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clustering's Introduction

Machine Learning SPIKE

This is a Mahout-Hadoop-Mongo-Camel-SQL machine learning structure for clustering customer data coming from different places.

This is tested to run only in Mac OSX


  • Make sure you have your Hadoop cluster running. Follow this instructions
    • Important to remember in this part that you must have formatted the HDFS filesystem in the HADOOP master node. Running bin/hadoop namenode -format in the Master node HADOOP root directory.
  • Make sure all virtual machines in the virtual cluster can communicate with each other using ssh. With the root user.
  • Make sure you have Hadoop 1.2.1 installed in ~/Programs/hadoop-1.2.1/bin/hadoop
  • Make sure you have Mahout 0.9 installed in ~/Programs/mahout-distribution-0.9
  • Build this project (clustering) by running mvn clean install in the root path of the project.
  • Copy the the postcodes.csv file (obtained after unzipping the file to HDFS:
    • Make sure the environment variables HADOOP_HOME and HADOOP_CONF are unset.
    • Execute ~/Programs/hadoop-1.2.1/bin/hadoop fs -put postcodes.csv hdfs://
  • Make sure you configure the environment variables required: -HADOOP_HOME=/Users/cscarion/Programs/hadoop-1.2.1 -HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/Users/cscarion/projects/clustering/hadoop_conf/
  • Extract the data from the datasources
    • Use Sqoop for extracting the data from your SQL database to HDFS. Make sure you download a Sqoop version compatible with the installed Hadoop version which is 1.2.1.
      • Copy the JDBC driver for your DB (in my case SQL Server) into the lib directory of the sqoop installation directory
      • sqoop import --driver --connect "jdbc:sqlserver://xxx:1433;username=xxx;password=xxx;databaseName=xx" --query 'select top 10 * from xxx a where a.x is not null and $CONDITIONS' --split-by a._id --as-sequencefile --fetch-size 20 --delete-target-dir --target-dir importedCustomers -package-name "clustercustomers.sqoop" --null-string '' --fields-terminated-by ','
      • Then copy the generated (in the folder clustercustomers.sqoop) file to the clustering project under the correct package. This is needed as the Sequence File generated uses this class for the serialization/deserialization. So when we run the next map reduce tasks this file needs to exist.
      • Also copy the generated sequence files to the remote Hadoop cluster if you generated it with Hadoop locally as myself: ~/Programs/hadoop-1.2.1/bin/hadoop fs -put importedCustomers hdfs://
      • You can also generate a non SequenceFile file like: sqoop import --driver --connect "jdbc:sqlserver://bi02lon:1433;username=xxxx;password=xxxx;databaseName=IHubODS" --query 'xxxx where $CONDITIONS' --split-by customer._id --fetch-size 20 --delete-target-dir --target-dir importedCustomersText --package-name "clustercustomers.sqoop" --null-string '' --null-string '' --fields-terminated-by '|'. This one will be used for the aggregations at the end of the whole process, as it is easier to use from Apache Pig -Then of course copy this file as well to HDFS: ~/Programs/hadoop-1.2.1/bin/hadoop fs -put importedCustomersText hdfs://
      • For running both sqoop tasks, you must unset HADOOP_CONF_DIR and HADOOP_CLASSPATH as if not it will try to run the jobs in the Hadoop cluster and those virtual machines have no access to the Database. That is in my case.
      • HADOOP_CONF_DIR and HADOOP_CLASSPATH must also be unset for the running of the hadoop fs -put command.
    • Alternatively execute the program clustercustomers.camel.Routing which extracts the data from the MongoDB inserts it into HDFS.
    • This program can be run directly from the IDE or any means to run the main class.
  • Aggregate the data (IMPORTANT: Do this part only if you didn't run the Scoop version as that one gets the needed aggregated data with a join)
    • Execute the program clustercustomers.hadoop.CustomerMapReduce which takes the different customer files from HDFS, aggregates them and creates a new file in HDFS with all the aggregated data.
    • This execution currently generates the Hadoop directory hdfs://
    • To execute this program you have to do: ~/Programs/hadoop-1.2.1/bin/hadoop jar target/cluster_customers-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar clustercustomers.hadoop.CustomerMapReduce
  • Convert the file to a Vectorized SequenceFile which is the format that Mahout understands.
    • Execute the program clustercustomers.hadoop.VectorCreationMapReduce
    • To execute this program you have to configure the environment variable: export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=/Users/cscarion/Programs/mahout-distribution-0.9/mahout-examples-0.9-job.jar:/Users/cscarion/projects/clustering/target/cluster_customers-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
    • Then tu run the job against the cluster you do: ~/Programs/hadoop-1.2.1/bin/hadoop jar target/cluster_customers-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar clustercustomers.hadoop.VectorCreationMapReduce -libjars $PWD/target/lib/mahout-math-0.9.jar,$PWD/target/lib/mahout-core-0.9.jar,$PWD/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.1.jar,$PWD/target/lib/sqoop-1.4.4-hadoop100.jar
    • In both previous steps $PWD is the clustering project root path.
  • Cluster the data.
    • Again you have to set all the environment variables including: export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=/Users/cscarion/Programs/mahout-distribution-0.9/mahout-examples-0.9-job.jar:/Users/cscarion/projects/clustering/target/cluster_customers-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
    • To cluster the customer data in the Hadoop cluster you run: ~/Programs/hadoop-1.2.1/bin/hadoop jar /Users/cscarion/Programs/mahout-distribution-0.9/mahout-examples-0.9-job.jar org.apache.mahout.clustering.kmeans.KMeansDriver -libjars /Users/cscarion/projects/clustering/target/cluster_customers-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar,/Users/cscarion/Programs/mahout-distribution-0.9/mahout-examples-0.9-job.jar -i /user/cscarion/vector_seq_file/part-m-00000 -c customer-clusters -o customer-kmeans -dm clustercustomers.mahout.CustomWeightedEuclideanDistanceMeasure -x 10 -k 3 -ow --clustering
    • The previous command is run from the Mahout directory: ~/Programs/mahout-distribution-0.9
    • You can also run a double step clustering. This is better as the centroids are not default ones. To do this you first run the Canopy clustering like:
      • /Users/cscarion/Programs/hadoop-1.2.1/bin/hadoop jar /Users/cscarion/Programs/mahout-distribution-0.9/mahout-examples-0.9-job.jar org.apache.mahout.clustering.canopy.CanopyDriver -libjars /Users/cscarion/projects/clustering/target/cluster_customers-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar,/Users/cscarion/Programs/mahout-distribution-0.9/mahout-examples-0.9-job.jar -i /user/cscarion/vector_seq_file/part-m-00000 -o customer-centroids -dm clustercustomers.mahout.CustomWeightedEuclideanDistanceMeasure -t1 0.70 -t2 0.59
    • Then you run the kmeans using those centroids:
      • ~/Programs/hadoop-1.2.1/bin/hadoop jar /Users/cscarion/Programs/mahout-distribution-0.9/mahout-examples-0.9-job.jar org.apache.mahout.clustering.kmeans.KMeansDriver -libjars /Users/cscarion/projects/clustering/target/cluster_customers-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar,/Users/cscarion/Programs/mahout-distribution-0.9/mahout-examples-0.9-job.jar -i /user/cscarion/vector_seq_file/part-m-00000 -c customer-centroids/clusters-0-final -o customer-kmeans -dm clustercustomers.mahout.CustomWeightedEuclideanDistanceMeasure -x 10 -ow --clustering
  • Check the created clusters visually
    • Run the command bin/mahout clusterdump -o ~/graph.graphml --input /user/cscarion/customer-kmeans/clusters-1-final --pointsDir /user/cscarion/customer-kmeans/clusteredPoints -of GRAPH_ML
    • The previous command will generate a graph file that can be opened in a tool like Graphviz.
    • The previous command is run from the Mahout directory: ~/Programs/mahout-distribution-0.9
    • For simple stdout outpu run the command like: bin/mahout clusterdump --input /user/cscarion/customer-kmeans/clusters-1-final --pointsDir /user/cscarion/customer-kmeans/clusteredPoints
  • Generate and Get files with the cluster-customer_id mapping:
    • Run the hadoop job: ~/Programs/hadoop-1.2.1/bin/hadoop jar target/cluster_customers-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar clustercustomers.hadoop.ClusterOutputIndividualFilesPerClusterMapReduce -libjars $PWD/target/lib/mahout-math-0.9.jar,$PWD/target/lib/mahout-core-0.9.jar,$PWD/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.1.jar
    • That will give output to individual files per cluster as well as a file with all the clusters and the customers ids for each. Generate individual Centroid files and one file with all Cluster centroids:
    • Run the hadoop job: ~/Programs/hadoop-1.2.1/bin/hadoop jar target/cluster_customers-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar clustercustomers.hadoop.ClusterCentroidsToIndividualFilesMapReduce -libjars $PWD/target/lib/mahout-math-0.9.jar,$PWD/target/lib/mahout-core-0.9.jar,$PWD/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.1.jar
    • That execution will output one file for each cluster centroid as well as a file with all the centroids with their cluster id.
  • Adding some fake questions for the users to find the most common questions later: ~/Programs/hadoop-1.2.1/bin/hadoop jar target/cluster_customers-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar clustercustomers.hadoop.fakes.AddingFakeQuestionsToUsersMapReduce -libjars $PWD/target/lib/mahout-math-0.9.jar,$PWD/target/lib/mahout-core-0.9.jar,$PWD/target/lib/commons-lang3-3.1.jar
  • Running your aggregations with Pig
    • Download and install Apache Pig. I am using in my example pig-0.12.1.
    • Set the environment variables HADOOP_HOME and HADOOP_CONF_DIR as before, so Pig knows it will connect to the remote Hadoop.
    • Firts I'll show an example of running some Pig interactively with the Grunt shell:
      • Run the file $PIG_HOME/bin/pig
      • The next steps are run on the grunt> prompt.
      • Now load the aggregated customer data: customers = LOAD '/user/cscarion/aggregated_customers_text' using PigStorage('|') AS(id, vertical, trade, turnover, claims,rfq_id);
      • Next load the clustered data: cluster = LOAD '/user/cscarion/individual-clusters/part-r-00000' AS(clusterId, customerId);
      • Next do a grouping of the two by the customer id: groupCluster = COGROUP customers BY id, cluster BY customerId INNER;
      • Flatten the values into maneagble structure: flattened = FOREACH groupCluster GENERATE FLATTEN(cluster), FLATTEN(customers);
      • Get only the required fields for the calculation. This example shows using claims: neededForAggrregate = FOREACH flattened GENERATE cluster::clusterId, cluster::customerId, customers::claims;
      • Group by cluster id: grouped = GROUP neededForAggrregate BY cluster::clusterId
      • Get the claims: claims = FOREACH grouped GENERATE group, AVG(neededForAggrregate.customers::claims);
      • See the results: DUMP claims;
      • Now for the seeing the Premium average is similar. But this time we have to export the quote table information from IHub to HDFS as well. then combine it. Like this:
        • Run the corresponding Sqoop Something like the following but with the actual data: sqoop import --driver --connect "jdbc:sqlserver://xxx:1433;username=xxx;password=xxx;databaseName=IHubODS" --query "SELECT rfq, premium, insurer FROM quotes where \$CONDITIONS and premium is not null and insurer is not null" --split-by rfq --fetch-size 20 --delete-target-dir --target-dir importedQuotes --package-name "clustercustomers.sqoop.quotes" --null-string '' --fields-terminated-by '|'
        • Copy the files generated to the remote HDFS: ~/Programs/hadoop-1.2.1/bin/hadoop fs -put importedQuotes hdfs://
        • Then some more Pig
premiums = LOAD '/user/cscarion/imported_quotes' USING PigStorage('|') AS(rfq_id, premium, insurer);
cluster = LOAD '/user/cscarion/individual-clusters/part-r-00000' AS(clusterId, customerId);
customers = LOAD '/user/cscarion/aggregated_customers_text' using PigStorage('|') AS(id, vertical, trade, turnover, claims,rfq_id);

withPremiums = JOIN premiums BY rfq_id, customers BY rfq_id;

rmf /user/cscarion/withPremiums;

store withPremiums into 'withPremiums' using PigStorage('|');

groupCluster2 = JOIN withPremiums BY customers::id, cluster BY customerId;

grouped2 = GROUP groupCluster2 BY cluster::clusterId;

premiumsAverage = FOREACH grouped2 GENERATE group, AVG(groupCluster2.withPremiums::premiums::premium);

rmf /user/cscarion/premiumsAverage;

STORE premiumsAverage into 'premiumsAverage' using PigStorage('|');

  • Now let's get the most common Insurer used with PIG:
quotes = LOAD '/user/cscarion/imported_quotes' USING PigStorage('|') AS(rfq_id, premium, insurer);
cluster = LOAD '/user/cscarion/individual-clusters/part-r-00000' AS(clusterId, customerId);
customers = LOAD '/user/cscarion/aggregated_customers_text' using PigStorage('|') AS(id, vertical, trade, turnover, claims,rfq_id);

withInsurers = JOIN quotes BY rfq_id, customers BY rfq_id;

groupCluster2 = JOIN withInsurers BY customers::id, cluster BY customerId;

grouped2 = GROUP groupCluster2 BY (cluster::clusterId, withInsurers::quotes::insurer);

countOfInsurer = FOREACH grouped2 GENERATE group, COUNT(groupCluster2.withInsurers::quotes::insurer) AS counted;

flattenedCount = FOREACH countOfInsurer GENERATE FLATTEN(group), counted;

STORE flattenedCount INTO 'flattenedCount' USING PigStorage('|');

flattenedCount = LOAD 'flattenedCount' USING PigStorage('|') AS (cluster, insurer, count:int);

commonInsurer = GROUP flattenedCount BY(cluster);

commonInsurerAggregate = FOREACH commonInsurer {
   elems = ORDER flattenedCount BY count DESC;
   one = LIMIT elems 1;
   GENERATE group, FLATTEN(one.insurer), FLATTEN(one.count);

rmf /user/cscarion/commonInsurerAggregate

STORE commonInsurerAggregate into 'commonInsurerAggregate' using PigStorage('|');

  • Now let's get the most common Questions for each cluster with PIG:
cluster = LOAD '/user/cscarion/individual-clusters/part-r-00000' AS(clusterId, customerId);
customers = LOAD '/user/cscarion/aggregated_customers_text_questions' using PigStorage('|') AS(id, vertical, trade, turnover, claims,rfq_id, question);

groupCluster2 = JOIN customers BY id, cluster BY customerId;

grouped2 = GROUP groupCluster2 BY (cluster::clusterId, customers::question);

countOfQuestions = FOREACH grouped2 GENERATE group, COUNT(groupCluster2.customers::question) AS counted;

flattenedCount = FOREACH countOfQuestions GENERATE FLATTEN(group), counted;

rmf /user/cscarion/flattenedCountOfQuestions

STORE flattenedCount INTO 'flattenedCountOfQuestions' USING PigStorage('|');

flattenedCount = LOAD 'flattenedCountOfQuestions' USING PigStorage('|') AS (cluster, question, count:int);

commonQuestion = GROUP flattenedCount BY(cluster);

commonQuestionAggregate = FOREACH commonQuestion {
   elems = ORDER flattenedCount BY count DESC;
   one = LIMIT elems 1;
   GENERATE group, FLATTEN(one.question), FLATTEN(one.count);

rmf /user/cscarion/commonQuestionAggregate

STORE commonQuestionAggregate into 'commonQuestionAggregate' using PigStorage('|');

  • All Pig jobs have a script in the pig folder on the clustering project. They can be run like $PIG_INSTALLATION_DIR/bin/pig pig/average_premium.pig. Remember that both HADOOP_HOME and HADOOP_CONF_DIR must be set before tunning the command for them to be executed against the cluster.

##Utilities and notes. IMPORTANT STUFF

  • Reading Sequence Files.
    • Most files that we generate in Hadoop are Sequence Files. You can read them using the program clustercustomers.hadoop.SequenceFileReader. Modify it as needed and run it normally. Take into account that you have to use the proper Key and Value classes when reading the sequence files. They need to match whatever the Sequence File has. You can read the SequenceFile with hadoop dfs -cat and see at the top what Key and value is expected. Then use those in the SequenceFileReader class.
  • Some hadoop commands to be run in the master node:
    • Delete a directory or file: ./hadoop dfs -rmr /user/cscarion/vector_seq_file
    • List contents of directory: ./hadoop dfs -ls /user/cscarion/vector_seq_file
    • Read content of file: ./hadoop dfs -ls /user/cscarion/vector_seq_file/part-r-00000
  • In the URL http://master:50030/jobtracker.jsp you will see the running tasks of your cluster.
  • In the URL http://master:50070/dfshealth.jsp you can see the state of the cluster and access the HDFS filesystem.
  • The final cluster files are generated on ./hadoop dfs -ls /user/cscarion/customer-kmeans
  • Remember to have HADOOP_CLASSPATH=/Users/cscarion/Programs/mahout-distribution-0.9/mahout-examples-0.9-job.jar:/Users/cscarion/projects/clustering/target/cluster_customers-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar except for the sqoop.
  • If you shutdown or restart the master virtual machine, remember to rerun the hadoop format command on it. If not the namenode daemon doesn't start:
    • bin/hadoop namenode -format
  • If you copy the jar file mahout-examples-0.9-job.jar to the hadoop machines, in the lib directory of the hadoop installation you don't need to pass it in the -libjars parameter of the hadoop command. The branch mahout_tests of the vagrant-hadoop-cluster project copies this file to the Hadoop machines.
  • The full Sqoop commands are in my notes file where I keep my stuff.

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