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Different deep learning based architechtures for time series forecasting.
This repo provides a framework to build layered models from python dictionary and it provides several helper tools which fasten the process of modeling time-series forcasting. The purpose to cut the time to write boiler plate code in developing deep learning based models.

Most of the models in this repository have been adopted from other repositories in order to create an all in one code. I have tried to reference the original repositories as well.

Currently following models are implemented

Name Name in this repository Reference
MLP Model
Autoencoder *
ConvLSTM * paper Code
Temporal Convolutional Networks (TCN) * paper code
Iterpretable Multivariate LSTM (IMV-LSTM) IMVLSTMModel paper code
HARHN HARHNModel paper code
Neural Beats NBeatsModel paper
Dual Attention DualAttentionModel paper code
Input Attention InputAttentionModel

* These models can be constructed by stacking layers in a python dictionary as shown later here. The remaining models can be used as shown below


using github link for the latest code

python -m pip install git+

using setup file, go to folder where repo is downloaded

python install

How to use

import pandas as pd 
from dl4seq import InputAttentionModel  # import any of the above model
from dl4seq.utils import make_model  # helper function to make inputs for model

data_config, nn_config, total_intervals = make_model(batch_size=16,
df = pd.read_csv('data/all_data_30min.csv')

model = InputAttentionModel(data_config=data_config,


history = model.train_nn(indices='random')

preds, obs = model.predict()
acts = model.view_model()

Build using python dictionary

We can construct a normal layered model using keras layers by placing the layers in a dictionary. The keys in the dictionary must be a keras layer and optionally can have an identifier separated by an underscore _ in order to differentiate it from other similar layers in the model. The input/initializating arguments in the layer must be enclosed in a config dictionary within the layer. To find out what input/initializing arguments can be used, check documentation of corresponding layer in Tensorflow docs.

multi-layer perceptron

from dl4seq.utils import make_model
from dl4seq import Model

import pandas as pd

layers = {"Dense_0": {'config': {'units': 64, 'activation': 'relu'}},
          "Dropout_0": {'config': {'rate': 0.3}},
          "Dense_1": {'config': {'units': 32, 'activation': 'relu'}},
          "Dropout_1": {'config': {'rate': 0.3}},
          "Dense_2": {'config': {'units': 16, 'activation': 'relu'}},
          "Dense_3": {'config': {'units': 1}}

data_config, nn_config, _ = make_model(batch_size=16,
nn_config['layers'] = layers

df = pd.read_csv('data/all_data_30min.csv')

_model = Model(data_config=data_config,


LSTM based model

from dl4seq.utils import make_model
from dl4seq import Model
import pandas as pd

layers = {"LSTM_0": {'config': {'units': 64, 'return_sequences': True}},
          "LSTM_1": {'config': {'units': 32}},
          "Dropout": {'config': {'rate': 0.3}},
          "Dense": {'config': {'units': 1}}
data_config, nn_config, _ = make_model(batch_size=16,
nn_config['layers'] = layers

df = pd.read_csv("data/all_data_30min.csv")

_model = Model(data_config=data_config,


1d CNN based model

If a layer does not receive any input arguments for its initialization, still an empty dictioanry must be provided.
Activation functions can also be used as a separate layer.

layers = {"Conv1D_9": {'config': {'filters': 64, 'kernel_size': 2}},
          "dropout": {'config': {'rate': 0.3}},
          "Conv1D_1": {'config': {'filters': 32, 'kernel_size': 2}},
          "maxpool1d": {'config': {'pool_size': 2}},
          'flatten': {'config': {}}, # This layer does not receive any input arguments
          'leakyrelu': {'config': {}},  # activation function can also be used as a separate layer
          "Dense": {'config': {'units': 1}}

LSTM -> CNN based model

layers = {"LSTM": {'config': {'units': 64, 'return_sequences': True}},
          "Conv1D_0": {'config': {'filters': 64, 'kernel_size': 2}},
          "dropout": {'config': {'rate': 0.3}},
          "Conv1D_1": {'config': {'filters': 32, 'kernel_size': 2}},
          "maxpool1d": {'config': {'pool_size': 2}},
          'flatten': {'config': {}},
          'leakyrelu': {'config': {}},
          "Dense": {'config': {'units': 1}}

ConvLSTM based model

layers = {'convlstm2d': {'config': {'filters': 64, 'kernel_size': (1, 3), 'activation': 'relu'}},
          'flatten': {'config': {}},
          'repeatvector': {'config': {'n': 1}},
          'lstm':   {'config': {'units': 128,   'activation': 'relu', 'dropout': 0.3, 'recurrent_dropout': 0.4 }},
          'Dense': {'config': {'units': 1}}


If a layer is to be enclosed in TimeDistributed layer, just add the layer followed by TimeDistributed as shown below. In following, 3 Conv1D layers are enclosed in TimeDistributed layer. Similary Flatten and MaxPool1D are also wrapped in TimeDistributed layer.

sub_sequences = 3
lookback = 15
time_steps = lookback // sub_sequences
layers = {
    "Input": {'config': {'shape': (None, time_steps, 10)}},
    "TimeDistributed_0": {'config': {}},
    'conv1d_0': {'config': {'filters': 64, 'kernel_size': 2}},
    'LeakyRelu_0': {'config': {}},
    "TimeDistributed_1": {'config': {}},
    'conv1d_1': {'config': {'filters': 32, 'kernel_size': 2}},
    'elu_1': {'config': {}},
    "TimeDistributed_2": {'config': {}},
    'conv1d_2': {'config': {'filters': 16, 'kernel_size': 2}},
    'tanh_2': {'config': {}},
    "TimeDistributed_3": {'config': {}},
    "maxpool1d": {'config': {'pool_size': 2}},
    "TimeDistributed_4": {'config': {}},
    'flatten': {'config': {}},
    'lstm_0':   {'config': {'units': 64, 'activation': 'relu', 'dropout': 0.4, 'recurrent_dropout': 0.5, 'return_sequences': True,
               'name': 'lstm_0'}},
    'Relu_1': {'config': {}},
    'lstm_1':   {'config': {'units': 32, 'activation': 'relu', 'dropout': 0.4, 'recurrent_dropout': 0.5, 'name': 'lstm_1'}},
    'sigmoid_2': {'config': {}},
    'Dense': {'config': {'units': 1}}

LSTM based auto-encoder

layers = {
    'lstm_0': {'config': {'units': 100,  'dropout': 0.3, 'recurrent_dropout': 0.4}},
    "leakyrelu_0": {'config': {}},
    'RepeatVector': {'config': {'n': 11}},
    'lstm_1': {'config': {'units': 100,  'dropout': 0.3, 'recurrent_dropout': 0.4}},
    "relu_1": {'config': {}},
    'Dense': {'config': {'units': 1}}

TCN layer

You can use third party layers such as tcn which is currently not supported by Tensorflow. Provided you have installed tcn, the layer along with its arguments can be used as following

layers = {"tcn": {'config': {'nb_filters': 64,
                  'kernel_size': 2,
                  'nb_stacks': 1,
                  'dilations': [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32],
                  'padding': 'causal',
                  'use_skip_connections': True,
                  'return_sequences': False,
                  'dropout_rate': 0.0}},
          'Dense': {'config': {'units': 1}}

Multiple Inputs

In order to build more complex models, where a layer takes more than one inputs, you can specify the inputs key for the layer and specify which inputs the layer uses. The value of the inputs dictionary must be a list in this case whose members must be the names of the layers which must have been defined earlier.

from dl4seq import Model
class MyModel(Model):

    def run_paras(self, **kwargs) -> (list, list):
        """ write code which returns x and y where x consits of [(samples, 5, 10), (samples, 10)] and y consits of 
            list [(samples, 1)]

layers = {"Input_0": {"config": {"shape": (5, 10), "name": "cont_inputs"}},
          "lstm_0": {"config": { "units": 62,  "activation": "leakyrelu", "dropout": 0.4,  "recurrent_dropout": 0.4, "return_sequences": False,  "name": "lstm_0"},
                     "inputs": "cont_inputs"},

          "Input_1": {"config": {"shape": 10, "name": "disc_inputs"}},
          "Dense_0": {"config": {"units": 64,"activation": "leakyrelu", "name": "Dense_0"},
                      "inputs": "disc_inputs"},
          "flatten_0": {"config": {"name": "flatten_0" },
                        "inputs": "Dense_0"},

          "Concat": {"config": {"name": "Concat" },
                     "inputs": ["lstm_0", "flatten_0"]},

          "Dense_1": {"config": {"units": 16, "activation": "leakyrelu", "name": "Dense_1"}},
          "Dropout": {"config": {"rate": 0.4, "name": "Dropout"}},
          "Dense_2": {"config": {"units": 1, "name": "Dense_2"}}

As the above model takes two inputs, we will have to overwrite run_paras method in our own class which should inherit from Model class

Multiple Output Layers

In some cases a layer returns more than one output and we want to use each of those outputs in a separate layer. Such models can be built by specifying the outputs from a layer using outputs key. The value of the outputs key can a string or a list of strings specifying the names of of outputs, the layer is returning. We can use these names as inputs to any other layer later in the model.

layers = {
    "LSTM": {'config': {'units': 64, 'return_sequences': True, 'return_state': True},
             'outputs': ['junk', 'h_state', 'c_state']},

    "Dense_0": {'config': {'units': 1, 'name': 'MyDense'},
              'inputs': 'h_state'},

    "Conv1D_1": {'config': {'filters': 64, 'kernel_size': 3, 'name': 'myconv'},
                'inputs': 'junk'},
    "MaxPool1D": {'config': {'name': 'MyMaxPool'},
                'inputs': 'myconv'},
    "Flatten": {'config': {'name': 'MyFlatten'},
                'inputs': 'MyMaxPool'},

    "Concat": {'config': {'name': 'MyConcat'},
            'inputs': ['MyDense', 'MyFlatten']},

    "Dense": {'config': {'units':1},
              'inputs': "MyConcat"}

Additional call args

We might be tempted to provide additional call arguments to a layer. For example, in tensorflow's LSTM layer, we can provide initial state of an LSTM. Suppose we want to use hidden and cell state of one LSTM as initial state for next LSTM. In such cases we can make use of call_args as key. The value of call_args must a dictionary. In this way we can provide keyword arguments while calling a layer.

lookback = 5
input_features = ['temp', 'pressure', 'volume']
output_features = ['spped']
layers ={
    "Input": {'config': {'shape': (lookback, len(input_features)), 'name': "MyInputs"}},
    "LSTM": {'config': {'units': 64, 'return_sequences': True, 'return_state': True, 'name': 'MyLSTM1'},
             'inputs': 'MyInputs',
             'outputs': ['junk', 'h_state', 'c_state']},

    "Dense_0": {'config': {'units': 1, 'name': 'MyDense'},
              'inputs': 'h_state'},

    "Conv1D_1": {'config': {'filters': 64, 'kernel_size': 3, 'name': 'myconv'},
                'inputs': 'junk'},
    "MaxPool1D": {'config': {'name': 'MyMaxPool'},
                'inputs': 'myconv'},
    "Flatten": {'config': {'name': 'MyFlatten'},
                'inputs': 'MyMaxPool'},

    "LSTM_3": {"config": {'units': 64, 'name': 'MyLSTM2'},
               'inputs': 'MyInputs',
               'call_args': {'initial_state': ['h_state', 'c_state']}},

    "Concat": {'config': {'name': 'MyConcat'},
            'inputs': ['MyDense', 'MyFlatten', 'MyLSTM2']},

    "Dense": {'config': {'units':len(output_features)},
              'inputs': "MyConcat"}

It must be noted that the keys inputs, outputs, and call_args are optional while config is mandatory.

lambda layers

You can also add lambda layers by placing the lambda layer definition in the config as following:

import tensorflow as tf
from dl4seq import Model
import pandas as pd

layers = {
    "LSTM_0": {"config": {"units": 32, "return_sequences": True}},
    "lambda": {"config": tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x[:, -1, :])},
    "Dense": {"config": {"units": 1}}

# The model can be seelessly loaded from the saved json file using

config_path = "path like"
df = pd.read_csv('data/data.csv')
model = Model.from_config(config_path=config_path, data=df)

For more examples see docs.


Athough the purpose of this repo is purportedly all_in_one model, however there is no one_for_all model. For each deep learning proble, the model needs to be build accordingly. I made this repo to teach myself deep learning for time series prediction.

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