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carto-python's Introduction


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Python SDK for Carto's APIs:

carto-python is a full, backwards incompatible rewrite of the deprecated cartodb-python SDK. Since the initial rewrite, carto-python has been loaded with a lot of new features, not present in old cartodb-python.


You can install carto-python by cloning this repository or by using Pip:

pip install carto

If you want to use the development version, you can install directly from github:

pip install -e git+git://

If using, the development version, you might want to install Carto's dependencies as well:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Test Suite

Create a from, fill the variables, cd into the repo folder, create and enable virtualenv, install pytest and run tests:

cd carto-python
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -e .
pip install -r test_requirements.txt
pip install pytest
py.test tests


Before making API calls, we need to define how those calls are going to be authenticated. Currently, we support two different authentication methods: unauthenticated and API key based. Therefore, we first need to create an authentication client that will be used when instantiating the Python classes that deal with API requests.

For unauthenticated requests, we need to create a NoAuthClient object:

from carto.auth import NoAuthClient

USERNAME="type here your username"
USR_BASE_URL = "https://{user}".format(user=USERNAME)
auth_client = NoAuthClient(base_url=USR_BASE_URL)

For API key authenticated requests, we need to create an APIKeyAuthClient instance:

from carto.auth import APIKeyAuthClient

USERNAME="type here your username"
USR_BASE_URL = "https://{user}".format(user=USERNAME)
auth_client = APIKeyAuthClient(api_key="myapikey", base_url=USR_BASE_URL)

API key is mandatory for all API requests except for sending SQL queries to public datasets.

The base_url parameter must include the user and or the organization

BASE_URL = "https://{organization}{user}/". \
USR_BASE_URL = "https://{user}".format(user=USERNAME)

Additionally, see for supported formats for the base_url parameter.

For a detailed description of the rest of parameters both constructors accept, please take a look at the documentation of the source code.


Making requests to the SQL API is pretty straightforward:

from carto.sql import SQLClient

sql = SQLClient(auth_client)

    data = sql.send('select * from mytable')
except CartoException as e:
    print("some error ocurred", e)

print data['rows']

Please refer to the source code documentation to find out about the rest of the parameters accepted by the constructor and the send method. In particular, the send method allows you to control the format of the results.

Batch SQL requests

For long lasting SQL queries you can use the batch SQL API.

from carto.sql import BatchSQLClient


batchSQLClient = BatchSQLClient(auth_client)
createJob = batchSQLClient.create(LIST_OF_SQL_QUERIES)


The BatchSQLClient is asynchronous, but it offers methods to check the status of a job, update it or cancel it:

# check the status of a job after it has been created and you have the job_id
readJob =

# update the query of a batch job
updateJob = batchSQLClient.update(job_id, NEW_QUERY)

# cancel a job given its job_id
cancelJob = batchSQLClient.cancel(job_id)

COPY queries

COPY queries allow you to use the PostgreSQL COPY command for efficient streaming of data to and from CARTO.

Here is a basic example of its usage:

from carto.sql import SQLClient
from carto.sql import CopySQLClient

sql_client = SQLClient(auth_client)
copy_client = CopySQLClient(auth_client)

# Create a destination table for the copy with the right schema
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS copy_example (
      the_geom geometry(Geometry,4326),
      name text,
      age integer
sql_client.send("SELECT CDB_CartodbfyTable(current_schema, 'copy_example')")

# COPY FROM a csv file in the filesytem
from_query = 'COPY copy_example (the_geom, name, age) FROM stdin WITH (FORMAT csv, HEADER true)'
result = copy_client.copyfrom_file_path(from_query, 'copy_from.csv')

# COPY TO a file in the filesystem
to_query = 'COPY copy_example TO stdout WITH (FORMAT csv, HEADER true)'
copy_client.copyto_file_path(to_query, 'export.csv')

Here's an equivalent, more pythonic example of the COPY FROM, using a file object:

with open('copy_from.csv', 'rb') as f:
    copy_client.copyfrom_file_object(from_query, f)

And here is a demonstration of how to generate and stream data directly (no need for a file at all):

def rows():
    # note the \n to delimit rows
    yield bytearray(u'the_geom,name,age\n', 'utf-8')
    for i in range(1,80):
        row = u'SRID=4326;POINT({lon} {lat}),{name},{age}\n'.format(
            lon = i,
            lat = i,
            name = 'fulano',
            age = 100 - i
        yield bytearray(row, 'utf-8')
copy_client.copyfrom(from_query, rows())

For more examples on how to use the SQL API, please refer to the examples folder or the API docs.

Import API

You can import local or remote datasets into CARTO like this:

from carto.datasets import DatasetManager

# write here the path to a local file or remote URL

dataset_manager = DatasetManager(auth_client)
dataset = dataset_manager.create(LOCAL_FILE_OR_URL)

The Import API is asynchronous, but the DatasetManager waits a maximum of 150 seconds for the dataset to be uploaded, so once it finishes the dataset has been created in CARTO.

Import a sync dataset

You can do it in the same way as a regular dataset, just include a sync_time parameter with a value >= 900 seconds

from carto.datasets import DatasetManager

# how often to sync the dataset (in seconds)
# write here the URL for the dataset to sync

dataset_manager = DatasetManager(auth_client)
dataset = dataset_manager.create(URL_TO_DATASET, SYNC_TIME)

Alternatively, if you need to do further work with the sync dataset, you can use the SyncTableJobManager

from carto.sync_tables import SyncTableJobManager
import time

# how often to sync the dataset (in seconds)
# write here the URL for the dataset to sync

syncTableManager = SyncTableJobManager(auth_client)
syncTable = syncTableManager.create(URL_TO_DATASET, SYNC_TIME)

# return the id of the sync
sync_id = syncTable.get_id()

while(syncTable.state != 'success'):
    if (syncTable.state == 'failure'):
        print('The error code is: ' + str(syncTable.error_code))
        print('The error message is: ' + str(syncTable.error_message))

# force sync

Get a list of all the current import jobs

from carto.file_import import FileImportJobManager

file_import_manager = FileImportJobManager(auth_client)
file_imports = file_import_manager.all()

Get all the datasets

from carto.datasets import DatasetManager

dataset_manager = DatasetManager(auth_client)
datasets = dataset_manager.all()

Get a specific dataset

from carto.datasets import DatasetManager

# write here the ID of the dataset to retrieve

dataset_manager = DatasetManager(auth_client)
dataset = dataset_manager.get(DATASET_ID)

Update the properties of a dataset (non-public API)

from carto.datasets import DatasetManager
from carto.permissions import PRIVATE, PUBLIC, LINK

# write here the ID of the dataset to retrieve

dataset_manager = DatasetManager(auth_client)
dataset = dataset_manager.get(DATASET_ID)

# make the dataset PUBLIC
dataset.privacy = PUBLIC

Delete a dataset

from carto.datasets import DatasetManager

# write here the ID of the dataset to retrieve

dataset_manager = DatasetManager(auth_client)
dataset = dataset_manager.get(DATASET_ID)

Export a CARTO visualization (non-public API)

from carto.visualizations import VisualizationManager

# write here the name of the map to export

visualization_manager = VisualizationManager(auth_client)
visualization = visualization_manager.get(MAP_NAME)

url = visualization.export()

# the URL points to a .carto file

Please refer to the source code documentation and the examples folder to find out about the rest of the parameters accepted by constructors and methods.

Maps API

The Maps API allows to create and instantiate named and anonymous maps:

from carto.maps import NamedMapManager, NamedMap
import json

# write the path to a local file with a JSON named map template

named_map_manager = NamedMapManager(auth_client)
named_map = NamedMap(named_map_manager.client)

with open(JSON_TEMPLATE) as named_map_json:
    template = json.load(named_map_json)

# Create named map
named = named_map_manager.create(template=template)
from carto.maps import AnonymousMap
import json

# write the path to a local file with a JSON named map template

anonymous = AnonymousMap(auth_client)
with open(JSON_TEMPLATE) as anonymous_map_json:
    template = json.load(anonymous_map_json)

# Create anonymous map

Instantiate a named map

from carto.maps import NamedMapManager, NamedMap
import json

# write the path to a local file with a JSON named map template

# write here the ID of the named map

# write here the token you set to the named map when created

named_map_manager = NamedMapManager(auth_client)
named_map = named_map_manager.get(NAMED_MAP_ID)

with open(JSON_TEMPLATE) as template_json:
    template = json.load(template_json)

named_map.instantiate(template, NAMED_MAP_TOKEN)

Work with named maps

from carto.maps import NamedMapManager, NamedMap

# write here the ID of the named map

# get the named map created
named_map = named_map_manager.get(NAMED_MAP_ID)

# update named map
named_map.view = None

# delete named map

# list all named maps
named_maps = named_map_manager.all()

For more examples on how to use the Maps API, please refer to the examples folder or the API docs.

API Documentation

API documentation is written with Sphinx. To build the API docs:

pip install sphinx
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
cd doc
make html

Docs are generated inside the doc/build/hmtl folder. Please refer to them for a complete list of objects, functions and attributes of the carto-python API.

non-public APIs

Non-public APIs may change in the future and will thrown a warnings.warn message when used.

Please be aware if you plan to run them on a production environment.

Refer to the API docs for a list of non-public APIs


Inside the examples folder there are sample code snippets of the carto-python client.

To run examples, you should need to install additional dependencies:

pip install -r examples/requirements.txt

carto-python examples need to setup environment variables.

  • CARTO_ORG: The name of your organization
  • CARTO_API_URL: The base_url including your user and/or organization
  • CARTO_API_KEY: Your user API key

Please refer to the examples source code for additional info about parameters of each one

carto-python's People


agonzalezro avatar alasarr avatar alrocar avatar andy-esch avatar atarantini avatar danicarrion avatar dersteppenwolf avatar dgaubert avatar dmed256 avatar eightysteele avatar elenatorro avatar ethervoid avatar idsoftware avatar javisantana avatar jesus89 avatar jesusbotella avatar jgoizueta avatar jgsogo avatar jsanz avatar juanignaciosl avatar luisbosque avatar mikedillion avatar moicalcob avatar oleurud avatar oriolbx avatar rohshar avatar sanderpick avatar


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carto-python's Issues

Remove OAuth references

Since CartoDB is not supporting OAuth anymore, references at documentation and source code should be removed.

SQL batch api script fails

Looks like the last change to 1.0.0. was not merged

[env] $ python create --query 'select version()'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 55, in <module>
    createJob = batchSQLClient.create(args.query)
  File "/home/jsanz/src/sdks/carto-python/examples/env/src/carto/carto/", line 87, in create
    data = self.send(self.api_url, http_method="POST", json_body={"query": sql_query}, http_header=header)
  File "/home/jsanz/src/sdks/carto-python/examples/env/src/carto/carto/", line 76, in send
    data = self.client.send(url, http_method=http_method, http_headers=http_header, json=json_body)
  File "/home/jsanz/src/sdks/carto-python/examples/env/src/carto/carto/", line 42, in send
    return super(APIKeyAuthClient, self).send(relative_path, http_method, **requests_args)
  File "/home/jsanz/src/sdks/carto-python/examples/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyrestcli/", line 34, in send
    return self.session.request(http_method, url, proxies=self.proxies, **requests_args)
TypeError: request() got an unexpected keyword argument 'http_headers'
[env] $ git pull
Already up-to-date. looks unfinished

The script when passing a --map should only return with a pretty format map details, a second --export command flag could actually do the download. That would be awesome

Auth API based client

First, some context :_)

I'm going to implement CartoDB/cartoframes/issues/170, which will provide easy access to example datasets and maps from CARTO Frames. Those examples will be loaded from a CARTO account with example maps and datasets.

CARTO Frames always checks if the provided user and API key are valid for authentication, and that's a problem for a test account. Unless we dropped the requirement for an API key (and that's something that we all want to avoid) we must use the soon-to-be-released Auth API default public API key. Although Auth API is not feature-complete yet, today we've released an improvement that allows validating any pair of user and API key: CartoDB/cartodb/pull/13564.

Currently, APIKeyAuthClient is based on api_key parameter, and, as the migration to Auth API will be gradual, that shouldn't change soon.

As I need a client to access CARTO based on Auth API header to check validation, I propose implementing a AuthAPIKeyClient that extends APIKeyAuthClient. Its responsability is the same than APIKeyAuthClient (providing an authenticated way to send requests to CARTO), but using the header instead of the parameter.

Then, I'd move the is_authenticated method from CARTO Frames to carto-python, because it seems useful.

I'd like to create a new class, AuthAPIKeyClient, because currently, send doesn't have a way to send headers. In order to avoid creating a new class, we should add a "use auth header flag" somewhere and infest the code with ifs, which doesn't seem too clean.

Please keep in mind that I've just begun programming Python, so all of this might be bullshit :-) I wanted to share my approach before beginning coding.

What do you think, @andy-esch @alrocar @danicarrion ?

PS: the implementation of is_authenticated will be based in the improved Auth API endpoint (CartoDB/cartodb/pull/13564), removing the query to information_schema.tables.

Extend the status check to the data_manager

At this moment one can only check the status of an import on the Sync Manager, which is strange because it should be possible to check the status of any import, both from local and remote resources. I mean once a local resource has been uploaded it should return the control and with the import identifier to be able to check the status for the rest of the process happening at the CARTO instance.

format running_queries output

The script does not help a lot on reading the queries we are running at this moment. Please format the output 😓

privacy param doesn't work

Hi there. Great work on this library.
I wanted to use privacy param in my code like following

fi = FileImport(import_file, cl, {"privacy":"public"})

but I could not make it work. I talked to Javier and he said this parm is not supported. Is this true? Is there anyway to include this param to the library?

Thank you for you nice work!


How do I add variables in cartodb sql statement?

This is more a issue of me not knowing what I'm doing. How do I add data to more than one column at the time? And how do I use variables in the sql statement?
I have the variables "date_object, location, user and text". I've tried this with no luck:

cl.sql("INSERT INTO tweets (date, location, user, text) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", (date_object, location, user, text))

This however works, but it only lets me update one column at the time and no use of variables.

cl.sql("INSERT INTO tweets (text) VALUES ('inserted text')")

I would really like to get this up and running. I'm trying to feed tweets from Twitters streaming api to make a live map.
I would be very thankful for any kind of help.

Unicode characters throw Error

Inserting text with unicode characters throws a UnicodeEncodeError:

INSERT INTO foo (the_geom, standard_resolution_url, username, caption, created_time, link) VALUES (ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-106.388 39.64517)', 4326),'','fernandezmaia', 'Buen día! Hoy empiezo en Golden Peak, parece que el destino hace que nieve cada vez que yo madrugo! Va a ser un laaaargo día', to_timestamp(1330613527), '')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 45, in
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cartodb/", line 67, in sql
p = urllib.urlencode({'q': sql})
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1312, in urlencode
v = quote_plus(str(v))
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xed' in position 254: ordinal not in range(128)

feature request: add `APIAuthClient.is_valid()` method

Adding an .is_valid() method would be pretty useful for establishing if an application is good-to-go before starting to perform operations. I suppose this could be pulled off a bare-bones API request, but it would be useful to have a purpose-built method for doing this instead.

Imports fail for non-org users

If you try to import a dataset with a non-organization user, it imports the dataset correctly, but then it raises an error:

from carto.auth import APIKeyAuthClient
from carto.datasets import DatasetManager
auth_client = APIKeyAuthClient(api_key="APIKEY", base_url="")
dataset_manager = DatasetManager(auth_client)
dataset = dataset_manager.create(DATAURL)

This is the error (I've omitted non-relevant information).

.../carto-python/carto/ FutureWarning: This is part of a non-public CARTO API and may change in the future. Take this into account if you are using this in a production environment
  warnings.warn('This is part of a non-public CARTO API and may change in the future. Take this into account if you are using this in a production environment', FutureWarning)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File ".../carto-python/carto/", line 213, in create
    table = TableManager(self.client).get(import_job.table_id)
  File ".../carto-python/carto/", line 64, in __init__
    organization-enabled APIKeyAuthClient"))
carto.exceptions.CartoException: User management requires an                                    organization-enabled APIKeyAuthClient

The problem seems to be that, after the import, the table information is requested (with Table class) which contains a permission (PermissionFieldclass) which in turn has an owner ( Userclass), But the User class only support organization users.

I've managed to avoid the problem with this patch:

diff --git a/carto/ b/carto/
index f23f12a..b1e89e3 100644
--- a/carto/
+++ b/carto/
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ from .resources import Manager, WarnResource

 API_ENDPOINT = "api/{api_version}/organization/{organization}/users/"
+API_NONORG_ENDPOINT = "api/{api_version}/users/"

 class User(WarnResource):
@@ -60,15 +61,16 @@ class User(WarnResource):
         :param auth_client: Auth client
         if auth_client.organization is None:
-            raise CartoException(_("User management requires an \
-                                   organization-enabled APIKeyAuthClient"))
+            self._api_endpoint = API_NONORG_ENDPOINT
+        else:
+            self._api_endpoint = API_ENDPOINT

         super(User, self).__init__(auth_client)

     def get_collection_endpoint(self):
-        return API_ENDPOINT.format(api_version=API_VERSION,
+        return self._api_endpoint.format(api_version=API_VERSION,

     def get_resource_endpoint(self):
@@ -100,7 +102,7 @@ class UserManager(Manager):
     def get_collection_endpoint(self):
-        return API_ENDPOINT.format(api_version=API_VERSION,
+        return self._api_endpoint.format(api_version=API_VERSION,

     def get_resource_endpoint(self, resource_id):

Fix requests for invalid certificates


We are having some problems with this library in OnPremise CARTO instances with invalid certificates and without the chance of use http, only https.

For fixing this, the APIKeyAuthClient class should have a verify (or something like that) attribute that refers to the verify parameter in requests. We'll need to propagate this change to BasicAuthClient, also for setting the using of the verify parameter in the send method.

We can do that couple of PRs, but we need to now why you convert every boolean to a string here, because the verify parameter needs to be a boolean.


Synchronization table metadata is wrong

Synchronization table metadata is wrong. Running something like this:

dm = DatasetManager(auth_client)
dsets = dm.all()

tables = [{
    'privacy' : table.privacy,
    'created': table.created_at, 
    'synchronization': table.synchronization,
    'geometry': table.table.geometry_types
} for table in dsets]

tables_df = json_normalize(tables)

All tables presents None values:


But as you can see in my dashboard, there are sync tables:


Set custom User-Agent

It would be nice to use a custom user-agent (instead of requests' default one), so we are able to better track usage/errors in our platform logs.

Improve example table_info output

The output of the table_info script should be more compact, use tables to separate field names and indexes from their types and definitions respectively, etc.



v1.0.0 : VisualizationManager does not return tables of the map

When using the class VisualizationManager, the object table does not return the tables of the map but the client object.

I'm using the next code to get the table object values:

auth_client = APIKeyAuthClient(CARTO_BASE_URL, CARTO_API_KEY, organization)

visualization_manager = VisualizationManager(auth_client)

mapa = visualization_manager.get("mapName")


The result of python is:

{   'active_layer_id': None,
    'client': <carto.auth.APIKeyAuthClient object at 0x10f509950>,
    'created_at': u'2016-12-03T23:45:11+00:00',
    'description': None,
    'display_name': None,
    'id': u'87e6f95c-b9b2-11e6-8d20-0e3ebc282e83',
    'liked': False,
    'likes': 0,
    'locked': False,
    'map_id': u'7ed57ea1-2958-4577-bcfa-446572a1e7d2',
    'name': u'Stores',
    'table': <carto.tables.Table object at 0x10f517f50>,
    'title': None,
    'updated_at': u'2016-12-05T18:55:58+00:00',
    'url': u''}
{   'client': <carto.auth.APIKeyAuthClient object at 0x10f509950>}

Unable to or cc.query

Hello! I've been trying to do and cc.query using cartoframes. When I try and run it I get this error message:

<ipython-input-54-d98adbbbcfad> in <module>()
----> 1 assigned ='us_counties_assigned')
      2 unassigned ='us_counties_unassigned')

/Users/mspichiger/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cartoframes/context.pyc in read(self, table_name, limit, index, decode_geom, shared_user)
    192                 raise ValueError("`limit` parameter must an integer >= 0")
--> 194         return self.query(query, decode_geom=decode_geom)
    196     def write(self, df, table_name, temp_dir=CACHE_DIR, overwrite=False,

/Users/mspichiger/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cartoframes/context.pyc in query(self, query, table_name, decode_geom)
    728                 query,
    729                 skipfields='the_geom_webmercator',
--> 730                 **DEFAULT_SQL_ARGS)
    731             if 'error' in select_res:
    732                 raise CartoException(str(select_res['error']))

/Users/mspichiger/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/carto/sql.pyc in send(self, sql, parse_json, do_post, format, **request_args)
     84             return self.auth_client.get_response_data(resp, parse_json)
     85         except Exception as e:
---> 86             raise CartoException(e)

CartoException: Unterminated string starting at: line 1 column 1349219 (char 1349218)

The confusing part is that every time I run the command I get a new column value. In the example I gave the number is 1349219, but I also get 2981871 (char 2981870), 1266002 (char 1266001), and many more seemingly random columns. The dataset I'm trying to read is about 6.6 MB and has 18 columns. I've included the table here:

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

Feature request: more error types

It'd be great to have the following exceptions added so we can handle errors better on the application side:

  • CartoAuthError
  • CartoSQLError (or something like that) for syntax problems in query, 'relation does not exist', and others
  • CartoQuotaError if over quota on LDS, DO, etc. which for now happen on SQL API but maybe this will change in the future?
  • CartoDependentVisError if someone tries to delete a dataset that has dependent visualizations
  • I'm sure there are others

To be able to handle these, we have to inspect the string, which is not a stable way to handle exceptions.

cc @alrocar

Dataset Manager fields missing values


The VisualizationManager lets us access many fields to get information about a CARTO account's maps, but the fields below don't return values even if values should exist—for example my sync tables return 'None' for the synchronizations field.

Can we update carto-python to return these values?
If it's easier to split these into separate issues please let me know

  • active_child
  • active_layer_id
  • attributions
  • children
  • connector
  • description
  • display_name
  • external_source
  • license
  • next_id
  • prev_id
  • source
  • synchronization
  • title
  • transition_options
  • user

Additional Information

Here's the script I used to test:

These are all of the available fields:

  • active_child
  • active_layer_id
  • attributions
  • auth_tokens
  • children
  • client
  • connector
  • created_at
  • delete
  • description
  • display_name
  • external_source
  • fields
  • get_collection_endpoint
  • get_id
  • get_resource_endpoint
  • id
  • kind
  • license
  • liked
  • likes
  • locked
  • map_id
  • name
  • next_id
  • permission
  • prev_id
  • privacy
  • refresh
  • save
  • send
  • source
  • stats
  • synchronization
  • table
  • tags
  • title
  • transition_options
  • type
  • update_from_dict
  • updated_at
  • url
  • user
  • uses_builder_features

Import API overwrite and table_name


I have a csv that I want to upload to my account. I am using the overwrite arg in cartoframes.

cc.write(pd.read_csv('table_ouput.csv'), 'table', overwrite=True, temp_dir="")

How can I do the equivalent using the carto-python library directly?

client request arg is overwritten if already set

Since #90, cartoframes client param is overwritten. In cartoframes we set it here for use in all major cartoframes methods.

I don't know the best course of action for resolving this situation, but I'm happy to help because we are no longer able to track cartoframes usage.

cc @alrocar

Python 3 support

I got a start on this but stopped short of making oauth work since I don't currently need it. Mostly making relative imports more explicit and dealing with modules being rearranged (eg parse_qsl is now in urllib.parse). The work's all in a81422e.


Running into an issue when using cartoframes to read a table. Based on the traceback, I think it has to do with the carto python library SQL client and parsing a problematic json.

@andy-esch and I were able to get a dataframe back when we query with a limit (cc.query('select * from joined_full limit 1000). But once we try cc.query('select * from joined_full limit 100000), we get the error again. So this could indicate a problem with a few rows of the dataset or with some sort of query limit. Any ideas on what's happening here would be helpful!

If you need access to the joined_full dataset to help diagnose, just let me know.


JSONDecodeError                           Traceback (most recent call last)
/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/carto/ in send(self, sql, parse_json, do_post, format, **request_args)
---> 84             return self.auth_client.get_response_data(resp, parse_json)
     85         except Exception as e:

/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyrestcli/ in get_response_data(self, response, parse_json)
     46             if parse_json:
---> 47                 return response.json()
     48             return response.content

/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/ in json(self, **kwargs)
    891                     pass
--> 892         return complexjson.loads(self.text, **kwargs)

/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/json/ in loads(s, encoding, cls, object_hook, parse_float, parse_int, parse_constant, object_pairs_hook, **kw)
    353             parse_constant is None and object_pairs_hook is None and not kw):
--> 354         return _default_decoder.decode(s)
    355     if cls is None:

/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/json/ in decode(self, s, _w)
    338         """
--> 339         obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
    340         end = _w(s, end).end()

/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/json/ in raw_decode(self, s, idx)
    354         try:
--> 355             obj, end = self.scan_once(s, idx)
    356         except StopIteration as err:

JSONDecodeError: Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 1 column 50479105 (char 50479104)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

CartoException                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-25-6bdb9cec3095> in <module>()
----> 1 road_segments ='joined_full')

~/proj/cartoframes/cartoframes/ in read(self, table_name, limit, index, decode_geom, shared_user)
    200                 raise ValueError("`limit` parameter must an integer >= 0")
--> 202         return self.query(query, decode_geom=decode_geom)
    204     @utils.temp_ignore_warnings

~/proj/cartoframes/cartoframes/ in query(self, query, table_name, decode_geom)
    760                 query,
    761                 skipfields='the_geom_webmercator',
--> 762                 **DEFAULT_SQL_ARGS)
    763             if 'error' in select_res:
    764                 raise CartoException(str(select_res['error']))

/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/carto/ in send(self, sql, parse_json, do_post, format, **request_args)
     84             return self.auth_client.get_response_data(resp, parse_json)
     85         except Exception as e:
---> 86             raise CartoException(e)

CartoException: Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 1 column 50479105 (char 50479104)

Feature request: More accurate exception types

Right now all exceptions are CartoException, which makes it hard to handle specific exceptions but let others be raised. E.g., If I want to print a special message about limits being hit, I would have to use the error string which could change without notice in future updates to the platform.

Visualization Manager fields missing values


The VisualizationManager lets us access many fields to get information about a CARTO account's maps, but the fields below don't return any information.

Can we update carto-python to return these values?
If it's easier to split these into separate issues please let me know

  • active_child
  • active_layer_id
  • attributions
  • children
  • display_name
  • external_source
  • kind
  • license
  • liked
  • likes
  • locked
  • map_id
  • name
  • next_id
  • parent_id
  • prev_id
  • permission
  • privacy
  • related_tables
  • source
  • stats
  • synchronization
  • tags
  • title
  • transition_options
  • type
  • uses_builder_features

Additional Information

Here's the script I used to test:

Here's the dataset generated by the test showing blank fields: maps_all_info2_save

These are all of the available fields:

  • active_child
  • active_layer_id
  • attributions
  • children
  • client
  • created_at
  • delete
  • description
  • display_name
  • export
  • external_source
  • fields
  • get_collection_endpoint
  • get_id
  • get_resource_endpoint
  • id
  • kind
  • license
  • liked
  • likes
  • locked
  • map_id
  • name
  • next_id
  • parent_id
  • permission
  • prev_id
  • privacy
  • refresh
  • related_tables
  • save
  • send
  • source
  • stats
  • synchronization
  • tags
  • title
  • transition_options
  • type
  • update_from_dict
  • updated_at
  • url
  • uses_builder_features

Invalid queries when using carto-etl

The carto-etl script prepares insert sql queries that when going through the SQLClient produce this error in the sql-api:

WARNING:carto-etl:Chunk #4: Retrying ([u'syntax error at or near "+"'])

Seems that the query is encoded in this way:


request: basemap url is url stem before `/api/...` instead of including `/api/`

As far as I understand, baseurls in the v1.0.0 version of this module need to be structured like this:

Other pieces of carto's stack don't include the /api/ piece, like carto(db).js's support for on-prem, etc.:

To be consistent with these tools, it'd be nice to have a cleaner way of sending the baseurl to other carto services without having to do string operations.

cc @danicarrion

Sync table support


I see there's a sync table dev branch. Curious if there are plans to merge it into master.


Auth API support

I would be great to support the Auth API

This little gist runs:

class ApiKey(Resource):
    name = CharField()
    token = CharField()
    type = CharField()
    created_at = DateTimeField()
    updated_at = DateTimeField()
    grants = Field()

    class Meta:
        id_field = "name"
        collection_endpoint = "api/v3/api_keys/"

class ApiKeyManager(Manager):
    resource_class = ApiKey
    json_collection_attribute = "result"

keys_manager = ApiKeyManager(auth_client)
grants =  [
        "type": "apis",
        "apis": ["sql", "maps"]
        "type": "database",
        "tables" : []
key = self.keys_manager.create(name="myname", grants=grants)

Would be possible a complete implementation?

feature request: DatasetManager.delete

Deleting datasets is an important task, and this library should support it. The call is a 'DELETE' request to api/v1/viz.

Like Builder, a call to DatasetManager.delete should error/warn if a dataset is connected to a map. I prefer an Error in the Python case. Adding a force=False|True will let users force the operation regardless. As far as I know, there's metadata in the api/v1/viz GET that lists the dependents of a table.

Should SQLClient return more accurate types?

>>> execfile('cartoframes/')
>>> execfile('cartoframes/')
>>> base_url = EXAMPLE_BASE_URL
>>> api_key = EXAMPLE_API_KEY
>>> session = None
>>> creds = None
>>> creds = Credentials(creds=creds, key=api_key, base_url=base_url)
>>> auth_client = APIKeyAuthClient(base_url=creds.base_url(),api_key=creds.key(),session=session)
>>> sql_client = SQLClient(auth_client)
>>> res = sql_client.send("select current_schemas('f')", **DEFAULT_SQL_ARGS)
>>> res['rows'][0]['current_schemas']
>>> type(res['rows'][0]['current_schemas'])
<type 'unicode'>

Wouldn't it be nice if running a query returned the proper type? In this example, it should be a string array instead of a string. Is this feasible?

cc @danicarrion

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