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react-isomorphic-render's Introduction


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Server Side Rendering for React + React-router + Redux stack.

  • Asynchronously preloads pages before performing client-side navigation
  • Provides an isomorphic HTTP client for calling REST API in Redux "action creators"
  • Supports Webpack "hot reload" (aka "Hot Module Replacement")
  • Provides supplementary utilities: locale detection for internationalization, easy setting page <title/> and <meta/>, programmatic redirects, 100% correct handling of HTTP Cookies, etc

Why Server Side Rendering

World-Wide Web Concepts

The original concept of the web was one of a network of "resources" interconnected with "hyperlinks": a user could query a "resource" by a "Universal Resource Link" (URL) and then travel to any of the connected "resources" just by navigating the corresponding hyperlinks, and then it would all repeat recursively therefore interconnecting each and every "resource" into a giant interconnected web (hence the name). The "resources" were meant to be "documents", like reports, articles, papers, news, books, etc.

The web wasn't meant at all for "applications". At first javascript was only used to bring some naive interactivity to static "documents", like following the cursor with a sprinkle, or adding christmas snow to a page, or applying some effect to a picture upon mouseover. Initially javascript was never meant to be a means of operating on the page's "content". It was just for "presentation" ("view"), not the "content".

Ajax wasn't originally meant for "content" too: it was just for tiny utility things like hitting a "Like" button without needlessly refreshing the whole freaking page, but it was then too turned into a machinery for fetching a page's "content".

And so the Web became broken. And to completely fix that and make the Web 100% pure again total Server Side Rendering for each dynamic website is the only way to go. This is still a purely esthetical argument and nobody would really care (except purists and perfectionists) if it didn't come to being able to be indexed by Google...

Search engines

Search engine crawlers like Google bot won't wait for a page to make its Ajax calls to an API server for data: they would simply abort all asynchronous javascript and index the page as is. Don't mistake it for web crawlers not being able to execute javascript — they're perfectly fine with doing that (watch out though for using the latest and greatest and always use polyfills for the older browsers since web crawlers may be using those under the hood).

So the only thing preventing a dynamic website from being indexed by a crawler is Ajax, not javascript. This therefore brings two solutions: one is to perform everything (routing, data fetching, rendering) on the server side and the other is to perform routing and data fetching on the server side leaving rendering to the client's web browser. Both these approaches work with web crawlers. And this is what this library provides.

While the first approach is more elegant and pure, currently it is a very CPU intensive task to render a moderately complex React page using ReactDOM.renderToString() (takes about 100 milliseconds of blocking CPU single core time for complex pages having more than 1000 components, as of 2016). Facebook doesn't use Server Side Rendering itself so optimizing this part of the React library is not a priority for them. So until this (if ever possible) Server Side Rendering performance issue is fixed I prefer the second approach: performing routing and page preloading on the server side while leaving page rendering to the client. This is achieved by using render: false flag (described much further in this document).

Page loading time

The final argument in favour of Server Side Rendering is that even if a website doesn't need search engine indexing it would still benefit from employing Server Side Rendering because that would save that additional HTTP roundtrip from the web browser to the API server for fetching the page's data. And no matter how fast the API server is, latency is unbeatable being about 100ms. So, by performing routing and page preloading on the server side one can speed up website loading by about 100ms. Not that it mattered that much for non-perfectionists but still why not do it when it's so simple to implement.


$ npm install react-isomorphic-render --save


(see webpack-react-redux-isomorphic-render-example or webapp as references)

Start by creating a settings file (it configures both client side and server side)


export default {
  // React-Router routes
  routes: require('./src/client/routes'),

  // Redux reducers
  // (they will be combined via `combineReducers()`)
  reducer: require('./src/client/redux/reducers')


export { default as reducer1 } from './reducer1'
export { default as reducer2 } from './reducer2'

Then call render() in the main client-side javascript file


// Include CSS styles in the bundle

import { render } from 'react-isomorphic-render'
import settings from './react-isomorphic-render'

// Render the page in web browser

And the index.html would look like this:

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/assets/main.css">
    <div id="react"></div>
    <script src="/assets/main.js"></script>

Notice the /assets/main.css and /assets/main.js paths: in this example I assume that you're running webpack-dev-server and this index.html file is put into the build folder.

Now open localhost:8080 in a web browser. Client side rendering should work now.

Server side

Now it's time to add Server Side Rendering, and also serving "static files" via HTTP for production mode, when webpack-dev-server is not running.

index.html will be generated on-the-fly by page rendering server for each HTTP request, so the index.html file may be deleted as it's of no use now.

Start the webpage rendering server (also serving assets):

import path from 'path'
import webpageServer from 'react-isomorphic-render/server'

// `npm install koa-static koa-mount --save`
import statics from 'koa-static'
import mount from 'koa-mount'

import settings from './react-isomorphic-render'

// Cache assets in the web browser for 1 year by default
const maxAge = 365 * 24 * 60 * 60;

// Create webpage rendering server
const server = webpageServer(settings, {
  // HTTP host and port for performing all AJAX requests
  // when rendering pages on server-side.
  // E.g. an AJAX request to `/items/5` will be transformed to
  // `http://${host}:${port}/items/5` during server-side rendering.
  // Specify `secure: true` flag to use `https` protocol instead of `http`.
  application: {
    host: '',
    port: 80,
    // secure: true

  // URLs of the "static" javascript and CSS files
  // which will be insterted into the <head/> element of the resulting Html webpage
  // as <script src="..."/> and <link rel="style" href="..."/> respectively.
  // (also can be a function returning an object)
  // (this is for the main application JS and CSS only,
  //  for 3rd party JS and CSS use `html` parameter instead)
  assets: {
    javascript: '/assets/main.js',
    style: '/assets/main.css'

  // (optional)
  // Custom Koa middlewares.
  // Inserted before page rendering middleware.
  // Serves "static files" by `/assets` path
  // from the `../build` folder.
  // Adjust the path to the Webpack `build` folder.
  middleware: [mount('/assets', statics(path.join(__dirname, '../build'), { maxAge }))]

// Start webpage rendering server on port 3000
// (`server.listen(port, [host], [callback])`)
server.listen(3000, function(error) {
  if (error) {
    throw error
  console.log(`Webpage rendering server is listening at http://localhost:3000`)

server is just a Koa application, so alternatively it could be started like this:

import http from 'http'
import webpageServer from 'react-isomorphic-render/server'
const server = webpageServer(settings, {...})
http.createServer(server.callback()).listen(3000, error => ...)

And for HTTPS websites start the page server like this:

import https from 'https'
import webpageServer from 'react-isomorphic-render/server'
const server = webpageServer(settings, {...})
https.createServer(options, server.callback()).listen(3001, error => ...)

Now disable javascript in Chrome DevTools, go to localhost:3000 and the server should respond with a fully rendered page.


In the example above all HTTP requests to the server are served either with /assets "static files" or with HTML pages which is not the case in real-world applications: for example, a request to /api/items REST API should return a JSON response from the database.

To accomplish that a proxy server is set up which routes all HTTP requests to their appropriate destination. For example, API requests go to the REST API server, requests for static files return static files, and HTTP requests for webpages are routed to the webpage rendering server. So the HTTP proxying plan would look like this:

  • all HTTP GET requests starting with /assets return static files from your build folder
  • all HTTP requests starting with /api are proxied to the REST API service
  • all the other HTTP GET requests are proxied to http://localhost:3000 for webpage rendering

For development purposes, proxying can be easily set up, for example, using http-proxy library in Node.js

const path = require('path')
const express = require('express')
const httpProxy = require('http-proxy')

// Use Express or Koa, for example
const app = express()
const proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({})

// Serve static files
app.use('/assets', express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../build')))

// Define the REST API
app.get('/api', function(request, response) {
  response.send({ result: true })

// Or just extract the REST API into its
// own microservice running on port 3001:
// app.get('/api', function(request, response) {
//   proxy.web(request, response, { target: 'http://localhost:3001' })
// })

// Proxy all other HTTP requests to webpage rendering service
app.use(function(request, response) {
  proxy.web(request, response, { target: 'http://localhost:3000' })

For production usage something like the NginX proxy is a better solution (both for proxying and for serving static files).

Without proxying

(Advanced section, may be skipped)

To use react-isomorphic-render without proxying there are two options

  • Either supply custom Koa middleware array option in webpage server configuration
  • Or call the internal render function manually:
import { render } from 'react-isomorphic-render/server'
import settings from './react-isomorphic-render'

try {
  // Returns a Promise.
  // status  - HTTP response status
  // content - rendered HTML document (markup)
  // redirect - redirection URL (in case of HTTP redirect)
  const { status, content, redirect } = await render(settings, {
    // Takes the same parameters as webpage server

    // Original HTTP request, which is used for
    // getting URL, cloning cookies, and inside `initialize`.

    // Cookies object having `.get(name)` function
    // (only needed if using `authentication` cookie feature)

  if (redirect) {
    return redirect_to(redirect)

  response.status(status || 200)
} catch (error) {
  response.send('Internal server error')


If a Redux action creator returns an object with promise (function) and events (array) keys then this action is assumed asynchronous.

  • An event of type events[0] is dispatched
  • promise function gets called and returns a Promise
  • If the Promise succeeds then an event of type events[1] is dispatched having result property set to the Promise result
  • If the Promise fails then an event of type events[2] is dispatched having error property set to the Promise error


function asynchronousAction() {
  return {
    promise: () => Promise.resolve({ success: true }),

This is a handy way of dealing with "asynchronous actions" in Redux, e.g. Ajax requests for HTTP REST API (see the "HTTP utility" section below).

P.S.: When you find yourself copy-pasting those _PENDING, _SUCCESS and _ERROR event names from one action creator to another then take a look at asynchronousActionEventNaming setting described in the All react-isomorphic-render.js settings section of this document: it lets a developer just supply a "base" event name and then it generates the three lifecycle event names from that "base" event significantly reducing boilerplate.

HTTP utility

For convenience, the argument of the promise function parameter of "asynchronous actions" described above is the built-in http utility having methods get, head, post, put, patch, delete, each returning a Promise and taking three arguments: the url of the HTTP request, parameters object, and an options object. It can be used to easily query HTTP REST API endpoints in Redux action creators.

function fetchAdmins() {
  return {
    promise: http => http.get('/api/users', { role: 'admin' }),

Using ES6 async/await this promise function can be rewritten as

function fetchAdmins() {
  return {
    promise: async http => await http.get('/api/users', { role: 'admin' }),

File upload

The http utility will also upload files if they're passed as part of parameters (example below). Any of these types of file parameters are accepted:

  • In case of a File parameter it will be a single file upload.
  • In case of a FileList parameter with a single File inside it would be treated as a single File.
  • In case of a FileList parameter with multiple Files inside multiple file upload will be performed.
  • In case of an <input type="file"/> DOM element parameter its .files will be taken as a FileList parameter.

Progress can be metered by passing progress option as part of the options argument.

// React component
class ItemPage extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <input type="file" onChange={this.onFileSelected}/>

  // Make sure to `.bind()` this handler
  onFileSelected(event) {
    const file =[0]

    // Could also pass just `` as `file`
    dispatch(uploadItemPhoto(itemId, file))

    // Reset the selected file
    // so that onChange would trigger again
    // even with the same file. = null

// Redux action creator
function uploadItemPhoto(itemId, file) {
  return {
    promise: http =>
      { itemId, file },
      { progress(percent) { console.log(percent) } }

JSON Date parsing

By default, when using http utility all JSON responses get parsed for javascript Dates which are then automatically converted from Strings to Dates. This is convenient, and also safe because such date Strings have to be in a very specific ISO format in order to get parsed (year-month-dayThours:minutes:seconds[timezone]), but if someone still prefers to disable this feature and have his Stringified Dates back then there's the parseDates: false flag in the configuration to opt-out of this feature.

Page preloading

For page preloading consider using @preload() helper to load the neccessary data before the page is rendered.

import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { Title, preload } from 'react-isomorphic-render'

// fetches the list of users from the server
function fetchUsers() {
  return {
    promise: http => http.get('/api/users'),

@preload(({ dispatch }) => dispatch(fetchUsers))
  state => ({ users: state.users.users }),
  // `bindActionCreators()` for Redux action creators
  { fetchUsers }
export default class Page extends Component {
  render() {
    const { users, fetchUsers } = this.props
    return (
        <ul>{ => <li>{ }</li>) }</ul>
        <button onClick={ fetchUsers }>Refresh</button>

In the example above @preload() helper is called to preload a web page before it is displayed, i.e. before the page is rendered (both on server side and on client side).

@preload() decorator takes a function which must return a Promise:

@preload(function({ dispatch, getState, location, parameters }) {
  return Promise

When dispatch is called with a special "asynchronous" action (having promise and events properties, as discussed above) then such a dispatch() call will return a Promise, that's why in the example above it's written simply as:

@preload(({ dispatch }) => dispatch(fetchUsers))

Note: transform-decorators-legacy Babel plugin is needed at the moment to make decorators work in Babel:

npm install babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy --save


  "presets": [
  "plugins": [

P.S.: if @preload() decorator seems not working for no reason (though it definitely should) then try to place it on top of all other decorators. Internally it adds a special static method to your Route's component and some decorators on top of it may not retain that static method (though all proper decorators nowaday do retain static methods and variables of wrapped components using hoist-non-react-statics).

On the client side, in order for @preload to work all <Link/>s imported from react-router must be instead imported from react-isomorphic-render. Upon a click on a <Link/> first it waits for the next page to preload, and then, when the next page is fully loaded, it is displayed to the user and the URL in the address bar is updated.

@preload() also works for Back/Forward web browser buttons navigation. If one @preload() is in progress and another @preload() starts (e.g. Back/Forward browser buttons) the first @preload() will be cancelled if bluebird Promises are used in the project and also if bluebird is configured for Promise cancellation (this is an advanced feature and is not required for operation).

Sometimes preloading a page can take some time to finish so one may want to (and actually should) add some kind of a "spinner" to inform the user that the application isn't frozen and the navigation process needs some more time to finish. This can be achieved by adding a Redux reducer listening to these three Redux events:

import { PRELOAD_STARTED, PRELOAD_FINISHED, PRELOAD_FAILED } from 'react-isomorphic-render'

export default function(state = {}, action = {}) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case PRELOAD_STARTED  : return { ...state, pending: true,  error: false }
    case PRELOAD_FINISHED : return { ...state, pending: false }
    case PRELOAD_FAILED   : return { ...state, pending: false, error: action.error }
    default               : return state

And a "spinner" component would look like

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { ActivityIndicator } from 'react-responsive-ui'

@connect(state => ({ pending: state.preload.pending }))
export default class Preload extends Component {
  render() {
    const { pending } = this.props
    return (
      <div className={ `preloading ${pending ? 'preloading--shown' : ''}` }>
        <ActivityIndicator className="preloading__spinner"/>
.preloading {
  position: fixed;
  top    : 0;
  left   : 0;
  right  : 0;
  bottom : 0;
  z-index: 1;
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
  display: none;

.preloading--shown {
  display: block;
  cursor: wait;

.preloading__spinner {
  position: absolute;
  left: calc(50% - 2rem);
  top: calc(50% - 2rem);
  width: 4rem;
  height: 4rem;

HTTP response status code

To set a custom HTTP response status code for a specific route set the status property of that <Route/>.

export default (
  <Route path="/" component={Layout}>
    <IndexRoute component={Home}/>
    <Route path="blog"  component={Blog}/>
    <Route path="about" component={About}/>
    <Route path="*"     component={PageNotFound} status={404}/>


Setting webpage title, description, tags

Uses react-helmet under the hood.

import { Title, Meta } from 'react-isomorphic-render'

const meta = [
  // <meta charset="utf-8"/>
  { charset: 'utf-8' },

  // <meta name="..." content="..."/>
  { name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no' },

  // <meta property="..." content="..."/>
  { property: 'og:title',       content: 'International Bodybuilders Club' },
  { property: 'og:description', content: 'Do some push ups' },
  { property: 'og:locale',      content: 'ru-RU' }

// Webpage title will be replaced with this one

// Adds additional <meta/> tags to the webpage <head/>
<Meta>{ meta }</Meta>

Handling asynchronous actions

Once one starts writing a lot of Ajax calls in Redux it becomes obvious that there's a lot of boilerplate copy-pasting involved. To reduce those tremendous amounts of copy-pasta an "asynchronous action handler" may be used:


import { action, createHandler, stateConnector } from 'react-isomorphic-render'
// (`./react-isomorphic-render-async.js` settings file is described below)
import settings from './react-isomorphic-render-async'

const handler = createHandler(settings)

// Post comment Redux "action creator"
export const postComment = action({
  namespace: 'BLOG_POST',
  event: 'POST_COMMENT',
  // Must return a Promise
  action(userId, blogPostId, commentText, http) {
    return`/blog/posts/${blogPostId}/comment`, {
      userId: userId,
      text: commentText

// Get comments Redux "action creator"
export const getComments = action({
  namespace: 'BLOG_POST',
  event: 'GET_COMMENTS',
  // Must return a Promise
  action(blogPostId, http) {
    return http.get(`/blog/posts/${blogPostId}/comments`)
  // The fetched comments will be placed
  // into the `comments` Redux state property.
  result: 'comments'
  // Or write it as a reducer:
  // result: (state, result) => ({ ...state, comments: result })

// This is for the Redux `@connect()` helper below

// A developer can additionally handle any other custom events
handler.handle(eventName('BLOG_POST', 'CUSTOM_EVENT'), (state, action) => ({
  customProperty: action.result

// This is for the Redux `@connect()` helper below

// A little helper for Redux `@connect()`
export const connector = stateConnector(handler)

// This is the Redux reducer which now
// handles the asynchronous actions defined above.
export default handler.reducer()


export { default as blogPost } from './blogPost'

And a React component would look like this

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { preload } from 'react-isomorphic-render'
import { connector, getComments, postComment } from './redux/blogPost'

// Preload comments before showing the page
// (see "Page preloading" section of this document)
@preload(({ dispatch, getState, parameters }) => {
  return dispatch(getComments(parameters.blogPostId))
// See `react-redux` documentation on `@connect()` decorator
@connect((state) => ({
  // `connector` will populate the Redux `props`
}), {
export default class BlogPostPage extends Component {
  render() {
    const {
    } = this.props

    if (getCommentsError) {
      return <div>Error while loading comments</div>

    return (
          { => <li>{comment}</li>) }

  renderPostCommentForm() {
    const {
    } = this.props

    if (postCommentPending) {
      return <div>Posting comment...</div>

    if (postCommentError) {
      return <div>Error while posting comment</div>

    return (
      <button onClick={() => postComment(userId, params.blogPostId, 'text')}>
        Post comment

And the additional configuration would be:


import asyncSettings from './react-isomorphic-render-async'

export default {
  // All the settings as before



import { underscoredToCamelCase } from 'react-isomorphic-render'

export default {
  // When supplying `event` instead of `events`
  // as part of an asynchronous Redux action
  // this will generate `events` from `event`
  // using this function.
  asynchronousActionEventNaming: event => ([

  // When using "asynchronous action handlers" feature
  // this function will generate a Redux state property name from an event name.
  // E.g. event `GET_USERS_ERROR` => state.`getUsersError`.
  asynchronousActionHandlerStatePropertyNaming: underscoredToCamelCase,

Notice the extraction of these two configuration parameters into a separate file react-isomorphic-render-async.js: it is done to break circular dependency on ./react-isomorphic-render.js file because routes import React page components which in turn import action creators which in turn import ./react-isomorphic-render.js hence the circular (recursive) dependency (same goes for reducer).

Handling synchronous actions

For synchronous actions it's the same as for asynchronous ones (as described above):

import { action, createHandler, stateConnector } from 'react-isomorphic-render'
// (`./react-isomorphic-render-async.js` settings file is described above)
import settings from './react-isomorphic-render-async'

const handler = createHandler(settings)

// Displays a notification.
// The Redux "action" creator is gonna be:
// function(message) {
//   return {
//     message
//   }
// }
// And the corresponding reducer is gonna be:
//   return {
//     ...state,
//     message: action.message
//   }
export const notify = action({
  namespace : 'NOTIFICATIONS',
  event     : 'NOTIFY',
  payload   : message => ({ message }),
  result    : (state, action) => ({ ...state, message: action.message })

// Or, it could be simplified even further:
// export const notify = action({
//   namespace : 'NOTIFICATIONS',
//   event     : 'NOTIFY',
//   result    : 'message'
// },
// handler)
// Much cleaner.

// A little helper for Redux `@connect()`
export const connector = stateConnector(handler)

// This is the Redux reducer which now
// handles the actions defined above.
export default handler.reducer()

Authorized routes

For authorized routes use the authorize helper (kinda "decorator")

import { authorize } from 'react-isomorphic-render'

// Gets `user` from Redux state
const getUser = state => state.authentication.user

// Restricts a `<Route/>` to a certain part of users
const restricted = (route, authorization) => authorize(getUser, authorization, route)

const routes = (
  <Route path="/" component={ Layout }>
    <Route path="public" component={ Public }/>
    <Route path="settings" component={ restricted(UserSettings) }/>
    <Route path="admin" component={ restricted(AdminPanel, user => user.role === 'admin') }/>
    <Route path="only-me" component={ restricted(OnlyMe, user => === 1) }/>

In order for authorize helper to work as intended preload.catch function parameter must be specified. Something like this will do:

  preload: {
    catch(error, { path, url, goto }) {
      // Not authenticated
      if (error.status === 401) {
        return goto(`/unauthenticated?url=${encodeURIComponent(url)}`)
      // Not authorized
      if (error.status === 403)
        return goto(`/unauthorized?url=${encodeURIComponent(url)}`)
      // Redirect to a generic error page

Also make sure to authorize a user inside REST API endpoints as well, because, say, you set up authorize for a restricted page in routes.js, but a hacker still can send any REST API HTTP request to the server so if a REST API endpoint doesn't double-check the user's authorization then the whole authorization system is actually considered useless.

Locale detection

This library performs the following locale detection steps for each webpage rendering HTTP request:

  • Checks the locale query parameter (if it's an HTTP GET request)
  • Checks the locale cookie
  • Checks the Accept-Language HTTP header

The resulting locales array is passed as preferredLocales parameter into localize() function of the webpage rendering server which then returns { locale, messages } which are then accessible as part of the props of the wrapper component.

Get current location

import React from 'react'

// `withRouter` is available in `[email protected]`.
// For `2.x` versions just use `this.context.router` property:
// static contextTypes = { router: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired }
import { withRouter } from 'react-router'

// Using `babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy`
export default class Component extends React.Component {
  render() {
    const { router } = this.props
    return <div>{ JSON.stringify(router.location) }</div>

Changing current location

These two helper Redux actions change the current location (both on client and server).

import { goto, redirect } from 'react-isomorphic-render'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'

// Usage example
// (`goto` navigates to a URL while adding a new entry in browsing history,
//  `redirect` does the same replacing the current entry in browsing history)
@connect(state = {}, { goto, redirect })
class Page extends Component {
  handleClick(event) {
    const { goto, redirect } = this.props
    // redirect('/somewhere')

A sidenote: these two functions aren't supposed to be used inside onEnter and onChange react-router hooks. Instead use the replace argument supplied to these functions by react-router when they are called (replace works the same way as redirect).

Alternatively, if the current location needs to be changed while still staying at the same page (e.g. a checkbox has been ticked and the corresponding URL query parameter must be added), then use pushLocation(location, history) or replaceLocation(location, history).

import { pushLocation, replaceLocation } from 'react-isomorphic-render'
import { withRouter } from 'react-router'

class Page extends Component {
  onSearch(query) {
    const { router } = this.props

      pathname: router.location.pathname,
      query: {
    }, router)


Some thoughts on caching rendered pages


For each page being rendered stats are reported if stats() parameter function is passed as part of the rendering service settings.


  stats({ url, route, time: { initialize, preload, render, total } }) {
    if (total > 1000) { // in milliseconds
      db.query('insert into server_side_rendering_stats ...')

The arguments for the stats() function are:

  • url — the requested URL (without the protocol://host:port part)
  • route — react-router route string (e.g. /user/:userId/post/:postId)
  • time.initialize — server side initialize() function execution time (if defined)
  • time.preload — page preload time
  • time.render — page React rendering time
  • — total time spent preloading and rendering the page

Rendering a complex React page (having more than 1000 components) takes about 100ms (time.render). This is quite slow but that's how React Server Side Rendering currently is.

Besides simply logging individual long-taking page renders one could also set up an overall Server Side Rendering performance monitoring using, for example, StatsD


  stats({ url, route, time: { initialize, preload, render, total } }) {

    statsd.timing('initialize', initialize)
    statsd.timing('preload', preload)
    statsd.timing('render', render)
    statsd.timing('total', total)

    if (total > 1000) { // in milliseconds
      db.query('insert into server_side_rendering_stats ...')

Where the metrics collected are

  • count — rendered pages count
  • initialize — server side initialize() function execution time (if defined)
  • preload — page preload time
  • render — page React rendering time
  • time - total time spent preloading and rendering the page

Speaking of StatsD itself, one could either install the conventional StatsD + Graphite bundle or, for example, use something like Telegraf + InfluxDB + Grafana.

Telegraf starter example:

# Install Telegraf (macOS).
brew install telegraf
# Generate Telegraf config.
telegraf -input-filter statsd -output-filter file config > telegraf.conf
# Run Telegraf.
telegraf -config telegraf.conf
# Request a webpage and see rendering stats being output to the terminal.

CSRF protection

Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks are the kind of attacks when a legitimate user is tricked into navigating a malicious website which, upon loading, sends a forged HTTP request (GET, POST) to the legitimate website therefore performing an action on behalf of the legitimate user (because the "remember me" cookie, or the "session id" cookie, is also sent along).

How can a legitimate website guard its users from such attacks? One solution is to ignore the "remember me" ("session id") cookie and force reading its value from an HTTP header. Because CSRF attacks can't send custom headers (at least using bare HTML/Javascript, without exploiting Adobe Flash plugin bugs, etc), this renders such hacking attempts useless. But how is the legitimate webpage supposed to obtain this "remember me" ("session id") token to send it as an HTTP header? The cookie still needs to be used for user's session tracking. It's just that this cookie should only be read by the webpage rendering service (to be injected into the resulting webpage) and never by any of the API services. This way the only thing a CSRF attacker could do is to request a webpage (without being able to analyse its content) which is never an action. And so the user is completely protected against CSRF attacks. The "remember me" ("session id") cookie is also "HttpOnly" to make it only readable on the server-side (to protect the user from session hijacking via XSS attacks).

This library attempts to read authenication token from a cookie named settings.authentication.cookie (if this setting is configured). If authentication cookie is present then its value will be sent as part of Authorization: Bearer {token} HTTP header when using http utility in Redux actions.

So, javascript is required on the client side in order for this CSRF attacks protection to work (because only javascript can set HTTP headers). If a developer instead prefers to run a website for javascript-disabled users (like Tor) then no additional set up is needed and just authenticate users in REST API endpoints by "remember me" cookie rather than Authorization HTTP header. This will open the website users to various possible javascriptless CSRF attacks.

Webpack HMR

Webpack's Hot Module Replacement (aka Hot Reload) works for React components and Redux reducers and Redux action creators (it just doesn't work for page @preload()s).

HMR setup for Redux reducers is as simple as adding store.hotReload() (as shown below). For enabling HMR on React Components (and Redux action creators) I would suggest the new react-hot-loader 3 (which is still in beta, so install it like npm install [email protected] --save):


import settings from './react-isomorphic-render'

render(settings).then(({ store, rerender }) => {
  if ( {'./react-isomorphic-render', () => {
      // Update reducer (for Webpack 2 ES6)
      // Update reducer (for Webpack 1)
      // store.hotReload(require('./react-isomorphic-render').reducer)


import React from 'react'
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
// `react-hot-loader@3`'s `<AppContainer/>`
import { AppContainer } from 'react-hot-loader'

export default function Wrapper({ store, children }) {
  return (
      <Provider store={ store }>
        { children }


  "presets": [
    // For Webpack 2 ES6:
    ["es2015", { modules: false }],
    // For Webpack 1:
    // "es2015",

  "plugins": [
    // `react-hot-loader@3` Babel plugin


export default {
  entry: {
    main: [
      // This line is required for `react-hot-loader@3`

  plugins: [
    new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin(),

P.S.: Currently it says Warning: [react-router] You cannot change <Router routes>; it will be ignored in the browser console. I'm just ignoring this for now, maybe I'll find a proper fix later. Currently I'm using this hacky workaround in ./src/client/application.js:

 * Warning from React Router, caused by react-hot-loader.
 * The warning can be safely ignored, so filter it from the console.
 * Otherwise you'll see it every time something changes.
 * See
if ( {
  const isString = a => typeof a === 'string';
  const orgError = console.error; // eslint-disable-line no-console
  console.error = (...args) => { // eslint-disable-line no-console
    if (args && args.length === 1 && isString(args[0]) && args[0].indexOf('You cannot change <Router routes>;') > -1) {
      // React route changed
    } else {
      // Log the error as normally
      orgError.apply(console, args);


websocket helper sets up a WebSocket connection. It automatically sends authentication token (if present) as part of every message (providing out-of-the-box user authentication), and also upon receiving a message having a type it dispatch()es that message as a Redux "action". WebSocket will autoreconnect (with "exponential backoff") emitting open event every time it does.

import { render, websocket } from 'react-isomorphic-render'

render(settings).then(({ store, token }) => {
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 80,
    // secure: true,

The global websocket object is created exposing the following methods:

  • listen(eventName, function(event, store))
  • onOpen(function(event, store)) is called on open event
  • onClose(function(event, store)) is called on close event
  • onError(function(event, store)) is called on error event (close event follows the error event)
  • onMessage(function(message, store))
  • send(message)
  • close()

The store argument can be used to dispatch() Redux "actions".

The global websocket object also exposes the socket property which is the underlying robust-websocket object.

For the server side I can recommend using uWebSockets.


If you're using Webpack then make sure you either build your server-side code with Webpack too (so that asset require() calls (images, styles, fonts, etc) inside React components work, see universal-webpack) or use something like webpack-isomorphic-tools.

All react-isomorphic-render.js settings

  // React-router routes
  // (either a `<Route/>` element or a
  //  `function({ dispatch, getState })`
  //  returning a `<Route/>` element)
  routes: require('./src/client/routes')

  // Redux reducers (an object)
  reducer: require('./src/client/redux/reducers')
  // A React component.
  // Wraps React page component (`children` property)
  // with arbitrary React components.
  // (e.g. Redux `<Provider/>`,
  //  `react-hot-loader@3`'s `<AppContainer/>`
  //  and other "context providers")
  // By default it just wraps everything with Redux'es `<Provider/>`:
  // export default ({ store, children }) => <Provider store={ store }>{ children }</Provider>
  wrapper: require('./src/client/wrapper')

  // (optional)
  // User can add his own middleware to this `middleware` list
  reduxMiddleware: () => [...]

  // (optional)
  // `http` utility settings
    // (optional)
    // Will be called for each HTTP request
    // sent using `http` utility inside Redux action creators.
    // (`request` is a `superagent` request)
    request: (request, { store }) =>
      request.set('X-Something', store.getState().something.value)

    // (optional)
    // Custom control over `http` utility HTTP requests URL.
    // E.g. for those who don't want to proxy their API calls
    // and instead prefer to query REST API server directly
    // from the web browser (using Cross-Origin Requests).
    // (e.g. when using AWS Lambda).
    // The default `url` formatter only allows "local" URLs
    // to be requested therefore guarding against
    // leaking the authentication token header
    // (e.g. `Authorization: Bearer ${token}`) to a 3rd party.
    // Therefore by supplying a custom `url` formatter
    // a developer takes full responsibility for guarding
    // the authentication token header from being leaked to a 3rd party:
    // when using `http` utility for querying 3rd party API
    // a developer must supply an explicit option `{ authentication: false }`
    // to prevent the authentication token header
    // (e.g. `Authorization: Bearer ${token}`)
    // to be sent to that 3rd party API endpoint.
    url: (path, isServerSide) =>
      // In this case `.application` configuration parameter may be removed
      return `${path}`

  // (optional)
  // `@preload()` customization
    // (optional)
    // For those coming from `redux-connect`, the same `helpers` parameter.
    // All properties of this object will be available as named arguments
    // inside `@preload({ dispatch, ..., helper })` decorator
      helper: require('./helper')

    // (optional)
    // Handles errors occurring inside `@preload()`.
    // For example, if `@preload()` throws a `new Error("Unauthorized")`,
    // then a redirect to "/unauthorized" page can be made here.
    // If this error handler is defined then it must handle
    // all errors it gets (or just re`throw` them).
    catch: (error, { path, url, redirect, dispatch, getState, server }) => redirect(`/error?url=${encodeURIComponent(url)}&error=${error.status}`)

  // (optional)
    // If this parameter is set,
    // then the page rendering server
    // will try to extract JWT authentication token
    // from this cookie (if present),
    // and then it will always pass the token as part of the
    // "Authorization: Bearer {token}" HTTP header
    // when using `http` utility inside Redux actions.
    cookie: 'jwt-cookie-name'

    // (optional)
    // The HTTP header containing authentication token
    // (e.g. "Authorization: Bearer {token}").
    // Is "Authorization" by default.
    header: 'Authorization'

  // (optional)
  // `history` options (like `basename`)
  history: {}

  // (optional)
  // Controls automatic `Date` parsing
  // when using `http` utility, and when
  // restoring Redux state on the client-side.
  // (is `true` by default)
  parseDates: `true` / `false`

  // (optional)
  // When supplying `event` instead of `events`
  // as part of an asynchronous Redux action
  // this will generate `events` from `event`
  // using this function.
  asynchronousActionEventNaming: event => ([

  // (optional)
  // When using asynchronous action handlers
  // this function will generate a Redux state property name for an event name.
  // E.g. event `GET_USERS_ERROR` => state.`getUsersError`.
  asynchronousActionHandlerStatePropertyNaming(event) {
    // Converts `CAPS_LOCK_UNDERSCORED_NAMES` to `camelCasedNames`
    return event.split('_')
      .map((word, i) =>  {
        let firstLetter = word.slice(0, 1)
        if (i === 0) {
          firstLetter = firstLetter.toLowerCase()
        return firstLetter + word.slice(1).toLowerCase()

All webpage rendering server options

  // Already discussed above

  // `assets` parameter is introduced for the cases
  // when the project is built with Webpack.
  // The reason is that usually the output filenames
  // in Webpack contain `[hash]`es or `[chunkhash]`es,
  // and so when the project is built
  // the assets have not their original filenames (like "main.js")
  // but rather autogenerated filenames (like "main-0ad5f7ec51a....js"),
  // so the corresponding `<script/>` tags must not be constant
  // and must instead be autogenerated each time the project is built.
  // That's what this `assets` parameter does:
  // if one passes these `assets` to the webpage rendering server,
  // then they will be transformed into the corresponding HTML tags
  // each time the `assets` are changed (i.e. each time the project is rebuilt).
  // The `assets` parameter provides URLs of javascript and CSS files
  // which will be insterted into the <head/> element of the resulting Html webpage
  // (as <script src="..."/> and <link rel="style" href="..."/>)
  // Also a website "favicon" URL, if any.
  // Can be an `object` or a function returning an object.
  // `javascript` and `style` can be strings or objects.
  // If they are objects then one should also provide an `entry` parameter.
  // The objects may also contain `common` entry
  // which will also be included on the page.
  assets: (path, { store }) =>
    return {
      javascript: {
        main: '/assets/main.js'

      // (optional)
      styles: {
        main: '/assets/main.css'

      // (optional)
      // URL of your "favicon".
      // If you're using Webpack then the URL is the result of a require() call.
      icon: '/assets/icon.png',

      // Webpack "entry points" to be included for this URL
      entries: ['main']

  // (optional)
  // Custom Koa middleware (an array of middlewares).
  // Inserted before page rendering middleware.
  // (if anyone needs that for extending
  //  page rendering service with extra functionality)
  middleware: [...]

  // (optional)
  // HTML code injection
    // (optional)
    // Markup inserted into server rendered webpage's <head/>.
    // Can be either a function returning a value or just a value.
    head: (path, { store }) => String, or React.Element, or an array of React.Elements

    // (optional)
    // Markup inserted to the start of the server rendered webpage's <body/>.
    // Can be either a function returning a value or just a value.
    bodyStart: (path, { store }) => String, or React.Element, or an array of React.Elements
    // (aka `body_start`)

    // (optional)
    // Markup inserted to the end of the server rendered webpage's <body/>.
    // Can be either a function returning a value or just a value.
    bodyEnd: (path, { store }) => String, or React.Element, or an array of React.Elements
    // (aka `body_end`)

  // (optional)
  // Initializes Redux state before performing
  // page preloading and rendering.
  // If defined, this function must return an object
  // which is gonna be the initial Redux state.
  // `request` is the original HTTP request for the webpage.
  // It can be used, for example, to load the currently
  // logged in user info (user name, user picture, etc).
  initialize: async (httpClient, { request }) => ({})
  // (or same without `async`: (httpClient, { request }) => Promise.resolve({})

  // (optional)
  // Returns an object of shape `{ locale, messages }`,
  // where `locale` is the page locale chosen for this HTTP request,
  // and `messages` are the translated messages for this `locale`
  // (an object of shape `{ "message.key": "Message value", ... }`).
  // The returned object may optionally have
  // the third property `messagesJSON`
  // to avoid calculating `JSON.stringify(messages)`
  // for each rendered page (a tiny optimization).
  // `preferredLocales` argument is an array
  // of the preferred locales for this user
  // (from the most preferred to the least preferred)
  localize: (store, preferredLocales) => ({ locale: preferredLocales[0], messages: { 'page.heading': 'Test' } })

  // Is React Server Side Rendering enabled?
  // (is `true` by default)
  // (does not affect server side routing
  //  and server side page preloading)
  // Can be used to offload React server-side rendering
  // from the server side to the client's web browser
  // (as a performance optimization) by setting it to `false`.
  render: `true`/`false`

  // (optional)
  // Markup for "loading" screen
  // (when server-side rendering is disabled).
  // Can be a String, or a React.Element, or an array of React.Elements
  loading: <div className="loading">Loading...</div>

  // (optional)
  // A custom `log`
  log: bunyan.createLogger(...)

All client side rendering options


  // (optional)
  // `react-router`s `onUpdate` handler
  // (is fired when a user performs navigation)
  // (can be used for Google Analytics, for example)
  onNavigate: (location) => {}

  // (optional)
  // Enables/disables Redux development tools.
  // This is not an optional `true` boolean flag,
  // but rather an optional "DevTools" instance created by "createDevTools()".
  // An example of "DevTools.js":
  // npm install redux-devtools redux-devtools-log-monitor redux-devtools-dock-monitor --save-dev
  // import React from 'react'
  // import { createDevTools, persistState } from 'redux-devtools'
  // import LogMonitor from 'redux-devtools-log-monitor'
  // import DockMonitor from 'redux-devtools-dock-monitor'
  // export default
  // {
  //   component: createDevTools
  //   (
  //     <DockMonitor toggleVisibilityKey="ctrl-H" changePositionKey="ctrl-Q" defaultIsVisible>
  //       <LogMonitor theme="tomorrow" />
  //     </DockMonitor>
  //   ),
  //   persistState
  // }
  devtools: process.env.REDUX_DEVTOOLS && require('./DevTools.js')

  // (optional)
  // Loads localized messages (asynchronously).
  // The main purpose for introducting this function
  // is to enable Webpack Hot Module Replacement (aka "hot reload")
  // for translation files in development mode.
  translation: async locale => messages
  // (or same without `async`: locale => Promise.resolve(messages))

Client-side render function returns a Promise resolving to an object

  component, // root React component (i.e. the `wrapper`; will be `null` if `wrapper` is a stateless React component)
  store,     // (Redux) store
  rerender   // (Redux) rerender React application

Static site generation

In those rare cases when website's content doesn't change at all (or changes very rarely, e.g. a blog) it may be beneficial to host a statically generated version of such a website on a CDN as opposed to hosting a full-blown Node.js application just for the purpose of real-time webpage rendering. In such cases one may choose to generate a static version of the website using something like this Node.js script and then host it in a cloud at virtually zero cost.

For purists



react-router's onEnter hook is being called twice both on server and client because react-router's match() is called before preloading and then the actual navigation happens which triggers the second match() call (internally inside react-router). This is not considered a blocker because in this library @preload() substitutes onEnter hooks so just use @preload() instead. Double onEnter can be fixed using <RouterContext/> instead of <Router/> but I see no reason to implement such a fix since onEnter is simply not used.

To do

  • (minor) Server-side @preload() redirection could be rewritten from throwing special "redirection" Errors into .listen()ing the server-side MemoryHistory but since the current "special redirection errors" approach works and has no operational downsides I think that there's no need in such a rewrite.


After cloning this repo, ensure dependencies are installed by running:

npm install

This module is written in ES6 and uses Babel for ES5 transpilation. Widely consumable JavaScript can be produced by running:

npm run build

Once npm run build has run, you may import or require() directly from node.

After developing, the full test suite can be evaluated by running:

npm test

When you're ready to test your new functionality on a real project, you can run

npm pack

It will build, test and then create a .tgz archive which you can then install in your project folder

npm install [module name with version].tar.gz



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