal and paste:
curl -L -O
sudo apt install gcc g++ gawk tcsh build-essential make git
pip install wget gitpython tree mamba
  1. Create a Python virtual environment. In the same terminal:
sudo apt install python3.8-venv
python -m venv InSARenv
source InSARenv/bin/activate
  1. Install InSAR processing packages and EZ-InSAR. In the same terminal:
sudo mkdir -p $tool_DIR
sudo git clone $tools_insar/EZ-InSAR
sudo mv $tools_insar/EZ-InSAR $tools_insar/EZINSAR
sudo git clone $tool_DIR/isce2  
sudo git clone      $tool_DIR/MintPy 
sudo git clone      $tool_DIR/StaMPS
sudo git clone       $tool_DIR/StaMPS/TRAIN
sudo cp $tools_insar/EZINSAR/EZINSAR_BIN/docs/config_InSARenv.template $tools_insar/config_InSARenv.rc
sudo sed -i "/EZINSAR_HOME=/c\EZINSAR_HOME=$EZINSAR_HOME"  $tools_insar/config_InSARenv.rc
sudo sed -i "/APS_toolbox=/c\APS_toolbox=$tool_DIR/StaMPS/TRAIN" $tool_DIR/StaMPS/TRAIN/
  1. Add the following lines to your .bashrc file:
# EZ-InSAR & InSARenv
export tools_insar="$EZINSAR_HOME/tools_insar"
alias load_insar='conda activate InSARenv; source $tools_insar/config_InSARenv.rc'

Vim instructions:
On the terminal type
vi ~/.bashrc

This will change the terminal to show your bashrc file on screen. Use the down arrow to go to the bottom of the file. Press the letter i, and the word "-- INSERT --" will appear at the bottom. Now copy the previous few lines, and paste them at the end of the file (right-click -> Paste). Press "Esc" key once, then ":" key, "w" key, and "q" key, then "Enter".

Then you will be back on the regular terminal. Run:

source ~/.bashrc
  1. Install ISCE. On the same terminal:
mamba  install -c conda-forge isce2
cd $tool_DIR
mamba install -c conda-forge --file ./MintPy/requirements.txt

5.1 Install MintPy. Close the terminal and restart for above changes to take effect!

sudo python -m pip install -e ./MintPy

5.2 Install StaMPS

sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt install -y gcc-7 g++-7
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-7 7
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-7 7
sudo update-alternatives --config gcc
sudo update-alternatives --config g++
cd $tool_DIR/StaMPS/src
sudo make
sudo make install
sudo apt install snaphu 
sudo apt install triangle-bin

5.3 Install EZ-InSAR
mamba install fiona geopandas rasterio

cd $tool_DIR
sudo curl -o ""
sudo unzip
sudo ./aws/install

5.4 Set your ASF account and credentials. If using vim again, type:
vi ../EZINSAR/EZINSAR_BIN/pathinformation.txt

Then type "i", move around with the arrows to change the xxx's with your account-name and password:

ASFID    account-name
ASFPWD  password 

Once it's all good, "Esc", ":", "w", "q", "Enter". You should be back in the terminal.

  1. Run MATLAB from the terminal. Type:

Error using DEM visualization

hello community,
When i selected the option: Select DEM -> Download DEM
error dialog box opens saying " please check- check SLC extension first"
But there is no error while opening SLC coverage graph in Check SLC extension button.

Screenshot from 2024-03-18 23-53-29
So, I download a geotiff file from usgs earth explorer (SRTM 1 Arc-Second Global) and put in dem/dem_tiff folder. Created a DEM_files.txt with name of tiff file in it in working path.
But when I click localhosted DEM button, it says DEM files have not been selected

I believe i have to create a xml file of tiff image so which option should I select from below metadata options
Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 23-52-10 EarthExplorer

And what is about header files , how to create and put in working path.

problem in isce proccesing ; step7 pairs_misreg

hi alexis
i have a issue with isec step7 for slc stack ; in this step i have a warning that isce gives me , bad match at level 1
i dont know how this warning effects me and i need you help about it
i look after this problem in isce2 issue but i don get any about except ;this isce-framework/isce2#259
in this page they talking about this exact issue but they haven't the solotion.
another problem is in this step i locked in middle of it and i dont know how i fix this issue.
this is terminal in this step
Screenshot (204)
and suddenly the warning pop ups!
Screenshot (206)
With all regards

Error using createlistSLC (line 110)

Hi @alexisInSAR, I am getting this error about not finding the StartTime. I have attached tmp_list_SLC.csv and the result of M = readtable('tmp_list_SLC.csv').

Is it possible to process already downloaded images simply by putting them in slc dir? For example interferogram generation with pair of images using ISCE? I can do it using jupyter notebooks. I wanted to give it a try using EZ-InSAR which seems pretty easy and then test for Time series.
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
100 598 0 598 0 0 254 0 --:--:-- 0:00:02 --:--:-- 254
100 598 0 598 0 0 178 0 --:--:-- 0:00:03 --:--:-- 178
100 599 0 599 0 0 154 0 --:--:-- 0:00:03 --:--:-- 154
100 3521 0 3521 0 0 870 0 --:--:-- 0:00:04 --:--:-- 870
Error using createlistSLC (line 110)
Unrecognized table variable name 'StartTime'.

Error in manageSLC (line 39)

Error in GUIMIESAR>@(src,evt,arg1,arg2)manageSLC(src,evt,'checking',figmiesar.UserData) (line 225)
btslccheck.ButtonPushedFcn = @(src,evt,arg1,arg2) manageSLC(src,evt,'checking',figmiesar.UserData);

Error using matlab.ui.control.internal.controller.ComponentController/executeUserCallback (line 386)
Error while evaluating Button PrivateButtonPushedFcn.


Error with the DEM files

If the work directory is moved, (e.g., copied-pasted), EZ-InSAR must to re-downloqd the DEM because the DEM header file for ISCE will not correct. Issue with ISCE files.

Error using Stamps initial processing

Hello sir,
upon clicking " crop the SLCs" I get following error:


or when i choose to process all images option in "create StaMPs stack", I get following error:


my reference directory in stackStaMPs is as follows:


Unable to open interferogram

Hello,I am unable to open the interferogram on this interface, and there is no response after clicking it.
But the data of this interferogram can be displayed on other computers.
Is there any way to solve it? be deeply grateful!

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