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binary_trees's Introduction

(270) 0x1D. C - Binary trees

Foundations > Low-level programming & Algorithm > Data structures and Algorithms

Project authors

Alexandre Gautier

Assignment dates

07-20-2020 to 07-25-2020


Introduction to the characteristics, types, and use of binary trees.


Files containing big O notations will use this format:

  • O(1)
  • O(n)
  • O(n!)
  • n*m -> O(nm)
  • n squared -> O(n^2)
  • sqrt n -> O(sqrt(n))
  • log(n) -> O(log(n))
  • n * log(n) -> O(nlog(n))

Provided file(s)

Mandatory Tasks

✅ 0. New node

Write a function that creates a binary tree node

  • Prototype: binary_tree_t *binary_tree_node(binary_tree_t *parent, int value);
  • Where parent is a pointer to the parent node of the node to create
  • And value is the value to put in the new node
  • When created, a node does not have any child
  • Your function must return a pointer to the new node, or NULL on failure

File(s): 0-binary_tree_node.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 0-main.c 0-binary_tree_node.c -o 0-node

✅ 1. Insert left

Write a function that inserts a node as the left-child of another node

  • Prototype: binary_tree_t *binary_tree_insert_left(binary_tree_t *parent, int value);
  • Where parent is a pointer to the node to insert the left-child in
  • And value is the value to store in the new node
  • Your function must return a pointer to the created node, or NULL on failure or if parent is NULL
  • If parent already has a left-child, the new node must take its place, and the old left-child must be set as the left-child of the new node.

File(s): 1-binary_tree_insert_left.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 1-main.c 1-binary_tree_insert_left.c 0-binary_tree_node.c -o 1-left

✅ 2. Insert right

Write a function that inserts a node as the right-child of another node

  • Prototype: binary_tree_t *binary_tree_insert_right(binary_tree_t *parent, int value);
  • Where parent is a pointer to the node to insert the right-child in
  • And value is the value to store in the new node
  • Your function must return a pointer to the created node, or NULL on failure or if parent is NULL
  • If parent already has a right-child, the new node must take its place, and the old right-child must be set as the right-child of the new node.

File(s): 2-binary_tree_insert_right.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 2-main.c 2-binary_tree_insert_right.c 0-binary_tree_node.c -o 2-right

✅ 3. Delete

Write a function that deletes an entire binary tree

  • Prototype: void binary_tree_delete(binary_tree_t *tree);
  • Where tree is a pointer to the root node of the tree to delete
  • If tree is NULL, do nothing

File(s): 3-binary_tree_delete.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 3-main.c 3-binary_tree_delete.c 0-binary_tree_node.c 2-binary_tree_insert_right.c -o 3-del

✅ 4. Is leaf

Write a function that checks if a node is a leaf

  • Prototype: int binary_tree_is_leaf(const binary_tree_t *node);
  • Where node is a pointer to the node to check
  • Your function must return 1 if node is a leaf, otherwise 0
  • If node is NULL, return 0

File(s): 4-binary_tree_is_leaf.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 4-binary_tree_is_leaf.c 4-main.c 0-binary_tree_node.c 2-binary_tree_insert_right.c -o 4-leaf

✅ 5. Is root

Write a function that checks if a given node is a root

  • Prototype: int binary_tree_is_root(const binary_tree_t *node);
  • Where node is a pointer to the node to check
  • Your function must return 1 if node is a root, otherwise 0
  • If node is NULL, return 0

File(s): 5-binary_tree_is_root.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 5-binary_tree_is_root.c 5-main.c 0-binary_tree_node.c 2-binary_tree_insert_right.c -o 5-root

✅ 6. Pre-order traversal

Write a function that goes through a binary tree using pre-order traversal

  • Prototype: void binary_tree_preorder(const binary_tree_t *tree, void (*func)(int));
  • Where tree is a pointer to the root node of the tree to traverse
  • And func is a pointer to a function to call for each node. The value in the node must be passed as a parameter to this function.
  • If tree or func is NULL, do nothing

File(s): 6-binary_tree_preorder.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 6-main.c 6-binary_tree_preorder.c 0-binary_tree_node.c -o 6-pre

✅ 7. In-order traversal

Write a function that goes through a binary tree using in-order traversal

  • Prototype: void binary_tree_inorder(const binary_tree_t *tree, void (*func)(int));
  • Where tree is a pointer to the root node of the tree to traverse
  • And func is a pointer to a function to call for each node. The value in the node must be passed as a parameter to this function.
  • If tree or func is NULL, do nothing

File(s): 7-binary_tree_inorder.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 7-main.c 7-binary_tree_inorder.c 0-binary_tree_node.c -o 7-in

✅ 8. Post-order traversal

Write a function that goes through a binary tree using post-order traversal

  • Prototype: void binary_tree_postorder(const binary_tree_t *tree, void (*func)(int));
  • Where tree is a pointer to the root node of the tree to traverse
  • And func is a pointer to a function to call for each node. The value in the node must be passed as a parameter to this function.
  • If tree or func is NULL, do nothing

File(s): 8-binary_tree_postorder.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 8-main.c 8-binary_tree_postorder.c 0-binary_tree_node.c -o 8-post

✅ 9. Height

Write a function that measures the height of a binary tree

  • Prototype: size_t binary_tree_height(const binary_tree_t *tree);
  • Where tree is a pointer to the root node of the tree to measure the height.
  • If tree is NULL, your function must return 0

File(s): 9-binary_tree_height.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 9-binary_tree_height.c 9-main.c 0-binary_tree_node.c 2-binary_tree_insert_right.c -o 9-height

✅ 10. Depth

Write a function that measures the depth of a node in a binary tree

  • Prototype: size_t binary_tree_depth(const binary_tree_t *tree);
  • Where tree is a pointer to the node to measure the depth
  • If tree is NULL, your function must return 0

File(s): 10-binary_tree_depth.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 10-binary_tree_depth.c 10-main.c 0-binary_tree_node.c 2-binary_tree_insert_right.c -o 10-depth

✅ 11. Size

Write a function that measures the size of a binary tree

  • Prototype: size_t binary_tree_size(const binary_tree_t *tree);
  • Where tree is a pointer to the root node of the tree to measure the size
  • If tree is NULL, the function must return 0

File(s): 11-binary_tree_size.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 11-binary_tree_size.c 11-main.c 0-binary_tree_node.c 2-binary_tree_insert_right.c -o 11-size

✅ 12. Leaves

Write a function that counts the leaves in a binary tree

  • Prototype: size_t binary_tree_leaves(const binary_tree_t *tree);
  • Where tree is a pointer to the root node of the tree to count the number of leaves
  • If tree is NULL, the function must return 0
  • A NULL pointer is not a leaf

File(s): 12-binary_tree_leaves.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 12-binary_tree_leaves.c 12-main.c 0-binary_tree_node.c 2-binary_tree_insert_right.c -o 12-leaves

✅ 13. Nodes

Write a function that counts the nodes with at least 1 child in a binary tree

  • Prototype: size_t binary_tree_nodes(const binary_tree_t *tree);
  • Where tree is a pointer to the root node of the tree to count the number of nodes
  • If tree is NULL, the function must return 0
  • A NULL pointer is not a node

File(s): 13-binary_tree_nodes.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 13-binary_tree_nodes.c 13-main.c 0-binary_tree_node.c 2-binary_tree_insert_right.c -o 13-nodes

✅ 14. Balance factor

Write a function that measures the balance factor of a binary tree

  • Prototype: int binary_tree_balance(const binary_tree_t *tree);
  • Where tree is a pointer to the root node of the tree to measure the balance factor
  • If tree is NULL, return 0

File(s): 14-binary_tree_balance.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 14-binary_tree_balance.c 14-main.c 0-binary_tree_node.c 2-binary_tree_insert_right.c 1-binary_tree_insert_left.c -o 14-balance

✅ 15. Is full

Write a function that checks if a binary tree is full

  • Prototype: int binary_tree_is_full(const binary_tree_t *tree);
  • Where tree is a pointer to the root node of the tree to check
  • If tree is NULL, your function must return 0

File(s): 15-binary_tree_is_full.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 15-binary_tree_is_full.c 15-main.c 0-binary_tree_node.c 2-binary_tree_insert_right.c -o 15-full

✅ 16. Is perfect

Write a function that checks if a binary tree is perfect

  • Prototype: int binary_tree_is_perfect(const binary_tree_t *tree);
  • Where tree is a pointer to the root node of the tree to check
  • If tree is NULL, your function must return 0

File(s): 16-binary_tree_is_perfect.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 16-binary_tree_is_perfect.c 16-main.c 0-binary_tree_node.c 2-binary_tree_insert_right.c -o 16-perfect

✅ 17. Sibling

Write a function that finds the sibling of a node

  • Prototype: binary_tree_t *binary_tree_sibling(binary_tree_t *node);
  • Where node is a pointer to the node to find the sibling
  • Your function must return a pointer to the sibling node
  • If node is NULL or the parent is NULL, return NULL
  • If node has no sibling, return NULL

File(s): 17-binary_tree_sibling.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 17-main.c 17-binary_tree_sibling.c 0-binary_tree_node.c -o 17-sibling

✅ 18. Uncle

Write a function that finds the uncle of a node

  • Prototype: binary_tree_t *binary_tree_uncle(binary_tree_t *node);
  • Where node is a pointer to the node to find the uncle
  • Your function must return a pointer to the uncle node
  • If node is NULL, return NULL
  • If node has no uncle, return NULL

File(s): 18-binary_tree_uncle.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 18-main.c 18-binary_tree_uncle.c 0-binary_tree_node.c -o 18-uncle

Advanced Tasks

✅ 19. Lowest common ancestor

Write a function that finds the lowest common ancestor of two nodes

  • Prototype: binary_tree_t *binary_trees_ancestor(const binary_tree_t *first, const binary_tree_t *second);
  • Where first is a pointer to the first node
  • And second is a pointer to the second node
  • Your function must return a pointer to the lowest common ancestor node of the two given nodes
  • If no common ancestor was found, your function must return NULL

File(s): 100-binary_trees_ancestor.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 100-main.c 100-binary_trees_ancestor.c 0-binary_tree_node.c -o 100-ancestor

✅ 20. Level-order traversal

Write a function that goes through a binary tree using level-order traversal

  • Prototype: void binary_tree_levelorder(const binary_tree_t *tree, void (*func)(int));
  • Where tree is a pointer to the root node of the tree to traverse
  • And func is a pointer to a function to call for each node. The value in the node must be passed as a parameter to this function.
  • If tree or func is NULL, do nothing

File(s): 101-binary_tree_levelorder.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 101-main.c 101-binary_tree_levelorder.c 0-binary_tree_node.c 3-binary_tree_delete.c -o 101-lvl

✅ 21. Is complete

Write a function that checks if a binary tree is complete

  • Prototype: int binary_tree_is_complete(const binary_tree_t *tree);
  • Where tree is a pointer to the root node of the tree to check
  • If tree is NULL, your function must return 0

File(s): 102-binary_tree_is_complete.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 102-main.c 102-binary_tree_is_complete.c 0-binary_tree_node.c 3-binary_tree_delete.c -o 102-complete

✅ 22. Rotate left

Write a function that performs a left-rotation on a binary tree

  • Prototype: binary_tree_t *binary_tree_rotate_left(binary_tree_t *tree);
  • Where tree is a pointer to the root node of the tree to rotate
  • Your function must return a pointer to the new root node of the tree once rotated

File(s): 103-binary_tree_rotate_left.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 103-binary_tree_rotate_left.c 103-main.c 0-binary_tree_node.c -o 103-rotl

✅ 23. Rotate right

Write a function that performs a right-rotation on a binary tree

  • Prototype: binary_tree_t *binary_tree_rotate_right(binary_tree_t *tree);
  • Where tree is a pointer to the root node of the tree to rotate
  • Your function must return a pointer to the new root node of the tree once rotated

File(s): 104-binary_tree_rotate_right.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 104-binary_tree_rotate_right.c 104-main.c 0-binary_tree_node.c -o 104-rotr

✅ 24. Is BST

Write a function that checks if a binary tree is a valid Binary Search Tree

  • Prototype: int binary_tree_is_bst(const binary_tree_t *tree);
  • Where tree is a pointer to the root node of the tree to check
  • Your function must return 1 if tree is a valid BST, and 0 otherwise
  • If tree is NULL, return 0

Properties of a Binary Search Tree:

  • The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with values less than the node’s value
  • The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with values greater than the node’s value
  • The left and right subtree each must also be a binary search tree
  • There must be no duplicate values

File(s): 110-binary_tree_is_bst.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 110-main.c 110-binary_tree_is_bst.c 0-binary_tree_node.c -o 110-is_bst

✅ 25. BST - Insert

Write a function that inserts a value in a Binary Search Tree

  • Prototype: bst_t *bst_insert(bst_t **tree, int value);
  • Where tree is a double pointer to the root node of the BST to insert the value
  • And value is the value to store in the node to be inserted
  • Your function must return a pointer to the created node, or NULL on failure
  • If the address stored in tree is NULL, the created node must become the root node.
  • If the value is already present in the tree, it must be ignored

File(s): 111-bst_insert.c, 0-binary_tree_node.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 111-bst_insert.c 111-main.c 0-binary_tree_node.c -o 111-bst_insert

✅ 26. BST - Array to BST

Write a function that builds a Binary Search Tree from an array

  • Prototype: bst_t *array_to_bst(int *array, size_t size);
  • Where array is a pointer to the first element of the array to be converted
  • And size is the number of element in the array
  • Your function must return a pointer to the root node of the created BST, or NULL on failure
  • If a value of the array is already present in the tree, this value must be ignored

File(s): 112-array_to_bst.c 111-bst_insert.c 0-binary_tree_node.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 112-array_to_bst.c 112-main.c 111-bst_insert.c 0-binary_tree_node.c -o 112-bst_array

✅ 27. BST - Search

Write a function that searches for a value in a Binary Search Tree

  • Prototype: bst_t *bst_search(const bst_t *tree, int value);
  • Where tree is a pointer to the root node of the BST to search
  • And value is the value to search in the tree
  • Your function must return a pointer to the node containing a value equals to value
  • If tree is NULL or if nothing is found, your function must return NULL

File(s): 113-bst_search.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 113-bst_search.c 113-main.c 112-array_to_bst.c 111-bst_insert.c 0-binary_tree_node.c -o 113-bst_search

✅ 28. BST - Remove

Write a function that removes a node from a Binary Search Tree

  • Prototype: bst_t *bst_remove(bst_t *root, int value);
  • Where root is a pointer to the root node of the tree where you will remove a node
  • And value is the value to remove in the tree
  • Once located, the node containing a value equals to value must be removed and freed
  • If the node to be deleted has two children, it must be replaced with its first in-order successor (not predecessor)
  • Your function must return a pointer to the new root node of the tree after removing the desired value

File(s): 114-bst_remove.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 114-bst_remove.c 114-main.c 112-array_to_bst.c 111-bst_insert.c 0-binary_tree_node.c 3-binary_tree_delete.c -o 114-bst_rm

✅ 29. Big O #BST

What are the average time complexities of those operations on a Binary Search Tree (one answer per line):

  • Inserting the value n
  • Removing the node with the value n
  • Searching for a node in a BST of size n

File(s): 115-O

✅ 30. Is AVL

Write a function that checks if a binary tree is a valid AVL Tree

  • Prototype: int binary_tree_is_avl(const binary_tree_t *tree);
  • Where tree is a pointer to the root node of the tree to check
  • Your function must return 1 if tree is a valid AVL Tree, and 0 otherwise
  • If tree is NULL, return 0

Properties of an AVL Tree:

  • An AVL Tree is a BST
  • The difference between heights of left and right subtrees cannot be more than one
  • The left and right subtrees must also be AVL trees

File(s): 120-binary_tree_is_avl.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 120-main.c 120-binary_tree_is_avl.c 0-binary_tree_node.c -o 120-is_avl

⬜ 31. AVL - Insert

Write a function that inserts a value in an AVL Tree

  • Prototype: avl_t *avl_insert(avl_t **tree, int value);
  • Where tree is a double pointer to the root node of the AVL tree for inserting the value
  • And value is the value to store in the node to be inserted
  • Your function must return a pointer to the created node, or NULL on failure
  • If the address stored in tree is NULL, the created node must become the root node.
  • The resulting tree after insertion, must be a balanced AVL Tree

File(s): 121-avl_insert.c 14-binary_tree_balance.c 103-binary_tree_rotate_left.c 104-binary_tree_rotate_right.c 0-binary_tree_node.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 121-avl_insert.c 121-main.c 14-binary_tree_balance.c 103-binary_tree_rotate_left.c 104-binary_tree_rotate_right.c 0-binary_tree_node.c -o 121-avl_insert

⬜ 32. AVL - Array to AVL

Write a function that builds an AVL tree from an array

  • Prototype: avl_t *array_to_avl(int *array, size_t size);
  • Where array is a pointer to the first element of the array to be converted
  • And size is the number of element in the array
  • Your function must return a pointer to the root node of the created AVL tree, or NULL on failure
  • If a value of the array is already present in the tree, this value must be ignored

File(s): 122-array_to_avl.c 121-avl_insert.c 0-binary_tree_node.c 103-binary_tree_rotate_left.c 104-binary_tree_rotate_right.c 14-binary_tree_balance.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 122-array_to_avl.c 122-main.c 121-avl_insert.c 0-binary_tree_node.c 14-binary_tree_balance.c 103-binary_tree_rotate_left.c 104-binary_tree_rotate_right.c -o 122-avl_array

⬜ 33. AVL - Remove

Write a function that removes a node from an AVL tree

  • Prototype: avl_t *avl_remove(avl_t *root, int value);
  • Where root is a pointer to the root node of the tree for removing a node
  • And value is the value to remove in the tree
  • Once located, the node containing a value equals to value must be removed and freed
  • If the node to be deleted has two children, it must be replaced with its first in-order successor (not predecessor)
  • After deletion of the desired node, the tree must be rebalanced if necessary
  • Your function must return a pointer to the new root node of the tree after removing the desired value, and after rebalancing

File(s): 123-avl_remove.c 14-binary_tree_balance.c 103-binary_tree_rotate_left.c 104-binary_tree_rotate_right.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 123-avl_remove.c 123-main.c 103-binary_tree_rotate_left.c 104-binary_tree_rotate_right.c 122-array_to_avl.c 121-avl_insert.c 14-binary_tree_balance.c 3-binary_tree_delete.c 0-binary_tree_node.c -o 123-avl_rm

✅ 34. AVL - From sorted array

Write a function that builds an AVL tree from an array

  • Prototype: avl_t *sorted_array_to_avl(int *array, size_t size);
  • Where array is a pointer to the first element of the array to be converted
  • And size is the number of element in the array
  • Your function must return a pointer to the root node of the created AVL tree, or NULL on failure
  • You can assume there will be no duplicate value in the array
  • You are not allowed to rotate
  • You can only have 2 functions in your file

File(s): 124-sorted_array_to_avl.c 0-binary_tree_node.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 124-main.c 124-sorted_array_to_avl.c 0-binary_tree_node.c -o 124-avl_sorted

⬜ 35. Big O #AVL Tree

What are the average time complexities of those operations on an AVL Tree (one answer per line):

  • Inserting the value n
  • Removing the node with the value n
  • Searching for a node in an AVL tree of size n

File(s): 125-O

⬜ 36. Is Binary heap

Write a function that checks if a binary tree is a valid Max Binary Heap

  • Prototype: int binary_tree_is_heap(const binary_tree_t *tree);
  • Where tree is a pointer to the root node of the tree to check
  • Your function must return 1 if tree is a valid Max Binary Heap, and 0 otherwise
  • If tree is NULL, return 0

Properties of a Max Binary Heap:

  • It’s a complete tree
  • In a Max Binary Heap, the value at root must be maximum among all values present in Binary Heap
  • The last property must be recursively true for all nodes in Binary Tree

File(s): 130-binary_tree_is_heap.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 130-main.c 130-binary_tree_is_heap.c 0-binary_tree_node.c -o 130-is_heap

✅ 37. Heap - Insert

Write a function that inserts a value in Max Binary Heap

  • Prototype: heap_t *heap_insert(heap_t **root, int value)
  • Where root is a double pointer to the root node of the Heap to insert the value
  • And value is the value to store in the node to be inserted
  • Your function must return a pointer to the created node, or NULL on failure
  • If the address stored in root is NULL, the created node must become the root node.
  • You have to respect a Max Heap ordering
  • You are allowed to have up to 6 functions in your file

File(s): 131-heap_insert.c 0-binary_tree_node.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 131-main.c 131-heap_insert.c 0-binary_tree_node.c -o 131-heap_insert

⬜ 38. Heap - Array to Binary Heap

Write a function that builds a Max Binary Heap tree from an array

  • Prototype: heap_t *array_to_heap(int *array, size_t size);
  • Where array is a pointer to the first element of the array to be converted
  • And size is the number of element in the array
  • Your function must return a pointer to the root node of the created Binary Heap, or NULL on failure

File(s): 132-array_to_heap.c 131-heap_insert.c 0-binary_tree_node.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 132-main.c 132-array_to_heap.c 131-heap_insert.c 0-binary_tree_node.c -o 132-heap_array

⬜ 39. Heap - Extract

Write a function that extracts the root node of a Max Binary Heap

  • Prototype: int heap_extract(heap_t **root);
  • Where root is a double pointer to the root node of heap
  • Your function must return the value stored in the root node
  • The root node must be freed and replace with the last level-order node of the heap
  • Once replaced, the heap must be rebuilt if necessary
  • If your function fails, return 0

File(s): 133-heap_extract.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 133-main.c 133-heap_extract.c 132-array_to_heap.c 131-heap_insert.c 3-binary_tree_delete.c -o 133-heap_extract

⬜ 40. Heap - Sort

Write a function that converts a Binary Max Heap to a sorted array of integers

  • Prototype: int *heap_to_sorted_array(heap_t *heap, size_t *size);
  • Where heap is a pointer to the root node of the heap to convert
  • And size is an address to store the size of the array
  • You can assume size is a valid address
  • Since we are using Max Heap, the returned array must be sorted in descending order

File(s): 134-heap_to_sorted_array.c 133-heap_extract.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic binary_tree_print.c 134-main.c 134-heap_to_sorted_array.c 133-heap_extract.c 132-array_to_heap.c 131-heap_insert.c -o 134-heap_sort

⬜ 41. Big O #Binary Heap

What are the average time complexities of those operations on a Binary Heap (one answer per line):

  • Inserting the value n
  • Extracting the root node
  • Searching for a node in a binary heap of size n

File(s): 135-O


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