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RAML-JSON-API PHP-code generator (based on RAML-types) for Laravel framework, with complete support of JSON-API data format

JSON API support turned on by default - see Turn off JSON API support section bellow

Installation via composer:

composer require rjapi/raml-json-api 

Laravel specific configuration

Add command to $commands array in app/Console/Kernel.php

protected $commands = [

Add Service Provider

Next add the following service provider in config/app.php.

'providers' => [

Next, add the following aliases to aliases array in the same file.

'aliases' => [
  'Module' => Nwidart\Modules\Facades\Module::class,

Next publish the package's configuration file by running :

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Nwidart\Modules\LaravelModulesServiceProvider"


By default controllers, entities or repositories are not loaded automatically. You can autoload your modules using psr-4. For example :

  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "App\\": "app/",
      "Modules\\": "Modules/"

Running generator

Run in console:

php artisan raml:generate raml/articles.raml --migrations

This command creates the whole environment for You to proceed building complex API based on RAML/Laravel/JSON API, in particular: directories for modular app, Controllers/Middlewares/Models+Pivots to support full MVC, Routes (JSON API compatible) and even migrations to help You create RDBMS structure.

raml/articles.raml - raml file in raml directory in the root of Your project, which should be prepared before or You may wish to just try by copying an example from tests/functional/tests/articles.raml


--migrations is an option to create migrations (create_entityName_table) for every entity + pivots if there are ManyToMany relationships.

--regenerate use this if You need to rewrite all files generated previously. By default generated files preserved to prevent overwriting of added/modified content.

The output will look something like this:

Created : /srv/rjapi-laravel/Modules/V1/start.php
Created : /srv/rjapi-laravel/Modules/V1/Http/routes.php
Created : /srv/rjapi-laravel/Modules/V1/module.json
Created : /srv/rjapi-laravel/Modules/V1/Resources/views/index.blade.php
Created : /srv/rjapi-laravel/Modules/V1/Resources/views/layouts/master.blade.php
Created : /srv/rjapi-laravel/Modules/V1/Config/config.php
Created : /srv/rjapi-laravel/Modules/V1/composer.json
Created : /srv/rjapi-laravel/Modules/V1/Database/Seeders/V1DatabaseSeeder.php
Created : /srv/rjapi-laravel/Modules/V1/Providers/V1ServiceProvider.php
Created : /srv/rjapi-laravel/Modules/V1/Http/Controllers/V1Controller.php
Module [V1] created successfully.
Module [V1] used successfully.

This is done (behind the scene) by wonderful package laravel-modules, many thx to nWidart

And RAML-types based generated files:

================ Tag Entities
Modules/V1/Http/Controllers/DefaultController.php created
Modules/V1/Http/Controllers/TagController.php created
Modules/V1/Http/Middleware/TagMiddleware.php created
Modules/V1/Entities/TagArticle.php created
Modules/V1/Entities/Tag.php created
Modules/V1/Http/routes.php created
Modules/V1/Database/Migrations/11_01_2017_145028_create_tag_table.php created
Modules/V1/Database/Migrations/11_01_2017_145011_create_tag_article_table.php created
================ Article Entities
Modules/V1/Http/Controllers/ArticleController.php created
Modules/V1/Http/Middleware/ArticleMiddleware.php created
Modules/V1/Entities/Article.php created
Modules/V1/Database/Migrations/11_01_2017_145023_create_article_table.php created
================ Topic Entities
Modules/V1/Http/Controllers/TopicController.php created
Modules/V1/Http/Middleware/TopicMiddleware.php created
Modules/V1/Entities/Topic.php created
Modules/V1/Database/Migrations/11_01_2017_145036_create_topic_table.php created

RAML Types and Declarations

The version root property !required

version: v1

converts to /Modules/V1/ directory.

Types ID, Type, DataObject/DataArray are special helper types - !required

    type: integer
    required: true
    # it will be BIGINT UNSIGNED in migration Schema if maximum > 10
    maximum: 20
    type: string
    required: true
    minLength: 1
    maxLength: 255
    type: object
    required: true
    type: array
    required: true

Special data type RelationshipsDataItem - !required

    type: object
      id: ID
      type: Type

defined in every relationship custom type

Attributes *Attributes are defined for every custom Object ex.:

    description: Article attributes description
    type: object
        required: true
        type: string
        minLength: 16
        maxLength: 256
        required: true
        type: string
        minLength: 32
        maxLength: 1024
        required: false
        type: string
        minLength: 16
        maxLength: 255
        description: Show at the top of main page
        required: false
        type: boolean
        description: The state of an article
        enum: ["draft", "published", "postponed", "archived"]
        description: ManyToOne Topic relationship
        required: true
        type: integer
        minimum: 1
        maximum: 6
        type: number
        minimum: 3
        maximum: 9
        format: double     

Relationships custom type definition semantics *Relationships

    description: Tag relationship description
    type: object
        type: DataArray
          type: RelationshipsDataItem

Complete composite Object looks like this:

    type: object
      type: Type
      id: ID
      attributes: ArticleAttributes
        type: TagRelationships[] | TopicRelationships

That is all that PHP-code generator needs to provide code structure that just works out-fo-the-box within Laravel framework, where may any business logic be applied.

To use multiple files processing add (as root element):

  topics: raml/topic.raml
  otherfile: raml/otherFile.raml
  yetanother: raml/yetanother.raml

all files will be generated as if they were one composite object. The thing to note here, is that RAML-spec requires to include all header info and dependent types into those included. You can see warning details in Atom IDE with Workbench API plugin, or any other RAML analysing tools.

To set default values for GET query parameters - set QueryParams like this:

    type: object
        type: integer
        required: false
        default: 10
        description: page number
        type: integer
        required: false
        default: 15
        description: elements per page
        type: string
        required: false
        pattern: "asc|desc"
        default: "desc"
        type: string
        required: true
        example: db7329d5a3f381875ea6ce7e28fe1ea536d0acaf
        description: sha1 example
        default: db7329d5a3f381875ea6ce7e28fe1ea536d0acaf        

it will be used on requests similar to: where no params were passed.

Complete directory structure after generator will end up it`s work will be like:

Modules/{ModuleName}/Http/Controllers/ - contains controllers that extends the DefaultController (descendant of Laravel's Controller)
Modules/{ModuleName}/Http/Middleware/ - contains forms that extends the BaseFormRequest (descendant of Laravel's FormRequest) and validates input attributes (that were previously defined as *Attributes in RAML)
Modules/{ModuleName}/Entities/ - contains mappers that extends the BaseModel (descendant of Laravel's Model) and maps attributes to RDBMS
Modules/{ModuleName}/Http/routes.php - contains routings pointing to controllers with JSON API protocol support
Modules/{ModuleName}/Database/Migrations/ - contains migrations created with option --migrations

Generated files content

DefaultController example:

namespace Modules\V1\Http\Controllers;

class ArticleController extends DefaultController 


By default every controller works with any of GET - index/view, POST - create, PATCH - update, DELETE - delete methods. So You don't need to implement anything special here.

Validation BaseFormRequest example:

namespace Modules\V1\Http\Middleware;

use rjapi\extension\BaseFormRequest;

class ArticleMiddleware extends BaseFormRequest 
    public $id = null;
    // Attributes
    public $title = null;
    public $description = null;
    public $url = null;
    public $show_in_top = null;
    public $status = null;
    public $topic_id = null;

    public function authorize(): bool {
        return true;

    public function rules(): array {
        return [
            "title" => "required|string|min:16|max:256",
            "description" => "required|string|min:32|max:1024",
            "url" => "string|min:16|max:255",
            // Show at the top of main page
            "show_in_top" => "boolean",
            // The state of an article
            "status" => "in:draft,published,postponed,archived",
            // ManyToOne Topic relationship
            "topic_id" => "required|integer|min:1|max:9",

    public function relations(): array {
        return [


BaseModel example:

namespace Modules\V1\Entities;

use rjapi\extension\BaseModel;

class Article extends BaseModel 
    protected $primaryKey = "id";
    protected $table = "article";
    public $timestamps = false;

    public function tag() {
        return $this->belongsToMany(Tag::class, 'tag_article');

    public function topic() {
        return $this->belongsTo(Topic::class);


Routes will be created in /Modules/{ModuleName}/Http/routes.php file, for every entity defined in raml:

Route::group(['prefix' => 'v1', 'namespace' => 'Modules\\V1\\Http\\Controllers'], function()
    Route::get('/article', 'ArticleController@index');
    Route::get('/article/{id}', 'ArticleController@view');
    Route::post('/article', 'ArticleController@create');
    Route::patch('/article/{id}', 'ArticleController@update');
    Route::delete('/article/{id}', 'ArticleController@delete');
    // relation routes
    Route::get('/article/{id}/relationships/{relations}', 'ArticleController@relations');
    Route::post('/article/{id}/relationships/{relations}', 'ArticleController@createRelations');
    Route::patch('/article/{id}/relationships/{relations}', 'ArticleController@updateRelations');
    Route::delete('/article/{id}/relationships/{relations}', 'ArticleController@deleteRelations');

Generated migrations will look like standard migrations in Laravel:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;

class CreateArticleTable extends Migration 
    public function up() 
        Schema::create('article', function(Blueprint $table) {
            $table->string('title', 256);
            $table->string('description', 1024);
            $table->string('url', 255);
            // Show at the top of main page
            $table->enum('status', ["draft","published","postponed","archived"]);
            // ManyToOne Topic relationship
            $table->double('rate', 9, 3);

    public function down() 


Note, that U have an ability to make any ranges for varchar, integer, double types through minLength/maxLength and minimum/maximum respectively.

All migrations for specific module will be placed in Modules/{ModuleName}/Database/Migrations/

To execute them all - run: php artisan module:migrate

Also worth to mention - Laravel uses table_id convention to link tables via foreign key. So U can either follow the default - add to RAML an id that matches to the table name (just like in example: topic_id -> in article table for topic table id, see ArticleAttributes in RAML Types and Declarations) or make Your own foreign key and add it to hasMany/belongsTo -> $foreignKey parameter in generated BaseModel entity.

Relationships particular qualities

To let generator know about what a particular relationship to apply (ex.: ManyToMany, OneToMany, OneToOne) set the relationships property in an Entity like so - for ex. let's see how to set ManyToOne relationship between Article and Tag entities.

Define Article with relationships like:

  type: TagRelationships[]

and Tag with relationships like:

  type: ArticleRelationships

This way You telling to generator: "make the relation between Article and Tag OneToMany from Article to Tag" The idea works with any relationship You need - ex. ManyToMany: TagRelationships[] -> ArticleRelationships[], OneToOne: TagRelationships -> ArticleRelationships

You can also bind several relationships to one entity, for instance - You have an Article entity that must be bound to TagRelationships and TopicRelationships, this can be done similar to:

    type: TagRelationships[] | TopicRelationships

or vise versa

    type: TopicRelationships | TagRelationships[]

Generator will independently detect all relationships between entities.

Query parameters

You may want to use additional query parameters to fetch includes and/or pagination, for instance:

You may not wish to drag all the attributes/fields:["title", "description"]

Note: data array items MUST be set in double quotes.

or You may want to ORDER BY several columns in different directions:{"title":"asc", "created_at":"desc"}

Also, You have an ability to filter results this way:[["updated_at", ">", "2017-01-03 12:13:13"], ["updated_at", "<", "2017-01-03 12:13:15"]]

those arrays will be put to Laravel where clause and accordingly protected by param bindings.

The dynamic module name similar to: v1, v2 - will be taken on runtime as the last element of the array in config/module.php file, if You, by strange circumstances, want to use one of the previous modules, just set one of previously registered modules as the last element of an array.

An example of auto-generated config/module.php:

return [
    'modules'=> [

To get configuration parameters at runtime generator will create content in Modules/{ModuleName}/Config/config.php file:

return [
    'query_params'=> [
        // default settings
        'limit' => 15,
        'sort' => 'desc',
        // access token to check via global middleware
        'access_token' => 'db7329d5a3f381875ea6ce7e28fe1ea536d0acaf',


Static access token

In QueryParams RAML types You can declare the access_token property, that will be placed to Modules/{ModuleName}/Config/config.php. Generator will create app/Http/Middleware/ApiAccessToken.php global middleware.

To activate this check on every request - add ApiAccessToken middleware to app/Http/Middleware/Kernel.php, ex.:

class Kernel extends HttpKernel
     * The application's global HTTP middleware stack.
     * These middleware are run during every request to your application.
     * @var array
    protected $middleware = [

Generated configuration part:

    'query_params'=> [
        'limit' => 15,
        'sort' => 'desc',
        'access_token' => 'db7329d5a3f381875ea6ce7e28fe1ea536d0acaf',

JWT (Json Web Token)

To support a JWT check, You need to add to any users, employees, customers like table the jwt and password RAML properties:

    description: user password to refresh JWT (encrypted with password_hash)
    required: true
    type: string
    maxLength: 255
    description: Special field to run JWT Auth via requests
    required: true
    type: string
    minLength: 256
    maxLength: 512
    default: ' '

The maxLength parameter is important, because of varchar-type sql field will be created with length 512.

The default value should be equal precisely ' ' - empty string with space.

JWT specific configuration will be appended by generator in Modules/{ModuleName}/Config/config.php:

    'jwt'=> [
        'enabled' => true,
        'table' => 'user',
        'activate' => 30,
        'expires' => 3600,

As for any standard Laravel middleware register it in app/Http/Kernel.php :

     * The application's route middleware.
     * These middleware may be assigned to groups or used individually.
     * @var array
    protected $routeMiddleware = [
        'jwt' => \rjapi\extension\BaseJwt::class,    

And just use this middleware in any requests U need defining it in Modules/{ModuleName}/Http/routes.php, ex:

To declare JWT check only for one specific route:

Route::get('/article', 'ArticleController@index')->middleware('jwt');

To declare JWT check for routes group:

Route::group(['middleware' => 'jwt', 

JWT will be created on POST and updated on PATCH request to the entity You've been created, for instance, if You send POST request to with the following content:

  "data": {
    "attributes": {

Response will be similar to:

  "data": {
    "type": "user",
    "id": "7",
    "attributes": {
      "first_name": "Alice",
      "last_name": "Hacker",
      "password": null,
      "jwt": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImp0aSI6IjU4ODljOGY2NzE3YjIifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJsYXJhdmVsLmxvYyIsImF1ZCI6ImxhcmF2ZWwubG9jIiwianRpIjoiNTg4OWM4ZjY3MTdiMiIsImlhdCI6MTQ4NTQyNDg4NiwibmJmIjoxNDg1NDI0OTE2LCJleHAiOjE0ODU0Mjg0ODYsInVpZCI6N30.JnC7OhlUIBoMTlu617q0q2nCQ4SqKh19bXtiHfBeg9o",
      "attributes": null,
      "request": null,
      "query": null,
      "server": null,
      "files": null,
      "cookies": null,
      "headers": null
    "links": {
      "self": "laravel.loc/user/7"

Note if JWT enabled=true, password will be hashed with password_hash and saved to password field internally. Do not bother with "password": null, attribute it is unset before output for safety. You can add additional checks on password or other fields ex.: length, strength etc in Model on befor/afterSave events.

An example for JWT refresh -

  "data": {
    "attributes": {

Note that password and jwt set to true are required.


  "data": {
    "type": "user",
    "id": "4",
    "attributes": {
      "first_name": "Alice",
      "last_name": "Hacker",
      "jwt": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImp0aSI6IjU4ODcwNGU1NTRjNzkifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJsYXJhdmVsLmxvYyIsImF1ZCI6ImxhcmF2ZWwubG9jIiwianRpIjoiNTg4NzA0ZTU1NGM3OSIsImlhdCI6MTQ4NTI0MzYyMSwibmJmIjoxNDg1MjQzNjUxLCJleHAiOjE0ODUyNDcyMjEsInVpZCI6NH0.GD96ewc1dhbpz9grNaE2070Qy30Mqkh3B0VpEb7h3mQ",

Regular request with JWT will look like:

The algorithm to sign the token is HS256, it can be changed in future releases with additional user-defined options to let developers choose another. However, HMAC SHA-256 is the most popular these days.

Turn off JSON API support

If you are willing to disable json api specification mappings into Laravel application (for instance - You need to generate MVC-structure into laravel-module and make Your own json schema, or any other output format), just set $jsonApi property in DefaultController to false:

namespace Modules\V1\Http\Controllers;

use rjapi\extension\BaseController;

class DefaultController extends BaseController 
    protected $jsonApi = false;

As this class inherited by all Controllers - You don't have to add this property in every Controller class. By default JSON API is turned on.

HTTP request/response examples can be found on WiKi page -

Laravel project example with generated files can be found here -

To get deep-into RAML specification -

To get deep-into JSON-API specification - JSON-API support is provided, particularly for output, by Fractal package -

Happy coding ;-)

raml-json-api's People


arthurkushman avatar atabix-arjen avatar



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