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react-storefront's Introduction

React Storefront

Build and deploy e-commerce progressive web apps in record time.

Full Guides, API Documentation, and Examples

Example Site

Example Site Built with React Storefront

You can create a local copy of this site using create-react-storefront to use as a starting point for your own site:

npm install -g create-react-storefront
create-react-storefront my-site


All rights reserved.


To contribute to react-storefront:

  1. Make a branch from master
  2. Make your changes
  3. Add tests
  4. Verify all tests pass by running yarn test
  5. Add an item to the Change Log in Use your best judgement as to whether your change is a patch, minor release, or major release. We'll ensure that the correct version number is assigned before it is released.
  6. Create a PR.


First, clone the repo and run yarn to install dependencies


To use your local copy of react-storefront when developing apps, in your clone of this repo, run:

yarn link:all

To automatically transpile your code when you make changes, run:

yarn watch

Then, in your app's root directory run:

npm link react-storefront && npm link babel-plugin-react-storefront && npm link react-storefront-moov-xdn && npm link react-storefront-middleware

Setup prettier with Visual Studio Code

prettier-vscode can be installed using the extension sidebar.

To format on save, just update your editor.formatOnSave setting.

For other editors,


To publish a release, run:

yarn release



  • Improved JSS class name generation in development


  • Fixed a bug where links in the main menu were not rendered properly for SEO.


  • Added environment module with isClient and isServer functions that allows you to detect whether your code is running on the client or the server.
  • Stub out Response's set, get, status, cookie, and redirect methods on the client.


  • Update peerDependencies for mobx, mobx-react, and mobx-state-tree to more stable versions.


  • Improved offline support.
  • Users will now be able to navigate back to any page they have previously visited when offline.
  • The AppBar component now displays "Your device lost its internet connection" when offline. This message is configurable via AppBar's offlineWarning prop.
  • Added an Offline component to be displayed as the main body of the app when the user attempts to navigate to a page that isn't cached when offline.
  • Added appShell configuration method to Router. Configure the appShell with a fromServerhandler that returns global data to display in the app shell when the user attempts to load the site while offline.

To add offline support to your app, upgrade to 6.12.0, then:

  • Add an appShell configuration to your router definition:
// src/routes.js

new Router()
  // ...
    // returns only the global data needed to build the app-shell for offline support
  • Add the Offline component to your Pages element in App.js.
// src/App.js

import Offline from 'react-storefront/Offline'

// then in the render method...
class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        components={universal => ({
          // ...


  • Gracefully handle when history.replace fails due to the state object being too large. This was happening on Firefox for apps with large state trees as Firefox imposes a limit of 640kB on the state object. When history.replace fails, history.state will simply be cleared out and the app will get the state from the network if the user navigates back or forward.


  • Removed onImpression from Link. We decided this logic was better handled in CommerceAnalyticsTarget in react-storefront-extensions.
  • AnalyticsProvider now automatically calls setHistory for all targets.


  • Fixed an issue with Link where onImpression would not fire if the user returns to a page using the back or forward buttons.


  • Fixed an issue with Link where onImpression would not fire unless prefetch="visible" was also present


  • Added support for acceptInvalidCerts option to fetch
  • The transform passed into react-storefront-moov-xdn/index can now be asynchronous. The allows react-storefront-extensions/transformAmpHtml to fetch heights and widths for images when rendering AMP.
  • Added utils/batchPromises for running batches of concurrent promises.
  • Added onImpression prop to Link to help with tracking product impressions using Track.
  • Added currencyCode to ProductModelBase


  • Fixed a bug where a number shows in the ImageSwitcher component when rendered in AMP without thumbnails.


  • Fixes an issue where images sometimes do not show up in AmpImageSwitcher due to a bug in amp-carousel when rendering in a div with display: flex. ampproject/amphtml#14519
  • Fixes styling differences when rendering ExpandableSection in AMP.
  • Each card in the main menu now scrolls independently.
  • CmsSlot now spreads props to the underlying span. This fixes an issue where <Track> would not fire events when a CmsSlot was the child element.


  • Restored AnalyticsProvider accidentally removed in 6.8.0


  • Removes unnecessary dependency on js-cookie.
  • Added bottom border for selected thumbnail in AMP image carousel
  • Added className to MenuItemModel. This allows you to add CSS class names to individual items in the Menu.


  • Browsers that support source maps will now display original react-storefront source code when debugging.
  • Changes to Filter and FilterButton:
    • adds LoadMask into Filter's facetGroups block when model is loading
    • disables clear all button when model is loading
    • clear all button semantics fixed: use <button> instead <a> w/o href attribute
  • Added AMP analytics when using AnalyticsProvider
  • Added ability to pass amp-analytics attributes


  • Handle content-type: text/plain in post bodies.


  • Fixed posting from AMP when served from Google cache by adding the correct CORS headers.


  • Fixed a bug where ImageSwitcher's thumbs class is not applied when rendering AMP.
  • Added customization props to Rating
  • Added ability to add plugins to client webpack bundle
  • Added minimumTextLength to SearchModelBase
  • Added AmpModal component based on <amp-lightbox>.
  • Added AnalyticsProvider for loading analytics on mount
  • Fixes a layout issue with the Drawer component on iOS <= 10


  • Removed extraneous logging of config on every request.
  • Menu now renders children so you can add custom controls.
  • Fixed a bug where an error would be thrown when posting application/json data with ESL enabled or posting an empty body.


  • Added name prop to QuantitySelector to make it easier to submit the value when rendering AMP.
  • Fixed a bug where multipart/form-data requests were not parsed properly.


  • fetch now supports the redirect option with values "follow", "error", and "manual".
  • Added x-rsf-routes header to get available route information.


  • Added searchButtonVariant and showClearButton props to SearchDrawer to give you greater control over the behavior of the search input.
  • Fixes an issue where the page scrolls to the top when a route with a proxyUpstream handler runs on the client.
  • Added notFoundSrc prop to Image component which will be used in case the primary image source fails to load
  • TTF files are now processed by webpack file loader
  • Fixed a bug where links were unresponsive until all JavaScript was fully loaded.


  • Fixes a bug that resulted in an error from mst-middleware about rendering circular JSON when the user opens the main menu.


  • fetch now supports inflating responses with content-encoding: gzip
  • <Track> now allows you to map triggers to events. For example: <Track trigger={{ onVisible: 'productShown', onClick: 'productClicked' }}>
  • <Link> now has a onVisible prop that you can use to be notified when a link is scrolled into the viewport.
  • withGlobalState(request, callback, localState) now passes request to the callback.
  • Removed proxy-polyfill, which was causing errors when using analytics in IE11. If you plan to support IE11 and use analytics, you must call'eventName', data) instead of the proxied methods like analytics.eventName(data).


  • Properly handle vendor chunks for components shared between pages.


  • Fixed a bug causing the Filter component's apply button to be hidden on iOS.


  • Corrected some out-of-date peerDependencies.


  • Upgraded to mobx 4 and mobx-state-tree 3
  • Upgraded to babel 7
  • Upgraded to webpack 4
  • Upgraded to [email protected]


  • Changes to Filter and FilterButton:
    • adds LoadMask into Filter's facetGroups block when model is loading
    • disables clear all button when model is loading
    • clear all button semantics fixed: use <button> instead <a> w/o href attribute


  • Fixes a layout issue with the Drawer component on iOS <= 10


  • Added AnalyticsProvider for loading analytics on mount


  • Added AmpModal component based on <amp-lightbox>.


  • Fixed where links were unresponsive until all JavaScript was fully loaded.
  • Removed extraneous console.log calls.


  • Added notFoundSrc prop to ImageSwitcher and handle missing images before the app mounts.


  • Added searchButtonVariant and showClearButton props to SearchDrawer to give you greater control over the behavior of the search input.
  • Fixed an issue where the page scrolls to the top when a route with a proxyUpstream handler runs on the client.
  • Added notFoundSrc prop to Image component which will be used in case the primary image source fails to load


  • Removed proxy-polyfill, which was causing errors when using analytics in IE11. If you plan to support IE11 and use analytics, you must call'eventName', data) instead of the proxied methods like analytics.eventName(data).


  • Fixed a bug causing the Filter component's apply button to be hidden on iOS.


  • Switch Webpack Bundle Analyzer to static mode so that analysis can be saved by CI


  • Added a state field to BreadcrumbModel so that state can be passed to skeletons when the user clicks on a breadcrumb.
  • Added support for setting bundle analyzer mode using ANALYZER_MODE env variable.


  • Fixed case error with importing lodash/isFunction in Router.


  • Added cookie helper method to Response
  • Replaced regular <iframe> with <amp-iframe> when rendering AMP.
  • Replaced YouTube <iframe> with <amp-youtube> when rendering AMP.
  • Removed extra padding at the bottom of the Drawer component.
  • Improved accessibility of QuantitySelector and ButtonSelector.


  • Improved error handling for SSR.


  • Fix layout issue with Filter title bar.
  • Added warning for setting cookies on cached route


  • Fix for production webpack builds with no options


  • Fix errors in SearchResultModelBase when filtering after paging.
  • Runs yarn link:all during CI builds to ensure that linking will work properly.
  • Transition to PWA and open filter/sort from AMP.
  • Added variant="drawer|menu" to FilterButton. The default is "drawer".


  • Added envVariables to webpack server options
  • Added ability to set asset path base


  • Added itemRenderer prop to Menu


  • Fixes an issue with Chrome 71 which prevents async loading of scripts by the service worker.


  • Fix bugs related to production builds


  • Code is now transpiled to ES5 before publishing
  • Bundle size reduced by about 20%
  • Can now run your build with an environment variable ANALYZE=true to see client build stats in your browser.


  • Fixed a bug with sending redirects in response to POST requests from AMP.


  • Prevents errors when webpack's OpenBrowserPlugin fails


  • Fixed bug where all analytics targets would result in AMP event triggers being rendered, even if they don't support AMP.
  • Removed some unused dependencies.


  • Fixed vertical alignment of + / - icons in QuantiySelector


  • You can now display the main menu on the right by setting <AppBar menuAlign="right"/> and <Menu align="right"/>.
  • You can disable the "menu" label below the main menu button by setting <AppBar menuIconProps={{ label: false }}/>
  • You can now provide a custom eslint config for webpack client and server builds.
  • Fix bug where an empty popup would show when the user hovers over a NavTab without a menu on desktop.


  • Fixed error when attempting to redirect from http to https.


  • Added x-rsf-response-type and x-rsf-handler headers
  • TabPanel's onChange prop no longer requires selected to be controlled.


  • TabPanel is now controllable via a new onChange prop.
  • Fixed bug in Container that would cause horizontal scrollbars to display on the window body.


  • Fix CSS syntax error in LoadMask that could cause CSS not to load properly app-wide
  • Reduce latency when serving static assets


  • Corrected peerDependencies by adding "react-transition-group" and removing "react-css-transition-group"


  • Improved performance of page transitions by setting app.loading to true in PageLink to eliminate a reconciliation cycle.
  • The service worker now excludes mp4 videos from the catch-all runtime route to work around a known issue with videos and service workers in Safari.


  • Upgrade to Material UI 3
  • Improved responsive capabilities of many components
  • NavTabs can now have menus
  • Menu icon is now animated


  • Added option to override selectedIndex in ImageSwitcher


  • AMP analytics event data is now automatically generated based on configured targets.
  • Added support for pageview events in AMP.
  • Adds support for res.arrayBuffer() to react-storefront's internal fetch implementation. This allows developers to fetch binary data as a buffer.


  • Prefetching now ramps up over the course of 25 minutes by default to ease the load on servers after clearing the cache during deployment

  • Removes some assets from the precache manifest that don't need to be prefetched.


  • You can now set a custom content-type using response.set('content-type', contentType).


  • You can now override <meta> tags using react-helmet.

  • Now throws an error in development when a cache handler runs during non-GET request

  • Removes set-cookie headers when route has a cache handler with server maxAgeSeconds > 0.

  • Automatically caches all proxied images and fonts for a day


  • ExpandableSection's expanded state can now be controlled via an expanded prop


  • Fixed bug with Referrer-Policy header.


  • Added Referrer-Policy: no-referrer-when-downgrade response header


  • Added response.json() helper method for sending JSON data
  • Fixed ShowMore infinity scrolling bug


  • Added X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN response header by default.


  • response.redirect(url, status) no longer requires you to call response.send() afterwards.
  • Fixed bug where <Image lazy/> and <Link prefetch="visible"/> elements would eager fetch when hidden by upgrading react-visibility-sensor.


  • Fixed XXS vulnerability where code could be injected via the URL into the canonical link tag.


  • Moved proxy-polyfill to dependencies.


  • Static assets are now cached at the network edge.
  • s-maxage is now only removed when there is no outer edge cache.


  • Added anchorProps to Link
  • Added analytics support for IE9+ via the addition of proxy-polyfill


  • Added onSuccess prop to Track
  • Prefetching now automatically resumes once page navigation is complete.


  • Added ProductModelBase.basePrice
  • ProductModelBase.price is now a view that returns the price of the selected size or, if not present, the basePrice.
  • ButtonSelector can now display a CSS color code instead of an image via the new color field on OptionModelBase
  • ButtonSelector can now be configured to display a strike through when disabled by setting strikeThroughDisabled. The angle can be controlled via strikeThroughAngle.


  • Renamed to react-storefront and published on
  • Routes now automatically fire pageView analytics events. The track handler module has been removed
  • The new <Track> component let's you track interactions with analytics declaratively.
  • CommerceAnalyticsTarget and all subclasses have been moved to a separate package called 'moov-pwa-analytics'
  • Many methods of CommerceAnalyticsTarget have a new signature. All event methods now take a single options object. Please check your calls to methods on react-storefront/analytics to make sure they match the updated signatures.
  • Built in models in react-storefront/model no longer fire analytics events. Analytics events are only fired front components.
  • AMP analytics are now supported.


  • You can now return state objects from proxyUpstream handlers to render the PWA. Return null or undefined to render the proxied page.


  • Skeletons are no longer fullscreen. Pages remain hidden while app.loading is true, instead of being covered by the LoadMask/Skeleton.


  • Pages now keeps one page of each type hidden in the DOM to make navigating back and forward much faster.
  • AppModelBase.applyState has been optimized to minimize rerendering of observer components.
  • ResponsiveTiles has been optimized to render faster.


  • Renamed Breadcrumbs component to BackNav. It no longer tags an array of breadcrumbs, it now takes a single url and text.

  • Created a new Breadcrumbs component for displaying multiple breadcrumbs.


  • The request parameter passed to fromServer handlers has been refactored. The "path" property has been deprecated in favor of separate "pathname" and "search" properties.
  • Added a new UpdateNotification component that notifies the user when a new version of the app is available.
  • The service worker will now only load HTML from the cache when coming from AMP or when launching from the homescreen.


  • Adds the ability to reuse product thumbnails as the main product image in the PDP skeleton when navigating from PLP to PDP.


  • Fixed Link bug which formatted URL's incorrectly
  • Fixed issue where prefetched results are deleted when new SW is installed


  • Added SearchDrawer, which replaces SearchPopup.


  • You can now perfect proxy and transform pages from the upstream site using the new proxyUpstream handler. As a result, support for requestHeaderTransform({ fallbackToAdapt: true }) has been removed. Instead, simple add a fallback(proxyUpstream()) handler to your router.


  • Improved error handling with react-redbox and sourcemapped stacktraces for server-side errors
  • Added react error boundary to catch errors while rendering and display a component stack trace.
  • Automatically relay set-cookie headers from fetch calls to upstream APIs when not caching on the server.
  • Added fetchWithCookies to automatically forward all cookies when calling upstream APIs.


  • Support for moovsdk
  • Refactored handler signature to handler(params, request, response)
  • Renamed ShowMoreButton to ShowMore and added infiniteScroll prop
  • Functionality for moov_edge_request_transform, moov_edge_response_transform, moov_request_header_transform, index, and moov_response_header transform are not standardized in platform/* modules.
  • moov-react-dev-server is no longer needed
  • new ButtonSelector component for color and size selections
  • App state is automatically recorded in window.history.state so back and forward transitions are instantaneous.
  • AMP Form POST is now supported and multipart encoded request bodies are parsed automatically.
  • Added Skeleton components for creating custom loading skeletons

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