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bpmn-client's Issues

The parameter in request body is not compatable with server side.

When I use start, assign and invoke interface , it shows the user how do this action is undefined or null.

var client = new BPMNClient(process.env.HOST, process.env.PORT, process.env.API_KEY);
var response = await client.engine.start(processId, data, null, 'starter')
response = await client.engine.assign({ id:, "items.status": "wait" }, {}, 'starter', { assignee: 'starter' })
response = await client.engine.invoke({ id:, "items.status": "wait" }, {}, 'starter')
response = await clent.engine.assign({ id:, "items.status": "wait" }, {}, 'leader')

The request looks like succeed, but in the web it shows

12/3/2024 14:30:31 | Task Start a aproval process -Task_1 started.
12/3/2024 14:30:31 | Task Start a aproval process -Task_1 Assigned by undefined to:[object Object]
12/3/2024 14:30:31 | Task Start a aproval process ended by null
12/3/2024 14:30:31 | Task Level 1 approve -Task_2 started.
12/3/2024 14:30:31 | Task Level 1 approve -Task_2 Assigned by undefined to:[object Object]

For example, the code of the assign interface is:

async assign(query, data, userId = null, assignment): Promise<IInstanceData> {
        const ret = await this.client.put('engine/assign', { query, data, userId, assignment });
        if (ret['errors']) {
            throw new Error(ret['errors']);
        const instance = ret['instance'] as IInstanceData;
        return instance;

In the request body of client,the user information is userId, it is not usable for server. In server it's userName.

API call to `deleteInstances`

Using 1.2

Calling deleteInstances responds with a 404 error.

The API call is incorrect in BPMNClient.ts at line 216.

URL should be datastore/deleteInstances instead of datastore/delete.


Error in `bpmn-client` when querying instances or items

Hi @ralphhanna,

Using bpmn-client version 1.3.16.

When I try to use cli.ts to do some querying, all give the error:

BPMNClient 1.2
        q       to quit
        s       start process
        lo      list outstanding items
        li      list items
        l       list instances for a process
        di      display Instance information
        i       Invoke Task
        sgl     Signal Task
        msg     Message Task
        d       delete instnaces
        ?       repeat this list
Enter Command, q to quit
Listing Outstanding Items

SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (F:\Programming\dicomHubScripts\node_modules\bpmn-client\src\BPMNClient.js:41:52)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:525:35)
    at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1359:12)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21)

Displaying Instance Details
Please provide your Instance ID: cd5f065a-a3b9-4189-85ad-4769d1527502

SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (F:\Programming\dicomHubScripts\node_modules\bpmn-client\src\BPMNClient.js:41:52)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:525:35)
    at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1359:12)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21)

Displaying Instance Details
Please provide your Instance ID: "cd5f065a-a3b9-4189-85ad-4769d1527502"

SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (F:\Programming\dicomHubScripts\node_modules\bpmn-client\src\BPMNClient.js:41:52)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:525:35)
    at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1359:12)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21)

Could you kindly look into this? Thank you!

Adding `vars` to the interface

Hi @ralphhanna,

Could you please add vars to the interface DataObjects.ts as well?

Also, could you please make sure the changes reflect in the npm package as well; the last PR isn't reflected in that?

Thank you!

Remote Import Execution

Hi @ralphhanna,

I am tring to execute remote import using the client. For some reason, it's not improting but no error too.

I have a BPMN file named diagram.bpmn in the folder .workflows of the working directory.

const { BPMNClient } = require("bpmn-client");
const path = require('path');

const dotenv = require("dotenv");

const server = new BPMNClient(

const rootPath = '';
const workflowsPath = path.join(__dirname, '.workflows');

console.log(`workflowsPath: ${workflowsPath}`);

const dataPath = path.join(workflowsPath, 'diagram.bpmn');

console.log(`dataPath: ${dataPath}`);

server.definitions.import('RTPDummy', dataPath);

bpmn-server is running locally on port 3000. .env is configured correctly.

Cmd Output:


No Error. But the bpmn file is not imported into the server.

Could you please let me know what am I doing wrong?

Boundary timers execution & their associated tasks

Hi @ralphhanna,

This issue was not found in v1.3.28.

Test Version: 1.4.1 (Double checked with a fresh installation of the new version)

There are some major issues with the execution of the boundary timers and their associated tasks.

Scenario 1

I have a workflow like the below:


The services for ST1 & ST2 are DummyService1 & DummyService2 respectively. Both Wait1 & Wait2 have been set to PT2M.

In my appDelegate.ts, I have the services for both ST1 and ST2.

async DummyService1(input, context) { = 'Service1Exec';

    async DummyService2(input, context) {
        await delay(126000, '2.1mins'); // Wait for 2.1 mins = 'Service2Exec';

Expected Result:

I expect ST1 to be executed while ST2 won't be excuted as there is a delay of 2.1 mins before which the Wait2 will get triggered & the workflow would progress.

Actual Result:

But instead, both ST1 and ST2 get executed instaed of just ST1 and moreover I get a bizarre execution and the flows are messed up.


Scenario 2

I have another workflow like the below:


Both Wait1 & Wait2 have been set to PT2M.

For test purposes, I use bpmn-client to manually invoke the Receive Tasks.

My Operation:

I invoked RT1 alone using the Client API with a sample data.

Expected Result:

I expect RT1 to be executed and the data gets recorded. After 2 mins, when Wait2 gets triggered, I expect the flow should be normal and shouldn't affect any other tasks or data.

Actual Result:

After 2 mins, Wait2 gets triggerred. But at this stage, the data produced by RT1 gets deleted from the DB. And the execution is made to look like, RT1 never happened.



These issues seems quite critical and it is catastrophic to the data in the DB.

Kindly look into this.

Thank you.

`throwSignal` method

Using 1.3.2

Hi @ralphhanna,

I'm trying to throw a signal from client side and catch that in a process.

Test Process BPMN File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bpmn2:definitions xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:bpmn2="" xmlns:bpmndi="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:di="" id="sample-diagram" targetNamespace="" xsi:schemaLocation=" BPMN20.xsd">
  <bpmn2:process id="Process_1" isExecutable="false">
    <bpmn2:startEvent id="Event_1bj1934" name="Start Project">
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="Flow_1u6bj0c" sourceRef="Event_1bj1934" targetRef="Activity_1mxe2wz" />
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="Flow_006s1r5" sourceRef="Activity_1mxe2wz" targetRef="Activity_0kl39ez" />
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="Flow_1w1kljn" sourceRef="Activity_0kl39ez" targetRef="Activity_18guooz" />
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="Flow_1gvj1jf" sourceRef="Activity_18guooz" targetRef="Event_06dpucn" />
    <bpmn2:serviceTask id="Activity_1hnnz2s" name="Approved">
    <bpmn2:serviceTask id="Activity_18guooz" name="Submission">
    <bpmn2:userTask id="Activity_0kl39ez" name="Review by a colleague">
    <bpmn2:userTask id="Activity_1mxe2wz" name="Do a project">
    <bpmn2:endEvent id="Event_1xl3pr8" name="End Project">
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="Flow_0nxka5r" sourceRef="Activity_1hnnz2s" targetRef="Event_1xl3pr8" />
    <bpmn2:intermediateCatchEvent id="Event_06dpucn" name="Redo">
      <bpmn2:signalEventDefinition id="SignalEventDefinition_176nypw" signalRef="Signal_1h6vd16" />
    <bpmn2:exclusiveGateway id="Gateway_12fm9xs" name="isOkay">
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="Flow_1anz4rf" sourceRef="Event_06dpucn" targetRef="Gateway_12fm9xs" />
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="Flow_09bq1ec" name="Okay" sourceRef="Gateway_12fm9xs" targetRef="Activity_1hnnz2s">
      <bpmn2:conditionExpression xsi:type="bpmn2:tFormalExpression" language="JavaScript">( === "Yes")</bpmn2:conditionExpression>
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="Flow_0an1v3g" name="Not Okay" sourceRef="Gateway_12fm9xs" targetRef="Activity_1mxe2wz" />
  <bpmn2:signal id="Signal_0af9roe" name="redo_proj_signal" />
  <bpmn2:signal id="Signal_1h6vd16" name="redo_proj_signal" />
  <bpmndi:BPMNDiagram id="BPMNDiagram_1">
    <bpmndi:BPMNPlane id="BPMNPlane_1" bpmnElement="Process_1">
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_0nxka5r_di" bpmnElement="Flow_0nxka5r">
        <di:waypoint x="1430" y="140" />
        <di:waypoint x="1552" y="140" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_1gvj1jf_di" bpmnElement="Flow_1gvj1jf">
        <di:waypoint x="840" y="140" />
        <di:waypoint x="962" y="140" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_1w1kljn_di" bpmnElement="Flow_1w1kljn">
        <di:waypoint x="630" y="140" />
        <di:waypoint x="740" y="140" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_006s1r5_di" bpmnElement="Flow_006s1r5">
        <di:waypoint x="420" y="140" />
        <di:waypoint x="530" y="140" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_1u6bj0c_di" bpmnElement="Flow_1u6bj0c">
        <di:waypoint x="208" y="140" />
        <di:waypoint x="320" y="140" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_1anz4rf_di" bpmnElement="Flow_1anz4rf">
        <di:waypoint x="998" y="140" />
        <di:waypoint x="1125" y="140" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_09bq1ec_di" bpmnElement="Flow_09bq1ec">
        <di:waypoint x="1175" y="140" />
        <di:waypoint x="1330" y="140" />
          <dc:Bounds x="1239" y="122" width="27" height="14" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_0an1v3g_di" bpmnElement="Flow_0an1v3g">
        <di:waypoint x="1150" y="165" />
        <di:waypoint x="1150" y="250" />
        <di:waypoint x="370" y="250" />
        <di:waypoint x="370" y="180" />
          <dc:Bounds x="737" y="232" width="47" height="14" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Event_1bj1934_di" bpmnElement="Event_1bj1934">
        <dc:Bounds x="172" y="122" width="36" height="36" />
          <dc:Bounds x="159" y="165" width="62" height="14" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Activity_1r8wbo4_di" bpmnElement="Activity_1hnnz2s">
        <dc:Bounds x="1330" y="100" width="100" height="80" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Activity_01lika7_di" bpmnElement="Activity_18guooz">
        <dc:Bounds x="740" y="100" width="100" height="80" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Activity_0fu35gp_di" bpmnElement="Activity_0kl39ez">
        <dc:Bounds x="530" y="100" width="100" height="80" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Activity_1le7cnc_di" bpmnElement="Activity_1mxe2wz">
        <dc:Bounds x="320" y="100" width="100" height="80" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Event_1xl3pr8_di" bpmnElement="Event_1xl3pr8">
        <dc:Bounds x="1552" y="122" width="36" height="36" />
          <dc:Bounds x="1541" y="165" width="58" height="14" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Event_144odig_di" bpmnElement="Event_06dpucn">
        <dc:Bounds x="962" y="122" width="36" height="36" />
          <dc:Bounds x="966" y="98" width="27" height="14" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Gateway_12fm9xs_di" bpmnElement="Gateway_12fm9xs" isMarkerVisible="true">
        <dc:Bounds x="1125" y="115" width="50" height="50" />
          <dc:Bounds x="1133" y="85" width="35" height="14" />

Test Script:

import { BPMNClient } from "bpmn-client";

import * as readline from 'readline';

const dotenv = require('dotenv');
const res = dotenv.config();

const server = new BPMNClient(process.env.HOST, process.env.PORT, process.env.API_KEY);

const cl = readline.createInterface( process.stdin, process.stdout );
const question = function(q) {
  return new Promise( (res, rej) => {
      cl.question( q, answer => {


async function testUserInput() {
	console.log('	q	To Quit');
	console.log('	s	Start Process ');
	console.log('	lo	List Outstanding Items');
	console.log('	l	List Instances for a Process');
	console.log('	di	Display Instance Details');
	console.log('	i	Invoke Task');
	console.log('	sgl	Signal Task');
	console.log('	msg	Message Task');
	console.log('	d	Delete Instances (Only those ended)');
	let option='';
	let command;
	command= await question('Enter Command, q to quit\n\r>');
	let opts=command.split(' ');
		case 'lo':
			console.log("Listing Outstanding Items");
			await findItems({ "items.status": "wait"});
		case 'l':
			console.log("Listing Instances for a Process");
			await listInstances();
		case 'di':
			console.log("Displaying Instance Details");
			await displayInstance();
		case 'i':
			console.log("Invoking Task");
			await invoke();
		case 's':
			console.log("Starting Process");
			await start();
		case 'sgl':
			console.log("Signalling Process");
			await signal();
		case 'msg':
			console.log("Message Process");
			await message();
		case 'd':
			console.log("Deleting Instances (Only those ended)");
			await delInstances();




async function start(){
	const name = await question('Please provide your process name: ');
	let taskData = await question('Please provide your Task Data (json obj) if any: ');

	if (taskData === ""){
		taskData = {};
		taskData = JSON.parse(taskData.toString());

	let response=await server.engine.start(name, taskData);

	console.log("Process '"+name+"' started; InstanceId",;

async function findItems(query) {
	var items = await server.datastore.findItems(query);

	for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
		let item = items[i];
		console.log(`${} - ${item.elementId}	InstanceId:	${item['instanceId']}`);


async function listInstances() {
	const name = await question('Please provide your process name: ');

	let insts = await server.datastore.findInstances({ name: name})

	for (var i = 0; i < insts.length; i++) {
		let inst = insts[i];
		console.log(`Name: ${} Status: ${inst.status}	InstanceId:	${}
	StartedAt: ${inst.startedAt} EndedAt ${inst.endedAt}`, 'Data:',;

async function displayInstance() {
	const instanceId = await question('Please provide your Instance ID: ');

	let insts = await server.datastore.findInstances({id: instanceId})

	for (var i = 0; i < insts.length; i++) {
		let inst = insts[i];
		var items = inst.items;
		console.log(`Name: ${} Status: ${inst.status}	InstanceId:	${}
	StartedAt: ${inst.startedAt} EndedAt ${inst.endedAt}`,'Data:',;
		for (var j = 0; j < items.length; j++) {
			let item= items[j];
			console.log(`	Element: ${item.elementId} Status: ${item.status}	Id:	${}`);

async function invoke(){
	const instanceId = await question('Please provide your Instance ID: ');
	const taskId = await question('Please provide your Task ID: ');
	let taskData = await question('Please provide your Task Data (json obj) if any: ');

	if (taskData === ""){
		taskData = {};
		taskData = JSON.parse(taskData.toString());

	try {
		let response = await server.engine.invoke(
			{ id: instanceId, "items.elementId": taskId }
			, taskData);

		console.log("Completed UserTask:", taskId);

	catch (exc) {
		console.log("Invoking task failed for:", taskId, instanceId);
		await findItems({ id: instanceId, "items.elementId": taskId });


async function signal() {
	const signalId = await question('Please provide signal ID: ');

	let signalData = await question('Please provide your Data (json obj) if any: ');

	if (typeof signalData === 'string' && signalData.trim() === ''){
		signalData = {};
		signalData = JSON.parse(signalData.toString());

	let response = await server.engine.throwSignal(signalId, signalData);

	console.log("Signal Response:", response);

async function message() {
	const messageId = await question('Please provide message ID: ');

	let messageData = await question('Please provide your Data (json obj) if any: ');

	if (typeof messageData === 'string' && messageData.trim() === ''){
		messageData = {};
		messageData = JSON.parse(messageData.toString());

	let response = await server.engine.throwMessage(messageId, messageData);

	console.log("Message Response:", response);

async function delInstances() {
	const name = await question('Please provide process name to delete instances: ');

	let response = await server.datastore.deleteInstances({ name: name, status: "end" });

	console.log("Instances Deleted:", response['result']['deletedCount']);

Sample Input:

>node testCLI.js
BPMNClient 1.2
        q       To Quit
        s       Start Process
        lo      List Outstanding Items
        l       List Instances for a Process
        di      Display Instance Details
        i       Invoke Task
        sgl     Signal Task
        msg     Message Task
        d       Delete Instances (Only those ended)
Enter Command, q to quit
Signalling Process
Please provide signal ID: redo_proj_signal
Please provide your Data (json obj) if any:

Console Error:

<!DOCTYPE html>

SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (F:\Programming\Test-BPMN-Client\node_modules\bpmn-client\src\BPMNClient.js:39:48)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:525:35)
    at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1359:12)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21)

Node.js v18.7.0

This also applies to throwMessage method.

Kindly look into this. Thanks!

How to use messageMatchingKey via `throwSignal` & `throwMessage`

Using 1.3.8

Hi @ralphhanna,

How to include messageMatchingKey in throwSignal & throwMessage to target specific instances?

Case 1: Signaling


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bpmn2:definitions xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:bpmn2="" xmlns:bpmndi="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:di="" xmlns:camunda="" id="sample-diagram" targetNamespace="" xsi:schemaLocation=" BPMN20.xsd">
  <bpmn2:signal id="Signal_1h6vd16" name="RedoProjSignal" />
  <bpmn2:collaboration id="Collaboration_0go7gyp">
    <bpmn2:participant id="Participant_1xfcqps" processRef="Process_1" />
  <bpmn2:process id="Process_1" isExecutable="false">
    <bpmn2:startEvent id="Event_1bj1934" name="Start Project">
    <bpmn2:serviceTask id="Activity_1hnnz2s" name="Approved">
    <bpmn2:serviceTask id="Activity_18guooz" name="Submission">
    <bpmn2:userTask id="Activity_0kl39ez" name="Review by a colleague">
    <bpmn2:userTask id="Activity_1mxe2wz" name="Do a project">
    <bpmn2:endEvent id="Event_1xl3pr8" name="End Project">
    <bpmn2:intermediateCatchEvent id="Event_06dpucn" name="Redo Project">
        <camunda:executionListener event="start">
          <camunda:script scriptFormat="JavaScript">data.clientId=data.caseId;</camunda:script>
      <bpmn2:signalEventDefinition id="SignalEventDefinition_176nypw" signalRef="Signal_1h6vd16" />
    <bpmn2:exclusiveGateway id="Gateway_12fm9xs" name="isOkay" default="Flow_0an1v3g">
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="Flow_0an1v3g" name="Not Okay" sourceRef="Gateway_12fm9xs" targetRef="Activity_1mxe2wz" />
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="Flow_09bq1ec" name="Okay" sourceRef="Gateway_12fm9xs" targetRef="Activity_1hnnz2s">
      <bpmn2:conditionExpression xsi:type="bpmn2:tFormalExpression" language="JavaScript">( === "Yes")</bpmn2:conditionExpression>
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="Flow_1anz4rf" sourceRef="Event_06dpucn" targetRef="Gateway_12fm9xs" />
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="Flow_0nxka5r" sourceRef="Activity_1hnnz2s" targetRef="Event_1xl3pr8" />
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="Flow_1gvj1jf" sourceRef="Activity_18guooz" targetRef="Event_06dpucn" />
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="Flow_1w1kljn" sourceRef="Activity_0kl39ez" targetRef="Activity_18guooz" />
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="Flow_006s1r5" sourceRef="Activity_1mxe2wz" targetRef="Activity_0kl39ez" />
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="Flow_1u6bj0c" sourceRef="Event_1bj1934" targetRef="Activity_1mxe2wz" />
  <bpmndi:BPMNDiagram id="BPMNDiagram_1">
    <bpmndi:BPMNPlane id="BPMNPlane_1" bpmnElement="Collaboration_0go7gyp">
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Participant_1xfcqps_di" bpmnElement="Participant_1xfcqps" isHorizontal="true">
        <dc:Bounds x="120" y="80" width="1490" height="250" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_1u6bj0c_di" bpmnElement="Flow_1u6bj0c">
        <di:waypoint x="208" y="140" />
        <di:waypoint x="320" y="140" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_006s1r5_di" bpmnElement="Flow_006s1r5">
        <di:waypoint x="420" y="140" />
        <di:waypoint x="530" y="140" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_1w1kljn_di" bpmnElement="Flow_1w1kljn">
        <di:waypoint x="630" y="140" />
        <di:waypoint x="740" y="140" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_1gvj1jf_di" bpmnElement="Flow_1gvj1jf">
        <di:waypoint x="840" y="140" />
        <di:waypoint x="962" y="140" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_0nxka5r_di" bpmnElement="Flow_0nxka5r">
        <di:waypoint x="1430" y="140" />
        <di:waypoint x="1552" y="140" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_1anz4rf_di" bpmnElement="Flow_1anz4rf">
        <di:waypoint x="998" y="140" />
        <di:waypoint x="1125" y="140" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_09bq1ec_di" bpmnElement="Flow_09bq1ec">
        <di:waypoint x="1175" y="140" />
        <di:waypoint x="1330" y="140" />
          <dc:Bounds x="1239" y="122" width="27" height="14" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_0an1v3g_di" bpmnElement="Flow_0an1v3g">
        <di:waypoint x="1150" y="165" />
        <di:waypoint x="1150" y="250" />
        <di:waypoint x="370" y="250" />
        <di:waypoint x="370" y="180" />
          <dc:Bounds x="737" y="232" width="47" height="14" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Event_1bj1934_di" bpmnElement="Event_1bj1934">
        <dc:Bounds x="172" y="122" width="36" height="36" />
          <dc:Bounds x="159" y="165" width="62" height="14" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Activity_1r8wbo4_di" bpmnElement="Activity_1hnnz2s">
        <dc:Bounds x="1330" y="100" width="100" height="80" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Activity_01lika7_di" bpmnElement="Activity_18guooz">
        <dc:Bounds x="740" y="100" width="100" height="80" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Activity_0fu35gp_di" bpmnElement="Activity_0kl39ez">
        <dc:Bounds x="530" y="100" width="100" height="80" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Activity_1le7cnc_di" bpmnElement="Activity_1mxe2wz">
        <dc:Bounds x="320" y="100" width="100" height="80" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Event_1xl3pr8_di" bpmnElement="Event_1xl3pr8">
        <dc:Bounds x="1552" y="122" width="36" height="36" />
          <dc:Bounds x="1541" y="165" width="58" height="14" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Event_144odig_di" bpmnElement="Event_06dpucn">
        <dc:Bounds x="962" y="122" width="36" height="36" />
          <dc:Bounds x="947" y="98" width="65" height="14" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Gateway_12fm9xs_di" bpmnElement="Gateway_12fm9xs" isMarkerVisible="true">
        <dc:Bounds x="1125" y="115" width="50" height="50" />
          <dc:Bounds x="1133" y="85" width="35" height="14" />

Signal ID: RedoProjSignal
Data Needed to sent: String variable isOkay - Values Yes or No

I know, the syntax for throwSignal for the above would be:

server.engine.throwSignal("RedoProjSignal", {"isOkay": "Yes"});

BUT HOW TO ACCOMMODATE messageMatchingKey in there?

Case 2: Messaging


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bpmn2:definitions xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:bpmn2="" xmlns:bpmndi="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:di="" xmlns:camunda="" id="sample-diagram" targetNamespace="" xsi:schemaLocation=" BPMN20.xsd">
  <bpmn2:message id="Message_0fnszkw" name="ManualInspectDone" />
  <bpmn2:collaboration id="Collaboration_1rvq0n9">
    <bpmn2:participant id="Participant_0tn3rhm" processRef="Process_1" />
  <bpmn2:process id="Process_1" isExecutable="false">
    <bpmn2:startEvent id="StartEvent_1" name="Start">
    <bpmn2:endEvent id="Event_1qoparn" name="End">
    <bpmn2:intermediateCatchEvent id="Event_06use43" name="Manual Inspection">
        <camunda:executionListener event="start">
          <camunda:script scriptFormat="JavaScript">data.clientId=data.caseId;</camunda:script>
      <bpmn2:messageEventDefinition id="MessageEventDefinition_0apns2b" messageRef="Message_0fnszkw" />
    <bpmn2:serviceTask id="Activity_047sfwk" name="Room Ready">
    <bpmn2:userTask id="Activity_0hgruvi" name="Checkout">
    <bpmn2:serviceTask id="Activity_0yhx8oi" name="Auto Inspection">
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="Flow_0mgb1ux" sourceRef="Activity_047sfwk" targetRef="Event_1qoparn" />
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="Flow_05qinuj" sourceRef="Event_06use43" targetRef="Activity_047sfwk" />
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="Flow_0ttn3pa" sourceRef="Activity_0yhx8oi" targetRef="Event_06use43" />
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="Flow_1qvz91c" sourceRef="Activity_0hgruvi" targetRef="Activity_0yhx8oi" />
    <bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="Flow_1eoh9me" sourceRef="StartEvent_1" targetRef="Activity_0hgruvi" />
  <bpmndi:BPMNDiagram id="BPMNDiagram_1">
    <bpmndi:BPMNPlane id="BPMNPlane_1" bpmnElement="Collaboration_1rvq0n9">
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Participant_0tn3rhm_di" bpmnElement="Participant_0tn3rhm" isHorizontal="true">
        <dc:Bounds x="190" y="90" width="1080" height="250" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_1eoh9me_di" bpmnElement="Flow_1eoh9me">
        <di:waypoint x="278" y="150" />
        <di:waypoint x="380" y="150" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_1qvz91c_di" bpmnElement="Flow_1qvz91c">
        <di:waypoint x="480" y="150" />
        <di:waypoint x="580" y="150" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_0ttn3pa_di" bpmnElement="Flow_0ttn3pa">
        <di:waypoint x="680" y="150" />
        <di:waypoint x="802" y="150" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_05qinuj_di" bpmnElement="Flow_05qinuj">
        <di:waypoint x="838" y="150" />
        <di:waypoint x="950" y="150" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNEdge id="Flow_0mgb1ux_di" bpmnElement="Flow_0mgb1ux">
        <di:waypoint x="1050" y="150" />
        <di:waypoint x="1212" y="150" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="_BPMNShape_StartEvent_2" bpmnElement="StartEvent_1">
        <dc:Bounds x="242" y="132" width="36" height="36" />
          <dc:Bounds x="248" y="175" width="25" height="14" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Event_1qoparn_di" bpmnElement="Event_1qoparn">
        <dc:Bounds x="1212" y="132" width="36" height="36" />
          <dc:Bounds x="1220" y="175" width="20" height="14" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Event_010yvpp_di" bpmnElement="Event_06use43">
        <dc:Bounds x="802" y="132" width="36" height="36" />
          <dc:Bounds x="776" y="175" width="90" height="14" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Activity_0b305kj_di" bpmnElement="Activity_047sfwk">
        <dc:Bounds x="950" y="110" width="100" height="80" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Activity_1r89ccr_di" bpmnElement="Activity_0hgruvi">
        <dc:Bounds x="380" y="110" width="100" height="80" />
      <bpmndi:BPMNShape id="Activity_1s1xctl_di" bpmnElement="Activity_0yhx8oi">
        <dc:Bounds x="580" y="110" width="100" height="80" />

Message ID: ManualInspectDone
Data Needed to sent: String variable doneBy - Any text

I know, the syntax for throwMessage for the above would be:

server.engine.throwMessage("ManualInspectDone", { "doneBy": "xxxx" });

BUT HOW TO ACCOMMODATE messageMatchingKey in there?

Client to suscribe to Service Tasks?

Hi @ralphhanna ,

First, thanks for this wonderful package.

In "bpmn-server", there are several examples on how to implement a Service Task in code using a custom MyAppDelegate.

In "bpmn-client", can we subscribe to a Service Task, and run code on the client when a Service Task needs to be run?

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