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docker-conanexiles's Introduction


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Mod support reworked. Manual Installation with mods.txt File will no longer work. Use the New Env Variable. See the mods section within this readme for more informations and the list of mods we are currently using on our dedicated server - i can heavily recommend them.

While configuring my server and trying to fix some shortcomings i stumbled over an overwhelming good post about server tweaks: After enabling those settings, conanexiles feels indeed like another game. I added those configs within the example docker-compose.yml and also within this Readme. Hopefuly this will make you game experience alot better...


  • Full automatic provisioning of Steam and Conan Exiles Dedicated Server
  • Mod Support
  • Autoupdate and restart of the Conan Exiles server
  • Full control of every config aspect via Environment variables
  • Templates for first time setup
  • Running multiple instances with multiple config directories
  • RCON Support (Ingame Broadcast Msgs for Server events like update) --> DEFAULT ENABLED


READ the following sections Storage options, First Time Setup, Multi Instance Setup & Environment Variables and Config Options if you have not used this image before!

Get started

curl -LJO
docker-compose pull

Start all services (3 games services and 1 redis)

docker-compose up -d

Start one game service and redis

docker compose up -d

Update image and rollout

docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d


docker-compose down

Create a simplified docker-compose.yml

The docker-compose.yml file can be customized e.g. if you do not want to run several game servers.


podman-compose -f podman-compose.yml up

# recreate for testing. CARE: all volumes will be removed and new created --> data will be lost
# podman-compose -f podman-compose.yml up --force-recreate

NOTE: if you are on a system using podman instead of docker you can simply install podman-compose via:

pip3 install --user

At the moment we need to use the devel branch, because the support for volumes is only available there. Also restart: unless-stopped is not supported so we need to replace this with restart: always.


version: "3.5"

    image: alinmear/docker-conanexiles:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_AdminPassword=ThanksForThisSmartSolution"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_OnlineSubSystemSteam_ServerName=My Cool Server"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_OnlineSubSystemSteam_ServerPassword=MySecret"
      # Rcon for Ingame Notfication
      - "CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconEnabled=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconPassword=REDACTED"
      - "CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconPort=25575"
      - "CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconMaxKarma=60"
      # Mods
      - "CONANEXILES_MODS=880454836,1159180273,1389908968,1369743238,2050780234,2356146223,1701136207"
      # Very Good Defaults
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/onlinesubsystemutils.ipnetdriver_NetServerMaxTickRate=30" #INSERT A VALUE OF 30 OR HIGHER
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/onlinesubsystemutils.ipnetdriver_MaxClientRate=600000"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/onlinesubsystemutils.ipnetdriver_MaxInternetClientRate=600000"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_SystemSettings_dw.NetClientFloatsDuringNavWalking=0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/conansandbox.systemsettings_dw.EnableAISpawning=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/conansandbox.systemsettings_dw.EnableInitialAISpawningPass=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/conansandbox.systemsettings_dw.NPCsTargetBuildings=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/conansandbox.systemsettings_dw.nav.AvoidNonPawns=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/conansandbox.systemsettings_dw.EnableStaticRoamingPaths=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/conansandbox.systemsettings_dw.nav.InterpolateAvoidanceResult=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/conansandbox.systemsettings_dw.AILOD1Distance=4000"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/conansandbox.systemsettings_dw.AILOD2Distance=8000"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/conansandbox.systemsettings_dw.AILOD3Distance=11500"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/conansandbox.systemsettings_dw.SkeletalMeshTickRate=0.1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/conansandbox.systemsettings_dw.NpcLOD2ListenServerControllerTickRate=20.f"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/conansandbox.systemsettings_dw.NpcLOD3ListenServerControllerTickRate=20.f"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/conansandbox.systemsettings_dw.NpcLOD3ListenServerBehaviorTickRate=20.f"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/conansandbox.systemsettings_dw.NpcLOD2ListenServerMovementTickRate=2.0f"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/conansandbox.systemsettings_dw.NpcLOD3ListenServerMovementTickRate=20.f"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/conansandbox.systemsettings_dw.NpcLOD2ControllerTickRate=20.f"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/conansandbox.systemsettings_dw.NpcLOD3ControllerTickRate=20.f"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/conansandbox.systemsettings_dw.NpcLOD3BehaviorTickRate=20.f"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/conansandbox.systemsettings_dw.NpcLOD2MovementTickRate=2.0f"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/conansandbox.systemsettings_dw.NpcLOD3MovementTickRate=20.f"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/engine.renderersettings_r.GraphicsAdapter=-1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/engine.renderersettings_r.Cache.LightingCacheDimension=75"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/engine.renderersettings_r.AllowLandscapeShadows=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/engine.renderersettings_r.HighQualityLightMaps=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/engine.renderersettings_r.AOTrimOldRecordsFraction=0.5"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/engine.renderersettings_r.AOInterpolationAngleScale=1.1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/engine.renderersettings_r.AOInterpolationRadiusScale=1.1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/engine.renderersettings_r.AOHeightfieldOcclusion=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/engine.renderersettings_r.TemporalAASamples=4"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/engine.renderersettings_r.TemporalAACurrentFrameWeight=0.1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/engine.renderersettings_grass.densityScale=1.5"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/engine.physicssettings_RagdollAggregateThreshold=2"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/engine.physicssettings_bDefaultHasComplexCollision=True"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/engine.physicssettings_bSubstepping=True"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/engine.physicssettings_bSubsteppingAsync=True"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/engine.physicssettings_MaxSubstepDeltaTime=0.025"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/engine.physicssettings_MaxSubsteps=4"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/aimodule.crowdmanager_NavmeshCheckInterval=0.100000"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/aimodule.crowdmanager_PathOptimizationInterval=0.100000"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/aimodule.crowdmanager_bResolveCollisions=True"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/aimodule.aisystem_bAllowStrafing=True"
      - "CONANEXILES_Engine_/script/engine.audiosettings_bAllowCenterChannel3DPanning=True"
      - "CONANEXILES_Game_/script/engine.gamenetworkmanager_TotalNetBandwidth=80000000"
      - "CONANEXILES_Game_/script/engine.gamenetworkmanager_MaxDynamicBandwidth=100000"
      - "CONANEXILES_Game_/script/engine.gamenetworkmanager_MinDynamicBandwidth=10000"
      - "CONANEXILES_Game_/script/engine.gamenetworkmanager_MoveRepSize=512.0f"
      - "CONANEXILES_Game_/script/engine.gamenetworkmanager_MAXPOSITIONERRORSQUARED=3.0f"
      - "CONANEXILES_Game_/script/engine.gamenetworkmanager_MAXCLIENTUPDATEINTERVAL=0.25f"
      - "CONANEXILES_Game_/script/engine.gamenetworkmanager_MaxMoveDeltaTime=0.125f"
      - "CONANEXILES_Game_/script/engine.gamenetworkmanager_MaxClientSmoothingDeltaTime=1.0f"
      - "CONANEXILES_Game_/script/engine.gamenetworkmanager_ClientAuthorativePosition=true"
      - "CONANEXILES_Game_/script/engine.granitesettings_bAdvanced=True"
      - "CONANEXILES_Game_/script/engine.granitesettings_r.GraniteStreamLightMaps=True"
      - "CONANEXILES_Game_/script/conansandbox.aisense_newsight_MaxTracesPerTick=2000"
      - "CONANEXILES_Game_/script/conansandbox.aisenseconfig_newsight_PeripheralVisionAngleDegrees=75"
      - "CONANEXILES_Game_/script/aimodule.envquerymanager_MaxAllowedTestingTime=0.003"
      - "CONANEXILES_Game_/script/aimodule.envquerymanager_bTestQueriesUsingBreadth=false"
      - "CONANEXILES_Game_Settings.Physics.Cloth_MaxClothSimuatingActors=3"
      - "CONANEXILES_Game_Settings.Physics.Cloth_ClothSimulationAdjustmentInterval=0.650000"
      - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_RegionBlockList="
      - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_CorpsesPerPlayer=3"
      - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_MaxDeathMapMarkers=3"
      - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_BuildingPreloadRadius=90"
      - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_EnforceRotationRateWhenRoaming_2=False"
      - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_EnforceRotationRateInCombat_2=False"
      - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_TargetPredictionMaxSeconds=0.5"
      - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_TargetPredictionAllowSecondsForAttack=0.2"
      - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PlayerKnockbackMultiplier=0.25"
      - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_ClipVelocityOnNavmeshBoundary=True"
      - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_ValidatePhysNavWalkWithRaycast=true"
      - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_LocalNavMeshVisualizationFrequency=0.1"
      - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_RotateToTargetSendsAngularVelocity=True"
      - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PathFollowingSendsAngularVelocity=True"
      - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_UseLocalQuadraticAngularVelocityPrediction=true"
      - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_LQAVPUseTime=0.150000"
      - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_LQAVPFadeTime=0.100000"
      - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_LQAVPMethod=2"
      - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_NetworkSimulatedSmoothRotationTimeWithLQAVP=0.100000"
      - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_NPCRespawnMultiplier=5.000000"
      - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_NPCMaxSpawnCapMultiplier=1.000000 "
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_AntiAliasingQuality@0_r.MSAA.CompositingSampleCount=0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_AntiAliasingQuality@1_r.MSAA.CompositingSampleCount=2"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_AntiAliasingQuality@2_r.MSAA.CompositingSampleCount=4"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_AntiAliasingQuality@3_r.MSAA.CompositingSampleCount=4"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ViewDistanceQuality@0_r.ViewDistanceScale=3.4"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ViewDistanceQuality@1_r.ViewDistanceScale=3.6"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ViewDistanceQuality@2_r.ViewDistanceScale=3.8"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ViewDistanceQuality@3_r.ViewDistanceScale=4.0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@0_r.Shadow.CSM.MaxCascades=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@0_r.Shadow.MaxResolution=512"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@0_r.Shadow.DistanceScale=0.6"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@0_r.Shadow.MaxPointCasters=0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@0_r.Shadow.CSMDepthBias=30"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@1_r.Shadow.CSM.MaxCascades=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@1_r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold=0.05"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@1_r.Shadow.DistanceScale=0.7"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@1_r.Shadow.MaxPointCasters=0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@1_r.Shadow.CSMDepthBias=25"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@2_r.DistanceFieldAO=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@2_r.Shadow.MaxPointCasters=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@2_r.Shadow.CSMDepthBias=20"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@3_r.Shadow.CSM.MaxCascades=10"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@3_r.Shadow.CSM.TransitionScale=2"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@3_r.Shadow.CSMDepthBias=100"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@3_r.Shadow.MaxResolution=4096"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@3_r.Shadow.FadeExponent=0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@3_r.Shadow.Faderesolution=1024"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@3_r.DistanceFieldAO=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@3_r.Shadow.PerObjectDirectionalDepthBias=10000"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@3_r.Shadow.PointLightDepthBias=10000"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_ShadowQuality@3_r.Shadow.SpotLightDepthBias=10000"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_PostProcessQuality@0_r.AllowLandscapeShadows=0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_PostProcessQuality@0_r.HighQualityLightMaps=0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_PostProcessQuality@0_r.TonemapperQuality=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_PostProcessQuality@1_r.AllowLandscapeShadows=0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_PostProcessQuality@1_r.HighQualityLightMaps=0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_PostProcessQuality@1_r.TonemapperQuality=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_PostProcessQuality@2_r.BloomQuality=4"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_PostProcessQuality@2_r.TonemapperQuality=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_PostProcessQuality@3_r.AmbientOcclusionLevels=2"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_PostProcessQuality@3_r.DepthOfFieldQuality=4"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_PostProcessQuality@3_r.RenderTargetPoolMin=1000"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_PostProcessQuality@3_r.LensFlareQuality=3"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_PostProcessQuality@3_r.EyeAdaptationQuality=3"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_PostProcessQuality@3_r.Bloom.Cross=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_PostProcessQuality@3_r.Tonemapper.Quality=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_PostProcessQuality@3_r.Tonemapper.Sharpen=0.2"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_PostProcessQuality@3_r.ReflectionEnvironmentLightmapMixLargestWeight=7500"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_TextureQuality@0_r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_TextureQuality@0_r.Streaming.PoolSize=500"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_TextureQuality@1_r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_TextureQuality@1_r.Streaming.PoolSize=800"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_TextureQuality@2_r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_TextureQuality@2_r.Streaming.PoolSize=1500"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_TextureQuality@3_r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM=0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_TextureQuality@3_r.Streaming.PoolSize=3000"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@0_r.SSS.Scale=0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@0_r.SSS.Quality=0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@0_r.SSS.HalfRes=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@0_r.ParticleLightQuality=0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@1_r.SSS.Scale=0.75"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@1_r.SSS.Quality=0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@1_r.SSS.HalfRes=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@1_r.ParticleLightQuality=0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@2_r.ReflectionEnvironment=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@2_r.SubsurfaceQuality=0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@2_r.SSS.Scale=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@2_r.SSS.Quality=-1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@2_r.SSS.HalfRes=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@2_r.ParticleLightQuality=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@3_r.ReflectionEnvironment=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@3_r.SubsurfaceQuality=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@3_r.EmitterSpawnRateScale=1.5"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@3_r.SSR.Quality=4"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@3_r.SSS.Scale=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@3_r.SSS.Quality=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@3_r.SSS.HalfRes=0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@3_r.ParticleLightQuality=2"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_EffectsQuality@3_r.FluidQuality=2"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@0_r.GraniteSDK.MipBias=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@0_r.GraniteSDK.MaxAnisotropy=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@0_r.GraniteSDK.GPUCacheSizeScale=1.0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@0_r.GraniteSDK.CPUCacheSizeScale=1.0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@0_r.GraniteSDK.MinGPUCacheSizeInMB=10"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@0_r.GraniteSDK.MinCPUCacheSizeInMB=10"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@1_r.GraniteSDK.MipBias=0.5"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@1_r.GraniteSDK.MaxAnisotropy=2"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@1_r.GraniteSDK.GPUCacheSizeScale=3.0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@1_r.GraniteSDK.CPUCacheSizeScale=2.0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@1_r.GraniteSDK.MinGPUCacheSizeInMB=10"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@1_r.GraniteSDK.MinCPUCacheSizeInMB=10"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@2_r.GraniteSDK.MipBias=0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@2_r.GraniteSDK.MaxAnisotropy=4"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@2_r.GraniteSDK.GPUCacheSizeScale=5.0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@2_r.GraniteSDK.CPUCacheSizeScale=3.0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@2_r.GraniteSDK.MinGPUCacheSizeInMB=20"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@2_r.GraniteSDK.MinCPUCacheSizeInMB=20"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@3_r.GraniteSDK.MipBias=0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@3_r.GraniteSDK.MaxAnisotropy=8"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@3_r.GraniteSDK.GPUCacheSizeScale=10.0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@3_r.GraniteSDK.CPUCacheSizeScale=4.0"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@3_r.GraniteSDK.MinGPUCacheSizeInMB=20"
      - "CONANEXILES_Scalability_GraniteTextureQuality@3_r.GraniteSDK.MinCPUCacheSizeInMB=20 "
      - "CONANEXILES_CharacterLOD_/script/conansandbox.characterlodsystem_SimultaneousIK=8"
      - "CONANEXILES_CharacterLOD_/script/conansandbox.characterlodsystem_IKLodUpdateInterval=0.3"
      - "CONANEXILES_CharacterLOD_/script/conansandbox.characterlodsystem_IKRange=6000.000000"
      - "CONANEXILES_CharacterLOD_/script/conansandbox.characterlodsystem_SimultaneousHighQualityHair=8"
      - "CONANEXILES_CharacterLOD_/script/conansandbox.characterlodsystem_HairLodUpdateInterval=0.75 "
      - "CONANEXILES_Lightmass_DevOptions.PhotonMapping_NumIrradianceCalculationPhotons=2000"
      - "CONANEXILES_Lightmass_DevOptions.PhotonMapping_NumIrradianceCalculationPhotons=4096"
      - "CONANEXILES_Lightmass_DevOptions.PhotonMapping_IndirectPhotonSearchDistance=1000"
      - "CONANEXILES_Lightmass_DevOptions.PhotonMapping_IndirectPhotonSearchDistance=180"
      - "CONANEXILES_Lightmass_DevOptions.PhotonMapping_DirectIrradiancePhotonDensity=1024"
      - "CONANEXILES_Lightmass_DevOptions.PhotonMapping_IndirectPhotonDensity=20000"
      - "CONANEXILES_Lightmass_DevOptions.PhotonMapping_IndirectIrradiancePhotonDensity=16000"
      - "CONANEXILES_Lightmass_DevOptions.StaticLightingProductionQuality_NumHemisphereSamplesScale=100"
      - "CONANEXILES_Lightmass_DevOptions.StaticLightingProductionQuality_NumDirectPhotonsScale=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Lightmass_DevOptions.StaticLightingProductionQuality_NumIndirectPhotonsScale=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Lightmass_DevOptions.StaticLightingProductionQuality_NumIndirectIrradiancePhotonsScale=1"
      - "CONANEXILES_Lightmass_DevOptions.StaticLightingProductionQuality_AdaptiveBrightnessThresholdScale=.01"
      - "CONANEXILES_Lightmass_DevOptions.ImportanceTracing_NumHemisphereSamples=256" 

        - 7777:7777/udp
        - 7778:7778/udp
        - 27015:27015/udp
        - data:/conanexiles


Storage options

A persistent data storage for the configuration and game data is required.

No persistance = data is gone when the container shuts down!

With Docker you got two options Volumes and Bind mounts -


        - data:/conanexiles

Bind mount

        - /my-data:/conanexiles

First Time Setup

Provide a Config

If there is a folder with configurations found at /tmp/docker-conanexiles this folder will be copied to the config folder of the server. This will only happen if there is no configuration already existing (the case of a clean container initialization).

Default Templates

Use the environment variable CONANEXILES_SERVER_TYPE=pve to use the pve template; otherwise the pvp template will be used if no configuration has been provided.

Multi Instance Setup

It is possible to run multiple server instances with 1 Server Installation. For better understanding we have to split the conan-exiles installation into two parts:

  • Binaries for running the server
  • Configurations for an instance (db, configs)

We can create an architecture like this:

-> Instance 1 (Master-Server)
--> ConfigFolder1
-> Instance 2 (Slave-Server)
--> ConfigFolder2
-> Instance 3 (Slave-Server)
--> ConfigFolder3
-> Instance n (Slave-Server)
--> ConfigFolderN

The Master-Server is taking care about the binaries, more precisely keeping it up to date. If there is a new update, the master server will notify the Slave-Servers for shutting down to make the update. Afterwards the master informs the Slave-Servers to spin up again.

NOTE: There should always be only 1 Master-Server-Instance, otherwise it could break your setup, if two master server are updating at the same time.

!! STANDARD-Behavior: The Docker Image itself sets der master-server value to 1, which means that each server is a master server. For a multi instance setup you have to explicit set CONANEXILES_MASTERSERVER=0. You also have to specify the CONANEXILES_INSTANCENAME, otherwise your instances would write changes into the same db --> kaboom.

ENV-VARS to Setup:

    • Used for the DB and config file dir of the instance (-usedir)
    • Standard Port, for multiple instance you have to increment this per instance e.g. instance 0 Port 7777, instance 1 Port 7779, instance n Port 77yn
    • NOTE: You also have to adjust the proper port mapping within the compose file
    • Standard QueryPort, same as Port for multiple instances e.g. instance 0 QueryPort 27015, instance 1 QueryPort 27017, instance n QueryPort 270yn
    • NOTE: You also have to adjust the proper port mapping within the compose file

Default: CONANEXILES_MASTERSERVER = 1 (only the master server is able to make updates) Default: CONANEXILES_INSTANCENAME = saved (the default config folder name)

Mod Support

Mods can be install with the global env variable CONANEXILES_MODS. Specify ModIDs as comma separated list there. E.g.

version: "3.5"

    image: alinmear/docker-conanexiles:latest
      - redis
    restart: unless-stopped
      # Pippi: 880454836                                    # Servermanagemnt on another level
      # Fashionist: 1159180273                              # Nice Styles, also restyle ingame
      # Barbarian Barber: 2050780234                        # Very Nice Mod, with alot new hair styles; works well in combination with fashionist
      # Nilfhein minimap: 1389908968                        # Very nice minimap
      # Less Building Placement Restrictions: 1369743238    # Stop limitations of building system
      # Lexa's Exiled Lands Improved: 2356146223            # Dual Wield (Sword, Axe) and some other nice enhacements
      # Javelin Improved: 1701136207                        # One of the best, new javelin combos and styles, well balanced
      - "CONANEXILES_MODS=880454836,1159180273,1389908968,1369743238,2050780234,2356146223,1701136207"

NOTE: Yout can get the modids from Steamworkshop.

After a restart the mods will be downloaded, activated and updated via steamworkshop.

Environment Variables and Config Options

A conan exiles dedicated server uses a lot of configuration options to influence nearly every aspect of the game logics. To have full control of this complex configuration situation i implemented a logic to set these values in every config files.

ConanExiles uses a common ini format. That means that a config file has the following logic:



ConanExiles uses the following config files:

  • CharacterLOD.ini
  • Compat.ini
  • DeviceProfiles.ini
  • EditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini
  • Engine.ini
  • Game.ini
  • GameUserSettings.ini
  • GameplayTags.ini
  • GraniteCooked.ini
  • GraniteCookedMod.ini
  • Hardware.ini
  • Input.ini
  • Lightmass.ini
  • Scalability.ini
  • ServerSettings.ini


To set values in one of these ini files use the following logic to set environment variables: CONANEXILES_<filename>_<section>_<key>_<value>


To set e.g. the AdminPassword use the following logic: CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_AdminPassword=ThanksForThisSmartSolution (Note: The ini files is named ServerSettings.ini and the Section within the file has also the name ServerSettings)

To set e.g. the Servername and a ServerPassword: CONANEXILES_Engine_OnlineSubSystemSteam_ServerName="My Cool Server" CONANEXILES_Engine_OnlineSubSystemSteam_ServerPassword="MySecret"

NOTE: If an Environment Variable is set it will override the value within the specified ini file at every container startup. If an ServerAdmin manually changes values within the game, these will be lost after container restart.

List of separated environment variables

  • CONANEXILES_SERVER_TYPE This Variable defines the profile for the first time setup at container provisioning, if no config folder has been provided.

==> pvp ==> pve

  • CONANEXILES_CMDSWITCHES With this variable you are able to append switches to the exiles run command.

e.g. CONANEXILES_CMDSWITCHES="" will result in command=wine64 /conanexiles/ConanSandbox/Binaries/Win64/ConanSandboxServer-Win64-Test.exe -nosteamclient -game -server -log -userdir=%(ENV_CONANEXILES_INSTANCENAME)s

  • CONANEXILES_UPDATE_SHUTDOWN_TIMER With this variable you can set the amount of time in minutes, the server waits to shutdown for an update.

docker-conanexiles's People


alinmear avatar andargor avatar electrojo avatar jammsen avatar kijdam avatar othrayte avatar tbk avatar teejo75 avatar tmzasz avatar


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docker-conanexiles's Issues

Slave need initial redis SET update_running 1 to start

i have two instances running on my server and after reading the documentary i switched to a master-slave-config.

Master instance is runnig fine but slave stucks:

/bin/bash -x /usr/bin/conanexiles_controller

++ redis-cli -h redis --raw GET update_running
+ [[ '' == 1 ]]
+ sleep 10
+ true

my workaround is:

redis-cli -h redis SET update_running 1

is it possible to set this if Masterserver ist successfully started

Issues on Ubuntu 16.04.05

I have tried to deploy your image on the following configuration :

Containers: 2
Running: 2
Paused: 0
Stopped: 0
Images: 2
Server Version: 18.06.0-ce
Storage Driver: overlay2
Backing Filesystem: extfs
Supports d_type: true
Native Overlay Diff: true
Logging Driver: json-file
Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
Volume: local
Network: bridge host macvlan null overlay
Log: awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file logentries splunk syslog
Swarm: inactive
Runtimes: runc
Default Runtime: runc
Init Binary: docker-init
containerd version: d64c661f1d51c48782c9cec8fda7604785f93587
runc version: 69663f0bd4b60df09991c08812a60108003fa340
init version: fec3683
Security Options:
Profile: default
Kernel Version: 4.4.0-131-generic
Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS
OSType: linux
Architecture: x86_64
CPUs: 24
Total Memory: 106.3GiB
Name: alpha
Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
Debug Mode (client): false
Debug Mode (server): false
Experimental: false
Insecure Registries:
Live Restore Enabled: false

WARNING: No swap limit support

docker-compose.yml :

version: '2'

image: alinmear/docker-conanexiles
restart: unless-stopped
- "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_AdminPassword=xxxxx"
- "CONANEXILES_Engine_OnlineSubSystemSteam_ServerName='yyyyy'"
- "CONANEXILES_Engine_OnlineSubSystemSteam_ServerPassword=xxxxx"
- "CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconEnabled=1"
- "CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconPassword=xxxxx"
- "CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconPort=28022"
- "CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconMaxKarma=60"
- "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_IsBattlEyeEnabled=True"
- "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_clanMaxSize=15"
- 28020:28020/udp
- 28021:28021/udp
- 28022:28022/udp
- /root/game-servers/conan-exiles/serverdata-default:/conanexiles
image: redis:alpine
restart: always

There seem to be an issue when the server finishes booting, it's stuck using 30-40% CPU and never starts sending reports with 'LogServerStats: Sending report:'

2018-08-02 15:19:07,464 INFO exited: conanexilesUpdate (exit status 0; expected)
Info: Updated to build (2996369) successfully.
2018-08-02 15:19:14,144 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesServer' with pid 851
2018-08-02 15:19:15,595 INFO success: conanexilesServer entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
conanexilesServer: started

DEBUG: Initial installation finished.
LogOnline:Display: STEAM: Loading Steam SDK 1.38a
LogStreaming:Display: Async Loading initialized: Event Driven Loader: true, Async Loading Thread: true
Dreamworld:Display: Dreamworld project: CSAND
Dreamworld:Display: Dreamworld configuration: ConanSandbox.Client.VS2015.Live.Win64
Dreamworld:Display: Dreamworld platform: x64
Dreamworld:Display: Dreamworld revision: 104097
Dreamworld:Display: Dreamworld snapshot: 18788
Dreamworld:Display: Dreamworld branch: ConanSandbox_Stable
Dreamworld:Display: Platform (.ini):
Dreamworld:Display: Platform: WindowsServer
Dreamworld:Display: .ini sub-platform prefix:
LogWindowsMoviePlayer:Warning: FWindowsMoviePlayerModule::StartupModule Failed to load media libraries.
UserSettings:Display: User's IP Country Code is --
LogMemory:Display: Entered application state 'ConanSandboxStarting'.
LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Module 'EnvironmentQueryEditor' not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
LogRcon:Display: Rcon listen socket starting up using listen port 28022 ...
LogRcon:Display: Rcon is ready for client connections on!
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildingBase_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildingBase.BP_BuildingBase_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildAwning_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildAwning_T3.BP_BuildAwning_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildAwning_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildAwning_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildAwning_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildAwningCorner_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildAwningCorner_T3.BP_BuildAwningCorner_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildAwningCorner_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildAwningCorner_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildAwningCorner_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildPillar_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildPillar.BP_BuildPillar_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_V2_Trebuchet_Foundation_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/Trebuchet/Trebuchet_V2/BP_V2_Trebuchet_Foundation.BP_V2_Trebuchet_Foundation_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildStairs_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildStairs.BP_BuildStairs_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildCeiling_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildCeiling.BP_BuildCeiling_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildCeiling_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildCeiling_T3.BP_BuildCeiling_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildCeiling_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildCeiling_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildCeiling_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildCrenelatedWall_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildCrenelatedWall.BP_BuildCrenelatedWall_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildCrenelatedWall_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildCrenelatedWall_Khitai.BP_BuildCrenelatedWall_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildDoor_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildDoor.BP_BuildDoor_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildDoor_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildDoor_T3.BP_BuildDoor_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildDoor_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildDoor_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildDoor_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildDoorFrame_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildDoorFrame.BP_BuildDoorFrame_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildDoorFrame_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildDoorFrame_T3.BP_BuildDoorFrame_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildDoorFrame_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildDoorFrame_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildDoorFrame_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildFence_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildFence.BP_BuildFence_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildFence_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildFence_T3.BP_BuildFence_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildFence_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildFence_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildFence_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildFoundation_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildFoundation.BP_BuildFoundation_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildFoundation_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildFoundation_T3.BP_BuildFoundation_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildFoundation_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildFoundation_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildFoundation_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildGateFrame_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildGateFrame.BP_BuildGateFrame_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildGateFrame_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildGateFrame_T3.BP_BuildGateFrame_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildGateFrame_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildGateFrame_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildGateFrame_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildPillar_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildPillar_T3.BP_BuildPillar_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildPillar_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildPillar_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildPillar_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildRoof_Sloped.BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRamp_90degree_HL_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildRamp_90degree_HL_T3.BP_BuildRamp_90degree_HL_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRamp_90degree_HL_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildRamp_90degree_HL_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildRamp_90degree_HL_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRamp_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildRamp_T3.BP_BuildRamp_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRamp_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildRamp_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildRamp_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRoof_90degree_Inverted_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildRoof_90degree_Inverted_T3.BP_BuildRoof_90degree_Inverted_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRoof_90degree_Inverted_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildRoof_90degree_Inverted_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildRoof_90degree_Inverted_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRoof_90degree_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildRoof_90degree_T3.BP_BuildRoof_90degree_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRoof_90degree_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildRoof_90degree_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildRoof_90degree_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_T3.BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_Flipped_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_Flipped.BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_Flipped_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_Flipped_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_Flipped_T3.BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_Flipped_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_Flipped_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_Flipped_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_Flipped_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle.BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_T3.BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRooftop_end_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildRooftop_end_T3.BP_BuildRooftop_end_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRooftop_end_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildRooftop_end_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildRooftop_end_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRooftop_junctionL_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildRooftop_junctionL_T3.BP_BuildRooftop_junctionL_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRooftop_junctionL_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildRooftop_junctionL_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildRooftop_junctionL_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRooftop_junctionT_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildRooftop_junctionT_T3.BP_BuildRooftop_junctionT_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRooftop_junctionT_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildRooftop_junctionT_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildRooftop_junctionT_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRooftop_junctionX_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildRooftop_junctionX_T3.BP_BuildRooftop_junctionX_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRooftop_junctionX_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildRooftop_junctionX_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildRooftop_junctionX_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRooftop_pyramidtop_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildRooftop_pyramidtop_T3.BP_BuildRooftop_pyramidtop_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRooftop_pyramidtop_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildRooftop_pyramidtop_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildRooftop_pyramidtop_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRooftop_straight_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildRooftop_straight_T3.BP_BuildRooftop_straight_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRooftop_straight_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildRooftop_straight_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildRooftop_straight_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildStairs_Corner_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildStairs_Corner_T3.BP_BuildStairs_Corner_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildStairs_Corner_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildStairs_Corner_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildStairs_Corner_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildStairs_T3_Clean_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildStairs_T3_Clean.BP_BuildStairs_T3_Clean_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildStairs_T3_Clean_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildStairs_T3_Clean_Khitai.BP_BuildStairs_T3_Clean_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildStairs_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildStairs_T3.BP_BuildStairs_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildStairs_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildStairs_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildStairs_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWall_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildWall.BP_BuildWall_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildTrapdoor_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildTrapdoor.BP_BuildTrapdoor_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildTrapdoor_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildTrapdoor_T3.BP_BuildTrapdoor_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildTrapdoor_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildTrapdoor_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildTrapdoor_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildTriangle_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildTriangle.BP_BuildTriangle_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildTriangle_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildTriangle_T3.BP_BuildTriangle_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildTriangle_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildTriangle_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildTriangle_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildTriangleFoundation_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildTriangleFoundation.BP_BuildTriangleFoundation_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildTriangleFoundation_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildTriangleFoundation_T3.BP_BuildTriangleFoundation_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildTriangleFoundation_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildTriangleFoundation_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildTriangleFoundation_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWall_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildWall_T3.BP_BuildWall_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWall_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildWall_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildWall_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallCap_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildWallCap.BP_BuildWallCap_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallCap_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildWallCap_T3.BP_BuildWallCap_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallCap_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildWallCap_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildWallCap_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallSloped_Inverted_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildWallSloped_Inverted.BP_BuildWallSloped_Inverted_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallSloped_Inverted_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildWallSloped_Inverted_T3.BP_BuildWallSloped_Inverted_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallSloped_Inverted_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildWallSloped_Inverted_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildWallSloped_Inverted_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallSloped_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildWallSloped.BP_BuildWallSloped_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallSloped_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildWallSloped_T3.BP_BuildWallSloped_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallSloped_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildWallSloped_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildWallSloped_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_Inverted_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_Inverted.BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_Inverted_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_Inverted_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_Inverted_T3.BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_Inverted_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_Inverted_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_Inverted_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_Inverted_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped.BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_T3.BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallWindow_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildWallWindow.BP_BuildWallWindow_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallWindow_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildWallWindow_T3.BP_BuildWallWindow_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallWindow_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_BuildWallWindow_T3_Khitai.BP_BuildWallWindow_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_FenceFoundation_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_FenceFoundation.BP_FenceFoundation_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_FenceFoundation_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_FenceFoundation_T3.BP_FenceFoundation_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_FenceFoundation_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_FenceFoundation_T3_Khitai.BP_FenceFoundation_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_Master_Placeables_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/BP_Master_Placeables.BP_Master_Placeables_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_BlackJar_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_BlackJar.BP_PL_BlackJar_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Brazier_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_Brazier_Khitai.BP_PL_Brazier_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Brazier_Khitai2_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_Brazier_Khitai2.BP_PL_Brazier_Khitai2_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Carpet_Khitai_1_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_Carpet_Khitai_1.BP_PL_Carpet_Khitai_1_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Carpet_Khitai_2_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_Carpet_Khitai_2.BP_PL_Carpet_Khitai_2_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_CatIdol_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_CatIdol.BP_PL_CatIdol_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Cauldron1_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_Cauldron1.BP_PL_Cauldron1_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Cauldron2_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_Cauldron2.BP_PL_Cauldron2_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Cauldron3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_Cauldron3.BP_PL_Cauldron3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Cauldron4_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_Cauldron4.BP_PL_Cauldron4_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Door_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/BP_PL_Door.BP_PL_Door_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_GateDoor_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/BP_PL_GateDoor.BP_PL_GateDoor_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_RespawnPoint_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/BP_PL_RespawnPoint.BP_PL_RespawnPoint_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Chair_Master_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/BP_PL_Chair_Master.BP_PL_Chair_Master_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Chair_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_Chair_Khitai.BP_PL_Chair_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Chair_Khitai2_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_Chair_Khitai2.BP_PL_Chair_Khitai2_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_DragonIdol_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_DragonIdol.BP_PL_DragonIdol_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Instrument_Master_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/BP_PL_Instrument_Master.BP_PL_Instrument_Master_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Drum_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_Drum_Khitai.BP_PL_Drum_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Footrest_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_Footrest.BP_PL_Footrest_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_GateDoor_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/BP_PL_GateDoor_T3.BP_PL_GateDoor_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_GateDoor_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_GateDoor_T3_Khitai.BP_PL_GateDoor_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Hatch_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/BP_PL_Hatch.BP_PL_Hatch_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Hatch_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/BP_PL_Hatch_T3.BP_PL_Hatch_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Hatch_T3_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_Hatch_T3_Khitai.BP_PL_Hatch_T3_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_HL_Door_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/BP_PL_HL_Door_T3.BP_PL_HL_Door_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Khitai_Door_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_Khitai_Door_T3.BP_PL_Khitai_Door_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Khitai_FoldingScreen_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_Khitai_FoldingScreen.BP_PL_Khitai_FoldingScreen_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Lamp_Hanging_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_Lamp_Hanging.BP_PL_Lamp_Hanging_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Pillow_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_Pillow_Khitai.BP_PL_Pillow_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Statue_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_Statue.BP_PL_Statue_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Table_Khitai_1_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_Table_Khitai_1.BP_PL_Table_Khitai_1_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Table_Khitai_2_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_Table_Khitai_2.BP_PL_Table_Khitai_2_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_W_RiceLamp_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_W_RiceLamp.BP_PL_W_RiceLamp_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_W_Tapestry_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_W_Tapestry_Khitai.BP_PL_W_Tapestry_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PlaceableItemContainer_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/BP_PlaceableItemContainer.BP_PlaceableItemContainer_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Crafting_Station_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/BP_PL_Crafting_Station.BP_PL_Crafting_Station_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_WorkStation_Artisan_Khitai_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_WorkStation_Artisan_Khitai.BP_PL_WorkStation_Artisan_Khitai_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Zheng_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Khitai/Blueprints/BP_PL_Zheng.BP_PL_Zheng_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildAwning_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildAwning_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildAwning_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildAwningCorner_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildAwningCorner_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildAwningCorner_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildCeiling_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildCeiling_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildCeiling_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildCrenelatedWall_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildCrenelatedWall_Aquilonia.BP_BuildCrenelatedWall_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildDoor_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildDoor_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildDoor_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildDoorFrame_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildDoorFrame_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildDoorFrame_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildFence_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildFence_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildFence_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildFoundation_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildFoundation_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildFoundation_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildGateFrame_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildGateFrame_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildGateFrame_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildPillar_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildPillar_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildPillar_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRamp_90degree_HL_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildRamp_90degree_HL_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildRamp_90degree_HL_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRamp_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildRamp_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildRamp_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRoof_90degree_Inverted_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildRoof_90degree_Inverted_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildRoof_90degree_Inverted_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRoof_90degree_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildRoof_90degree_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildRoof_90degree_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_Flipped_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_Flipped_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_Flipped_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildRoof_Sloped_Triangle_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRooftop_end_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildRooftop_end_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildRooftop_end_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRooftop_junctionL_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildRooftop_junctionL_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildRooftop_junctionL_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRooftop_junctionT_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildRooftop_junctionT_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildRooftop_junctionT_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRooftop_junctionX_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildRooftop_junctionX_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildRooftop_junctionX_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRooftop_pyramidtop_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildRooftop_pyramidtop_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildRooftop_pyramidtop_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildRooftop_straight_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildRooftop_straight_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildRooftop_straight_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildStairs_Corner_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildStairs_Corner_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildStairs_Corner_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildStairs_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildStairs_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildStairs_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildStairs_T3_Clean_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildStairs_T3_Clean_Aquilonia.BP_BuildStairs_T3_Clean_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildTrapdoor_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildTrapdoor_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildTrapdoor_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildTriangle_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildTriangle_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildTriangle_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildTriangleFoundation_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildTriangleFoundation_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildTriangleFoundation_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWall_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildWall_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildWall_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallCap_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildWallCap_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildWallCap_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallSloped_Inverted_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildWallSloped_Inverted_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildWallSloped_Inverted_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallSloped_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildWallSloped_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildWallSloped_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_Inverted_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_Inverted_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_Inverted_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildWallSlopedFlipped_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildWallWindow_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_BuildWallWindow_T3_Aquilonia.BP_BuildWallWindow_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_FenceFoundation_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_FenceFoundation_T3_Aquilonia.BP_FenceFoundation_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Aquilonia_Door_T3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Aquilonia_Door_T3.BP_PL_Aquilonia_Door_T3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Aquilonian_FoldingScreen_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Aquilonian_FoldingScreen.BP_PL_Aquilonian_FoldingScreen_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_PrimaryRespawnPoint_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/BP_PL_PrimaryRespawnPoint.BP_PL_PrimaryRespawnPoint_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Bed_Common_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/BP_PL_Bed_Common.BP_PL_Bed_Common_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Bed_Aquilonian_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Bed_Aquilonian.BP_PL_Bed_Aquilonian_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_BedsideTable_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_BedsideTable_Aquilonia.BP_PL_BedsideTable_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Brazier_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Brazier_Aquilonia.BP_PL_Brazier_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Brazier_Aquilonia2_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Brazier_Aquilonia2.BP_PL_Brazier_Aquilonia2_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Brazier_ceilingchain_aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Brazier_ceilingchain_aquilonia.BP_PL_Brazier_ceilingchain_aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Carpet_Aquilonia_1_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Carpet_Aquilonia_1.BP_PL_Carpet_Aquilonia_1_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Chair_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Chair_Aquilonia.BP_PL_Chair_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Chair_Aquilonia_2_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Chair_Aquilonia_2.BP_PL_Chair_Aquilonia_2_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Chair_Aquilonia_3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Chair_Aquilonia_3.BP_PL_Chair_Aquilonia_3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Couch_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Couch_Aquilonia.BP_PL_Couch_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Desk_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Desk_Aquilonia.BP_PL_Desk_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Flag_Standing_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Flag_Standing_Aquilonia.BP_PL_Flag_Standing_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Flag_Standing_Aquilonia2_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Flag_Standing_Aquilonia2.BP_PL_Flag_Standing_Aquilonia2_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_GateDoor_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_GateDoor_T3_Aquilonia.BP_PL_GateDoor_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Harp_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Harp_Aquilonia.BP_PL_Harp_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Hatch_T3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Hatch_T3_Aquilonia.BP_PL_Hatch_T3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Pottery1_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Pottery1_Aquilonia.BP_PL_Pottery1_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Pottery2_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Pottery2_Aquilonia.BP_PL_Pottery2_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Pottery3_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Pottery3_Aquilonia.BP_PL_Pottery3_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Statue_Aquilonia1_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Statue_Aquilonia1.BP_PL_Statue_Aquilonia1_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Statue_Aquilonia2_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Statue_Aquilonia2.BP_PL_Statue_Aquilonia2_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Statue_Aquilonia3_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Statue_Aquilonia3.BP_PL_Statue_Aquilonia3_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Statue_Aquilonia4_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Statue_Aquilonia4.BP_PL_Statue_Aquilonia4_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Table_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_Table_Aquilonia.BP_PL_Table_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_W_Torch_Gas_Wall_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_W_Torch_Gas_Wall_Aquilonia.BP_PL_W_Torch_Gas_Wall_Aquilonia_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_WorkStation_Artisan_Aquilonia_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/DLC/DLC_Aquilonia/Blueprints/BP_PL_WorkStation_Artisan_Aquilonia.BP_PL_WorkStation_Artisan_Aquilonia_C
LogStreaming:Error: Couldn't find file for package /Engine/EditorMaterials/GizmoMaterial requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Engine/EditorMaterials/GizmoMaterial
LogStreaming:Error: Found 0 dependent packages...
LogInit:Display: Game Engine Initialized.
LogInit:Display: Starting Game.
UnitTest:Display: ClientState: 0
LogStreaming:Error: Couldn't find file for package /Engine/EditorMeshes/MatineeCam_SM requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Engine/EditorMeshes/MatineeCam_SM
LogStreaming:Error: Found 1 dependent packages...
LogStreaming:Error: /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_BuildingBase_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/BP_BuildingBase.BP_BuildingBase_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_Master_Placeables_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/BP_Master_Placeables.BP_Master_Placeables_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Door_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/BP_PL_Door.BP_PL_Door_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_GateDoor_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/BP_PL_GateDoor.BP_PL_GateDoor_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_RespawnPoint_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/BP_PL_RespawnPoint.BP_PL_RespawnPoint_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Chair_Master_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/BP_PL_Chair_Master.BP_PL_Chair_Master_C
IP2Location library error in opening database Z:/conanexiles/ConanSandbox/Binaries/ThirdParty/IP2Location/IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB1.BIN.
IP2Proxy library error in opening database Z:/conanexiles/ConanSandbox/Binaries/ThirdParty/IP2Location/IP2PROXY-IP-COUNTRY.BIN.
SpawnTable:Display: USpawnTableComponent Generating Static Data
LogMemory:Display: Entered application state 'InitGame'.
GlobalServerChannel:Display: Loading ServerSettings File: ../../../ConanSandbox/default0/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/ServerSettings.ini
ConanSandbox:Display: Creating database backup for new game build 104097
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 1
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: database Z:\conanexiles\ConanSandbox\default0\Saved\game.db backup complete.
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 41
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 40
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 39
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 38
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 37
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 36
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 35
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 34
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 33
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 32
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 31
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 30
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 29
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 28
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 27
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 26
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 25
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 24
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 23
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 22
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 21
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 20
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 19
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 18
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 17
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 16
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 15
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 14
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 13
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 12
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 11
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 10
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 9
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 8
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 7
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 6
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 5
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 4
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 3
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 2
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 1
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: database Z:\conanexiles\ConanSandbox\default0\Saved\game.db backup complete.
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 46
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 45
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 44
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 43
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 42
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 41
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 40
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 39
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 38
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 37
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 36
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 35
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 34
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 33
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 32
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 31
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 30
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 29
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 28
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 27
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 26
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 25
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 24
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 23
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 22
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 21
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 20
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 19
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 18
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 17
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 16
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 15
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 14
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 13
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 12
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 11
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 10
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 9
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 8
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 7
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 6
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 5
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 4
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 3
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 2
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: remaining pages: 1
Dreamworld:Display: CreateBackup: database Z:\conanexiles\ConanSandbox\default0\Saved\game.db backup complete.
Main:Display: Creating ServiceActors for "/Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/ConanSandbox.ConanSandbox:PersistentLevel.BaseGameState_C_0"...
Main:Display: Registered service actor "/Game/Systems/Combat/ComboSystem/BP_ComboRulesLookup.BP_ComboRulesLookup_C" with interface "/Game/Systems/Combat/ComboSystem/BP_ComboRulesLookupInterface.BP_ComboRulesLookupInterface_C".
Audio:Display: Not creating SoundStage: Running on dedicated server.
LogMemory:Display: Entered application state 'StartPlay'.
LogGameMode:Display: Match State Changed from EnteringMap to WaitingToStart
LogGameMode:Display: Match State Changed from WaitingToStart to InProgress
LogMemory:Display: Entered application state 'MatchStarting'.
LogStreaming:Error: Couldn't find file for package /Engine/EditorLandscapeResources/DataLayer requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Engine/EditorLandscapeResources/DataLayer
LogStreaming:Error: Found 1 dependent packages...
LogStreaming:Error: /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/Art/Heightmap/Heightmap_x0_y0
LogPhysics:Warning: FConstraintInstance::GetRefFrame : Contained scale.
LogPhysics:Warning: FConstraintInstance::GetRefFrame : Contained scale.
LogPhysics:Warning: FConstraintInstance::GetRefFrame : Contained scale.
LogPhysics:Warning: FConstraintInstance::GetRefFrame : Contained scale.
LogStreaming:Error: Couldn't find file for package /Engine/EditorLandscapeResources/SplineEditorMesh requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Engine/EditorLandscapeResources/SplineEditorMesh
LogStreaming:Error: Found 1 dependent packages...
LogStreaming:Error: /Game/Maps/ConanSandbox/Art/Heightmap/Heightmap_x1_y5
GlobalServerChannel:Display: Loading ServerSettings File: ../../../ConanSandbox/default0/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/ServerSettings.ini
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Upgrading C++ serversettings from version 3 to version 10...
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Resetting server setting to default: 'PathFollowingSendsAngularVelocity'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - Before: 'false'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - After: 'false'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Resetting server setting to default: 'UseLocalQuadraticAngularVelocityPrediction'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - Before: 'true'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - After: 'false'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Resetting server setting to default: 'UseLocalQuadraticAngularVelocityPrediction'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - Before: 'false'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - After: 'false'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Resetting server setting to default: 'NPCMindReadingMode'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - Before: 'None'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - After: 'None'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Resetting server setting to default: 'LQAVPMethod'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - Before: 'BrokenAbsolute'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - After: 'BrokenAbsolute'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Resetting server setting to default: 'CoopTetheringLimit'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - Before: '52000.0'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - After: '52000.0'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Resetting server setting to default: 'CoopTetheringLimit'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - Before: '52000.0'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - After: '52000.0'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Upgrading BP serversettings from version 14 to version 19.
GlobalServerChannel:Warning: Code: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Failed resetting server setting to default: 'RotateToTargetSendsAngularVelocity'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Resetting server setting to default: 'StaminaExhaustionTime'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - Before: '3.0'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - After: '3.0'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Resetting server setting to default: 'StaminaRegenerationTime'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - Before: '3.0'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - After: '3.0'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Resetting server setting to default: 'StaminaMovingRegenRateMultiplier'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - Before: '1.0'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - After: '1.0'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Resetting server setting to default: 'StaminaStaticRegenRateMultiplier'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - Before: '1.0'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - After: '1.0'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Resetting server setting to default: 'PlayerStaminaRegenSpeedScale'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - Before: '1.0'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - After: '1.0'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Resetting server setting to default: 'PlayerStaminaCostMultiplier'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - Before: '1.0'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - After: '1.0'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Resetting server setting to default: 'PlayerStaminaCostSprintMultiplier'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - Before: '1.0'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - After: '1.0'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Resetting server setting to default: 'PlayerStaminaMultiplier'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - Before: '1.0'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - After: '1.0'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Resetting server setting to default: 'StaminaCostMultiplier'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - Before: '1.0'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - After: '1.0'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Resetting server setting to default: 'StaminaOnConsumeRegenPause'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - Before: '1.5'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - After: '1.5'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Resetting server setting to default: 'FriendlyFireDamageMultiplier'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - Before: '0.25'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - After: '0.25'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Resetting server setting to default: 'DodgeStaminaCost'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - Before: '3.75'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - After: '3.75'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Resetting server setting to default: 'StaminaOnConsumeRegenPause'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - Before: '1.5'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - After: '1.5'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] Resetting server setting to default: 'StaminaOnExhaustionRegenPause'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - Before: '2.75'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: [BP_ServerSettings_C_2] - After: '2.75'
GlobalServerChannel:Display: Loading ServerSettings File: ../../../ConanSandbox/default0/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/ServerSettings.ini
GlobalServerChannel:Display: Saving ServerSettings File: ../../../ConanSandbox/default0/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/ServerSettings.ini
GlobalServerChannel:Display: Loading ServerSettings File: ../../../ConanSandbox/default0/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/ServerSettings.ini
ConanSandbox:Display: AServerBlacklist::LoadSettings(): Blacklist file Z:/conanexiles/ConanSandbox/default0/Saved//blacklist.txt does not exist
ConanSandbox:Display: AServerBlacklist::LoadSettings(): Whitelist file Z:/conanexiles/ConanSandbox/default0/Saved//whitelist.txt does not exist
Audio:Display: [ConanSandbox_C_0] Not loading environment audio level: Dedicated server.
Items:Error: Data: [BP_interactable_clientside_352] missing lore item in table: 0
Items:Error: Data: [BP_Emote_Worship_Mitra] missing lore item in table: 0
Items:Error: Data: [BP_Emote_Worship_Set] missing lore item in table: 0
Items:Error: Data: [BP_Emote_Worship_Yog] missing lore item in table: 0
Items:Error: Data: [Teach_Skulltaker_feat] missing lore item in table: 0
Items:Error: Data: [BP_Emote_ByYmir] missing lore item in table: 0
Items:Error: Data: [BP_interactable_clientside7_357] missing lore item in table: 0
Items:Error: Data: [BP_interactable_clientside_342] missing lore item in table: 0
Items:Error: Data: [Feat_RelicHunterBanners] missing lore item in table: 0
Items:Error: Data: [Feat_DogsBanners] missing lore item in table: 0
Items:Error: Data: [Feat_BlackHandBanners] missing lore item in table: 0
Items:Error: Data: [Feat_BlackHandBanners2] missing lore item in table: 0
Items:Error: Data: [BP_interactable_clientside_352] missing lore item in table: 0
Items:Error: Data: [BP_interactable_clientside2_332] missing lore item in table: 0
Items:Error: Data: [BP_interactable_clientside_707] missing lore item in table: 0
Items:Error: Data: [Feat_Darfari_Banners] missing lore item in table: 0
Items:Error: Data: [BP_interactable_clientside_347] missing lore item in table: 0
Items:Error: Data: [BP_interactable_clientside_367] missing lore item in table: 0
Items:Error: Data: [BP_interactable_clientside_567] missing lore item in table: 0
Items:Error: Data: [BP_interactable_clientside_227] missing lore item in table: 0
Items:Error: Data: [BP_interactable_key_chest_217] missing lore item in table: 0
Persistence:Display: WorldPersistence: Loading 0 actors
Persistence:Display: WorldPersistence: Finished loading actors
LogMemory:Display: Entered application state 'WorldPersistenceDone'.
Persistence:Display: WorldPersistence: Found 0 alive characters
Network:Display: Network usage last 17087872.00 seconds
Network:Display: out bytes min;out bytes max;out bytes avg;out bytes total;out parts min;out parts max;out parts avg;out parts total;in bytes min;in bytes max;in bytes avg;in bytes total;actor
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PlaceableItemContainer_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/BP_PlaceableItemContainer.BP_PlaceableItemContainer_C
Building:Warning: Data: ABuildableBase::LoadCDOItemData [Default__BP_PL_Crafting_Station_C] HasBuildingItem failed at: /Game/Systems/Building/Placeables/BP_PL_Crafting_Station.BP_PL_Crafting_Station_C
ItemInventory:Warning: Code: ERROR: UItemInventory::Save() attempt to save inventory PlaceableInventory from actor BP_PL_Volcanic_Forge_C_0 before it was done loading.
ItemInventory:Warning: Code: ERROR: UItemInventory::Save() attempt to save inventory CraftingQueue from actor BP_PL_Volcanic_Forge_C_0 before it was done loading.
ItemInventory:Warning: Code: ERROR: UItemInventory::Save() attempt to save inventory PlaceableInventory from actor BP_PL_Frost_Temple_Forge_C_0 before it was done loading.
ItemInventory:Warning: Code: ERROR: UItemInventory::Save() attempt to save inventory CraftingQueue from actor BP_PL_Frost_Temple_Forge_C_0 before it was done loading.
ItemInventory:Warning: Code: ERROR: UItemInventory::Save() attempt to save inventory PlaceableInventory from actor BP_Storymission_ChaosmouthAltar_C_0 before it was done loading.
ItemInventory:Warning: Code: ERROR: UItemInventory::Save() attempt to save inventory PlaceableInventory from actor BP_Storymission_BatTower_C_0 before it was done loading.
ItemInventory:Warning: Code: ERROR: UItemInventory::Save() attempt to save inventory CraftingQueue from actor BP_Storymission_BatTower_C_0 before it was done loading.
LogStreaming:Error: Couldn't find file for package /Game/Characters/NPCs/Big_Cat/Blueprints/BP_NPC_Wildlife_Tiger_Alpha requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Game/Characters/NPCs/Big_Cat/Blueprints/BP_NPC_Wildlife_Tiger_Alpha
LogStreaming:Error: Found 0 dependent packages...
LogDataTable:Warning: UDataTable::FindRow : 'GETTHRALLTIER' requested row '15' not in DataTable '/Game/Systems/Thrall/ThrallTierDataTable.ThrallTierDataTable'.
SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::GetThrallTier - could not find SpawnTable with ID: 15
LogDataTable:Warning: UDataTable::FindRow : 'GETTHRALLTIER' requested row '15' not in DataTable '/Game/Systems/Thrall/ThrallTierDataTable.ThrallTierDataTable'.
SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::GetThrallTier - could not find SpawnTable with ID: 15
LogDataTable:Warning: UDataTable::FindRow : 'GETTHRALLTIER' requested row '15' not in DataTable '/Game/Systems/Thrall/ThrallTierDataTable.ThrallTierDataTable'.
SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::GetThrallTier - could not find SpawnTable with ID: 15
LogDataTable:Warning: UDataTable::FindRow : 'GETTHRALLTIER' requested row '15' not in DataTable '/Game/Systems/Thrall/ThrallTierDataTable.ThrallTierDataTable'.
SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::GetThrallTier - could not find SpawnTable with ID: 15
LogDataTable:Warning: UDataTable::FindRow : 'GETTHRALLTIER' requested row '15' not in DataTable '/Game/Systems/Thrall/ThrallTierDataTable.ThrallTierDataTable'.
SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::GetThrallTier - could not find SpawnTable with ID: 15
LogDataTable:Warning: UDataTable::FindRow : 'GETTHRALLTIER' requested row '15' not in DataTable '/Game/Systems/Thrall/ThrallTierDataTable.ThrallTierDataTable'.
SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::GetThrallTier - could not find SpawnTable with ID: 15
LogDataTable:Warning: UDataTable::FindRow : 'GETTHRALLTIER' requested row '15' not in DataTable '/Game/Systems/Thrall/ThrallTierDataTable.ThrallTierDataTable'.
SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::GetThrallTier - could not find SpawnTable with ID: 15
LogDataTable:Warning: UDataTable::FindRow : 'GETTHRALLTIER' requested row '15' not in DataTable '/Game/Systems/Thrall/ThrallTierDataTable.ThrallTierDataTable'.
SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::GetThrallTier - could not find SpawnTable with ID: 15
LogDataTable:Warning: UDataTable::FindRow : 'GETTHRALLTIER' requested row '15' not in DataTable '/Game/Systems/Thrall/ThrallTierDataTable.ThrallTierDataTable'.
SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::GetThrallTier - could not find SpawnTable with ID: 15
LogDataTable:Warning: UDataTable::FindRow : 'GETTHRALLTIER' requested row '15' not in DataTable '/Game/Systems/Thrall/ThrallTierDataTable.ThrallTierDataTable'.
SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::GetThrallTier - could not find SpawnTable with ID: 15
LogDataTable:Warning: UDataTable::FindRow : 'GETTHRALLTIER' requested row '15' not in DataTable '/Game/Systems/Thrall/ThrallTierDataTable.ThrallTierDataTable'.
SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::GetThrallTier - could not find SpawnTable with ID: 15
LogDataTable:Warning: UDataTable::FindRow : 'GETTHRALLTIER' requested row '15' not in DataTable '/Game/Systems/Thrall/ThrallTierDataTable.ThrallTierDataTable'.
SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::GetThrallTier - could not find SpawnTable with ID: 15
LogDataTable:Warning: UDataTable::FindRow : 'GETTHRALLTIER' requested row '15' not in DataTable '/Game/Systems/Thrall/ThrallTierDataTable.ThrallTierDataTable'.
SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::GetThrallTier - could not find SpawnTable with ID: 15
LogDataTable:Warning: UDataTable::FindRow : 'GETTHRALLTIER' requested row '15' not in DataTable '/Game/Systems/Thrall/ThrallTierDataTable.ThrallTierDataTable'.
SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::GetThrallTier - could not find SpawnTable with ID: 15
LogDataTable:Warning: UDataTable::FindRow : 'GETTHRALLTIER' requested row '15' not in DataTable '/Game/Systems/Thrall/ThrallTierDataTable.ThrallTierDataTable'.
SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::GetThrallTier - could not find SpawnTable with ID: 15
LogDataTable:Warning: UDataTable::FindRow : 'GETTHRALLTIER' requested row '15' not in DataTable '/Game/Systems/Thrall/ThrallTierDataTable.ThrallTierDataTable'.
SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::GetThrallTier - could not find SpawnTable with ID: 15
LogDataTable:Warning: UDataTable::FindRow : 'GETTHRALLTIER' requested row '15' not in DataTable '/Game/Systems/Thrall/ThrallTierDataTable.ThrallTierDataTable'.
SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::GetThrallTier - could not find SpawnTable with ID: 15
LogDataTable:Warning: UDataTable::FindRow : 'GETTHRALLTIER' requested row '15' not in DataTable '/Game/Systems/Thrall/ThrallTierDataTable.ThrallTierDataTable'.
SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::GetThrallTier - could not find SpawnTable with ID: 15
LogDataTable:Warning: UDataTable::FindRow : 'GETTHRALLTIER' requested row '15' not in DataTable '/Game/Systems/Thrall/ThrallTierDataTable.ThrallTierDataTable'.
SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::GetThrallTier - could not find SpawnTable with ID: 15

I am quite sure I am doing something rong since nobody else reported this issue... thanks for any eventual help.


test live support?

It might already do this, but can we have a simple environmental variable to enable downloading/updating using -beta testlive for our test servers? Keep up the good work.

CreateProcess() returned 5


I'm trying to set this up on my Docker host (a Windows box running Docker Desktop under WSL2). If I open port 5900 and use a VNC client to connect, I'm seeing this error message:


Pressing OK just terminates the process I presume, and in a few seconds I see the same error message being displayed.

There's not much in the logs, they end like this:

max open descriptors set to 2048

2022-02-16 05:58:16,484 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesServer' with pid 1502

2022-02-16 05:58:17,486 INFO success: conanexilesServer entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)

conanexilesServer: started

max open descriptors set to 2048

max open descriptors set to 2048

max open descriptors set to 2048

max open descriptors set to 2048

max open descriptors set to 2048

2022-02-16 06:04:24,974 INFO exited: conanexilesServer (exit status 45; not expected)

max open descriptors set to 2048

2022-02-16 06:04:49,122 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesServer' with pid 1837

2022-02-16 06:04:50,124 INFO success: conanexilesServer entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)

conanexilesServer: started

I basically set this up exactly as in the checked in docker-compose.yml (same environment variables, same open ports, etc.). Please let me know if there's any additional information I can collect or any steps I can take to troubleshoot.

Thank you!

Server only shows in "invalid"


I just used your docker-compose file without any modification except the name and password and my server won't show in the server list. It only shows when I check the "show invalid servers" checkbox.

I can connect to my server using the private or public IP using the "direct connection" button though.

Of course I opened all the necessary ports in my router, 7777 TCP/UDP 7778 UDP and 27015 UDP. I even put the server in the DMZ just to be sure it's not network related.

Any idea of what could be the issue here ?

Choose what expose


Your solution is very good, thank you a lot !
But I have a suggestion for the multiple instance. In your docker file you expose multiple ports. I propose to do that in the docker-compose file with the key word "expose" and not hardcoded in the docker file.

Best regards

INFO gave up: conanexilesServer entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly

I cant get this to work I am using unraids docker manager. Running this command (edited to be more readable and anonymized)

docker run -d --name="ConanExiles" --net="bridge" -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" \
-e HOST_OS="unRAID" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_AdminPassword"="xxx" \
-e "CONANEXILES_Engine_OnlineSubSystemSteam_ServerName"="xxx" \
-e "CONANEXILES_Engine_OnlineSubSystemSteam_ServerPassword"="xxx" \
-e "CONANEXILES_SERVER_TYPE"="pvp" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" \
-p 7777:7777/udp -p 7778:7778/udp -p 27015:27015/udp \
-v "/mnt/user/appdata/conanexiles":"/conanexiles":rw \

The stdout

[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/conanexiles/ConanSandbox/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/Engine.ini'
Parameter not found: ServerPassword
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/supervisor/ UserWarning: Supervisord is running as root and it is searching for its configuration file in default locations (including its current working directory); you probably want to specify a "-c" argument specifying an absolute path to a configuration file for improved security.
'Supervisord is running as root and it is searching '
2017-12-14 08:59:39,526 CRIT Supervisor running as root (no user in config file)
2017-12-14 08:59:39,526 WARN Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/conanexiles.conf" during parsing
2017-12-14 08:59:39,543 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2017-12-14 08:59:39,543 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
2017-12-14 08:59:39,544 INFO supervisord started with pid 73
2017-12-14 08:59:40,547 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesController' with pid 86
Info: Backed up current build db and configs to /conanexiles/ConanSandbox/Saved.
2017-12-14 08:59:41,015 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesUpdate' with pid 121
2017-12-14 08:59:41,026 INFO exited: conanexilesUpdate (exit status 126; not expected)
2017-12-14 08:59:42,028 INFO success: conanexilesController entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2017-12-14 08:59:42,030 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesUpdate' with pid 125
2017-12-14 08:59:42,046 INFO exited: conanexilesUpdate (exit status 126; not expected)
conanexilesUpdate: ERROR (spawn error)

Info: Updated to build () successfully.
2017-12-14 08:59:43,438 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesServer' with pid 157
2017-12-14 08:59:43,628 INFO exited: conanexilesServer (exit status 2; not expected)
2017-12-14 08:59:44,630 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesServer' with pid 160
2017-12-14 08:59:44,632 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesUpdate' with pid 161
2017-12-14 08:59:44,639 INFO exited: conanexilesUpdate (exit status 126; not expected)
2017-12-14 08:59:44,646 INFO exited: conanexilesServer (exit status 2; not expected)
conanexilesServer: ERROR (spawn error)

conanexilesServer: ERROR (already started)

2017-12-14 08:59:46,897 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesServer' with pid 172
2017-12-14 08:59:46,905 INFO exited: conanexilesServer (exit status 2; not expected)
2017-12-14 08:59:47,907 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesUpdate' with pid 173
2017-12-14 08:59:47,917 INFO exited: conanexilesUpdate (exit status 126; not expected)
2017-12-14 08:59:48,919 INFO gave up: conanexilesUpdate entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly
2017-12-14 08:59:49,921 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesServer' with pid 177
2017-12-14 08:59:49,935 INFO exited: conanexilesServer (exit status 2; not expected)
2017-12-14 08:59:50,936 INFO gave up: conanexilesServer entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly

mod support


Sorry but is there any mod support or any instructions on how I can get mods working on the server?


Autoupdate issue


First let me thank you for your work on this docker container. It rocks.

I just noticed that whenever an update is pushed on steam the server is not automatically updated.

To have it updating the server I need to remove lastUpdate file in /conanexiles and restart the container.

Anyone else having this issue ?

Thanks !

mod support

Are you planning to add mod downloading/updating in the script?

General request: How to disable autoupdate with server restart?

My dedicated server is running fine, but sometimes there are a lot of
unscheduled crashes/restarts. I've been going trough the server logs
in retrospect, and I just found out that these restarts are because of
autoupdates of Conan. Ref:

Info: New build available. Updating 2765854 -> 2783891
2018-05-18 11:02:54,728 INFO waiting for conanexilesServer to stop
Info: New build available. Updating 2783891 ->
2018-05-20 05:17:53,703 INFO waiting for conanexilesServer to stop
Info: New build available. Updating 2783891 ->
2018-05-20 14:03:13,261 INFO waiting for conanexilesServer to stop
Info: New build available. Updating 2783891 ->
2018-05-21 22:46:16,150 INFO waiting for conanexilesServer to stop
Info: New build available. Updating 2783891 ->
2018-05-22 01:09:42,825 INFO waiting for conanexilesServer to stop
Info: New build available. Updating 2783891 ->
2018-05-22 23:18:12,763 INFO waiting for conanexilesServer to stop
Info: New build available. Updating 2783891 ->
2018-05-24 06:50:18,322 INFO waiting for conanexilesServer to stop
Info: New build available. Updating 2783891 ->
2018-05-24 21:01:55,758 INFO waiting for conanexilesServer to stop
Info: New build available. Updating 2783891 -> 2804283
2018-05-25 13:30:55,489 INFO waiting for conanexilesServer to stop

What is the simplest way of doing these restarts more controlled?

Game process runs out of adressable memory

Dear @alinmear

When using mods who pile up to more than 8GB RAM allocation, the game dies after a short time unable to claim more than roughly 8GB RAM, even on hosts than have more RAM with no limitations in place sides docker or the OS.

this is that the logs look like (it dies after this shown warning, struggling to allocate more):

well this kept us busy some time with out server after we recently chose to switch to AoC with our community server. the server died off reproducably and we could not find the issue, even the hoster shrugged it off, guaranteed that our machine really has 16GB ;) and we even tried on an other hoster with different infrastructure and still it died like that.

Iยดm not sure what it is, couldnยดt find any clues but something in this container seems to have serious issues in either memory management or bitness ;) or at least youยดll have a clue.

how to reproduce? just add this modlist and start it up. give it some time, it will take rougly 20mins to die, uhh to start up. watch the RAM allocation grow to 7.63GB via htop, that is the moment it rips on most occasions.


also we use 60hz


I know its many mods and less would be better, but in theory it should not die of OOM. at this moment i cannot exclude some memory leakage in the mods or issues with the constellations, but still it should at least die OOM at higher yields than half the available resources. its the only thing than ran on this server. and of course we donยดt know what weยดre doing with this but there is not much thing to fail with asides from having the correct mod order (which we do or at least in a relative way, but it doesnยดt really matter since it dies in different orders and combinations in the same way).

we ran it on a 4 cpu 16gb ram intel xeon server with ssd with ubuntu 20.04, latest docker and compose installs.
thank you so much for looking into this, like in the movies: youยดre our only hope!

until then weยดll live without AoC and love your software, thanx!

edit: minor detailing, typos, address <3

No RCON warning on update

The readme indicates that a broadcast message is sent via RCON to warn about incoming updates, but today we were dropped without warning for the update. Is it enabled by default?

docker run command:

docker run -d -p 7777-7778:7777-7778 -p 7777-7778:7777-7778/udp -p 27000-27015:27000-27015 -p 27000-27015:27000-27015/udp -p 32330:32330 \
-e TZ="America/Montreal" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_AdminPassword"="XXXX" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_ServerPassword"="XXXX" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_HarvestAmountMultiplier"=2 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PlayerXPRateMultiplier"=1 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_ThrallConversionMultiplier"=0.1 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_ItemConvertionMultiplier"=0.1 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PlayerIdleThirstMultiplier"=0.25 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PlayerActiveThirstMultiplier"=0.5 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PlayerIdleHungerMultiplier"=0.25 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PlayerActiveHungerMultiplier"=0.5 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_DayCycleSpeedScale"=0.25 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_DayTimeSpeedScale"=0.5 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_NightTimeSpeedScale"=4.0 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_LogoutCharactersRemainInTheWorld"="False" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_DurabilityMultiplier"=2 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_DropEquipmentOnDeath"="True" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_EverybodyCanLootCorpse"="True" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_ItemSpoilRateScale"=1.0 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_ResourceRespawnSpeedMultiplier"=0.5 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_ThrallExclusionRadius"=100 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_UnconsciousTimeSeconds"=3600 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_DisableBuildingAbandonment"="True" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_EnablePurge"="True" \
-e "CONANEXILES_Engine_OnlineSubSystemSteam_ServerName"="AndargorPlayground" \
-e "CONANEXILES_Engine_OnlineSubSystemSteam_ServerPassword"="XXXX" \
-e "CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconPassword"="XXXX" \
-e "CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconPort"=32330 \
-v /local2/conanexiles:/conanexiles --name conanexiles --security-opt apparmor=docker-ptrace --restart=always alinmear/docker-conanexiles

/usr/bin/ errors on start

Recreating conan_conanexiles_1
Attaching to conan_conanexiles_1
conanexiles_1  | /usr/bin/ line 170: redis: Name or service not known
conanexiles_1  | /usr/bin/ line 170: FD: Invalid argument
conanexiles_1  | /usr/bin/ line 172: $FD: ambiguous redirect
conanexiles_1  | /usr/bin/ line 211: $FD: ambiguous redirect
conanexiles_1  | /usr/bin/ line 214: FD: ambiguous redirect

here's my docker-compose.yml:

version: '2'

    image: test01
    restart: always
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_AdminPassword=REDACTED"
        - "CONANEXILES_Engine_OnlineSubSystemSteam_ServerName=REDACTED"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PlayerXPRateMultiplier=1.5"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_HarvestAmountMultiplier=2"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_CraftingSpeedMultiplier=0.8"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_ClanMaxSize=8"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_MaxAggroRange=500"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_IsBattlEyeEnabled=true"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_RestrictPVPBuildingDamageTime=true"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PVPBuildingDamageTimeWeekdayStart=1700"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PVPBuildingDamageTimeWeekdayEnd=2300"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PVPBuildingDamageTimeWeekendStart=1200"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PVPBuildingDamageTimeWeekendEnd=0000"
        - "CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconEnabled=1"
        - "CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconPassword=REDACTED"
        - "CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconPort=25575"
        - "CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconMaxKarma=60"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_MinPurgeOnlinePlayers=1"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PurgeLevel=3"
        - 7777:7777/udp
        - 7778:7778/udp
        - 27015:27015/udp
        - 25575:25575/udp
        - 25575:25575/tcp
        - /conan-files:/conanexiles
        - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
        - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro

image is test01 because i changed timezone to US/Central via Dockerfile:

FROM alinmear/docker-conanexiles:latest
RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Central /etc/localtime && echo US/Central > /etc/timezone

Not working anymore after 16.06.2020 update?


it's not directly a issue of the docker container itself, but
is it possible that running conan exiles server via wine is not working anymore via wine? does someone has an idea how to fix it?

It always crashes somewhere

Feature-Request: Variable Update-Timer

Hey @alinmear ,
first of, love your work, its awesome, thanks a lot!

As a feature request, i would love to see an environment variable in the Dockerfile, maybe something similar like CONANEXILES_Update_Timer=15 so its possible to set the update-interval down from 15minutes to like 3 or so.

At the moment its static in the conanexiles_controller (Bash) in the update function on line 116 and in the rcon-cli its like semi static on line 58 def shutdown (my Pyhton is basically non existent sorry for that) as far as i understand. Also the readme.MD might need a change.

Do you thing we can do that?

Server not showing in servers list

I am able to connect to server via "Direct Connect" (external IP), but the server never appears in "Servers List". Is this normal behavior?

Env not added to settings

First, thanks for the cool docker. i have used it for some time, but on a server reinstall, i started my usual docker-compose and no Env where added to setting. Specifically, the "AdminPassword and "ServerPassword" where not in my .ini.
So free login to the server, no access to the server config and worst of all, no nudity...! I modified the .ini directly and all is well but the Environnment Variables config from docker-compose seems to be broken.

Multi instances setup

Hello !

Sorry, but I don't understand exactly how to run multi instance servers.

I tried to run two servers with two services in the docker-compose and in two separate files but it doesn't work.

In each times, the second instance is stuck after this lines :

The VNC desktop is:
2022-08-10 16:10:06,989 INFO success: conanexilesController entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2022-08-10 16:10:06,990 INFO success: x11vnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)

I have respected the multi instance setup.

How to do it ?

Thank you.

Trying to setup a server on synology nas

I am trying to setup a conan server on my synology ds720+. (I am not so much an expert here :( )
Unfortunately I am unable to start the server due to an error: conanexilesServer (exit status 5; not expected)


I do not have any clue, what's wrong. probably I did forget some configuration.
Can anybody help me here?


Repeated stdout: "Error: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice."

Hi, I am trying to get this docker to work. Using this command

docker run -d --name="ConanExiles" --net="bridge" -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" \
-e HOST_OS="unRAID" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_AdminPassword"="xxx" \
-e "CONANEXILES_Engine_OnlineSubSystemSteam_ServerName"="xxx" \
-e "CONANEXILES_Engine_OnlineSubSystemSteam_ServerPassword"="xxx" \
-e "CONANEXILES_SERVER_TYPE"="pvp" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" \
-p 7777:7777/udp -p 7778:7778/udp -p 27015:27015/udp \
-v "/mnt/user/appdata/conanexiles":"/conanexiles":rw \

And the stdout shows this

/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/supervisor/ UserWarning: Supervisord is running as root and it is searching for its configuration file in default locations (including its current working directory); you probably want to specify a "-c" argument specifying an absolute path to a configuration file for improved security.
'Supervisord is running as root and it is searching '
2018-02-05 09:49:01,272 CRIT Supervisor running as root (no user in config file)
2018-02-05 09:49:01,272 WARN Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/conanexiles.conf" during parsing
2018-02-05 09:49:01,282 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2018-02-05 09:49:01,282 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
2018-02-05 09:49:01,282 INFO supervisord started with pid 69
2018-02-05 09:49:02,285 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesController' with pid 82
2018-02-05 09:49:03,287 INFO success: conanexilesController entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-02-05 09:49:17,851 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesServer' with pid 152
2018-02-05 09:49:19,514 INFO success: conanexilesServer entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
conanexilesServer: started
Error: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
Error: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
Error: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
Error: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
Error: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
Error: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
Error: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.

The error message that is repeated repeates, dont know, maybe every few minutes. I cant connect to the server, the UDP ports are port forwared in my router.

docker version displays this

 Version:      17.09.1-ce
 API version:  1.32
 Go version:   go1.8.3
 Git commit:   19e2cf6
 Built:        Thu Dec  7 22:21:47 2017
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

 Version:      17.09.1-ce
 API version:  1.32 (minimum version 1.12)
 Go version:   go1.8.3
 Git commit:   19e2cf6
 Built:        Thu Dec  7 22:28:28 2017
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
 Experimental: false

Server not starting

Hi there!

I'm using the last docker-compose definition from your readme, with the slight difference that I map to a different volume and of course use my own passwords. Other than that, exactly the same.

After "docker-compose up", it gets to the point where it says conanexilesController entered RUNNING state, and then nothing. No install, no server start. I run it as root for now.

Am I missing something or does that have to happen manually the first time?

Here's the docker logs from that instance:

/usr/bin/ line 170: redis: Name or service not known
/usr/bin/ line 170: FD: Invalid argument
/usr/bin/ line 172: $FD: ambiguous redirect
/usr/bin/ line 211: $FD: ambiguous redirect
/usr/bin/ line 214: FD: ambiguous redirect
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/conanexiles/ConanSandbox/saved/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/Game.ini'
Parameter not found: RconPassword
Parameter not found: RconPort
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/conanexiles/ConanSandbox/saved/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/Engine.ini'
Parameter not found: ServerPassword
Parameter not found: RconEnabled
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/supervisor/ UserWarning: Supervisord is running as root and it is searching for its configuration file in default locations (including its current working directory); you probably want to specify a "-c" argument specifying an absolute path to a configuration file for improved security.
  'Supervisord is running as root and it is searching '
2018-06-21 23:44:18,493 CRIT Supervisor running as root (no user in config file)
2018-06-21 23:44:18,493 WARN Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/conanexiles.conf" during parsing
2018-06-21 23:44:18,503 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2018-06-21 23:44:18,503 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
2018-06-21 23:44:18,503 INFO supervisord started with pid 146
2018-06-21 23:44:19,506 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesController' with pid 155
2018-06-21 23:44:20,521 INFO success: conanexilesController entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)

docker version

 Version:      18.03.1-ce
 API version:  1.37
 Go version:   go1.9.5
 Git commit:   9ee9f40
 Built:        Thu Apr 26 07:18:46 2018
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
 Experimental: false
 Orchestrator: swarm

  Version:      18.03.1-ce
  API version:  1.37 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:   go1.9.5
  Git commit:   9ee9f40
  Built:        Thu Apr 26 07:16:59 2018
  OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
  Experimental: false

How to remove the server password?

the settings to remove the server password do not seem to work

    - "CONANEXILES_Engine_OnlineSubSystemSteam_ServerPassword="
    - "CONANEXILES_Engine_OnlineSubsystemSteam_ServerPassword=''"

any tips? the server always starts with the default password "MySecret"



can you enable a function to make Gamelog on/off ? There is a Spawn issue ingame that write logs 50MB / Hour.

An Option to turn off LOG writing is perhaps a workaround temporaly

Thanks Hudson

Unable to start server with mods

After setting the sever up and starting it for the first time, all went smooth and I'm able to connect. Then I create the folder "/conanexiles/ConanSandbox/Mods". After adding the file "mods.txt" in it which contains a single mod ID, I'm unable to connect. I can see in the logs that it found the file, the ID it shows is also correct and it downloads the mod. Still even after a server restart I can't connect. How to solve this?

Shutdown notification is quite annoying...

I find the rcon shutdown notification quite annoying because it does the notification in minute intervals. It would be nice if the time between notifications would be a bit longer, let's say 5min.

So actually I did exactly that. I modified the start_shutdown_timer function in the server controller file, where you can actually change the interval. In addition it will in all cases tell when 1 min is left for the update.

function start_shutdown_timer() {

    while true; do
        if [ $_i == $_t_val ]; then
        if [ $_j == $_i ] || [ $_i == $((_t_val-1)) ]; then
                notifier_debug "Shutdown Server in $((_t_val - _i)) minutes"

                if [[ ${CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconEnabled} == 1 ]]; then
                        /usr/bin/rconcli broadcast --type shutdown --value $((_t_val - _i))
                if [ $_j == $_i ]; then
        sleep 60

Maybe it would be possible to push this edit also to master?

Conan exiles server files ?

Hi. Sorry for the noob question, but how does you boot the server with your Dockerfile ? I tried a docker-compose up where the docker-compose.yml is located but I got many errors and the server won't boot.

I don't understand if your script downloads by itself all server files or if I need to have them and add the folder into a volume.

Again, sorry if the question is stupid :D


Here are the logs :

Starting docker-conanexiles_conanexiles0_1 ... done
Attaching to docker-conanexiles_conanexiles0_1
conanexiles0_1  | >> WARN: Failed to connect to redis instance - redis:6379. Skipping redis call: redis_set_master_server_instance
conanexiles0_1  |
conanexiles0_1  | gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
conanexiles0_1  | tar: Child returned status 1
conanexiles0_1  | tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
conanexiles0_1  | /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/supervisor/ UserWarning: Supervisord is running as root and it is searching for its configuration file in default locations (including its current working directory); you probably want to specify a "-c" argument specifying an absolute path to a configuration file for improved security.
conanexiles0_1  |   'Supervisord is running as root and it is searching '
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:52:29,562 CRIT Supervisor running as root (no user in config file)
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:52:29,562 WARN Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/conanexiles.conf" during parsing
conanexiles0_1  | Unlinking stale socket /var/run/supervisor.sock
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:52:29,876 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:52:29,876 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:52:29,876 INFO supervisord started with pid 137
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:52:30,879 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesController' with pid 146
conanexiles0_1  | >> INFO: Mode: Master - Instance: 2568666cdfda
conanexiles0_1  | >> WARN: No binaries found. Doing a fresh installation
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:52:31,890 INFO success: conanexilesController entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
conanexiles0_1  | >> WARN: Failed to connect to redis instance - redis:6379. Skipping redis call: redis_set_update_running_start
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:52:51,113 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesUpdate' with pid 153
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:52:51,118 INFO exited: conanexilesUpdate (exit status 127; not expected)
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:52:52,120 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesUpdate' with pid 154
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:52:52,127 INFO exited: conanexilesUpdate (exit status 127; not expected)
conanexiles0_1  | conanexilesUpdate: ERROR (spawn error)
conanexiles0_1  | Info: Updated to build () successfully.
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:52:54,261 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesUpdate' with pid 176
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:52:54,269 INFO exited: conanexilesUpdate (exit status 127; not expected)
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:52:57,274 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesUpdate' with pid 177
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:52:57,281 INFO exited: conanexilesUpdate (exit status 127; not expected)
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:52:58,282 INFO gave up: conanexilesUpdate entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly
conanexiles0_1  | >> WARN: Failed to connect to redis instance - redis:6379. Skipping redis call: redis_set_update_running_stop
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:53:13,473 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesServer' with pid 185
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:53:13,483 INFO exited: conanexilesServer (exit status 2; not expected)
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:53:14,486 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesServer' with pid 188
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:53:14,497 INFO exited: conanexilesServer (exit status 2; not expected)
conanexiles0_1  | conanexilesServer: ERROR (spawn error)
conanexiles0_1  | >> DEBUG: Initial installation finished.
conanexiles0_1  | conanexilesServer: ERROR (already started)
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:53:16,715 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesServer' with pid 213
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:53:16,726 INFO exited: conanexilesServer (exit status 2; not expected)
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:53:19,730 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesServer' with pid 214
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:53:19,743 INFO exited: conanexilesServer (exit status 2; not expected)
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:53:20,745 INFO gave up: conanexilesServer entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly
conanexiles0_1  | >> WARN: No binaries found. Doing a fresh installation
conanexiles0_1  | >> WARN: Failed to connect to redis instance - redis:6379. Skipping redis call: redis_set_update_running_start
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:58:35,946 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesUpdate' with pid 222
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:58:35,951 INFO exited: conanexilesUpdate (exit status 127; not expected)
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:58:36,954 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesUpdate' with pid 223
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:58:36,961 INFO exited: conanexilesUpdate (exit status 127; not expected)
conanexiles0_1  | conanexilesUpdate: ERROR (spawn error)
conanexiles0_1  | Info: Updated to build () successfully.
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:58:39,092 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesUpdate' with pid 245
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:58:39,100 INFO exited: conanexilesUpdate (exit status 127; not expected)
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:58:42,105 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesUpdate' with pid 246
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:58:42,112 INFO exited: conanexilesUpdate (exit status 127; not expected)
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:58:43,114 INFO gave up: conanexilesUpdate entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly
conanexiles0_1  | >> WARN: Failed to connect to redis instance - redis:6379. Skipping redis call: redis_set_update_running_stop
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:58:58,314 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesServer' with pid 254
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:58:58,323 INFO exited: conanexilesServer (exit status 2; not expected)
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:58:59,326 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesServer' with pid 257
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:58:59,337 INFO exited: conanexilesServer (exit status 2; not expected)
conanexiles0_1  | conanexilesServer: ERROR (spawn error)
conanexiles0_1  | >> DEBUG: Initial installation finished.
conanexiles0_1  | conanexilesServer: ERROR (already started)
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:59:01,558 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesServer' with pid 282
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:59:01,569 INFO exited: conanexilesServer (exit status 2; not expected)
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:59:04,574 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesServer' with pid 283
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:59:04,587 INFO exited: conanexilesServer (exit status 2; not expected)
conanexiles0_1  | 2018-07-23 12:59:05,589 INFO gave up: conanexilesServer entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly

And again and again ... :)

Wine stuck waiting at wine-mono install prompt

Connecting via VNC shows wine is stuck at the prompt to install wine-mono, preventing the server from starting up successfully. If Mono is not required, it may be possible to add an override to avoid the prompt, otherwise a global mono install may need to be added to the image.

ETA: The server does eventually start, this just appears to add some delay.

Port Configuration more flexible


Can u make a more flexible Port Configuration (so we can host multiple Server at 1 IP Adress) e.g.


Single server (simple)

ConanSandboxServer.exe -log
Multiple servers (advanced)

ConanSandboxServer.exe -log -MaxPlayers=50 -Port=7777 -QueryPort=27015 -usedir=SERVER1
ConanSandboxServer.exe -log -MaxPlayers=50 -Port=7779 -QueryPort=27017 -usedir=SERVER2
ConanSandboxServer.exe -log -MaxPlayers=50 -Port=7781 -QueryPort=27019 -usedir=SERVER3

Update WINE Repository


For more information, please see:

The following commands can be used to add the new repository:

sudo apt-key add Release.key
sudo apt-add-repository ''

More info:

Adding RCon Broadcast and Timer for Update


loving this image. Can you add RCon Broadcast and timer for Conan update / restart ?

They have add Rcon Support:

Game.ini method
Add the following section (with your modifications) to your servers Game.ini file.

RconEnabled=1				; 1 to turn on, 0 to turn off, or just don't add any of this to the file
RconPassword=YourRconPassword		; Write a password that only you and your enemies know, otherwise it won't work. (Disclaimer: These comments are not to be completely trusted, use common sense)
RconPort=25575				; Default port is 25575, you can skip adding it if that's fine with you. In all cases, if you use the default value, it will automatically be removed when the server shuts down.
RconMaxKarma=60				; Default max karma is 60. This is a protection against brute force attacks or spam. You can skip adding this one

High in game ping and low server FPS, although server has low ping itself


If we connect to the server, we have a high ping between 150 and 800ms and a server FPS between 5 and 15, although the server itself has a low ping of around 35ms. Could it be that there is an issue with that image or wine?


We have created with that image a server on a dedicated Linux machine.

The server should have more than enough power to run the server:

If we do a traceroute with tracert to the server, we have around 35ms. So this is also the reason why we're assuming that the problem is maybe directly with the Conan image/config related.

Run as non-root ?

I love this image, but I would like to ask how I can run
it as non-root?

Public server

I cant find how to make the server public.
Do you know a to do it ?

Server does not start, problem with wine?

thanks for the great image.
I have already used the image from Dec 21 to Feb22. We now wanted to play again, but the server never starts on docker-compose up.
The only thing, that I find suspicious in the logs, are these lines:

๏ฟฝ[36mce0_1  |๏ฟฝ[0m preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 0000000000010000-0000000000110000
๏ฟฝ[36mce0_1  |๏ฟฝ[0m wine: created the configuration directory '/wine'
๏ฟฝ[36mce0_1  |๏ฟฝ[0m preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 0000000000010000-0000000000110000
๏ฟฝ[36mce0_1  |๏ฟฝ[0m preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 0000000000010000-0000000000110000
๏ฟฝ[36mce0_1  |๏ฟฝ[0m preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 0000000000010000-0000000000110000
๏ฟฝ[36mce0_1  |๏ฟฝ[0m preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 0000000000010000-0000000000110000
๏ฟฝ[36mce0_1  |๏ฟฝ[0m 2022-09-19 12:14:34,575 INFO success: conanexilesServer entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
๏ฟฝ[36mce0_1  |๏ฟฝ[0m preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 0000000000010000-0000000000110000
๏ฟฝ[36mce0_1  |๏ฟฝ[0m conanexilesServer: started
๏ฟฝ[36mce0_1  |๏ฟฝ[0m preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 0000000000010000-0000000000110000
๏ฟฝ[36mce0_1  |๏ฟฝ[0m 2022-09-19 12:14:35 DEBUG Initial installation finished.
๏ฟฝ[36mce0_1  |๏ฟฝ[0m preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 0000000000010000-0000000000110000
๏ฟฝ[36mce0_1  |๏ฟฝ[0m preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 0000000000010000-0000000000110000
๏ฟฝ[36mce0_1  |๏ฟฝ[0m preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 0000000000010000-0000000000110000

Has anybody else encountered this problem?

  • I have tried a clean startup and removed the named volume
  • also removed all mods

Server ignoring settings

IIf have this in my docker-compose.yml:

  - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_AdminPassword=test"
  - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_IsBattlEyeEnabled=False"

And i checked in the container, it did actually add it into the config, but it will not make me admin, regardless of what password i set. It also still attempts to use BattleEye.

Second Server (Slave) not starting

Hey Alinmear,

so a new issue is there after correction with Ports #12

The Master starts but the Slave doesnยดt start. The Save Directories and Config are clearly created. I have no idea.


When i start a fresh "docker-compose up" in an empty directory the Server will install and gives running state for both Servers. But none is started. After docker restart >>Master<< and docker restart >>SLAVE<< both server are starting up fine.

An CTRL+C ends the 3 Instances (redis , serv1 and serv2)

A new docker-compose up starts both Server then corectly.

Why does the first Start ends in "NIRVANA" is this correct?


After every change in docker-compose.yml i must go this workaround. after this the Servers are going up fine.

Server wont update and spams log

Hey @alinmear i already tried to look into that bug myself but i did not came to a conclusion yet, maybe you have an idea?

The server spams logs, with trying to not start 2nd instance, dont know why that is now, didnt do it before, also sometimes he tries to find updates and finds nothing but still enters update mode, so still he tries to shutdown the server and it stays basically in a crashed state and does nothing. Example is in the logs at the end.

Sometimes even a Docker container restart wont help.

Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Finished item distributor processing; 0 handled this frame.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPCFromWeightedTable - could not find weighted table with id: we
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Finished item distributor processing; 0 handled this frame.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
INFO: New build available. Updating 5047533 -> 5154244
DEBUG: Shutdown Server in 5 minutes
LogRcon:Display: Rcon Client PeerAddr: connected.
LogRcon:Warning: Received Rcon: broadcast Server is shutting down in 5 minutes., from PeerAddr:
Message has been broadcast.
LogRcon:Warning: Received Rcon: , from PeerAddr:
LogRcon:Warning: Closing connection with PeerAddr:
LogRcon:Display: Rcon Client PeerAddr: disconnected.
DEBUG: Shutdown Server in 4 minutes
LogRcon:Display: Rcon Client PeerAddr: connected.
LogRcon:Warning: Received Rcon: broadcast Server is shutting down in 4 minutes., from PeerAddr:
Message has been broadcast.
LogRcon:Warning: Received Rcon: , from PeerAddr:
LogRcon:Warning: Closing connection with PeerAddr:
LogRcon:Display: Rcon Client PeerAddr: disconnected.
SpawnTable:Error: Data: USpawnTableComponent::SpawnNPCFromWeightedTable - could not find weighted table with id: we
DEBUG: Shutdown Server in 3 minutes
LogRcon:Display: Rcon Client PeerAddr: connected.
LogRcon:Warning: Received Rcon: broadcast Server is shutting down in 3 minutes., from PeerAddr:
Message has been broadcast.
LogRcon:Warning: Received Rcon: , from PeerAddr:
LogRcon:Warning: Closing connection with PeerAddr:
LogRcon:Display: Rcon Client PeerAddr: disconnected.
DEBUG: Shutdown Server in 2 minutes
LogRcon:Display: Rcon Client PeerAddr: connected.
LogRcon:Warning: Received Rcon: broadcast Server is shutting down in 2 minutes., from PeerAddr:
Message has been broadcast.
LogRcon:Warning: Received Rcon: , from PeerAddr:
LogRcon:Warning: Closing connection with PeerAddr:
LogRcon:Display: Rcon Client PeerAddr: disconnected.
DEBUG: Shutdown Server in 1 minutes
LogRcon:Display: Rcon Client PeerAddr: connected.
LogRcon:Warning: Received Rcon: broadcast Server is shutting down in 1 minutes., from PeerAddr:
Message has been broadcast.
LogRcon:Warning: Received Rcon: , from PeerAddr:
LogRcon:Warning: Closing connection with PeerAddr:
LogRcon:Display: Rcon Client PeerAddr: disconnected.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Delaying further item distributor processing; 2 handled this frame.
Performance:Display: [ItemDistributorController BaseGameMode_C_0] Finished item distributor processing; 0 handled this frame.
2020-06-16 09:56:25,286 INFO waiting for conanexilesServer to stop
2020-06-16 09:56:25,515 INFO stopped: conanexilesServer (terminated by SIGTERM)
nanexilesServer: stopped
INFO: Removed existing build backup in /conanexiles/ConanSandbox/Saved.5047533
INFO: Backed up current build db and configs to /conanexiles/ConanSandbox/Saved.5047533
2020-06-16 10:01:27,659 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesUpdate' with pid 15080
2020-06-16 10:01:28,660 INFO success: conanexilesUpdate entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
nanexilesUpdate: started
WARNING: setlocale('en_US.UTF-8') failed, using locale: 'C'. International characters may not work.
Redirecting stderr to '/root/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[ 0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK.
@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows
"@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType" = "windows"
Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
Waiting for user info...OK
force_install_dir /conanexiles
app_update 443030 validate
Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 9.36 (204196482 / 2182490398)
Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 43.60 (951558710 / 2182490398)
Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 52.22 (1139631919 / 2182490398)
Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 60.19 (1313713988 / 2182490398)
Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 68.03 (1484731067 / 2182490398)
Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 76.12 (1661375270 / 2182490398)
Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 86.96 (1897829667 / 2182490398)
Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 97.86 (2135763872 / 2182490398)
Success! App '443030' fully installed.
2020-06-16 10:01:49,150 INFO exited: conanexilesUpdate (exit status 0; expected)
Info: Updated to build (5154244) successfully.
2020-06-16 10:01:55,702 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesServer' with pid 15247
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/WeatherEffects.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/WastelandRocks.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.033 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/UI.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Tools.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.002 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/TextureMax.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.016 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Systems.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.002 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Stumps_and_logs.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Spline-RopesHosesCables.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.160 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Sound.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/SmartSplineGen.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Slate.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.000 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Shaders.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/RedDesertPack.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/ProceduralNaturePack.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.000 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Old_Conan.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/OceanFloor.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/NaturePackage.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Master_AnimBP.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.011 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Marketplace.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.014 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Maps.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.002 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Localization.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.034 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Items.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/InsectsBirdsFish.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/FXVillesBloodVFXPack.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/ForestMushroomsPack.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/ExampleContent.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.040 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Environment.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Elemental.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.009 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Effects.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.000 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/DLC_materials.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.005 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/DLC_DLC_Yamatai.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.006 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/DLC_DLC_Turan.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.008 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/DLC_DLC_RPPack.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.005 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/DLC_DLC_Riders.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.002 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/DLC_DLC_RiddleOfSteel.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.004 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/DLC_DLC_Pict.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.008 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/DLC_DLC_Khitai.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.007 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/DLC_DLC_BloodAndSand.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.010 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/DLC_DLC_Argos.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.010 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/DLC_DLC_Aquilonia.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/DLC_ConanSword_DLC.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/DLC_ConanArmor_DLC.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Developers.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Dev.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Cinematics.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Cinematic-FX.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.087 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Characters.pak". Mounting status: Success
2020-06-16 10:01:56,772 INFO success: conanexilesServer entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Chameleon.pak". Mounting status: Success
nanexilesServer: started
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/BasicLFPack.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.002 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Base.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/Assets.pak". Mounting status: Success
LogPakFile:Warning: Spent 0.001 seconds mounting Pak File "../../../ConanSandbox/Content/Paks/100+crosshairspack.pak". Mounting status: Success
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
LogStreaming:Display: Async Loading initialized: Event Driven Loader: true, Async Loading Thread: true
LogDreamworld:Display: Dreamworld project: ConanSandbox
LogDreamworld:Display: Dreamworld configuration: ConanSandbox.Client.VS2015.Live.Win64
LogDreamworld:Display: Dreamworld platform: x64
LogDreamworld:Display: Dreamworld revision: 229506
LogDreamworld:Display: Dreamworld snapshot: 25568
LogDreamworld:Display: Dreamworld branch: exiles-live-egsb
LogDreamworld:Display: Platform (.ini):
LogDreamworld:Display: Platform: WindowsServer
LogDreamworld:Display: .ini sub-platform prefix:
LogUObjectAllocator:Warning: 11041240 Exceeds size of permanent object pool 8388608, please tune SizeOfPermanentObjectPool.
LogOnline:Display: STEAM: Loading Steam SDK 1.38a
LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Steam API disabled!
LogOnline:Display: STEAM: OnlineSubsystemSteam::Shutdown()
UserSettings:Display: User's IP Country Code is --
LogMemory:Display: Entered application state 'ConanSandboxStarting'.
LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Module 'EnvironmentQueryEditor' not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
LogDWSmokeTesting:Warning: Smoketest config file doesn't exist (../../../ConanSandbox/Saved/smoketest_config.json)
LogRcon:Display: Rcon listen socket starting up using listen port 25575 ...
LogRcon:Display: Rcon is ready for client connections on!
LogDreamworld:Display: http_response throws - could not contact the bug reporting server: WinHttpVerificationFailed: 12175: Unable to get an error message for error code: 12175.
LogOutputDevice:Display: Bug report upload failed with result code -1, took 0.773 seconds.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.
INFO: New build available. Updating 5154244 ->
DEBUG: Shutdown Server in 5 minutes

Docker Image Not Loading Properly

First a little background. I had a Conan Exiles server setup on my PC and then a friend sent me a server so I followed this ( and got it to work. So i went and tried Docker as there are a few other servers I'd like to set up (Arma3 Exiles, Space Engineers, Ark, etc) through linux.

I installed docker, became a little familiar with how it all worked (researched, did some google-fu, etc) installed docker-compose aswell. Pulled some images down. edited the docker-compose.yml file and gave it a shot.

Here is the redis log:
Here is the data log:

I have a few questions which I have numbered for ease of reference:

  1. One thing I was wondering; the linux server hardware is but the docker containers are something like or something running 'inside' the .201 machine. I get there is some NAT going on and if my router has open ports for .201 (for 29595, 29015, etc) then would the docker container 'push' and 'pull' it's data through some interface resulting in the data going through it's host (.201) or would each container need individual port mappings even though they'd technically not be on the same network (172.x.x.x) as the .201 machine?
  2. I've seen Steam API ... failed on more than one occasion and have no idea how to rectify that. Anyone have any ideas?
  3. Is there anything in that that indicates I have done something wrong in terms of docker-compose settings or versioning, etc or anything at all :)
  4. I saw somewhere that this version had mod support now from #40 or something (version 40 or something?). Is that true? 5. Does it have discord functionality. What I am referring to is the ability to send and receive messages between discord and in game chat (in both directions).

Thanks heaps for any help; I'm very keen to get this, and a Space Engineers, Ark and Arma3 Exiles server all running through docker so any tips on that would be greatly appreciated.



Server and game on the same pc

I wanted to run the server on the same pc as I play the game. If the server is started, Conan complains that it can't log in, thus not play online. Now I wanted to ask you if it is in general not possible or if I made a mistake somewhere?

directory mapping for settings files

Just something I don't understand so I figured I'd ask.

Why didn't you opt to map the directory with all the ini files to a local mountpoint like so:

-v /path/to/inis/in_container:/mnt/data/conan_inis

If its permissions, those can be easily fixed.


Unhandled exception in Wine?

wine: Unhandled exception 0x00000001 in thread 50 at address 000000007B01129D (thread 0050), starting debugger...
>> ERROR: The server is already running. I don't want to start it twice.

Running on Ubuntu on GCP

Uncertain how to change startup map

I'm actually using the Savage Wilds map currently on Funcom's dedicated Windows server, which of course works different for locations and flags than the Dedicated server packaged with the Docker container (I'm trying to convert the windows world to one on Linux)

How would I go about changing the startup map in the yaml file? This page doesn't seem particularly helpful to me as I have two different engine.ini files and neither has the [Script/EngineSettings.GameMapsSettings] section that I'm looking for

Update issues after revamp

Pulled the latest image. A previously working instance is not longer restarting after an update, and the update doesn't seem to be applied.

I tried running the update manually:

supervisorctl start conanexilesUpdate

2019-01-26 21:59:03,202 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesUpdate' with pid 814
WARNING: setlocale('en_US.UTF-8') failed, using locale: 'C'. International characters may not work.
Redirecting stderr to '/root/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK.
@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows
"@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType" = "windows"

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...2019-01-26 21:59:05,140 INFO success: conanexilesUpdate entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
Logged in OK
Waiting for user info...OK
force_install_dir /conanexiles
app_update 443030 validate
 Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
 Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
 Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 11.83 (238513527 / 2016424146)
 Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 27.69 (558373136 / 2016424146)
 Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 46.74 (942411025 / 2016424146)
 Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 66.08 (1332548513 / 2016424146)
 Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 85.33 (1720611043 / 2016424146)
 Update state (0x5) validating, progress: 96.81 (1951999781 / 2016424146)
Success! App '443030' fully installed.
2019-01-26 21:59:21,013 INFO exited: conanexilesUpdate (exit status 0; expected)


Warning: Update seems to have failed. Installed build (3488966) does not match available build (3498259).
>> WARN: Failed to connect to redis instance - redis:6379. Skipping redis call: redis_set_update_running_stop
2019-01-26 22:26:34,955 INFO spawned: 'conanexilesServer' with pid 1370
2019-01-26 22:26:35,957 INFO success: conanexilesServer entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
conanexilesServer: started

But when I restart the server, it says it's not the latest version:

>> INFO: New build available. Updating 3488966 -> 3498259
>> WARN: Failed to connect to redis instance - redis:6379. Skipping redis call: redis_set_update_running_start
>> DEBUG: Shutdown Server in 15 minutes


2019-01-26 22:21:13,869 INFO waiting for conanexilesServer to stop
2019-01-26 22:21:14,039 INFO stopped: conanexilesServer (terminated by SIGTERM)
conanexilesServer: stopped

After every restart, it shuts down like this for an update, but then never actually updates or starts the server.

Docker run command:

docker run -d -p 7777-7778:7777-7778 -p 7777-7778:7777-7778/udp -p 27000-27015:27000-27015 -p 27000-27015:27000-27015/udp -p 32330:32330 \
-e TZ="America/Montreal" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_AdminPassword"="XXXX" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_ServerPassword"="XXXX" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_HarvestAmountMultiplier"=2 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PlayerXPRateMultiplier"=1 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_ThrallConversionMultiplier"=0.1 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_ItemConvertionMultiplier"=0.1 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PlayerIdleThirstMultiplier"=0.25 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PlayerActiveThirstMultiplier"=0.5 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PlayerIdleHungerMultiplier"=0.25 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PlayerActiveHungerMultiplier"=0.5 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_DayCycleSpeedScale"=0.25 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_DayTimeSpeedScale"=0.5 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_NightTimeSpeedScale"=4.0 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_LogoutCharactersRemainInTheWorld"="False" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_DurabilityMultiplier"=2 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_DropEquipmentOnDeath"="True" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_EverybodyCanLootCorpse"="True" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_ItemSpoilRateScale"=1.0 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_ResourceRespawnSpeedMultiplier"=0.5 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_ThrallExclusionRadius"=100 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_UnconsciousTimeSeconds"=3600 \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_DisableBuildingAbandonment"="True" \
-e "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_EnablePurge"="True" \
-e "CONANEXILES_Engine_OnlineSubSystemSteam_ServerName"="AndargorPlayground" \
-e "CONANEXILES_Engine_OnlineSubSystemSteam_ServerPassword"="XXXX" \
-e "CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconPassword"="XXXX" \
-e "CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconPort"=32330 \
-v /local2/conanexiles:/conanexiles --name conanexiles --security-opt apparmor=docker-ptrace --restart=always alinmear/docker-conanexiles

Server fails to start - no certificate

My server fails to start

Network:Error: Code: Certificate path env var 'DW_CERTIFICATE_PATH' is not set
Network:Warning: Code: Loading dedicated server provider id certificate: SecureServerProviderID not set.
Network:Display: Looking for dedicated server provider id certificates issued by "C=NO, S=Oslo, L=Oslo, O=Funcom Oslo AS, CN=Funcom Oslo AS"...
Network:Warning: Code: Loading dedicated server provider id certificate: No secure server provider id configured, selecting certificate with id #-1.
Network:Error: Code: KDS passphrase provider failed to initialize. KDS will at some point deny access unless the problem is fixed. Failure message: Error loading dedicated server provider id certificate: No certificate found with id #-1..
Network:Error: Code: KDS passphrase failure: Server provider id certificate unavailable: 0x80092004
Network:Display: Connecting to key distribution web service wss://
Network:Display: Key distribution web service: Connecting (session: E9EC786C42EE17A2B791299582411388, mirror: wss://, fail count: 0, retry time: -1.0)
exited: conanexilesServer (exit status 5; not expected)

Any idea what i might be missing or doing wrong?

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