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run-co-runners's Introduction

What is this and what does this do?

This is the work done for my master's thesis project on the improvement of real-time systems. It is a collection of platforms and tools with which together experiments can be defined and run, to measure timing properties of software. This is important for real-time systems, where the application faces deadlines.

A more extensive explanation of the thesis background can be found in the thesis report, which is located here.

The text below is the appendix chapter of the report, in which details of specific components of the tool can be found.

Implementation details

This chapter describes the details of the implemented tool. Our tool is open source and publicly available on GitHub1. With the description below, users should be able to use the tool and extend it for their own research purposes.

Technical overview

Globally speaking, our parametric WCET estimation tool consists of four components. These are:

  • Raspberry Pi --- This is the hardware on which the experiments are performed.

  • Computer --- The computer acts like the control center, from which the experiments are run.

  • Arduino --- The Arduino serves as an extension to the computer, with which the Raspberry Pi can be reset.

  • TFTP server --- The TFTP server contains the runtime binary that is downloaded by the Raspberry Pi through the network.

These components are graphically illustrated in and are further described below.

Main components that together form the tool

Raspberry Pi

In the project, two versions of the Raspberry Pi computer form the heart of the experiments. They were chosen for the quad processors that they contain, the ARM Cortex A53 (Raspberry Pi 3) and the ARM Cortex A72 (Raspberry Pi 4).

The connections from and to the Raspberry Pi are:

  • Raspberry Pi $\longleftrightarrow$ TFTP server --- This is a network connection made with a UTP cable.

  • Raspberry Pi $\longleftrightarrow$ Arduino --- This is a 2-wire connection made from the Raspberry Pi's RUN header to the Arduino's pin 13 (high/low voltage) and the Arduino's GND (low voltage).

  • Raspberry Pi $\longleftrightarrow$ Computer --- This is a serial connection, made with a USB to TTL serial cable. On the Raspberry Pi, the cable is connected to the UART0_TXD and UART0_RXD with GPIO14 and GPIO15, respectively. The black GND wire in the cable is connected to GND, but the red power wire is not connected, since the Raspberry Pi is powered by the official power adapter.


The Arduino was added to the experimental platform, to be used as a proxy on behalf of the computer's control center. The Arduino runs a simple program. It will continuously set pin 13 to high and listen to the serial port to receive a character. When the character 'r' is received, it will set pin 13 to low. This will be cause the connected Raspberry Pi's RUN pins to become low, effectively making the Raspberry Pi perform a system reset.

TFTP server

The Raspberry Pi features several options for loading the runtime binary upon power up. The most obvious and easiest alternative is to boot from a microSD card. This method is very simple, it only involves copying the boot files onto a microSD card, put it into the microSD card slot and power on the Raspberry Pi.

Obviously, when doing many experiments, this method quickly becomes infeasible because for each experiment a newly compiled runtime binary is to be copied onto the microSD card. Another solution is to program the Raspberry Pi with a JTAG capable programmer. While the JTAG programmer could be used halt the processor and start a debug session, the method is complex and too involved for just booting the Raspberry Pi.

Finally, there is the possibility for the Raspberry Pi to boot from the network. This method is straightforward and has been used in this project. For this method to work, a TFTP server is necessary which serves the necessary boot files. The TFTP server could be hosted in the local LAN on a physical device (possibly another Raspberry Pi), but in this project a virtualization platform is used. A virtual machine was created by the use of vagrant with virtualbox as the provider of the virtual machine.

Details of the implemented TFTP server solution can be found on GitHub2.


The computer acts as the control center, on which all experiments are created and run. The experimental platform that runs on the computer is discussed in more detail below.

The computer's connections are:

  • Computer $\longleftrightarrow$ TFTP server --- Depending on the location of the TFTP server, this could either be a network connection, or it could be just local file copy in the case of a virtualized TFTP server that runs on the same computer.

  • Computer $\longleftrightarrow$ Arduino --- This connection is a serial connection, which is made with the standard blue Arduino USB cable.

Implementation of system and benchmarks

Two target platforms are used for running the experiments. Both platforms feature a Raspberry Pi computer, a 'bare metal'-like operating system and the benchmarks that were ported to the platforms. The platforms are described below.

Raspberry Pi 3 + xRTOS

The xRTOS3 operating system was especially written for the multicore Raspberry Pi to serve as a basic real-time operating system. The Raspberry Pi versions 2 and 3 are supported. Its implementation is a combination of assembly and C. It features a preemptive scheduler, which in its basic implementation only draws progress bars onto the screen. For the purposes of this project, the preemptive scheduler was modified to allow for non-preemptive execution of the benchmarks. The xRTOS repository was forked to apply our experimental additions.4

Raspberry Pi 4 + circle

The circle5 platform is a bare metal programming environment for the Raspberry Pi. It was written to serve as a educational tool, which can be tried and tested and extended. It supports the Raspberry Pi versions 2, 3, 4 and Zero. It is written in a combination of assembly and C++. Circle features a lot of demo programs. Also, it contains a structure in which the user's own program can be added with ease. Multi-threaded execution on multiple cores is supported. The circle repository was forked to apply our own experimental additions.6

The benchmark_config.m4 script

Both xRTOS and circle have been extended/modified to continuously run selected benchmarks, while measuring the execution cycles from start to end. The porting and addition of the benchmarks' source code has been done with the requirements of extensibility and maintainability in mind. For this, the use of m4 macros was chosen.

With the use of m4 macros, the experiments are configurable can be extended with new benchmarks or programs relatively easy. The main source code does not need be changed for configuration or addition of benchmarks. The way this works is by generation of source code with the use of the benchmark_config.m4 script. Examples of important macros that are generated are:

  • BENCH_INIT1_CORE0 --- This macro will generate code that typically declares or defines variables, which in this case run on core 0. The INIT1 part in the name stands for the fact that the generated content by this macro is executed once, before the main control loop of the core running the benchmark.

  • BENCH_INIT2_CORE0 --- This macro will typically initialize variables, on core 0 in this case. The INIT2 part in the name stands for the fact that the generated content is executed as part of the main control loop of the core running the benchmark.

  • DO_BENCH_CORE0 --- This macro will start the actual execution of the benchmark, that is configured to run in core 0. It is executed on each iteration of the main control loop, thereby generating repeated executions of the same benchmark.

An example usage of the benchmark_config.m4 script is:

  $ m4 -Dconfig_series=3111 -Dconfig_benchmarks=1444 -Dinputsize_core0=32 \
  -Dinputsize_core1=1024 -Dinputsize_core2=1024 -Dinputsize_core3=1024 \
  -Dexp_label=DISPARITY_4CORE_TEST benchmark_config.m4 > benchmark_config.h

The result of the m4 command above is written to the benchmark_config.h file. This C header file contains the configution of the benchmarks, like the specific benchmarks to run on which core, memory sizes and so forth. To include the benchmark_config.h header file, the environment variable BENCHMARK_CONFIG must be set to -DBENCHMARK_CONFIG_M4 in the make process. This way the C preprocessor knows that it must include the header file.

Below the benchmark_config.m4 script parameters are described.

Parameters of benchmark_config.m4

::: tabular m0.03wc0.2wc0.2wc0.2 & 1 & 2 & 3
& linear array access & mälardalen bsort100 & sd-vbs disparity
& linear array write & mälardalen ns & sd-vbs mser
& random array access & mälardalen matmult & sd-vbs svm
& random array write & mälardalen fir & sd-vbs stitch

The benchmark_config.m4 can take the following parameters:

  • exp_label --- Set the label for the experiment, which will be used in the reported log lines. The label is of importance in the data processing step, which is described in .

  • config_series --- In the reference implementation of the tool, three types of benchmark series have been implemented. These are (1) synthetic benchmarks, (2) benchmarks from the Mälardalen benchmark suite and (3) the SD-VBS benchmark suite. The selection of the benchmarks series to run is encoded in the config_series string, where the length of the string specifies the number of cores that is used in the experiment and the $i^{th}$ digit in the string specifies the series number that is to be run on core $i$ (where $0 <= i <= 3$).

  • config_benchmarks --- The config_benchmarks string encodes the benchmark to run. Like in the config_series string, its length specifies the number of cores to run. The $i^{th}$ digit in the string specifies the benchmark to be run on core $i$ (where $0 <= i <= 3$). See for the list of implemented benchmarks and their corresponding numbers.

  • inputsize_core_n --- This parameter specifies the input size of the benchmark that is to run on core number $n$ ($0 <= n <= 3$).

  • pmu_core_n --- The pmu_core_n specifies the event types that are to be monitored by the ARM performance monitor on core number $n$. The pmu_core_n parameter is a string, where the length of the string is equal to the number of events that must be monitored. The string is encoded by the use of a mapping from an event code (0 to 9) to the event number specified by ARM. The $i^{th}$ position of the string specifies the $i^{th}$ event number to be monitored. See table for the supported event types that can by monitored by the PMU. Currently, the maximum number of events that can be encoded in the string is 4.

    ::: tabular wc0.1wc0.2m0.34 Event code & ARM event number & Event name
    & 0x03 & L1 Data cache refill
    & 0x04 & L1 Data cache access
    & 0x05 & L1 Data TLB refill
    & 0x13 & Data memory access
    & 0x15 & L1 Data cache Write-back
    & 0x16 & L2 Data cache access
    & 0x17 & L2 Data cache refill
    & 0x18 & L2 Data cache Write-back
    & 0x19 & Bus access
    & 0x1D & Bus cycles

  • mmu_enable --- [xRTOS only] This parameter configures the MMU (memory management unit) to be enabled. Without specifying this parameter, the MMU will not be enabled (on the xRTOS platform).

  • screen_enable --- [xRTOS only] This parameter configures the screen to be enabled. Without specifying this parameter, the screen will not be used (on the xRTOS platform).

  • delay_step_countdown --- The countdown function is a simple function written in assembly that is designed to make the processor spinlock for a specific number of processor cycles. In order to create (reasonably) precise delays in the start time of the co-runners' execution, the countdown function is used in combination with the delay_step_countdown parameter. This is further explained in .

  • report_cycles_countdown ---Since the number of cycles that is spent on each countdown step depends on the specific processor and operating system, the report_cycles_countdown parameter can be used to test the countdown function and print the number of cycles that is used for the countdown function.

  • synbench_repeat --- This parameter allows the co-runners to have an extended duration of execution time, to be able to keep stressing the task under study when the task is running for a very long time. When not specified, synbench_repeat is defined as 1.

  • debug_enable --- This parameter enabled debug information to be printed to the serial port.

Experimental setup

In this section, the main components of the experimental setup are described. First, there is the definition of the experiments by the use of a spreadsheet. Second, the Python script reads the experiments definition and automatically runs multiple experiments and logs all incoming data to an output file. These components are discussed next.

Experiments definition

In this section, the way the experiments are defined is explained. First of all, an important concept for the delayed execution of co-runners is explained.

Delayed execution of co-runners

The parametric WCET estimation tool runs the task and its co-runners both in synchronized fashion and with delayed execution of the co-runners. The idea behind the delayed execution is as follows. Because we want to be able to control the length of the delay, the baseline WCET is conceptually divided in time intervals. The baseline WCET is the maximum measured number of cycles that the task needs to complete its task when run in isolation.

The time intervals are called delay steps. When the baseline WCET is conceptually divided into 10 delay steps, a delayed execution of 10 delay steps effectively means that the task and co-runners are executed consecutively, instead of in parallel.

The controlling of the delayed execution is done by the parameters delay step countdown, measured wcet baseline and cycles per count parameters in the experiment definition. These parameters and all other parameters are described below.

Explanation of the spreadsheet

For defining the experiments, an Excel spreadsheet is used. On each row, one experiment can be defined, where the columns contain the parameters that define the specifics of the experiment.

The columns with the parameter definitions are:

  • experiment number --- The number of this experiment, this number serves as an identifier for the experiment and is used for selection by the script.

  • platform --- The platform on which the experiment is to be run. This can by either xRTOS or circle. Please note that currently, all experiments defined in one spreadsheet must run on the same platform.

  • raspberry pi --- The Raspberry Pi version to run the experiment on. This can either be 3 or 4, for running on the Raspberry Pi 3 or Raspberry Pi 4, respectively. Please note that currently, all experiments defined in one spreadsheet must run on the same Raspberry Pi.

  • benchmark_series --- Currently, three types of benchmark series have been implemented. These are (1) synthetic benchmarks, (2) benchmarks from the Mälardalen benchmark suite and (3) the SD-VBS benchmark suite. The selection of the benchmarks series to run is encoded here, where the length of the string specifies the number of cores that is used in the experiment and the $i^{th}$ digit in the string specifies the series number that is to be run on core $i$ (where $0 <= i <= 3$).

    See for an overview of the benchmark series that can be used. Please note that the string is surrounded by quotes (not smart quotes), to force a string data type in Excel.

  • benchmark_configuration --- The benchmark_configuration string encodes the benchmarks to run. Like in the benchmark_series parameter, its length specifies the number of cores to run. The $i^{th}$ digit in the string specifies the benchmark to be run on core $i$ (where $0 <= i <= 3$).

    See for the list of implemented benchmarks and their corresponding numbers. Please note that the string is surrounded by quotes (not smart quotes), to force a string data type in Excel.

  • enable mmu --- Wheter or not to enable the MMU (memory management unit). This parameter must be TRUE or FALSE. Please note that this parameter is only supported for the xRTOS platform running on the Raspberry Pi 3.

  • enable screen --- Whether or not the enable the screen. This parameter can either be TRUE or FALSE. Please note that this parameter is only supported for the xRTOS platform running on the Raspberry Pi 3.

  • no cache management --- Each experiment is repeated for a multiple iterations (the minimum of which can be specified on the command line when using the script). The default behavior is to clean the instruction and data caches before running each benchmark, in an attempt to create equal conditions between each iteration. The no cache management parameter can be used to disable the cache cleaning.

  • experiment label --- Define the experiment label for the experiment, which is used in the data processing step (further described in

  • pmu core_n --- The pmu core_n parameter specifies the event types that are to be monitored by the ARM performance monitor on core number $n$. The pmu core_n parameter is a string, where the length of the string is equal to the number of events that must be monitored. The string is encoded by the use of a mapping from an event code (0 to 9) to the event number specified by ARM. The $i^{th}$ position of the string specifies the $i^{th}$ event number to be monitored. See table for the supported event types that can by monitored by the PMU. Currently, the maximum number of events that can be encoded in the string is 4.

  • inputsize core_n --- This parameter specifies the input size of the benchmark that is to run on core number $n$ ($0 <= n <= 3$).

  • delay step countdown --- The countdown function is a simple function written in assembly that is designed to make the processor spinlock for a specific number of processor cycles. In order to create (reasonably) precise delays in the start time of the co-runners' execution, the countdown function is used in combination with the delay step countdown parameter.

    This parameter specifies the number of times the countdown function must be called, to create one delay step. Please note that this parameter is auto filled in by a formula.

  • measured wcet baseline --- To determine the number of times the
    countdown function must be called for one delay step, the length of the baseline WCET in cycles must be specified. This implies that to correctly create delay offsets for the co-runners, the specification of the experiments is like a 2-stage rocket. First the benchmarks must be run in isolation, to determine the estimation of the baseline WCET (cycles). This number must then be put into the experiment definitions, to be able to compute the number of calls to the countdown function to create one delay step.

  • cycles per count --- The number of cycles that is spent for one execution of the countdown function. Since the number of cycles that is spent on each countdown call depends on the specific processor and operating system, the report_cycles_countdown parameter of the benchmark_config.m4 script can be used to test the countdown function and print the number of cycles that is used for the countdown function.

  • synbench_repeat --- This parameter allows the co-runners to have an extended duration of execution time, to be able to keep stressing the task under study when the task is running for a very long time. When not specified, synbench_repeat is defined as 1.

An important concept of the Excel spreadsheet is that one spreadsheet should contain both the experiment with the task run in isolation, as well as the experiment(s) with the same task running with one to three co-runners. This way, the script () is able to match each co-runners experiment to its task-in-isolation counterpart.

The script

The Python script is used to automatically run multiple experiments in one go. The script reads the experiments definition from a spreadsheet, and writes the received log output to a specified output file.

An example usage of the script is:

$ python --working-directory-circle=../../circle/app/corunners \
  --input-file xlsx/experiments_SD-VBS_stitch_circle_pi4.xlsx \
  --output-file output/experiments_SD-VBS_stitch_circle_pi4_exp11.log \
  --min-observations 200 --experiment-begin 11 --experiment-count 1

The parameters of the of the script are:

  • --input-file --- The path and name of the Excel input file containing the experiment definitions.

  • --output-file --- The path and name of the output file, to which all logs must be written.

  • --working-directory-xrtos --- The path of the directory where the xRTOS system is located. The xRTOS system is a submodule of the
    run-co-runners Git repository, by default this parameter is set to

  • --working-directory-circle --- The path of the directory where the circle system is located. The circle system is a submodule of the run-co-runners Git repository, by default this parameter is set to

  • --tty-reset --- Serial port to which the Arduino is connected. It is the path and name of the serial port that is used for the resetting the Raspberry Pi. By default, it is set to /dev/ttyUSB0.

  • --tty-logging --- Serial port to which the Raspberry Pi is connected. It is the path and name of the serial port that is used to receive all logging information sent by the Raspberry Pi. By default, it is set to /dev/ttyUSB1.

  • --min-observations --- Minimum number of observations that must be seen in the logs received from the Raspberry Pi, before the next experiment can be selected and the Raspberry Pi can receive a reset signal.

  • --experiment-begin --- The experiment identifier of the experiment with which to begin running the experiments.

  • --experiment-count --- The number of experiments that must be run consecutively, starting from the first experiment specified by identifier --experiment-begin.

  • -v, --verbosity --- Define the verbosity for the program, which can be either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or DEBUG. By default, the verbosity level is set to INFO.

  • --help --- Print usage information and exit program.

Data processing

In this section the data processing step is discussed. The experiments output log data to the serial port, which is captured by the script. This output is converted to several other output formats, such as CSV files and graphical output of measured cycles and PMU events.

Overview of the data processing step

A major part of the data processing is done automatically, by the use of a Makefile script that executes the scripts one by one. These scripts are explained in detail below. Here, an overview of the data conversion is described.

The output of the experiments are plain text log files. Each line contains one measurement of the experiment, this can either be a cycles measurement or one of the PMU performance event counter measurements. The plain text log files are first converted to CSV format. They are split into cycles data CSV files and events data CSV files. By default, the log files and CSV files are located in the run-co-runners/experiment/output directory.

The above log files and CSV files contain multiple experiments' data in a single file. These files are further separated into files containing the data of only one experiment. Two types of CSV file are created, one containing all data measurements (cycles or events) for one experiment, and the other containing aggregated summary information of the measurements for one experiment (cycles only). The aggregated values are the median, mean and maximum values, including their standard deviations. By default, the location of the CSV files with single experiments is the run-co-runners/experiment/report/data directory.

Next, for each experiment a data visualization is generated, using as input the data CSV files containing the cycles measurements. When PMU events data for the same experiment is present in the same directory, these data will be included in the data visualization.

A separate step is the generation of a PDF report containing graphical output of the aggregated cycles data information. The generation is done using LaTeX templates, which are in itself generated by m4 macros. The figures in the PDF are generated using the PGFPlots package.7

Description of data processing scripts

In the following, the scripts that convert the log data are explained. Most scripts are included in a Makefile for automatic processing, except for the script.


The output log file contains the raw data, where both cycles data and performance events are present. The log2csv-cyclecount.awk script captures the cycles data and converts the data to CSV format.

An example execution of the log2csv-cyclecount.awk is:

  awk -f log2csv-cyclecount.awk \


The log2csv-eventcount.awk script captures the performance events data and converts the data to CSV format.

An example execution of the log2csv-eventcount.awk is:

  awk -f log2csv-eventcount.awk \

The script outputs a CSV input file containing a single experiment to a graphical data visualization. In the graphic, the iteration numbers are placed on the x-axis and their corresponding cycles data is placed on the y-axis. If PMU events data is present for the experiments, it will be plotted together with the cycles data (using a twin axis). See for an example output image.

An example execution of the is:

  python \
  --input-file=report/data/cyclesdata-core3-configseries211-configbench322-offset10.csv \
  --output-directory=report/img \
  --maximum-observations=250 --movingaverage-window=0 \

The options of the script are:

  • --input-file --- Path and filename of the input CSV file containing the experiment cycles data.

  • --output-file --- Path of the directory where to place the output PNG files.

  • --maximum-observations --- Maximum number of observations to include in the output plot.

  • --movingaverage-window --- Size of the moving average window to plot, instead of the actual cycles data. The default is a moving average window of 0, which means do not plot the moving average.

  • --process-events --- Whether or not to process the events data, by default the events data are processed.

  • -v, --verbosity --- Define the verbosity for the program, which can be either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or DEBUG. By default, the verbosity level is set to INFO.

The script takes the CSV files which are generated by the awk scripts, and splits these files into files containing single experiments. Several output options are possible, which are described below.

An example execution of the script is:

python \
  --input-file=output/experiments_Mälardalen_matmult_circle_pi4-2-cycles.csv \
  --output-directory=report/data --output-mode=data --metric=cycle

The options of the script are:

  • --input-file --- Path and filename of the CSV input file containing the cycles data or events data, where several experiments (may be) combined in one file.

  • --output-directory --- Path of the output directory, to where the output CSV files containing single experiments must be written.

  • --output-mode --- The output mode determines whether an aggregated summary of the experiment must be generated, or whether the data must be written to the output file.

  • --metric --- Whether the cycles are to be converted to a single experiment file, or data are to be converted to a single file. This option can only work for output-mode equal to data.

  • -v, --verbosity --- Define the verbosity for the program, which can be either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or DEBUG. By default, the verbosity level is set to INFO.

The script computes the slowdown factors for the experiments. For this, the experiment definition Excel file is read, to be able to match the experiment with co-runners to its counterpart without co-runners.

An example run of the script is:

  python \
  --input-file xlsx/experiments_SD-VBS_stitch_circle_pi4.xlsx \
  --output-file slowdown-factors-sdvbs-stitch_pi4-20201019.csv \

The options of the script are:

  • --input-file --- Path and filename of the input Excel file containing the experiment definitions.

  • --output-file --- Path and filename of the CSV output file.

  • --csv-dir --- Path of the directory where the input CSV files are stored, which contain the log data to be analyzed.

  • --csv-file-prefix --- Prefix of the input CSV filenames to be analyzed. The prefix acts as a filter, to make the script not read non-relevant CSV files.

  • --data-dir --- Path of the directory where the data files are stored. This directory contains the CSV files which were already separated per experiment.

  • -v, --verbosity --- Define the verbosity for the program, which can be either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or DEBUG. By default, the verbosity level is set to INFO.


A separate step is the generation of a PDF report containing graphical output of the aggregated cycles summary information. The generation is done using LaTeX templates, which are in itself generated by the maketex-cyclessummaries.m4 script.

An example execution of the maketex-cyclessummaries.m4 script is:

  m4 -Dfilename=data/cyclessummary-DISPARITY_CORES4_INPUTSIZE32.csv \
  -Dconfig_series=3111 -Dconfig_benchmarks= \
  -Dlabel=DISPARITY_CORES4_INPUTSIZE32 maketex-cyclesummaries.m4

Normally, the maketex-cyclessummaries.m4 script is executed by the
Makefile which was mentioned above. Another Makefile, which is located in the run-co-runners/experiment/report directory, generates the final PDF containing the PGFPlots figures.

Jupyter notebook files

Jupyter8 is a web application in which users can create documents ('notebooks') in which code (e.g. Python) is mixed with documentation. The code within the notebook can be executed to generate output, such as data visualizations. In this project, the jupytext9 extension has been used for an automatic conversion of the Jupyter notebooks to Python scripts, which can be committed to Git.

Several Jupyter notebook files have been created, in which output data is read and transformed to various data visualizations. These notebooks are part of the run-co-runners Git repository, and serve as examples of how the log data can be transformed to more meaningful information on the experiments. Please note that the jupytext extension is needed to convert the example notebooks from Python to the Jupyter notebook format (with .ipynb extension).

The example Jupyter notebooks are:

  • notebook_mä --- This notebook contains the results of the experiments with the Mälardalen bsort benchmark. It contains boxplot visualizations of the experiments with varying input data sizes, and the computation of the Mann-Whitney U hypothesis tests.

  • --- This notebook reports on the results of the SD-VBS stitch benchmark. It reads the slowdown factors from the CSV file slowdown-factors-sdvbs-stitcho_pi4-20201019.csv, and
    prints pandoc data frames from the data. A data visualization is generated containing slowdown effects in relation to the size of the delayed execution.

  • --- This notebook features various data visualizations from the experiments with the SD-VBS disparity benchmark. Slowdown factors are read from the corresponding CSV file and printed in the form of data frames. Several output graphics are created by the use of matplotlib.

  • --- This notebook contains the same data visualizations like the above notebook, but for the experiments that were run on the Raspberry Pi 4.

  • notebook_mä --- This notebook contains data visualizations of experiments with the Mälardalen matmult benchmark. Slowdown factors are printed and visualizations are created showing the effects of delayed execution of the co-runners.

  • notebook_mä --- This notebook contains the same data visualizations as the notebook described above, but for the experiments that were run on the Raspberry Pi 4.

Known limitations and gotchas

In the following, some known limitations of our tool are reported.

  • System freezes --- In rare cases, a core running a task would hang. The cause for this behavior has not been found. The environment in which the tasks run is difficult to debug, because of multiple cores running simultaneously in a bare metal environment. The script works around this problem, by resetting the Raspberry Pi upon a timeout. This timeout is generated when no data has been received from the Raspberry Pi for a long period of time.

  • Booting the Raspberry Pi --- Sometimes, the Raspberry Pi 3 would not boot from the network. Again, the script uses the timeout mechanism to detect a failure to boot, and will reset the Raspberry Pi if no data is not received for a long period of time.

  • Users should be aware of the fact that, to be able to automatically reset the Raspberry Pi, some header pins may need to be soldered on the RUN header of the Raspberry Pi.

  • While testing on multiple computers, sometimes the virtualized TFTP server could not be used to boot from the virtual network created by VirtualBox. A solution is to place the TFTP server in the local LAN.





  4. --- experiment branch


  6. --- experiment branch




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  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.