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angular_11to1_09feb24_29feb24's Introduction



    HTML 5
        All html dom elements
        tables, lists, media, html-5 features validation attributes, geolocation, webstoreage ..etc.,

    CSS 3
        css-properties tables, lists,forms, containers
        responsive layout
        css selectors

    JavaScript (ES6)
        lanaguage fundamentals
        JAvaScript buitlin classes and object
        OOPs classes, objects, methods, constructor
        JavaScript Functions funciton, arrow function, closure, callBack
        ES6 Syntaxes    tempalte literals, spred operator, default params, rest parmeters 
                        Promise, async and await keywords.


    TypeScript = JavaScript + types
    Angular Introduction
    Angular Components, directives, pipes , moduels
    Angular Forms
    RxJS - Observables
    HttpClient - restApi communication
    Angular Routing

Angular Introduction

    is a typescript based SPA framework.


    Angular 2
    Angular 4

    Angular 15


    TypeScript = JavaScript + DataTypes

    Typescript is transpelled into javaScript

Lab Setup

    VSCode      IDE

    NodeJS      Development Platform  (16.x to 18.x)  
                                        node --version

    Angular CLI PMT                     npm i -g @angular/[email protected]
                                        ng version

Why NodeJS?

    NodeJS is a alternate runtime for javascript.
    NodeJS is sued for javascript that doesn't need any UI.
    Browsers are sued for javascript tha needs UI.

    An application development involvs:
        compose                                 IDE                 VSCode
        compile/transpeelling                   compiler            tsc
        manage dependencies                     build tool          npm
        build and pack the app-bundle           build tool          npm
        test                                    testing lib         jasmine and karma
        deploy on to a server                   build tool/PMT      angular cli
        execution                               run-time            Browser

    NodeJS is used to execute the tools needed for developing the application.

Angular Archetecture

    Each angular artifact is a class.
    Each of these classes are marked with decoraters to identify their roles.
    These artifacts have config., Abnd the config,. is passed as json object to the decorator and is called meta-data.

    Any angular app is made up of five main artifacts
            class SalesModule{


            class FastMovingStockDirective{


            class DashboardComponent{


            class InToWordsPipe{


            class OrdersService{


Angular CLI

    Angular CLI is a frontier tool providd by angular team to mange the project structure and
    project development phases like creating, building, executing, teting ...etc.,

    ng version

    ng new app-name

    cd app-name

        ng g module ModuleName
        ng g c ComponentName    --skip-tests
        ng g directive DirectiveName --skip-tests
        ng g service ServiceName --skip-tests
        ng g pipe PipeName --skip-tests
        ng g interface InterfaceName
        ng g class ClassName

        ng build                will compile .ts into .js , package and put them in 'dist' folder
        ng serve                will build and hosts the package on development server on port 4200
        ng serve --port 8888    will build and hosts the package on development server on port 8888
        ng serve --port 8888 -o will build and hosts the package on development server on port 8888, launches the app on a browser
        ng test                 will build and invoke all the test cases.

Angular Modules

    Angular Modules define the scope of access. Each angular module can group components, pipes, directives,
    service and other modules into them.

    Artifacts belonging to a specfic moduel have access to one another, but they wont have access to artifacts
    of other modules.

    A module (moduleA) can be imported into another module (moduleB) so that moduelB artifacts can access exported artifacts of moduleA.

    Each angular app must be mandatorily housed in one top-level module and is refered to as ROOT MODULE. AppModule is the default
    name for ROOT MODULE.

            declarations:[],        list of components, pipes and directive that are grouped under this module
            imports:[],             list of modules to be imported into this
            exports:[],             list of artifacts of this module that are allowed tobe accessed out side
            providers:[],           list of services that are manged by the injector of this module
            bootstrap:[]            list of components to be instantiaed immidiatly after loading this module
        class SalesModule{


    meta-data of ROOT MODULE will not have 'exports' section
    meta-data of ROOT MODULE only has the 'bootstrap' section 

Angular Directive and Components

    Angular offers html extandability as a feature. It means that we can create our own html elements and attributes in angular.

    Attribute Directive / Directive         are custom made attributes in angular

        class FastMovingStockDirective{


        <div fastMovingStock="true">
            <!-- detials of stock items -->

    Structural Directives                   are attribute directive that can control the rendering of an element.

        ngSwitch    *ngSwitchCase *ngSwtichDefault

    Component Directive / Components        are custom made elements/tags in angular

        Component   =   State & Behaviour           .component.ts
                        Html DOM Content            .component.html
                        Style                       .component.css


            class DashboardComponent{
                numberOfMessgesRead:number = 12;

            <div class="dashboard">
                You have {{numberOfMessgesRead}} messages read already.

                margin: 10px;
                border: 1px solid black;


Data Binding

    is about accessing the fields and the methods of component.ts file inside
    the component.html

        is to bind an angular field or expression onto the content directly. Whenever,
        the field bound here has its valeu changed, the rendered content also gets
        updated automatically.

        <tagName> {{fieldOrAngularExpression}} </tagName>

    Two-Way Data Binding
        is to bind a field with an input-element, so that the input-element will show
        the value of the field initially and whenever the input-element is edited, the
        value of the field also is updated.

        we have to use ngModel attribute-directive defined in 'FormsModule' from '@angular/forms' for
        two-way binding.

        <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="userName" />

    One-Way Data Binding
        Attribute Data Binding
            is to bind a field with an attribute.

            <tagName attribute="value"></tagName>
            <tagName [attribute]="fieldOrAngularExpression"></tagName>

            <img src="abcd" />      <!-- abcd itself is the image url -->
            <img [src]="abcd" />    <!-- abcd is field that has the image url -->    

        Event Binding
            is to bind a method with an event.

            <tagName (event-driective)="method()"></tagName>

            html-event-attribute            event-directive
                onSubmit                        ngSubmit
                onClick                         click
                onBlur                          blur
                onFocus                         focus
                onChange                        change

        Style Binding
            is to bind a field with a css-property. 

            <tagName [style.cssProperty]="field"></tagName>

            field = {"css-property:angularExpression1,"css-property2":angularExpression2};
            <tagName [ngStyle]="field"></tagName>
        CSS Class Binding
            is to control if a css class is applied on an element or not.

            <tagName [class.className]="booleanExpression">

            <tabName ngClass=" cssClass1 cssClass2 cssClass3 ">

            myClasses: string = " cssClass1 cssClass2 cssClass3 ";
            <tagName [ngClass]="myClasses">

            myClasses: string[] = ["cssClass1","cssClass2","cssClass3"];
            <tagName [ngClass]="myClasses">

            myClasses= {cssClassName:true,cssClassName2:false};
            <tagName [ngClass]="myClasses">

        Custom Directive

            <div fastMovingStock="true">
                <!-- detials of stock items -->

            <p fastMovingStock="true">
                <!-- detials of stock items -->

            class FastMovingStockDirective{
                //access the hostElement via ElementRef class
                //@HostListner decorator to respond to the event that happen on the host-element.
                //@Input decorator is sued to receive the data from a host-element in to attribute directive.

        Structural Directives


                <ng-template [ngIf]="booleanExporession">
                    <p>This is a test para</p>

                <p *ngIf="booleanExporession">This is a test para</p>


                <ng-template [ngFor]="let ele of anArrray;index as i">
                    <p>{{ele}} is available at {{i}}</p>

                <p *ngFor="let ele of anArrray;index as i">{{ele}} is available at {{i}}</p>

            ngSwitch    *ngSwitchCase   *ngSwitchDefault        

                <div [ngSwitch]="day">
                    <span *ngSwitchCase="1">Monday</span>
                    <span *ngSwitchCase="2">Tuesday</span>
                    <span *ngSwitchCase="3">Wednesday</span>
                    <span *ngSwitchCase="4">Thursday</span>
                    <span *ngSwitchCase="5">Friday</span>
                    <span *ngSwitchCase="6">Saturday</span>
                    <span *ngSwitchCase="7">Sunday</span>
                    <span *ngSwitchDefault>No Such Day</span>

Angular Pipes

    a pipe is used tranform a value into another jsut before rendering.



        custom pipe

            class InToWordsPipe implements PipeTransform {
                transform(value:any):any {
                    //here goes the trnaformation code..
                    return transformedValue;

Angular Services

    a service is a injectable object carring bussiness logic or api calls.

Integrating Angular With Bootstrap

    npm i bootstrap

    include the paths 
    node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css   in 'styles' section of angular.json
    node_modules/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js     in 'scripts' section of angular.json

Angular Routing
    We can map urls one for each component and to laod one component at a time based on the url.

    RouterModule from '@angular/router'

        Routes              model       Route[]

        Route               model       {path:'',pathMatch:'full|startsWith',component:Componnet,redirect:''}

                                        For Example:

                                            assuming port 8888

                                            will result in loading DashboardComponent                                            
                                        For Example:

                                            assuming port 8888

                                            will result in loading DashboardComponent

                                            will not work!

        router-outlet       component   this is used in the top-level component to reserve space for the router output.

        routerLink          directive   is used on 'a' tag instead of its 'href' attribute.

        routerLinkActive    directive   accepts a css-class and that css-class is applied only when that link is active.

        Router              service     navigateByUrl("/sales/dailyReport")

        ActivatedRoute      service     used to extract data (like path parmeters/querystring..etc) from the current URL.

Angular Forms

    Template Driven Form                        Model Driven Form
        FormsModule from '@angular/forms'               ReactiveFormsModule from '@angular/forms'
            ngForm                                                 FormGroup
            ngModel                                                FormControl

        Validation are limited                          Has an extensive Validation Framework, and
                                                        custom validators are simelessly supported
        used in simple context where not more           used in all complex and nested form and regular 
        than two input controls exist                   form senarios.

        Testing is difficult as the form                Testing is easy as the form is modeled in the TS class
        struture and behaviour are defined               and is only strucutred in the template
        in the template

                        Both ngForm and FormGroup support valid and invalid properties.

                        Both ngModel and FormControl support
                                                touched and untouched
                                                dirty and prestine
                                                valid and invalid

    InBuilt Validators:
        Validators from '@angular/forms'

    Custom Validators:

        is any function that accepts an object of 'AbstractControl' and returns an object of ValidationErrors or null.

        customValidator(control:AbstractControl) : ValidationErrors | null {
            let isValid:boolean = true;

            //validation logic.
            return isValid ? null : {"validatorName":true };


    Create an angular SPA that does CRUD operation on 
        designation     ASSOCIATE / Jr ASSOCIATE / Sr ASSOCIATE / MANAGER

    Custome Validator to check that the dateOfJoining can not be a future date.

Obsservable from 'rxjs'.

    Observable is an enchanced Promise.

    A Promise can emit only one value that too after the completion of the async job.
    An Observable cna emit any number of values while the async job is in progress.

    A Promise has to be subscribed using 'then()' method for the async job to start and
    only one subscription can happen.
    An Observable has to be subscribed using 'subscribe()' method for the async job to start and
    any number of subscriptions can happen.

    A Promie once subscribed can not be unsbscribed.
    An Observable can be unsubscribed using 'unsubscribe()' method.

    let bgJob = (resolve,reject) => {
        //resolve is used to signal completion and also to carry the end result.
        //rejct signals error 

    let p = new Promise( bgJob );

        val => {/*success callback*/ },
        err => {/*error callback */}

    let bgJob2 = observer => {
        //    used to emit intermidiate reuslts while the job is in progress
        //observer.error(err)   used to signal error
        //observer.complete()   used to signal completion

    let ob = new Observable( bgJob2 );

        next: val => {},
        error: err => {},
        complete: () => {}

    Observale class has a method called 'pipe()' used to pipe operations on an existing observable to
    generate a new observable.

    let ob2 = ob1.pipe( operation1(),operation2() );

Calling Rest-Api using HttpClient

    HttpClient is a service from HttpClientModule from '@angular/common/http'
        get(endPoint) : Observable
        post(endPoint,reqBody) : Observable
        put(endPoint,reqBody) : Observable
        delete(endPoint) : Observable

Generating fake rest-api using json-server

    md adb-api
    cd adb-api
    npm init -y
    npm i [email protected]

    create a json file containing hypothetical data in the adb-api folder
        say adb-api/data.json

    include the start command in pakcge.json as below
        "start":"json-server --watch ./data.json --port 9999"

    npm start

Content vs View

    All the DOM written inside the tmeplate of a component is called its view (ViewChildren or ViewChild).

    Anything written inside the <tagName></tagName> of a component is called its content (ContentChildren or ContentChild) .

        <app-component-a>  here goes the content </app-component-a>

Angular Component or Directive Life Cycle Hooks

    constructor()                   gets invoked after the allocation of the object

    ngOnChanges(SimpelChanges)      gets invoked every time when the @Input() fields change 
    ngOnInit()                      gets invoked after the first render (only once)
    ngDoCheck()                     is used to detect and act upon changes that angular cannot
                                    detect on its own. incoekd after ngOnInit() for the first
                                    time and then after ngOnChanges().
        ngAfterContentInit()        gets invoked after the content is initialized
        ngAfterContentChecked()     gets invoked after the content is checked
        ngAfterViewInit()           gets invoked after the view is initialized
        ngAfterViewChecked()        gets invoked after the view is checked
    ngOnDestroy()                   gets invoked just before the Component is unloaded.

Content Projection


angular_11to1_09feb24_29feb24's People


avamsykiran avatar



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