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made-in-japan's Introduction


A list of cool projects in Japan. (This repo is using @IonicaBizau/made-in)

AGS Script

🌟 Name Description 🌍
5 @yusuke/twitter4j-site ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
3904 @matz/streem prototype of stream based programming language
1279 @mattn/go-sqlite3 sqlite3 driver for go that using database/sql ↗️
297 @ko1/allocation_tracer Add ObjectSpace::AllocationTracer module.
277 @sorah/envchain Environment variables meet OS X Keychain and gnome-keyring <3
240 @ko1/gc_tracer Add GC::Tracer module.
190 @mattn/growl-for-linux Growl Implementation For Linux #growl4linux ↗️
93 @mattn/vim-particle null
84 @hsbt/string-scrub String#scrub for Ruby 2.0.0 and 1.9.3
79 @mattn/mruby-uv interface to libuv for mruby(experimental) ↗️
48 @tokuhirom/node-perl Node perl wrapper
22 @mblondel/spira Recommender systems in Python
22 @nobu/io-console console access
18 @ko1/ruby-ptrace ptrace wrapper for ruby
12 @Constellation/console-colors.c Write formatted string to console with colors
5 @Constellation/ruby-cmigemo Ruby binding for C/Migemo ↗️
3 @ko1/ptask Parallel task scheduler
2 @zcbenz/yacci Yacc implemented in PHP


🌟 Name Description 🌍
272 @keijiro/KinoGlitch Video glitch effects for Unity
255 @keijiro/KvantSpray Object instancing/particle animation system for Unity
254 @onevcat/XUPorter Add files and frameworks to your Xcode project after it is generated by Unity 3D. ↗️
190 @keijiro/Reaktion Audio reactive animation toolkit for Unity
173 @keijiro/Retro3D A shader that imitates low grade 3D graphics.
143 @keijiro/Klak Utilities for creative coding with Unity
139 @keijiro/ChromaPack ChromaPack -- A lossy texture compression plugin for Unity.
114 @keijiro/KvantWall GPU accelerated object array animator for Unity
113 @keijiro/ColorSuite Multifunctional color adjustment plugin for Unity.
113 @keijiro/KvantSwarm Flowing line renderer for Unity
113 @keijiro/Teatro Visual software made for Takamatsu media art festival
102 @keijiro/KvantGrass Animating grass shader for Unity
97 @keijiro/KinoBloom Bloom filter for Unity
95 @keijiro/KinoMotion Motion blur post-processing effect for Unity
91 @keijiro/Mirage Holographic live visuals with the Pepper's ghost technique
84 @keijiro/SonarFx Sonar effect for Unity
81 @keijiro/unity-dither4444 AssetPostProcessor for making high-quality 16-bit color textures in Unity.
78 @keijiro/KinoFog Global fog effect for Unity
77 @keijiro/KinoBokeh Fast DOF filter with hexagonal shaped apertures
75 @keijiro/KvantLattice A GPU accelerated fractal terrain renderer for Unity
70 @keijiro/RippleEffect Water surface ripple effect for Unity
62 @keijiro/SpektrLightning Lightning effect for Unity
61 @keijiro/MidiJack MIDI input plugin for Unity
60 @keijiro/NoiseBall Mesh deforming shader example (Unity)
58 @keijiro/KinoObscurance Screen Space Ambient Obscurance/Occlusion image effect for Unity
56 @keijiro/SkyboxPlus Basic skybox extensions for Unity
55 @keijiro/FadeToSkybox Fade-to-skybox fog effect for Unity
53 @keijiro/KinoContour Contour line filter for Unity
52 @keijiro/UnityCubes Projection mapping on the Unity cube
8 @onevcat/UnpauseMe Script for Unity3D, unpause Unity3D animations or particles when set Time.timeScale = 0.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
222 @Constellation/iv ECMAScript Lexer / Parser / Interpreter / VM / method JIT written in C++
200 @zcbenz/node-gui GTK+ for node
55 @mblondel/svmlight-loader Fast and memory-efficient svmlight / libsvm file loader for Python.
51 @gfx/cpp-TimSort A C++ implementation of timsort
45 @zcbenz/BPlusTree B+ tree implementation which stores data in file
39 @tokuhirom/node-mruby
21 @wasabeef/gifflen-sample Bitmap color reduction and GIF encoding
18 @zcbenz/node-fork Add concurrency to node.js
8 @mblondel/dot-bench Benchmark of different sparse-sparse and sparse-dense dot product implementations.
8 @zcbenz/native-mate
8 @zcbenz/node-native-mate A non-intrusive lightweight JS to C++ bindings for node
6 @zcbenz/lexi A simple implementation of lex in C++
5 @Constellation/az ECMAScript analyzing tools ↗️
5 @Constellation/iTunesDaemon iTunes Daemon for Chromium ↗️
5 @zcbenz/base-minimal Collections of mostly header-only utility classes from Chromium's base library.
5 @zcbenz/there-is-a-c-in-ja… Demo codes for the article: Javascript里有个C ↗️
4 @Constellation/bmalloc-ported enjoying bmalloc extracted from the WebKit tree + Linux support
3 @zcbenz/clip Cloud Clipboard


🌟 Name Description 🌍
682 @zzak/sdoc Standalone sdoc generator ↗️
472 @onevcat/vno Vno, just another ghost theme
170 @simurai/duotone-dark-synta… DuoTone dark - A syntax theme for Atom
128 @simurai/filter.css A collection of CSS filter combos ↗️
86 @simurai/ZEN-Player HTML5 Audio player ↗️
59 @onevcat/vno-jekyll Another ported theme for Jekyll
54 @simurai/duotone-syntax Master template for DuoTone syntax themes
49 @simurai/umbrUI appearance:none styling.
43 @azu/pdf-markdown-annot… [nw.js] pdf viewer + markdown editor
32 @simurai/duotone-dark-sea-s… A dark blue-green DuoTone syntax theme for Atom
29 @simurai/cssconf-app A totally fake CSSConf app
26 @yusukebe/Yomico Yet Another Markdown Viewer ↗️
24 @onevcat/OneV-s-Den Blog
22 @simurai/duotone-light-synt… DuoTone light - A syntax theme for Atom
14 @simurai/duotone-dark-space… A dark blue-red DuoTone syntax theme for Atom
14 @simurai/oak UI playground
12 @onevcat/JekyllScroll JekyllScroll is a theme for Jekyll.
10 @SachaG/gribbble null
10 @simurai/duotone-dark-fores… A dark green-yellow DuoTone syntax theme
9 @yusukebe/Podder Cool and Easy standalone viewer of Perl codes, Pods, and Inao style Texts in local directory.
8 @simurai/one-dark-vivid-syn… A more vivid One Dark Syntax theme ↗️
7 @naoya/mh4sim Monster Hunter 4 Item Simulator (Just Demo for AngularJS)
7 @simurai/duotone-dark-earth… A dark brown-orange DuoTone syntax theme
7 @yusukebe/App-mookview View Markdown texts as a "Mook-Book"
5 @yusukebe/FMTube Listen and watch YouTube videos with recommendations from ↗️
4 @yusukebe/Aoi Web App for sharing, stocking, and finding our plain/markdown texts
4 @yusukebe/Daramen ラーメン画像をひたすらダラダラ見るWebアプリ
4 @yusukebe/Nopaste Nopaste application making with Mojolicious.
3 @simurai/digit-info Demo showing how you can change color, size and spacing of the Digit components. ↗️
3 @yusuke/shakuyosho 借用証ジェネレータ
2 @simurai/digit-layout Some starter layouts to be used with the Digit UI set.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
24 @fukamachi/L5 Yet Another Presentation Tool for Lispers ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
90 @naoya/hubot-sushiyuki
37 @r7kamura/mmd.js A project to work MMD in a web browser with client-side JavaScript.
28 @masuidrive/react-starterkit Reactの開発環境
13 @naoya/MeteorSample-SBM
6 @sorah/hubot-zabbix null

Common Lisp

🌟 Name Description 🌍
525 @fukamachi/clack Web application environment for Common Lisp ↗️
423 @fukamachi/woo A fast non-blocking HTTP server on top of libev ↗️
368 @fukamachi/caveman Lightweight web application framework for Common Lisp. ↗️
235 @fukamachi/fast-http A fast HTTP request/response parser for Common Lisp.
102 @fukamachi/ningle Super micro framework for Common Lisp ↗️
95 @fukamachi/prove Yet another unit testing framework for Common Lisp
72 @fukamachi/qlot A project-local library installer for Common Lisp
70 @fukamachi/sxql A SQL generator for Common Lisp.
69 @fukamachi/cl-dbi Database independent interface for Common Lisp
68 @fukamachi/cl-project Generate modern project skeletons
59 @fukamachi/shelly Make Common Lisp shell-friendly. ↗️
55 @fukamachi/integral An object relational mapper for Common Lisp
48 @fukamachi/dexador Yet another HTTP client for Common Lisp ↗️
36 @fukamachi/datafly A lightweight database library for Common Lisp.
36 @fukamachi/quri Yet another URI library for Common Lisp
28 @fukamachi/proc-parse Procedural vector parser
23 @fukamachi/lack Lack, the core of Clack
23 @fukamachi/mito An ORM for Common Lisp with migrations, relationships and PostgreSQL support
22 @fukamachi/websocket-driver WebSocket server/client implementation for Common Lisp
20 @fukamachi/envy Configuration switcher by an environment variable inspired by Config::ENV.
20 @fukamachi/uncl Un-Common Lisp on Common Lisp ↗️
19 @fukamachi/clozure-cl Unofficial mirror of Clozure CL ↗️
18 @fukamachi/utopian A web framework for Common Lisp never finished.
17 @fukamachi/cl-coveralls
14 @fukamachi/legion Simple multithreading worker mechanism. ↗️
13 @fukamachi/cl-locale Simple i18n library for Common Lisp
13 @fukamachi/psychiq Background job processing for Common Lisp


🌟 Name Description 🌍
15281 @wasabeef/awesome-android-ui… A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries ↗️
2543 @wasabeef/awesome-android-li… This is an alphabetical list of libraries for Android development, the majority being actively maintained. ↗️
361 @azu/awesome-commit-eng… コミット英語についての記事まとめ
173 @wasabeef/awesome-android-to… A curated list of awesome Android Tools.
125 @onevcat/iOSWeekly iOS Weekly issue for InfoQ CN
91 @azu/browser-javascript… Browser JavaScript Resource.
59 @ko1/uc_ja 書籍『アンダースタンディング コンピュテーション』のサポートリポジトリです。
57 @r7kamura/awesome-fantasy A collection of awesome FinalFantasy-ish libraries, tools, frameworks and software.
37 @gfx/docker-android-pro… Dockerfile for Android projects
31 @shu223/APIClientCollectio… A collection of API clients & SDKs for iOS.
26 @twada/macbook-provisioni… "Mac の開発環境構築を自動化する (2015 年初旬編)" で書いた playbook です ↗️
25 @gfx/swift-words Swift訳語集 ↗️
20 @wasabeef/vagrant-kali-linux… Vagrant Boxes - Kali Linux
18 @ksoichiro/awesome-gradle A curated list of awesome Gradle plugins and resources for a better development workflow automation.
17 @yusuke/twitter4s A Scala wrapper for Twitter4J
13 @onevcat/Notes My Notes:
11 @gfx/swift-resources List of Resources on the Swift programming language
10 @ksoichiro/Android-CodingGuid… Androidアプリのコーディングガイドライン
8 @onevcat/UniRate UniRate is a Unity3D package to help you promote you mobile games by prompting users to rate the app after using it for a few days or times.
6 @masuidrive/mobiruby-rubyconf2… Presentation slides and note for RubyConf 2012 in Denver.
6 @wasabeef/adball Adb All devices command
6 @wasabeef/java-code-style IntelliJ IDEA code style settings for Wasabeef's Java and Android projects.
5 @sorah/termtter-doc Termtter document complete project ↗️
5 @yusukebe/BigConcept A Big Concept for Next Society. This is just POC. ↗️
5 @yusukebe/PerlTamago Perl初心者向けのごくごくシンプルなサンプルスクリプト集
4 @masuidrive/mobiruby-ios Moved
2 @masuidrive/masuidrive-test test for me ↗️
2 @masuidrive/ ↗️
2 @yusuke/heroku-deploy-butt…
2 @yusuke/multilingual-javad…
2 @yusuke/twitter-lottery null
2 @zzak/doc-ruby-logo Logos for project ↗️

Emacs Lisp

🌟 Name Description 🌍
39 @twada/coverlay.el Test coverage overlay for Emacs
29 @fukamachi/redmine-el See Redmine on Emacs
20 @twada/org-html5presentat… HTML5 Presentation export for Org-mode
13 @fukamachi/emacs-config [OBSOLETE] More simplified version is ↗️
4 @hsbt/dot.emacs.d


🌟 Name Description 🌍
1115 @mattn/gom Go Manager - bundle for go
832 @mattn/go-gtk Go binding for GTK ↗️
483 @mattn/goreman foreman clone written in go language
311 @mattn/go-xmpp go xmpp library (original was written by russ cox ) ↗️
276 @mattn/goveralls null
269 @mattn/anko Scriptable interpreter written in golang ↗️
218 @mattn/go-webkit webkit widget for go-gtk ↗️
188 @mattn/go-v8 Go binding for v8 ↗️
178 @mattn/gopher Windows Desktop Mascot Applicaiton "Gopher"
155 @yusukebe/revealgo Markdown driven presentation tool written in Go!
139 @mattn/go-oci8 oracle driver for go that using database/sql ↗️
132 @mattn/goemon 五右衛門
124 @mattn/go-colorable null
123 @mattn/etcdenv null
106 @mattn/jedie Static site generator written in golang ↗️
94 @mattn/gof null
84 @mattn/go-redmine null
77 @mattn/go-shellwords Parse line as shell words
76 @mattn/jvgrep grep for japanese vimmer ↗️
75 @mattn/go-isatty ↗️
75 @mattn/go-pipeline null
71 @r7kamura/gospel BDD-style testing library for Golang
37 @tokuhirom/git-xlsx-textconv
26 @ksoichiro/rdotm Objective-C resource definition generator like Android app's
20 @ksoichiro/material-design-co… Palette for Android Material Design colors.
17 @sorah/etcvault proxy for etcd, adding transparent encryption
14 @sorah/ec2nm A DNS server serves your AWS EC2 instances' IP addresses by Name tag
12 @naoya/go-pit
7 @naoya/Gozo
4 @ksoichiro/adbs Small utility for adb(Android Debug Bridge) to choose device easily.
2 @ksoichiro/fint A lightweight, simple source code check tool. ↗️
2 @ksoichiro/mocker Mock up code generator for Android/iOS apps.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
90 @ksoichiro/gradle-eclipse-aar… Gradle plugin to use Android AAR libraries on Eclipse.
49 @gfx/android-power-asse… Power Assert for Android
14 @ksoichiro/gradle-android-git… Gradle plugin for Android apps to manage Git dependency (gag)
14 @ksoichiro/gradle-web-resourc… Gradle plugin to use CoffeeScript, LESS and Bower libraries without Node.js/npm.
9 @gfx/gradle-plugin-temp… A template project for Gradle plugins
4 @ksoichiro/gradle-build-info-… Gradle plugin to include build information such as Git commit ID to your JAR. It can be used to show Git commit information with Spring Boot Actuator.
3 @ksoichiro/gradle-console-rep… Gradle plugin to report various kinds of summaries to console.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
252 @amatsuda/kaminari_themes
219 @amatsuda/i18n_generators A pack of Rails generators gem plugin that generates Rails 3 and Rails 2 I18n locale files for almost every known locale. ↗️
75 @Constellation/ibrik CoffeeScript meets Istanbul - code coverage tool for CoffeeScript
73 @kana/config My configuration files feat. hardcore Vim scripts ↗️
56 @gfx/Android-Helium Material Hatena bookmark reader for Android ↗️
54 @zcbenz/chromium-source-ta… Generate source tarball of Chromium automatically
25 @azu/slide スライド置き場 ↗️
18 @azu/how-to-learn-es6 📝 How to learn ECMAScript2015 for Beginner?
2 @hsbt/ Presentation Slides
2 @ko1/tokyo11 Tokyo RubyKaigi 11
2 @masuidrive/journals


🌟 Name Description 🌍
6049 @ksoichiro/Android-Observable… Android library to observe scroll events on scrollable views. ↗️
3898 @wasabeef/recyclerview-anima… An Android Animation library which easily add itemanimator to RecyclerView items.
1859 @wasabeef/richeditor-android… RichEditor for Android is a beautiful Rich Text WYSIWYG Editor for Android.
1829 @wasabeef/Blurry Blurry is an easy blur library for Android
1812 @yusuke/twitter4j Twitter4J is an open-sourced, mavenized and Google App Engine safe Java library for the Twitter API which is released under the Apache License 2.0. ↗️
1583 @wasabeef/glide-transformati… An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Glide.
758 @wasabeef/picasso-transforma… An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Picasso
512 @wasabeef/fresco-processors An Android image processor library providing a variety of image transformations for Fresco.
267 @wasabeef/Takt Takt is Android library for measuring the FPS using Choreographer.
251 @gfx/Android-Orma A lightning-fast ORM for Android as a wrapper of SQLiteDatabase ↗️
144 @gfx/gradle-android-rib… Modifies launcher icons on debug build
89 @yusuke/sign-in-with-twitt… ↗️
71 @ksoichiro/SimpleAlertDialog-… Library for Android DialogFragment.
64 @tokuhirom/toydi
56 @ksoichiro/AndroidFormEnhance… Form validation library for Android applications. ↗️
50 @yusuke/samurai open source thread dump analysis tool ↗️
43 @tokuhirom/avans Tiny thin web application framework for Java 8
24 @gfx/Android-EncryptUti… provides Encryption and EncryptedSharedPreferences
22 @gfx/StaticGson A Gson binding generator with annotation processing
20 @wasabeef/android-RoundedTex… RoundedTextureView Sample
18 @ksoichiro/RichButtons 'RichButtons' is a set of button styles for Android applications.
17 @gfx/Robolectric-Instru… Android Instrumentation Framework API wrapper to Robolectric
13 @yusuke/ideahandson
10 @gfx/AndroidLocationCli…
10 @gfx/gradle-android-uti…
9 @ksoichiro/android-tests Examples of Android tests.
8 @gfx/RxInTheBox Minimum subset of RxJava for Android
7 @ksoichiro/Android-ColorfulIc… Application icons mainly for Android apps.
5 @yusuke/lucene-examples lucene-examples
4 @ksoichiro/md-slide-android Android slide viewer app with Markdown
4 @yusuke/java7grammar null
4 @yusuke/kagechiyo Twitter Bot base
3 @ksoichiro/android-snippets Snippet codes for Android apps.
3 @yusuke/hash-count ↗️
3 @yusuke/ideamugen
2 @ksoichiro/simple-word-book Simple Word Book for Android
2 @ksoichiro/spring-boot-practi… Examples of Spring Boot apps.
2 @ksoichiro/zubhium.sample Zubhiumを使用したAndroidアプリケーションのサンプルです。
2 @yusuke/javaform javaform
2 @yusuke/log4twitter ↗️
2 @yusuke/waraji waraji ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
1602 @zcbenz/nw-sample-apps Sample apps for node-webkit
551 @azu/promises-book JavaScript Promiseの本 ↗️
310 @masuidrive/miyamoto Google Apps Scriptで書かれたSlack用勤怠管理Botの「みやもとさん」
240 @SachaG/Void A starter template for Meteor, using IronRouter
128 @keijiro/UnitySkyboxShaders… Custom skybox shaders
118 @SachaG/Microscope
116 @masuidrive/node-mysql [obsolete] pure Javascript MySQL network driver for node.js
112 @SachaG/meteor-spin A simple spinner package for Meteor ↗️
112 @azu/JavaScript-Plugin-… JavaScriptプラグインアーキテクチャの本 ↗️
111 @twada/licensify Browserify plugin to prepend license header to your bundle
109 @masuidrive/TiStoreKit StoreKit(In App Purchase) module for Titanium Mobile iPhone
107 @azu/github-reader [node-webkit] GitHub client app - Viewer for Notifications and News Feed.
89 @r7kamura/webtail Stdin to your browser by WebSocket
86 @r7kamura/retro-twitter-clie… A retro twitter client.
84 @keijiro/unity-webview-inte… Unity iOS および Android における web view 組み込み例 ↗️
74 @masuidrive/ti-websocket-clien… WebSocket client for Titanium Mobile 1.7.x+
73 @azu/multi-stage-source… multi-level source map processing library. ↗️
72 @twada/qunit-tap A TAP Output Producer Plugin for QUnit
70 @azu/material-flux No magic flux implementation library.
68 @r7kamura/github-stream Stream notifications on GitHub
60 @twada/type-name Just a reasonable typeof
59 @twada/unassert Encourage reliable programming by writing assertions in production code, and compiling them away from release
58 @azu/gitbook-starter-ki… GitBook Starter Kit. ↗️
56 @r7kamura/gig A blog application using GitHub as a data store. ↗️
54 @naoya/HBFav Hatena Bookmark "Favorite" Reader
48 @SachaG/Autorouter A simple package for Meteor prototyping
45 @tokuhirom/js-xlsx-demo
44 @naoya/React-HBFav Samle app for React Native
41 @twada/unassertify Browserify transform to encourage reliable programming by writing assertions in production code, and compiling them away from release.
40 @azu/wait-for-element.j… This library provide a function which wait until an element is visible.
39 @azu/mini-flux mini flux implementation ↗️
35 @tokuhirom/mobirc IRC Gateway for MobilePhone/iPhone/PC
34 @tokuhirom/jsref
33 @r7kamura/mio MicroBlog for Laboratory.
30 @zcbenz/cefode Custom CEF build that has node.js API integration.
28 @azu/textlint-rule-pres… JTF日本語標準スタイルガイド for textlint. ↗️
28 @masuidrive/TitaniumSamples
28 @naoya/sukushokun
27 @azu/babel-plugin-jsdoc… Runtime type checking for JSDoc ↗️
27 @azu/release-changelog [Deprecated] Easy to use conventional-changelog and release-it.
27 @masuidrive/TiHandson
27 @naoya/push-to-ios Titanium Mobile + example
25 @azu/voting-badge 👍 voting badge like Travis CI ↗️
24 @kana/othello-js A quick and dirty implementation of Othello ↗️
24 @shu223/TwitterArchiveView… A viewer app for twitter archive.
24 @tokuhirom/frepan freshness mirror of cpan viewer ↗️
24 @tokuhirom/strftime-js
24 @twada/babel-plugin-unass… Babel plugin to encourage reliable programming by writing assertions in production code, and compiling them away from release.
22 @azu/power-doctest JavaScript: doctest + power-assert. ↗️
22 @tokuhirom/micro_dispatcher.j…
21 @azu/reftest-runner Reftest runner with WebDriver API.
20 @azu/jsdoc-to-assert JSDoc to assert
19 @Constellation/ldrfullfeed greasemonkey userscript for loading full entry on LDR and Fastladder ↗️
19 @azu/power-assert-teste… Example project of power-assert + gulp-espower + testem. ↗️
19 @azu/technical-word-rul… JavaScript中心のIT技術用語のLint用辞書
18 @gfx/perl.js emscripten build settings for perl ↗️
18 @twada/universal-deep-str… A port of Node v6's internal _deepEqual function in a universal style
15 @SachaG/smartquery null
15 @simurai/ simurai's site ↗️
15 @twada/power-assert-runti… monorepo of power-assert runtime side
13 @twada/stringifier Yet another stringify function
12 @Constellation/shift-traverse-js traversal functionality for the Shift AST format
12 @sorah/jockey alternative for
11 @Constellation/shibuya engine implemented in ECMA262 5.1th
11 @naoya/chrome2ios Chrome To iOS
10 @gfx/source-map-inspect… source map visualization ↗️
10 @masuidrive/gae-minwiki 100 lines WikiEngine on Google App Engine ↗️
10 @naoya/react-and-immutabl…
10 @twada/escallmatch ECMAScript CallExpression matcher made from function/method signature
10 @zcbenz/d3-browserify D3 distribution that used for browserify-like environment
9 @Constellation/ireader Web Based RSS Reader for iPhone/iPod touch. LDR/FLDR FrontEnd. ↗️
9 @masuidrive/follow_me_now
8 @SachaG/Patternify
8 @amatsuda/activecalendar Rails 2.2.2 ready javascript calendar date renderer ↗️
8 @naoya/flux-mdpreview
8 @twada/unassert-cli CLI for unassert: encourage reliable programming by writing assertions in production code, and compiling them away from release
7 @sorah/lingr_for_android.… Lingr for Android
7 @twada/battlefield-source… Fighting with multi-stage sourcemaps with power-assert
7 @twada/gulp-derequire A Gulp plugin to apply derequire to target Buffer/Stream
7 @yusukebe/Haartraining-App Plack Application For Creating Positive/Negative Collection Files of Haartraning OpenCV.
7 @yusukebe/Nagare IRC Proxy using HTTP Streaming with Tatsumaki
6 @SachaG/meteor-juice Wrapper for Juice
6 @SachaG/meteor101 An introduction to Meteor
6 @sorah/listenize 可聴化 (kachôka, make listenable to )
6 @twada/array-foreach Array#forEach ponyfill for older browsers
5 @Constellation/gulp-esmangle gulp plugin for esmangle minifying task
5 @Constellation/structured-source Structured Source code
5 @SachaG/bjjbot
5 @twada/power-assert-demo Demo project for Power Assert in JavaScript
4 @masuidrive/tidocs ↗️
4 @twada/fly-espower power-assert plugin for Fly
4 @twada/gulp-unassert Gulp plugin to encourage reliable programming by writing assertions in production, and compiling them away from release
4 @twada/qunit-quickstart A simple QUnit + QUnit-TAP + PhantomJS example.
4 @yusuke/
4 @zcbenz/chinese-auto-sim-t… 自动繁体转换
4 @zzak/cyan_shoes Let's try to create a Shoes like DSL in JavaScript, using HTML5 Canvas.
3 @Constellation/javascript
3 @Constellation/saten saten is RegExp Runtime written in JS. This is ported from AeroHand RegExp Runtime in iv.
3 @Constellation/tea tea.js
3 @SachaG/Smart-Todos
3 @SachaG/TMB-Middleman
3 @SachaG/smartquery-demo null
3 @SachaG/twitterList A simple Meteor app to list Twitter accounts.
3 @yusuke/avatarotation
2 @Constellation/coldsite coldsite, static ES6 template literals
2 @Constellation/domlike Simple DOMLike parser for AppJet ↗️
2 @SachaG/BetterHN BetterHN [↗️](Ideas to improve HN)
2 @ksoichiro/i18n-patch Replacing codes for i18n with patterns.
2 @masuidrive/hatena-bookmark-an… ブログにはてブのコメントを表示するhatana_bookmark_anywhere.js
2 @twada/dereserve Provides dereserve command to recast all ES3 reserved words to their safe alternatives.
2 @twada/gulp-utf8ize-sourc… A Gulp plugin to apply utf8ize-sourcemaps to target Buffer/Stream
2 @twada/power-assert-rende… [DEPRECATED] this module is reorganized into


🌟 Name Description 🌍
17 @ksoichiro/Android-PageContro… Clickable PageControl for Android apps.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
2 @nobu/build-files


🌟 Name Description 🌍
10 @hsbt/nginx-tech-talk


🌟 Name Description 🌍
7574 @onevcat/VVDocumenter-Xcode… Xcode plug-in which helps you write documentation comment easier, for both Objective-C and Swift.
3232 @shu223/iOS8-Sampler Code examples for the new features of iOS 8.
3059 @shu223/iOS7-Sampler Code examples for the new features of iOS 7.
1792 @shu223/AnimatedTransition… A gallery app of custom animated transitions for iOS.
1341 @shu223/PulsingHalo iOS Component for creating a pulsing animation.
842 @onevcat/VVBlurPresentation… A simple way to present a view controller with keeping the blurred previous one.
490 @shu223/UIActivityCollecti… A collection of UIActivity providers.
487 @onevcat/VVSpringCollection… A spring-like collection view layout. The same effect like iOS7's
396 @shu223/SlowMotionVideoRec… 120 fps SLO-MO video recorder using AVFoundation. Including convenient wrapper class. Available on the iPhone5s.
233 @azu/NSDate-Escort NSDate utility library that is compatible with NSDate-Extensions API. ↗️
168 @shu223/vImageCategory UIImage category which have vImage wrapper functions and the demo project
125 @onevcat/VCTransitionDemo A simple demo indicates how to make a custom view controller transition in iOS 7
120 @shu223/Stats In-app memory usage monitoring for iOS
117 @onevcat/VVImageTint UIImage category for image tint. For my blog post
113 @shu223/CoreImageTransitio… A sample app for transition effects using Core Image, including a useful helper class.
109 @shu223/UIKitForGame UIKit subclasses and categories with useful animation functions for game. ↗️
100 @shu223/FilterDemo A catalogue of all the Core Image Filters. ↗️
59 @masuidrive/TiAdMob4iPhone AdMob module for Titanium Mobile iPhone
40 @masuidrive/ti-evernote-api Evernote API bridge for Titanium Mobile
39 @azu/MarkdownSyntaxEdit… [iOS] NSAttributedString + UITextView + Markdown Syntax highlighting.
32 @azu/NumericKeypad NumericKeypad for iPad ↗️
32 @azu/OperationPromise NSOperation(NSOperationQueue) dependency manager library.
31 @masuidrive/TiMultitouch Multitouch module for Titanium Mobile
24 @azu/ios-practice iOSアプリ開発におけるプラクティス ↗️
21 @shu223/LinguisticTaggerSa… A sample app for Natural Language Processing using NSLinguisticTagger.
20 @azu/Podfile 普段良く使うライブラリとPodfile
19 @azu/SimpleUserDefaults… Simple NSUserDefaults manager library - Access NSUserDefaults key using property.
18 @onevcat/SpriteKitSimpleGam… A demo for starting using SpriteKit. Port famous Cocos2DSimpleGame to SpriteKit.
18 @onevcat/VVBorderTimer An easy border timer with configurable time, corner radius, line width and colors.
18 @shu223/TweenDemo Simple app demonstrating some tween libralies. ↗️
16 @shu223/SocialAPIHelpers Twitter and Facebook API Helper classes for iOS using Social.framework
12 @onevcat/VVStack Just a TDD demo with XCTest and Kiwi
12 @shu223/CAEmitterSample A sample app for Particle Effects using Core Animation (CAEmitterLayer and CAEmitterCell).
12 @shu223/NYXImagesKitDemo
10 @masuidrive/TiCustomCamera
10 @onevcat/PhotoData_Kiwi Use Kiwi to replace's first issue. Just a demo for Kiwi and my post. ↗️
10 @shu223/CCTransitionHelper… cocos2d transition helper ↗️
9 @onevcat/VVPluginDemo A demo for how to make a simple Xcode 4 plug-in. ↗️
9 @sorah/udon_tairiku Clone of ra-men tairiku, designed for iPhone. UNMAINTAINED. ↗️
8 @onevcat/TexasPoker A client of Texas Poker
6 @shu223/CrunchBase-API-Cli… CrunchBase API Client for iOS. ↗️
6 @shu223/Remote-Video-Recor…
5 @shu223/Klout-API-Client-f… Klout API Client for iOS.
3 @shu223/PeripheralLogger Logger for Core Bluetooth development.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
14 @yusuke/twtr-api-pocket-re…
10 @shu223/csv2plist Script to convert CSV file to plist file. ↗️
8 @naoya/PQ
5 @naoya/php-List_RubyLike Array iterator like Ruby for PHP
5 @zcbenz/sbbs-search 虎踞龙蟠BBS全文检索 ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
148 @naoya/md2inao Convert markdown to inao-format for WEB+DB PRESS ↗️
145 @tokuhirom/Amon yet another web application framework ↗️
84 @tokuhirom/Furl pretty fast http client library for perl5
64 @tokuhirom/Minilla Authorizing tool for CPAN modules ↗️
52 @tokuhirom/tora Tora! Tora! Tora!
47 @tokuhirom/Perl-Build
46 @tokuhirom/cpan-outdated detect outdated CPAN modules ↗️
38 @tokuhirom/teng-handbook
34 @tokuhirom/Daiku Yet another build tool on Perl5
34 @yusukebe/App-revealup HTTP Server app for viewing Markdown formatted text as slides ↗️
32 @gfx/p5-Data-Validator Type constraints based data validator for Perl5
32 @tokuhirom/p5-router-simple simple http router
28 @tokuhirom/p5-psgiref (DEPRECATED)just a prototype!
27 @tokuhirom/Test-TCP Test::TCP for perl
26 @tokuhirom/Web-Query
26 @tokuhirom/optimize-perl-doc how to optimize your perl code?
25 @tokuhirom/OrePAN
25 @tokuhirom/menta General extlib/ for CGI applications.
24 @gfx/p5-Mouse Lightweight class builder as a subset of Moose ↗️
24 @tokuhirom/PJP ↗️
22 @yusukebe/Noe true tears on web application framework. ↗️
21 @yusukebe/Hitagi Shall we talk about stars and micro web application frameworks.
20 @naoya/perl-Text-LTSV Text::LTSV - Labeled Tab Separated Value manipulator
18 @naoya/mapreduce-lite An experimental implementation of MapReduce for perl
14 @gfx/Dist-Maker Yet another distribution maker
13 @yusukebe/Kutter A Web Application displays the tweets about everyone eating. It's sample of Catalyst, DBIx::Class, and Moose. ↗️
12 @naoya/perl-hadoop A frontend framework of Hadoop-Streaming for perl without Moose
11 @yusukebe/Acme-Porn-JP Porn terms in Japan. ↗️
11 @yusukebe/Dropdown Display Markdown on Dropbox as cool HTML. ↗️
11 @yusukebe/TailF Web Application like a "tail -f xxx" command for Twitter etc. ↗️
10 @gfx/App-test-travis Simulates Travis-CI environments ↗️
10 @naoya/hadoop-streaming-f… A frontend framework of Hadoop-Streaming for perl
10 @yusukebe/Shiori Yet another Perl implementation of Shiori web-app.
9 @gfx/Acme-Perl-VM A Perl5 Virtual Machine in Pure Perl ↗️
9 @gfx/Perl-Module-Instal… Support XS-based modules in the term of Module::Install ↗️
9 @gfx/p5-POSIX-AtFork Perl5 interfafce to pthread_atfork() ↗️
9 @naoya/perl-thrift-server… Thrift server implementation for perl
8 @gfx/p5-Acme-Hidek Happy birthday hidek!
7 @gfx/mousex-getopt MooseX::Getopt for Mouse ↗️
7 @naoya/list-rubylike Ruby-like list operations for perl
7 @yusukebe/Acme-Zenra zenrize Japanese sentence. ↗️
7 @yusukebe/ListPod-App-Lite Convert YouTube Playlist to Podcast feed. It is branche of ↗️
7 @yusukebe/WWW-Veoh-Download WWW::Veoh::Download is module to get and download mp4 files for iPod etc. from Veoh Video Network.
7 @zcbenz/dotfiles My dotfiles for POSIX systems and cygwin.
6 @yusukebe/Plagger-Plugin-Not… Yet Another XMPP Notify Plagger Plugin using AnyEvent::*
6 @yusukebe/miyagawanize Any Perl Mongers can be like Miyagawa-San with a "Purple Thing" ! ↗️
5 @yusukebe/Rumi Yet Anothor Girl, just web application framework. ↗️
5 @yusukebe/WebService-Simple Simple Interface To Web Services APIs ↗️
5 @yusukebe/miyagawanize2 about purple thing
4 @yusukebe/Shodo Auto-generate documents from HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response
3 @hsbt/zsh-svk forked zsh-svk ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
44 @tokuhirom/SQL-Maker
40 @tokuhirom/p6-Crust PSGI library stack for Perl6


🌟 Name Description 🌍
38 @mblondel/ivalice Boosting and ensemble learning in Python.
14 @kana/vim-version-manage… curl python - setup
10 @masuidrive/TiFacebookExt Titanium.Facebook extension module for Titanium Mobile for iPhone
8 @masuidrive/TiInAppPurchase InAppPurchase for Titanium mobile iphone ↗️
6 @sorah/skype-irc-bridge
5 @mblondel/iphoto2html Generate a static html gallery for your iPhoto library.
3 @masuidrive/juno-with-user-aut… juno-with-user-auth-on-gae ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
5864 @amatsuda/kaminari A Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated paginator for Rails 3 and 4 ↗️
628 @ko1/pretty_backtrace Pretty your exception backtrace.
626 @masuidrive/open-wripe source code
540 @amatsuda/active_decorator ORM agnostic truly Object-Oriented view helper for Rails 3 and Rails 4
489 @amatsuda/traceroute A Rake task gem that helps you find the unused routes and controller actions for your Rails 3+ app
469 @amatsuda/database_rewinder minimalist's tiny and ultra-fast database cleaner
430 @sorah/mamiya Faster deploy tool using tarballs and serf
334 @r7kamura/ruboty Ruby + Bot = Ruboty
274 @r7kamura/autodoc Generate documentation from your rack application & request-spec.
239 @amatsuda/stateful_enum A very simple state machine plugin built on top of ActiveRecord::Enum
232 @amatsuda/html5_validators A gem/plugin for Rails 3 & Rails 4 that enables client-side validation using ActiveModel + HTML5 Form Validation
179 @naoya/HBFav2 Hatena-Bookmark Reader for iOS
173 @Constellation/crxmake making chromium extension ↗️
155 @amatsuda/erd A Rails engine for drawing your app's ER diagram
147 @r7kamura/altria Casual CI server
128 @amatsuda/motorhead A Rails Engine framework that helps safe and rapid feature prototyping
114 @amatsuda/gem-src Gem.post_install { git clone gem_source src }
108 @r7kamura/rack-json_schema JSON Schema based Rack middlewares
105 @amatsuda/kawaii_validation An ActiveRecord extension that adds more kawaii validation syntax
103 @amatsuda/rfd Ruby on Files & Directories
103 @r7kamura/rspec-json_matcher… RSpec matcher for testing JSON string
100 @amatsuda/jb A simple and fast JSON API template engine for Ruby on Rails
98 @amatsuda/nested_scaffold Nested scaffold generator for Rails 4.2 and 5
91 @r7kamura/view_source_map Rails plugin to view source map
89 @amatsuda/interactive_rspec RSpec on IRB
84 @r7kamura/weak_parameters Validates params in your controller.
83 @r7kamura/jdoc Generate API documentation from JSON Schema.
79 @kana/vim-flavor Taste the difference. ↗️
78 @r7kamura/replicat master-slave replication helper for ActiveRecord.
75 @hsbt/minitest-power_ass… Power Assert for Minitest
73 @naoya/boilerplate Application boilerplate for something
73 @r7kamura/scheman SQL schema parser.
70 @r7kamura/guideline The guideline of your code
68 @r7kamura/rspec-request_desc… Force some rules to write self-documenting request spec.
67 @amatsuda/ljax_rails render :partial lazy-loader for Rails
66 @amatsuda/hocus_pocus A magical isolated engine gem for Rails 3.1+
62 @amatsuda/everywhere Hash condition syntax for AR query everywhere!
60 @r7kamura/sitespec Generate static site from your rack application & test files
57 @r7kamura/ikku Discover haiku from text.
54 @naoya/circleci-serverspe… Example: Continuous Integration using vagrant-aws, Chef, serverspec and CircleCI
52 @Constellation/ruby-jsonchema json schema library ruby porting from ↗️
51 @masuidrive/pr_geohash GeoHash library for pure Ruby ↗️
51 @r7kamura/markdiff Rendered Markdown differ.
49 @r7kamura/code_hunter Hunt out weak spots in your rails application
49 @sorah/itamae-secrets Encrypted Data Bag for Itamae
45 @r7kamura/chatroid Chatterbot builder
45 @sorah/niconico wrapper of Mechanize, optimized for nicovideo.
44 @r7kamura/response_code_matc… Provide rspec matchers to match http response code
44 @zzak/glorify Sinatra helper to parse markdown with syntax highlighting like the pros ↗️
43 @amatsuda/kaminari_example A tutorial project for the basic and advanced usage of Kaminari paginator
41 @sorah/nginx_omniauth_ada… Use omniauth for nginx auth_request
40 @ko1/yomikomu Dump compiled iseq by binary (kakidasu) and load binary (yomidasu)
38 @naoya/vagrant-centos-rbe…
38 @r7kamura/json_world Provides DSL to define JSON Schema representation of your class.
38 @sorah/acmesmith An effective ACME client: Manage keys on the cloud (e.g. S3)
37 @r7kamura/chrono A chain of logics about chronology.
34 @r7kamura/jsonism Generate HTTP Client from JSON Schema.
30 @sorah/villein Control serf agents from Ruby
28 @amatsuda/roundabout A Rails Engine that generates a page transition diagram for your Rails app from request specs
28 @hsbt/agig another Github IRC Gateway
28 @twada/twowaysql Template Engine for SQL
27 @sorah/days Simple blog system built up with Sinatra
26 @sorah/infra_operator what replaces specinfra (it's a goal...)
23 @amatsuda/teriyaki Automatically imports *_path definitions from config/routes.rb for acceptance testing
22 @amatsuda/activerecord-refin… ActiveRecord + Ruby 2.0 refinements
20 @Constellation/ruby-net-github-up… Ruby Net::GitHub::Upload ↗️
20 @amatsuda/arel_ruby ARel Ruby visitor
20 @hsbt/ngx_mruby-package-… Package Builder of ngx_mruby with Docker
19 @ko1/nakayoshi_fork
18 @naoya/docker-paas-exampl…
18 @sorah/config config
17 @amatsuda/polymorphic_url_ca… null
17 @amatsuda/turbo_urls
17 @gfx/rack-devfavicon A rack middleware to show gray-scaled favicon on development
16 @amatsuda/more_optimized_res… null
16 @kana/vim-doc An online viewer for Vim :help documents ↗️
16 @kana/vimup Tool to automate to upload vim scripts to ↗️
15 @sorah/etcenv Dump etcd keys into dotenv file or docker env file
14 @amatsuda/gem_i A RubyGems plugin that explicitly aliases gem i to gem install to avoid ambiguity
14 @hsbt/heroku-mongodb Heroku mongodb plugin
14 @naoya/Motion-Diablo3 Diablo3 Web API wrapper for RubyMotion
13 @amatsuda/nested_layouts The only fork of "nested_layouts" Rails plugin in Github that correctly bug fixed for Rails 2.3 ↗️
13 @hsbt/whispered
11 @naoya/jenkins-vagrant-te…
11 @sorah/revision_plate Rack application and middleware that serves endpoint returns application's REVISION.
10 @hsbt/heroku-invoice Invoice plugin for heroku
10 @hsbt/rake-confirm Confirmation for destructive Rails task.
10 @zzak/shoes-contrib Shoes examples and samples ↗️
8 @hsbt/mackerel-plugin-si… sidekiq job counts for mackerel plugin
8 @hsbt/rubygems-yomikomu
8 @sorah/s3_proxy simple rack app, proxies to Amazon S3
8 @zzak/mruby-build
8 @zzak/mruby-static
7 @hsbt/boxes linux build environment
7 @hsbt/heroku_scale_sched…
7 @naoya/RssProMotion RSS Reader App with RubyMotion and ProMotion
7 @naoya/perl-webapp Example for perl-webapp deployment
6 @ko1/prsnt プレゼントを提供するためのウェブアプリケーション ↗️
6 @sorah/akane your timeline logger.
6 @sorah/etcweb null
6 @sorah/tinatra Ruby powered DSL, which designed for making twitter bots.
6 @zzak/endless-kaminari-d…
5 @hsbt/auto_truncated_log…
5 @ko1/simplepaste SimplePaste web application ↗️
5 @masuidrive/mruby-mindstorms-e… mrbgems MINDSTORMS EV3
5 @sorah/codily Codificate your Fastly configuration in Ruby DSL
5 @yusukebe/plainrouter Fast and simple routing engine for Ruby
4 @hsbt/dotfiles
4 @masuidrive/oauth2_provider
3 @hsbt/bakagaiku Baka ga iku on rails
3 @hsbt/scripts 雑なスクリプト置き場
3 @zzak/blarghhhh blogging system built on github api
3 @zzak/mruby-uri A spike to port uri to mruby
2 @Constellation/rhythm deprecated. MIT License
2 @hsbt/delayed_job_slack_… Delayed Job notification on slack
2 @hsbt/heroku-invoice-rem…
2 @hsbt/rails_carrierwave_…
2 @hsbt/whispered-puppet
2 @masuidrive/mrbgems-example mrbgems-example
2 @masuidrive/object_extender_rb… Call class statements with extended object. It's without class pollution. ↗️
2 @mblondel/fantasdic Versatile dictionary application for GNOME. ↗️
2 @zzak/mruby-optparse A spike to port optparse to mruby
2 @zzak/rdoc-rouge Syntax highlighting for RDoc using the pygments friendly Rouge.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
6 @sorah/tagtodo touch NFC tag to launch url. for Android device comes with NFC.


🌟 Name Description 🌍
290 @tokuhirom/plenv Perl binary manager
52 @azu/Coveralls-iOS iOS/Objective-C: minimum setup for Coveralls.
48 @ksoichiro/gitlab-i18n-patch GitLab Community Editionを勝手に日本語化していくプロジェクト。
29 @ksoichiro/dockerfiles Dockerfile examples.
11 @sorah/gentoo-build shell scripts that builds systemd based gentoo box for x86_64 platform
10 @gfx/LambdaAndroid
8 @wasabeef/dockerfiles A collection of Dockerfiles
6 @masuidrive/vagrant-remote
6 @zzak/ruby-openssl-docke… A docker container for testing openssl against various versions of ruby and openssl
5 @Constellation/portable shipping executables
5 @ksoichiro/vagrant-templates Vagrantfile and provisioning scripts templates.
2 @ksoichiro/ProjectTemplate-fo… Android application project template files for both Android Studio and Eclipse ADT.
2 @ksoichiro/export_icons Inkscape Icon Export Script for Mobile Apps
2 @zcbenz/brasd
2 @zzak/nginx-mruby-buildp…
2 @zzak/shoes-deb


🌟 Name Description 🌍
5077 @onevcat/Kingfisher A lightweight and pure Swift implemented library for downloading and caching image from the web.
3440 @shu223/iOS-9-Sampler Code examples for the new features of iOS 9.
946 @shu223/watchOS-2-Sampler Code examples for new features of watchOS 2.
932 @onevcat/APNGKit High performance and delightful way to play with APNG format in iOS.
572 @onevcat/Rainbow Delightful console output for Swift developers.
435 @shu223/Pulsator Pulse animation for iOS
351 @onevcat/RandomColorSwift An attractive color generator for Swift. Ported from randomColor.js.
269 @onevcat/Easy-Cal-Swift Overload +-*/ operator for Swift, make it easier to use (and not so strict)
107 @gfx/Swift-PureJsonSeri… a pure-Swift JSON serializer and deserializer
41 @onevcat/WatchWeather
32 @onevcat/TimerExtensionDemo… A demo to show how to write a today extension.
30 @onevcat/ClockFaceView A demo project for my blog post
19 @onevcat/DispatchMemoryLeak… A demo that reproduce memory leak in iOS 9.2
12 @onevcat/UITestDemo UITestDemo
10 @gfx/Swift-MultiThreadi… A demo code for synchronization in Swift ↗️
9 @shu223/TokyoOlympicEmblem…


🌟 Name Description 🌍
3246 @mattn/emmet-vim emmet for vim: ↗️
1217 @mattn/gist-vim vimscript for gist ↗️
516 @kana/vim-textobj-user Vim plugin: Create your own text objects ↗️
335 @mattn/webapi-vim vim interface to Web API ↗️
278 @kana/vim-smartinput Vim plugin: Provide smart input assistant
245 @mattn/flappyvird-vim null
153 @kana/vim-vspec Vim plugin: Testing framework for Vim script ↗️
108 @kana/vim-arpeggio Vim plugin: Mappings for simultaneously pressed keys ↗️
104 @mattn/livestyle-vim Emmet LiveStyle for Vim ↗️
98 @kana/vim-textobj-entire… Vim plugin: Text objects for entire buffer ↗️
97 @kana/vim-fakeclip Vim plugin: Provide pseudo "clipboard" registers ↗️
93 @mattn/sonictemplate-vim Easy and high speed coding method ↗️
82 @kana/vim-operator-user Vim plugin: Define your own operator easily ↗️
80 @kana/vim-submode Vim plugin: Create your own submodes ↗️
72 @kana/vim-textobj-indent… Vim plugin: Text objects for indented blocks of lines ↗️
59 @kana/vim-textobj-functi… Vim plugin: Text objects for functions ↗️
54 @kana/vim-textobj-line Vim plugin: Text objects for the current line ↗️
43 @r7kamura/dotfiles A chain of configurations for my laptop.
41 @kana/vim-altr Vim plugin: Switch to the missing file without interaction ↗️
39 @kana/vim-tabpagecd Vim plugin: Turn :cd into :tabpagecd, to use one tab page per project ↗️
37 @kana/vim-operator-repla… Vim plugin: Operator to replace text with register content ↗️
30 @kana/vim-niceblock Vim plugin: Make blockwise Visual mode more useful
30 @sorah/unite-ghq null
27 @kana/vim-gf-user Vim plugin: A framework to open a file by context
27 @kana/vim-smartword Vim plugin: Smart motions on words ↗️
26 @kana/vim-filetype-haske… Vim configuration files for Haskell code
23 @kana/vim-metarw Vim plugin: A framework to read/write fake:path ↗️
23 @kana/vim-smartchr Vim plugin: Insert several candidates with a single key ↗️
23 @kana/vim-textobj-lastpa… Vim plugin: Text objects for the last searched pattern ↗️
19 @kana/vim-flymake My own version of flymake.vim originally written by Daisuke Ikegami ↗️
16 @kana/vim-scratch Vim plugin: Emacs like scratch buffer ↗️
15 @kana/vim-textobj-syntax… Vim plugin: Text objects for syntax highlighted items ↗️
9 @sorah/presen.vim presentation software for Vim. Use markdown for presentation-file.
3 @mblondel/dotfiles My dot files!

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