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Comments (5)

ashawkey avatar ashawkey commented on July 20, 2024 2

@Spark001 Hi, the code is not cleaned and you need to modify it to your case:

import numpy as np
import trimesh
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as Rot
import os, json
import torch
import cubvh
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from packaging import version as pver

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("trimesh")

def custom_meshgrid(*args):
    # ref:
    if pver.parse(torch.__version__) < pver.parse('1.10'):
        return torch.meshgrid(*args)
        return torch.meshgrid(*args, indexing='ij')

W = 800
H = 800

# ref:
def chamfer_distance(x, y, metric='l2', direction='bi'):
    if direction=='y_to_x':
        x_nn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1, leaf_size=1, algorithm='kd_tree', metric=metric).fit(x)
        min_y_to_x = x_nn.kneighbors(y)[0]
        chamfer_dist = np.mean(min_y_to_x)
    elif direction=='x_to_y':
        y_nn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1, leaf_size=1, algorithm='kd_tree', metric=metric).fit(y)
        min_x_to_y = y_nn.kneighbors(x)[0]
        chamfer_dist = np.mean(min_x_to_y)
    elif direction=='bi':
        x_nn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1, leaf_size=1, algorithm='kd_tree', metric=metric).fit(x)
        min_y_to_x = x_nn.kneighbors(y)[0]
        y_nn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1, leaf_size=1, algorithm='kd_tree', metric=metric).fit(y)
        min_x_to_y = y_nn.kneighbors(x)[0]
        chamfer_dist = (np.mean(min_y_to_x) + np.mean(min_x_to_y)) / 2 # modified to keep scale
        raise ValueError("Invalid direction type. Supported types: \'y_x\', \'x_y\', \'bi\'")
    return chamfer_dist

def get_rays(poses, intrinsics, H, W, N=-1, patch_size=1, coords=None):
    ''' get rays
        poses: [N/1, 4, 4], cam2world
        intrinsics: [N/1, 4] tensor or [4] ndarray
        H, W, N: int
        rays_o, rays_d: [N, 3]
        i, j: [N]

    device = poses.device
    if isinstance(intrinsics, np.ndarray):
        fx, fy, cx, cy = intrinsics
        fx, fy, cx, cy = intrinsics[:, 0], intrinsics[:, 1], intrinsics[:, 2], intrinsics[:, 3]

    i, j = custom_meshgrid(torch.linspace(0, W-1, W, device=device), torch.linspace(0, H-1, H, device=device)) # float
    i = i.t().contiguous().view(-1) + 0.5
    j = j.t().contiguous().view(-1) + 0.5

    results = {}

    if N > 0:
        if coords is not None:
            inds = coords[:, 0] * W + coords[:, 1]

        elif patch_size > 1:

            # random sample left-top cores.
            num_patch = N // (patch_size ** 2)
            inds_x = torch.randint(0, H - patch_size, size=[num_patch], device=device)
            inds_y = torch.randint(0, W - patch_size, size=[num_patch], device=device)
            inds = torch.stack([inds_x, inds_y], dim=-1) # [np, 2]

            # create meshgrid for each patch
            pi, pj = custom_meshgrid(torch.arange(patch_size, device=device), torch.arange(patch_size, device=device))
            offsets = torch.stack([pi.reshape(-1), pj.reshape(-1)], dim=-1) # [p^2, 2]

            inds = inds.unsqueeze(1) + offsets.unsqueeze(0) # [np, p^2, 2]
            inds = inds.view(-1, 2) # [N, 2]
            inds = inds[:, 0] * W + inds[:, 1] # [N], flatten

        else: # random sampling
            inds = torch.randint(0, H*W, size=[N], device=device) # may duplicate

        i = torch.gather(i, -1, inds)
        j = torch.gather(j, -1, inds)

        results['i'] = i.long()
        results['j'] = j.long()

        inds = torch.arange(H*W, device=device)

    zs = -torch.ones_like(i) # z is flipped
    xs = (i - cx) / fx
    ys = -(j - cy) / fy # y is flipped
    directions = torch.stack((xs, ys, zs), dim=-1) # [N, 3]
    # do not normalize to get actual depth, ref:
    # directions = directions / torch.norm(directions, dim=-1, keepdim=True) 
    rays_d = (directions.unsqueeze(1) @ poses[:, :3, :3].transpose(-1, -2)).squeeze(1) # [N, 1, 3] @ [N, 3, 3] --> [N, 1, 3]

    rays_o = poses[:, :3, 3].expand_as(rays_d) # [N, 3]

    results['rays_o'] = rays_o
    results['rays_d'] = rays_d

    # visualize_rays(rays_o[0].detach().cpu().numpy(), rays_d[0].detach().cpu().numpy())

    return results

def sample_surface(poses, intrinsics, mesh, N):

    # normalize
    vmin, vmax = mesh.bounds
    center = (vmin + vmax) / 2
    scale = 1 / (vmax - vmin)
    mesh.vertices = (mesh.vertices - center) * scale

    RT = cubvh.cuBVH(mesh.vertices, mesh.faces)

    # need to cast rays ...
    all_positions = []

    per_frame_n = N // len(poses)

    for pose in poses:
        pose = torch.from_numpy(pose).unsqueeze(0).cuda()
        rays = get_rays(pose, intrinsics, H, W, -1)
        rays_o = rays['rays_o'].contiguous().view(-1, 3)
        rays_d = rays['rays_d'].contiguous().view(-1, 3)

        positions, face_id, depth = RT.ray_trace(rays_o, rays_d)

        # depth = depth.detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(H, W, 1)
        # mask = depth >= 10
        # mn = depth[~mask].min()
        # mx = depth[~mask].max()
        # depth = (depth - mn) / (mx - mn + 1e-5)
        # depth[mask] = 0
        # depth = depth.repeat(3, -1)
        # plt.imshow(depth)

        mask = face_id >= 0
        positions = positions[mask].detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(-1, 3)

        indices = np.random.choice(len(positions), per_frame_n, replace=False)
        positions = positions[indices]


    all_positions = np.concatenate(all_positions, axis=0)

    # revert 
    all_positions = (all_positions / scale) + center

    # scene = trimesh.Scene([mesh, trimesh.PointCloud(all_positions)])

    return all_positions

def visualize_poses(poses, size=0.05, bound=1, mesh=None):
    # poses: [B, 4, 4]

    axes = trimesh.creation.axis(axis_length=4)
    box = trimesh.primitives.Box(extents=[2*bound]*3).as_outline()
    box.colors = np.array([[128, 128, 128]] * len(box.entities))
    objects = [axes, box]

    for pose in poses:
        # a camera is visualized with 8 line segments.
        pos = pose[:3, 3]
        a = pos + size * pose[:3, 0] + size * pose[:3, 1] - size * pose[:3, 2]
        b = pos - size * pose[:3, 0] + size * pose[:3, 1] - size * pose[:3, 2]
        c = pos - size * pose[:3, 0] - size * pose[:3, 1] - size * pose[:3, 2]
        d = pos + size * pose[:3, 0] - size * pose[:3, 1] - size * pose[:3, 2]

        dir = (a + b + c + d) / 4 - pos
        dir = dir / (np.linalg.norm(dir) + 1e-8)
        o = pos + dir * 3

        segs = np.array([[pos, a], [pos, b], [pos, c], [pos, d], [a, b], [b, c], [c, d], [d, a], [pos, o]])
        segs = trimesh.load_path(segs)

    if mesh is not None:

    scene = trimesh.Scene(objects)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('pred', type=str)
    parser.add_argument('gt', type=str)
    parser.add_argument('--N', type=int, default=250000)
    parser.add_argument('--scale', type=float, default=0.8)
    parser.add_argument('--fix_pred_coord', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--vis', action='store_true')
    opt = parser.parse_args()
    pred_mesh = trimesh.load(opt.pred, force='mesh', skip_material=True, process=False)
    gt_mesh = trimesh.load(, force='mesh', skip_material=True)

    name = os.path.basename('.obj', '')

    # fix gt coord
    v = gt_mesh.vertices
    R = Rot.from_euler('x', 90, degrees=True)
    v = R.apply(v)
    gt_mesh.vertices = v

    # fix my scale
    if opt.scale != 1:
        v = pred_mesh.vertices # [N, 3]
        v /= opt.scale
        pred_mesh.vertices = v

    if opt.fix_pred_coord: # for nvdiffrec's output
        v = pred_mesh.vertices
        R = Rot.from_euler('x', 90, degrees=True)
        v = R.apply(v)
        pred_mesh.vertices = v

    # scene = trimesh.Scene([pred_mesh, gt_mesh])

    root_path = f'/data/tang/mobile-ngp/data/nerf_synthetic/{name}/transforms_test.json'

    with open(root_path, 'r') as f:
        transform = json.load(f)
    frames = np.array(transform["frames"])
    poses = []
    for f in frames:
        pose = np.array(f['transform_matrix'], dtype=np.float32) # [4, 4]
    poses = np.stack(poses, axis=0)

    # visualize_poses(poses, mesh=gt_mesh)
    # load intrinsics
    if 'fl_x' in transform or 'fl_y' in transform:
        fl_x = (transform['fl_x'] if 'fl_x' in transform else transform['fl_y'])
        fl_y = (transform['fl_y'] if 'fl_y' in transform else transform['fl_x'])
    elif 'camera_angle_x' in transform or 'camera_angle_y' in transform:
        # blender, assert in radians. already downscaled since we use H/W
        fl_x = W / (2 * np.tan(transform['camera_angle_x'] / 2)) if 'camera_angle_x' in transform else None
        fl_y = H / (2 * np.tan(transform['camera_angle_y'] / 2)) if 'camera_angle_y' in transform else None
        if fl_x is None: fl_x = fl_y
        if fl_y is None: fl_y = fl_x
        raise RuntimeError('Failed to load focal length, please check the transforms.json!')

    cx = (transform['cx']) if 'cx' in transform else (W / 2.0)
    cy = (transform['cy']) if 'cy' in transform else (H / 2.0)
    intrinsics = np.array([fl_x, fl_y, cx, cy])

    gt_points = sample_surface(poses, intrinsics, gt_mesh, opt.N)
    pred_points = sample_surface(poses, intrinsics, pred_mesh, opt.N)

    if opt.vis:
        gt_color = np.array([[0, 0, 255]], dtype=np.uint8).repeat(len(gt_points), 0)
        pred_color = np.array([[255, 0, 0]], dtype=np.uint8).repeat(len(pred_points), 0)
        scene = trimesh.Scene([trimesh.PointCloud(pred_points, pred_color), trimesh.PointCloud(gt_points, gt_color)])

    cd = chamfer_distance(pred_points, gt_points, direction='bi')

    print(f'[CD] {name: <20} {cd:.6f}')

run like:

echo "============================="
# coarse mesh
python scripts/ ../mobile-ngp-opensource/trial_syn_chair/mesh_stage0/mesh_0.ply data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/chair.obj --scale 0.8
python scripts/ ../mobile-ngp-opensource/trial_syn_drums/mesh_stage0/mesh_0.ply data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/drums.obj --scale 0.8
python scripts/ ../mobile-ngp-opensource/trial_syn_ficus/mesh_stage0/mesh_0.ply data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/ficus.obj --scale 0.8
python scripts/ ../mobile-ngp-opensource/trial_syn_hotdog/mesh_stage0/mesh_0.ply data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/hotdog.obj --scale 0.7
python scripts/ ../mobile-ngp-opensource/trial_syn_lego/mesh_stage0/mesh_0.ply data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/lego.obj --scale 0.8
python scripts/ ../mobile-ngp-opensource/trial_syn_materials/mesh_stage0/mesh_0.ply data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/materials.obj --scale 0.8
python scripts/ ../mobile-ngp-opensource/trial_syn_mic/mesh_stage0/mesh_0.ply data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/mic.obj --scale 0.8
python scripts/ ../mobile-ngp-opensource/trial_syn_ship/mesh_stage0/mesh_0.ply data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/ship.obj --scale 0.7

echo "============================="
# fine mesh
python scripts/ ../mobile-ngp-opensource/trial_syn_chair/mesh_stage1/mesh_0.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/chair.obj --scale 0.8
python scripts/ ../mobile-ngp-opensource/trial_syn_drums/mesh_stage1/mesh_0.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/drums.obj --scale 0.8
python scripts/ ../mobile-ngp-opensource/trial_syn_ficus/mesh_stage1/mesh_0.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/ficus.obj --scale 0.8
python scripts/ ../mobile-ngp-opensource/trial_syn_hotdog/mesh_stage1/mesh_0.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/hotdog.obj --scale 0.7
python scripts/ ../mobile-ngp-opensource/trial_syn_lego/mesh_stage1/mesh_0.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/lego.obj --scale 0.8
python scripts/ ../mobile-ngp-opensource/trial_syn_materials/mesh_stage1/mesh_0.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/materials.obj --scale 0.8
python scripts/ ../mobile-ngp-opensource/trial_syn_mic/mesh_stage1/mesh_0.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/mic.obj --scale 0.8
python scripts/ ../mobile-ngp-opensource/trial_syn_ship/mesh_stage1/mesh_0.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/ship.obj --scale 0.7

echo "============================="
# neus
python scripts/ data/neus_mesh/chair.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/chair.obj --scale 1
python scripts/ data/neus_mesh/drums.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/drums.obj --scale 1
python scripts/ data/neus_mesh/ficus.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/ficus.obj --scale 1
python scripts/ data/neus_mesh/hotdog.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/hotdog.obj --scale 1
python scripts/ data/neus_mesh/lego.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/lego.obj --scale 1
python scripts/ data/neus_mesh/materials.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/materials.obj --scale 1
python scripts/ data/neus_mesh/mic.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/mic.obj --scale 1
python scripts/ data/neus_mesh/ship.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/ship.obj --scale 1

echo "============================="
# nvdiffrec
python scripts/ ../nvdiffrec_original/out/nerf_chair/mesh/mesh.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/chair.obj --scale 1 --fix_pred_coord
python scripts/ ../nvdiffrec_original/out/nerf_drums/mesh/mesh.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/drums.obj --scale 1 --fix_pred_coord
python scripts/ ../nvdiffrec_original/out/nerf_ficus/mesh/mesh.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/ficus.obj --scale 1 --fix_pred_coord
python scripts/ ../nvdiffrec_original/out/nerf_hotdog/mesh/mesh.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/hotdog.obj --scale 1 --fix_pred_coord
python scripts/ ../nvdiffrec_original/out/nerf_lego/mesh/mesh.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/lego.obj --scale 1 --fix_pred_coord
python scripts/ ../nvdiffrec_original/out/nerf_materials/mesh/mesh.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/materials.obj --scale 1 --fix_pred_coord
python scripts/ ../nvdiffrec_original/out/nerf_mic/mesh/mesh.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/mic.obj --scale 1 --fix_pred_coord
python scripts/ ../nvdiffrec_original/out/nerf_ship/mesh/mesh.obj data/nerf-syn-gt-mesh/ship.obj --scale 1 --fix_pred_coord

from nerf2mesh.

WB-3 avatar WB-3 commented on July 20, 2024

@ashawkey Hello, is nerf-syn-gt-mesh derived from this:

from nerf2mesh.

ashawkey avatar ashawkey commented on July 20, 2024

@WB-3 Yes, we export obj files from the blender projects.

from nerf2mesh.

LiuShuai086 avatar LiuShuai086 commented on July 20, 2024

@WB-3 Can you share the link of nerf-syn-gt-mesh? I cannot find it on google drive.

from nerf2mesh.

LiuShuai086 avatar LiuShuai086 commented on July 20, 2024

What's more, Could you please provide the corresponding gt-mesh for mipnerf360 and dtu datasets, if available? Thank you.

from nerf2mesh.

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