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rutorika-sortable's Issues

sorted scope should sort with respect to sortableGroupField

scopeSorted should order by sortableGroupField as well as sortableField. Otherwise, $this->hasMany()->sorted() returns mis-ordered result (especially noticeable when with composite sort group).


class Post extends Model {
  use SortableTrait;
      // Sortable model config
    protected static $sortableField = 'order';
    protected static $sortableGroupField = ['some_unrelated_id', 'date'];

class Author extends Model {
  public function posts(..) {
    return $this->hasMany('\App\Post')->sorted();

scopeSorted should probably look like this:

    public function scopeSorted($query)
        $sortableField = static::getSortableField();
        return static::applySortableGroup($query, $this)->orderBy($sortableField);

You can't move entities with different sortable group

You can't move entities with different sortable group: 5 4

i have already two entities and when i am adding third entities in config/sortable.php file after than raised error in third entities
first two entities working properly but third is not working and that error raised.

I want multiple rows drag and drop, is it possible in rutorika-sortable??

plz give me solution

Laravel 5.5 support


I got error

Array to string conversion

when use morphedBySortedMany

On 5.4 this code work fine.

Confused by Setup

Using Laravel 5.3.31, I ran composer require rutorika/sortable:3.4.1, continued through the steps in README, and when I got to

Add \Rutorika\Sortable\SortableTrait to your Eloquent model.

I add use \Rutorika\Sortable\SortableTrait; to my model and get an error "Trait 'Rutorika\Sortable\SortableTrait' not found".

I'm lost after this.

The selected id is invalid. - Laravel 5.5

I keep getting these errors when trying to sort:


Here is my config:

'entities' => [
        'sections' => [
            'entity' => '\App\Models\Section',
            'relation' => 'assessments' // relation name (method name which returns $this->belongsToSortedMany)

I have definitely got the naming of the class right. Is it something I am missing in my view file?

<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
                <tbody class="sortable" data-entityname="sections">
                @foreach ($assessment->sections as $section)
                    <tr data-itemId="{{ $section->id }}">
                        <td class="sortable-handle"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-sort"></span></td>
                        <td class="id-column">{{ $section->id }}</td>
                        <td>{{ $section->name }}</td>

The jQuery:

            var $sortableTable = $('.sortable');
            if ($sortableTable.length > 0) {
                    handle: '.sortable-handle',
                    axis: 'y',
                    update: function(a, b){

                        var entityName = $(this).data('entityname');

                        var $sorted = b.item;

                        var $previous = $sorted.prev();
                        var $next = $;

                        console.log( $'itemid'));

                        if ($previous.length > 0) {
                                parentId: $'parentid'),
                                type: 'moveAfter',
                                entityName: entityName,
                                id: $'itemid'),
                                positionEntityId: $'itemid'),
                                "_token": "{{ csrf_token() }}",
                        } else if ($next.length > 0) {
                                parentId: $'parentid'),
                                type: 'moveBefore',
                                entityName: entityName,
                                id: $'itemid'),
                                positionEntityId: $'itemid'),
                                "_token": "{{ csrf_token() }}",
                        } else {
                            console.error('Something wrong!');
                    cursor: "move"

Only returning object

I've got everything set up exactly as in the info on this repo. But when I try to sort, I get this:

Object {entityName: Array(1), entityClass: Array(1)}entityClass: Array(1)0: "The entity class field is required."length: 1__proto__: Array(0)entityName: Array(1)0: "The selected entity name is invalid."length: 1__proto__: Array(0)__proto__: Object
success @ 1238:133
j @ jquery.js:3099
fireWith @ jquery.js:3211
x @ jquery.js:8264
(anonymous) @ jquery.js:8605

What am I doing wrong?

Is it possible to have empty rows


I have some requirement where I can leave some empty rows in between.
Need to store the position of empty row also.

In order to display in particular position.
Please let me know How can I achieve this.

Database table cannot be found if model is using a specific database connection

If the sortable model is using a specific database connection, its base table cannot be found since the connection name is not considered at the moment.

The validator fails with the following PDOException during calling the sort function of the SortableController:

PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'xxx' doesn't exist

StackTrace points to

Rutorika\Sortable\SortableController.php(21): Illuminate\Validation\Validator->passes()

The reason why the table cannot be found is the missing name of the database connection prepended to the table name in the "exists" validation rules.

Also the creation of a new sortable model fails by the same PDOException if no position is set manually.

I have found the corresponding code lines and will provide a fix for this issue in the next days.

General error: 1364 Field 'position' doesn't have a default value

I keep getting this error whenever I try to save a new sortable record.

General error: 1364 Field 'position' doesn't have a default value

My config:sortable:

 'entities' => [
        // 'articles' => '\Article' for simple sorting (entityName => entityModel) or
        // 'posts' => ['entity' => '\Post', 'relation' => 'tags'] for many to many or many to many polymorphic relation sorting

        'sections' => [
            'entity' => '\App\Models\Section',
            'relation' => 'assessments' // relation name (method name which returns $this->belongsToSortedMany)


class Section extends Model
    use BelongsToSortedManyTrait, SortableTrait;

    public $table = "sections";

    public $primaryKey = "id";

    public $timestamps = true;

    /*public $sortable = [
        'order_column_name' => 'order',
        'sort_when_creating' => true,

    public $fillable = [

    public static $rules = [
        // create rules
        'name' => 'required'
	public function assessments() {
        return $this->belongsToSortedMany('App\Models\Assessment');

    public function questionGroups() {
        return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\QuestionGroup::class);

I am using Laravel 5.5 and "rutorika/sortable": "^4.2",. Any ideas?

Sorting Pivot tables

Hey - would it be possible to extend this package for sorting relationships through pivot tables?
I have a many-to-many relation through pivot, and need sorting to be there...

Laravel 5 (v.3.4.0) manyToMany sync() doesn't update position

I'm using Laravel 5 and have updated plugin to version 3.4.0. Everything seems to work as expected during the seeding - records are created using attach() method and position column on the pivot table is populated correctly. However, during the edit, when sending to controller reordered list of child records and using sync() to update parent record, no changes to position column take place.

Any suggestions?

After composer update, previous() and next() queries have "LIMIT 0"

After a composer update I did today, the previous() and next() queries look like they are being limited to 0 records.

I'm trying to track down exactly which update caused it, but i've so far narrowed it down to one of the following (see below). I'm thinking laravel core is the most likely contender. Any ideas?

Removing paragonie/random_compat (1.0.10)
Installing paragonie/random_compat (1.1.0)

Removing ckeditor/ckeditor (4.5.4)
Installing ckeditor/ckeditor (4.5.5)

Removing symfony/var-dumper (v2.7.6)
Installing symfony/var-dumper (v2.7.7)

Removing symfony/translation (v2.7.6)
Installing symfony/translation (v2.7.7)

Removing symfony/routing (v2.7.6)
Installing symfony/routing (v2.7.7)

Removing symfony/process (v2.7.6)
Installing symfony/process (v2.7.7)

Removing symfony/http-foundation (v2.7.6)
Installing symfony/http-foundation (v2.7.7)

Removing symfony/event-dispatcher (v2.7.6)
Installing symfony/event-dispatcher (v2.7.7)

Removing symfony/debug (v2.7.6)
Installing symfony/debug (v2.7.7)

Removing symfony/http-kernel (v2.7.6)
Installing symfony/http-kernel (v2.7.7)

Removing symfony/finder (v2.7.6)
Installing symfony/finder (v2.7.7)

Removing symfony/dom-crawler (v2.7.6)
Installing symfony/dom-crawler (v2.7.7)

Removing symfony/css-selector (v2.7.6)
Installing symfony/css-selector (v2.7.7)

Removing symfony/console (v2.7.6)
Installing symfony/console (v2.7.7)

Removing nesbot/carbon (1.20.0)
Installing nesbot/carbon (1.21.0)

Removing doctrine/inflector (v1.0.1)
Installing doctrine/inflector (v1.1.0)

Removing psy/psysh (v0.5.2)
Installing psy/psysh (v0.6.1)

Removing classpreloader/classpreloader (2.0.0)
Installing classpreloader/classpreloader (3.0.0)

Removing laravel/framework (v5.1.22)
Installing laravel/framework (v5.1.24)

Removing frozennode/administrator (v5.0.6)
Installing frozennode/administrator (v5.0.8)

Removing symfony/yaml (v2.7.6)
Installing symfony/yaml (v2.7.7)

Removing phpunit/phpunit (4.8.16)
Installing phpunit/phpunit (4.8.18)

Removing symfony/class-loader (v2.7.6)
Installing symfony/class-loader (v2.7.7)

Issue and Solution: Sort the second item to first item

first of all, thanks for this nice package

The issue:
when I try to sort the second item in the list to the first item, I got the error
" positionEntityId is required "

then I made a review for jQUery code and I found you check if previous or next is greater than zero

if( $previous.length > 0 )
// do
else if( $next.length > 0 )
// do

but when i make console.log for [ $previous.length ] and [ $next.length ]
i noticed that both of them is greater than 0, so each time the code in $previous.length will execute every time

so I made a simple solution to the code
instead of check the length greater than zero or not
I checked [ itemid ] for both previous and next whether defined or not

if ($'itemid') !== undefined)
// do

else if ($'itemid') !== undefined)
// do

this solution is worked for me in all cases


Sorting with a where clause


I would like to use your sortable trait, but i have a issue. I'm have a single model which uses a where clause to list it's items.

For example, i have a eloquent model "FoodItems" which has a category slug (i.e. cheese and bread)
I would like to sort these items in that slug.

I could not find this in the documentation or the source code if this was possible, and if so, how. Could you let me know how to do this?


syncWithoutDetaching does not work properly on belongsToSortedMany relations

Hi! I haven't had the chance to really dig into this issue but I noticed that using syncWithoutDetaching on a belongsToSortedMany relation will simply act as a normal sync.

I wasn't sure if the library simply doesn't support syncWithoutDetaching or if this is a bug. I can try to investigate further when I have some time but just pointing it out in case anyone had any feedback.

Position is not getting saved

I am passing data like this

response : {"success":true}

But there is problem in saving the position, failed the steps in readme file

New to laravel

Array to string conversion error if $sortableGroupField is an array

I set protected static $sortableGroupField = ['fieldName1','fieldName2']; as in documentation and it throwed an array to string conversion exception in SortableTrait.php on line 255. I managed to solve this problem by adding an else after the if with is_array condition and it worked. Here is the code:

public function checkSortableGroupField($sortableGroupField, $entity)
        if ($sortableGroupField === null) {

        if (is_array($sortableGroupField)) {
            foreach ($sortableGroupField as $field) {
                if ($this->$field !== $entity->$field) {
                    throw new SortableException($this->$field, $entity->$field);
        } else

            if ($this->$sortableGroupField !== $entity->$sortableGroupField) {
                throw new SortableException($this->$sortableGroupField, $entity->$sortableGroupField);

working example?

Thank you for this package. Is there any working example?
Also will it work on laravel 5.6?

Laravel 5.4 compatible?

Class App\Model contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (App\Model ::getBelongsToManyCaller)

Position actual number

How to show record actual number not position?
In DB position may start from 59, 60, 61 and I need to show it actual number 1,2,3...

belongsToSortedMany has issue with same values inserted (laravel 5.4)

I'm using belongsToSortedMany in the immediate model in Playlist.

public function tracks()
  return $this
        ->belongsToSortedMany(Track::class, 'position')

What happen is when I perform moveBefore or moveAfter the position of the tracks are all the same.

After the move operation


playlist_id track_id position
1 1 2
1 1 2


id name
1 Foo
2 Bar


id name
1 Sample Playlist

Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::siblingssiblings()


I'm using the "Sortable many to many" and everything works as expected.

My database structure is like the one you gave in the readme. But I am sorting the posts and not the categories (tags).

When I display all the posts for one tag, everything works. Sorting works. Added post gets the correct position. etc.

What I want to do next is when I display one post, I to want to display within that page a link to the previous and next post. But the next() or previous() function gives me the following exception:
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::siblingssiblings()
when I try $post->next(); (Controller or view)

Illegal operator and value combination.
     * @return QueryBuilder
    public function siblings($isNext, $limit = 0)
        $sortableField = static::getSortableField();

        $query = static::applySortableGroup($this->newQuery(), $this);
        $query->where($sortableField, $isNext ? '>' : '<', $this->getAttribute($sortableField));
        $query->orderBy($sortableField, $isNext ? 'asc' : 'desc');
        if ($limit !== 0) {

when I try $post->previous();

Here are my models:

Post model

class Faq_post extends Model

    use \Rutorika\Sortable\SortableTrait;
    use \Rutorika\Sortable\SortableTrait;
    public function categories()
        return $this->belongsToSortedMany('App\Faq_category', 'position','faq_posts_faq_categories');

Categories mode:

class Faq_category extends Node
    use BelongsToSortedManyTrait;

    public function posts() {
        return $this->belongsToSortedMany('\App\Faq_post', 'position', 'faq_posts_faq_categories');

Am I missing something? Thank you

SoftDelete & Restore

When I use soft delete to remove record, position was recalculated. But when $model->restore() nothing happened and I got two records with the same position.
Any solution?

Strict equality of the sortable group field values that are cast is uncertain

if ($entity1->$field !== $entity2->$field) {

The comparison should read if ($entity1->$field != $entity2->$field) (single equals sign).

In my model, in Laravel 5.7, date field is part of the sort group. If date is being cast (protected $casts = ['date' => 'datetime:Y-m-d'], checkFieldEquals fails to correctly compare two such dates.

A patch for this is in a prior PR #61

Moving between two numbers

It's not a issue, but a question about your package. I'm thinking to use that, but I like to know some details.

Imagine that I have position range(0, 1000000), all persisted on database. What should happen when I move to position 500000? I will have two objects on this position, or it'll move 500000 to 1000000 subsequents to next position?

Thanks and sorry for open an issue for that.

No Re-Sorting after Delete?

Is it something I am missing, or does the trait not re-sort the remaining entries in the database after I delete one or multiple entries by Eloquent ->delete() ?

Sorting by two group fields


I was wondering, how hard it would be to implement sorting by multiple group fields? Suppose it shouldn't be hard:

if ($sortableGroupField)
    $query = static::newInstance();

        function($field) use ($query, $model)
            $query = $query->where($field, $model->$field);

    $maxPosition = $query->max('position');

Similar adjustment can be made for _applySortableGroup.
Collection::make() can be moved to getSortableGroupField function.
I'm using Laravel 4 package by the way.

How to change primaryKey ?

how to change primary key from id to article_id

This is my error.
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'id' in 'where clause' (SQL: select count(*) as aggregate from articles where id = 2)

Thank you

`byPosition` scope

In my application, I'm always creating byPosition scope to fetch data by the position. Is there any similar functionality already written? Or may I make one?

"entityClass":["The entity class field is required."]

I get this error after drag and drop. The entity name is what I gave in config/sortable.php

return [
    'entities' => [
        'pages' => '\App\Pages'

Is there some other config needed. I don't see this error message in the source code so I can debug.

Call to undefined function Rutorika\Sortable\array_get()


first of all, thank you for your package, it's really great and I've been using it for a really long time now.

Recently I upgraded my CMS to Laravel framework version 6.0 and your package is not working anymore, looks like it does not support this version of the Laravel framework.

The problem is that since Laravel version 6.0 the helper method array_get() doesn't exists, it was changed to Arr:get().

The execution breaks in the SortableController on line 108, can you fix this to support newer versions of Laravel framework?

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