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alibaba-cloud-sdk-go's Introduction

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Alibaba Cloud SDK for Go

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Alibaba Cloud SDK for Go allows you to access Alibaba Cloud services such as Elastic Compute Service (ECS), Server Load Balancer (SLB), and CloudMonitor. You can access Alibaba Cloud services without the need to handle API related tasks, such as signing and constructing your requests.

This document introduces how to obtain and call Alibaba Cloud SDK for Go.


Troubleshoot Provide OpenAPI diagnosis service to help developers locate quickly and provide solutions for developers through RequestID or error message.

Online Demo

Alibaba Cloud OpenAPI Developer Portal provides the ability to call the cloud product OpenAPI online, and dynamically generate SDK Example code and quick retrieval interface, which can significantly reduce the difficulty of using the cloud API.


  • It's necessary for you to make sure your system meet the Requirements, such as installing a Go environment which is new than 1.13.x.


Use go get to install SDK:

go get -u

Quick Examples

Before you begin, you need to sign up for an Alibaba Cloud account and retrieve your Credentials.

Create Client

package main

import ""

func main() {
  client, err := sdk.NewClientWithAccessKey("REGION_ID", "ACCESS_KEY_ID", "ACCESS_KEY_SECRET")
  if err != nil {
    // Handle exceptions

ROA Request

package main

import ""

func main() {
  request := requests.NewCommonRequest()        // Make a common request
  request.Method = "GET"                        // Set request method
  request.Product = "CS"                        // Specify product
  request.Domain = ""            // Location Service will not be enabled if the host is specified. For example, service with aCertification     type-Bearer Token should be specified
  request.Version = "2015-12-15"                // Specify product version
  request.PathPattern = "/clusters/[ClusterId]" // Specify path rule with ROA-style
  request.Scheme = "https"                      // Set request scheme. Default: http
  request.ApiName = "DescribeCluster"           // Specify product interface
  request.QueryParams["ClusterId"] = "123456"   // Assign values to parameters in the path
  request.QueryParams["RegionId"] = "region_id" // Specify the requested regionId, if not specified, use the client regionId, then default regionId
  request.TransToAcsRequest()                   // Trans commonrequest to acsRequest, which is used by client.

RPC Request

package main

import ""

func main() {
  request := requests.NewCommonRequest()                // Make a common request
  request.Method = "POST"                               // Set request method
  request.Product = "Ecs"                               // Specify product
  request.Domain = ""                   // Location Service will not be enabled if the host is specified. For example, service with a   Certification type-Bearer Token should be specified
  request.Version = "2014-05-26"                        // Specify product version
  request.Scheme = "https"                              // Set request scheme. Default: http
  request.ApiName = "CreateInstance"                    // Specify product interface
  request.QueryParams["InstanceType"] = "ecs.g5.large"  // Assign values to parameters in the path
  request.QueryParams["RegionId"] = "region_id"         // Specify the requested regionId, if not specified, use the client regionId, then default regionId
  request.TransToAcsRequest()                           // Trans commonrequest to acsRequest, which is used by client.



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alibaba-cloud-sdk-go's People


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alibaba-cloud-sdk-go's Issues

translation to english missing

hi alibaba team,

thanks for all the open source projects!
i'm e.g. currently in germany and would love to read through the docs :(
could we agree to use english as default language for the future?

english please

cheers maik

Slb create_v_server_group BackendServers type is string, is it right?

I have seen in this page: [], *BackendServers* is a list ,


but in this sdk, *BackendServers* is a string[], so ,How can i use this method to create v_server_group, could u provide an example?

[Feature Request] API XXXRequest.Invoke(c *sdk.Client) (*XXXResponse, error)

希望能提供如题接口,并且 Request 组合的 *requests.RpcRequest 可以隐藏,方便使用。

type DescribeVpcsRequest struct {
	ResourceOwnerId      int64  `position:"Query" name:"ResourceOwnerId"`
	ResourceOwnerAccount string `position:"Query" name:"ResourceOwnerAccount"`
	VpcId                string `position:"Query" name:"VpcId"`
	OwnerAccount         string `position:"Query" name:"OwnerAccount"`
	Name                 string `position:"Query" name:"Name"`
	PageSize             int    `position:"Query" name:"PageSize"`
	IsDefault            string `position:"Query" name:"IsDefault"`
	OwnerId              int64  `position:"Query" name:"OwnerId"`
	PageNumber           int    `position:"Query" name:"PageNumber"`

func (r DescribeVpcsRequest) Invoke(client *sdk.Client) (response *DescribeVpcsResponse, err error) {
	req := struct {
	req.InitWithApiInfo("Vpc", "2016-04-28", "DescribeVpcs", "vpc", "")

	resp := struct {
		BaseResponse: &responses.BaseResponse{},
	response = &resp.DescribeVpcsResponse

	err = client.DoAction(&req, &resp)



package main

import (

func main() { 
    // 创建通用 Client 实例
    client, err := sdk.NewClientWithAccessKey(
        "<your-region-id>", 			// 您的可用区ID
        "<your-access-key-id>", 		// 您的 Access Key ID
        "<your-access-key-secret>")		// 您的 Access Key Secret
    if err != nil {
    	// 异常处理
    	// 创建 ecs API 请求并设置参数
        req := ecs.DescribeInstancesRequest{
            IoOptimized: "true",
        // 请求接口
        response, err := req.Invoke(client)
        if err != nil {
       // 创建 vpc API 请求并设置参数
       req := vpc.DescribeVRoutersRequest{}
       // 请求接口
       response, err := req.Invoke(client)
       if err != nil {

另外, 已经迁移使用 官方 sdk.Client 了。

PutCustomMetric with NewClientWithEcsRamRole returns error 500

Saving custom metrics data with PutCustomMetric using a client with Access Key (NewClientWithAccessKey) works fine, but with a client with ECS Ram Role (NewClientWithEcsRamRole), the following error is received from the server:

StatusCode : 200
-> Date : Thu, 01 Mar 2018 16:49:13 GMT
-> Content-Type : application/json; charset=UTF-8
-> Access-Control-Allow-Origin : *
-> Access-Control-Allow-Methods : POST, GET, OPTIONS
-> Access-Control-Allow-Headers : X-Requested-With, X-Sequence, _aop_secret, _aop_signature
-> Access-Control-Max-Age : 172800
-> Vary : Accept-Encoding
-> Server : Jetty(7.2.2.v20101205)
-> {"Message":"java.lang.NullPointerException\n\tat\n\tat\n\tat\n\tat$LocalLoadingCache.get(\n\tat com.aliyun.cms.metrichub.sender.RateCache.acquire(\n\tat com.aliyun.cms.metrichub.custommetric.CustomMetricService.acquire(\n\tat com.aliyun.cms.metrichub.web.CustomMetricController.customPopUpload(\n\tat sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor74.invoke(Unknown Source)\n\tat sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(\n\tat java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(\n\tat\n\tat\n\tat org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.ServletInvocableHandlerMethod.invokeAndHandle(\n\tat org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.invokeHandlerMethod(\n\tat org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.handleInternal(\n\tat org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.AbstractHandlerMethodAdapter.handle(\n\tat org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch(\n\tat org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService(\n\tat org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest(\n\tat org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doPost(\n\tat javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(\n\tat org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.service(\n\tat javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.server.WebSocketUpgradeFilter.doFilter(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(\n\tat org.springframework.boot.web.filter.ApplicationContextHeaderFilter.doFilterInternal(\n\tat org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(\n\tat org.springframework.boot.actuate.trace.WebRequestTraceFilter.doFilterInternal(\n\tat org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(\n\tat org.springframework.web.filter.RequestContextFilter.doFilterInternal(\n\tat org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(\n\tat org.springframework.web.filter.HttpPutFormContentFilter.doFilterInternal(\n\tat org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(\n\tat org.springframework.web.filter.HiddenHttpMethodFilter.doFilterInternal(\n\tat org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(\n\tat org.springframework.web.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter.doFilterInternal(\n\tat org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(\n\tat org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.MetricsFilter.doFilterInternal(\n\tat org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doHandle(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.handle(\n\tat\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextHandle(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler.doHandle(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextHandle(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doHandle(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextScope(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doScope(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler.doScope(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextScope(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doScope(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.handle(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.handle(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.handle(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection.onFillable(\n\tat$ReadCallback.succeeded(\n\tat\n\tat$\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.Invocable.invokePreferred(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.Invocable$InvocableExecutor.invoke(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.doProduce(\n\tat\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool.runJob(\n\tat org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$\n\tat\n","Code":"500"}

Error on calling several APIs: Specified signature nonce was used already


When calling the following APIs:

  • vpc.DescribeVpcs (HostId:
  • slb.DescribeLoadBalancers (HostId:
  • rds.DescribeDBInstances (HostId:

They return the common error:

SDK.ServerError 400 Bad Request {"Recommend":"","Message":"Specified signature nonce was used already.","RequestId":"4BC02B9F-6E54-4346-9B2C-5B9896F66540","HostId":"","Code":"SignatureNonceUsed"}


  1. This error doesn't always occur, just sometimes within lots of requests.
  2. It seems all the errors occured in "ap-southeast-x" pattern regions. (But not sure!)

SIGSEGV when calling Container Service's DescribeClusterDetail

This happens sporadically when calling DescribeClusterDetail during cluster creation:

panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x40 pc=0x246280e]

goroutine 1071 [running]:*BaseResponse).parseFromHttpResponse(0xc4200db000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
	/Users/nandi/go/src/ +0x2e, 0xc4202332e8, 0x0, 0x3a66ba6, 0x4, 0xa, 0xc420b46900)
	/Users/nandi/go/src/ +0x45*Client).DoActionWithSigner(0xc420fa2410, 0x3d4dca0, 0xc420ece8c0, 0x3d2a520, 0xc4202332e8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2475501, 0xc4200db000)
	/Users/nandi/go/src/ +0x59e*Client).DoAction(0xc420fa2410, 0x3d4dca0, 0xc420ece8c0, 0x3d2a520, 0xc4202332e8, 0xc420b46800, 0x3a7cd3d)
	/Users/nandi/go/src/ +0x5b*Client).DescribeClusterDetail(0xc420fa2410, 0xc420ece8c0, 0x1e13, 0x2, 0x7fffffe00000)
	/Users/nandi/go/src/ +0x99

Request SDKs of Logging service, messaging service and function compute

  1. SDK of SLS only contains open account operations, please provide a complete SDK in this repo
  2. The current repository doesn't contain any SDK of messaging service MNS, please provide one
  3. The SDK of function compute only distributed in another repo, could you please integrate them into this repo

UUID error

alibaba-cloud-sdk-go/sdk/utils/utils.go: multiple-value uuid.NewV4() in single-value context

Can't change an (expired) STS token inside an OSS client

There is a problem with STS tokens we encounter. Our use case is similar to the one documented here but with Golang instead of Python.

The issue is with accessing the OSS API from Golang code with STS tokens, this is certainly possible, but the STS tokens are expiring, and there is no way to change the tokens inside an existing OSS client, although in the the tokens are refreshed on-demand.

Are there any plans to change this behavior our this is not the correct way to use the API? Currently, we have to throw away the OSS client every time the token expires, and users of the API have to implement the same pattern at every use case.

Support SDK for OpenSearch

It seems there is no relevent codes in this repo about Ali OpenSearch, so will it be supported in coming days?




btw 是否可以提交PR,如果可以那么有对应的代码规范之类的么~

SLB 调用DescribeLoadBalancerAttribute 方法

错误信息 json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field .ListenerPort of type string
describe_load_balancer_attribute.go 文件

ListenerPorts struct {
ListenerPort []string json:"ListenerPort" xml:"ListenerPort"
} json:"ListenerPorts" xml:"ListenerPorts"

ListenerPort 类型应该是这个整形的数组吧

responses package里fmt的使用会导致调用过程中出现一些非预期的中间结果

package responses

import (

func Unmarshal(response AcsResponse, httpResponse *http.Response, format string) (err error) {
err = response.parseFromHttpResponse(httpResponse)
if err != nil {
if strings.ToUpper(format) == "JSON" {
err = json.Unmarshal(response.GetHttpContentBytes(), response)
} else if strings.ToUpper(format) == "XML" {
err = xml.Unmarshal(response.GetHttpContentBytes(), response)


Instance status should be const

I only find instance status definition in integration package. All instance status should located in ecs package. like:

const (
	InstanceStatusCreating = "Creating"
	InstanceStatusPending  = "Pending"
	InstanceStatusRunning  = "Running"
	InstanceStatusStarting = "Starting"

	InstanceStatusStopped  = "Stopped"
	InstanceStatusStopping = "Stopping"
	InstanceStatusDeleted  = "Deleted"

Error: SDK.CanNotResolveEndpoint on DescribeRegions

1. Error when calling the API

When calling ecs.Client.DescribeRegions, the following error returned:

[SDK.CanNotResolveEndpoint] Can not resolve endpoint(param = {"Domain":"","Product":"Ecs","RegionId":"cn-qingdao","LocationProduct":"","LocationEndpoint":""}), please check the user guide

And calling codes are as following:

input := aliecs.CreateDescribeRegionsRequest()
output, err := m.GetEcsClient().DescribeRegions(input)

2. What the meanings of the fields

In ecs package, there is the following definition:

type DescribeRegionsRequest struct {
ResourceOwnerAccount string position:"Query" name:"ResourceOwnerAccount"
ResourceOwnerId string position:"Query" name:"ResourceOwnerId"
OwnerAccount string position:"Query" name:"OwnerAccount"
OwnerId string position:"Query" name:"OwnerId"

Can you help clarifying the meanings and differences of the following 4 fields? (I didn't find any clues from official document:

  • ResourceOwnerAccount
  • ResourceOwnerId
  • OwnerAccount
  • OwnerId


Error on DescribeSnapshots: failed to unmarshal .SourceDiskSize of type string

When calling cdn.Client.DescribeUserDomains, it got the following error:

json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field .SourceDiskSize of type string

And calling codes are as following:

  gInput := ecs.CreateDescribeSnapshotsRequest()
  // TODO: Workaround
  gInput.Domain = ""
  gInput.RegionId = iaasRegion
  gInput.PageSize = utils.FormatInt64(PageSize)
  gInput.PageNumber = utils.FormatInt64(pageNumber)
  gOutput, err := factory.GetEcsClient().DescribeSnapshots(gInput)

Maybe it's owing to definition inconsistency between Go struct and REST API.

Supplementary Info[2017/12/28]:
content of gOutput.GetHttpContentBytes() is:

"PageNumber": 1,
"PageSize": 50,
"TotalCount": 1,
"RequestId": "F94FC9F9-B46D-4804-B986-093FB8D36926",
"Snapshots": {
"Snapshot": [
"CreationTime": "2017-11-08T03:58:14Z",
"Description": "",
"Encrypted": false,
"ProductCode": "",
"Progress": "100%",
"SnapshotId": "s-m5eacq02ar6zb64oic40",
"SnapshotName": "snp-test-20171108",
"SourceDiskId": "d-m5efbha9mr8doraejejb",
"SourceDiskSize": 40,
"SourceDiskType": "system",
"SourceStorageType": "disk",
"Status": "accomplished",
"Tags": {
"Tag": [
"Usage": "none"

And it can be found that this issue is caused by wrong data type of "SourceDiskSize". And to change its data type as int (not int64), this issue will be fixed.

云解析ERR:CanNotResolveEndpoint, InvalidVersion


[SDK.CanNotResolveEndpoint] Can not resolve endpoint(param = {"Domain":"","Product":"Alidns","RegionId":"cn-hangzhou","LocationProduct":"","LocationEndpointType":""}), please check the user guide

然后参考上述文档,添加设置request.Domain = ""后报InvalidVersion错:

ErrorCode: InvalidVersion
RequestId: 4DC45609-C519-47EC-9E6F-702D74D6499B
Message: Specified parameter Version is not valid.



sdk does not support windows

When use this sdk to create alicloud resource, there is a following bug:

panic: open /usr/local/go\lib\time\ The system cannot find the path specified.

and after check /usr/local/go/src/time/zoneinfo.go , line 273-278 have the following annotation:

// The time zone database needed by LoadLocation may not be
// present on all systems, especially non-Unix systems.
// LoadLocation looks in the directory or uncompressed zip file
// named by the ZONEINFO environment variable, if any, then looks in
// known installation locations on Unix systems,
// and finally looks in $GOROOT/lib/time/

Could the issue be fixed?

SDK.JsonUnmarshalError during Container Service DeleteCluster() call

ERRO[2018-08-21T09:18:01+02:00] DeleteClusterResponse: &cs.DeleteClusterResponse{BaseResponse:(*responses.BaseResponse)(0xc420c0eb40)}
ERRO[2018-08-21T09:18:01+02:00] Error during delete cluster: [SDK.JsonUnmarshalError] Failed to unmarshal response, but you can get the data via response.GetHttpStatusCode() and response.GetHttpContentString()
caused by:
skipObjectDecoder: expect object or null, error found in #0 byte of ...||..., bigger context ...||...  function=postDeleteCluster

Paginate parameter should be common parameter

I must use some code like follow to complete the paginate api call.

request.PageSize = requests.NewInteger(100)
resp, err = client.DescribeRequest(request)

for {

	if resp.PageNumber*resp.PageSize >= resp.TotalCount {

       request.PageNumber = requests.NewInteger(resp.PageNumber + 1)
       request.PageSize = requests.NewInteger(resp.PageSize)
       //  ...

Something very odd.

  1. Why I should use a string as PageNumber ? It shout be a integer !

  2. I must to calculate if there exist next page manually.

I think you can find a more elegant code design from the community sdk.

ecs.DescribeInstances 返回值 CreationTime 时间格式不正确

首先,调用 ecs.DescribeInstances;然后,解析其返回值中 Instances.Instance 元素的 CreationTime 属性,会返回如下错误信息:

parsing time "2017-01-17T09:41Z" as "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00": cannot parse "Z" as ":"

应该是返回值 CreationTime 属性的格式不符合默认格式:time.RFC3339("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00")。

glide get not working.

glide get command not working when local go path exists a higher version of "ali cloud sdk" dependency.

For example, there is a higher version of "" in my local go path.
When i execute "glide get" glide will not download this package to vendor directory, then break build shown.

go build编译后的文件在没有go环境的环境执行报错

环境:ubuntu 14.04
直接在装有go环境的环境执行go build产生的文件,可以正常运行,将文件cp到没有go环境的ubuntu 14.04下执行报错:(调用的方法为:RefreshObjectCaches)

panic: [SDK.CanNotResolveEndpoint] Can not resolve endpoint(param = {"Domain":"","Product":"Cdn","RegionId":"cn-hangzhou","LocationProduct":"","LocationEndpointType":""}), please check the user guide


Error on DescribeUserDomains: failed to unmarshal DescribeUserDomainsResponse.Domains

When calling cdn.Client.DescribeUserDomains, it got the following error:

json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field DescribeUserDomainsResponse.Domains of type []struct { DomainName string "json:"DomainName""; Cname string "json:"Cname""; CdnType string "json:"CdnType""; DomainStatus string "json:"DomainStatus""; GmtCreated string "json:"GmtCreated""; GmtModified string "json:"GmtModified""; Description string "json:"Description""; SourceType string "json:"SourceType""; SslProtocol string "json:"SslProtocol""; ResourceGroupId string "json:"ResourceGroupId""; Sandbox string "json:"Sandbox""; Sources []string "json:"Sources"" }

And calling codes are as following:

  gInput := cdn.CreateDescribeUserDomainsRequest()
  // TODO: Workaround
  gInput.Domain = ""
  gInput.RegionId = iaasRegion
  gInput.PageSize = utils.FormatInt64(PageSize)
  gInput.PageNumber = utils.FormatInt64(pageNumber)
  gOutput, err := factory.GetCdnClient().DescribeUserDomains(gInput)

Maybe it's owing to definition inconsistency between Go struct and REST API.

Supplementary Info[2017/12/28]:
content of gOutput.GetHttpContentBytes() is:

"RequestId": "41BEE10D-8C81-4F0B-9076-061B1CABA231",
"PageNumber": 1,
"PageSize": 50,
"TotalCount": 0,
"Domains": {
"PageData": [

It can be found that an extra filed "PageData" shoud be nested in "Domains" field.

KMS Support?

Is there a timeline for KMS support in the SDK?

It would be very helpful for some things we're trying to do.


Error json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field .CpuCoreCount of type requests.Integer
Error json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field .DiscountPrice of type requests.Float

QueryMetricList Dimension Filtering not working

Trying to filter metric datapoints based on Dimension is not working. Even though metrics with dimension key "instanceId" and value "somevalue" do not exists, the API call still returns datapoints of all metrics whatever their instanceId is.

request := cms.CreateQueryMetricListRequest()
request.StartTime = time.Now().UTC().Add(-5 * time.Minute).Format(time.RFC3339)
request.EndTime = time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
request.Period = "60"
request.Dimensions = "{\"instanceId\":\"somevalue\"}"
request.Project = "custom_project_name"
request.Metric = "cpu_usage"
request.Method = "GET"
response, err := client.QueryMetricList(request)


package util
import (

func SendSMS(PhoneNumbers, SignName, TemplateCode, TemplateParam string) error {
client, _ := sdk.NewClientWithAccessKey("cn-shanghai", "xxxx", "yyyy")
request := requests.NewCommonRequest()
request.Domain = ""
request.Version = "2017-05-25"
request.ApiName = "SendSms"
request.QueryParams["PhoneNumbers"] = PhoneNumbers
request.QueryParams["SignName"] = SignName
request.QueryParams["TemplateCode"] = TemplateCode
request.QueryParams["TemplateParam"] = TemplateParam
response, err := client.ProcessCommonRequest(request)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if r := response.GetHttpContentString(); !strings.Contains(r, "Message":"OK") {
err = fmt.Errorf(r)
return err

以上是util包中SendSMS代码,main 中调用 util.SendSMS,编译后在本机(windows 10)运行良好,将编译好的.exe文件上传至阿里云的ECS(windows server),出现错误:
panic: open c:\go\lib\time\ The system cannot find the path specified.

goroutine 23 [running]:, 0xc04230a030)
D:/OneDrive/code/gopath/src/ +0x149, 0xc042034120, 0xa6d3e0, 0xc042004028, 0x84b790, 0xb)
D:/OneDrive/code/gopath/src/ +0x1e8, 0xc042034120, 0xa6d3e0, 0xc042004028, 0x84b790, 0xb)
D:/OneDrive/code/gopath/src/ +0x71, 0xc042034120, 0xa6d3e0, 0xc042004028, 0x84b790, 0xb, 0x77b99c, 0x8)
D:/OneDrive/code/gopath/src/ +0x2a2, 0xc042034120, 0xa6d3e0, 0xc042004028, 0x84b790, 0xb, 0x8, 0x8, 0xc042004030)
D:/OneDrive/code/gopath/src/ +0x8b*Client).DoActionWithSigner(0xc042308000, 0xa71700, 0xc042034120, 0xa6d5c0, 0xc042004038, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0xc0420320c0)
D:/OneDrive/code/gopath/src/ +0x3c4*Client).DoAction(0xc042308000, 0xa71700, 0xc042034120, 0xa6d5c0, 0xc042004038, 0x0, 0xc042304240)
D:/OneDrive/code/gopath/src/ +0x6c*Client).ProcessCommonRequest(0xc042308000, 0xc042034120, 0x84c6e9, 0xd, 0xc0423042f8)
D:/OneDrive/code/gopath/src/ +0xae
hao/util.SendSMS(0xc042008210, 0xb, 0x84c328, 0xc, 0x84be6c, 0xc, 0xc04200a440, 0x11, 0x11, 0xc042071080)

[Feature Request] 命名嵌套 struct 类型

建议用 Action 作为前缀,以命名嵌套的 struct 类型,像这样

(几日前没注意官方有 go sdk,故从 java-sdk 中抓取生成了一版本

另外,为什么 返回的 json 中
VSwitchIds 是 []VSwitchId
NatGatewayIds 是 []NatGatewayIds 而 RouterTableIds 是 []RouterTableIds

windows bug

os type: windows 10
go version: 1.10

package main

import (

func main() {
	// 创建ecsClient实例
	ecsClient, err := ecs.NewClientWithAccessKey(
		"<your-region-id>",         // 地域ID
		"<your-access-key-id>",     // 您的Access Key ID
		"<your-access-key-secret>") // 您的Access Key Secret
	if err != nil {
		// 异常处理
	// 创建API请求并设置参数
	request := ecs.CreateDescribeInstancesRequest()
	// 等价于 request.PageSize = "10"
	request.PageSize = requests.NewInteger(10)
	// 发起请求并处理异常
	response, err := ecsClient.DescribeInstances(request)
	if err != nil {
		// 异常处理

go run main.go

go build D:\Go\pkg\tool\windows_amd64\compile.exe: fork/exec D:\Go\pkg\tool\windows_amd64\compile.exe: The filename or extension is too long.

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