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budoist's Issues

Project view doesn't update after sync

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go into any project
  2. Using the todoist web interface, add an item to that project
  3. Either wait for an auto sync or perform a manual sync in budoist
  4. Project view doesn't change
  5. Go back to list of projects and back to same project and the list is now up to date

Thanks for providing this. I just saw this from a twitter post by @todoist today and I was almost to the point of starting to create my own android app. If you need help testing at all let me know, I'm using a Xoom tablet and would be happy to help out.

Google Login

Checking with the Todoist developers - how to login via Google..

Enhancement Request: Next Action view

Here is something I think would be a really great addition to this type of app. In any view, project, labels, queries if you could go into a 'Next Action' mode it would only show the next action on the list, 1 at a time in a bigger font centered in the screen with a 'Complete' or 'Done' button or checkbox. After you have checked off that action, it would show the next in the list etc. etc.

This would really help people focus on the task at hand. If the view is synced in the background and the currently shown action isn't now the top in the list it should start back at the top of the list again. I was doing something like this with the Todoist API and a desktop app but it took up too much screen real estate and kept getting hidden.

Enhancement : save projects display

It would be nice if budoist could save the project tree state.
Today, if I go to the 'Projects' tab, all projects are expanded. If I have many projects, I like to collapse some them while keeping others expanded.
If I change tab ( for example 'Queries') and then go back to the 'Projects tab', all projects are expanded again, the former state is lost.

Enhacement: "No Date" query


First thanks for your work and congrats because I think yours is the best todoist client for android:)
One thing I would love you to add if possible is the query "no date" to get the tasks without a due date, the same way you can do in the web app.
It's an interesting thing because in the web app is working but it's not listed in the "Query Syntax" info.
I create a lot of tasks with no due date because I want them to appear constantly in my queries until I finish them.
In any case I think is a useful addition.


Build difficulty

I'm trying to build for inclusion in F-droid repository. Using the library provided there is an error about cannot be found. If I use the library from the canonical repo like so:

Build Version:1.2.8,29,d3b3652b12,rm=BudoistRelease.apk,\ srclibs=Tree-View-List@9ee0a13bd71b,extlibs=android/android-support-v4.jar,\ prebuild=sed -i 's@\(android.library.reference.1=\).*@\1$$Tree-View-List$$@'

but the errors start here: budo.budoist/src/budo/budoist/views/ cannot find symbol

It looks like the the library isn't being done right: any pointers?

Enhancement : clean the list of labels

Would it be possible to clean the list of labels displayed in the labels menu.
There are many labels I don't use anymore and I don't want them to appear anymore.

task due date/time displaying incorrectly

If I enter a task in the app with a due date only, it's fine. If I include a time with the due date, it displays incorrectly on both the phone app & the website.

Example: if I create a task on the website and set it as due "today @ 1200", it displays on the app (in any list - today, a specific query, etc.) as being due "tomorrow @ 0100" (+13h), although it's correctly highlighted with green and listed with the other "today" tasks, and if I open it to edit the task the correct time info ("today @ 1200") is shown. If I create a task on the phone app with a time as well as date, it either displays on the app the same way (+13h) or occasionally it displays with no due date/time at all, and I can't discern any pattern or reason for why it displays the time/date incorrectly or not at all in this case.

The same task (set for "today @ 1200" and created via the app) is displaying as "yesterday @ 2300" (-13h) on the website, and highlighted/grouped with the overdue tasks from yesterday. Editing the task, the time/date info is shown incorrectly as "yesterday @ 2300", the same as what's being displayed.

I've checked the basics I can think of - phone's date/time is set correctly, for example - but I don't know anyone else who uses the app so I'm not sure if it's just me or if others are having the same issue.

Sync hasn't worked since Mar 7 2015

Hi there,

My Last sync was on Mar 7 2015. If I press Sync Now then I see the pop-up, 'Sync already running'. Sometimes it will start and get to 30% but then budoist will crash. I've tried rebooting the phone. I'm running the latest 1.3.2 version installed through F-Droid on Cynanogenmod 11, although the syncing had already stopped working when I ran Cyanogenmod 10. Backup function still works, so if there is a workaround I'd be happy to hear that too.

Queries working wrong

Hi! I've noticed that there are problems with the queries. Today, i.e., I have a task with due data yesterday and is not showed (with the query "Overdue", nor "Yesterday", etc).

If I query the API I get the task correctly... Any ideas?

I put the json response, maybe it helps

[{"data": [{"due_date": "Mon May 28 23:59:59 2012", "collapsed": 0, "labels": [], "is_dst": 1, "has_notifications": 0, "checked": 0, "indent": 1, "children": "", "content": "This is my task description", "user_id": 154052, "mm_offset": 120, "in_history": 0, "id": 9287710, "priority": 1, "item_order": 27, "project_id": 816241, "chains": null, "date_string": "28. May 2012"}], "type": "overdue"}]

sycning failed

I’m getting a “Syncing failed – The item has an invalid due date string” message. (The task referenced has been deleted from todoist.)

completed recurring future task is remain.

Today is Oct. 28. I create a recurring task "ev 30" using todoist web.
And then complete this task by web.
Todoist web shows "Nov 30" but budoist is "Tuesday". Tuesday means Oct. 30!! What happend.

Sync failure

The sync starts and the progress bar moves, but always an error. It works on another phone . Built from source.

--------- beginning of /dev/log/system
W/InputManagerService( 1663): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@409cbda0
--------- beginning of /dev/log/main
D/dalvikvm( 1775): GC_EXPLICIT freed 7K, 56% free 3531K/7943K, external 1866K/2536K, paused 38ms
D/dalvikvm( 1775): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 56% free 3531K/7943K, external 1866K/2536K, paused 35ms
D/dalvikvm( 1663): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 688K, 39% free 8925K/14599K, external 4011K/4033K, paused 75ms
I/ActivityManager( 1663): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN flg=0x10100000 cmp=budo.budoist/.Bootloader } from pid 1663
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1775): Can't open keycharmap file
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1775): Error loading keycharmap file '/system/usr/keychars/nvodm_touch.kcm.bin'. hw.keyboards.65542.devname='nvodm_touch'
W/KeyCharacterMap( 1775): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
W/KeyCharacterMap(13952): Can't open keycharmap file
W/KeyCharacterMap(13952): Error loading keycharmap file '/system/usr/keychars/nvodm_touch.kcm.bin'. hw.keyboards.65542.devname='nvodm_touch'
W/KeyCharacterMap(13952): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
D/JsonServer(13952): Executing GET request url =
D/dalvikvm(13952): GC_CONCURRENT freed 598K, 49% free 3387K/6535K, external 880K/1035K, paused 3ms+1ms
D/JsonServer(13952): Result data: {"gmail_domain": null, "notifo": null, "start_page": "_info_page", "last_used_ip": "", "twitter": null, "is_premium": false, "sort_order": 0, "full_name": "davr", "api_token": "195b243d0fdf8e6093d9149e85ecdd56794fa101", "timezone": "Europe/Dublin", "jabber": null, "id": 379829, "tz_offset": ["+01:00", 1, 0, 1], "msn": null, "email": "fgjgdgj@fhjgfnj", "start_day": 1, "time_format": 0, "mobile_number": null, "mobile_host": null, "date_format": 0, "premium_until": null, "join_date": "Sat 22 Sep 2012 14:21:22 +0000", "default_reminder": null}
D/JsonServer(13952): Executing GET request url =
W/InputManagerService( 1663): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@40a2e8a0
D/JsonServer(13952): Result data: [{"last_updated": "1348488202.21", "name": "proj", "user_id": 379829, "color": "#bde876", "collapsed": 0, "archived_date": null, "item_order": 1, "indent": 1, "is_archived": 0, "archived_timestamp": 0, "cache_count": 1, "id": 99964614}]
E/Budoist (13952): SyncResult: DO_NOTHING; Local item: <Project: 99964614 (owner user: 0); dirty: UNMODIFIED; name: 'proj'; itemCount: 2; colorIndex: 0; indent: 1; itemOrder: 1>; Remote item: <Project: 99964614 (owner user: 379829); dirty: UNMODIFIED; name: 'proj'; itemCount: 1; colorIndex: 0; indent: 1; itemOrder: 1>;
D/JsonServer(13952): Executing GET request url =
D/dalvikvm(13952): GC_CONCURRENT freed 132K, 43% free 3768K/6535K, external 848K/1035K, paused 4ms+2ms
D/JsonServer(13952): Result data: {"green": {"color": 0, "count": 0, "uid": 379829, "id": 268407, "name": "green"}, "fgjl": {"color": 0, "count": 0, "uid": 379829, "id": 268406, "name": "fgjl"}}
E/Budoist (13952): SyncResult: DO_NOTHING; Local item: <Label: 268407 (owner user: 0); name: 'green'; colorIndex: 0; count: 1>; Remote item: <Label: 268407 (owner user: 379829); name: 'green'; colorIndex: 0; count: 0>;
E/Budoist (13952): SyncResult: DO_NOTHING; Local item: <Label: 268406 (owner user: 0); name: 'fgjl'; colorIndex: 0; count: 1>; Remote item: <Label: 268406 (owner user: 379829); name: 'fgjl'; colorIndex: 0; count: 0>;
D/JsonServer(13952): Executing GET request url =
D/JsonServer(13952): Result data: []
D/JsonServer(13952): Executing GET request url =
D/JsonServer(13952): Result data: [{"due_date": "Tue 25 Sep 2012 23:59:59", "collapsed": 0, "labels": [], "is_dst": 1, "has_notifications": 0, "checked": 0, "indent": 3, "children": null, "content": "dgjk", "user_id": 379829, "mm_offset": 60, "in_history": 0, "id": 100798884, "priority": 1, "item_order": 2, "project_id": 99964614, "is_archived": 0, "date_string": "25 Sep 2012"}]
E/Budoist (13952): SyncResult: DO_NOTHING; Local item: <Item: 100798884 (owner user: 0; project: 99964614); content: 'dgjk'; completed: false; indent: 3; itemOrder: 2; priority: 1; label ids: []; due date: Tue Sep 25 23:59:59 GMT+01:00 2012 (1348613999000); date string: 25 Sep 2012; note count: 0; dirtyState: UNMODIFIED>; Remote item: <Item: 100798884 (owner user: 379829; project: 99964614); content: 'dgjk'; completed: false; indent: 3; itemOrder: 2; priority: 1; label ids: []; due date: Tue Sep 25 23:59:59 GMT+01:00 2012 (1348613999000); date string: 25 Sep 2012; note count: 0; dirtyState: UNMODIFIED>;
D/JsonServer(13952): Executing GET request url =
D/dalvikvm(13952): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 547K, 45% free 3857K/6919K, external 848K/1035K, paused 50ms
D/dalvikvm(13952): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1K, 43% free 3953K/6919K, external 848K/1035K, paused 3ms+2ms
D/JsonServer(13952): Result data: "ERROR_PROJECT_NOT_FOUND"
E/Budoist (13952): Sync Exception:
E/Budoist (13952): Sync Exception: null
E/Budoist (13952): parseReturnValue: 834
E/Budoist (13952): addItem: 495
E/Budoist (13952): syncAddLocalToRemote: 1447
E/Budoist (13952): handleSyncResult: 1166
E/Budoist (13952): syncLists: 1147
E/Budoist (13952): syncItems: 1032
E/Budoist (13952): syncAll: 852
E/Budoist (13952): budo.budoist.views.LoginView$1: run: 271
E/Budoist (13952): java.lang.Thread: run: 1019
W/InputManagerService( 1663): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@4096da48
D/dalvikvm( 1663): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 222K, 40% free 8865K/14599K, external 3688K/3712K, paused 79ms
D/dalvikvm( 1663): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 26K, 40% free 8852K/14599K, external 3053K/3071K, paused 75ms
I/InputDispatcher( 1663): Dropped event because of pending overdue app switch.
I/ActivityManager( 1663): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10100000 cmp=org.jtb.alogcat/.LogActivity } from pid 1663
W/InputManagerService( 1663): Starting input on non-focused client$Stub$Proxy@40a29948 (uid=10310 pid=13952)
D/dalvikvm( 1775): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1K, 56% free 3532K/7943K, external 1866K/2536K, paused 25ms

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