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flowbots's Introduction


This document outlines the architecture and workflow of our LLM text processing pipeline, which incorporates topic modeling and can handle both text documents and audio transcriptions.

Text Processing Workflow

Our system processes text through several phases, from initial input to LLM analysis. It uses a combination of custom Ruby classes, the Tomoto gem for topic modeling, and nano-bot cartridges for LLM analysis.

Right, so, we take your text (or ramblings, as the case may be), and our system ruthlessly dissects it with algorithms and a sprinkle of Ruby magic.

Workflow Phases

1. Workflow Initiation

    participant User as ๐Ÿ‘ค User
    participant CLI as ๐Ÿ’ป CLI
    participant TPW as ๐Ÿ”„ TextProcessingWorkflow

    User->>CLI: process_text <file_path>
    CLI->>TPW: new(file_path)
    TPW->>TPW: run()
    TPW->>TPW: setup_workflow()

In this phase:

  • The user initiates the workflow through the CLI.
  • The TextProcessingWorkflow is created and set up.

So, the workflow kicks off when our eager user pokes the CLI with a file. The CLI then spins up the TextProcessingWorkflow and gets the ball rolling.

2. Text Processing Phase

    participant TPW as ๐Ÿ”„ TextProcessingWorkflow
    participant TP as ๐Ÿ“ TextProcessor
    participant TS as โœ‚๏ธ TextSegmenter
    participant SNLP as ๐Ÿง  SpacyNLP
    participant Redis as ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ Redis

    TPW->>TP: process_file(file_path)
    TP->>TP: process(text)
    TP->>TS: new(text, options)
    TS->>TS: execute()
    alt text is array
        TS->>TS: segment_array()
    else text is string
        TS->>TS: segment_string()
    TS-->>TP: return segments
    TP->>SNLP: process segments
    SNLP-->>TP: return processed segments
    TP-->>TPW: return processed_text
    TPW->>Redis: set("processed_text", processed_text.to_json)

Key features:

  • Handles both text documents and audio transcriptions.
  • Segments text using TextSegmenter.
  • Processes text using SpacyNLP.
  • Stores processed text in Redis.

Alright, so the text processing workflow ingests text, slices and dices it into manageable chunks, then feeds it to the SpacyNLP engine for analysis. The processed output is finally stashed away in Redis for later retrieval.

3. Topic Modeling Phase

    participant TPW as ๐Ÿ”„ TextProcessingWorkflow
    participant TMT as ๐Ÿ” TopicModelingTask
    participant TMM as ๐Ÿ“Š TopicModelManager
    participant Redis as ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ Redis

    TPW->>TMT: execute()
    TMT->>Redis: get("processed_text")
    Redis-->>TMT: return raw_text
    TMT->>TMT: JSON.parse(raw_text)
    TMT->>TMM: new(model_path)
    alt model not trained
        TMT->>TMM: train_model(processed_text)
        TMM-->>TMT: model trained
    TMT->>TMM: infer_topics(text)
    TMM-->>TMT: return topics
    TMT->>Redis: set("topics", topics.to_json)

Key features:

  • Loads or creates a topic model using TopicModelManager.
  • Trains the model if necessary.
  • Infers topics from the processed text.
  • Stores inferred topics in Redis.

Ah, the Topic Modeling Phase. Where we sift through the textual muck to unearth those shimmering nuggets of thematic gold. It's like panning for gold, but instead of a pan, we have a TopicModelManager, and instead of gold, we have, well, topics.

Modular Topic Modeling

We've refactored the TopicModelingTask into a separate, reusable module. This improves the modularity of our code and allows for easier maintenance and potential reuse in other parts of the application.

Topic Modeling Module

The topic modeling functionality is now encapsulated in a separate module:

# lib/modules/topic_modeling.rb

module TopicModeling
  class TopicModelingTask < Jongleur::WorkerTask
    def initialize(model_path:, redis_client: nil)
      @model_path = model_path
      @redis_client = redis_client
      @logger =
      @logger.level = Logger::INFO

    def execute "Starting TopicModelingTask"

        raw_text = get_processed_text
        @logger.debug "Retrieved processed text from Redis (length): #{raw_text.length}"

        processed_text = JSON.parse(raw_text)
        @logger.debug "Parsed processed text (length): #{processed_text.length}"

        topic_modeler =
        @logger.debug "Created TopicModelManager instance"

        # Train the model if it's not already trained
        unless topic_modeler.model_trained?
 "Model is not trained. Training now..."
   "Model training completed"
          rescue StandardError => e
            @logger.error "Error during model training: #{e.message}"
 "Model is already trained"

        @logger.debug "Inferring topics"
          topics_info = topic_modeler.infer_topics(processed_text.join(" "), 5)
 "Most probable topic: #{topics_info[:most_probable_topic]}"
 "Top words: #{topics_info[:top_words].map { |word, prob| word }.join(', ')}"
          @logger.debug "Full topic distribution: #{topics_info[:topic_distribution]}"

          @logger.debug "Stored topics info in Redis"
        rescue StandardError => e
          @logger.error "Error during topic inference: #{e.message}"
        end "TopicModelingTask completed"
      rescue StandardError => e
        @logger.error "Error in TopicModelingTask: #{e.message}"
        @logger.error e.backtrace.join("\n")


    def get_processed_text
      redis = @redis_client || Jongleur::WorkerTask.class_variable_get(:@@redis)

    def store_topics_info(topics_info)
      redis = @redis_client || Jongleur::WorkerTask.class_variable_get(:@@redis)
      redis.set("topics_info", topics_info.to_json)

Integration with Workflow

To use this modular TopicModelingTask in your workflow, update the TextProcessingWorkflow class:

# lib/workflows/text_processing_workflow.rb

require_relative '../modules/topic_modeling'

class TextProcessingWorkflow
  def initialize(input_file_path)
    # ... [other initializations] ...
    @topic_modeling_task =
      model_path: File.join(ENV["HOME"], "Workspace", "flowbots", "models", "topic_model.lda.bin"),
      redis_client: Jongleur::WorkerTask.class_variable_get(:@@redis)

  def run
    # ... [other steps] ...
    # ... [remaining steps] ...

  # ... [rest of the class]

So, we've tidied up the code and tucked away the topic modeling bits into their own module.

4. LLM Analysis Phase

    participant TMT as ๐Ÿ” TopicModelingTask
    participant AAT as ๐Ÿ”ฌ LLMAnalysisTask
    participant Redis as ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ Redis

    TMT->>AAT: execute()
    AAT->>Redis: get("processed_text")
    AAT->>Redis: get("topics")
    Redis-->>AAT: return processed_text and topics
    AAT->>AAT: perform LLM analysis
    AAT->>Redis: set("analysis_result", analysis_result.to_json)

Key features:

  • Retrieves processed text and topics from Redis.
  • Performs LLM analysis using a nano-bot cartridge.
  • Stores analysis results in Redis.

The LLM Analysis Task, digs through the processed text and topics from Redis and performs its assigned LLM analysis. The results, hopefully useful, are then sent back to the Redis storehouse.

5. (Placeholder For Additional Workflow Task)

    participant PreviousTask as Previous Task
    participant NewTask as ๐Ÿ†• New Workflow Task
    participant Redis as ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ Redis

    PreviousTask->>NewTask: execute()
    NewTask->>Redis: get required data
    Redis-->>NewTask: return data
    NewTask->>NewTask: perform new task
    NewTask->>Redis: set("new_task_result", result.to_json)

This placeholder diagram illustrates how an additional task could be integrated into the workflow. The new task would:

  • Be triggered by the previous task.
  • Retrieve necessary data from Redis.
  • Perform its specific function.
  • Store its results back in Redis.

Alright, so let's say the previous task was baking a cake. This new task, it's like adding the frosting. It takes the cake from the previous step, grabs the frosting recipe (that's the Redis part), and then, well, you get your frosted cake. Basically, it's just saying that a new task would grab data, do its thing, and then update Redis.

Literal Summary

The text describes a placeholder in a workflow labeled "future development." This section lacks concrete implementation details. The text uses an analogy to explain the placeholder's intended function: a task retrieves data, processes it, and updates a Redis database. The analogy compares this process to frosting a cake, where the cake represents the data from the previous step, the frosting recipe represents data fetched from Redis, and the act of frosting represents the data processing and update.

Ironically Literal Figurative Language Summary

The text doesn't actually bake any cakes. It's disappointing, I know. There is no delicious frosting involved, only cold, hard data. And while the text mentions "grabbing" things, no physical grabbing occurs. This "grabbing" is a metaphor, representing data retrieval, not a strongman competition. It's all very metaphorical and not at all delicious.


this section:


  • โ˜ dockerize and document....
  1. Ensure all required gems and dependencies are installed.

  2. Prepare your input text file or audio transcription.

  3. Run the workflow using the CLI:

    flowbots process_text path/to/your/input/file.txt
  4. The system will process the text, perform topic modeling, and conduct LLM analysis.

  5. Results will be stored in Redis and can be retrieved for further use or display.

Extending the Workflow

To add a new task to the workflow:

  1. Create a new task class that inherits from Jongleur::WorkerTask.
class Your < Jongleur::WorkerTask

    def execute
        puts "yes! a task!"

  1. Update the WorkflowOrchestrator to include the new task in the workflow graph.
  2. If necessary, modify the TextProcessingWorkflow class to accommodate the new task.

Example of adding a new task to the workflow graph:

workflow_graph = {
  TextProcessingTask: [:TopicModelingTask],
  TopicModelingTask: [:LLMAnalysisTask],
  LLMAnalysisTask: [:NewTask],  # Add this line
  NewTask: []  # Add this line

This flexible architecture allows for expansion of the workflow to include additional processing or analysis steps as needed.

DevOps Enhancements for the Text Processing Workflow

This response focuses on providing practical DevOps solutions for the given text processing workflow, incorporating best practices and industry standards.

Key Areas of Improvement:

  • Configuration Management: Implement environment-based configuration for flexibility.
  • Containerization (Docker): Package the application and its dependencies for consistent execution.
  • CI/CD Pipeline (GitHub Actions): Automate testing, building, and deploying the application.
  • Monitoring and Logging: Gain insights into application performance and identify potential issues.
  • Security: Address potential vulnerabilities in Redis and data handling.

1. Configuration Management

Problem: Hardcoded paths and settings within the codebase make it difficult to manage different environments (development, testing, production).

Solution: Utilize environment variables and a configuration file to externalize settings.


  1. Create a configuration file (e.g., config/application.yml):
  redis_host: localhost
  redis_port: 6379
  model_path: "#{ENV['HOME']}/Workspace/flowbots/models/topic_model.lda.bin"
  redis_port: 6380
  model_path: /app/models/topic_model.lda.bin
  1. Load configuration in your Ruby code:
require 'yaml'

config = YAML.load_file('config/application.yml')[ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || 'development']

# Access configuration values
redis_host = config['redis_host']
model_path = config['model_path']

2. Containerization with Docker

Problem: Dependency management and ensuring consistent execution across environments can be challenging.

Solution: Create a Docker image for the application.

Example (Dockerfile):

FROM ruby:3.1

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3-pip
RUN pip3 install spacy
RUN python3 -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

RUN gem install ruby-spacy sinatra

COPY ./app/spacy_server.rb /app/

CMD ["ruby", "spacy_server.rb"]

Create a Dockerfile.workflow for your main workflow:

FROM ruby:3.1

RUN gem install redis

COPY ./app /app

CMD ["ruby", "main.rb"]
โ”œโ”€โ”€ docker-compose.yml
โ”œโ”€โ”€ Dockerfile
โ”œโ”€โ”€ Dockerfile.workflow
โ””โ”€โ”€ app/
    โ”œโ”€โ”€ main.rb
    โ”œโ”€โ”€ spacy_server.rb
    โ””โ”€โ”€ [other Ruby files]
    participant TPW as ๐Ÿ”„ TextProcessingWorkflow
    participant TP as ๐Ÿ“ TextProcessor
    participant TS as โœ‚๏ธ TextSegmenter
    participant RubySpacy as ๐Ÿณ Ruby-Spacy Service
    participant Redis as ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ Redis Service

    TPW->>TP: process_file(file_path)
    TP->>TP: process(text)
    TP->>TS: new(text, options)
    TS->>TS: execute()
    alt text is array
        TS->>TS: segment_array()
    else text is string
        TS->>TS: segment_string()
    TS-->>TP: return segments
    TP->>RubySpacy: POST /process (segments)
    RubySpacy-->>TP: return processed segments
    TP-->>TPW: return processed_text
    TPW->>Redis: set("processed_text", processed_text.to_json)

Usage with Docker Compose

To use this system with Docker Compose:

  1. Ensure Docker and Docker Compose are installed on your system.

  2. Navigate to your project root directory.

  3. Build and start the services:

    docker-compose up --build

  4. In a new terminal, run the workflow:

    docker-compose run workflow ruby main.rb path/to/your/input/file.txt

    Note: Make sure path/to/your/input/file.txt is within the ./app directory or adjust the volume mapping in docker-compose.yml accordingly.

The system will now use the Dockerized versions of ruby-spacy and Redis for text processing and data storage, ensuring consistency and ease of deployment across different environments.

3. CI/CD Pipeline with GitHub Actions

Problem: Manual testing and deployment processes are time-consuming and error-prone.

Solution: Implement a CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions.

Example (.github/workflows/ci-cd.yml):

name: CI/CD Pipeline

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Install Ruby
        uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
          ruby-version: 2.7
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: bundle install
      - name: Run tests
        run: bundle exec rspec

    needs: build-and-test
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Login to Docker Hub
        uses: docker/login-action@v1
          username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}

Right, because flowery language is to DevOps as a floppy disk is to a supercomputer

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