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vcard4android's Issues

Contacts with only ORG get a wrong first/last name on sync

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Set up a DAVx5 address book, sync
  2. Add a contact with only an organization ("Only A Company") and a phone number.
  3. Contact is exported as
FN:Only A Company
ORG:Only A Company

because vCard always requires a FN.

  1. Unselect address book, sync, select address book again, sync again.
  2. Contact is downloaded and imported into Android. vcard4android generates an Organization data row (content: "Only A Company") and also a structured name data row (containing only a display name: "Only A Company").
  3. Because the structured name data row is created without components, Android splits the display name into components.


If the downloaded contact is opened in a contacts app, it shows the correct organization but also First name: Only, Middle name: A, Last name: Company.

Expected result:

Contacts app should only contain the organization, without first/last name.

Birthdays not synced from Nextcloud 27 to Android 12/13

Discussed in bitfireAT/davx5-ose#385

Originally posted by fwiep August 22, 2023

Using DAVx5 v4.3.5.2 from F-Droid on several devices, both Android 12.1 (2x custom built LineageOS) and Android 13 (1x stock Samsung UI).

Since about one week, all contacts no longer have their birthdays set on the Android device. In the Nextcloud, all is well and all the dates are present and shown on screen.

I have tried to clear the Contacts-app cache, even installed an extra (official Google) Contacts app to compare the result. On all three devices, not a single birthday is shown. The Contact app allows me to add a birthday to the contact, but via DAVx5, no birthday gets synchronized.

When I edit, say the 'Notes' field of a contact in the Nextcloud, then sync through DAVx5, this modification shows up instantly.

How can I get the birthdays back into my Android contacts?

How should I debug this issue? I have collected a sync's verbose logfile, but no error is shown.

Thanks for your help,

Unsupported field: YearOfEra causes sync error []

Recently I get multiple reports from customers that used to sync contacts with DAVx5. They seem to have changed or added something in their backend and DAVx5 receives an unsupported field that seems to stop the sync:

05-09 10:26:11.087  3181  3239 I davx5   : [syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager] Downloading 1 vCard(s): [[email protected]/addressBooks/default/120049010000000015465723-3496076699.vcf]
05-09 10:26:11.486  3181  3239 I davx5   : [syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager] Processing CardDAV resource 120049010000000015465723-3496076699.vcf
05-09 10:26:11.683  3181  3239 W vcard4android: [ContactReader] checkPartialDate: unsupported DateOrTimeProperty
05-09 10:26:11.683  3181  3239 W vcard4android: 	PARAMETER #0 = [ group=null | parameters={} | text=null | date=1964-05-07T00:00:00Z | partialDate=null ]
05-09 10:26:11.756  3181  3239 I davx5   : [syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager] Updating 120049010000000015465723-3496076699.vcf in local address book
05-09 10:26:11.756  3181  3239 I davx5   : 	PARAMETER #0 = at.bitfire.vcard4android.Contact@fe63c60[addresses=[LabeledProperty( [ group=null | parameters={TYPE=[HOME]} | poBoxes=[] | extendedAddresses=[] | streetAddresses=[Schwemmweg 14] | localities=[Bergrheinfeld] | regions=[] | postalCodes=[97493] | countries=[Deutschland] ], label=null)],anniversary=<null>, [ group=null | parameters={} | text=null | date=1964-05-07T00:00:00Z | partialDate=null ],categories=[],customDates=[],displayName=Thomas Herbert,emails=[LabeledProperty( [ group=null | parameters={TYPE=[HOME, PREF]} | [email protected] ], label=null)],familyName=Herbert,givenName=Thomas,group=false,impps=[],jobDescription=<null>,jobTitle=<null>,members=[],middleName=<null>,nickName=<null>,note=<null>,organization=<null>,phoneNumbers=[LabeledProperty( [ group=null | parameters={TYPE=[VOICE, HOME]} | uri=null | text=09721-69417 ], label=null), LabeledProperty( [ group=null | parameters={TYPE=[VOICE, CELL]} | uri=null | text=+49 174 7862230 ], label=null)],phoneticFamilyName=<null>,phoneticGivenName=<null>,phoneticMiddleName=<null>,prefix=<null>,relations=[],suffix=<null>,uid=3496076699,unknownProperties=<null>,urls=[]]
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : [syncadapter.SyncManager] Unclassified sync error
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : EXCEPTION j$.time.temporal.p: Unsupported field: YearOfEra
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at j$.time.Instant.p(SourceFile:0)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at j$.time.format.y.e(Unknown Source:16)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at j$.time.format.k.e(Unknown Source:2)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at j$.time.format.f.e(Unknown Source:20)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at j$.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.format(SourceFile:0)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.vcard4android.contactrow.EventBuilder.buildEvent(EventBuilder.kt:23)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.vcard4android.contactrow.EventBuilder.buildEvent$default(EventBuilder.kt:6)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.vcard4android.contactrow.ContactProcessor.insertDataRows(ContactProcessor.kt:38)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.vcard4android.AndroidContact.insertDataRows(AndroidContact.kt:27)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.vcard4android.AndroidContact.update(AndroidContact.kt:101)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.resource.LocalContact.update(LocalContact.kt:3)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager$processCard$1.invoke(ContactsSyncManager.kt:14)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager$processCard$1.invoke(ContactsSyncManager.kt:1)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncManager.localExceptionContext(SyncManager.kt:8)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager.processCard(ContactsSyncManager.kt:88)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager.access$processCard(ContactsSyncManager.kt:1)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager$downloadRemote$1$1$1.invoke(ContactsSyncManager.kt:10)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager$downloadRemote$1$1$1.invoke(ContactsSyncManager.kt:1)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncManager.responseExceptionContext(SyncManager.kt:13)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager$downloadRemote$1.invoke$lambda$0(ContactsSyncManager.kt:21)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager$downloadRemote$1.$r8$lambda$aTmx16DT01n3ZmMyYWepKV6Txjc(ContactsSyncManager.kt:1)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager$downloadRemote$1$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.onResponse(R8$$SyntheticClass:3)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.dav4jvm.Response$Companion.parse(Response.kt:306)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.dav4jvm.DavResource.processMultiStatus$parseMultiStatus(DavResource.kt:51)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.dav4jvm.DavResource.processMultiStatus(DavResource.kt:16)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.dav4jvm.DavResource.processMultiStatus(DavResource.kt:9)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.dav4jvm.DavAddressBook.multiget(DavAddressBook.kt:67)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager$downloadRemote$1.invoke(ContactsSyncManager.kt:10)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager$downloadRemote$1.invoke(ContactsSyncManager.kt:1)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncManager.remoteExceptionContext(SyncManager.kt:1)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncManager.remoteExceptionContext(SyncManager.kt:5)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager.downloadRemote(ContactsSyncManager.kt:46)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncManager
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : $syncRemote$1$download$1.invokeSuspend(SyncManager.kt:12)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:9)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at kotlinx.coroutines.EventLoopImplBase.processNextEvent(EventLoop.common.kt:154)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt.runBlocking(Unknown Source:103)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncManager.syncRemote(SyncManager.kt:41)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncManager$performSync$1.invoke(SyncManager.kt:46)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncManager$performSync$1.invoke(SyncManager.kt:1)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncManager.unwrapExceptions(SyncManager.kt:2)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncManager.performSync(SyncManager.kt:20)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncAdapterService$ContactsSyncAdapter.sync(ContactsSyncAdapterService.kt:246)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncAdapterService$SyncAdapter$onPerformSync$1.invoke(SyncAdapterService.kt:8)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncAdapterService$SyncAdapter$onPerformSync$1.invoke(SyncAdapterService.kt:1)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.util.ConcurrentUtils.runSingle(ConcurrentUtils.kt:21)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncAdapterService$SyncAdapter.onPerformSync(SyncAdapterService.kt:108)
05-09 10:26:11.825  3181  3239 E davx5   : 	at android.content.AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter$
05-09 10:26:11.890  3181  3239 I davx5   : [syncadapter.ContactsSyncAdapterService] Contacts sync complete

I think we should handle this field somehow but we don't have a test account for t-online and we'd need a German number to create a free account for this, which I don't have :-/ I can ask for a test account from the customer, otherwise we can only "work-into-the-blue" on this.

Here are the logs for it:


Zammad ticket #1:
Zammad ticket #2:
Email by Heribert Geller: [email protected] from May 10th 14:59 โ†’ [email protected]

vCard issue where names, addresses, and list organization is getting messed up.

This is a carry over from: etesync/android#244

There is an issue where Android contact list apps when interacting with Etesync (and thus this library) are creating odd behavior not seen otherwise.

Specifically using Etesync (which uses this library) and its interaction with Android contact list apps (ie. Google Contacts and Apple contacts; another user has confirmed similar behavior of sorts on linux).

Basically, when a contact is created or imported that does not contain a first/middle/last name and only contains a Organization name (with other contact details). Basically, a vCard not associated with a person, but a business entity.

Example vCard (that doesn't have a problem, not associated with Etesync or this library):

ORG:Test Company
ADR;TYPE=HOME:;;123 Walnut St;NoWhere;CO;12345;United States

But this same vCard when assiociated with Etesync (and thus this library) will copy the Org attribute to the FN attribute (Android -->> Etesync). But then when it comes back (Etesync -->> Android), it is copy the FN attribute to the N attribute and screwS up organization.

The Org attribute getting copied to the FN atrribute doesn't seem to be a big problem, from my reading that is required (though Google, Outlook, etc don't seem to care and ignore that requirement). It is when the N attribute gets populated with the same data stored in the Org attribute. But maybe it is bothv I don't know.

This does not occur when syncing to GMail, Outlook, or using DecSync (though DecSync seems to just store, not process, for syncing). I have not found another that does this.

This issue screws my contact list organization up pretty bad.

Another issue that goes along with this is how the address fields get messed up. In the apps, the address is divided into separate (sub) fields. When Etesync (& this library) interacts with a contact, it will copy the entire address into a single field (some times the PO Box, others into the street address along with what is already there). This screws addresses up pretty bad, will take me hours to fix, but no reason to fix it when it just get undone on the next sync.

Please see the other issue ticket on Etesync for further details: etesync/android#244

Update to ez-vcard 0.12.0

ez-vcard 0.12.0 requires Java 8, for instance the java.nio classes seem to require Android SDK level 26. On the other side, we don't use file access by ez-vcard (only streams) and there's desugaring, so we should check whether using ez-vcard 0.12.0 is possible with minSdkVersion 19 or 21 (DAVx5 currently has 21).

If yes, upgrade, otherwise we maybe have to raise the minimum SDK level for vcard4android and DAVx5 at some time.

test suite fails on Windows

Running ./gradlew check on Windows results in

> Task :vcard4android:testDebugUnitTest

at.bitfire.vcard4android.ContactTest > testVCard3FieldsAsVCard3 FAILED
    org.junit.ComparisonFailure at ContactTest.kt:161

121 tests completed, 1 failed

> Task :vcard4android:testDebugUnitTest FAILED

> Task :vcard4android:testReleaseUnitTest FAILED

at.bitfire.vcard4android.ContactTest > testVCard3FieldsAsVCard3 FAILED
    org.junit.ComparisonFailure at ContactTest.kt:161

121 tests completed, 1 failed

Appears to be a CR LF issue

Save contact photo into assets instead of PHOTO blob

Raw-contact photos can be saved either

  1. by inserting the photo directly into the database (PHOTO column), or
  2. by writing into the contact photo asset. This method allows arbitrary photo sizes, processes the photo, generates a thumbnail automatically etc.

Because of its advantages, method 2 should be used when possible. There is however a problem which has forced us to use method 1 until now:

  1. Assume we're within a sync and currently inserting a contact. All data rows except the photo have already been inserted.
  2. Insert the photo as an asset. As soon as the photo is transferred, the contact provider starts a background thread that processes the photo.
  3. Now the sync of this is complete and the dirty flag is reset.
  4. The background thread takes some time and then sets the raw contact photo. Unfortunately, it triggers DIRTY=1 again regardless of whether the asset URI was constructed with caller_is_syncadapter or not.
  5. So the contact is now dirty again and will be uploaded again etc.

We should give another try to use method 2 if any possible. Useful information:

  • ContactsProvider2 uses a write lock when updating the photo. Maybe an update with DIRTY=0 some time after inserting the photo would block until the photo is actually inserted.
  • ContactsProvider2Test and some other projects simply wait until the photo data row is available. However then we need a timeout, and what for instance if photo insertion failed?

Broken EPIPE in PhotoBuilder

Hi, I am running into an exception while syncing contacts with Davx5.

As a result the sync fails Soft error (max retries reached) and a lot of contacts are actually missing.
Probaly just the faulty Contactimage should be skipped, but other data and other contacts should still be synced?

Not sure if this issue should rather be put into the davx5 repo...

The StackTrace leads me to the Photobuilder.kt from reading the source it looks like it should throw an ContactsStorageException. But the uncaught/unchecked IO exception seems to prevent that.

Here is the StackTrace:

SYNCHRONIZATION INFO Account: Account {name=......), type=at.bitfire.davdroid.address_book} Authority: EXCEPTION write failed: EPIPE (Broken pipe) at at at at 
at.bitfire.vcard4android.contactrow.PhotoBuilder$Companion.insertPhoto(PhotoBuilder.kt:146) at 
at.bitfire.vcard4android.AndroidContact.update(AndroidContact.kt:138) at 
at.bitfire.davdroid.resource.LocalContact.update(LocalContact.kt:3) at 
at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager$processCard$1.invoke(ContactsSyncManager.kt:14) at 
at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager$processCard$1.invoke(ContactsSyncManager.kt:1) at 
at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncManager.localExceptionContext(SyncManager.kt:8) at 
at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager.processCard(ContactsSyncManager.kt:88) at 
at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager.access$processCard(ContactsSyncManager.kt:1) at 
at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager$downloadRemote$1$1$1.invoke(ContactsSyncManager.kt:10) at 
at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager$downloadRemote$1$1$1.invoke(ContactsSyncManager.kt:1) at 
at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncManager.responseExceptionContext(SyncManager.kt:13) at 
at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager$downloadRemote$1.invoke$lambda$0(ContactsSyncManager.kt:22) at 
at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager$downloadRemote$1.$r8$lambda$aTmx16DT01n3ZmMyYWepKV6Txjc(ContactsSyncManager.kt:1) at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager$downloadRemote$1$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.onResponse(R8$$SyntheticClass:3) at at.bitfire.dav4jvm.Response$Companion.parse(Response.kt:307) at at.bitfire.dav4jvm.DavResource.processMultiStatus$parseMultiStatus(DavResource.kt:51) at at.bitfire.dav4jvm.DavResource.processMultiStatus(DavResource.kt:16) at at.bitfire.dav4jvm.DavResource.processMultiStatus(DavResource.kt:9) at at.bitfire.dav4jvm.DavAddressBook.multiget(DavAddressBook.kt:69) at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager$downloadRemote$1.invoke(ContactsSyncManager.kt:10) at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager$downloadRemote$1.invoke(ContactsSyncManager.kt:1) at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncManager.remoteExceptionContext(SyncManager.kt:1) at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncManager.remoteExceptionContext(SyncManager.kt:5) at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactsSyncManager.downloadRemote(ContactsSyncManager.kt:46) at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncManager$syncRemote$1$download$1.invokeSuspend(SyncManager.kt:14) at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:9) at at kotlinx.coroutines.EventLoopImplBase.processNextEvent(EventLoop.common.kt:163) at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt.runBlocking(Unknown Source:103) at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt.runBlocking$default(Unknown Source:3) at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncManager.syncRemote(SyncManager.kt:39) at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncManager$performSync$1.invoke(SyncManager.kt:29) at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncManager$performSync$1.invoke(SyncManager.kt:1) at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncManager.unwrapExceptions(SyncManager.kt:2) at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncManager.performSync(SyncManager.kt:20) at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.ContactSyncer.sync(ContactSyncer.kt:218) at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.Syncer.onPerformSync(Syncer.kt:119) at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncWorker$doWork$2$1$1.invoke(SyncWorker.kt:4) at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncWorker$doWork$2$1$1.invoke(SyncWorker.kt:1) at kotlinx.coroutines.InterruptibleKt$runInterruptible$2.invokeSuspend(Interruptible.kt:59) at kotlinx.coroutines.InterruptibleKt$runInterruptible$2.invoke(Interruptible.kt:13) at kotlinx.coroutines.intrinsics.UndispatchedKt.startUndispatchedOrReturn(Undispatched.kt:5) at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt.withContext(Unknown Source:41) at kotlinx.coroutines.InterruptibleKt.runInterruptible$default(Interruptible.kt:9) at at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter.SyncWorker$doWork$2.invokeSuspend(SyncWorker.kt:503) at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:9) at at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: write failed: EPIPE (Broken pipe) at Method) at at at at at ... 52 

 Locale(s): [en_US] Time zone: Europe/Berlin
Android version: 14 (UQ1A.240105.002) Device: Google Pixel 6a (bluejay)

but happens also also on older versions and other phones

Enable test

This test

// TODO enable test as soon as is fixed
fun testStartDate_PartialDate() {
EventBuilder(Uri.EMPTY, null, Contact().apply {
anniversary = Anniversary(PartialDate.builder()
}).build().also { result ->
assertEquals(1, result.size)
assertEquals("--08-20", result[0].values[CommonDataKinds.Event.START_DATE])

Was commented until mangstadt/ez-vcard#113 is merged, which now it is. I don't know in which version it was fixed, so maybe we have to wait until #11 is closed.

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