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🌚 Dark theme variables of Ant Design

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License: MIT License

JavaScript 45.25% TypeScript 54.75%
dark-theme antd ant-design ant-design-pro less

ant-design-dark-theme's Introduction

🌚 Ant Design Dark Theme 🌚

Travis npm package NPM downloads

Dependencies DevDependencies

Dark theme variables of Ant Design.

Still being experimental, welcome to try out and help us to improve it.

Visit to preview.


$ npm install @ant-design/dark-theme


import darkTheme from '@ant-design/dark-theme';

// webpack.config.js: less-loader
  loader: 'less-loader',
  options: {
    modifyVars: darkTheme,

Use in Ant Design Pro: ant-design/ant-design-pro#2946

ant-design-dark-theme's People


afc163 avatar chenshuai2144 avatar dependabot-preview[bot] avatar depfu[bot] avatar gzgogo avatar ycjcl868 avatar


Burak Deniz avatar BugendCoder avatar fengjutian avatar  avatar IceStar avatar Jira Nguyễn avatar  avatar Devrimer Duman avatar VIjay K avatar TRAN DUC LINH avatar JCMa avatar Al avatar Eko Prakoso avatar Nivedha S  avatar Xiang Shi avatar Sapun4ik avatar Galanggg avatar Rahmat Riansyah avatar Anton Yesenin avatar Johannlai avatar Richard Zhang avatar Serhii Herasymov avatar  avatar Yarnie avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Danni Yudin avatar Jason Zhou avatar AplinXy9plin avatar Pork Sashimi 🍣 avatar Salifou Affoh avatar LS avatar Karol avatar jamesmcpc avatar shangwfa avatar KIRILL GOLIKOV avatar csyuxuan avatar Jakson Lima avatar TONy.W avatar Hustin Jeffers avatar  avatar Alan Chou avatar lyanmm avatar John Collins avatar  avatar zw avatar Ivan Andika avatar Starry avatar Larah Armstrong avatar Jan Ďurďák avatar Saeed Kefayati avatar David avatar Amir avatar Thanh Nguyen avatar Henry Dong avatar Sergei avatar bitecode avatar Peiwen Li avatar Mesut Pişkin avatar Cameron Sowder avatar Prince Agrawal avatar Diligent Marketing Solutions avatar Mr.Ximen avatar Muhamed Gomaa avatar Zach Franzen avatar  avatar sangbae Kang avatar Jasan avatar  avatar waltcow avatar nrsimonelli avatar mental avatar Jérémy Reynard avatar Amadeusine avatar  avatar Kuma Li avatar Antonio Gravino avatar Jaroslav Kaňka avatar Stas Lysak avatar Brian Ruiz avatar Mohammad Marandi avatar icebay avatar Ankit Vashisht avatar Cyprien Thao avatar Rik Smith-Unna avatar Ali Irandoust avatar Robert Leonard avatar John Ervin avatar Steve Henderson avatar  avatar  avatar Acampbell avatar Lizhooh avatar Ibragim avatar  avatar Emily Marigold Klassen avatar Victor avatar Florian Winter avatar Matthäus Mayer avatar


 avatar James Cloos avatar Ziluo avatar warmhug avatar MeiLin avatar 二货爱吃白萝卜 avatar jiang avatar  avatar Hilmi Başıbüyük avatar  avatar Ayush Chothe avatar Basel Ajarmeh avatar Md Zahangir Alam(#Mr.) avatar dh13kER avatar Jeff Asmah avatar

ant-design-dark-theme's Issues

Is this ready to use?

Hey - the README indicates this is experimental software. Would using it in a project be fine? When will it be okay to use?

Looks great, by the way!

[RFC] add index.less


写一个脚本,自动通过 index.ts -> index.less

Instructions when using with create-react-app and react-app-rewired

I am following the official instructions with create-react-app and have ant integrated.
I currently override them variables using the customize theme info given here
using addLessLoader and config-overrides.js

If I follow instructions the usage instructions for dark theme in this case they dont work.
import darkTheme from '@ant-design/dark-theme';

// webpack.config.js: less-loader
loader: 'less-loader',
options: {
modifyVars: darkTheme,

Can you please help.

Problem about circular dependency

I clone antd and try to modify some component

Then, I found antd require antd-pro-merge-less
antd-pro-merge-less require @ant-design/dark-theme, and then @ant-design/dark-theme require antd.

Yeah, When i try to run node ./scripts/generate-color-less in antd, its throw

Error: Cannot find module 'antd/dist/dark-theme'

@ant-design/dark-theme not install antd, because its a devDependency.

How can i fix it?
Thanks for your reply

config-overrides.js 中直接配置darkTheme无法生效

`const {
} = require("customize-cra");

const darkTheme = require("@ant-design/dark-theme");

process.env.GENERATE_SOURCEMAP = "false"; //打包时去除map文件
module.exports = override(
fixBabelImports("import", {
libraryName: "antd",
libraryDirectory: "es",
style: true // change importing css to less
javascriptEnabled: true,
modifyVars: darkTheme


(node:8084) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(),
or Buffer.from() methods instead.

How to enable in Electerm?

Hello, I install theme two times but it's now visible in Electerm. How to import that theme?

Changing theme dynamically

If I wanted to toggle my React app's theme by pressing a button in the app, without restarting my web server, would that be possible?

Website does not work?

Hi -- just wanted to preview the dark theme and there are quite a few errors....

The top bar:
Screen Shot 2020-01-12 at 5 52 40 PM

Tag dropdown:
Screen Shot 2020-01-12 at 5 54 11 PM

Form labels:
Screen Shot 2020-01-12 at 5 56 33 PM

Perhaps it's from this console error??:
Screen Shot 2020-01-12 at 5 55 29 PM

I'm a bit confused... there seems to be quite a few issues... Is this a public release or is this still in beta?

I am on Chrome Version 79.0.3945.117 (Official Build) (64-bit) and Mac OS Catalina. I cleared storage (like advised) and that didn't fix anything...

Description List Title field text

The CSS for Description list title field needs to be changed for better contrast. It is barely visible with the dark theme.

Thank you.

Usage instructions for Yarn ?

Usage instructions for Yarn / react-app-rewired?

import darkTheme from '@ant-design/dark-theme';


SyntaxError: Unexpected token import

menu-item-boundary-margin 为啥是0


dark theme is overriding my classes

<Wrapper className="onyx-layout">

.onyx-layout { min-height: 100vh; background-color: #000; }

implemented dark-theme using craco

const CracoLessPlugin = require("craco-less");
const darkTheme = require("@ant-design/dark-theme");

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      plugin: CracoLessPlugin,
      options: {
        lessLoaderOptions: {
          lessOptions: {
            modifyVars: darkTheme,
            javascriptEnabled: true,

now it is.


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